(!; "ihui M JjiWml yv iiir . V. p wrj. THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1914 EVENING EDITION. EIGHT BIG SUPPLY OF HIE L T OVERCOAT E FOR FOOTBfiLL GEDARIN m IN iw mm NETS 2500 DAILY LU. C. A. Smith Company's Output Will Run About One-third White Cedar Henceforth. BETTER MARKET AND BETTER PRICE FOR IT New Logging Camps Yield A , New Sourrie' of Profit Pujp l Mill Now Starting -Up' , The Ettstshlo mill of the C. A. Smith company1 has started In cut Ung whlto ccdnr exclusively for n time until n big supply of cedar logs on hand Is .cut up. Sonio of tlo finest Port Orford White Cedar that )ins over been turned out Is now be ing cut there, mill men say. , The starting of logging operations south of Myrtle 'Point has opened n new sourco of revenue for tho C. . Smith ."company which will prove n regular mint. It Is estimated tlint uoHItnboV nlong Baker Crcok, where the two now camps have been opened And In tho adjacent territory will Tun from" twcnty-lflvo per cent to 1hlrty-flvo per cent, and In some areas oven more, whlto cedar. Even at tho present dull stago of Iho lumber market whlto cedar brings flO per thousand nioro than Ithol best fir and tho demand for It Is -much better than tho other classes of lumber. Under favorablo condi tions In the lumber market, tho mar gin botween Whlto Cedar and fir Is even greater than 10 per thousand feet However on tho basis of $10 per thousand and tho cut of the two mills henceforth running about one- third Whlto Cedar, tho company's incomo will Jump up $2500 per day with no added expense This Item nlono will defray much of tho ex- penso of logging operations and hand ling the lumber, leaving a net margin of considerable. Tho White Cedar Is especially do nlrablo for finishing and boat build- Acting U8 n Jury the street com mittee of the city council last even- heard tho testimony tract with somo Japanese paper mills that will tnko the ontlrc output for a lone time. This will probably bo lug met and ----- ... . . tt closed soon. submitted In tho Sneddon-Hnnsoir rigid High sciiooi, wonting under tuo Tho pulp they nro to turn out is controversy In which Mrs. Chnrlcs.wnr cnglo eye of Royal NIlos, for-, for making a high grndo paper and i Sneddon, 01)3 Seventh Street Southerner Whitman College nnd All-North-( With n Btjuad of two comploto teams, numbering at least 22 men, the football athletics of tho Marsh- For AH Kind! of Weath er consequently brings a hotter prlco contented the right of E. J. Hansen than tho pulp used for limiting print 003 Seventh Street South, to receive paper or wrapping paper. la rebate of $231.20 on street lm- proveiuonts on Johnson Avonuo which Hansen claimed was due htm for work doiio In connection with tho making of n fill on that thor oughforc. Mrs. Sneddon testified that tho work was undertaken only after her suggestion nnd that henco PAW I GIF FINDI1N0 ICE west fullback, tiro rapidly coming Into their own. Since the opening of tho school year tho men have met for prnctlco steadily and cnthulnstl cally on tho grounds on I) roadway Street South, priming themselves for the heavy schedule of eight games that Is listed for 'tho season. Formally tho football season will be opened on October 2 in Marsh- I -. . L sho was Instrumental In having Held when the local wnrriors aro the dirt hauled to tho fill and should listed for a tilt with tho nlumnl team Marshfield Negro Restaurant Man Disappears in Curry Many Rumors. Proprietor Powell, of tho Blanco 8U,n0BCH t0 ,mvo bccn o10'1' clty Cnfo, who disappeared mysteriously engineer uucKingnnm mnuc a ropori to tnc council a year ago last July rccelvo a share