IBIlBMMiM THE COOS BAf TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1914 EVENING EDITION TWO i &v. 'BifeHSfeffliIl tejfl $1&TJRr . -""' ... TWINKLE Hcstltatlun, If you like, La Furlnnn If you will, but In the numo of nil tho twinkling toes of Torpslchoro, don't du tho I.-m trtrttl.l. ftiLmln n lllWrtfl t colobrato tl o birthday of Mr. Stecklo with n suiptlso. pnrty. .Mr. hicckiob Bister niul husband, Mrs. nnd .Mr. L. 12111a nnd son, William, from Lolnnd, , who are visitors nt tho Stocklo home, , were also honor guests, ns wero also Mrs. Clunib nnd Miss Edith Clunib. I Amiisliic names nnd, n bounteoiiB sup- Ith lor supplied nmplo employment for ... l.t It.. .!.. I., . u.n.1a 110 CV0I1II1R III WIU lining Kliuoio, Ul. i iJ 4)iuuuii ." v.w ,i.-u.... , -- .... ..., .. l T..nn iirasniit this week worn Mrs. . ' "iioni wo "' ." " ."."' o to hold the next meeting wl trtlnmi f nn.l ATta II. HTIiPUm. AM". Uol Lcnnon, Mrs. Geo. stepneiison, "I"" "", ? ;, "",, r ,;a Mrs. Paul Dlmnilck. Mrs. C. M. By- Mrs. J3, "Ti u i-m. ,r 1-r. Mrs. H. J. Linden, Mrs. Thomas Fred Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Umov Chapman. Mrs. Ira I). Unrtle nnd Rev., Vineyard, Mr. and Mrs. . J.. I ostor. M . r. .'.,.. nnd Mrs. Percy Peot. Mrs. P. Cassl- I XOKTII IlKXD UUIDOE CliUH. I , ft . llllllllV IIlllI Or tllO LaniO DUCK SnjS ,,, n.iu tininl Anrllnn rtrlilirn nn ..YiOinllL-n. I dull nmt Hint. U wbnt the 1110111-! ! dr. Mrs. W. Itoborlson, Miss Mngglo Robertson nnd Messrs. Harry .lonn son nnd Wm. Kltson. V. X. L Or. If the twlnklo stuff Is not bora finally determined it siioum no, NorwcKlan L .. ..... .. . i I'll i ifii i t'li i ii t'li il iiiiinL iiiiTiintiui Lk . " strenuous enougn or your i ,,... , - --- - -- -tf Uftrtlo on Poo)Io.B S0R,cty , tnoni. nnd I.n Pur ana reminds you ,...,.. ,., ... ..... ....(, n,. ovcnlnc at the chur tit n nl,.lol nliTni'. villi Will Still bQ I'npnrntml ilnlillna nrmlnnilttn Itlir. ' LlSlO LnrSOll mill V v t v vri" r " " iiv-uim.iii v.t. ... Of S. uthcrnn Young cots next Friday ch hall with Miss etcr Omiuel cntor- background with a shades. The afternoon's nlay result ed In Mrs. Paul Dlmmlck winning first prize. Delicious refreshments autumnal, tnlnlng. i IIAKI) TI.MKM SOCIAL. I wero served, .Mrs. Denny Hull ns-l """ " "J ,.,..? slutlncr thn hostess. Mrs. C. M. ny-1 Thursdny nftcrnoon tlo Lasts do and Inn ChrlstoiiBon, with Violet Rob inson, Mnrlo Schwartz, Viola John son, IlminnlbllngqulBt, Agnes Holmes nnd two visitors, Kdlth Duncan nnd Lily Johnson, present. Ruby CtuiBon and Dorn Phillips are thn club mem bers who luivo articles of cookery or needlework at tho fair. Sickness wns tho factor that chiefly prevented tho others nlso from ontoiin' nr t teles. 