jWW'v'JUJUMtfw iwnwt ' ww i V- -SM&WV' KteHNyBf)(fcWrtMM ji jwm wt iMfun oma my WE CANNOT STIRRING TIMES Arc these days of wnr nml llootl- hed u ,s ,ml,ortnnt t,int yoH Lvc' full knowledge of tho lntcst ...ih.ntlc news. Subscribe for The Times, mill rend the events of the ,tv each evening. i""' VOL NO. XXXVIII. BEN. CAiAHZA SENDS ARMED FORCE Gov. Maytorena 'Defeated Fed eral Troops In First Bat- tie Yesterday in Mexico. MOBILIZES MEN FOR ANOTHER STAND TODAY Dcniss That 200 Were Killed in Engagement Carranza Says Battle Unavoidable. U. S. GUARD BRIDGE. ID, AtKltl Trrn to "oot Br Tlmm.J BROWNSVILLE. Tex., Sept. og Military guards wore ro-cs- takllshcd today by tho U. 8. troops at tho International Bridge approaching her. NACO. Sept. 2C. Under orders from President Carransa, 'General lllllya began mobollzlng his troops here today for another ntiind against (lovemor Maytorona of Bonorn, who defeated him In n hnttlo 'yesterday nt Santa Barbara. lllllya reported that .20 of his mm were wounded and mono killed. Soldiers who fled from battlefield, however, snld nt least 200 Head men were loft on tho field. lllllya said General Jesus Carranen was enrouto from Tchuantopeo with Hen thousand men. IB, aimkui4 TrM to Coot Br Tlmn.l NACO, Sopt. 20. 200 woro loft dend on tho field between Santa Bar bara nnd Santa Cruz, nftor n bnttlo between tho forces of -Governor May torena and Oonornl lTIUya, according to fugitive Carranza colUlers. lllllya Is awaiting orderB from Mexico City as to whether ho shall make another stand at this point.. American and Norwegian Mer chant Vessels Captured by English While Coaling. NEW YORK, Sopt. 20. Tho Urlt lth consul general lioro announced that tho steamer lorenzo registered ns a United States merchantman nnd tho Norweglnn steamer Thor had been raptured by tho HrltHli crulsora In tho net of coaling the German crnlbor KarlBrudo off tho Wont In dlns and were tuken to Si. l.ucin to nwnlt disposition 1y tlwes Ittlsse court, SISTER LOST ON LEGGETT catoips ; AIDING GERMAN i "" " Uvnahlngton district was Insistent that Fied and John Messerle Get TSnM t Major Snrl Mpwq HllQhinH Won't Morrow announced that Just as soon OdU lieWS nUbUUIIU VVUII l (tg tJl(J ,20(0oo,000 oinergency Mil is Hear for a Lona Time. , signed up he will start the dredgo iioi iui a uuuu Mlchle on the Coos Bay har. as the Messrs. Fred and John Messorle.i bill contains funds for operating her. two well known Coos Boy men, have lliaf Awiloi.n.l ...n.l tl.r, lint I alsfni. Mrs. Nellie Andorson and hor 12- year-old daughter, Helen, woro among tho victims of tho Frances II. Lcggott disaster. Tho nows came today In a letter from relatives In San Fran cisco. 1 Capt. Andoison Is now en route to Callao, Peru, on the sailing vessel, Carrier Dove from Aberdeen, and will probably not hear the fate of his wife) ana daughter for two or mrea reaKut,rSt.roT,red for WM toi Former Marshfield Man Nearly Capt. Anderson had Just returned, SUCCUITlbS tO Headache Med to Aberdeen from a trip to Now Zeal-j j.;-- n Dnrtland. and and found that ho would not hnvej ICIne III rui liauu. an opportunity to visit his wife and Tn0 f0nowlng from a Portland pap two children, Helen, aged 12, and , or wm be of Interest here, as Geo. N. Oscar, aged 14, so lie wired Mrs. An- Farrjn formerly lived In Marshfield: derson to bring tho children to Abor-j Q00rge N. Farrln. attorney