The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, October 01, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Page SIX, Image 6

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    1 ! CITY PfSDDF
ion jug ? Women sSui
Big Auto Fire Truck Arrives Three Others Pleaded Guilty Capt. Macgenn Takss Matter
I M IK-ii.v Ml
nrin "ir-
Mm .'VM-i
v f J "1 f JSE- "mi
Travels 50 Miles an Hour
i 800 Gallons Minute
in Liquor Matter and Re
ceive Stiff Sentences
Shining In a brand new red paint
and with nickel work gl.stening,
3tfarshf lew's blK 100-i.orsepower Am
erican La France auto fire truck ar-
Up With Major Morrow
Urges a Jetty Campaign
Major Morrow promised Capt.
Macgenn. who conferred with lilm at
Portland this week, that ho would
endeavor to have the Mlchle start
work Just att soon as the $20,000,000
emergency bill passed by Congress is
signeu. .nisi wncn tins win be no is
(Special to The Times. 1
COQIMLLE. Or., Oct. 1. Pleas of
guilty were entered and sentences
nronounced In the three rcmnlnlng
rived this morning on the Break- Hquor case from Myrtle Point today.
watnr frnm Pnrtlnnri. Put tinhorn at rr. .t t.. Mnnann n vntprlnnrlnn.
North Bend, the machine was driven was sentenced to thirty days ln'Jall'not certain yet, but It will probably
Jicro without a mishap by A. w. and fined J200 and the thirty-day ue soon. I
riympton, delivering engineer, and jail sentence was suspended by Judge' , CaM- Macgenn Informed Major
tho two horsepower engines were Coke. I J,orrow that tho bar had shoaled two
unceremoniously shoved farther to . q. Perkins was fined $500 or t,,rc0 fcc,t lcn tho Mlchle had
the rear of the fire station to make nnd sentenced to thirty days In Jail stopped working. He also stated
room for the big "red devil." , and the thirty dav sentence was sus- that he doubted If the Mlchle would
A. G. Long, of Portland, northwest pended. I bo nbIe t0 remove all this during tho
representative of tho American La Dr. Stemmler was fined $300 nnd 6od weather remaining. J
Franco Company of Elmlra, New sentenced to thirty davs In the conn-' In view of this, Cnpt. Macgenn
-yrk, who sold the engine, came tv Jail nnd' the Jail sentence suspend- "'"ted that he thought that it would
"-dowp with the machine and will cj, , be well for the people of Coos Day to
spend a day or two greeting old Volckmnu Is Paroled. revive their campaign for Jetty work,
acquaintances, many of w.hom he has ,,... volckman of Myrtle Point.' ,,e . cd V.nJ.or .Mo.';row.,f i"0 ow
not seen jlnce his last trip here flf- w,iCThle under the Knee of Kririon'yVonVSndiS;
J' & ."AiS li"or Jal-M ?'"" fcrrSormeStna Til wiS,
o'Vhe Saieme .. "a deVous w $Z&
nd the salesman who sold the new , i tinted otTtthit Mr. Volckman 2. '""'V5? 8,1",( tnkc ",c
engine to the city. Harold Stutsman. " n ,,, ,., ' ,.- nn, .,ndpr "' a Mnor M0TT0V' ue,oro
engineer of the fire department, will t,,e ,nflllcnce of liquor and that he! oc",0crJ;
have charge of the new engine.
Officially there has been no accept
hml rnnrni! tho nrnhnn children nf
lila .Inrwt atufnr nti.f 1irnfliAr.ln.tntr'
iinco of the new engine and accord- judBC Cokc gad lhnt n vicw of t,)lB
log to Mr. Plympton this will not hc wouId Fcntcnce him to an Inde
bc until after the new engine has terminate sentence of six months to
uccji icsicu on we sirecis. uur iik ,on yoa nnd aroic i,n, on con,i,.
the day ho was busy adjusting the tlon that l)0 nb80lutcly and for all
engine and getting nil parts In work- tlme ni,Htaln from the use of lntoxl
Ing order, for thn auto truck Is Just catlng liquors,
new from the factory. Duly N Sentenced.
