mm mit$& r-'JBllmiW.ri THECOOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON,, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1314 EVENING EDITION THREE eW The Duke English model. Low heel nd ?e. Tn RiimU C.U or Ul.eW Velvet Calf S and IS. A STRONG UNTONT- Shoe Style and Foot Comfort The "Natural Shape" that your foot requires The exact style that your taste prefers Perfectly united in our assortment of &n r mr m mm m m v -- SHOE "A Friend to your feet' to meet the particular wants of particular people at a low price for high value. Clothes Purchased at This Store Will Be Kept Pressed Free of Charge. Woolen Mill Store IRVING BLOCK tya4&am EW FALL MILLINERY SUITS 30ATS--DRESSES Just Arrived ce THE PARISIAN first and it will save you from wanting to look further. FOR MEN We are sole agents for the world renowned KNOX HATS )LY REMEMBER AND GIVE US A TRIAL EVKRYTHI.VG IN THT3 HAKERV LIKE MARSHFIELD BAKING COMPANY fOUni SECOND ST., NEAR CENTRAL AVENUE. lIIONE 42H. mm jrjf X N S J) V J BREVITIES . TIDES FOR SEPTEMRER Below Is Riven the tiuiu and nolBht of high and low water at Marshflold. Tilt! tides nrn nlnrml In thn nMnp j of occurrence, with tholr times on mo nrst lino and heights on tho second line of each day; a compar ison of consecutlvo heights will In dicate whether It Is lilcli nr inw wator. For high wator on tho bar Diiuiruci iwo nours j 4 minutes. HORN. it COKE To Mr. and Mrs. 'Ralph W Coke, nt tlielr home, 3905 Hemic nvenue. I.ob Angeles, Chllf.. Mon day. Sept. 2S, a nine nound girl. ' Everyone Is doing fine, Including tho grandparents, Mr. nnd Mra.J R. J. Coke of I .os Angeles, and tho aunt. Mis. Ira 1). Ilnrtlo. of North Rend, although the Joy of all Is a severe test. FRANSON To Mr. and .Mrs. Frank Franson of North Rend. Sunday,1 Sept. 27, a girl, tlielr first child. TOR SALE MONDAY Tel. 77 AND EVERV DAY AFTER, A COMPLETE LINE OF HARDWARE FAR.M IMPLEMENTS, HOUSEHOLD UTENSILS, PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES, ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF COOK STOVES RANGES AND HEATERS, . PLl'MRING AND HEATING A SPE CIALTV. Schroeder & Hildenbrand General Repair Shop Hardwares and Plumbing lira.. 6.5$ Ft... 4.8 Hrs.. 0.25 iFt. 0.2 Hrs.. -.32 Ft... 0.0 11.03 l.S 7.05 4.4 S.2t3 4.2 5.30 G.4 12.05 2.3 1.21 2.C 0.0 0.0 C.31 CO 7.4 5.0 WEATHER FORECAST Hr AnoclileJ Trrii la Cool Dr Tlmti. OREQON Fair with Easterly Winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD. For the 24 hours ending at 4:43 a. m., Sept. 2S, by IlcnJ. Ostllnd, special government me teorologist: Maximum G4 Minimum 10 At 4:43 a. m 43 Precipitation . . . . ' 00 Precipitation slnco Sept. 1, 1914 9.58 Proclpltatlon samo porlod last year 2.94 Wind: Northwest; clear. , v , . ,,, , , Ray Wagon Road C Iiiiiiri. Plw Tho A. N. W. Club ,B,0lIf Mr. Uttrilur, meets next Thursday with Mrs. B. fcl,t.cl0l. VlU1 ,, lnf Mlngus Instead of with Mrs. C. F. '0 (vnll) would nov Ihe Delicatessen Co. 11.1 North Second Street. nffectlnir thorn. E. I,. Robinson has Joins Sorority. Miss Lucy Powers, not yet gathered his crop. Tho Mc wlio Is attending tho University of Farlln ranch crop was very poor. Oregon, has Joined tho Delta Gamma AguluM Inspector. Dr. E. Mlngus, Sorority. while at Rose-burg recently wna In- Oll Lower. Tho prlco of gasoline formed by Contractor Hernard that has dropped n hnlf n cent and It Is he had received notice that tho now retailing for nineteen cents here ,B" m "" , " l,' "" T.i ltl it llhii lli.llt "HO lu lie liuui liaruuril said tluit in formed him that mtl'ilW nflltalltl t In tl tl McKiilght as previously announced indirect routing of the Coos Ray mall Road work. N. .Moon came In yes- wlilch would delay It. terday from McKlnley, where hu and ii.,i.. r i.w. .,. ,.. it.,nnii Mr. Harclay have the contract for lt ls cin,UL.,i tlint ho took out three Improving two miles of highway on nf0 inaiirnnco policies, giving his note Cherry Creek Ho reports hat they cnch llmo for ,my1Mont ftcr n certain nro getting along In good shape and dal0 