Vim THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD. OREGON. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1914 EVENING EDITION Vkf1 m COOS BAY TIMES' M. C MALOXKV DAN K. .MALOXKV Killtor nml Pnb Xcws Killtor Offlclnl Paper of Coos County. Entered at the Postoffico at Marsh-) Hold, Oregon, tor transmission through tbe malls as second-class mall matter, KIXXKV CASK OPKXS. T F BHADSHAW I .ir ,i,.u,in TO llllMNb MYRTLE POINT Thotnns F. firndshaw, who was iterated hero until about a year ago, being engaged In the machine bust Slotlon HcJw lNiwl of THHlsjr to (, wh arry J KlmbaU( lms mv8 Judge Harris Is at Coqullle today terlousty disappeared In Portland to start tho hearing of the Kinney He resided In the O'Connell apart- cnoes to clear the way for Receiver nients while here. He went to Port- "VVnttors to proceed with the sale of ,and nrrange ,or tho 8alc or ninn. the property to pay creditors. Mo- , A , ,, , tlons. etc., nre being disposed of this nocture of a new gasoline engine afternoon and the matter may be which he and Mr. Kimball perfected reached before night. iand while doing this took a position ' ". . ... wh the Fonl company (Jo iner Poor. J. uoyie ana E Largest Crowd in History of Fairs There Saw Yester day's Contests. (Special to The Times.) MYRTLE POINT. Or.. Sept. 26. One of the largest crowds that ever assembled In Myrtle Point attended the fair here yesterday. As usual, the races were the center of Interest ti. nnninn and some good events wero nulled uu- ...(,. uu , , i..-. ...! Ulli A IIU llill'K 1? Ill KUUtl qilllll- .IIIM " " --. ..I.... t.".. n ... ! Imfnn. . ...HIV I, ill ,u I ii ...... V. Welch left this morning on a bont " , V.J .i . K0OU lune was mnne ,n n" u,e cve"18- fnr mi ihn iinv. nvnoctlnc to co to wr broke out with the expectancy The Judges. Messrs. Sceley. Mctlin, Loon Lake, where they will spend a that the French government might McMullen and Roberts, and Starter couple of days deer hunting. The take hold of tho proposition, but the Jicuices eliminated ueiays ueiweei men took a light camping outfit withf , , M KlmhM n""" races them. Doyle declared before he left ' ' , . before 4 o clock. The biggest races that he would not return untu he had found some venison and friends nre wondering whether or not he took enough provisions with him. saw him about a month ago ana nro for todav. bettlnir belnc heavy was much surprised when he saw the on tho Coos county derby. The relay following In the Portland Telegram: race yesterday was won by Dement s Tkm, ,, n-,,1.1,--. nrin.n string with "V oakum s second and nn Thomas K Bradsha. superlnten- 0. cment 9tr,njr th,rd Thc other races resulted as follows: Mil. .wn MRS. 11. Cl'RTIS. Mr.tat thc ForJ Motor Car Com and Mrs. E. A. Anderson and Mr 'pany's local plant, and the son of a Half mile trot Emma Xasburg. who have been California millionaire, Is missing, and jrponding some time at Shlpherds thiS moralng Detective Captain Uaty tSMaPr9shf?e.JS?odhaySt0n Vtoo an inquiry at the rcouest . I. H. STICK arrived this morning of Hradshaw s company and his wife on the Xann Smith from San Bradshaw was appointed to the Francisco and left on the train position with the automobile corn ier luiutiu. nc in iviaini' ui 0. J. Armstrong there, and goes on a visit. V. E. BEST, of the Estabrook com-; appeared. As superintendent he was pany, has been here from Bandon ,0i, ,ht It was his dutv to find the ."iifTiiS "!! motor. This he seemed unable to do.