4 4 M. K. HOCIAIi. heeding tho IntcBt dictates of danco ilom If you try n Hnlf-nnd-Hnlf, or a Lulu Pnrdo, by some ciuleJ tho "Luna Fado." the Inat named i t lll.. ..l.,ilHtH.I In lt- . L w Smion Z oYfecti W "r wfil bo ho.t.n t. the Cub . two' Sewing Club hold special meeting; I!1,0"0,: 1' L.!T.. i,.S ?, 9-..,.,"l weeks. Those enjoying Mrs. Hartlo's at . ?. homo of Mrs. 1 Mooro to wuiu 1-.....U .,.. . - hospitality wore Mrs. Paul Dlmmlck, i w"" !". ia ' V"'?"' Pnnln." inn dn no im niiiBtora have m nn.....n Di..i...on m n i clol to be given tonight nt the W. l. agreed It shall bo "Lulu Pndo" luIJyler. Mrs. Ilcrgmnn, Mrs. Warren. Byerly hoino to the club omliora imid future Mrs. Hull. Mrs. Everett, Mrs. Horn1 K"??'8- Tho clul Is nctlnK as n corn- Mrs. IJurmoster nnd Mrs. A. 8. Hnm- ' l" '" ""r'"h "' ,n01lj rnngemeiits. Mesdamcs Peot, Foster, 1 ' . 4. Ilrlnkley. Simpson, Horton, McKay, A Prey and Ilyerly wero out Thursday. future. Dcn't admit that you even remem ber such archaic steps as the Turkey Trot or the Boston WnlU, Rather ask any ono who mentions tho now dames if they know any of tho new varLllons of the tnugo, tho niaxlxo I YOl?X LA OIKS' AID. - - A. X. V. Mr. and Mrs. Oust Steen In Hunker, I I lilt unrn linat nml linatnaa tr fln n w or tho Pnvlowa gavotte, for these xorwoRnn Lutheran Young Ladles' i The A. X. V. met with Mrs. Hydo movements seem to have becomo. Aid Thursday evening nt n combined, for their usunl delightful nftornoop (taple, and whatovcr their dorlvu tlono may bo called as the season of sowing and chat .Thursday. Thero was no business of Importance nnd no visitors wore present. Thoso served with tho dainty rofrcshmontB that completed tho day's pleasure .wero business and social meeting. Games, sewing and music enlivened tho eve- tl I tl ntl tAtVA nHrtllllll dkM lAtlflil tfct ll li.i'0'nn. M... Inmrnlal n.wl l... mnvlrj"" """ " ' KlMa " "J " " ' U..U... ...v ....(, ..........-. .young people. Following tl'o sorv- lt etlll will "have tho edge" on inc of refroshmonts tho tneetinir was thosu who still cllim to the "rair adlourucd until a week from next Mesilames Allen, Dcnnott, l'Tdninn, variations" i Thursday, when Mrs. Knud Krlcksoiii Kvcrtson, Haguo, Hall, Hazard, Har- Tl-orn r-lll hn n nh vnl m. ' Will 1)0 hostess. Those Ollt tills WOOk rlgail. Mary MCKIllglU, U. !'. .MC- TLero mil bo a plaie jot on ,ov , M K 0 Thor., Knight, Xoblo, Qulst and baby. amart d:.zicing programs for the old- Mrg. P. I). Jncobsen. .Mrs. Knud Rr- Murch. Smith and Stnuff. Mrs. C. P. fashioned waltz, that roused llyron Ickscu, Misses Fsther Xolsnn, Slgna, McKnlght Is to be hostess next week to flrrry condemning vorso 100 'rson, Lily aiiimnrlc, Hnnnnh Sun years ago. It lias becomo evolutionary processes tho eoranionpineo 01 uio wnxeu noor. Antonsen. Peter Onimel. Kni Ilrnn A reflection of tho thing that' nor, .Ichucr Rofslnnd nnd H. Petor arlps tho thought' of all tho world son. Ill i. a.inn I.. n ..l..l f .!.' r..,, wu DVUII III t. IUM1UI Ul illU aiilltnry schottlscho and others