of the rebato granted, The street committee took tho mut tcr under advisement and win re port at tho next Monday meeting of tho council. Tho question nt ono time was ing on account of Its durability, otc. c cm,nt , , Pulp Mill Stinting. Inrookings Just prior to Mnuagor Ncrdrum lias started somo In Tho Sixes country In Curry coun ty last month, Is still missing nnd no trnco of him has been found, It was stated today that Mrs. Powell had appealed to local officers, to Sheriff Qngo and to tho sheriff of Curry county. It was also stated that she sent a man there but that ho had not found out anything ex cept thnt Powell was last seen July 1G In The Sixes Illvcr district, to which place ho went on n hunt and for an outing. Powell had niado qulto n success of business hero, having mndo considerable money In tho little dining car on North Front street and later buying the Blanco Cafo. Many Wild Humors. 4 rumor was afloat last week that a man who had boon looking for , Powell In Curry county had boon no tified to leave thoro within six hours, , At tho Illnnco today this was denied. I According to a rumor horc, Pow oll was quite an oxport with carda nnd had mailo n big winning from In or near his dlsnp- ttmiMitii.n rPKI.. a.......... 1 ... , ,. , , 1IWUIUIH.V. HUB llllllUl LilUBL'll BUII1U ' tho pulp machinery, now working of , frIeml8 (o feHr ,,owo, lind Jnot tho chip room. -It Is expected.. that mU fou, fj,y (Ift -,.KJ.ift -..;,.. a sufficient supply of chips will bo ,,. .,. .. Jn roaqincteao start -thovholo mill B Monday morning. -ArriuigomoiitH I..T. l.Pn ,.! fnr n f .l I HICII KAIIINCJ IS REFUSED. """"' "" ""I n number of small orders havo been secured from tho Orient and negotia tions aro on for closing n big con- 1 : ,' plaintiff for I Tho .Supremo Court, mooting In Snlem on Monday, handed down Its decision donylng the potlllon of tho a ruhuarlng In tho enso ufflm Prices pll Not lm ail H 'J iKwiH . "S - mmmiv ! i w i IBM K oipin I i Tea Garden Preserves AND Tea Garden Syrup on sale at your grocers ut tlie usual prices. SPICED FIGS Our new favorite Try them for the children's lunch. Healthy, delicious, nutritious. ASK FOR TEA GARDEN ORANGE MARMALADE STRAWBERRIES PINEAPPLE etc., eto. In which ho recommended that n rebate bo granted to Hansen. Upon this recommendation tho council al lowed tho claim and not until then did tho counter clnlm of Mrs. Sned don appear. The matter has since thnt time has been unsettled. Mrs. Sneddon who Is a neighbor to E. J, Hansen nnd with property In closo nproxlmlty to tho ravine which has been filled, testified that contractors near hor plnco wore nt work leveling several lots nnd haul ing the dirt off far down Firth Street to bo dumped. Johnson Ave nue at that time was unimproved. Tho grndo of tho city cnglncor call ed for a raising of tho street and subsequently more than fiOOO cubic yards of dirt wero moved from Sev enth Street onto tho Johnson thor oughfare Seolng tho dirt holng thrown awny Mrs. Sneddon declared that sho went to Hansen nnd broached the propo sition or having the dirt dumped In for tho fill. Hanson declared this testimony was correct but that following this ho went to the excavating contracr torn and showed them thoy could dump It In close with no need or sending their tennis far out. This was agreed to and Hansen testified thnt ho superintended the plating of tho dirt, thnt ho worked for many days, often had his son to help him and uovoral times paid for tho services of a third man. Tholr work was mainly tho spread ing of tho wagon loads of dirt as they were brought to tho ravine. In tills mauiio;- GSO cubic yards Select