VnjH,"",tr-wvr -vtm ffi YOU NOTICED ANY FOOL CAN GO TO BED BUT IT TAKES A MAN TO WAKE UP? TIMES (EfltfB ims EVERY DAY There nppcnrs aonio Item of news In tho advertising roluinns of Tho Times news of the day's "nest Iiuya" to he found In tho vnrloua stores. Tho no 111 nn who rends nnd heeds thoao news ltoms" is tho 0110 w'.io conducts her household economically. these ""J-8. ' ""' "V " " , . . - in ntid lilnntl J 18 linporiuui iiiui. ," full knowlcdgo of, tho Intest i 1 LntlC nOS. buuscr.uu .u. i.u , i -n.i Hm oventa of the bit, anu emiig. MEMBER OP THIS ASSOCIATED 1'JIESS MiMMMnnMnin NO. XXXVIII. Established 1H78 ns Tho Coast Mull. MARSHFIELD, OREGON.WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1914 EVENING EDITION A Consolidation of Times, Const Mull and Coos liny AtUcrtlsur No. 60. fell ENCH CLAIM lURiG germ ALLIES ARE. I BELGIANS CLAIM W iort That Germans Had Been Routed Proves Untrue-French r nl'.M Pnrmnn AffnplQ RonillcoH onH Till ln!rnhf Ulctllll MKimn """" iivhuiuku unu IIICU iaioui o Army Suffered Heavy Loss. NOTABLE MOVEMENTS OCCURS IN CENTER OF LONG BATTLE LINE TODAY tmans Confirm Reported Assault on Antwero and Claim That tney nepuisea monies ay Belgian uamsons Claim Russians Repulsed in Poland. (Dy Associated Press to Coos IJay TlmoB.) LONDON, Sept. 30. The tun .' movement against German's right wing is develoK "K rapidly, according the French war office. Rumors, however, that the Ger ms liuve been routed proved untrue. The French also liin a vigouous German assault on Tracy-Lc-Mont was )iilscd with heavy losses to the enemy. While the allies have made slight advances between Ar- mnc and leuse, no notable movement occurred on tho iter. riie official German announcement stales there has been I n I V 111 1 J I i it -i Bierai ngnnng on mo uerman rigni uuc noining oi a de rive character transpired. The French advances in the vicinity of Verdum and bul 1ms been renewed. erlhi confirmed tho assault on Antwerp and said at- ?ks by the Belgium garrison had been repulsed. Russian assaults in the vicinity of Suwaki, Russian Po ind, have failed, says the German report. 1-rPl.n - C flwi iW.,, w,4 Jo ..l, 'illn,..u. ".. stm. lTI Mill 11 .L Wl LIIV OI II lUlllUIIU IO MO IWIIWUO, 1 1 Villi II. 1 b lug, north of the Sonnno river, the action continues to fcvelop toward the north. To the north between tho fese and Aisne, the enemy delivered a vigouous attack Tracyle iMont but were repulsed with heavy losses. 11 the center there is relative calm along the entire front liich extends from Rlicims to flense. Between tho Ar- Itiiiic and Mouse rivers we have made sliirht nroirrcss. Jn ic "WVvrc district there have lieen severe battles. .uur. oods have advanced at several points, notably oast of t. iMicliaol. On our right m Lorrane and the Vosgcs lerc Ins been no change. SE 10 IE GERMANS BY SORTIES TO (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bny Times.) AMSTERDAM, Sept. 30. The following was received from Antwerp: "From various points the garrisons made sorties and repulsed the Germans with heavy losses. The bombardment of forts Woclhcm and St. Catherine by the Germans continues. A single attack has been de livered by the Germans on fort Liezcle and Brcedonk." LONDON, Sept. 00. Dispatches from Amsterdam says refugees arrived from Ghent an'd report Belgium forces marching on Brussels are in contact with the Germans. ITALY AND AUSTRIA RESULT (If MINE CLASR AS KG (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) LONDON, Sept. 30. The report that all the 1885, 188G and 1888 classes of Italian reserves would be called (o colors early in October has been confirmed by several Italian newspapers, according to The Times correspon dent at Venice. Eleven of tho first category classes will then be under the flag and will total 1,390,000 men. FLOATING MINE KILLS FISHING CREW (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) ROME, Sept. 300. Another floating mine according to advices, exploded near Rimini, Italy, blowing up a fishing boat, killing