JiEffiiiiii'H'HiHHijimH! vmrw&wmtiiitiiiMmiUd thp r.nns iay timps. MARSHFIELD. OREGON. THuHsiM lit. FOUR T !r w . . . .. v ii i I giBry MfcT. immiY.V1 Mif. l" ':! in''' iua,tJ.l II "ST. !F5K'lt.Ail 2SLiJ'''BaPK WORLD'S GREATEST WAR, DAY BY DAY 1 1 gggS. KAISER WILL LOSE SAY EXPERTS!! Exhaustion of Teutons is Expected ami ItocNIve Battle Is Likely to 1h Bought In Germany, I Consensu of Opinion WASHINGTON, D. C. Oct. 1. The war in Europe will last from nlae to eighteen months. Germany. unless she is superhu man, wilt be defeated. The foresoiBg is the consensus of nlatoa eatertataed by more than two score actlre army officers on daty in tate city and Its environ. Only those officers of and above the rank of Captain were interrog ated. .Mladfal of the President's orders to Goreraaieat officers not to com ment oa the war and his pica to his fellow coaatrraea not to en jrace la isesioBS. the correspon dent of the World addressed to more than three score officers the follow lac. two questions, with the under ttaadlair that their names would not be ased. and their answers were to he wholly academic, from a mili tary standpoint, and without regard to persoaal sympathies: 1. How lost: will the war in Eu rope last? 5. Which side will he the victor Germany and Austria or the Tri ple Entente? The two answers given were the result. Opinion of Duration Vary. On the question of how Jong will the war laic the opinions ran from nine months to eighteen months. A majority of the officers estimated one year. Twenty officers declined to reply. One officer saM Germany had a flchtlag chance to wis. A remarkable feature of the dls cuMiot was that la nearly every iaiaace tae same line of reason German Resource Sun-etl "There must be the material as well as a fighting spirit in the armies of a victorious nation or al liance, and a close study of the re sources show that the entente Great Britain. France and Russia In money, men and geographical lo cation, are better equipped for a long war than Germany, Great Bri tain probably alone would succumb In a test of resources, but Great Britain and Russia combined have more resources than Germany. "If the nrespnt battle eoes the way of the allies. Germany will be J forced to retreat to ner itae oi tor t.ftcatloas across her own border. What effect this will have oa the German troops Is the same as that Isles. Canada. India, Egypt and Aus tralia. Russia will bring her forces from Siberia and South Russia. France will draw more on her Afri can possessions. Tr-e resources of the allien are greater than those of the German Empire." SERVIANS HARD FIGHTERS Austrian Captain Tells of Gallantry of IJttle Nation in War ROTTERDAM. Oct. 1. An Aus trian Captain, wounded in the battle of SJabats, Is quoted In the Bohe mia, published at Prague, in part as follows: "The Servian Infantry is very brave, but does not shoot as well as It might. The only good shots the Servians have are the Koraltadje irregulars, who. concealed in the foliage of bushes and trees, make a specialty of shooting down Aus trian officers. Tko San-tan rllltorr I orrullotaf on the troops of any army the pro- aecoBaed for , p BJ. te cr. ductlon of a feeling of doubt as to CBasUafes that fighting in Its own the greatness of the organiiation Bat more than that, before the Ger mans go far fresh German trcop wilt be throws into this main army under three great generals. These troops will be trained and seasoned. Necessarily they will come from East Prussia and from Austrian Gal icia. "Such a move Is what the at.Ie arc attempting to force Germany Into making because then the horde of Prussian troops, despite the bad weather and bad condition of the country in East Prussia for fight ing, would force their way across the mountains into Central Ger many. Allien Outnumber German "In fact. It appears as though