.PWWTPW"T" mi ! wvwii"1 n' nnmwnyiitwm ii ,nww hiii luniiiipni, in'" i'.wywpr"y" jfiiiiW"wwwi,wm""ti' r i.m .mpr'H"i1"" i if i " miji'i1 ''I MRS i II r a 1 f J THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD. OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1 914 EVENING EDITION. TWO -11 'it ; ? H COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALONEY Kdltor and Pub. DAN K. MALON13Y News Etlitor i-i in ii Official Paper of Coos County. Entered at tho Poatotrico at Marsti Ueld, Oregon, for transmission through tbe mallB aB second-class nail matter. GOOD KVKXIXfl. i I I Refuse to lot disappointment J shadow your heart or your face. It docs not do to give tip because j j one's cherished plan has made shipwreck. Selected, j ADDRESS TO TIIK UNCO CJUI1). O yc wha are sae guld yoursel, Sao pious and site holy, Yo've nought to do but mark and tell your nccbor's fauts and folly I "Whnso llfo Is llko a wcll-gauti mill, Supply'd wl' store o' water. The hcapct happcr's ebbing still, And still tho clap plays clatter. To hlgh-cxaltcd virtuous dauios, Ty'd up In godly laca, Boforo you glo pulr J all'.y names, Supposo a chango o' caaos; !A dear lov'd lad, comcnlonce snug, A treacherous Inclination But, lot mo whisper I' your lug, Yo'ro nbilugs nno temptation. Then gently uciin your brlthor man, Still gentler sister woman; Tho' they may gang a kenning wrung, To stop aside Is human. One point must still ho greatly lark, Tho moving why thoy do It; And Just as lainoly can yo mark, Mow far perhaps thoy ruo It. Itohort Burns. SPACE AEL01E0 FOR 6IC FAIR said to bo pouring through the dc- files of tho Carpathian mountains w . .... oto the plains of Hungary. AI- Coos and Curry Counties Given though tho success or this latter prf. ,.,, nf fj(n Qnlnrtinn niovoniont is officially dpnlod from rT...lJ33 01 Vyiae eieCUOIl und-pest, Whlch nnnoi-hicod that ' for Displays. repeated attempts of Russian cav alry to outer tho country failed, A definite solcctlon or spaco for hurried efforts are bolng made along the Coos and Curry county products the Austrian frontier to strengthen in tho Oregon building at tho Paiiamn the Garrisons of the fortresses. Pacific Exposition was naked for to- day In a lottor received by the Cham- Ttoi'ilLI-:s NEVER COME HINttLY Wor of Commerco from (leorgo M. II y- land, managing secretary of tho Ore- MlN rmin,, o'lhmiiril Huh .Tiulgineiit gon Commission In chargo of tho Against Her ami u Secoml ntnto oxblblt at San Francisco next Ponding, year. Accompanying tho letter was m-h, pannlu O'Donnoll, now In a copy of the floor plan of tho stato lIl0 t08 of tU(J nw nt coqiillle, building with Instructions for Secre- H again in tho llmollght. This tlmo tary Motley to tako his choice of the B,0 has a Judgment rendered against remaining spaces, lL,r oy n creditor. Thoro Is n see- Already tho counties of Southern 0nd hiiII ponding. Brought up be Orogon have been assigned their fre Justice of tho Peace C L. Pen- spaces, with tho exception of these two counties, n selection which nan 0f tho Ueorgo I.. Sherman Company been dolnycd on account of a mlsun- was granted with a Judgment of dorstandlng as to tho sl-o needed. ' $ 17.75, mi amount duo on a sot of "Wo are porfectly willing to glvo 12 books which wcro bought sovor you all the spaco you can profitably nl mouths ngo for the O'Coniioll nil," dcoiarps tne letter, "i noiiovo that n stand with the dimensions of 32x30 feet, 10x50 feet or Hx40 foot would make abundant display