nine of the crew and injuring a number of others. A EPDEMIC PREPARES TO OF 1 T T L (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) iPAHTS, Sept. 30. A municipal council of Vienna has oted $2,000,000 for Hi i.niisrnwHnn of islnlafion Iiosiii- ils near the city in expectation of an epidemic of Asiatic lolera, according to the Milan correspondent of tho aiis Mail. Tho correspondent says cholera is reported i various detachments of the army. i l AMERICAN RED, CROSS S1IIF SAILS (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) FALMOUTH. SonK 30. An American hosmhil shin 1 the Red Cross sailed today for Paullac France. Rear taiinral Aaron Ward, retired in command of the vessel liich carries Red Cross units that will serve with French innies. IL LINE TO PL? TO BAY -MlOr That C. R. Smith ic We- lotiating With Them for Sale Peninsula, Property. HILL nO.VT LINE. IB Atiotltt Pint iv Cooi p Tli"-! R1IUW . . ....... th cap'tallza'in of ?5,000,000, 7icai ttonnern racinc steamship Company filed articles t incorporation here today. The company will engage In the Oper ation Of nn tl.n Cnl- iimii .:;" ' l"r . --. aim racuic, according to unities, TRY TO ROB HARTLINE BANK Arrnnlln,. .- .. . . n' T ,MK iu uuconiirnieu reporia ftlpnfl.v: '"" "tt' u " omiin, oi inu Boiijh - Wodenware Company and. -.m u uregon company, wnue Ei "uiiy weni over wiin a tun he representative his holdings on Etl ,,c",naua which tho Hill people b saia to be figuring on securing. ow extenslvo tho deal is no one Efforts to Dynamite Safe in Washington Town Fails Bandits Escape. B7 AmkUU4 Pre to Coo B7 Tlm.l HARTLINE, Wash., Sept. 30. Three men made an unsuccessful at tempt to rob the safo of tho Hartline Stato Dank early today. After rob bing a blacksmlthflhop of tools and a hardware store of dynamite, they attempted to blow the bank safe, but tho explosion threw tho safe over on its front so they could not open It. While the two worked on the safe, an other robber stood In front and shot at citizens. Tho robbers escaped. might be only sufficient for docks and wharves for the H 11 line of Bteamers which Is said to bo f gur Ing on plying In here in addition to run ning from the Columbia to San Fran cisco. The matter cannot he confirmed. ITALY CALLS OUT RESERVES FOR SERVICE JARLJ III OCTOBER (Dy Associated Dress to Coos Day Times.) LONDON, Sept. :10. A Rome correspondent of the Evening News says as the result of the sinking of the Ital ian fishing hoat near Ancona hy Austrian floating mine, the Italian government has instructed its amhassador at Vienna to enter an energetic protest against mines, which prevent safe navigation of Adriatic. ITALIAN GUNBOAT SUNK ROME, Sept. HO. An Italian torpedo boat is reported to have been sunk today by a mine between Venice and Comacchio, in Adriatic sea. No confirmation of report can be obtained in official circles. T 0 L FLEETS OF GREAT BRITAIN (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) BERLIN, Sept. 00. (By Wirelcss)Reports made pub lic hero from Constantinople declare that owing to tho Bellicose attitude of the British warships cruising pear tho Darnelles, Turkey has closed this waterway. . Tho people of Holland are oxeited by the reported cap ture of Butch ships by the British. The Rotterdamche Couram; declares that Great Britain is showing utter dis regard to the rights of the neutral states. ALLIES CLAIM PROGRESS IN MOVEMENT (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) PARTS, Sept. 30. According to the official bulletin on war given out in Paris this afternoon, a turning move ment of tho allies north of Somme river is developing ra pidly. The German attack on Tracy-dc-le-Mont has been repulsed with .heavy losses. 