and deen and visit him. She decided not' jidate for nomination at Attornoy to take Oscar out of school and shei aenera 0n the Republican ticket In and Helen went to Aberdeen and as' j prj,liarles last June, narrowly es he Iteggett loft soon after Capt. An-I cn , death Jn the Clyde Hotel yes der8on sailed on the Carrier Dove.1 torday w,en ho took an overdose of she and her daughter started home tal)let'8 t0 curo n headache. Farrln on the Ill-fated vessel. did ,l0t realUe the strength of U'q uesiues tho two brothers here. .mt. Anderson, who was tho youngest of mo .uusaene gins, nas anomer oium er, G. L. Messerle, at Richmond. Cal., and her mother lives In San Fran cisco. Tho nows came as a sad shock to t,he Coos Bay relatives, who did not suspect that any of their kin was on the Leggett. BLAME SOME MEN fOR NOT TAKING THEIR OWN ADVICE OIfl0B Established 1878 ns Tho Const Mail. E President Pcmcare's Home ' Bombarded and Parents'' ' Place .Ransacked. (I), AMOcUtMTrru to Coot lit, Timet.) BORDEAUX, Sept. 20. President Polncnrlo'a homo nt San Plgny, 23 inllPH South of Verdiln, was bombard ed by tho Germans ycstordiry.. Tho acrmnns r-o'cu'.lously had pillaged the Iiouhu of tho president's parents at Nubcourt. U. S. Dredge Ordered Taken to Grays Harbor at Once Mroliie to Remain Idle. The U, S. Dredge Oregon which has bran working hero for sovernl months, most of tho tlmo on money fumlshud by the Port of Coos Bay through falluro to securo a federal appropriation, stopped oporallons to day mill prepared for being trans ferred an'Grnys Harbor. Cnpt. Shook Is arranging for n vrssol to trans port thole plpollnu aud oqulpinout nnd It Is oxpectod that a tug will bo soift hero from tho North to tow thu Oregon up. Sho will proba bly lenvo sometlmo next week. Tho news of thn transfer of tho Oregon enmo an a surprise. The Port of Coos Uny 'had advanced money tor hor operations until Oct 1 nnft today Henry SengBtncken, when Ini heard tho Ttunor, wired .Major Morrow who replied that tho Oregon Intel beon ordorcll to Htop to day and ho put In readiness for be ing transferred to Gruys Harbor. There wns a small hnlnuro In tho Grays Hurbor fund but It Is hollnved thnt anotlior appropriation must hnvo boon provided for thore In tho $20, 000,000 emergency silbsCltuto for tho regular rivers and harbor bill. In addition to the loss of tho Oregon, anotlior muttor In con nection with tho transfer Indicates that tho bnr dredgo Mlt'h'lo Is to re main Idlo for a rotislflorn'blo lengtli of time. Major Morrow transferred tho clerk from the Mk'hlo to tho Oregon nnd ho wtll go north with tho latter. ' Miams TO OMJUATK. dipt. JliitgiMiii Says That Kpwlal lllll 1 Piirvlflt'N fur It. Cnpt. Macgenn said today that ho had conferred with Major Morrow lioforo leaving Portland and urged him to allow tho Oregon to work at least a week longer In the lower Bay. I timvni'nr Mntnr ffivnTifincli nf tllO I" I T druc ana no was 111 a juuu .. on when ho w nn rushed to the Good Samaritan Hospital where emergency methods reiioveu mm. no ui" to leave the hospital today. 