jM&asvTjmii iifaiiti i Joy fciiiwftirfiff i t I iiOf Hiifiift mi 'sfh t'.'l -.! b THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1914 EVENING EDITION THREE The Central Avenue Booster s ?" YOI ! CKNTRAL AVKXUK, OCTOIIKK 2, JU14. NO. HPfV '"K ' Mws "j?lf,'flOilM ii 'JffslfllffJ P v r-fl Jlyi IWfnpVtf 'i'""?1!?" ' ' . 1 HritK cKXTBAIi AVBXUB POOSTKK rTTilhpil liven- Friday In the Inter K"M'f row Jlny In General nncl I t1" CcnVnl Avciiuo In Particular. ts OwixtJHLJ J- rihTi-rlDtion Price. Your good will, LU,l8m!mberBhlp In tho Booster Club, '-.. .ntr.''nir one Street, One Fin,., One Country,. i one a".i Ann Wife nt a time. Ot'Il RKLIGIOX To Do Good. oun politics Morn Business, ... ii, inntnfrlpn as ntrlctlv I rind-Class matter; there Is nothlnR " OUR STAFF. MnitnulnR Kdltor "Nationally Ad- f! iiwtwtlon Kdltor J. T. HnrrlRim, f the Famous Crab Club. Musical Kdltor n. Ji. iiioiiins. Pioneer I&Hlor Gen. K. C ook. Household Department Harry Sine. Children's IVnnrtiiicnl "Utndy Kid" Stafford, Kdltor. Dairy Kdltor ivy Condron. Financial Kdltor Dorxcy Krellor. Hrnltli and H"t' HIiitH .f. I. Tcr- rrll. Alitor. Heal Ustjito Kdltor AuruM 1-rlreii. Veterinary Kdltor . Hoodium. flnrden Kdltor liny Olllvnnt. XAVfiJITV MAX. An ornery pup Is n MnrHliflold limn, Ills conduct Ih tlltttressliiK! Ho went Into tlio kitchen And watched tlio siilnd drcBsliiR. A. 12. XKl'F. He rnmblcH thru tho house nt will And no olio's pnrdon 1crs; He went Into tho dlnliiK room And snw tho IiiIiIc'b Iprs. F. D. COUAX. He prowled nround tho pantry with A most offensive- nlr, And IhiKored loiiK Immodestly "Where till tho shelves wore hnro. HAY OLLIVAXT. 1,7 IJIIcauitlKIIUri riONH O. OnAN MAHSMrilLO, OKIOOM. i ff tPp MEXk? m :ai t forkihx sociktv xotks. (IMItcd by our forclRii wnr corres pondent, GcorRO Goodrum.) Kmperor William hns postponed Ms trip to Paris for tho present. Czar XlcholnH plnns n trip to Hor Iln In tho ucnr future King Goorso will not entertain Consln "Wllholm lit his country plnco this rail. I could tolerate tho butcher And tho orders that he lirlriRS, H ho wnsn t tcmpornmcniui And so fond of cutting thliiRB. II. J. M'KKOWX, PKHSOXAL MKXTIOX DAVIS STAFFORD Is RottliiR so bnld that his friends cull him a polished gcntlcmnn. J. T HAHHIGAX says someone mis calculated' III tho nrpsont war. On ly one Ruess Is allowed. DOHSKY KRKITZKR sny n "Rood llfo keeps brlRlitncss In tho eye, plumpness In tho oheek and pence In tlio heart." How do you Know, Horsey? Al.r J01IXS0X, who Is runnliiR for sheriff on tho Hopiibllcnn ticket, was a Contrnl avonuo visitor tho othor day. Ho expects to hit out now In a fow days on a campaign of handshaking and baby kissing. H12XHY SKXGSTACKKX still main tains Hint tho Knlsor will win If ho has Germans enough. GeorRo Seol Ir agrees with him, but J. T. Unr rlRnn disagrees. Tho Hoostor still maintains Its neutrality. CIIII2P (beg pardon) XIGIIT WATCH Shoupo, run Into threo black cats Monday evening In hnlf on hour, and something Is going to trnns plro hereabouts soon that will niako tho hair stand up on tho back of your neck. GKORGK GOODRUM says that "The Owl's" run to popularity on U. S. Tires should bo easy. Ho Is now figuring on adding hot water bot tles for auto hcators to tho garage. 3 Smoke up At The- SMOKE HOUSE OCTOIIKK 12. XATIOXAI CIOAH 1)AV. KT IX TIIK C1AMK. UK AX AMKUUWX AXH OHSKHVK TIIK DAY. The Smoke House Chandler Hotel Block, Central Ave. PROOF OF The Progressiveness Of "TIIK OWL," the Central Avonuo Drug Store Is found In tho fact that It Is the only Coos liny business house as yet to represent nnd display tho ccrtlflcato banner of th Rice Leaders of the World Association Wntrh our -window display and uee the largo dnulilo-iuiRo ;ulv. In next week's Saturday Kvcnlng l'ost. it will ncll you of the lenl leaders In tho Stnndnrd Goods of tho World. Of course you can find nil of these goods that should Die found at any drug store at "The Owl." "Xullomilly Adxei'tlscd ChuhU uro Good floodX" iS5 a'3' E3 -'T n r tf ITH All M ACTC Qwirext 74 j RESCniRTIOH. rnANrt d conAN MAntririiLO. ontodN. Create ami Estate by Insuring yourself In tho .AlASSACHt'SI'ITS .Ml'TlWfi- I.II'K INSl'HAXCK CO. nt SHIPMAN BROS :i07-:i()K Coke HulldliiR. I'HONi: .1l;t-J THIS IS TIIK SKASOX I'OK HEATING