of your great resources." This will bo prl- there Is a second suit ponding, that marlly dovoted to tho showing of too of W. K. Wlsoman. n local second agricultural products, and thoro will hand dealer, for $27.90 which lie bo smaller booths luiio and thoro claims Is duo on a note he .holds, about tho building for other ills- This has not yet been decided In tho plays, 'Justice Court. That ho wants Coos and Curry . counties to build one of live principal booths, of their native woods, Is tho, 1 further substanco of the lotter re-: colvod horo. Designs for this booth, n , will bo submitted by tho commission's ' MOM)A 'S ARRIVALS, architect, who has charge of prnctl-j '';' Clumdler Hotel, cally aU tho designing within the Or-. Tx C II. r-reoiiinn. Portland: C. H. egon building. I I-n'l. Sonttlo; Charles Smith, Gar- Exhlblt spaco within tho stato (.Ul,or! p; Oraft. Portland; C. S. Building, which Is now practically Hwett. Portland; It. K. Willis, Port rompleto, will bo forty-five foot In l'nd: - M. Downing. Portland; E. width mid 200 feot In length. Alton ; Coloman. Myrtle Point; P. S. Eaton, of Kiigono. Is chairman of the Single, Coqiillle; Harry Clawson, Co art exhibit nnd Colonel C. K. S. Wood. inlHo. of Portland, has Just been appointed 1 ,, , J" Blanco Hotel, ehairmnn of tho Jurv of selection. . Mlko Koornor. Coos Rlvor; W. 11. ItOBUKRV CASK lUM'OUi: TOlTUT AT COQUILLK - Jimmy Ross, In Jail Kince Litht May llat. HiMiitig in ('limit Court I am, Coqiillle; Charles McDonough, Toiliiy. Kureka; Frod Daugherty, Hurekn; Ab wltiiossos ror tho Stato, Chief' William Copple, Eureka; I). R. Sham of Police Cnrtor leiV yestonhiy I brook, Rosoburg. for Coqulllo where ho will appear I The St, Lawrence Hotel, to glvo evidpneo lu tho caso of; K. C. Davles and wlfo, Portland; Jimmy Ross versus tho state or C. V. Clark. Portland: J. E. Cowan, Oregon, In which Ross Is chargod Lakeside; Mrs. A. II. McDonald, with stealing n watch rrom Emit Lakeside; N. M. Young, Lakeside; Erick8on on tho thirteenth or last. N. J. Cornwall. Gardiner; John Hur Mny, I ley. Bandon; C. A. Gage, Coqulllo; For nearly Hvo months Ross has W. V. Gage, Coqulllo. been lu Jail, It Is alleged that whllo 1 The Lloyd Hotel. fcleeplng In tho same room with I Murk Hart, Chicago; David Nolan, Ericksou In n local lodging house San Francisco; Mr. nnd Mrs. P. Ross arose in the night and oscap- Ritchie, Bandon; Mr. and Mrs. L. E. ed with tho watch. He was nr Ray, Bandon; J. R. Smith, South In rested two days later by Officer' let; Jack Webber, Coqulllo! L. C. Carter and tho watch wns found lu Bancroft, Coqulllo; Mr. and Mrs. C. his nosossloii. Chase. Portland. SKIN SOOTHED AND HEALED BY D. D. D. ItcMnpf akin, ugly eruptions, scaly scalp, Ec-onia and its alllod diseases all yield Instantly to tho soothing In-' rijeJio. or tho mild, slmplo wash, tho D. Ii. I). Prescription tor ICczimiui. Prom our experience with skin Btiffprers, wo aro convinced that skin disease Is caused by gorms beneath tho outer skin, thajt spread and multi pry until ttoey bqcome a mass of gnawing nnlpials. D. p. p., a pone tr'atlng liquid, destroys these germs AMERICAN SHIP LD5I BY HUE Foxton Hall Burned off Wet lings Island and All but Two of the Crew Escape. (Br AiKKltteJ rrm to Coot Bit Time-. NASSAU, Bahama Islands. Sopt. 29. Tho American steamor Foxton Hall was burned off Watllngs Island Septombor 23. The members of tho crow, with tho exception of two men who aro missing, arrived horo. Tho Foxton Hall was among