--m M&M&Wmmi tr ;X" THE COOS BAY TIMES MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THUPSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1914 EVENING EDITION TO FIVE r - ;'--pi,ll!'l,-llllFrF y !ne of the Largest OF OVES See OUR stoves. ' m& 'Sts&ir Ji' V ATjXg i t "Ml j ani Mrs. Comfort-lover :- The c nter of Joy In a house Is the LovJnc ctove on a raw winter's day! There no U3e of anyone suffering with poor ,oves in this day When such excellent iproved models are on the market. We i9p up with the very latest, improvements stovss and can sell you the best heat- re at Lne best FKiuuis. "WE SELL IT FOR LESS' County Is now here awaiting your inspection at prices that will please you. ' HEATERS $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 $4.50, $6.00, $6.50 $7.50, $8.50, $10.50 tip to WwW BREVITIES TIDES l'OU OCTOBKH. Delow la Riven the time and height of high and low water at Marslifield. The tides are placed In the order of occurrence, with tholr times on tho first lino and helghtB on the Bccond lino of each day: a compar ison of consecutive heights will In dlcate whether It Is high or tow water. For high water on the bar srbtract two hours 34 minutes. 1 Urn.. 0..19 l.H Ft... o.:i r... Mrs.. 1.11 7.18 o.r. 7.52 0.S 8.211 1.0 S.dl 1.4 n.ic 1.7 2.1 Ft . . . fi.r. Hrs.. l.r.c Ft... r..i lira. . 2.:i'i Ft... r.:i Ilt'8.. 1.12 Ft. .. r..i Hrs.. 1.48 Ft . . . r..o Hrs.. ,1.81 Ft... 1.8 r.or. 1.2 1.14 r.,7 2.12 f..S 2.as r..n :i.o:t 5.9 :1.2s n.u i.r.a C.lt liTe Delicatessen Co. 1-15 North Second Street. Anything In Salads Meats, Cakes l'lci nml Pastry Made on SPECIAL ORDER Specials in Meat Ties, Pudding, Scalloped Potatoes A l.argo Variety of looked Foods Served Hot. '' At All Hours of the Day. Lunches put up in any style you want We appreciate large or small nidcis THE DELICATESSEN COMPANY. sSgoWS 7.4 1 JUMSMCMr "- s- if; Wmmr- 11.26 ' : . 0.2 ' SOCIAL CALENDAR. 0.57 0.2 I io.ni I 0.2 I $12. 75. and $21.00. ' FROM $33.50 to $80 See Our celebrated MONARCH With water heater and gas attachment. OING & HARVEY CO. Complete House Furnishers BUY THE VERY BEST BUTTER iery M.intc UNDER HANITAUY CONDITIONS IN A CLEAN AND MODERN FACTOHY. STERILIZED MILK AMI CREAM. PURE ICE livery, 8 mm. and B p. m. Phono 78 I I Hi. I WMMM inch :ams rlil $850 Mill liuntlK a small mod- immi much on Catching owl money maker. $100 I Am- -balrv Itm.rl, til tie bottom Im.,.1 Inrlml. K"1 Iioiims and other lm. TellleiiU, ; $20 ' Av iiill buy excellent im I Hunch including stock building close in Easy $950 ' j wll handle small Dairy on Coos River, this bide lorkh Kood bottom IuikI, ami other Improvements '"''J: uiluable river front. jiv1, ,vn,: '."DKixn von FN il of aw rescrip. TION "See Reid About It" 1 Itancehes to Select From W. A. REID 150 Front St. !500 $25.00 J! Wf. 25.00 to any person biotM-.th.?.arre8t and conviction sS)th,ef ,B Mahe ARSHFIELD CYCLERY Even the old folks dance nowadays lie new dances are so de li,;lii(i:l, and tlie music so easily an.l perfectly provided L the ' ' Victrola Hardly any one can resist sw.!i a combination. Stop ia and. we'll gladly play tomt ol tuc newest di ice music for J on. it-i I demonstrate the v iou styles ol the) ic or and Victrola yi) 1 1 f '-'". J-aiy t.