ffKffflSSSBSSSS!' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1914 EVENING EDITION THREE ,'i '. 362 A Tim BETTER HOMES I i I'.MlKKMt .MX1AL. I FIRST ADDITION TO MARSHFIELD .These two words tell the purpose of First Addition niul of nil other nddltlona which nttrnct nntl lend people to owu their homes. Homes own ed by the occupnnts are better homes. "" The homes of First Addition nre the strongest endorsement for tho Hotter Homes Movement. These pretty residences surrounded with well l:ept lawns nnd fruitful gardens speak more eloquently thnn words of com-. Krt and hnpptncss. You should secure one of tho choice building lots remaining In this crowing nddltlon before It Is too late. To buy one of the large lot offer Id . You don't have to pay all cash, You don't have to pay one-half cash, , You don't have to pay one-third cash, You don't have to pay even one-quarter. I.KES THAN ONE-TKNTH CASH and the balance In SMALL MONTH LY INSTALLMENTS. Full Information nnd plats cheerfully furnished nt tho office of owner. Reynolds Development Co. (OWNER) 178 Central Ave. wero present, and Mrs. "Walter Sin clair of Conulllo was a visitor. Tho ! afternoon's business turno.1 chiefly to n warm dlscussldn of the quaran tine 'nforermont and prevention of afta!r?ttrr vx-uf ln by illsease-snrcnilliiir. mil liv wnv nf nro- i i nwrw jnr rwyna ionx : me test a committee or three, Mis. Toye, 11. O. O. F Mn Uvrt SaMrrfity e- Ms. Harry Nnsburg nnd Mrs. Lonk- , 1 nImk wjm m of f mi enjoyable hart, was appointed to confer with I J of Wtt tttriU. Tlur ws x large (Cm:n!t.ccn fro.ii ot'.cr wrtu n's club ( iUMlaf, x apxM program and with the health officer and tho doc- , ; bimIc &4 ltez ware foflowH by tors with a view to improving prea- ! . a fttimptnoiM b(. It was In pnt conditions. The rest of the after- ' charge of Mi Ajm Cm x4 Ml noon was taken up with church rout- . Carrie llos. Te frttorfftg program ine. Miss liutcheson and Mrs. LewU f wan enjoyed: I will entertain next week. Among steading r.n.Kirx. those out Tuesday wero Mesdamcs Solo Mm. Levi Dfftl. I Forty, Perham, Heed, Harris, Eb- Rcadlng Ml Esther Whit?. becka, Huble, Stauff, Coke, Toye, AddreM--Ker. A. V. ItomtarA. , Small, Matson, Nnsburg and Mis Anderson. 4 ' MKKT XKXT WKKK. . V1 NARCISKL'S CLL'H. The next meeting of tfce L. T. I , - ; , will be held a week from Tiay ls Dlanche Tellefson will bo evening at the ManbfleM Baptist. Hostess next Wednesday to tho Nnr- church. cusa gins. CLVIl CKASKM. - MAY CITY All). - I The ladles of liny City met on ji.tj nn, - .. ... ,,. Wednesday for the customary Ala decided not to reorganize for the .,,,, ., ,u , ..n I w. n, .,... m. if, .1.1; tui iivw. ii..v- j Ing at the home of Mrs. J. P. Mnlo 1 ney. At this mectlnK two newly ad- i milted members were present, Mrs. I KNJOV DANCK. I ; M. J. Seward and Mrs. John Hob. a. At rk. .i ....u.. Finnish George !ee. Mn. V F. Dyerly, Mrt. V. H. Phillips. Mrs. J. A. Hanson. Fred Moore, Mrs. V. H. Clnrk, llcraenway, Jirs. J. N. 3fe- Mrs. IL The Thursday Club members hare! coming year. 4- The dance given at the Hall last Tuesday evening, which will .irobably be the Ian of the series.' Mrs, was a most enjoyable affair. There Mrs. J. D was a congenial crowd, good intosn, .Mrs. David Major, music and everyone enjoyed It. I PLAN FOIt DAXCKS. I - The Marshfleld Lodge or Klks is planning to resume Its series of monthly dance at the Masonic Hall. Hrlnkley. Mrs. A. L. Foster, nnd Mis ses Kdna Mcintosh. Ilruco Kelloy and Florence Uarnes. The Aid work will be continued when the ladles meet again in three weeks with Mrs. Pools, a 1 tllltlSTLW HI.HTKIUIOOI). Fine Furniture For Fine Homes ! I.lbby COAT The kind YOf Imv ALWAYS r.Si:i. Plimic 72. Piiclfl Livery nnd Ti-iiustiT CoiHuiiiy. Company's SURE to come. . jgSR n9HBHsHHHHME Mrs. Nioe Hostess :- How much