Delivered here, the price of tho K. naiyt lndcted for the theft of
macnlno wan $9,500. It has 100 rnrwtotnrr.. fr, tim iimnnr t. ti,...a.
Newest Fall
Anyone who lias sIiomH( rmiii,i 1 ,
iHcclintuly see the iiiu...itVil vih Si H
lo every woman who puivlmscs lior 1 e
jlHiib" there Is assured "$i$$to
" ' -- llf i,MW.m .. .. .
fhovlor, huI.s Kof, ,, , tcM(lv ((nd
ulilcr tunic klrt iiukIoIh, cot m oll- nilhmL7
lilctllrd. rhfiiliu in. 4,.,il 1.....1. . i .. "(
Splendid Showing at $15 to $25
and on up to $50
SoniynVwiLTeVhy Proprietor of Nutwood Saloon
Judge Coke to six months In the' . . -. ...
county Jail. In view of the fact that. Appeals UOnVICtlOn Of Lar-
ceny to Circuit Court
William Horrco, proprietor of the
Nutwood Saloon, was fined $C0 and
costs for larceny this morning in tho
horsepower and Is known as a triple
combination pumping, hose and
chemical car. The machine weighs
8800 pounds stripped of cqulpmont.
ArrnKeintn are mane tor ine car- ,,, offense was taking food. Judgo
rJng of 1200 fet of two and one- Cot.e announced that he would inves
?iai jnch hoi and tho chemical tank t)Bnte Da,y.g pngt rocord ald. ,f ,t wa
iu "i''?, 0rty 1B,,0', ot el'enJlcals. ROod hc would exercg0 clemency.
AH of Me equipment, uBethcr with, itandon Cnv I'p.
flXJirciliM, Jjrlng the total i-arrylng wm Attnrimr.. nt tinn,in..
capacity ;i '" .,in i "l "' Pl . not K,,,l,.v ,0 nn Indictment charging Justice court by Judgo Pennock. It
proximately I7.0VV nouniw. I cruelty to animals and his case was was rlalmcd that Ole Anderson wns
To gain a" conception of tho great ,,,.j ;or triuJ Saturday. . robbed of all or a part of $20 in this
power of the new machine one must' Potiximoiilv i'iim?. 'saloon on last Monday night. t Mr.
know that it has a 'oatcd 'i't'Ctf of( Mr 8nj jir, rouis Petromoulx of Uorrco at once appealed tho enso to
between GO and 60 miles nn hour Allegany will he placed on trial o- the circuit court and appointed Tom
and can mount a 20 per cent grade niorrow for the theft of n calf from Dennett as his Inwycr. An attempt
at tho rate of fifteen miles an hour. Chas. Kodinc at Allegany. i will he made to hnve tho ense placed
Tho motors that propel the onglne to' eM.' r.vt ()'ov. - for bearing on the present court cnl-
thescenoof the fire are so fixed that' jt wa announced that the grand enilnf.
by tho throwing of a lever the samo jury dd ot re)ort tho case of According to tho ovidenco Intro
motors are used for pumping from Joo Scliotl nnd nthora frnm MhthIi- ilnrnd at tint trlnl vosterdnv nftor-
tho hydrants. Tho pumping epa- rioll. In connection with tho liquor noon, Ole Anderson, a logger, enter
city Is 800 gallons per minute under celling case, because thoy did not so-' ed tho saloon early Monday evening
pressure of 120 pounds.. . , jcurc one of th wtno6o,. Thoxwlll. nnd,htd bought fiovcral rtrlna nt Ujc'
J- lro ladders are carrlod on tho take It up agnln'at thVnexTsessIon bar, treating ! sonio of MA frlemlri, nTId'
rJdcs of the truck and not on top uiMS tho city ot Marshflold tnkos, In payment Andorson claimed ho ptltl
. V I . c . . n . ,n"c,un,,81itlon. a $20 gold plooo on tho bar nnd thnt
uu wi.iuii kuuu inucii iu niuKiiiK .Moit .ihVh(n. ho novor rocolvod any money hack.
