THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1914-EVENlNG EDITION SIX MUSIC AMD MUSICIANS ONE FAMOUS TEACHER NOW VISITING COOS BAY AND ANOTHER TO COME HERE AVI Mi GUARD GARDINER. Tho Chnmlnndo Club met this week for the first time In two years. They plnn to resume their regular .meetings nud later on In tho season will Klvo a concert. Tho meeting wnB hold at the homo of Mrs. Win. Horsfall, Jr., who will direct In domand ns tholr price would pro-. hlblt tho usual music student pur chasing them, RUSSIAN NATIONAL ANTHEM tho chqrus work of tho club and T,or,i Q0d, protect tho czar! Pow'r Mm nrosident. Mrs. Chas. SUiuff,1 ' ..., ...... L" i.J -i ifi. ...oollnfr nr tin,! l '" unji"ii club will bo hold Friday morning. October 2, with Mrs. Horsfall. Thoso present this week were: Airs, unas Stauff, Mrs. Wm. Horsfall, Jr., Mrs. M. A. Sweotmnn, Mrs. C. II. AVnl tcr, Mrs. J. S. Coke, Miss Evelyn Anderson, Mrs. It. K. Dooth and Miss Clara Myron. May he In glory, In glory reign, Chort.8) Lord, God protect tho czar! Pov'r- ful and mighty, May ho In glory, In glory reign, Ho Is our guiding star, great In pcaco and war, Our fnlth's true protector, long Hvo the czar. t (Chorus) Charles Roach., tho young man who lost his a'rm In tho mill sonf) time ago, has been employed by tho Gardiner Mill Company as night watchmnn for tho town of Gardiner. Tho town being unincorporated, the expense of a night watchman must bo paid by prlvnto Individuals. A night watchman has never been con sidered necessary before, but with tho Incoming of so many strangers float ing from one rallrad camp to another the tlmo has como when a watchmnn is absolutely necessary for tho wcl faro of tho town. Now Is tho time to mnke a movo toward Incorporat ing. Umpqua Courier. AVANT HATE CUT. tho czar. Tho dopnrturo of tho Coos Ilay Hand this week for their engagement I i 11.. nA fnl nt Qnlnm tlnu n dUtncttumph for the musical !- ' r " rcl .i.fii.i Hnnnt. Thnt Pcaco and war, :,.. ..-., ',., i. ,Our faith's true protector, God save IIMJ UUI1U will tiv;iiuit iiiuiiioviiw ., credit Is unquestioned and tho city 111 ItnvA nnltinrl n rnnntntlnn fnr nut uti.u Bu,uvu mx I tm, Tr.Mli. nu.!.. ..In..ll n.t.l .. . , ,.. iiM-M ii,.i iii. iii'iiun vtjui ui mil, iiiitmnL iinii earnest effort In musical lines that ,,, ...m nrri.. in MnrUi,MnM ,,or any larger city might woll covet. weok nml w, opon 8tutIoa Bhorty Tho gift of tho Chamlnadc Club uftcr. Mr. GJcrdrum arrived In Now J of tholr collection of musical books York September 2, after a summer 1o tho public library this week means' Pent In Europe. Ho Is at pres- m, i !vi .,i,iin nf .i,n "t '" San Franc bco. Mr. GJordrun; city will hnvo access to thoso valua- woll known In Marshflold musle bio works. The Grovo Musical Die-1 circles and will bo warmly welcomed -tlonnrlos will probably bo tho most here. Music a Vital Feature of Russian Military Life Albany Mm ProtoM Annliist Oregon Power Company llntoH. SALEM, Or., Sept. 25. Alleging that the rates oxapted by tho Oregon Power Company fbr electric power for elevators In Albany arc excessive, Gilbert Brothers and a number of other mcrcantllo firms hnvo filed n complaint with tho State Railroad Commission. Tho minimum ehnrgo now Is f 1 per horsepower per month, and this tho complainants contend is. excessive Tho Commission ling granted per mission to the Portland, Etigcuo & Eastern llnllroad Company to con struct n grado crossing over u high way In Clackamns county. AT -THE (HOTELS Music has power, not only to sootho and chnrm tho snvngo breast, but to insplro the patriot and to strengthen tno weary soldier. Not tho least ef fccilvo righting man In tho armies of "Europo Is tho military