the allies were conducting a retreat and adtance engagement, all the time forcing Germany to ceatrallxe her forces away from the borders and Into the heart of the German aat'ea. "True. Germany Is training the The one thing agreed was: This Is a war not only of ready resources, hut of all resource, and until one side has about exaaastcd all Its resources the fighting will country it is fully familiar with the terrain. As a result their range is good, all the more so since they are given by the native information which we cannot get. of course. Gen erally the direction of advance of our army is given by the Servian peasants to their army by the light ing of great straw fires. In the sepulchre uader the church at Sja bats we found a telephone station with wire running to the various Servian headquarters. "But the Servian soldiers are brave. Some of our tactics are pe culiar. Now and then numbers of them permit themselves to be made prisoners of war for the mere pur pose of supporting a plan of am bush. Cases, too. have been known la which prisoners of war made at tacks on our men with hand gren ades concealed by them. The con fuslaes resulted from this has in many instances resulted In the es cape of the prisoners. we nave found that women reserres and her cltliens; also, the . - ..llf.u - ,aI... h A ,.. V.. ' tV. . - Jl- .-- .... lag was followed in making the l'" ? -"! XLT" i " "K" . 7 upiBiwa. ... ... liiJ will Is tbefatitr (Ichtiar. MtN I Wwki i ir.lrr...tj .i v.. WniCa ail i' jT . I . -..- .-vra fe41. -U iiwr ne uermuu. Anmuii; iv ( was saot uiroogu tae legs and la reports the artillery of the aIHe Vem tau ti aospltal at Xensatx. U equal. If not sartor to the Ger-1 jied having thrown sixteen mans Only In the big siege saw aBpg Austro-Hungariaa do the Germans excel and. ncord- trAA.. lag to relUMe laformation received "- here, the allies are nuking wk on nsian PAPER IN RERUN sjege guns to eual those of the . KruppS. ... I InthstrifU $lnn SorLalWt Ofsan "The greatest battle Is yet to , , n ' for oj.uun go on. fkhr ditemMions led to this: From the manner la whka the felliftnt have struggled aad with Lfe--'.t of the powers e-gaged preceding the - "- bP" ;- LONDON.. Occ l. - A diiyateb war. this struggle is to be almost " - t, . " CT T " .,.- ".V, from copeanagea says ae otnm a death stroggie, that is. uatll one , JI J'". J?. ."- bi . Vorwaeru socall orga. aaaounc- side Is so crushed that It win re quire a half century or more for even a waking recovery. Many of the office. have read General Bernhardt' latest book, in which the famous German officer gives the mental attitude of Ger many. None of the officers follow- lawardly by the retreat and advance .-fcTVomma ? 'W kad or- In Geraaay and begin hammertog toa tBfW 4l Tat actoa. Vor from all Mt. i waerts says, was due to Its free "This will be months from sow. -J5" -;... JL-iit i. and when this battle takes place lL, Af ,HMm At ir hr Ger all the belligerent, virtUy mi g 8S5JfJfi? i S& have aew armies la the field. Ger-. Tir.- . .JZL, n. vim. he fstV of EngSshTad - Jy-TmSt iTrTMS: " ...i. riAviut i tttlm- t V? F R'r Pi armyirom w ikit Ommi viewpoint as portrayel !". 1!"" "Ifc.ur!f l S"LM?i REIKME.VS DANCE. TAGUS iZ " i n.v.ii -i w..'" oaia 'n jma e anwa .. ctrn by Geaoral Bershardi was respon tible for the war. Fight to HhantJon Forecast What the officers did say was- "Whh Germany convinced that Groat Britain is in the path she must travel to become the empire of the world, aad with the British mlad mad up that the British Em pire Is not going to fall to one side aad allow Germany to proceed to the goal Britain now possesses. tle struggle will not end la a month or in many months, but will go on for a year or more until one side is physically Inoapable of fighting ioncer." The following, the cooressos of sororal military