Miviii i'"i'u, iui:inii) in mo ,0 more urroHtH nave been made
turning of corners at high rates of ,,n th yecret Indlctmonts brought 1n
speed. Two of tho ladders are four- )V the lata grand Jury.
iwn twl In luMRth and may he split- j,KM cqq wm icaV0 nexl xvook
vu iu i')-in i. inif iiih rnr l.HKeview. wliorp ho will hold n
The Newest in Women's Fall Coat
u (flit winyitii ii t I'unoittj o H.& iKini.. .i,.,t unit... ..1.. .. .
f ,.lt....l.... ..t . I..K.,.. ,.. -1 ..I I ...., T"Ml
........ ... v. ...iTn; uNiin. . ui-j hiv r.uiiij iiuiliurnii iiijiicn ivprtt'lltlllg u f,0 fHlnli)f hi.
ions touches of tlio nwv mnioii ami nmdc ,r tho most favored fiilnlcN iicli nt Zllxllm- iu-l'
KiikIInIi Cliliicliilliis (lievlots mill Novelties. Set In Sltcn, vcUct and plioh trliuiwd, fcu ,2
iiiik, inn or iiiiiiuiiy roiiiii-M, large oiuions nuti noun ikmis.
The Best Values We Have Ever Shown at From
$10 to $25 and $30
K. D.
SIiocm for Women
A A to K
third Udder is principally for roof
use, being equipped with large grap
pling hook. ,
That th new equipment of th-1 !
Is on a par with the other iuodMi
fire apparatus of th norths et is
kIiown by th fart that Portland imw
Jias two similar machines orlc d
and two of tbec trucks wftv ila-l
In Soattle a month ago. Mr I. ;
deolarea th work of th uia lilnV k
romarkabl and that everywhere u-
od they have proved aallofarton ai I
have mora than filled their teth
Walking over the city. Mr l.oi-'
waa cintbuslaatlc in his d-laruM"ii
of the growth of Marahflell niin.
ho wn here fifteen years ago. It
doosn't look like the same place." h"
iloalared this morning, "and I know
that the city Ik Jim beglnniiig to
grow now. This, too, I the con
census of opinion all over the coast."
t- riu of toiirt
Uorrco, appearing as his own la
ycr, declared thnt Anderson had al
lowed him to tnko $S, which ha al
leged Anderson owed him, out of the
gold plcco nnd that tho remaining'
.$12 was spurnod by tho owner bo-,
I cnuse of his uugor In having to pay
un old nccouut. I.Kter, both Hoitoo
and his bartender, Walter Halrd, tea
. tlfled, Anderson came Into the mi-!
I loon a nd was then given tho $12
which had beon kept for him.
1 This testimony Anderson vehomtly,
('filled, stating thnt ho had received,
' none of tho inonoy. Chlof of Police
Carter also declared that when hoi
m rested Anderson oarly Monday i
uiaNKirrs and
xv hath ito!ii-:s
y.ns mid WO.MKN
Hub Dry Goods Company
"Smart Wtaiiur Wohivh"
CoriHT J3roiulay nnd Central Avenue
The ( handler Hotel
M W..P - p ...nd Mr i.iul
;r- jiiM.t.r- Iirat Hill: M.
)-.' Hai.d -.-. illian. C'andlln. Co.
qui)- M n K F M'Neal. Porllnii.l.
C Ii Freeman Portland; M. 1).
irorulng, for being drunk, that ho
morning, for bolug drunk, that ho
ieo wn 8Ubso(iiouiy culled to tho
police station to answor tho allega
tions of Andorson, who in addition
declared Ilorioo "tweaked his noso"
through tho bars.