band. Napoleon tho Great wroto In 1S12 that "tho weird and barbaric tunes of thoso bestial Cossack regiments In furlntcd tho half-starved .Muscovites Jo tho maddest rngo, and they wiped out tho vory cream of my army." Ivan Naroduy of Russia declares that to thlH day tho Russian army re fuses to fight without music, that, If deprived of this fighting forco It would bo cowardly and Inefficient, nud Mint from music It nbsorbs a mag ic powor of endurnuco and forgets suffering and death. According to lilm, tho musical contingent of tho llusBlnn hosts Is twice tho slzo of our regular army In tho United State's. Tho military bnudH of Franco nud Gormnuy sink Into liiHlgulfirnuco be side thoso of Russia. I Naroduy roluliw that one night bo foro tho battle of Mukduii a group of Russian soldiers urged tholr rogluion tnl baud to play such plocos as Tehul kowsky's "Slav .March." Tho request had to bo refused for strategic reas ons. A soldier pathetically ropllcd: "I must hear my favorite mnrcli this fntnl evening; It's n stimulus to nc- A 1! The Chandler Hotel. Fred II. Murphy. Portlond: A. F. Mrs. E. C. Morse, Berkeley, Cnl.; J. R. Saylor, Palo Alto; Charles F. Papo, Ilniiilon: J. R. Wothorbeo, Lnnglols; ronill ' W. W. Cornwall and wlfo, Cooston; ,' . G. W. Starr, Coqulllo; F. E. Drnno, 1)0 ", Handon; A. Ai. Oakes, Portland; eorgo WAR . f r t-. i i f i I I t 1 I t On high midsummer's sun looks down and warms World harvests to t' olr rlpenoss with Its hoart; Tho tassoled corn, tho fields of guidon whont, The orchard's bending bnuglii nud fruitful farms In smiling plenty fair roposo; the charms Of peace were novor fairer or mora sweet. Hut Ilston! On world Htfllnoss comos tho beat Of drums, and lo.' behold n w rid In arms. i From plains on which omlmt led Europo stood A century ago and wat':hO'l tho star Of groat Napoleon wano and not in blood Again thero cornea tho shock of world wldo war A war of untlons now agn'r. Is on And night descends as earth i 111 hoped for dawn. Oh, Europo! Long Ilka CM uus you have sown The dragon's teeth thnt no v as armed men Spring up nud, like tho d"ugon from his den They rend nud tour! Earth s'uiddors and tho moan Of stricken ones Is heard, an not alono From battlefields there co lies tho cry of pain Whoro Death the harvest naps as slckled grain, But from a million homes i i war's red zono! Oh, kaisers twain, twain kin s and thou dread czar, Who moblllza your fleets and armies vast And send them forth to wor t your will In war And blend tho nations In 1 1 ono holocaust! Not nil your pomp and prayer i can now atono Tho ruin you havo wrought U I Time bo flown. PROTECT NATIONAL ANTHEM. OAKLAND. Cull! , Sept. 26. As sorting that tho sense of patriotism of many Americans Is outraged by tho trivial ufo often nuido or the American national nnthoni, "Tho Stnr-Spangled Banner," and tho nat ional hymn, "My Country, 'TIs of Theo," in vaudeville and other thea trical performances, tho Alameda, County Music Teaihers' Association c i"iHhI!k 1 no representative musi cians of tho east bay cities, Iiiib en tred nrotest. It is in a form of n resolution appealing to public son iiment for tho enactinout of legis lation restricting tno use or tho national alts only to public gather lugs of a illijniflod character. MOHROCCO OUSTS GHR.MAXS BERLIN Sept. 25. The Wolff Bu reau says It Is reported from pale- tlon and a solnco to tho soul." Whllo Medlne, Boston; Mtb. C. R. Andorson, dying In bnttlo tho poor follow whUI- Bandon; Mrs. L. Tnylor, Bnndon; J. lo.l tlm rnvorlt.. march Hint 1m had Urow Allen, Senttlo, Thomas Dixon, . . ,, Eiigcno; Frank II. Pago, Portland; IIUUIU DU UllVlli Tho surgeons of tho Russian army assort that