1 Our II HATING STOVK LINK la now COMPLETE, Se us before, buy ing. K1CBL.V1) & SON. L G SD m GERMANS LOOT FRENCH HOIS COOS BAY TO LOSE OREGON ARRIN TAKES AN OVERDOSE Sag MEMBER OP Tills ASSOCIATED MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1914 EVENING ELftlM GERMANS i Hy AMorUtM rrcti lo Coot Bit Timet. LONDON, Sept. 20. Dispatches from I'ctrogrnd declare tho Austrian civil government of Cracow has been taken over by Germany. The inhabi tants of Cracow aro said to bo in flight. Tho Germans hnvo thrown three army corps Into tho Cracow district, In parepartlon for a Russian attack, which, It Is expected, will not ho delayed much longer. Tho Rus- mr Atiocut) nm to com n tibm.i PARIS, Sopt. 20. Heavy fighting Is going on nt both tho caBt nnd west wings of tho bnttlo between tho allies nnd tho Germans in Franco, according to nn official announcement this af ternoon. Tho announcement said: "On our left wing, between tho Somine and Olso rivers, tho battle continues -very violently. Between Solmons and CHARGE CE CRACOW DISTRICT FRENCH REPORT HARD FIGHTING ON BOTH WINGS OF ARMY TODAY i Y STEALING CALF FROM RODINE Coos County Grand Jury ."Re turns Ten More True Bills At CqawWql Tfla& VERY FEW OF ACCUSED HAVE BEEN ARRESTED . .1 JOC Schilling, Jr., Exonerated in Auto Accident Case No Bruner Case Report (Speclol to Tho Times.) COQUILLE, Or., Sopt. 20. Tho Coos county grand Jury today return cd ten more true bills nnd 0110 not n true bill. Of thoso Inaictett, uifly tu'n linvn liinn lirrontixl. Tlwiv urn 1 Mr. nnd Mrs. Louis PutrnmoUlx of i Allognny, who uro held Tor Btonllng and killing a yearling heUcr belong- lag to Chns. Rodlnc. They expect to furnish bond this afternoon fur tholr appearance. I An Indictment was also returned I In tho caso of Henry Volckman, -the ALLIES TAKE L France and England Take Pos session of Kaiser's Colo nies in Africa. BORDEAUX, Sopt, 20. The Min istry of Marine announced that the French gunboat Surprise on Septem ber 21, took possession of the Coco Beach In Kamarun, n German colony In western equatorial Africa. LONDON, Sept. 20. A Capo Town 1 dispatch says a British force occupied Luderltzbucht In German Southwest Africa on Septomber 19. Tho' Ger man garrison previously retreated, blowing up tho railway and destroy ing the wireless Installation. HirrALlATION IIV GKRMAXH. Rereiigo Seizure of KnglMi In Afri mi by Attacking Kngllsli. tnirA..ovi.t.4iT.t.co.nrT..n.i LONDON. Sept. 20. The British seizure of Ludorltz Bay, Germany a diamond field In Southwest Arrica, was quickly followed by a German raid on the British harbor at Walflsh Bay In Capo Colony. According to a Capo Town dispatch these raiders are only a patrol and appear to be tho advance guard of a larger force. FOOTBALL BKGINS. I (B AoUtKl Trtt to Coot Br Tlmtt. I CHICAGO. Sept. 20 Football I I play for this season began In ! I the easj and middle west tpday. I I.PrnctTcallv all of the big teams I I of the east went Into action. Yale I expected to try some Canadian I I forward passes against tho Unl- Iverslty of Maine, v;s .,4 M Sfattos PRESS HAVE TAKEN rlmi capital has been advised also that all traffic has been stopped be tween Berlin nnd tho Baltic ports of Danzig, Elblng nnd Stottln. Another demand hnB been made by Austria for, the surrender of Bolgrndo. This was answered by tho shelling of a monitor j In tho river. In tho menntlme tho Balkan allies continue their nttack1 on Sarajevo. Rhclmsthoro are no Important chnng- ..!.. . .!. ii,nt.a nnd Verdun tho situation Is unchnng-. nnd Verdun tho situation is unennng-' cd. In tho Woovro region tho enemy -rnini tun Mnimn rivnr nnnr Ml. nil- Hr"' .1..""... .'