opinions, views the straggle as far as it has gone and tooebfti oa the toor of the b4 llgrsns so far d: "Germany has throws Uto the wMra tbvator of war in Fnuwe tb flower of the great military machine which she has bees bwiM Ing since the Fnt-co-ProMiaa war aad which has bees the admtraUoa aad oavy of tb military wrbi. At first aotbiag seoated to be abie to check the onward march of this tre meadoas power. Held mp a few days by the heroic courage of the BeVgiaac tais wood arfal maehiae literally sped, to within forty mile; of Parts. "Want aapf mi taea? Despite the greataoM of the orgaaUatJox. tb perfect workiag of the iatogral parts of tb amacbiac. without Uw mis carttha of a single oa of the com p'Wawd ptaas for the taktog of Paris, it was found the whole thiag a fbwa aad blood aad that it could aot do aUaost the imposibie Fear f Kai-r Sfnir .Ullc -"Thar was ia the sitaatioa aroaad Parts waea Goaerals Von Baobyr aad Klack aad the Crown Priaea wre at lu gates that watch tb Catoa army foaad ia Vlrgiaii. Soatb CaroUaa aad Georgia sf-ra! tiatos dartag the Clrii War a cer tain dwprtioa oa ia part of tb dofoaderv which tomm oaly to tb maa protocttag his family from harm. A aw ftgatiag sairit was pro dacod ia tao iak.s of the alaVs by tb natd adraae of tb German forroa, Tb aaarsbeaviaan that all would a crasaod by lb Gerauat aad aaaa sabjects of the Katser am4e tao morn of tb alltes mar saporbaaua taaa did ia Uar. ar duous aad xamsi traiaiag ta Genaaa xoreos bad rcivwL -From taa aatil aia dayt ago that spirit ia ta rub of tb teat carried it forward aad pasa d tb oaoaty bark. That fair has t9t tb armi of tb allk persaiUatiy at ta Germaas. bold lag tbeaa ia cak. dririag taat back taore a few fc aad proaa iag the greatest battle ia the his tory of the wortd. -This spirit will triamph over the sadrU of aatioaal aggraadiMmea apoa which the Geraaa eaas U hailt if it teachings aad writings i ajs va sateseat SjfeeL Gta rcht."TTitake, Drayea' and Hars--are ta te accepted as tie tioasht oi the Gtrsaa satics. HAI.U SATl'UDAV. OCTOBI-Ui 0. OUTINGS Extra Value AMOSKEG DAISY CLOTH, WHITE AND CREAM. PINK AND BLUE 10c AMOSKEG FLEECEDOWN OUTING FLANNEL, WHITE, CREAM.Only 12 1-2c BIG SHIPMENT OF FANCY OUTINGS JUST RECEIVED VIA PANAMA CANAL. THESE ARE SPECIAL VAL UED -. 10c and 12c lEe Golden Rule HERE IT IS AT LAST! A Heater That Will Burn Either Wood or Coal to Your Entire Satisfaction nr Built -& oxtra large Are box. fjitfci wfeth daatfex grat wtH sir ;rfet tmmbauUoa to eathr w4i or oaaL A ieat-r baUt aateiy of cast iroa which wfll retata the heat for bocrs. Note the iirzi fd 4or wbiok vfll aceoaso due btg wd sties. Beauti ful nickel trtmmtwgs. Belli ia tghe iihi aaC styles. "Why Pay More?" The Quuanj iAtaa. WW. the Senfe Fxme ; 190 test; Uhfleld.Vu JW L Men's and Boys' Shop We are showing a beautiful stock of fall and win ter Suits and Overcoats. All are of .the newest styles. The Balniaacan Coat is quite popular. The full length Scotch tweed, belt back, couvcrtable collar, adjustable cuffs are nice. The three-quarter lengths fancy liued, belt back couvertable collar and a big loose fitter are quite popular. A full length black craveuette. All of these coats are practically waterproof. Price $S.SO to $40.00 We are sole agents here for the World rcniv.iied KXOX HATS All goods guaranteed. tUnbfleld. '" eTery tj mln3? li. nw to 12: oTfli7 GOIMT ni H ",,yfV LowRatesl Handling ,,.. We haul trark, ' la Marshf eH arj ''iPlvin. --- v.cvhwI; Id CC M,nl Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. HE.VRT SEXGSTACKK.V. bUaajrer FAltM. COAL. TDtnKK A.VD FLATTING L.XIM A 8PSCIALTT. GEXERAL AGENTS EASTS I UK LTtSHTIKLD OFTICE. PHONE .4-J. cxkjctlle crrr OFFICE PIIO.VF 1B1. RTSIf Ttntvt . . ... i.--i.