tho first ves sels to tako out American register. She was originally a British steamor. FRENCH REPORT VICTORIES (Or Auotlttxl Trm la n. n.j Tlmti.) PARIS, Sept. 20. Following an official communication given out yesterdny: "NotMng new to report in general situation. Rela tive calm provnlls along tho north ern portion of front. Nevertheless at certain points, notnbly between the rivers Alsno mid Argonne dis tricts the enomy delivered further violent attacks which wcro repuls ed." SERVIANS CLAIM VICTORY. Df AiiocUIM rmi lu cooi Otf 7lmM.I PARIS. Sept. 29. A dispatch from NIsh says the Sorvlan troops ndvanclug In Bosnia havo occupied Romania mountain near Sarajevo, Tho Austrlans are redoubling their efforts to tho north to cross tho Save and Danube rlvors. The last attempt to pass Into Servln near Bolgrado cost them many dead. KAISER IX PRUSSIA. Or AaiotUtfcl I'rrti la Coot tlr Timor LONDON, Sept. 29 Emperor Wil liam Is reported In Hast Prussia and the German offensive proba bly under his eycB, have recoininenc icd against General RcnneiiKnmof. 'Tho Australian lines continue to re tire on Cracow. Besides having taken some of tho forts around Przcmrsl. tho Russian cavalry Is 0ck, In the Justice Court, n suit; household. Becuuso tho books wero later burned, Mrs. O'Coniioll bellov-j td that sho could not bo hold liable for tho amount. In addition to this AT THE HOTELS. I Myers, Myrtlo Point; Ted Gorr. Lako. Bldo; P. Poteraon, I.akosldo; Mrs. J"'a Sutton, Bay City; Louis Gish- olt, Coaledo; K, Hurry. Coaledo; James Berry, Myrtlo Point: Ed Yoak- and washes them away, thoreby re lieving that awlul Itch Immediately. A 50c bottle will prove this much to you. We aro so confident that D. D. D. can reach nil cases, that wo offer you tho first full size bottle on tho guar antee thnt If it rails tp do as wo say, wo will refund tho purchase price. You nlono to Judge. D. D. D, Soap aids in keeping the skin pure; ask us. RED CitOSS DltUO STOKE. PIANO RECITAL BIG SUCCESS !.! (. Fine Pronram Given at Dr. Horsfall Residence by Hugh A. Kelso for Life-Line. ' Tho plnno recital glvon Saturday ovenlng by Mr. Hugh A. Kolso or Chicago, at tho rcsldenco of Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Horsfall was an artistic achievement. The evening proved to bo n unique evont In that the entire program was composed of numbers played only by artists and novor before publicly on Coos Bay. Tne music loving audience appreciated everything Mr. Kelso did. The following program was given, each number which was Illustrated by dlscrlptlvo musical nnnlysls, In this Mr. Kelso wns most original and Interesting. Especially were his "Home brewed" selections, ns he tcrmod his own numbers, enjoyed. Programme Impromptu In C. Sharp minor. . Chopin Romance In F. Sharp. .. .Schumann Bouncing Bet Hugh A. KoIbo Waltz from "Faust". .(lounod-Llstzt Serncnnde Kelso La Camppiictln Pngaulu-Llszt The Jester Kelso Magic Flro Wagnor-Brnssln Tremolo Qottschnlk Berceuso Chopin March from "Tannhausor" Wugncr-LIsztz Mr. Kelso Is widely known ns teacher, pianist and author, having published several works 011 musical subjects. TI1080 havo been endorsed by such men ns Dr. Wm. Mason, tho foremost music Instructor of America, B. J. Lang, of Boston nnd W. S. B. MntthowB. Tho audlonco showed marked ap preciation for the numbers of which Mr. Kolso wns hlmsolf tho author. The Chopin numbers elicited great pralso and IiIb playing La Campa bclla by Paganlnl-Llszt was consider ed