Attorney Oravos, uponklng for tho
ll,.!..,...,.! ...... k . ..
..r,,, ,., n.iuiiier. . u. IMH-I-, pialntirr. hoavlly scorod Uorrco yes
ulne. Bugeae: K. Ii. Stanson. IC-i-. tcrday nftoruoon "for drosslug as a
gene; lvUn hlexjier. Portland; I".' loggor to got moil Into his saloon,"
r. Kabb. Portland; T. Wllllnnis, Saa according to tho testimony of Andor
r ranflsro: Mrs. A. Uiirkholdnr. Pit- u... .i.n i.. ...i.iiii,,.. ,in,.i,,i i.
quiile. Mhw Mable Schroiilor,
i v . :
Notice Is hereby given Ih.t -h nn-! ?.M,"r.!.. ,"UM.t- .'V00"' Coqulllo
derlne,i have been ,MI ap,K.lnte. J- '.' TirJin i ,.fciS2 .,',"' mi"
by tho County Judge of Com County. : v ."f"0";, ?" ' ,, ' h. hlMl'
iir,. ,..,.. au .i...i..iu..o. . .... ... ling. MMtle Point: Hal ih Urahor.
'"vnHi ii.,iiiiiBiiniiiH ui l i: l.'-
tato of William It. I)iU. dooMgcil.
Now, therefoie, mII pentoiu having
claims agalnut said tmtato aro liure
by untlflod to present the kanie to
us at the office of Jaimw T. Hull,
Itoom 1 1 llldorndo Illmk. Marahfield,
Coos County. Oregon, with the proper
vouchers duly vorlflod as by law ro
tiulrud, within six uiouths from tho
tlate horeof.
Dated this 1st day of October.
2!t I.
Administrators of the estate
of WIIUmiu It. DiuiB. deceased.
fFlmt publication. October l, laxt
publication, October 20 i
The llliuico Hotel.
J. It VMiilnirgur, I.uliuslde; II. II,
Ulaik, Mrtlo Point; S. II. Kpiker,
liridgo; ('. W. Calkin. Lebanon.
The l.loyil Hotel.
K. I). Speron. Myrtle Point; C. P.
Itlckmaii. Ilaudou; It. Crawford,
MMtlo Point; J. 1 Hnnw. Coalcdo:
.J. .1. Kirklaiul, Myrtlo Point;
llimln, (leaver Hill.
Tin St. I.iiuiviice Hotel,
('. II. Ilowklus ant wife, Haudou;
Harry llnlvorson, Coos Itlver; I). C.
Oondilch, Kugeiie; It. H. Ilnyden,
Portland; 10. Jacobs; Hair) Hugue,
San Francisco.
ho had been Instructed to "look on
', tho streets for 'gold fislies' and to
bring them Into the saloon." Ander
I son oxplatuod "gold flshos'' to ho
iiiuu wuu iiuvii iiioiiey.
ADVintTisKD m:tti:us
lIKi DAN'Ci:. basketball (JA.MIv. at
i:.STSII)i: FHIDAV. Uoat leaves
Market Ao. at 7; 30. Hound trip, 2Gc.
Special !
On Glass Vases
See our window.
Rei Cross Drug Store
Phono 122 ' "
hist of unclaimed letters remain
lug In tho MaiHhfleld. Oregon, Post
office for tho woek ending Septem
ber 2D, I'.MI. I'ersons calling for
tho samo will please say advedtised
Dan iiikI pay ouo cent for each letter
called for.
Anderson, K. Oliver.
irindley, Mrs. J. M.
.Mum os, Miss Uosuy,
Cnmpboll, A. V,
Coloman. J.
Du'virt, Fred.
Dorgan. Walter.
l-'s'ep, W. M.
Frlckson, Kdlth.