your winter overcoat now ,, . complete and at ,(s bost-niniin ouri ing lie u niacin, Shawl, Con vAHHir ioats, jjivss Coals n.;i,, v mm ncsioug and short li.nrn,u .. u.l,.'e - - .tIU I I I lllil 1 PRICES $15 to $50 of F. A. Smith vs. L. 1). Kinney Aunut ten days ngo tho Supromo Court rovoraod tho decision of tho lnu'or pmtrt will.!, Ii.i.l .lAnI..n.i I.. favor of tho defendant and tho of I,rt wero Placod'ou JoIiiiboii Avo- oul,00,c plaintiff thon appealed for a rchour- ,ni0, "'Burlng this at a I contB . Irrr on the grounds that certain mat- 1CP oul,,c '""' tl10 "onnt Intor i?-, u:-n '.vhlch the cao wns hop- HI u lcr moro ,nri ou oio sumo od to bo sustained had boon over-,'"rpot "W,101"' w8 231.20 allowod looked. Action now will nrobnblv ''"""Uw'.Nio I council. of tho North llend High School, n squad now working Industriously un der tho tutolngo of Coach McGlll, an old Nebraska football star. Tho North llend High School will havo no tenm from tho regular enroll ment this year. Two games will bo played with tho Alumni from thoro; two games will bo played with tho Coqulllo High School; Myrtlo Point will bo ro,ot twlco In tho season and tho Uandon School Is llBtcd for two contests. About tho field on Ilrondwny St. South heavy planks will bo laid for tho use or tho spectators thus eli minating ono or tho disagreeable fea tures of farmer games, that of stand Ing In tho mud. With n sandy field the men surfer llttlo from bruises nnd aro onnblcd to get In good stiff prnctlco of between two nnd throo' hours ovory evening. Tho bnckftold combination last night lined up with McDonald nnd Seaman In tho halfback positions nnd Dolt as fullback. Burrows on end In gaining speed and carried tho ball well on ond runs dcsplto tho ten dency of himself nnd ninny others to carry tho plgBkln tucked loosely awny under tho wrong nrm In a manner to Invito fumbles when tack led. Coach Nlles Is drilling tho men sternly on this point and on ovory mistake Immediately called tho men back and repented tho signal. No definite lineup of tho team has been mndo and probably will not be, declared tho coach, until n few dayH "J" iiiu 'i vi.. mile v. tin- Ni(k. VnnOi provloiiB to the gnmo with "ho North Hend Alumni, Tho men when report Ing on tho Hold aro first given n short punting practice later fol lowed by scrlmngo or tho first nnd second teams. Iicforo finishing it it for tho evening tho Hrut team men nre given n stiff drill on tho running or signals, working out various plays nnd nutting them Into operation. With a team averaging In n I neighborhood of 1 ." ." pojnds tho Ih encouraging, according to tho statement of Conch Nile who bollevoa that tho moil aro do ing good work for the tlmo thoy havo been out. . K jMarshi'iold S2 THREE STOKES; Ban don rosult In tho caso again bolng i brought bnck Into tho circuit court .for n retrial. This Is tho ease In I which tho payment on tho old m"tco decided that this had no hour Mrs. Sneddon declared ilmt nnrt of tho dirt romoved was used by Hansen on his own lot. The coin- steamboat Liberty was In question. At Your llruccra. Paci'i Coast Syrup Company I'urllnud, Or. NORTH BEND NEWS Mrs. Harry Truman has gono to i Portland for a months visit with re latives. A. H. Derbyshire returned yester day from Gardiner whore he won the suit which Messrs Frodrlckson nnd Olson begun ngulnst tho Umpqun packing Co. I F, Pickens or the North Bend News Company will leave In a tpw dayB for Portland to contlnuo his Ing on tho cuso. At one tlmo stated Hanson, tho contractors naked 20 cents a load and thinking tho proper ty owners would have to pay for tho dirt asked Mrs. Sneddon If sho Wns