wonderful. Mr. Kelso demonstrated great In dividuality of expression nnd Intre protntlou that gave new beauty to nil his numbers. Every technical difficulty In each number seemed to be overcome with the greatest of case. During his short stay 011 Coos Bay Mrs. Horsfall has had tho pleas iiru 01 HimijiiiK wmi .nr. iviiiHii uuu criptions rrom Doth drug stores in received much benefit from his ad- Myrtle Point wero taken bororo tho vanced Ideas on his "Psyschology oflKrnnd Jury and the indictments wero Momory" and his "Intropretiitlon of. based oir tncso. Technics" r. ,r. r... Mnsson has not yet en- Mr. Kelso met Rev. O. L. Hull! tcrod Ills plea, but II is understood' or tho chapol cruiser LUo-LIno and thnt ho will do tho samo ns Dr. John bccanio greatly Interested In his sou. work. He was wns aboard among. 11U offense Is Blmllar. Imliie of n me iiiiiHiciiius wiieu mo vessel ran ngrouud In- attempting to enter Ken tuck Inlet. At Mr. Kelso's request tho audience laid 11 very substantial sllvor offering on tho pinto for tho j.iic-i.mu urn. hub ib uiiu in .ur. iumo b iiuwiib, nun 01 ueipiug our pea red beforo Judge Coko and' enter In such work when he Is convinced od' a ploa of guilty and1 asked that the tho cause Is worthy. 1 minimum rTno bo Imposed. Dlntrlct ' Aim .i;w i:ni'il.ilKXT TO LOCAL WEATHER IllMtKAu' 1 Horearter 11. II. Ostllnd. the local ! i' A- i; i... ' u :'. " , .,." " thn 4 hoiirH i.f M .inv Vnr . 1110 nours or tno ua, ror Assist- ntlf niatffn 1?tfnAnati.H Hfiilrn rxt tv iiuiivi in vi.iiatvi Ulnu) J Portland. Ib horo nnd Is Installing nit, anemometer, n machlno by which wind velocity Is accurately measured i..-.--i ?. "..IVI"... 7 i".,.aH,,r,0"; prediction ror Coos Bay. With the1 anomometor It Is bolloved a Kreaterl degree or accuracy will bo reached. With this now Instrument every! mile or wind thnt blows on Coos Bny, will be measured. This Is done auto matically and the nnemoniotor nlaced on tho top or n building, registers the velocity in tho orrico below, whoro it, may he seen nt a glance. Sending two predictions dally to tho Portlanrt ofrico, very often tho northwest rore enster thero has been nt a loss to know what tho velocity of tho wind has been botween theso reports, a ract that Is extremely Important In making out his predictions or tho storm areas. A woathor vane, also Installed at this time, will show tho direction or every breath or wind that blows. LAPP CASE ARGUED. City Attorney Goss Returns front Cni Itnl Decision Xot Yet Public. City Attomoy John D. Goss has ro-1 turned rrom Salem, whoro he has been tho past week appearing berore the state Supreme Court in the caso or Lapp vs. the City or Murshrield. No decision has yet liolon handed down by the court and it Is not believ ed that their final word will be de livered until at least next week. In scmo cases the, decision ponds for soveral weeks. This caso has been decided In fav or or the city in tho circuit court. It Involves tho tract or land on North 1 iiroauway near uircii ana is not only a question as to ownership but also ror assessments nnd Improvements as woll. ' llOOSTS COOS BAY. N. C. Hatfield, of Portland, ar rived horo on Friday from Marsh field enrouta to his home. Mr. Hnt rteld has spent considerable time In Coos and Douglas counties and Is, enuiiiBiuHiiu over uiu prnspecis 01 so-, curing railroad connections between tho two localities. Mr. Hatfield' says thero Is no doubt but that thol railroad would be a dividend produ cer from the vory day