umsm EIGHT THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELO. OREGON. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1914 EVENING EDITION M nmiui: msmm next week for Cunningham, whoro b!-o will tench the winter term of school. Miss Almn Ekblnil resumed her position nt the Stnndnrd Oil Com imny's offlceB this week, following a two weeks' vacation. Miss Cnnlo Hobb took her plnco during her nb Bcticc. JU A A Mis. Ella Kendall will leave to day for San Diego, where bIio will spend tlio winter. Sho hna been spending tho Inst few niontliB hero Announcement: DENTISTRY How's Busin essl Tlinl'a Ik js.... Jl"V ,,RaUU,1m'lTlu,sill i J ItlllTIIDAY 1'AIITY ' 1'AIITY tlio Knststtlo team nt Hanlsldc by n scoro of 16 to 11, Tlio ganio wns n Rood one. The Knstflldo plnyors wcto with her bono, (luy Kontinii nnn j. u. Kcudnll. I 1 Mrs. .1. C. Kondnll nnd llttlo son nro expected homo soon fiom an ex tended eastern trip. ? Friends of Mrs. A. Snifrjcjulst gmo 1J'orly, ItugHdalo, Matilda, Joub and Art'iur McKcown and wlfo left this r n niimriHo nnriv nj?55inr hlrHwl s.t?c.k,c- ''o'lowlng the gnmo, nbout WCek for Chicago where they will con- '- - -i5v day, Monday, Scptember?iEl8t. They thirty counlcs enjojed a social dnnco ui minrlnllntH nliout Mrs. McKcown's and general good time. health.- I ', t -n. ,nn.u ? Mrs. M. J. Ostrow and daughters ' h'AH hOLlAli. wrl(0 thllt they wm 8,,0,i tno winter, 111 VHI1IUII1II1( I1D IH-i iimivimu .... S""u rnmo early In the afternoon nnd en joyed n social hour beforo serving tho delicious refreshments which they hnd brought with them. Those nrnRont Mrs. Knrilcll. Mrs. ;.- m.. t;;;..,.; v..' t ,.i r"g.v""'"V" ". ,:" ? ,,,ju ."'""" J..WDUII, C,,.0u,, ..... """" , "or or guests enjoyed a social ovo- nonnro Wnnvnr the well known Mrs. Ogren, Ilov, and Mrs. D. F. nlng. it wns under tho direction ocoi5?"sVmiV 13 U hSmcJ ucngsion. .irs. u. f. Jickhib at. nioro wasjio ,, ,,i,n... r Mr. nnntll of Itivcr, is expeci- liere from his homo In Qnli LVrniiitaitn nil Mm linvf Vllllll i Smith for a visit with relatives WIMj vki soon. nJZLZVl ?!i8 eble and wish her to remain. ' SK nli,Slr bC,"B lnf0r,nnl SSSth SS i but vcr enjoyable. , ed to arrive 1 -t Announcement Is made of the com ing marriago of Miss Mildred Coke, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. TIiob. Coko, and Albert H. I'orcp, or Ala meda, Calif., which will take place ulthin a few Aaya. The groom is en gaged in the mall service nnd con-, I'lVK HUNDUKI) PAItTV. W. S. DKHIIV, I). M. . Mrs. J. W. Mitchell ontertnlned nt m,d fr,on,,B j. Kivo Hundred Tuesday afternoon at m v itnm.A .,.i mm tim.1 her beautiful home on tho cliffs abovo ., ' . ' ' , . , , ' ,i, tho Day near Femdalo. As tho dny Dn'ls "! s Ilbert loft " th wns warm tho guests greatly enjoyed Eldor for n fow days visit at I'ort- pinymir on tno porcn. which wns dc- lnml nnd Wnslilncton. beforo nro- nr tinrw r nrit,,,i n.. ,t.,i.... 4iftfltlM ItunlMiiftfl n( A In mmln ! . n ' nln t nf ! t 1 . il-nHHAn- n -V. .l1.1fn ... I ' l 1 they -will make .their home Tho! and BtroIIInK nbou the wotty CT l. Uiqlr. n?m . U08fi t0 nnonc o tho resldcntB of, trldo wns born and raised in thlsl grounds. At cards Mrs. C. D. Wells 1 nrK irnS" naMiig ueen mo( Marsliflold nnd vicinity tho opening county nnd tins many friends hero -who will unite in congratulating tho grooni-to-bc. r1PliEEfL vJr w??, L. v'-! -i, t 3f r,v ?y ft Ai class oiTici:ns. I Tho Mnrshficld high school clns bcb hnvo elected tho following officers lor tho yenr: Senior Class President, Dcrtha Davis; Vtco president, Ilessle Doug las; Secretary, Cora Dyo; Trcnsuror, Clara Sargeant; Faculty Advisor, Mr. Hobcrtson: Associate Editors, Elslo ,JII nnd Mary