Fltzpatrlck, John 11.
Harvey, Mrs. Walter.
Harvey, Mrs. Klla.
Harvey, W. C.
Havens, J. W. i
Hunter, P. 1).
James, Mis. .1. T,
Johnson. C. M.
Ktcs, Miss Mahul,
Mlllor C. '
Morris, Albert.
Perkins. Albert 11., 2.
Perry, Charles C.
Palmer. It. P.
Honworth, Jack.
Hobliison, p. J.
Thomas, J. C.
I '
Arrives Early From Eureka
and Takes 90 Passengers
on Trip to Portland
With a passenger list of ninety, tho
(JeniL-o W. Elder sailed at 0 o'clock
this morning for Portland after ar-, largo sized passenger list from Port
aa I a !
ma rviacuine Arrives inisi
Morning Large Passenger
C'llfCHRO, 3 1
CIeeUnd, (. f
List From Portland ,,B1KKu. : . ua.MS
ulnss. Called oaotsiw
Tho Ureakwator arrived Iu Coos Innings,
Hay early this morning bringing a
.. -- ... a.
Philadelphia, a
iIvIiil' horn shortlv before S o clock laud and In ho hold tho now
fom Kuroka with thirteen passengers, i horsepowor nuto flro truck for
...... l.l .1... .1 fnHn n. .!..... Mniultflnl.l lil.l. tnt ni.iln.n,l 111 tlin'
DIIU t'Ull lUll (III unillll IlllfiU Ulliuilin,.'iii"iiiium niiivii q uiiiu wf v..w
of freight, especially on tho outgo- city council last march.
ing trip. Among thoso arriving on tho
Tho missoncora from Eureka this ' 'aawaier louay were;
joo- Ten Innings,
morning wore;
Mrs. M. Goodwin, A. C. IMlory, It.
Pomeroy, Emma Poiuoroy, 1). Pomer
oy, Geo. W. ForriB, Mrs. Ji. Earlv,
May Early, Wallace Early, Gertrudo
(loblo, E. H. Mlllor, H. Welch and P.
V. Thurston.
Walter Hill. V. E. Allen. It. Edgar,
Mrs. It, Edgar, Lorene Edgar, John'
u..1ifitr4fl V
-- . ll'AI IIUU
Vw YnrlMIoaiOn v
X.VTIO.VAli"liLWrB .'(
Urooklyn, 2; Vbgm
St. Louis, l: !? Ill
Iloston, 7; New Vw. '
7. ,ew ,0"',,fi
.miUM. '-.a.
11. Curl, Mary C. Curl, Ralph Curl,, Innings, called oa
i.oiu Curl, F. G. Edwards, ll. w. -.
Dunham, Mrs. Ilertha Ferry. Chas.
Itackloff, Mrs. Goldlo Stephenson, (OAST w-'u,H i
Mrs. A. A. Kane. It. ChorkeJoff. John Oakland 5 I
1 Eller. Mrs. W. P. HraUn. Mrs. Wm. en Prnnrlsco '"..tiit
Those on tho pabseugor list tq Forguson. Mrs. Redmond. jMlldrodi nmlev and Alexander. ..
Redmond, Roy Allen, J. A. Burch.'and Schmidt. ...I'V,
iiniuo tinguo, .Nora uaguo, ueorj,o Venice ..11
linrting, ciove Sumerlln, E. It. uursi
F. P, Leckle.v. Mrs. N. Glngrass, J
Portland were us follows:
Fred Denny, Domeulsli Sonla, G,
It. Hrlghton, C. E. Wntters, M. D.
Dobie, James Uravlu, Dan Uravlu,
Rotss notomnu, Mrs. I.eo Uotemun,
Mrs. L. I.urson, Josophlno Trumuu,
Miss M. White. Mrs. Ulanch W. Hnr
ker, Miss Pearl Elliott, C. E. Moon,
J. W. (iliiiv Frank Founton. S. Cop
pel, Mrs. S. Coppol, T. S. Drake. A. It.