were it not for roglmcntn' iiiubIc tho physical and moral tlon among tho soldiers would per cent worse than they nro. Mus'e Charles R. Andorson. San Francisco; has become n vltul font tiro In RiiBslan1 Roy P. Campbell. Jnrvls; N. M. Bnk- mllltury llfo. It helps with Russian J1,1'' ,,a' I,0,nt- Cal- c- K- 0WB Un' rollglon to mnko oven an Ignorant . " T,l0 ,jJo , n(t., peitBiuit a devoted patriot and n fatnl-1 j. Fleanoi, Bautiou; 13. W. llnloy, 1st to whom llfo means no more than Myrtle Point; F. L. Matson, Camp 7; , to a Moslem xoalot. Tho power of J; ,)ol' I,(,lt; ,' L11n,0,e1?- Htlrrltii: iniiBl.- oviir lilm l n Biilrltnn k'H8 V1'1'0 ,,olllt: J- W- Klrkpnt Btirnnj, miisiu our mm Is a 8piiuua. ,qk Nort Ilon(,. R Il0Her (Jnr. Intoxicant. 'diner; Irwin Rosb, Gnrdlnpr; R. San- Slmllnr phenomenn nro noied In dors, Gold Beach; Miss C. Wilson, other soldiery. "Marching Tliroug'i uol uo,. Georgia" hoi long been a favorite A K j ? AriVS S G iui wm iiruiBii jinny mill pmn now j,, cilirk, Flirgnil, OKIn. speed Into even the tlrodostifoot. It i The St. Iuw!ciiec lintel, also Is a fovorito with tho heroic Math Rannee. San Francisco; A. GorminiH Tho laiinimse entered Port c'Qr niiluth; Georgo Price, Knmo GeinaiiB. no jnimiiuBL uniaiaii I oil ,. Q ,,, spraguo. North Bond; A. Arthur In 10or. to tho strains of tho mCe nnd family, Benver Hill. snmo thrilling tune. "John Brown's Bodv" I. more ospei'lally tho son of NOKK TRl'TII AIIOl'T KANSAS tho enlisted man. but ".Murchln . ; , ...,. Through Goo.gln" Is l:o nlr or tho' K""H11,H 1,aH ,,n , lroHll,UIoii for hands. hns won tho liking of mill- vor thirty yoars; thousands of liur tnrv musicians all over tho glob. ll.ulatlo. .fi yours of ago, novor saw u saioou. i Out of 10. counties tho prohibi tory law Is successfully enforced In ,100. j Kansas has fewer murdors, fowor homicides nud fewer accidental denths than any othor state In tho union. Out of 1 0.1 counties, 18 of thoso counties did not send u prisoner to tho penitentiary Inst your; 87 counties' did not soud nn Insane pa tleno to tho asylums. In II conn tlos no Jury has boon called In 10 yearo to try a criminal caso; 53 counties hnvo empty Jails; 38 counties hnvo empty poor houses. Chicago Illinois and tho state of Kansas hnvo about tho samo popula tion, yet tho number of inmates In tho penitentiary nnd Jails and girls and boys' reformatory nnd feobla minded Institutions of Kansas, all put togothor do not equal tho total numbor of Insane in tho Cook Coun ty Asylum, Tho foregoing fncts are a mnttor of record, not guesswork, Proof posi tive that LIQUOR AND CRIME ARE INSEPARABLE PALS! Crlmo costs tho nation six billions of dollars annually. For overy dol lar of rcvonue paid In by liquor It costs tho nation two dollars in cash to repair tho damage caused by the saloon, WHISKEY WOMAN'S W O E; . CHILD'S SORROW. VOTE 322 X YES Nov. 3. Thoro Is moro to bo feared from tho voters who stay at homo Nov. 3, than from all tho hosts of tho J Liquor traffic. Every brewer, pro- n curer, wnito siaver, bartended, and tholr kind will bo roglstored and will go to tho polls Nov. 3 Will you? Tho respectnblo man or woman who ronmlns at homo on election day will help tho cause of intem perance as much as tho ono who ' casts a wet ballot. Will tho saloons contlnuo to ply their blasting trade ' because you did not enro enough i to reglstor and then go out and voto? Voto 322 X yes Nov. 3. But reg Utor now! (Paid Adv.) Mm Anon. rmo by the German Charge d' af fairs at Tangier, that ho and tho nioiuber8 of his legislation wero handed tholr passports by tho Mor occan government on August 19, and forcibly taken on hoard the French cruiser Cassard which conveyed them