-J Vi,n wnrn hlel. 10 ma Bouiii u wiu hud.iu U II, VJ IUIIIII U. ,.wu..- Tcglon tno fourteenth ucrmnn army ........ t. .11 l,nnt ...111, IijMVV In.. se;'' On our right; In Lorrino' and Vosgos, tho effective Gormnn forces com to have been reduced." I II I Mill Myrtlo Point .hardware dealor who ran ninuclc a- few nignts ago aitor. drinking too freely of Myrtle Point, liquor. Qoorgo Francis, the. former Uoa-.j burg mnn, wns also Indicted for lar-' ceny In robbing tlio Owl. Saloon in' I .Too Rclillllnir Kmtl. iinraiiriniii I Tnn Rililllltiir .Ip.. nf Mvrtln I'nlnt. was freed by tho grand Jury, which i, rnriirnnil "lirif n mm 1,111" 111 111H caso nftor honrlng tho ovtdonco In the nuto ncclilont enso IiiNkJiIcIi one of his compnnlons wan killed: llnincr t'nso Dolaytyt Tho grnnd Jury did not IJlo n re port In tho Ilruuer inurdor caeo today and will nrobablv continue tuolr In- vostlgntlon nt tho next sessIonv 4 Tho grand Jury will ndjourrl to- uli'lit tiw Mm liirin. Plead Not Guilty. V llAhSto Qlnr I innr Prntir line Mrs. Fannie O'Donnoll la planning v " lrll HIIU' HIUIV, , to fight hor enso and has five rl NarrOW CSCapO In NOW York iiohhou Hiibpoenncd to prove that she, Hnrhnr TfifHv U not gulity. Ruby Morrison Is nlsol v iiuiuui 1 uuav. ' going to fight tno Indictment ngalnst) her. Daly, arrested for tho North In - lot robberies, pleaded not guilty, JaS. T. MaCeV, WhOSe Wife "Was Killed, Released After Being Held as Spy. Illy AuorUI4 TrrM to Coot Iltr Timet, LONDON. Sept. 20. lames T Mueey. of Denver, whose invalid wife 1 committed sutcldo In London, after having been driven out of nn Ant - werp hospital at the outbreak of lion tllltles, was set at Liberty today nt REFUGES IN tlMHNU NUW : . 1 i-iyiuuuiii, wuuro no 1 uu uuun iiom urr Hirntl lieinw l'iillle, as a suspected spy. Ho wob detaln- Declared to have been traveling at cd by tho British authorities with n prohibitive rate of -need on n dnn three other Americans until his cltl- Korously wot and sllppory road, a zenshlp was proved, ' largo automobllo from Dandon, whllo fnny ltefngeeH Tliere. ! on the way home from tho fair at Tho American, relief committee Is Myrtle Point, slid off the bank and to continue Its activities without any turned completely over about four diminution of .(ts staff for at least miles out from Coqullle late '-estor-another week on Account of tho great day morning. Tho men, who, It la number of refugees arriving In Kng- claimed, were under the Influence of land from continental ports, 300 '. nrn fiXnoctod iloro tonlrfit . iinitenlnm. 1)5,000 Have ItHiimetl. m .'.. 11 .1,0 A,..inn.. Relief Committee, reports that dur- l"'vnsJIr1t in , toh Ing tho last seven days 12)0 Ainerl- "t ' B d at tho road, though bov cans have arrived In London. Of 1 f n later returned and these 731. were assisted financially. d o turn It back The machine The departures for tho week, lnclud- Buffered only inlnor damages and will Ing todays catlings, total 8.000. Thl4 n ,Jl,t HtUo repairing Tho names n,nw m, tntni .lflnartiirea for Am?' ?' the men lu tho party have not been erlcans since tho war bogan 95,000, persons. FAST STAGE SCHEDULE. The stage Is now arriving nt Maple- tnn l,nl,i.nn,i 9 . 