-.-j . d.-ircd. Afott&0m&iP' ,r1 WILEY B. ALLEN CO, QUATERMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHGV0S XtS& f itJ liM I wkatiiicu i"oii-:cast i I lUt Attociuti I'tdi to Coot mr Tlmn.) I uickuu.n Cloudy, prou , nbly rnln, southerly wIihIb. I.OCAI. TH.Ml'KllATl'UK I ItKrOltl). I For tho 21 hours ciuIIiir nt i 4: 1.1 a. in.. Oct. 1, by llenj. I Ostllml, npeclnl gorarnincnt me I teoroloKlxt: I Mnxltnuin Gl Mlnliuutn ...' 41 I At 4: 1.1 n. in 4!l i'roelpltfltlun 01 I Precipitation slnco Sopt. 1, inn 0.73 I Precipitation prune period ! Iat year 3. SO 1 Wind: Northwest, partly cloudy ('oiiMilltlnlo .ScliooN. It. 10. IlaUor of roaulUe wna hero yeaterdny on route to DanlulH Creek. wher he will look Into a propoHltlou of million lint or tno nine itidgn DlHtrlct No. 22 to the Daniels Creek diidrlct, strenplh enliiK the latter. PotltlnuK nro now In rlruclatloii for the clianne. Impiiive ISoad. I'artleH Intoromoil In the Sunset Hay road nro endenvor ln to rnlRo n fund of $r.O or so for kceplui; the IdKhwny In hotter coud' tlon, the uuderHtandliiK belut; that If tho fund Ih rnlBed, the county court will udd nn equnl mini to It Inline Ti-act Mohhi'h. Kord & Itonchrnljo have leased part of tho IC, M. Smith plnco on IntliiiniB Inlet and may put up n 8li)iiKlitor house there. They havo heen doliiK most " tlo alntiKhterlni; nt tho cenMnl MntiKhtorliiK house In tho Coqullh Vnlloy, hut owIiib to tho Krowth of Iho Union Moat Market's business hole, they flKiire that It might he .id vnntuKOou'i to handle some of It on this sldo. Co to filvo lMdenco. Chief of Police J. V. Carter and Officer Ulc i ardson left for Conulllo HiIh liiornlnr. being called there to testify In eon nectlon with tho robbing of tho till in the Owl Saloon by George I'rn"cH I ' ' about a week ago. Tho defense of lly ngrecn'ont of all tho barber Francis Is that he was drunk at the shop In Marslifield on and after mao and was not In nls right frnmo October flrt, nil shops will closo of mind when ho broke out tho sldo TIIUHSDAY. A. N. V. Club with Mrs. 13. Mlngtis. ltalubow Club with Mrs. O. 1). Smith. Hastslde Sewing Club with Mrs. V. K. Hyerly. KUIDAV. N. U. Y. P. S. nt ehurcli hall. Ladles' Art Club with Mrs. K. I). McArthur. Mlnne-Wls Club with Mrs. 10. tlonglaud. Thimble Club with Mrs. V. 13. Walt era. CLA55lnCD Ad TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY LOST tlhl's nerh chain with lienrt shaped locket attached. Howard for return- to Tlutoa office. WANTIJD I oi tiMiiii fiii'iilHhcd liiiuso, rent not over $20. Address X, care Times. WAXTI.D .Alan ami wire to work u farm. Cnre Times. I'Oll S.M.i; Small restauiaul suit nblo for man and wife. I'nyu well. Uood reaaon for selling. Only $:UH) If taken today. Apply A. II., care Tlnjii. IMI'OKTANT XOT1CI3 prouipti) at T o clock la the ove n'ne, excpt on Smith mill pay ulglts and Saturday nights. , The ROYAL Tonight TUB ANIMAL CIKCl'S. IIEHK IS A CIIANCI3 FOH TUB LITTLE ONES Opposite Blanco Hotel, MAHSHFIKLD, OUrfOOX window and entered tho saloon nffsr the closing tluio lie was capt uv.l the following morning. Wedded Here. -Tho mnrrlago of M Poznnson Slid Adelaide 8nylr, ('.IM liter of M. Mid Mrs. John Sny der was