It heou opora,' tions, A rauroan iron) uoseuurg to Coos Bay would do more to devel op Douglas and Coos counties than any other ono. thing, Rpaeburg Review. PRtSGRIPTICN CAUSED GBIEF Dr. L G. Johnson Enters Plea of Guilty and Explains Circumstances-Other Cases. (Special to The Times.) COQUILLE. Or.. Sent. 29. Dr. I O. Johnson, of Myrtle Point, 0110 of those Indicted In connection with tho Myrtle Point liquor prescription trou ble, yesterday appeared beforo Judge Coko, pleaded guilty and wan given tho minimum fine of $50, which tho court later remitted. Dr. Johnson was Indicted on a tcchntcnl charge, that of having written a prescription for brandy on a regular prescription blnnk instoarl of on n cortiricd blank prepared by the state. Following Dr. Johusnu's plea, Dis trict Attorney LltJoqvlBt mado n statement to the court that Dr. John sou's offense had been n technical one and that he had not been writing liquor prescriptions promiscuously, In fact Hint ho had' written only 0110 since April 1. Ho urged that lenien cy bo shown by tho court. In Dr. Johnson's behalf tho cir cumstances of the Issuing of the one prescription wnB stated. It seems that a woll known Myrtlo Point man rushed up to him on tho street nnd stated that his wlfo, who hnd been III of heart troublo, had' suffered an other sinking spell nnd ho wanted some brandy nt once.' Dr. Johnson protested until told that she was very weak, nnd knowing that sho was III, ho gavo tho man a prescription for n pint of brandy. Attorney Gobs for Dr. Johnson pointed" out that tho conviction or Dr. Johnson Jrr ono way was n travesty on Justice lie said that Mrs. Barker for whom the prescription wns Issuod, wan a church, niombor and a highly rospccteir cRIzen of Myrtlo Point. Whllo District Attorney Llljeqvlst would not rccotinnend" that Dr. John son's fine be remitted, he urged the clomoncy of the court. However, Mr. Goss Inslsretr that In fairness, tho fine should' bu remitted'. Judge Coke said in passing sen tence that tho case against Dr. John son was purely a technical 0110 nnd tVnt under the circumstances of tho solo offense he would renilt tho mini mum fine. It RCnniH (lint- nil of llio lliinnr tirrn- technical' mi t tiro In not using, the rogular certified blanks for four or five proscriptions for sick horses that he IhhuoiI. Other Tivo Cases. ,v, , w. I'erKliis yostonlav ap- Attornuy Llljeqvlst protested against Mr. Perkins, who C0I,,I,P, n, M",,,1 0t IrHK store, escaping with tho minimum fi0.Sn1toiVia5tnTfiHiyr0l P"88" Hcteu", wni bo arraigned on tho eluirgo TTntrsday nrtornooir nnd It Ih ,irfnn,t timi- i. wiir ft-.-iih fh - vwi iiiab nu 1 ti(-., vv CfL-ll MiikIiiiiIk fuse. Tho divorce caso or Mrs, Tom Ma- Kliuil- Is also scheduled for trial soon lll'V MAXY SHEEP. IL 'L Smith, tho northern county sheop buyer, passed through town Friday with something more than 500 head of sheep. He has about 1000 more to turn Into tho band north or tho river, which ho will drlvo to Oakland, Ore., ror Young & Company. tho uecnioy urotners, or Roseuurg. nro now south of horo gathering up snoop which they had previously contracted ror. Thoy have their own cook wagon at Weddorburn nnd ex pect to drlvo rrom Curry In the neigh borhood or 3000 head. Gold Beach Globe. This is the Stove Polish Should Use. TS different from I others because more care is taken la tho muklner and the materials used tfro. oH higher grade. Black Silk Stove Polish MaltQS a brilliant, .l!;y polish that doei not rub oft