easier It Is to entertain com pany if you have a NICE PARLOR! Then, too, you want a nice parlor for your own family all of the time. We have parlor sets as beautifull as any woman could wish. We also have all lines of furniture that a complete home, whose mistress likes to entertain, calls for Our PRICES are LOW compared to the value we give. In our. large stock and varied as sortment We Carry a Line Of Furniture Fit For The Finest Homes in The Land. Elegant, Library Tables From $10.50 to S25. BEAUTIFUL PARLOR RUGS $20 to $65. PRETTY JAPANESE BASKET ORNAMENTS 45c to $3.50. ROCKING CHAIRS $3 to $40. XOTICK TO COXTIt.UTOItS. ' Proposals will bo received at the offices of QeorRO P. Laird, Iiandon. nt noon, Saturday, October 3, for the Rcneral contract for a two-story con croto and face brick building. Son- nrato proposals for hontlnir and I piumDiiiR. u00 certified oheok to accompany each proposal. 1 ?5 deposit required for return of tho plans. Plans mny ho sccurod now from Gcorgo V. Laird, Iinndon, Oro. lllds J will bo opened nt 12 o'clock noon. October 3, 1S14. ItlRhl toeject any I nnd nil bids Is rosorved. GE0HGE P. LAIRD, Uandon. REPUBLICAN TICKE'j; KKclion 11)11. i WE SELL IT FOR LESS' GOING & HARVEY CO. Complete House Furnishers i p. i ADAMS & SOX x-.,. Dealers in M.W AX1) SKCOXIMIAXO GOODS. No. Front St. Phono 340-L es Want Ads bring results. STADDEN ALL KINDS of PHOTOGKAPHJO WOltK. Ilrninlc! KnlaitfliiK Miirt Kodak Finishing. 181 MAIIKKT ST. W. MILS. OLIVK K. 1JKOWN Is now prepared to do first-class dressmaking at reasonable rates. Street and houso gowns, skirts, and blouses, dancing frocks, lingeries dresses. A trial or der is requested. See our new fall books of Purls fashions. For U. S. Sonator R. A. Booth. For Co tigress AW C. Hnwley For Governor James AVithyeoinbc For Justlco of tho Supreme Court Henry J". Bean, Lawrence T. Harris, Thomas rcBride, Henry L. Benson, Charles L. jfcXary. For Attorney General George M. Brown. For Supt. of Public Instruction J. A. Ohm-chill For Stnto Engineer John M. Lewis. For Commissioner of Labor O. P. Hoff. For Itallroad Commissioner Prank J. Miller For Supt. Water DIv. No. 1. James T. Ohinnoclc. For Representative Cth Dlst. Charles I?. Barrow For Representative Cth Dlst. S. P. Peirco For County Judge. James "Watson For Sheriff Alfred Johnson, Jr. For County Clerk. Robt. R. Watson For County Treasurer T. M. Dimmfck For County Surveyor. C. S. MeCulloch For County Coroner P. E. Wilson For County Commlsslonor Geo, J. Armstrong. For Commissioner Port of Coos Da A. II. Powers, Anson Rogers anafUjt.eimv teQiigstaficen PnTilliiliAliin(lnp thn nlltlinrltv nnd by tho TprderiofcUie Coos County Ro- I - IH-X'KITIO.V TOIIAV. uiuutm; unntvv hi wiu i3uiiic xittis) . Tka f f rt a nn will Is a ollAKi Atrlv navi " mnn,. i Several women of tho Christian SIs- lernoon inci iu quiu ciiuvniiay nt the homo of Mrs. Kdgar McDanlcIn In North Uend. Mrs. Isaacs, Mrs. Tope, Mrs. Kmery, Mrs. Gurnea nni re Coos Hay Women's Club, as SJ- clle were out. Tho ladles the CoIIom Women's Club is now w continue to meet on Wednosdny known, this afternoon Is tendering an I wlJh -Mr- ,Mc,,).a",ol"I u"1 ,.tb1 Prc Informal reception at the home of, nt w0'k ' qtilltlnB lit f Inlkhcd. Mrs. F. II. Dresser complimentary to t the Marshfleld school teachers. " I - r.in:wKi.L partv JOLLV IIO1'..V. I i Mrs. John D. (loss entertained nt sowing TuoxUy as n farewell for met Wednesday. Mr- Arlluir MlIConwn wlin lofr week for Chicago to undergo troatment. Tho invitation The Jolly Dozen M f 1 nttw ...l.t. ...! Initi..'. measure, namely, Mrs. Duncan and'mdlcal Mrs. Lorkmnn. Mrs. Mnrholfor list wn composed of old friends of ttiA provided abundant ontortalnment honor guost who joined In wishing with n; Web of Kato. n spider w.