j"7y'V-f.i g "The Fixup" With us it is not so much juestion of gaining a reputation as it of maintaining our position as this comnni- ..i.. ctuwiflv nnri iM'ifn st.nVn Yfiv nimi mwl -7S 01H.V w,v"v ",v-" "" bg 1011' To this end we are allied with Arn ica's fastest growing clothing insti- ion. The connection is an an important one bc- C by simply auunig muuurii ream selling inctli to their good clothes, wo are able to bring to .a 4i DO to ffe30.00 all that anv man can nur- p auywncrt, at u. I'mx. KUPPENHEIMER CLOTHES . .- . . WW isc Wf 'Fourteen For Fall 'Fourteen 18 $30 ?" . .it. .. k ' C i I. corymoHr iu THI HOUOC Or KUPPKNHCIMf R i '" v - he Royal Tpnight THE HOUSE OF BIG FEATURES George Kleine Presents Y : 'Between Savage and Tiger" IrrSixParts A wild animal subject, teeminn with excitement and venture. .A thrllllna and realistic story of a Lieuten- lant's adventures in the jungles of India. -This, is .the real thing and the animals slain in this picture are all real happenings and not merely acted in some menagrie. Lower Floor 20c Balcony 10c Children 10c Tomorrow MntinPf "THF MILLION DOLLAR MYS TERY" Tnmnn-ftiii M!l.i Ti i r- nAMOUTCD HC A PDEEtf" J three reel Victor Special, Tuesday Night, This is (he feature night of the week, a progressive feature, that is jar ahead of any of the other kind, THE THREE MOONSHINERS . , In six Reels m 5REVIT155 nJ,l)K? K0.11 SEPTEMBER Below la given the time and SSffifleVd. W"h nDd '0W -tCr 0t Tho titles are placed In tho ordor of occurrence, with their times on WIO first llllO ntlrl tinlirM., nn K Second lino Of onrh ilnv n nn-- ISOn Of COIlBDCIltlva hnlfrlita ..111 l. I . . . - . . w .. J f. . . o 11 111 111' u n.a m wneinor it ir water. For ....... '--;&'.;: -- i m iJiiiii j.ii iiimi ii i u.i, i i i - I, " hlch nr Inw hlf?li wnor nw M. tM. subtract two hours 34 minutes. it lira. . s.BS IPt... 4.8 2G lira.. 0.25 Ft. 0.2 20Hrs.. -.32 Ft... 0.0 11.08 5.30 0.0 1.8 C.4 0.0 7.0G 12.05 C.31 4.4 2.3 6.0 8.20 1.21 7.4 1.2 2.C 5.0 I WEATHER FORECAST tnr AiikI1J rrn la Coo Br Tlmr. I OREGON Knln and cooler In I oast; southerly winds, Increasing I to modernto gale along coast. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD. For tho 24 hours ending at 4:43 a. m., Sept. 2C, by UenJ. Ostllnd, special government me teorologist: Maximum 67 Minimum 4c At 4:43 a. m 53 Precipitation 42 Precipitation slnco 8ept. 1, 1914 fl.r.8 Proclpltntlon samo porlod last year . . .' 2.94 Wind: Southwest, Cloudy. KING YOUR JOB PRINTING TO THE COOS BAY TIMES I w Dixon lnivtw. Supt. Thomas nix on of tho McArthurvl'crkB company oft yeserduy for Ton Mllo afer spend ing a couplo of hours hore. Ho had Jus coma In from Eugono, making an iHiiui'iuii nrip over 1110 Coos Hay l-.UKt.im III1U. Too .Muddy for Auto. Dr. Woth erueo or tno star Kanch In Curry Luiuuy ih iiuro louay on routo to Port land. Ho tried to go out via tho Al legany lino, but last night's rain put tho machines out of business ngnln nnd ho had to return this afternoon and will go north on tho Ilreakwator. Autos Stuck. C. If. Codding of h Ingstaff was in Marshflold today and Htated that last night three orfour autos got stuck In tho mud In tho county road near tlioro. Tho mach ines wero on routo from Myrtle Point and some or them wore hold up for tlireo or four hours. CiifrliiM Salmon Henry Hugglns, while flailing on North Coos HIvor yesterday, lunded n sixteen pound salmon with a reel nnd rod. Ho wns fly fishing and had caught qulto n few trout when another fisherman per suaded him to put on somo salmon oggs and It was with theso that ho landed the salmotf. after n forty-flva mlnuto fight. V.ftliei nirfeicnre. To show to thq.iieoplue of Coos counb' Just how .much they can be thankful for tho Chamber of Commerce has received from Hbverond William if. Holl a par pf oxtra hearrmlttCM.at least luqio itiches thlckVhlch .wore used yjara ago in Novla Scotia br Fathnr tossmun.. a