STOVES AXI WK CAItrtY OXK OI-" TIIK LAHGKST LINKS OX (X)( HAY Priced From $ 1 .00 to $50.00 DOX'T 1MJY A HKATi:i( UXTIh YOU SKK THIS MXH. Marshfield Hardware Co. JUST RECEIVED A XICK Xi:V I.IXK OK LA TKST STYI.KS IX FALL COATS rOK SCHOOL (HI(IS l'HICKS MOST HKASOXAHLK LADIES EMPORIUM Mrs. Nellie A. Owen Central Avenue WHY DO THEY SELL? V1ITI ;n: v. FORD CARS! HKCAUSK OK PHICK AXI) QUALITY TOUHIXO CAHS $.11)0.00 I ( Ail i) X I' I In ? lUt'l Delivered in Mnrhhrield. Goodroads GoodrumVGarage Central Avenue PLAN TO TAKE UNDAY DINNER AT THE Chandler Hole a Good Menu The nub of Central Avenue BUYING A TYPEWRITER? If so, I have Ihe following factory rebuilt mach ines on hand: ItcinliiRtons Xo. 0 ?:iOL, O. Smiths 955 HemliiRtoii Xo. 10 $33 Underwood Xo. 3 ,..$00 $5,00 cash; $5.00 per mouth. All machines Riiur. nutced for oue year. Also ribbons und rnrbou paper. CARLL STOCKHN Sales ARcnt. ,.222 Central Avenue. Underwood Typewriter Co. , ncr- Wales Visible Adding Machine, I eli OOUi American Multlgrapb Co. I CKNTHAL AVKXUK JQTTIXGS, :1 PiiUiloss Dentistry. Tho dentists hove discovered a new way to stop tho pain. Perhaps they apply It, when presenting their bill. Hoys Him Awny. Three Central avenue boys ran away to sco tho world. They got as far as North Hcud and decided that enough was plenty. Wnn it Wet Day. There were four visitors up beforo Recorder Hutlcr for Intoxication Tuesday; but think what a wot day It was. ' Hare Otitis. Speaking of rnro coins, J. X, Terrell was exhibiting a Pennine $20 Rold plecc.the other da). He Is thinking of placing It In n case nnd giving one view with every bIiuvq. , Hlvnls September Mom, Ivy Con dron and "Doc" Straw havo a snnp thot picture Uikcn of them that Is nn artistic trlumpli. If It gets Into th papers It will rlvnl "Septomber Morn" It Is so different. Their plcturo tins own called "An August Kvcnlng. Some Smoke Kugeno Crosthwnlto announces that the tobacco dealers of tho ronntrv havo annoiinced Oe tolior 12 as National ClRar Day, when everyone will bo expected to smoko n fffw extra of his fnvorlto weeds 'Geno says tho occasion will bo ob' nerved at The Smokahouso nnd tho 4nioko from tho Kuropoan bnttle fields wilt look llko a soft siunnier linzc compared to tho smoke that will ascend from tlio Smokehouse Octo her 12. Make Your Hens Lay USK OUR KOG PROUUCKR conslstliiR of (IHAXITK HINTS HKKK SCRAPS OYSTKH SIIKLLM fiHAXULATKD HOXKfl For Salo at 'Cock's Grocery TIo Oldest Grocery Store on Central Avenue. FULL LINE of .. v. Foot Balls and Foot Ball Supplies AT Norton&Hansens TWO STORKS: CKXTHAL AVK. THOXT ST. Before Parting With Your Money IX HUY1XH HKAL K8TATK HKCUIIK A COMPLKTK AHSTHACT FROM TIIK Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. Which Is prepared to turn out First Class Work. This will savo you an uoyanco and expense afterwards. Wo also look after assessments and pay ment or taxes. .Multifield office in Coke HulldliiR oppobito Cliaudter Hotel. Phone 11-J. Coiiullle Office adjoining Kurm crs Itnnlc Hlock, I'lione 101. Huiidou Office, .McXuir Hiilldlng. Phone 182, Henry Sengstacken Manager. kk IXOA? Vlff. Il t MWMM CHOCOLATKS "Tho Candy of Clwr.ieter" STAFFORD'S WELL KNOWN STANDARD IS EX CELLED IN THIS LATEST PRODUCT CHASE & SANBORNS COffCE THHKK HLKXDS, :3e, 10c mid I3e 1MJH POUXD. THKSK COKKKKS HAVK HKKX STAXDAR1) IX TIIK UXITKD STATUS FOR FIFTY YKARS PIONEER GROCERY CO. SKLLIXH AHKXTS FOR 5IARSIIFIKLI) Phone 81. ' HI Central Avciiuo A LITTLE BETTER ALL THE TIME & TERRELL'S Chandler Barber Shop WK WILL HAVK ALL KINDS OF Fresh Fruits and Vegetables . . . .FOIt YOURSUXDAY DIXXKR On HoatH nrrlvliiR ftxim Ixitli Xorth and South PHOXK YOUR ORDKRS KAHLY OlMvaoifc & Weaver PURK I'OOD HROCKHS. E. I. CHANDLER. Marine Auto jMarshfield Insurance COKE lUJILDrNQ I Accident Plato Glass Burglary Oregon Open An Account With Jhe First JMatioea! ' Eaok Of Coos Bay AVAIL YOURSELF OF ITS SUPERIOR FACILITIES Safe Deposit Boxes In Burglar-Proof Vaults for Rent at . Rates. " " Central Avenue Marshfield, Oregon How about that new piano? We have a fine line of instruments to select from. Terms caq be arranged to suit your convenience. . ' ' Wiley B. Allen Co. L. L, THOMAS, MRr. CENTRAL AVENUE. RUSSELL BLK. uA'V WJmut u. f vt f rfl?t'fJ FlfttlffWST t 2Si?)yf2 iti