McNeil. J. E. M. Grant, Mrs J. E. M.
Grant. Helen Hamilton, Mrs. R, It.
Hamilton, Dr. It. R. Hamilton. C.
Davis. Mrs. E. C. Davis. W. F. Hop
kins. W. A. Mcnlllstor, E. C. Davis.
J. E. Gron, Mrs. J. E, Gron, Jack
lloffnor, F. N. Roffner, Mrs. F. N.
Roffnor, Mrs. Peter Scott, Mrs. Edna
Howe, Miss Mablo Schroeder, Miss
Eddevu Wheeler, Mrs. U. Waddoll,
Miss Jane Thrift. Mrs. E. U. Thrift,
Miss F. Fahy. Frank Howe, It. H.
liowo, C. E. Elliott. Ffl J. Vernoy. n.
Slone. F. Williams, Mrs. E. T. Mc-
tl,wlrvll Mvu a M n.lll n T a num....... 'MnlarKey "" 11 .1
'""""'I " i .Ml jjuuuii, .mo. . t lillllliiD, ..--- t !
Mlsulnns ...
. I vi. in fin. and
. .-!..
, Walker, J. T. House, J, Phillips, AUIe r,0s Angeles
III, Mil.... m..j. i.i.iiii.. m...l.. III. II. .. ... i
I i minim, .iiuu I uiiiiia, iiuiiuu utt-t I'oriitiiiii
llns. Elslo Phllllns. Norma Phillips, Porrett. hove
Andrew Phillips, Jas. Forsytho, C.'and Fisher,
M. Grindstone, J. V. Johnson, C. u.
Onlel. Mrs. J. C. Hummel, A. J. Long.
A. Plymton, Mark Savage, II, J.
Mohr. Mrs. Mohr, T .Russell. W.
Welch. C. II. Hallev. A. Hakrlst, O. A.
Straw. Tom Jonnlnus and thirty
' tmw: vz
anu -
Mrs. E. Gondmnn, Anna Goodman,!
Mnrtha Goodman. Chin Bliig, Ulias.
Logan, J. McClnln, F. Hansen. S. P.
Leonard, Frank Nolls, C. Stirmls, J.
Juatter. M. H. Jacobson, H. Duthle,
Lizzie West. Gladys AVest. Thomas
...... w nV THAXiS
Hernlce Suvder. Mn llttln imiiriitni'
'if Mr and Mrs Goo. Snyder of Dan-' Noil. Walter Mnckoy, S. M. Walter,! AVost. Mrs. T West, Ida West, Orval
Ids Creek, is reported unite sorlous-l A T. Peterson. G O. Ginkins. It. n.lwt. miu iriifh. v.,v Parrevl. A.
iy iu iu tno iionio or her grnnpar
outs. Mr and Mrs, John Snder on
Hall avenue.
Hot. Miss II Stewart. Mrs. J. W
Perry, josophlno Truman, Johu
Loonias. Ren' j Lonmls, AVm.
LoOllllf. MM V If Ills I.ornir
..,.'.irrvit, .v. ,-... ...... ... . . I" ..v.,
ivi.i'.iii..i a Ji.iai-i',, J';.UI,l'.a SHOOK v fen IOK. M ' n
HAM,, SATUMttY, OCTOIIEU a. I llcni; T., Gertraa. UJoduun.
IIIO DANCE, basketball OASIE, at
"TSII)M FRIDAY. Doat !o"",w
- ...a Aw. at 7 J 30. Round tilp, -c.
for San Franclico t
lumber She also car 'm,li
.ellaneoustre.M. ;-,
butter u--feriii!fV
n ''VVV.'i
x' ,Hi
3aiUaiJV,.jatJ .vw. . .- , , . - "-:., r-.,ralaWaSaaaWaaaBlB