pioneer nlsslonar)' Plac-I idJn,j&o wludSw tho tnlttens caus ed .j .,'roat doa,lyjf comment; I Nt'iirlv M'ltlll lltmnra Ci.nnl.1 ltea,th, qt Ibii clty.ra sophomoro ntl uiunivoraur or urJigqn, aUho elec tion of his claBsmatott.hold In Itugeno a few days ,go, wna a strong con tender for tho treasurershlii Mm olass. bolng beaten out by only a close mnrcln. J-'rnnat .'lilMnu nr n.i ! after n hurried visit homo whence she wns called n few days ago on tho rcco!pt of news that her brother I'll Mp Lnndrith was seriously 111. Tho young innn wns reported to bo a little better today, though rela tives claim they Iuivq noticed little difference in his status, Pi Jest i.ofutcs Hcjv. Itev. Father McOovitt, who lias been filling tMs cimrgo nu 0.1 as t".o Xort'.t Bend charge, lias been named to tako charge of the Mnrshflcld parlslu Ho lins moved to Marshtlcld nnd occupies the residence on South Sixth street which Father Munito vacated. Miss Donnelly is In charge of the parochial residence. His appointment hero will be gratifying news to the ninny friends ho has made since coming to tho Day. Couldn't Htny Auny Intent upon making n living with tho least pos sible effort and having n groat liking for the city wero two features that combined to lunu c. rsolnn In tho city Jail twice in the last 21 hours. Ho was found bogging enrly yesterday afternoon niut given a berth In the lock-up. He had 25 cents on him nt tho tlmo nnd was turned out on tho promise that he would reform, Hut ngnln this morn ing tho mnn was given until 2 o'clock to got out of town. , Commissioner Here. County com missioner Cleo. J. Armstrong enmo ov er from Ilnmlon today to meet his nephew, Ivan Stlce of Petnluma, Cal., who enmo In on tho Hcdondo. Tho latter arrived In tlmo to catch, tho morning train and Mr. Armstrong missed him. However, Mr. Arm strong will remain over Monny and In company with Judge Hall will in spect the Wlllnnch Inlet dredging nnd sco if the county cannot pro- vldo funds for tne completion of tr.c work, providing tho citizens tlioro aid somer more. Mr. Armstrong has been very busy looking nrter county road Improvements and Is doing somo flno permanent concrete work on tho bridges. Ho has not had much tlmo to pay to politics and snys that he Is relying on tho uervtco ho is giving tho public to got votes. : FOR SALE MONDAY Tel. 77 AND KVKItV 1IAY AFTtilt, A COMPI.KTE LINK OF HAIimVAHK FARM IMPLEMENTS, IIOUSEIIOM) I'TKXSILS. PAINTS. OILS AND VAItMSIIKS, AliSO A COMPLETE LINE OF COOK STOVES ItANOKH AND IIEATEItS. .PLl'MIHNO AND IIHATfVtt a mim CIAIrV. Schroeder & Hildenbrand General Ropair Shop Hardware and Plumbing PERSONAL MENTION conferred upon Joo Shcohan, of Port- V. E. WATERS, of North Dead, was In Coqulllo todny on business. OTTO GROKB nnd rmnlly went up to taken In tho fair today. AUGUST CARLSON was a Coos RIv or visitor in Mnrahflcld today. MRS. C. W. HICKOX was a visitor at tho Myrtle Point fair today. F. II. POWERS and wlfo loft yester day to attend tho Myrtlo Point fair. J. W. KING, of tho Coos River Creamery was a visitor today. RALPH DARKER enmo up this morning from South Inlet. AUGUST CARLSON, of Coos River, wns down from his homo today. G. M. WALKER, of Tomploton, wns In tho city todny on business. MRS. GEORGE NOAH of Allegany shopped In tho city today. EDGAR HANSON enmo up on auto stage from South Inlet todny. MR. AND MR8. MOHLEY wore In tho city todny from Mllllcomn. L. F. HAUPERMAN was down today on business from Catching Inlet. J. T. DAVI8 was n visitor horo today from his homo In Tom- plotou. F. A. M'LEES returned todny from Alaska, whoro ho has -spout the pnst few months. ALFRED LUNDSTROM nnd wlfs came down today from Haines Inlet. MRS. r. c Mcculloch went up to spond the day nt tho fair, leav ing on tho morning train, F. A. 8ACCIII nnd Ills two children took In tho fair at Myrtlo Point touay. HENRY FRYE visited In Myrtlo Point today, the fair bolng tho chief attraction for him. ..Mil. .