- Police Captain Inskeep and Patrol- IMS 1-2. pany ten days ago. Soon after he hook charge a valuable motor dls- loading of the Speedwell. He says TTanrfnn Ic nrrtnrlnr HMirfA Laird is going ahead with his new "Men Gouldstone and A. L. Long were building, as are Dr. Bigg and Capt.. notified last night of a highway Jofcnscsr. robbery near Bradshaw's home, 1293 t MnDTU Dt-Rin Memo T treot orth- Investigation dls I NORTH BEND NEWS closed BradshaWs personal papers scattered on a bank by the side of ? The Noctt Be Library Astoria-, t he street. The soil, however, was rirJl lilu vjSl .hI11 nll disturbed, and Detective Crad Loggte Hall rrWay aitero after .... . ,,...,, . school hwirs- The pun f this Is th morning said he believed ro later the ehlWresi In working the holdup was a hoax. i tor a trt nWt Mfcrary l North. Bradshaw has a good reputation Bead An aailsstM fee of fire and ..d hxd msr friends here, where its will W charwj and the . ... .MM, , .. Jim Baldwin, 1 2 2. Billy Murray. 3 3 3. Wahke. 2 11. Time: 1:12 1-2. 1:1 Half Mile dash Eureka, 1. Mary D. Hume. 2. Rogue River. 3. Sir Ashton, 4. Time 51. S-4 Mile dash Teloskl. 1. IToges. 2. Abella. 3. Ada Sain, 4. Time: 1:16 1-2. lVcdncxIny's Result Wednesday's races resulted'. fol lows: Half mile harness race Wahke. 1 1. Billy Murray. 2 2. Pollerton. 3 3. Timer 1:16 and 1:14. Three-eighths dash Eureka 1. Teddy T. Mary D. Hume 3. Time: 37. Half mile harness race Shamrock. 1 1. Jim Baldwin. 2 2. Bonnie June, 3 3. Time: 1:1Z both heats. In the mile running race. Glfftooft . i IXiiIai. tl..f AVKXT TO VANCOUVER. W4V"V v'" ""'u': - " "u"v ""-, "T. F Bradshaw, according to Do- changed his plea of "not guilty" to tective Craddock. has been traced to tha ir,,lr a rn.rH m for th library la mpag . and was but recently Tke holt tat Mrs. Vtesor. Mr. ' married. HI wife Is fearful that MCoi: xmi Mr- Hall wr have 8B,tnd has met with foul play gr t Hal! r the Mhrarr HprvoUs ,u Ft. '-' tn ztn i n n.f. Mmi,r llzes for the three-quarters ami rostpowd tw vk on tommt of t her home Before coming m Adfc Jnne a he "qusirwr ailxf lsrhftlty f scre 1UW astir. i to Portland, Bradshaw is said to Veloskla at the half. have JfTed "with his parents In Call- wsss-wwwsws1 REDONDO IN FROM SOUTH, for.. HI father Is repnted to be Long he p0Bdered and when brough, Whh 32 xweer an a aal- wi-vrrftvivmirni before City Recorder J. W cvittat nsrpo of freight the steJira tiJtp R4oa4 arrlred to. ihU sra- C trOB C IT1KJH. &BC WUI VlKMtmu- W,. .t,APd t,a -. nn aasia here itf n Jf1?" f1' a street car. hut his reason for going fme of J3.00. Not having this am- H ,Wtr oer f the- J Bert"nd tllsaSr.rancI Jf COH,d "f, "? X &r.MM, Cwajuay fro s Franc- -.d u . . rio,,, pondiUon Brad- hlm ou of he difficulty, the man co tw cwf kw Jar apagiT ,klw itU a 5.aK)nths-old son."' left in tow of Chief of Police Carter! ttZritiimitrr? ,,n ,ue,t of the fr,ead' G Stoma. Fre PoJUri. Jaker COOS BAY MAN NOT J. V. Etenaan. yesterday convict JaMOf. lrrsg tfr i rTiir. SURE ABOUT CHARGE d in the police conrt of giving; U- Ymr C " WmwT MD Wxlo" " J : Vl aafltter at the Qor to a minor for which he waj Xra. Frl Piu. Mrs-Jfcy Jaooos! Smith !.!. h4 a difficult time to- fined- 510. was unable to raise