nm, i)0call80 tt 8 alleged that will finish the work In nbout threo luj tUd not my niwys m)HclcB, Krank Wci, f; m . t. , . . i .. . K- WUlard is being sued for 174.90 Petty Thieves It Is reported that , tho Jll8tlco C0Url by , 0 Wnlrntli. considerable petty thieving Is tnking Tho flrgt nolu wnB mndo out for plnco along the waterfront, milk, fruit j24.90, the second for 2G and the ami vegetables which are brought In thlr(, f0. n llUo nM10iiiit. Tho notes uy mo smau uoaiB ueing toKcn ueioro llnvo been drnwng eight per cent In- tho consignees got them, e8terday (crcBt 8nco t,nry mi 2. Rev. O. LoRoy Hall's gallon of milk semis Rig Potatoes Oscar Carlson was taken and others report slmilnr n prominent farmer living on North A!8, . ., ,. ,r ,., , i Coos River, hoiU u box of extra large CtuiiIk-itj- Cn. R. ir. Plnkor- ,,otatoc8 t0 the Chnmber of Coin ton was In from lis North Inlet ranch , , , , ,, ,, Saturday with tho first of this year's lorco ytrlny morning to bo used cranborry crop wlilch the IndlatiH for exhibition purposes. Two of tho hnvo lately picked. Tho crop was not potatoes are freaks and weigh eight as good this season na was expected ,)0imd8 nnd tno remainder In tho box early In the year, some kind of blight nlt of tnum wcKj, ci0B0 t0 two nnd " " three pounds. Thoy were pAcked i In somo of tho black loam In which and remained hero over Sunday, returned to their homo this morn ing. HERMAN CORDES loft yesterday for Southern California and Ari zona, where he will remain sovor al months for tho benefit of his health. V. II. ADAMS waB In tho city today, having como down on tho boat from his home nt Tcmpleton. Ho was nccompanled by his mother, Mrs. W. F. Adams. ATTORNEY GEORGE WATKIN3 went to Coqulllo this morning, be ing called thero In regard to tho Kinney case now being heard be fore Judge Harris. W. T. TOTTEN, who has been with t'o Smith-Powers company for four years and who Is now employ ed lu tearing up track In tho Coal edo camps, was hero Sunday. He ex pects that the romovnl from Coal edo to tho now line will bu com- pleted before long. Anything In Salads, Mratx, Cakes, PIch ami Pustry Mndo ou SPECIAL ORDER Spcvlalri In Meat PIos, Pudding, Scalloped Potatoes A Iurgo Variety of Cooked FoodH Served Hot. At All Hours of tho Dny. Lunches put up in any stylo you want Wo npprerlato large or wimll orders THE DELICATESSEN COMPANY. TOP! LOOK! LISTEN! Who The Prize Winners in The PIANO CONTEST Are rter's Confectionery.,. Mary Lambeth roeder & Hildenbrand's H.dw Mrs. H. C. Wiley frier Bros. Meat Market Lilla Rice. ps Bay Bakery Mrs. Dodson 1 Cash Grocery . . 1 Mrs. Bunnell -NOMINATIONS arf m nsFn wnw TO ALL CANDI ES EXCEPT AT THFMnnn HASH RRflflFRY Sure and See the Campaign Manager and ask about OUR ' BIG SPECIAL NEXT WEFK " intere stto every live wire candidate The Exposition Musical Co. and THE 1915 GIRLS f p4ttskfe2rLLLLLLLLLH w.mmWm0M& Tonight --Also Tuesday and Wednesday DOT RAYMOND Masonic Opera House PRESENTING ' "A Judge for an Hour" A LAUGH PRODUCING COMEDY Tonight - Tonight Seats on Sale at the Busy Corner 1 PRICES: 25 3550 cents THE OWNER MUST SACRIFICE A $2,000 PROPERTY For Less Than. ' ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS $350 CASH ' TAKES IT See SHIPMAN 150 front st- Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. HEJOtV 8ENG8TACKKN, Manager j FARM, COAL, 1WHER AND VhATTlNQ LAXDS A SPBCIAMY. GENERAL AGENTS EA8TSIDK MARSHFIELD OFFICE, PnONE 4-3'. ' COQUILLE CITV OFFICE PHONIC 101. they wcro Brown. JPEOPbE KMOW ABOUT 9 1 OLI fl VlTl f ' RLANCHIC JONES wns n visitor to. day In Myrtle Point. MIQa ni.lVIS nil AW wnnt Ifi Mvrlln 1 Point for a visit tills uiornliiR. D. O. WAI.COTT loft for Coqulllo todny, wlioro Id on tlio jury. MRS. KM.13N HARVEY left on tlio early morning train for Coqulllo. O. A. MAAS wns down this tnornlni; from lils homo at Ilnynus Inlet. D. L. ROOD, who Is on tho jury nt Coqulllo, loft for thero this morn- Ins. MRS. S. HULRURT wont to Coqulllo ' this mornliiK on a. short business 1 'trip. , I.MI. MOTT