(inn mun. 1. niviiuuo num up to tho fair nt .Myrtle point this morning. In tho city on buslnens margin. Ernost TVatklns; of naminn was nlflo a contondor for . tho prosl-.MRS. 8AM JUMPER, of Halnos In ....., w. i.,u wil.na, uijf HOJIUr uoing lot, Avns today. V WKIIRTRR. nf KnrMi C!nn nivnr. ItetlirnN tn SoIkm1. Ml TllnnM.al i-n n vlnltnr In thn pltv tnilnv n Landrlth, of North Coos-River, who' business. Is at present teachlncr sclmni nt WILLIAM LAXSTROM was a vlsl- Handon, returned there this morning tor in tho city today from Catch ing iniot. CHARLES MAHAFFY wns down from his homo at Allegany today on business. J. II. PRICE, of Allegany, wns In th,e ,clty, jRllay attending to busi ness matters. It. M. SARTER and wlfo autoed to Myrtle Point yesterday to tako In tho fair. $25. 00 $25.00 &3bKdtt&&!iSS: of a blcyclo thief in Marshflold. (Signed) MARSHFIELO CYCLFRY JAS. FERREY and wifo cawo down from his ranch yesterday for a short stay, MISS ELLA REIHER came down this morning from Haines Intet on a shopping trip. MRS. DRADFORD WHEELER re turned todny from a visit with friends In Dunsmuir, California. GEORGE KOSS was In from his Catching Inlet ranch on n short business trip today. DR. R. R. HAMILTON returned to ,day from a brief business visit to Portland. STANLEY URIGGS returned today from n trip to tho Wlllnmotto Val ley. FRED KNOX was called to Coqulllo today to attend to matters of business". A. E. HANDSELL went up to Myr tle Point this morning to attend tho fair. MRS. C. W. VIERS nnd Mrs. John Yiors went up to nttond the coun ty fair this morning. MRS. I. M. NICHOLS and children roturned to tholr homo nt Kit chen Creek todny nftor visiting In tho city with friends. J. W. MOTLEY, of tho Chamber of Commerce, nnd G. W. Starr wero Interested visitors nt the county fair In Myrtlo Point. MRS. JOSEPH DUNSON. wlfo of Capt. Dunson of the Lighthouse, returned todny from a visit with re latives at northern nolnts. REV. SAMUEL GREGG returned to day from attendance at tho con ference of tho Christian churches of Oregon. MRS. FRANK CATTERLIN nnd her mother ,Mrs. Ida Conrad, roturned today from a visit of several weeks In Portland. JAMES ROONE. now running an on glno beyond Myrtlo Point on tho now Smlth-PowerH Hue, wns a visi tor hero yesterday. A. HEUNERGARDT, school teachor nt Allegany, was In tho city to day attending to matters of busi ness. RUIJEN nnd JOHN MATSON camo down from tholr homes nt Catch ing Inlet nnd spent tho day In tli'n city on business. I. NORDSTROM roturned this morn ing to his homo In Handon oftor having visited here for n fow dnyH with rrlcnds. MRS. ROSA PREUSS. teachor of school district No. 5C noar Catch ing Inlet enmo down todny to spond Sunday hore. MISS FLORA 8TAIN8 and Mrs. A. Hanson loft on (ho morning train for Myrtlo Point nt attend tho fair. A. E. FI8K of tho Intor-Ocenn Trans portation company nt 8nu Francis co nrrlvcd hero on tho Adollno' Pn'ltli todny for a fow days stay. ATTORNEY CHAS. I. REIGARD loft for Coqulllo tills morning whoro ho wont on court business. Ho was accompanlod by Mrs. Rclgnrd. ATTORNEY GEORGE WATKIN8 wont to Coqulllo today whoro lib appears In, tho Klnnoy case bolng hoard tlioro before Judgo Harris of Eugene. ATTY. CHAS. SEHLHREDE loft this morning for Coqulllo whoro ' I1,0 wn, called In connection with tho KJnnoy caso being heard thero today. t C. W. HROWN who recently return od from on oxtonded trip to 8an Francisco lias takeTn a position In tho C. W. Wolcolt grocory WILL HENNESSEY, whown, f.oro from' tho Smlth-Poworg mlnfflght before Inst, said that tho expect to ship n big consignment of coal on the Redondo noxt week. E. A. ANDERSON nnd wlfo and W. B. Curtis nnd wlfo nro expected home today from Shlphord's Springs, nsh., where they have been en joying n fow weoks' stay. O. E. WEAVER, a formor woll known Coos Day boy but now a successful nttornoy of San Fran cisco, nrrlvod