or dust oft.aa-Uho&tituolasts four times as loner as ordinary itove '1J.I, Ila.l .M.M.vl. -.. . -,-, ..nf L-u.ivu wvt vi) Biia oiuyca nuu uu by narawaro ana grocery Coalers. All wo wkUatrial. UwitonyoorcookitOTe, your parlor tove or your cm rf"ffe. If you 3ont rtnd it tha bi slov Dllb rou ever umk, your dealer! aatlioriznl to refund your Md4 In liquid or pcutc oiw quality, DUck Silk Stove Polish Works, SUrUng.lllinoU Um BUck Silk AlfDrylnff Iron Enaml on irrte,rvvuten,towtipe-lnvenu ruattntf. llw BUck Sltk MUt f llK Ur -lvr, nUkd vrixruM t um bu xju ww mwi -wnonvooma. IlTiACK SILK STOVH POLISH For Sale lijr 8CHKOHDE11 & HILDBNBRAKD Phono 177, -------Kf "z----------------l Trffi-T" ili-----i YOU Ml c-iS NORTH BEMD NEWS r Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Hocllo un sold their homo and will leave tills wcok for San Diego where they will reside Through an error It was stated that Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Sells, Instead of Mr. and Airs. Hcglle, were going south. Tea Garden Preserves AND Tea Garden Syrup on aitlc at ywir jiroeers nt the usual prices. SPICED FIGS Onr new favorite. Try them for fhu children'H lunch. Healthy, (leliciotiH, niUritiom. ASIC POK TEA OARDEN ORANGE MARMALADE STRAWBERRIES PINEAPPLE etc., etc, At Your llrocrrp). Pacific Coast Syrup Company I'ortlnuil, Or. Raised ?. -t"J It 4 MlMr- ! OUTINGS Esstoa Value AM0SKEG DAISY CLOTH, WHITE AND CREAM P!NK AND BLUE AM0SKEG FLEECEDOWN OUTING FLANNEL, II CREAM,Ooly '? BIG SHIPMENT OF FANCY OUTINGS JUST JOT VIA PANAMA CANAL. THESE ARE SPECIAL j liTe Golden M Tlk Fair Store x a "o -fc- -t-w-. ..,, .... ,.. ,..,m.v...Ciav iv OHSEIlVAXCE OP A ,cn imnniv hitt. Wll.r. UK Ol'KX THl'HSIW J WITH A AVIIliuAVIM) OP IIUIKSISTIHLK 1W1WA1S& J Beautiful lino of Ruining, In lace, chiffon or Bilk, w-l,e ,4 cnlors. rficulnr nrlco 3Gc. now nor yard & Mens Union Sulta for fall and winter wear from Ci ?1.2G to ' ' 'Vjl Small Boys' Overalls now II Ladles Flannelette Klmonas were.$1.2B l Now each , ,fl Silk Belts, all colors tho $1.7C values now J1.35; tne ' j ."'ii values now each.' 1 nabv ninnkets in blues or nlnk. regular 50c values J now, each , . , . 1 , " ' -- Safety Pins all sizes now 2 cards for m Tango Hair Pins sot or plain, specially priced from l9c m Superior quality -Upper buckles, Rhinestone or steel, w to, per pair, 35c and Vllll--"S' -- ft rrr tuv FAIR & Ttntinil Ml B.-tJkt- J-i -" 1 '-. ,'- i -....-.- 1 1 Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm DEVELOPING PRINTING k AND SUPPuJ ttcnrtLD BROS.I RusseH Builds Centra! Avensie lTKf, nnTcn. Now open under . 111-! flArvn.1 i l w wnu in fftr-li J room, mo Per Ml BUYlHf VERY BEST -I -I 4 t marsiirield Diiri Crcamprv UU June SANlTAltr CONDlTloxs IN A CLE.X AND SI0DKIW PACTOnv. STKUILIZED MILK AM) CHEAJI. PURE KE Preo dcll-fr-, 8 . n,ml t irenfl 7 I', h. ADAMS m DMlen In x M-:V AXIIBKCOXD-W iuwiis. r 362 No. Front St. Pbotfl XOTICK OF tih: APTO OP 'tlLMIMSTIUTM NOTICR It hereby jIth niidorslKncd has been tjp niini8irntrix or tno tiutttf Chat. i:, Jordin, dtttiW. lion, tho County Court ttlM of OroRon for the County da Mnttcm or rrobate. All iiorsonu havlnj Mm nnld I'stato nro lOllilM u them to mo with the propnf nt tho offlco of ror ttto Wntklns. In the Eldorado City or Mnmhllcld, s-ld On Stato, within U qioaiiii Dated this lit dtr ot 9 SARAH frimt mibllcatlon, Sp-1 Inst publication, Bept. I,l 4 --iM,-.-------M-------------'1 m- siu. M-M J r 'rvvj . i . --. -. -, , U-tA'-i.-"-!--