-h of MrH. McKVown a- speedy roller from colored ribbons from which each guest ,,, ,,i,, .t1ii. ...i i,- i selected one strand and road aloud, tho, troulo1 1hI,fh c""F,-,,, ,or io her fortune. tl?d In a llttlo packag;"" medical aid. After a pleasant on tho ond of it. This occasioned a afternoon 'the hostess sorved ilnlnly groat doal of iiiorrliiiont, especially, refreshments. whon ono of tho "moodamos" drew! Mrs. Cots' guests wero Mrs. Otto .1.. .n ..i.i. i.i. t-n... i i....l. .'. viuan kiiwiui iu .uin. unu n picnic to Cooston Sunday, although In ense of threatening weather tho picnic will he held Saturday evening nt tho home of Mrs. Albro. Mo dRmos AIIikp, Ilroi kiiiiirMer. Huh', Mrs. J. W. Klnnngnn, CllUltCII P.VIITV Hutz. ChristeiiDon. Gale, Johnwin. Ol son. Itourko. Snow, Marhoffor. Iloss nnd Davis wore the membsrs pres ent. Mrs. Dsvls Is a sister of Mr I A. gcnornl hoiiioclennlng took place at tho . First Iraptlst Church on Wodnvsdny when thn mmnhnrs of Manioiror ana is spouuing tno winierj, , cougregntlon nsslnsted tho ov- here from Washington. I). C. Shot rnllil . ., -.,, ... .,,.,. was lt..iv mlinlti.-i m iiixiniioraliln. reiid A. h . Ilnifcjford In scrubbing The next mooting will bo held with the floors and ropalntlng much of Mrs. Marhoffor week from Wodnos- dny, Mrs. Davis to ontertaln. I L. T. (.'. " I O 4 Tho J.. T. O. girls wore very plenH- nntly outertnliicd at sewing and music Inst Friday ovenlng by Miss rioruuco Powers nt her homo on Unit nvouiio. Mlssos Marjorle Graham, Iiorthn Dav the woodwork. At noon n dollghi fill lunch wns served as n reward for the faithful servlrus of tho work ers. Thoso who holpod in tho house cleaning woro Mrs. 1). I). Ross, Mr. A. Doll, Mrs. J. Naglo, Mrs. P. , Clausen, Mrs. J. C. Doano, Mrs. IL U. JIarriugtou,a.Mrs. MoMahou, Mrs. W. Richardson. Mrs. G. Gulovien. i Is. Ruth Dungnu, Nollie Warwick, Miss M. Gulovson, Miss Alpha Mau- uagmar i'liosiiorg and Itutli Cownn, zty, .Mr. u. u. hiiiuii. were tho guests. A dainty supper1 wns served by tho hostess at tho close .- . of tho evening ' (MOIIt I'LAXK. I ' 4. Tho orgnnlst nnd choir director of I .MINNIv-WIS. I I the Kplscopnl Church, Mrs. Wm. . Ilorsfall, Jr., Is making preparation Friday, October 1, Is tho dnto of i for an Interesting winter's wwfc tho next meeting of tho MlnueWls, with, tho choir. A uunibor of Mnrsh- when Mrs. W. K. Iloaglnud will bo' Hold's best singers nro to holp (n hostess. I the choir work. There will bo new nnd difficult church music ospoclni- 9 ' iv mr ine I'nrisimns service. L.AIUKS' ART (3LUII. Mrs. K. I). McArthur Is to entnr tnln the Art Club on tho occasion of their next meeting a week from Fri day. (Continued on page eight.) IIRIIKii: CLl'll. I The Bridge Club will ho entertain ed Wednesday by Mrs. K. G. Per bam at luncheon and cards. J: &ctorVVoOi ?srM PKIKCILia.H. Under Auspices Episcopal Diocese of Oregon FALL TERM OPENS ' Sept. 23rd, 1914 i 4 The Prlsclllas will meet Wednes day with Mrs, Ilrockmuellor for tho customary afternoon of needlework. i CATHOLIC AlI'AR KOOIKTV. I , On Septemhor 29. next Tiiosday,Grniiiiiiiip Hcliool and College Irw tho Cafhollc Altar Society of North I punitory courxes. School estate Ilend will meet for its usual I business ' ron.Js,.8 10 nrrcH of rt.r,Uo ,iimL sud social afternoon with Mrs. Noll .... , , . . . Hanks. (( oiiiplcto gyiiinnsliiiii, iniliior anil nut- j door iitlilelicH. Libmry, htmly liullc, ' competent liihtructloii in ail briiiirlie. I KPISCOI'ALGOILD. ,;e(, fr rates nml booklet: "Whens irH v a inn'.! tfU a n itoys nro truiiicil to tlilnk." Address rx2it publican Central Committee (Paid Adv.) ' ' VA Toycuand Mrs. S. O Small wero hosto'sseflntUie, Gu(ld meeting this weekr- recolvlng nnd boys nro truiiicil to tliink," BISHOP SCOTT SCHOOL serving. Two now members. Mes- aarnes,,warner and l.auu, ejected to m i"3ninorsLTir at last week's moellng, VMM