willing to contrlbuto. "Sho would not," snld Hnnsen. "I never heard of tho proposition beroro," reiterat ed Mrs, Sneddon. PLAN FOR RKOITAL. Mr. Hugh A. Kelso or Chicago, who has been traveling through Coos county, will give a recital at tho homo or Dr. and Mrs. Win. Horsfall I ALONG the WATERFRONT , f A big now 40 cnndlopower search light has been placed aboard of tho Mllllcomn, which is ut present tak ing tho Allegany run In tho place of tho Alert which Is laid up, hav ing her engines overhauled. Tho Tlllnmook. loft Uandon yestbr day morning for tho north carry ing a miscellaneous cargo. Tho steam schooner Mnyfalr has arrived from Sun Francisco and will tako aboard about -136,000 foot of lumber that was brought down on two scows from tho Tldowntor Lum bor Company on tho Sluslnw two days ago. Tho gasoline schooner Roamer ar rived yesterday from Florenco ARE YOU ONE OF TIIH MAXV Wilo win. m, ..... .. .. .,,,,,, i.im-, AIIVA.M'AnP AH . . .HPKCIAIi PRICKS FOi, HATUI1DAY AND MOXDATi MEN'S dress shirts, genulno No-Fade, regular prlco from to $2.00, your choice, ench J'olnt pins, regulnr Cc, 111 41 now, per paper .....,,. LADIES' Fall and winter weight union suits, all styles. Including elbow slcovc's nnd dutch neck, prices 1,00 to Mnttrcss protectors, sanitary and washable, regular ptlco $2.G0, now English stool knitting pins, now, per sot Mon'H part wool sox, natural and black, special . r.t, por pair Lndies neckwear, regular prlco to I'm now, each ?&"!" 0n9'llcco y,iu.Sr,Q0,,nrJlutonB,i 2 dozen for .' .' ' Children's cotton fleeced imdorweor, 2c a garment, Wool, up from ,,,, Ladles' Silk Waists, regulnr prlco to IS. 00 Aid Kow HI Satisfaction r Money Refunded THE FAIR CwtnlJ .VntM Ctuuda! GRID JURY TO REPORT 5 noxt Saturday evening. Tho recital i bringing a miscellaneous cargo. , .. . . i .... i . ' ', r ' J5n88iwl e given for tho benefit of the The Paralso sailed Tuesday for man will tako his place hero. Baptist Mission boat Llfe-Llne, In Sun Francisco and Agent Tom James Alexander Nellson or tho Everett .which Mr. Kelso has become Interest-! 8tates that sho had a capacity list ot iiuariiiHcy win icavo soon lor Portland ed diirlnc his visit In MnrHi.rini.i ou'Bi"K passongers, in addition to a Mrip KvmWit'Mimil Id to tako a course In dentistry. Arvld Johnson and family, old re sidents hero, will leave on tho next Nann Smith for California where they will locate. Florenco Laird, Ruth Laird, Mary KJellmnn, Evelyn Clarke and Ruth Halsted are amongNthe North IJend school girls sending fancy work to the Myrtlo Point fair contests. Herman Anderson, a young boy. Is rocuperatlng from an Injury to his eye caused by a splinter of steel. L. N. Ollnet and wife lcR this week for Portland In responso to. n message announcing tho death or her rather. James Mott who has attained con Mr. Kelso desires to assist tho Rev Q. LeRoy Hall In this splnedld mis sionary work. While tho utrnlr wljl bo Invitational, any who desire will bo given an opportunity to contri bute. Mr. Kelso's ability and at tainments have already been com mented upon In Tho Times and that tho arrnlr will bo an unalloyed pleas ure to Marshfield music lovers need not be mentioned. i EXPECT liA'RCJE XU.MHER OF . TRUE HILLS TO HE REPORTED BIG LEI ; Bill AMKItlC.lX Philadelphia Chicago ... TOMORROW HItUNER MURDER. Washington .vi. i.. nAimlMll' lilt imutuiaiiu ii.ii' r.4iii iiiiv 'huiiimjih u. . (Special to Tho Times.) COQUILLE, Or., Sept. 25.- -Tho Washington Cleveland illoston grand Jury adjourned this .norntng St. Louis until tomorrow morning when thoy will probably make their final .re port to Judgo Coke who arrived horo this afternoon; Indictments In tho Empire robbery Philadelphia,, caso aro n little uncertain. John Chicago . Wasson wns hero yestorday and gave Philadelphia . Now York, Detroit, B!