th. Xrv Gt.t Sftoram. L O Tfehooor. y owiotas whether or not he was money and so today Joined the strth xrx CHms. A. Xe4or. J. Wrigkc, -nj- rxsk an4 for a while be cleaning brigade. here he will be JLrerfco AeMCCtay. Uw ,a1 m.,, d. a gnest of the city for the next five JLduo. ?JH WKlauBf Hit. l.iia- wlf when he was hacked up by d.r- lxri. Mrs. X. XoMookic. Mrs. J. C an officer Is the doorway of a local J. Morrison knew there was no t1! CJLv Hiiuit" rt rooming hoesc. -where he had become question about his being drunk and Howet cm- N Ker. cna. aad from whkh he refus- deposited $5 with the city to pay ' to MMsasite ue fact teat lor Ms sins. Late 'this afternoon BIG LEAGUE BALL SCORES.!15" '"",t,d ,p P him on C. Xolaa was picked up on the-street ' :h:r waj- vpstairs. ,r : begging He was placed in the city 1-e i ty coole' Jhe Jail and will be glvea a hearing In else fc reflerfTon the morning. AMUIUCAX Xw York I. nrfUoolohu t Detroit 4. Caktgo 1 Boston 1 Wattofcarton I St lHrit It Oevla4 Z NATIONALS anlrsuu'l t. Ctortamaf Boston 2. ikoa 4. St Lonte l. Plitrtmrg : Kew York . Btooktys ? ChW-aao i. PhiUMMoaw . ton ioadrsf COAST LJUOl'K Oakland : " Venir 4 " Hatter. Goyor a4 Aleu:c White mmI StMoo. Sn Pruttfceo l - Los Angr4o Battorios. Paamtng toi SdunMt : and Bote. Mtoloa ; - Portland i " BaurW. Arolto nasi Rore Lush aa4 Ftafcor. tR SALE fTSFv Care of Tt P2c-J .n xan hd a . .ntr v Our HKATIXR STOVH UNK 1$ now COMPLETE. Soe s Wore bay ing. KKHUU) Jf SOX. The LO"YAlTOIU)Klj"t5'F MOOSE will hold a I.XniKS' XIG11T next Tuesday evening All wive, sisiers, daughters and sweethearts are invited to a social evening and banjue mmJ'n''mV9''''mV'vmVm?VmV8MmVKTWmamjammmimmi oiffBkffaaaaV mmmmmmV mf AmW rFK ilw'Aoal-iacf HSlfaV D Opportunity Ever Prsented to Homefurnishers Anywhere By All Means See the "Mission" A New All-Steel Heater One of tho Finest Heaters for either wood or coal that ever been produced. It Is beautifully nickeled, lms a large d" plcx grnto and nn extra size feed door lo admit ot large ch 1 of wood. Tho body, base and top nre made of cnstlron m I will retain the hent hours after fuel hnB been consumed ' it v a swing top, flreplaco front and high sanitary base, it t J!' most economical heater we hnve ever offered at any r f Both styles, wood or coal. ' C'H And You Select From the Largest Heater Display in Coos County There Is certainly n great deal of satisfaction In making your selection from a showing jo rir led as this one. No matter what price you pay for n heater nt Johnson-Gulovsen's you are alwin sure of highest qunllty at that price. No goods of doubtful quality ever enter this store. It Uonr aim to supply the very best the price will afford mid even the lowest-priced heater on show It greu lv superior to those you will find In most places at nn equal price. You practice real economy thu you buy nt Johnson-Qulovsen's. You not only save on thu Initial price, but on the cost of the fuel you will use in the monUiB to come. Every Heater We Sell Is Doubly Guaranteed When you buy n heater here you have not only our guarantee but theguarantee of tho maker. TMi Is perfect henter Insurance; you take no risk whatever. If tho heater you buy does not prove sitlt factory In every respect wo will gladly cnll and get It and refund every dollar you have paid. Oar aim Is to furnish you always with the