solemnized last evening at the Episcopal parsonage by Judgo John K. Hall. V. P. Nor ton and Mlari Kd'M Preston wero tho oti'v witnesses Tho wedding was a very quiet afh'r owing to the sorlous illness of tno ui:uos little niece, Tlor nltv Snyder. Mr, Uezanson is wltn lu dredge Oregon and ho and his brdfr will leavj soon for Grays Har TO SEE SOMETHING THAT VILI. or wl.ero tho Orecon s bo ni trans MAKE THEM ENJOY TllEM- i',r')"or0 ",0 oreEn ls l,0,nS fans vii - SELVES Tho Photo Drama Motion Picture ... Co. presonts "THE HOUSE OP. NOTICE, HONDAGE" from tho book that has The monthly meeting of tho Marsh- aroused tho world. Hy Heglnald field Chambor of Commorce will bo Wright. Jvnuff man. featuring Miss held in its of flee nt 8 o'clock-Frldny Lottlo Plckford. This Is ono of tho evening, Oct. 2nd. Members nro re- most startling and true-to-llfe pic- quested to attend theso monthly tures that was ever filmed. It car- meetings and thus help advance the rles a lesson to all humanity that best commercial Interests of our com- win uo n uenent to overyono. TUB miinity. ;0PhE"YqPl KMOW ABOUT .WAXTEIi .1 fit piles fifty to ! sixty feet long for bulkhead. I'mk ' et Sound Ilrldno and Dredging Co. ll'Olt HALE Heilwocd tank, !KM) I r-.-il'i as fnime and pipe. Price ?20. I I S. Smith. l'OH HENT Lnige front room suit able for 2 men. newly pnlutcd and papered. One housekeeping n-M.-tneut. full nvenlngH or Sun dav. Plinue IITi. Evening phono li. I.. Iir South Fourth St. FOR RENT lt)U ltKNT KKAKONAIILE Nicely furnished ri-rnom flat with bath, on North Front street. Kny nt JohiiHiiu & (lulovsou's, WALTER JOHNSON of Haynes In let. visited today In the city. ' MISS O. (JOULE left on the morning tinlu for Myrtle Point on a visit. GEORGE ROSS, or Catching Inlet, was In tho city today on husl- hi'VIIm. iMtn.it ... . I l-'Olt HUNT ItiKima, ?2 nntl up Imcls ELMER KUTH was a visitor here of cimndler. . today from his homo on Haynes - ....o ..., ' I'Olt HENT (I riMini fiiinlNtied lioiuo .mho. iti'.wiutr. i'T.itiii',1 leiurneu today from n short visit In Port laud. JOHN II. GOS3, city attorney, left for Cqqulllo this morning on court business. REUIJEN MATSON, of Catching In let, attended to business in tho city today, C. F. MURRAY, of Haynes Inlet, came down this morning on mat ters of business, II, J, Mohr and wife returned today from a month's visit at Mr. Mohr's old home in Nebraska. P. HENNESSEY went to Henryvlllo this morning after spending a few hours In town on business . Phoiioam-R. I'Oll RENT Two flata .furnished or unfurnished, in Madden Dldg., North Front alreot; also house keeping rooms. Firesln CANDY FOR RENT Largo house In Boutti Maraliriold, 12th Court. Ph. 110-L FOR RENT Furnished house, mod. orn. No chlldron. Phono 311, 332 or 298. - - - - - - FOR RENT Lurgo sunny hIcoto room furnished for light house keeping. 395 4th St. S. Phono 337-J I'Oll RENT Lnrgo front room fur nls'ied, siiltablo for two people. 