1 R0UMANIA TO DECLARE ITS STAND ' ' (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) LONDON, Sept. 30. A Rome correspondent of th'p Ex change Telegraph Company received a message at. Rome from Bucharest says that King Charles has summoned the cabinet in special session tomorrow to decide the attitude of Romania toward war. The King is k,noyi' to be in sympathy with Germany. - . ,. v GERMANS WAGE FIERCE BATTLE CAPTURE BALANCE OF BELGIUM Town of Alost Bombarded and Set on Fire by Kaiser's Heavy Guns This Afternoon With Heavy Fighting Along The Whole Front. BELGIANS CLAIM TO HAVE DRIVEN GERMAN ADVANCES BACK LAST NIGHT Late Dispatch From Antwerp Indicates That Terrific Onslaught Is Being Made by German Army Today Meager Reports From Battle Zone. x (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) LONDON, Sept. 30. A dispatch from Antwerp suys: "The Germans again bombarded Alost and set the town afire! Fierce fighting is raging at various points along the whole line." , GERMANS TELL OF DEVELOPMENTS (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) BERLIN, Sept. 30. A report given out at tho army headquarters today says: "There has been general fight ing on our right wing in France, but nothing decisive, (.'enter is quiet. The French advances in the vicinity x)fi Verdun and Toul has been renewed." " JAPS CAPTURE GERMAN GUNS V : a., (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) TOKIO, Sept. 30. It is off ically announced that a por tion of Ihe Japanese fleet landed a force which occupied Lao Clm harbor in the neighborhood of Tsing Tan. They took four field guns that were abandoned by tho Germans and afterwards held tho place with a small part of tho force. MONTENEGRO CLAIMS AUSTRIJU'JS DEFEAT (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) XONUON, Sept. 30. A dispatch from . says the Montnegrins on Monday occupied all the encmys en trenchments around Corasda and pursued the Austrians who look flight. I I FIERCE BATTLE SINCEHDAf LONDON, Sept. 30. A dispatch from Pctrograd says a fierce engagement between tho armies of General Rcn uenkanip and General Von Hindcnbcrg has continued since Sunday along a lino extending from Grodno to Druskenski on the Nicmen river. The Russians huyo es tablished civil government at Lemberg, capital of Aus trian Galicia. 'En Belgium 150,000 troops are engaged in a desperate battlo along tho line from Termonde to Aov-schot. RUSSIANS claim: AUSTRIANS DEFEAT ROME, Sopt. 30. The Russian ambassador hero an nounces the Austrian Army , fleeing before the Russians have been surrounded near Douklo and its defeat was which into Rus sian hands. The capture includes 1500 military automobiles. complete. All food, ammunition and Avar material, was being conveyedl back to Austria, has fallen int( WANT VILLA TO MAKE PEACE Hundreds Wire Rebel Leader to End Strife in Mexico Goes to Conference. (Dr AwwUteJ Trttt lo Cooi I)r TIdim. TOItHEO.V, Sept. 30. Oeneral Vil la him left here for Agtiaii Callontes, where ho expects to meet General Ob regon. head of the Mexico Commis sion from Carranza. Villa has receiv ed hundreds of messages from army officers urging him to niiiko a peace ful settlement with Carranza. CONGRESS (WNCIU, XI XK TITIiKS. llljr Aho lttl I'rtM lo Coo. Da Tbnt 1 WASHINGTON, I). C. Sept. 30. Official advices from Mexico City to tho Stato Department announce tho Issuance of u decree annulling all mine titles granted dujlpg tho Huer to administration. , TO TAKE1REGESS resident Wilson Approves Leg islative Program for Next Few Months. Wt Aitocltttx) I'rtM to Cfo n,j Tinu. I WASHINGTON, Sept. 30. Prest dentWllsou approved today tho leg islative program for congress which includes tho postponement of tho consideration of tho ship purchaso bill until November 15, following the fall elcrtlous. Tho plan In eludes a recess by tho houso with in the next ten days until November IK. Tho Sonuto is to finish the consideration of tho Clayton Trust bill nnd wnr revomie bill and then rocosv. l)f. II. i:. KHlrv, DKXTIST. Phono 112-J, Uoora 204, Colo nidg. IIKUMKVH DAXCK, KAdfiKB HAM rtATl'UDAV, QCTOHKU.'U. " nuows, n was Intimated that it Aii l IWM Ann I Hi? n n miiutfntwatvtaMMtnaKmmifitwtanHSTummm 'muwuitenvemmKaimtmis n tj.Hinwpmwiiiwwiii'w i m i m u-Mm m gwirr . . MJ .-. n vkm mim-m3m.mimmMrmminmw'jimmmxmmn.mTmmmimmmw