of Mrs. Geo. Hnzor, Mrs. R. C. Holmes and Mrs. Gen. Roister woro hostesses at u dollghtful gathoiing of tho North Ilcnd Lndles' Aid at tho church parlors Wednesday afternoon. Roses nnd dahlias predominated In tho decorations. Refreshments woro served. Among Uiobo prcsont woro Mrs. Wnttors, Mrs. Mary Thomns, Mrs. Honry O Mara, MIbs O Mara, Mrs. V. K. Wattors, Mrs. C. L. Fras or, Mrs. Putnnm, Mrs. C. E. Covey. Mrs. It. E. Kennedy, Mrs. Robert McCann, Mrs. Roscno Hnzor, Mrs. RubhoII, Mrs. Shormnn, Mrs. Goo. D. Mnutllgo, Mrs. Rose, Mrs. Walter Putnam, Mrs. J. Monde, Mrs. C. A. Smith, Mrs. R. C. Holmes, Mrs. Mitchell. Mrs. Hlsoy, Mrs. Ualrd, Mrs. Soils, Mrs. Josophlno Jones. Misses Dorothy, Helen nnd Alma Russell, Marjorlo and Evelyn Put nam, Rny O'Mara and Robert Hnzor. ft 4 I I). M. ( CLUII. I Tho D. M. C. Club was ontortntned by Mrs. Wm. Vnuglm at hor homo In North Uond lust WcdnoBilny nt a de lightful session. At tho business ses sion, Mrs. A. E. Morten wns elected ' for P,,rn7Tr Itknn ilHt 1 fill It. . . VIL1IIIHI tn . i.n.Dniu.ii. i0 mi ino vnenney cntiBed nml ih0i' lu tntcr com. by tho retirement of Mrs. Wallace e it" f iBr fo"oSd u" K Needlework wns followed by dnlnty am Vlrs ?"e, "re8ent l Lr,C rofreshmen s. Tin m.vf i,,i..r. .... .. Ir.8. " I, v.,l mSMtii. will bo hold wltU Mrs. It. O. Dralnnrd Uor Im i f", ,,U,M Ehmi.?' ' October 7. Those present this week Carl Rnnb ' Si"' J,,, fife't1"! ""'" '" Diuwuri rticuiniaiti, iirs. Russell nmi r i " vnaPniin i "lt Honry Korn, Mrs. R. O. llrafnnril.l d Ul IUb ,L,N Mrs. Wallaco, Mrs. Hnrry Truniiin, - tlU A 1. fr.il..ti .,rt t . t . . ' . CARD PiV Mrs. A. E. Morlun, Mrs. L. A. Lomnlii. I Mrs. Walter Russell and Mi-b. N. 0. - ... Mrs. C. u KM,. f V i .llt..i... . "'.. "i n l.... .-..,,, niiernnnn .. """tim. AVEDH I its wore received lioro ew woJaMlSI;.! & !?!?!& A tiliniiiiniiiiiniii.i iuiuii.viiiuiiih uiu ruuuivuu noro ess wob aslni.,.i r ?:,Y,S.lbr this week of tho marriage of Miss Thosu i ii?Mncl Mr- II. k .Icsslo Loulso Mncaulay and Goorgo vey, Mrs Til !cre,Mr. T Vn S. Gardiner nt Si.oknno Scptombcr wrlLo, M'l.1.81." Jones. viN 18. Mr. Gardiner Is woll known on Illl.l..ni.,...r.i U.VIS -'enscn. Mr.' !- o Ray, having mn.lo his hoadquar- Mrs. H. A. v ! . iWm" SektwJ rs at North Uond last year wlillo Mrs. n. t cS I, n J'Ofi su oi inu iiuiiBur t naiiRor ning, Jirs it v ;"."'' p. nJ' itlon work. Ho was very pop- .Tarvls and Mrs , j i,ntS!' ". Jo d tho many frlonds ho has " J: "- Stadden th tors In chnrgo construction ulnr and tho many frlonds ho has won will wish, him nil tho IiIIbs that matrimony enn bring. i l , I CARD .SOCIAL. I ft SHU'lXtitTr Missaia.