- XATIOWW Chicago somo strong ovldonco, It Is' said. 'pittsburg FISII1NO AT FLORENCE Tho first salmon received at tho Florenco eannory by Kyle & Sons this' good miscellaneous freight The steam schooner Speedwell came up from North Bend this morning nnd took aboard a largo number of flea from the Southern Pacific docks. Tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock tho Soeedwell will sail from the city dock at North Bend for San Francis co, San .Pedro and San Diego with passengers and a miscellaneous cargo. Tho gasoline schooner Roamer came up to the Smith Terminal dock this morning and loaded a mlscel-! laneous cargo, expecting to sail for Florenco some time this evening. MISS TWO CLUBS. Rumors aro rRo thnt a true bill n,ooklyn ..... may be returned Jn tho Bruner mur- gt. Louis der case, In which an old resident New York ... nt Mm (Vina Ilnv RiU'Hnu la SUBIlOCted flnxfnnnttl of belni; Imnllnntfc1. Innstnn ,,.," Nohow arrests havo been report- Cincinnati ' A.1 nn 4ia baaha tnillilmantti rnMlltlpd nBi ....., I, a tlra nf Iha iui.nl Qliorlff flfjim. O Innlnim ESIDe ttH" w .(iu t.aav w. ... w... w..w.- -"w-. q ,....o w and Deputy Clyde Gage both went 0f darkness. to the Myrtlo Point fair today. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. COAST Lcl-E .t.A " San rrv ii Los Angeles Batteries. StMd'WJ .... ... i,.-' . - j Knmiu,. -- I'roposals will be received ai me snauer u - w offices of George P. Laird, Bandon, veda, Ryan, Enm , at noon. Saturday, October 6 for Mission j tho general contract for a two-story Portland...... ' tti Batteries, "- I .nntlllfv nvnn ltr nnnlnl nnl a a m .. n H .1 0n n.e titnlr ll 111 t fl ff . year were delivered on September 10, Qf the Coos Bnv nannr we notln thnf Rnnnmii. nrnnnanis for l.eatlnc and Eastley and Brenega" sldorable fame as an nctor Is hero nnu tho cunning operetlons wero com- the Narcissus Club, the Prlscllla Club, plumbing. ?500 certltled check to r-.TinsTllTTOB1' CIIKISTIB' Airi' to visit his brother. Dr. L. H. Mott. I oncea noxt day. The company has. Mlnno-Wis Club and tho Past Mat- accompany each nronosnl. Ho will probably arrange to put on n,nuo nn ngreoment with tho fisher- rons' Club are still on tho boards, but1 f5 deposit required for tlje roturn( etItlonw8sclrcuU" u somo performances hero under tho me"'B un,on to purchase all .their that the Newlyweds' and Young Mat- of tho plans. ' .r nur0se ot PbeIrtiL aiiBpiceq or local lodges. saimon at mo cannery, thus giving rons" Clubs appear to have gone out Plans may boi secured now rrom " rnristle " '" .,J mo men a market for their catches, of business. iTmnniia rnnrinr nonrn p i.nirJr. nnndon. Ore. Bids ol " . nt he r"" j ----- . .-.-., v-.aw , , ....., . . . -- ,.i.cQiniici v '- .in i ,,Mrt" ""h" "l MOOSE; i.'o launch RcstlesB Is mnklng OIUCKK.V PIE SUPPFR will bo opened at 12 o'clock noon, ... m..u ii.wiir.n- .MHUT next "any jnps tietweou MapIeton nnd Chicken plo Supper by Baptist October 6, 19H. .....y ujoi.i.iK. ah wives, sisters,) i'lorenro to pick up tho fish rrom the ng Ladles' t Class at Luthoran any and all bids is reserved commissioner iplrei I 12 o'clock- noon, , f.n he unexpi"' daughters and sweethearts are Invited uats and take. them to tho ennnory Hnl1'. Tl,ra and Comn to a social evening and banquet. i Florenco West. '" ovenlne, Scut. 20, from Commercial, 5 to 8. Sat. 5o; GEORGE P, LAIRD, Bandon .x iilctt . .rnou v- ; will niOKe - wulfci. I- i U3K i mtu idiltmiJ. jfrpfcy gi