very best thnt can be produced at thc price. No matler what price you pay, you nre absolutely assured of getting the very best value for the money, Range Buyers- Attention We've a Wonderful Steel Range (o Show You-One You Will Want When You See It THE STERLING' it!..... m'a an nttit you a stel rang thrt j we tell you-we o s antee for 15 yen, are offering ypu a run In which. lie hare sew lute faith. We know ex actly how the range li built- what material to nto Its contructlon-Jot what it will do and ow selling price Is no more than you wlould ordi narily have to py tbe common kind. The "STERLING" 15 year guarantee gives -you a--perfect Tafcge Insurance. M.rtB'f worry about your Investment, for if at any time the "STERLING" does not perform Its duty per fectly to your entire satisfaction Just tell us about It. We will gladly Install a new one or re fund you the purchase price. The "STERLING" Is made In every, sire suitable for home ue mo is without question the highest grade range produced today. JohnsoiifGuIovsen Company's Store f 11 HUH 1111 1 fM'."i..".lTOrM hj ilipii llli MM II 1 1 - wn ifn ti ifllrr 'in i ii iiiiilBiTpirfrr 'CTt'.P f iV 'nji'i ,PiVp J f f f i rltilii'iilTT'Tf'71 Iron mt " -"-iii liTii T TT 'iitTMr 1 . Cut &)sa f ' HIGH STANDARD BUY PAINT AND WALL PAPER OF E. P. LEMIEU X Phone 115-R 393 - - N. Front St. GIVES BEST RESULTS The best place to hear the best band music is right in your own home on the Victrola. You don't need to move from your porch to have Sousa's, Prypr's, and other bands entertain you with their splendid music The Victrola brings to you all the world's greatest bands to play for you any music you want to hear whenever and as often as you wish. Bro; in and we'll gladly play some stirrin? band music and derronstrate to vo the Victor and Victrola. $10 to $500 ttrrnj to suit your couvcaieace. m&W&MMzt FZZUw W 3 v j mw jrwMjmm L. L. THOMAS Manager Phoae VM-J Phoae 15L I VsaSv rM Vl BREAKWATER V III j Tbe Breakwater from Portland t came In this morning, being reported over tbe bar at 10:15. She brought , a passenger list of 51 and with SI In I the steerage, making a total ot 72 ' passengers. The Breakwater will ! leave Coos Bay tomorrow. 1 The passengers who came down from Portland were: W. P. Redmond. J. J. BIrbridge. a : C. Hull. Joseph Miller, Rose Miller, ; Elizabeth Miller, V. Koto. A. Koto. I Mrs. E, M. Sprague, E. M. Eprague, 'E H. Dnnean. Mrs. Duncan, L. F. Bock, Mrs. Bock, Ed Oleman. V. E. Palps. S. P Briggs, Helmer Lundgren, Mrs. H. Lundcren. Mra. Thas. now man. J. R. Fitxhugh. Mrs. Fitxhugh.1 Thos. Thorsen. Blanch Thorsen. Mrs. Thorsen. R. R. Hamilton, Miss Ida Conrad. Mrs. Frank Catterlln. Mrs. Bradford Whevjler. W. B. Curtis. Mrs. Curtis. Mrs. Palps. M. D. Davis. Eliz abeth Dunn. Mrs. Joseph Dunson, P. W Walker. C. P. Rlckman, Kent Moore, Mrs. Moore. Mrs. Chas. Gleas on, Theo Peterson. Mrs. E. Nasburg. E. A. Anderson. Mrs. Anderson. E. M. Strong. F. McCIees, Sam Gregg, J. A. , Home. Mrs. Home. E. Slllman, T. A. (Doran. M. J. Strahl and twenty-one wmmmm twi! m Golden Rule LADIES' COATS, all of the very latest style. $6.50 to $25.00. LADIES' SUITS, from the very best Xew York manufacturers, $S.50 to $30.00. SILK PETTICOATS, Messnlme and Jersey Tops, $2.25 to $4.50. SILK WAISTS, Messalhie aud Crepe, White and Colors, $2.25 to $4.50. TEe Golden Rule ' I