4G4 Market street. I'Olt HALE A li-room, fumUhed ton house. North 13th street, near Cpmmerclnl. Call evenings. FOR SALE People's Rohtnurnnt nml Sanitary Dairy nt North Ilond. Phono 231. CLERGY SAY: "TUB GREATEST OP FILMS." ADMISSION loer floor, UOc. llalcouy, 10c. Cliildivn, 10c. Hero tomorrow night "THE DIS ASTER OP SHAFT 19." i Here Saturday night Tho second episode of "THE MILLION DOLLAR MYSTERY." I JOHN W. MOTLEY, Sec. WHOLESOME ANI) TOOTHSOME. Peanut Uar, & pound 10c Peanut Ilutter Delights, i lb,.10o Fruit Square, Mi pound 10o Cream Wafer, Mt pound 10c Aftor Dinner Mints, Yt pound,. lOe Fancy Jelly Work, Vi pound. .. ,10c Cream Delight, M pound 10c AIAVAYH GOOD. ALWAYS I'REHH. PEOPLE'S m XSC E .Unntlon Myrtle Point Marslifield. FOR HALE Cider pre, nearly new. Apply H. , care Times. ' FOR HALE Dark roop developer attachment for photographic worK. Address J., caro Times, IX)ST M-kiirat gold, agate set, kcb tlenian's ring. FIndor please re turn to Times office. IOST A Rrntleninn's purse contain ing $4.80. Return to Times office. WILL D E BATE P. L. ADAMS & SON Dealers in NEW AND SECOND-HAND GOODS. 362 No. Front St. Phone 340-L 184 MARKET ST. W. MRS. OLIVE K. DROWN I is now prepared to do first-class ( dressmaking at reasonable rates. I Street and house gowns, skirts, I and blouses, dancing frocks, lingeries dresses. A trial or der Is requested. See our new (alt fcooks of Paris fashions. I COL. E. HOPKIt TO REPRESENT "WETS" AND ItEV. CLARENCE TRl'E WU.SONi IN SERIES IN COOS COl'NTY. Announcement was received today that Col. E. Hofer of Salem, rfipre? Bunting the liquor interests, and' Rev. Clarence True Wilson, formerly n leading M. E. minister of Portland, but now devoting his efforts to thej nrouimtlon cause, win noia a series of Joint debates In Coos county. Hotti are able talkers and their debates will be of much interest. The schedule for their debates In this section Ib as follows: Myrtle Point Sept. 30, 8 p. in. Coquille, Oct, 1, two meetings. Bandon, Oct. 2, S p. in. Marshfield, Oct. 3, 2 p. m, and' 8 p. in. Empire. Oct. 4, 3 p.m. j North Dend, Oct .4, 8 p. m. Jrop App I uHar When a person buys at the "Fixup" he tells his friends and talks about what he bought. You've no doubt often heard someone say: "Oh, I got that at the "FIXUP" We have built up our business on Coos Bay on the strength of what people say about us. To do this we've had to give everybody 100 cents worth for every dollar. We've had to keep in stock just what people want. And we've added a little here and there that people don't' know about. We carry three of the largest advertised brands for men's wear in America. We carry them because they are the highest standards in their respective lines. KUPPENHEIMER READY-TO-WEAR CLOTHES $18.00 TO $30.00. ROYAL TAILOR'S MADE-TO-MEASURE CLOTHES $16.00 to $40.00 CROSSETTS' SHOES $5.00 to$6.00 MARSHFIELD If You Want t,hc WAR NEWS Read THE TIMES UirROPE AT WAIl Is the principal subject of discussion, of the entire world nowadays, To be reliably Informed ou the daily THE WOMAN Who studies tho ads and manages her buying In the light of the Infor mation thus obtained, is simply au- TIXUP TWO STORE NORTH BEND SUMNER. DANCE Sumner Hall Sat. Evening OcLober 3rd MUStC BY SUMNER ORCHESTRA Midnight Supper 25c TICKETS $1.00 EVERYBODY WELCOME Launch Alice H Leaves Market Avenue Dock at Marshfield at 7 o'clock p. m. ., :! :m .i-.Mmm: :Oimm IL atfisfek 'A Ai&V 1 lli TUtl'lB' " ' .,4itWy.-J , ailllllllH"""" M-WUMIWWI.W1 BniTtMttKai h.