Krusc. Juniors President. Eva Hnnscn; VIM president, Eddie Dolt; Secre tary and treasurer, Eric Storgard; irncult" Advisor, Miss Reese: Associ ate Editor, Jtnc Pnvls, Tom Wnttcraj and Carl Dnrgolt. Sophomores President, Ignatius Chnpmnn; Vice president, Until Cow an; Secretnry nnd treasurer, Mno Church; Fnculty Advisor, Mr. N'llcs; . iloportcr, vorn Ct.rroll won tho prize, n leathor tourist enso. Buosts of Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Four- 0f Dontnl Offices in tho First Nntlonnl Mrs. h. l. Crawrord, Mrs. H. H. Wnl- ler of South Mnrshflold for tho past Dank Building. Hoonin "1 and a" tors, Mrs. T. S. Harvey and Mrs. E. F. three months. I Mmnlnv 5nn no ,, LoM Olix nRHlntnl In Mm hnn.n. xilin.n l"rCU "10,U"B MOIldBJ, Sept. 28, 1914. rooms wero decorated with sweet neas. Deforo leaving n ilnlntv Innrh- Miss Lilly Gldmark of IJunkor Hill con was served to the guests, among Hn returned from an extended stay, wnom wero .Mrs. Noris Jensen, Miss in nn rrnncisco. Maud Hoed. Mrs. .T. W. IIIMnnhrnml MrB. J. G. Klnnoy, Mrs. H. A. Wells, Mondny will bo receiving dny and tho doctor will take great plcnsurol Mr. nnil Mm. Vnrnon A. Rmlli nrn. Ill showing anyone though tho Office Mrs. C. I). Wells, Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. expected homo next weok from San! who would bo Interested, explaining' George Graham, Mrs. Raymond, Mrs J. Q. Jnrvls, Mrs. T. S. Harvey, Mrs Guy Chnmbcrs, Mrs. Perry Dodson, Mrs. It. X. Fcnton. Mrs. Henry Four ier, Mrs. L. F. Donning, Mrs. Wm. Schrocdcr, Mrs. LoMleux, Mrs. Wal ters nnd MrD. Crawford. Francisco and Oaklnnd. IJr. Wnltcr nnd wlfo, John Mer chant and wlfo and Mrs. J. W. Mltch ol motored to Myrtle Point Thursday to attend tho fnlr. XIJW LAWSUITS FILED. Imformal Chat The following cases hnvo been fil ed In tho Circuit Court during the pnst week: ' Fred Noslor and Itotn Nosier vs. Miss Florence Jennings, a formor UufiiB P. King, Wm. A. King, Ellon King, Liyma . ain.cod, Liuncnu mc In detail tho methods used and tho! Intrlcato workings of tho most mod- cm dental nppllanQCB in tho 1'aclfle northwest. DR. DERHY WILL PRACTICE ALL BRANCHES OF DENTI8TRY.I HOWEVER SPECIALIZING IN THE FOLLOWING: es dent of leasts do. lint now res d- iving, low id n. .iici.coii, uuncaii aic- i.nimri.uv . . .. a & . ! Imail Btkk lillnlinli.1 filiiiBlnil lllirun " Schwartz: VIpo nrosldont. Anna on route to nrlduo. where ho will Dalloy, Mnttlo IJalley, ot nl, Suit to J-uui- uu.u a.mi PLASTICS, CO.V. OHTIIODON- Tlnivna Vncntv Ailvlanr. Mian Ilnrlf. tench Rplionl tlllw wllltor. V....H, v... ....., ....... ....... .. -.-. . . J1CB8. N Preliminary plans wero also made I Mrs. G. W. Kaufman and daugh for tho high school annual. Cecil tcr, Claudlno, left this week for Spo Jtoborson was chosen editor-in-chief. I knno. where they will visit Mm L.-T. (J. Kaufman b parents, Mrs. Cyrus Happy. unlet tltlo. I Rank of Myrtle Point vs. J, R. non son, C. A. Hcnson, his wife, E. F, Dav enport nnd C. C. Cnrtor. Wllllnm Duck, administrator of tho .1 ud go nnd estuto of Knto Ruck, deceased, vs. Mr. Kauf- u. a. ammi liur. t mir. lo., h. i. -y-i nVnri ncdomilanleil'thom nH far as V6H- Honth im Goo. Getting. . land and will return next weok. ' jnrvuz vs. iionjaiuwi uniion Tho L. T. G. Klrls wore pleasantly s' beck, suit for accounting, entertained Frlduv ovonlnc hv MIbb Mrs. W. S. Tnrnon. who linn boon ' Emma Falrcloth vs. Walter Fair Nelllo Warwick. At tho closo of a' quite 111, Is reported much Improved, i cloth; ault for divorce. Coqulllo pleasant evening of sowing delicious, 4 ToTroshmontu wore served lo1 tlvc ' Mrs. F. W. Hollstor is acconi liostcHS, whoso Buosts wero Misses pnnlng Mr. Ho1II8)opoii a camp.iigu Florence Powoib, Mnrjorie