-ia II UUIIgllUllI nftornnn. u0,lW lldayatherlloKH,''! Tho North Rend Royal Neighbors e. DahlloB lircdomlnt ii,i,,1 win leuuui it curu Buciui ai liieir "ufiuiions. In Borvlnir til . u hall noxt Tuesday evening eompll- wns nsHlBted by MIm lo,t mentnry to tho mombers of tho Mod- Thoso present were Mr. ii S ? . mi"; ,A' T- wriirom iL Is McEldowney, Mrs. Ednan u son, Mrs. 12. K. JonP ii.RlcM I Hague, Mrs. J. VSonn P; Harrlgnn. Mian nAnni?""' Ir- ' T. Last Monday evening n number of en, .Mrs. R. k. Hooth i..,rt'' cm Woodmen. TEXDEIt FAREWELL. ooth, Mn. North Uond young folks gnthored nt Matson nnd Mlgg AiHietiilSi' tho Wm. NollBen homo to say good- JMi. byo to Alex NollBon. who lenves soon fContlnuoil nn n. bTv ""IU- " '"" orsc 100 'iu. ''" uiiiiuiirii, tiniiiiiiii aiiu- i... ,.n,w-ii no, Mnbol, Cora and Alice Matlilsou, n m ,!.". ' Ionn, Hofsland, Elslo Larson. Jen o lanuBi no n1, E(,nn jolin80I1( nnd Mo(,8rHi XOltWEOIAX LADIES' AID. ,tW I the stately dances thai go with gold braid and epaulets may bo seen be-' Tho Norwegian Lutheran Aid will fore ...js-t aenaou Ima waxed ' "',pet 'J1 t,' cl,,l,n;h nn!! "'i0 8Prond nm .nni i Thursday In October, tho hostesses and uancd. t0 bo nB'nicd ,atcr Thus decreo the dancing author!- ties, who hao made note of mid agreed on the luteal Torpslchorcanj "lin'"l)AV SURPRISE PARTY, j diets Tho year 19H-1S la to bo Ln8t TIOHimy 0VcnnK t tho homo IUUo decorous year so far aa of Mr. nnd Mrs. Will Stecklo a num. dancing la concerned. Two walking steps forward bal ance back quick change with ono foot back mid tho other forward during tho fourth measure repent now hes-l-tnte, and lo, you have the Twlnklo Hesitation which glides In to tho season with tho advance no tice that It Is to lend nil others In popularity. This la tho formula mid tho ver dict of M. ChrlsteiiBcu, mid among tho nowcr stops which ho mentions au duo for high favor are tho Half-and-IIalf, dcscrlbod as au airy, fairy movement In five-four tlmo, and. tho otiO'Stop In all ItH variations, distin guished for tholr easy-flowing grace. Other dun coa that shuro In the pre diction of popularity are tho tango, In form both old mid now, and tho "Lunn Fado" (tho Luna Pnrdo), a spirited figure which probably will find oBpcclnl favor with tho lithe lliubod, strong-lunged younger gen eration ntthough, grandpa found last season that tho tango wns bet tor than llnament for rheumatism, and took chnneos on arteriosclerosis with ns guy mid thumping a heart a j by. out aixtoeu. Doscrlbod as a dignified substitute for the tango, La Furlunu has been tukon up eagerly abroad, or was boglnnlng to bo adopted whon war Pushed the orchestras and empttod tho bnll rooms. Another that Ih rapidly tipping Into favor U tho Pavlowu Gavotte, a quaint and dainty stop that Is reminiscent of tho minuet. Of all tho old dances tho waltz nlouo sueiiu destined to bo perou nlally popular, and Miss Alice Ruck enmoyer, who has yielded to tho trend of tho times and la teaching tho modoru dances while dlacourair- Jug their moro exaggerated develop ments, believes that tho smooth old waltz with Its wave like