horo today to visit friends and relatives. THOMAS E. MOSS went over to Mnrahflcld Monday to meot hl wife, who camo In on tho Georgo W. Elder that day from Graud Junction, Colo., whoro they for merly resided. Coqulllo Sentinel. amp AD I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I FOR LEAKE A shingle mill Rood opportunity for1 right person. Ad dress enro Times. &S Child ireirs Pliotos, Wo mako n spoclqlty of photos of children. We" have toysJ,for tho little tots nnd take especial care to make photos that "are attractive, pleasing and natural. Bring tho children hero. QUARTERMASS STUDIO Front Street Opposite Blanco Hotel NEW FALL MILLINERY SUITS COATS-DRESSES Just Arrived See THE PARISIAN first and it will save you from wanting to look further. ' TOR MEN We are sole agents for the world renowned .' KNOX HATS "The 'Owl" THE CENTRAL AVE NUE DRUG STORE. Tho Homo of tlioV SERVICE you hear about. FOR KENT (I room riintlshcd hou5o PhoneS 3 1-R. FOP. SALE White Orpington cock erels. Phono 3120. WANTED Place iw wnlCer In Cafe Address Caro of Times. FOR SALE Top for light ik-llvcry wagon. Cheap, Sco Schroodor & Hildenbrand, COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER lo- slrcfl position; especially woll quali fied In Inw and county offlco work, n rapid typist. Address B, caro ot Times. LOST f I,OST Gentleman's wntch rlinln with blue moonstono charm attached. Howard for roturn to Times offlco. FOR HALE Stationary giusollno ph- gino. tank, pump and pipo, JlOO Call 284XX. rOH HALE Two year Icako on 49 acres, most all bottom. Stock, crop, 10 cows, 10 hogs, 12 tons ban 120 chickens, somo applos. All la good condition. Inquire Capt. of North Star. FOR HALE 7n thoroughbred Browa Leghorn roosters, your cholco 1. J. E. Fitzgerald. Phono 31 CI.. I FOR RENT I FOR RENT Furnlhed U roo Housekeeping apartmonts, 413 N. 2nd, St. FOR RENT a room for keeping. 1C3 2nd. St. 8. HOUJW- FOH KENT Three suite flat. Phoaa Dr. Leslie FOR IUCNT Ttvo flat .furnished or unfurnlnucd, In Madden UIJr.. North Front street; aLso house keeping rooms. FOR RENT Large house In Soirifc Marshflold, 12th Court. Ph. 119-L XT Iie Grand To-Nigh t "MR. BUNNY IN DISGUISE." A splendid comedy with Flora Finch and John Bunny. A real Satuiday night feature. "THE KLONDIKE BUBBLE" A two-part feature of tho Alaska gold fields. HEARST-SELIO NEWS PICTOR IAL. NO. 36. This issue Is very In teresting. All events are worth see ing and will sure please. Tho 3rd story of "THE MAN WHO DISAPPEARED." The most thrilling and exciting serial story In pictures. FIVE REELS ALL NEW, Children, 5c. AdulU. 15c. , Sunday matinee the seventh story of "THE PERILS OF PAULINE.." JIAIRYJtANOII TO RENT Rente .can bifir stock and farm Implement B.TftncJU. .Hep sepaJile WWfisPU ur wjiio w. v. uu(iu, Aiieguuy, ur, . FOR RENT Furnisltcd room for om or two young mon. All modoru conveniences, 422 Hall avo. or Phono 175-J. FOR RENT Furnished flut, modem conveniences, hot and cold water Apply Third and 35S Highland. FOR WENT Well hiniWuwl flat and houses. Phono 443, FOR RENT Furnished house, mod orn. No children. Phone 311, 322 or 298. WANTED BOARDERS WANTED Good liom In private family noar business dis trict. Prices reasonable. It will pay to Investigate Inquire Tlmo WANTED To borrow 92000 nt B por cent for 3 to G years. First mortgago on 100 acres Improved farm, 80 acres bottom land, Ad dress Box P, care Times, WANTED Married mnn wants work on ranch. F. F, Flshor, Marshflold- WANTED Place- on ranch for wo man and 16-year-old son. Ad dress care Times; THE FAH WEST SALES COMPANY ot Albany, Oregon,, has a Bteady, pemanent position awaiting tha first person in each locality an swering' this advertisement. Po sitions being taken rapidly. Your address brings particulars and frea samples.' WANTED Woman to act as nurse and housekeeper for elderly inval id. Apply Mrs, H. Sengstackeq. :W -i-ijBjT 1 .Ki Sy il ..' tf . 1 4 tA Th .