1 A nil, I J t fl In tllA nf. Srnnnn nndthA Mliinlo Mltohell is' landing Eugene passengers In Flor-, will hold a LADIES' NIGHT njgjct enco about 0 In tho ovonlng. Tho Tuesday ovenlng. All wives, Bisters", trip from Eugone to Florence Is now, . t , . . sweat,eartB are,invltei hJn -made, In ten-Jioura,.wnceUf"m f JSSe,in-eLB aEWnvIte Pilot. ' ." ""niiPfc?"' J.A3to a social evening and'banquot. EDITION A Cnmnlldntlon of and Coos liny NOIHING DECISIVE IN BATTLE OF THE AISNE RECORDED SO BATTLE RAGES Fighting of Unusual Severity in Progress on Both Wings of French Frontier Armies. (D, AnocUt4 Tint to Coo 07 Tlmtt, LONDON, Sept. 20. A battle of extrnordlnnry severity is raging at' tho western end of tno Anglo-French I and Germnn bnttlo lino In (ho region1 of Noyon, sixty miles north of Paris, wnero mo Kronen nro still striving to, a"Wnal?h KE? A' forced army. A Irench official state- J ''" tho allies hnvo mado " ,,,.: "V." , ', ..'.. "1.... i ".. V.n;"Vt:''.r',;n".r"V ."'."! . : - r- .......... tlo began. On tho eastern end of tho ll, I ,i,,,." ., .,. ,, ,. ,,,,.. ... ?... r." ; -..", .";, ,",;; 11 . , ""IK" lilUM IIIIU.UUU UUUII IUIVIU UW'K mlttcd their lino. had beon forced bark thMJSSl tSl ?, m"0,"0"1-,', feVi, t,nw,lt,y I " J 1" u?. ,llth ,f . ll,"C. f.0'1: tho Russians nro preparing an attack I Itnvn fifintttrnjl twr (niuno in tlm nmM. M RI1TM RRFRl ! m S , ? ", Ln, " ' Bl' tho position of tho invaders nl. low rut off rnl Fw Z ,m?r",t center In stilted for such tnc pMoly cut off rallwa) conimunlcn-, ,, ,, B,0K0 wnrfnro ,inH roval!od AUTO ACCIDENT IS I'ATAL IN WASHINGTON tBr Aoclt4 rrfw to roo llr TlttiM. DAYTON, WobIi., Sopt. 20. Mrs. Dickinson wns killed and hor husband, Benjamin Dickin son, a prominent wool grower of Colombia county, sorlously In jure!, when their nuto turned over near hero today. I I r rtiv AiuwUia.1 ! ivm n tiium A EW YORK. Sopt. 2C 1000 baloM rnf rotton In tho lower hold of tho ) white Star liner Crotlo caught flro 1 this morning ns the vessel Iny-at her pier roay to woign alienor for Genoa. SovornI hundred Italian reservists,; nnrrnii nnr m un r nt IN SHIP HOLD who woro crowded Into the stoerngo, Pelrograd correspondent of tho Mve I fled to tho pier. Tho flames woro sub- lng News, completely Isolates the dued after a hard fluht. 1 110 vessoi will be unahla to sail as scheduled. TRADK HILL HIGNKD. Hr Aiwlloj IVmi lo.Cooa !lr TlniM,) WASHINGTON, D. C, Sopt. j Vresldent Vllson today signed the trado commission bill. He announced several weoks ago I that ho would not appoint tho I members of the commission 1111 I til the Decembhr session of Con gress. COMING 1 'ROM FAIR .MACHINE Tl'llS OVKIt Baudon AtiKuiioblllsts .SKvdlng, Run liquor, were not badly injured, nl- thougli two of thorn aro reported to have been nrotty well bruised about tho legs. The' accident occurred on a straight stretch of road """l',. RnlnB hnvo made tho roads to Myr- tlo Point run deep with mud and ma chines making the trip to the fair have had hard pulling In, sovera! stretches. ". Tho LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE EVERY DAY There appears some Item of news In the advertising columns of The Times news of tho day's "Best Buys" to bo found In tho various storcB. Tho woman who reads and heeds theso "nows Items" Is tho one w!o conducts her household economically. Times. Const Mull Athertlwr No. 55 Violent and Incessant Engage ments Fail to Give Victory to Either Side. GERMANS DO NOT FOLLOW PLANS OF THE EXPERTS War Correspondents Are Ous ed from Battle Zone Germans Well Prepared. KXGLIHH STATEMENT. tor AMotit.a rrf to