of North Rem! wns n Marshflold visitor on buslnoBs to ' dny. J. N. KERRIQAN wns n visitor to day In Coqulllo, going thoro on business. MRS. MARSH, of HnyncH Inlet, wns . In tho city todny ou a short bIioji i ping trip. ERNEST PETERSON was a visitor In i tho city today, coming horo from ' Hayues Inlot. V. V. SQUIRE loft on tho onrly morning train for Coqulllo on n i business trip. ( ATTORNEY M'lNTURFF loft today lor uoquiuo, wnoro no woni ou court business. MISS ESTHER HOLMES, or Alio- gany, was In tho city today visiting with friends. MRS. H. FRYB today went to Co qulllo, whero sho expects to visit for a short time. JOHN CLINKENREARD of Coos Rlvor has gono to Coqulllo on a short business trip. ATTORNEY R. O. GRAVES wns a visitor In Coqulllo today, bolng called thoro on business. GEO. W. CHILDS and wlfo loft yes terday for Southern California whoro thoy expect to locato. MR. AND MRS. LESTER SMITH loft j for Coqulllo this morning, whore thow. wont ou business. HARRY STRICKLAND, of Hnynos Inlot, wns In the city today attend- ' Ing to matters of business. JOHN MICHELHRINK, of Allegnny. I camo down on tho boat today and , spent tho dny hero on business. ANDREW CARLSON roturned this I morning from lus ranch near Alle gany, whero ho ls building a new I house. , W.M. PARKS and wlfo hnvo returned ' from Iloqulam nnd ho will resume; ins uui pumiiuu wun uio u. i. ' Smith company. niIAItI.ES ST. DENIS, of Tomuletoil. enmo down to North Rend this! morning, Ho expects to nttend school thoro this winter. LESTER SALINO, of Golden Fulls abovo Allogany, was In tho city to day attending to matters of busi ness. W. P, RUCKDEE and his son. W. II. Duckbee left this morning for Rea ver Hill, whero theywlll remain at work for somo time'. MR. AND MRS. A. V. STEWART, who came to the city from Randon !e Gran To-Nigh t Tho seventh eplsodo In "THE PERILS OF PAULINE " I "YARN ATANGLE" Essanay photoplay drama. ' "LOVE, LUCK AND GASOLINE." Vltagraph In throo parts. iiTAWni.Bii TAVnniOTO'i vu. .V,..W ..., VS. kj. ft, " 1 I lift I graph featuring John Runny and , Flora Finch. STADDEN ALL KINDS of PHOTOGRAPHIC WORK, Rromldo Enlarging and Kodak Flalslilnic. CLAsariED AD FOR UK.Vr A iiKMlem flvo ivomod front npnrtment. R. F. Williams. FOR HALF Go-Curt 1?1. Apply N. Cnro of Times. FOR SALE Fiiiiilttiro of Sl-roonv houso; Iioubo partly furnlshod for rent. 1! 1 1 Curtis nvonuo near P. O. FOR RENT Jt-rwiin fiiriilnlu(l houso all modern Improvements, (largo garden nnd chicken yard. Apply ingersoll nvonuo near hlGh school. - FOR RENT Nlwly fHiulsliort Gnt, close In. Key at Johnson-Gulov-sou's. )ii2:W Xatliuuil Owli Rt'KlHtor. Miwt bo sold Immediately to closo as Hlgnmonl. Cnn bo seen at Ladles Emporium. Host offer will bo no coptod. John C. Kendall, Assignee E. W. Kammoror. FOR RAM. PcoiiIo'h Rcwtuurunt vaI Sanitary Dairy at North Hond. Phono 231. FOR KENT rt-riHim modern Iiouho, furnished. G-room modorn apart ments, furnlshod. Call or see 8hlpman, 1G0 Front atrcot. Phono 2 04 -J. FOR RENT -O room furulnlic.1 Iioiuh Phono331.R, COMPETENT HTENOlR.UlIKR d- slrea position; especially well quali fied In law and county office work;, a rapid typist. Address R, caro of Times. FOR RENT U rooms for House keeping. 1G3 2nd. St. S. FOR RENT- Two flam .furnUltod or unfurnished. In Madden DM-.. North Front street; also houe keofUng rooms, ' Marshflold, 12th Court. Ph. 119-L HAIRV RANCH TO ItKNT llonter cau buy stock and farm Implomoatu on ranch. Reasonable tonus. Call or wrlto W. A. Qngo. Allegany. Or. FOR RENT FiiiiiInIiwI flut, modern conveniences, hot and cold water. Apply Third and 358 Highland. FOR RENT Furnished house, mod ern. No children. Phono 311, 323 or 298. $2500 $25.00 We will pay $25.00 to any person who causes tho arrest and conviction of a blcyclo tblot In Marsbflold. (Signed) t MARSHFIELD CYCLERY . i BHHB MM I Wk MM (H P csit vm I m Owiz-yLi- . nU.HIRTIOH mmmi THE DRUG STORE YOU ' CAN DEPEND UPON 1 Nationally Ad ver tiseel Goods The Central Avenue DRUG STORE fasof m Owi!r?"J4 Sffijai rs; A u