-inr.ii ttTnn, Itiones: Ieri Hrt'er.rtfli ones: 120J. mV1 ' - UK niEw. ,vn.:"v.u CHIMNEYS J. N. BAYlItt Ary Klad cf tnkvi v Prire Tha ii 2 tt Cai,at"Tbe"FrrN 43I-J. Plot, rreixa maces. Uh, "Wl ST. LlWIt.arrZr" - 01m steam heat, hot ax l ttery room. Jl. at-, '! .1 'M I lb 11 and up. Darrassirkm "" "T aufana) COOS BAY STATIONERY COMPANY ' 93 Central Avenue Phone 430 ANSCO AGENCY Cameras and Everything for Them 3FFICE SUPPLIES STATIONERY MERCHANTS CAFE rupuiar pace lor Good Xeds. Prices ResviiM, ! Cor. Comm5rcsl& B'dw. -n HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED nan See CORTKELL Phone 3171, & . t ' TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal, Oliver, L C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. Cieaalag, repalriag or Den- plateaa, work fruaraateed. Ribbon aad rboa paper dellTered. Phooe asyonr order. Pboae 4-1. AllUace office. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. SCITS CLILWIUlVTiPrt EI SUITS JUW TO OROffl GIVE US X IRLIL-! UNIQUE PAtTATORIUH JAT DOTLE I. C 0 DACCETT 25 Cestra: An. titu IJIX. We Iiave Jat rereltetl the following Rood in kUvs tumbler that we are M-Ulns tor 10 crot. S-UI IHIKSSING. APPLE nUTTEIL 3IUSTAUI). HOKE R.D ISH. IMCALLI. CHOW CHOW CHILI SAUCR, ONIONS: and If you hare nerer tried our Spaniih Style Tomato Since In 5c can you are rnlln a treat. Cape Arago Coffee COOS BAY TEA, COFFEE AND SPICE HOUSE PHONE SO TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- -:- taa been a hobby with at for a good rainy years and a lot of oar castoxers vill tell yon vhea it tomes to settle good, sooad. darabie fraxlac rasterla! at the right price -c kaow oar bcsl cesa. Jatt tell vhat yon vast to build aad the amonat yoo vaat to sread &ad we'll get busy -with our peaell aad flgare oat the beat your aorey eaa boy. Try ca. ... i. i C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL nEPAirTKENT CUT TIIE FCEL BILL 1 TWO DV USING OUTt WOOD PHONE 10. 182 SOCTH BROADWAY Pictures framing Walker Wo UMBETH'S AUTO SERVICE STAND At CHUDint BOIEl PHOST a. HTLL GO ANYWHERE AXT TDO n cn .d cinmi l DP.iroc IU1-ES TO CAXH5G PiimM LYNN UMBETH Oiroer aal Drirw. f. J. SCAIFE O A. fl. H0DC1H Marshfield gg , Ideal Summer Trips LAUNCHEXPRESS Leaved Mirjfcfield eTery week day at S a. rx. STEAMER RAINBOW Le&Tea MirshfJeld eTery Sarday it! tc. aad erery week day mEAlFREE GROVE AND PICNIC GROUNDS Brias yoor Iuah baskets, kodak asd fissisg uekle for a few days oatlag Ssaday School aad a!J plcale crowds a sxUlty. Extvrtios to South Coos River every day. For charter aad piecic arraageseats. apply oa board. . Ettimatea rxrabM Paoae S-J. VvAWl, OtffM. a THE COOS HOTEL Fararer.y rf lUnlfitld WASHINGTON iVEMU STlWCf STREET NORTH BOD ! C a. MSa, m K00NT2 GARAGE ExceUkr MoBHrde Ar7 LEE TIRES ' AUTOMOBILES STORED COOS COUNTTSBTC0MPmi MACH1SE SSOf MARINE ANB AUTOMOBlUi REPAIOXO G-iSOLTNE FOR SilB NORTH FRONT ST. P0XE W BATTERIES TEPXVBSB AXD STEAMER HARDY SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO EVERY TEN DAYS SAN FRANCISCO DOCK UNION STEAMER PIER 19 COOS BAY AND EUREKA STEAMSHIP LINE NO SAW H)C YOUR COLLH . to. bare tS l"4 The Union Market SOUR COLD STOR.GE SYSTEM IS SURE A SUCCESS Oar Priaae Rants of Beef. Laasb. iiuttoa. Veal aad Pork crasot be excelled. Try aae af ear Fat Hess er Fryers for year Saaday dlaser. that has Tbea raserly coaled, aad ae the dlffereac. J. E. FORD & CO. SMITH'S VARIETY STORE. North Bend, for Fancy and Domestic CHINA -.v- w-,r AUTO USB I T. A. M- 1 r. woe 174 Soath Broadway Pboae 55 X Try a Times Want Ad For Best Results " 5 ...i .7 Estpire - Tar Heel . Sasta tios v iteO Baneaarf 5f " ioO U:sl Reel J --"i -J - ..J, II Keotra Fra i"" V. Visit tie ti 5Silai5i lat to. T-aaseaf r iir. CsaadJer Hotei ow. X?a GOBST i- KTNGTS a- 20 CORSETS" a aML S.S.JEHNKBSjMji Ml I - ROOMS liu-l4.ii, ii4v.. .-p, 'SkrkX iiat4i? (. , irf1 " - 'Whit ..i .. . YiUAjm, . 3- J .tii aataaaaWl TlirrTnTriraaalaaOTaar,''m"""'