Com D17 Tlran. LONDON, Sept. 20. Tho of ficial press bureau Into today Issued this Htatoment: "Thoro hns ,bcen much activity on tho pnrt of the enemy nil along tho counter nttnrkn have been ro pulsed nnd considerable loss In flicted on tho enemy," I ,,,r ai' t ioo nt? th III? Auocltt! TrtM 10 loo Da, Tlnot, LONDON, Sopt. 20. In splto of the fact that thoro has boon fighting im uuui inn 1011 uiiii ngiu wings at t "o nines tluring tn0 last weoK, nnd ,l,. ,!.. .....,,.... . l.nn v'o'enVnnd IncnnLno docislvo ro "t ot tho hnttln of tho Alsno lias yet been recorded. Tho British mill- IK? !"" "h.. '.on"?, J:!1?2,CS 1 "? y uvuti u"v thoro for days, tho fighting on tho ondn contradicts them. CoiTt'xiHiiHlt'titH Aro Otitted. Correspondents tolegrnphlng today from Amsterdam nnd dating tholr dlspatrhes from "Frnnce," an expodl cut resulting from tho expulsion of writers from onywhoro nenr tho sceuo of operations, again dwell on 1 tho excellent character of tho Gor- WMi eujrcu.clAUjouA, (icrnuiim (Jod ItiM'Ic. It soiuB that In many plncofl along the Alsno battle front, stouo quarries dot the hlllsldcH and n majority of theso workings hnvo boon In German hands for years, During novoral weeka before- the opening of hostili ties, thousandtt of tons of stouo wore cut from those quarries, lntor to be used for constructing barriers against which tho hcnvlcst artillery Jibb lit tle effect. i Tho Germnns Installed a long tlmo before war, certain portions of Homo of their big 42 coutlmotor guns on farms under pretext that they woro boring n woll. Thoy put In foundations of concreto so every thing watt ready. At other places heavy Gormnn artlllory wax placed on concreto pint forms mndo somo years ngo as foundations for factor ies that never wre completed. (.'APTIMU? RAILROAD ItAHIC (Fir AMorltitd X'n. I root nit tiiim.) LONDON. Sent. 20. Tho fall of tho town of Khyrow, tolopgrnpliB tho "iioniiiii itirtiiiuii pusiiiuiiH oi t'rxe- mysl ns regards railroad communica tion. Khyrow Is twenty miles south of Przomysl. KTATMMUN'l' OK IH'KSLl. Clulin tn Have Repulsed Advance of GeminiiM. ID, AttorlttM rrw. H IV PvT TlBM.1 NEW YORK, Sept. 20,-A mili tary attache of the Russian embassy burned tho following as being re ceived from Potrogrnd: "On Septem ber 23rd we repidsod attempts of tho Gormnn advanco guard to pene trate further to the east In tho provincQ of Suwalkl. Near Schutoh kin and Vincent our advanco troops havo beon successfully engaged with tho oiiomy. In Western Gnllcla, no fighting of importanco hns taken p!aco." ALLIES BOMBARD At STRIA. French nnd Ihigllh AtdicU Big; loi1 tlflenfloiiM. X inr.Auotlltrd I'rrtt to T Vtj Tlnir. .OJIlj. Sopt. 20. Tho fIeeH of Great Britain and Franco aro today bombarding heavily all tho fortified Austrian positions In the vicinity of Cattaro in Dalmatla. A wlrolosB re ceived from tho commander of the French fleet hnnounces that tho pow erful Austrian fortresa of Pelngosa has beon dismantled. - 1 1 KAJHER'S.KON SICIC ' Or AuoilalM I'mi to Coot D)f Tlmw J LONDON. Soot. 20. Prlnco Os car, Emperor William's fifth son, has beon obliged on account of heart weakness to enter tho hospi tal, according toAa telegram from Berlin. Tho LOYAL ORDER OK MOOSE will hold i LADIES' .NIGHT next Tuosday evening, AU wives, sisters, daughters and Bweothonrta aro Invited to a social evening and banquot. 'S ;..i. -.liiii an M4im -i "