movomont, will roign. supremo over tho extrnva gunt Intruders at no illstunt time. I PROGRESS CliUH. The Progress Club opens Its work ing yenr Monday with a mooting at the homo of Mrs. Sengatackcii, when tho first of tho year's subjects will be presented. ft I UUXKEK HILL SEWIXfJ CliUH. I t. . a A little group of little maids of Hunker Hill hnvo boon mooting, whenever tho sovcro epidemics of tho tinst summer would pormlt, to sew In dustriously on nrtlclos planned for tho Myrtle Point fair now in progress. This club of girls met for tho Inst time Saturday at tho homo of Olga srr20SK 0m WWJWw i"""""',!5m2 WkniiLi, CORRECT OPTICAL GOODS AM ATI' PEOPLE ARE NOW WEARING GLASSES WNICN WERE PRESCRIBED FOR THEN MANY YEARS AGO. BUT DO YOU NOT KNOW THAT DURING THESE YEARS YOUR EYES MA Y HA VE UNDERGONE SOME IMPORTANT CHANGE SO THA T YOUR GLASSES ARE NOT WHA T YOU REQUIRE NOW. COME IN THEN AND FIND OUT. WE WILL TEST YOUR EYES AND YOUR GLASSES. IF YOU NEED A CHANGE WE WILL TELL YOU. IF YOU DON'T NEED A CHANGE WE WILL TELL YOU, THIS AD IS WRITTEN ONLY IN THE SPIRIT OF HELPING YOU. H. S. TOWER THE RELIABLE JEWELER. Bring up a Girl- Along lines that will develop her into a robust woman. Give herGhirarclelli's Ground Choc olate. No fear of harmful after effects. It combines all the elements which growing girls require, and it has a taste that every child likes. Every mother should serve it because of its purity, its wholesomeness and the ease with which it may be prepared. Costs less than a cent a cup. hmncticalh scaled tins, Ghirardelli's Ground Chocolate is the only original ground chocolate. It has been used in Western homes for over a third of a century and its popularity is growing day by day. D. GHIRARDELU CO. Since 1852 San Francltco The price remains the tame, riPSl w adiuS. &m GHIRARDELLI'S GROUND CHOCOLATE i ... inrcT3 SsksSS 22J3lBfi3Eyrt&' mane Mi wkoj m- Sib1-'-' 'k A Full Line of Ghirardelli's Ground Chocolate and All Other Nationally Advert! Goods at NASBURG S GROCERY (JIVE SIIOU'Elt. .Mrs. Ora McCarty has Issued Invita tions for sowing coinpllinontarj to Mis. ,1. Howard I'lslior Tliursdnj, Oi tobor S. IfBBHKBKtHHnBKKMWKNMHHKKHKKHK AIIWIl (UIILIi. Hie .North llwud Altar Uulld was entertained Thur.duy aftor ! noon by Mrs. John Leunou at hor homo in North Ilend.l At tho business session It was' announced tut arrangements hadi neon bade to luivo tho Ilev. R E nrownliiK hold services two Sumhns each month in Noitli Uond and nlso1 i uoui ovoning soi vices tho seioud ami fourth Thursdays or each month. Arrangements woro niado to hnvo a cooked food salo at tho Coos Hay Gro cery October 3. Delicious refresh monts woro served at tho conclusion of tho afternoon and arrangements Twin City Steam Laundry The Laundry That Always Treats You Right .. mk fi ia"iiii I'yrfetafci-fc.. iXms&,: Juz-r-, - i1F- 222 2 aWNiai mrr-MMuiaw-., mt&frg5iij ' vivkvQ