Grnhnm, tour of tho Willamette valley. Their Rorthn Davis, Ruth Diinguii, Dagmnr little sou, Fredorirk, accompanied Fllcsbcrg and Ruth Cowan. , them ns far ns Florence, where ho ' will remrlii nt he home nf h's mnnO Sentinel. .MAKRIAGi: LICENSES. L'ASTSIDE SOCIAL. will remrlii nt the home of h's gianO. , jnn( - parents, Mr. and Mrs. Retgmau. ' n, Ell O. MIIIh mid Emily O. McFnr- TIO (TOOTH HE(3Ur-TION). Hour: D to 12; 1 to G. Orflrn Phono, 3B7-J J - -Residence Phono, .loG-L Res. Address: Myrtle Arms. i - Last ovonlng the Maishfluld ludo- pendont Rasketball team defoatcd IMPORTANT NOTICE I)y ngreoment of nil tho bnrboi shops In Mnrnhflcld on nnd after fionrL'rt II 1ni mi nllil Mllflrnil Plnrnt Dnnlinr flrut nil alinii.1 will nlnan while hIMolks make an extended Coko. prorp"y nt 7 o'clock In tho eve- trip. . . . ' I William F. Adnms and Ida Davis. n'i't. except on Smith mill pay T w ' rnntilll.k Gttlitnl I tilii iki nnl iti n iiri if lititltta V U1IHIV UI'MIIHWIt I (1 ! .'lLtt I tt J l(r1lfa -T"-1 9 I MIhk IKihsIo Khuiniui will lonvo The Exposition Musical Company AND THE 1915 GIRLS AN EXCELLENT COMPANY OF ARTISTS WILL OPEN A.LIMITED STOCK ENGAGEMENT AT THE Masonic Opera HOuse, Sunday Evening, September 27th, 1914 w St B ir TB1ff W . r '4B iir "tfHF K J. MSKf B MfP 'Tklil SIPP V yj&49Hikk. 4 9&mK PF M Ka i Ljr lSiHflF i . y "NHnflkHMlllllU v 1191B1111bB llllHllRnavVkVrViKMAB Hfl? x i JiHCM9PitIHHH; miHHMMBillMlWM' yHifn l9MHB m. The campany consists of 15 people who have just concluded a ten weeks engagement In' San Francisco The per formance will commence at 8:30 p. m. and will consist of four, excellent vaudeville acts to be followed by the laughable mu sical comedy, "AT THE EXPOSITION" a sure remover of tho'jlues. The chorus musical numbers are all up-to-date and the costumes new and beautiful. askinir of nii..i,.,iliv , . a i Plio answers vary. VC fim1 ,. 7 eases out of ten. tho m,.,. !.. ... l Vl Ja oitier "b Cloud" or "Jr -Mini,! k h M we j'un aeross a I'nllou' .i,.... i " "own-in-the So far an wc arc coiirri-nn.i ..... " ire rc oph'minlic about comUtioHH. w We don't believe the HJiii-oP1111 , mwiii fM flwi A in.,..: n.. . .- '4(1 ....v- w w.v. -Liiiiuin-jui business iMnn deplorable as it nmv ho mui i.,i. . nil nuil-n t... ,.,.:c: i. i .. ""Bll .-.-,:. lowop It WC bclicvcfe, Initniii 4 i .irttil!.... 111.. " ,BUl io io uuiiuuuuu me better it wini iroiii ii uusiness stimclpoiiit. oil -American fanners are going to cot fill. . " prices ior tneir produce; American Uumfa era arc going to win rnrkets that tJ ('Olllfl totl(ll liofnrn wn'vn .:., i. i I "" "" B'""br to uc OTer-rl with l'KOBl-JKlTY-nnd it's going to last It's because we so thoroughly believe tk i . ...... i . ,,- uusiness is going to lie " Very Good "-if tor, that we've bought bigger, broader, fcfo stocks of merchandise than at any previous tia since we've been In business. Visit our store get in touch with the mi siasih that prevades it you'll quickly eatchtt spirit of optimism nnd be better for it. 0 bhout as loud as you can, "PKOSPEl ITY" to every man you meet nnd youlls business boom! Help along the good work. The Hub Dry Goods Co; Smart Wear for Women. We Live In A World Of Of Wranned in the study day by day-se iug to benefit nil we can relieving tfi strains that cause headaches and liervoa troubles. AVE TAKE NO CHANCES with your eves and are not living on off JraSXAMlNED-aJiASSBS KT RED CROSS OPTICAL DEPI. RED CROSS miVG STORE Phone 122 VIER PAINTS EVERYTHP Automobiles Signs House;Decorac Also carries n full Hue of Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Wall Paper, Brushes, E 376 N. Front St. Phone 2$ Try a Times Want Ad ForBest J nitffnTltrtiliirtBili .,.sj!t