to Palermo. Tho Wolff Bureau dis patch points out that this action Is a brenoh of lntornntlonnl law, since Tauglor is tho capital of the Interna tional zone in which tho diploma tic representatives of the signatory powers of tho Algorlcas conference still exorclso control. "This arbi trary act," says tho Wolff Burqau di spatch, "was possibly only with the consent of England, in view of the location of Gibraltar." Statement of Condition OF Flanagan & Bennett Banks Of Marshf ield and Myrtle Point, Ore. At the Close of Business September 32, 1914 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $642,163.08 Banking Houses and Heal Estate 64,973.91 Cash and Sight Exchange 292,054.46 Total. $999,191.48 LIABILITIES Capital Stock Paid in $ 75,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 72,832.50 Deposits 851,358.92 Total $999,191.48 The money in this bank is Insured ngalnst loss by Night or Day Robbery. United States depository (or Postal Savings, SAVINGS DEPARTMENT INTEREST IS BEING CREDITED AS OF SEPTEMBER 1, 1914 IN SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Bring In Your Pass Books FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS BAY Stfcly Deposit Boxes For Rait. KQUIPPKI) WITH WIHKLKSH. Steamship Breakwater aijwAvb on timk. SAILS KItOM ItAILItOAD Io'(MC, MAItKIIKIKLI), DUltINO THE MONTH OK SEPTKMIMCK ATl-::iO P. M ON THE UNI), Tl'll, JUTH, 17TII, UUNI) AM) U7T M. Tickota on haIc to ull KuMcrn litfl "ml Itifoi'itiailoa n to ri..t nd r.Me clieordrlly ftinilcbrM. Phono HB-J. S C. II. liANDKHK. Agent T Inter-Ocean Transportation Co. Serai-weekly servico Coos Bay ind San Praucisco. S. S. RedoVdo. SAILS FOB SAN FKANCISCO AND SN PKIlW) l-'rom COO HAY MONDAY SCPTIvMllim UH ANT : ,P. .M. Equipped with wireless and submarlAt; bell.. Passengers and lreight. S. S. NANN SMITH Equipped with wireless and submarino bvell. Passengers and freight. SAII FOU MAHSHFIELl) PHOSI SAX FHAXCISC'C Fill DAY, SEPT. U3, AT 8 1'. M. Sari Praneisco office, Greeuwich street piler No. 23 and 600 Fife building. Coos Bay Agent, C. P. McGeorge, Phon)o 44. PASSENGERS Arrow FREIGHT T0RAGE Line Steamers -SAIL FHOM- San Francisco Pier No. 26. Every Wednesday 3 P.M. Cooa Day Kvory Friday To Portland And Tuesday To San Francisco Portland Albera Docjk No. 3 Every Sajturday 0 A. (M. Phono 27ft. THOMAS H. JAMES, Agent Ocean DocK flarshfisld. ir"niiunj ii,w,:, n. O.rr?.o,ui Br -",l0i' mfa. LuWR?? Maniifieid .S'na. w reasonable:","! H" TnARSFEn i CHIMNEYB Call at "Th. p , S v-vuiygniitl. St. uwhesc Steam heat, hot m Si "iiewih "ks D BS r Prices Reason w"" muiiiciuai 4 fl HAVE THAT ROOFf NOV Sec CORTHEll fnone 3171. ' SUITS CI.KAXED AXB i.i Mi'iTH JUIIR TO 01 VI! lis A n UNIQUE PANTA10N JAY DOYLE &C.0BM 2BC Central Ate. Pkctil Pictures &Frai Walker Studio LAMBETH'S AUTO s9 6TAXI) AT CIIAXDUBI i'iioxi: m. WU.U RO AXYWIIKItEinO m:v cau ami aiti IIIIIVI.V0 HATIIH TO OAMI'IXO M LYNN LAMBETH,! Oh nor ami Urim.1 r. i. HOAii'K ta a. it m Marshfield M Kallimitc furoUri I'hmin HOW. ManhfrM,! THE COOS HOE tfnnnnrll- of MnlS WASHINGTON AVEM1. STAIir.i , vniiTH HDD O. A. MetUn, IVf DRY W0 AT- CAMPBELL'S WOOOtl North Fr01" 8B,, - KOONTZ GARAGEJ lee Tlfijs --. OOOS COUNTY'S M0 WIW .uu AirroJW HEPAIROoiavi .. V'OR Biit? SOUTH PMOT . 2Vl OUARQW J I To Portland every Thursday To Eurifeka every Monday THE PAST AND COMFOHTAI1LE S S. Geo. W. Elder NEWLY EQUIPPED NOHTH PACIFIC STEA3ISHIP C. P. McGEOKGE AGENT WjlH. PAINTER Phono 44, Marshfield Phone 4211, North Bend NO SAW ED0 l in- TOUR OOIXASJJ U yon hnvo "? twin orrvjj SMITH'S VARIETY Sl8f bM,m North BenAj for FanovHandA BifagYonrJojl To THE TIMES, - .. X -r- .wk-i K 4t. ?1. iJMo & JSmMiSf kgjjBggHIHIHHHMHH