4 jHBPgflEffitft -i'rlhl -M i mm THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1914 EVENING EDITION. SEVEN ?Ns si I as VV'A and i 'trlcti ,iti J 5? ,Co?Ht ?0HI Willi U'N rnJ! ?i "im ,BONR tup ALICE H. r. '.'; r 1'vnunsioN to P ,, MTO.V HBiVCII SUNDAY Kl'Sl.fleld nt A. M. MMn TRIP 50c .nnVctlon ltl auto for Sun" for appolntmont. ,Mflrshfield,Orcgon SESSIONAL DIRECTORS Hints For The Housewife For Saturday Buying . Harper neral Repairing and Cabinet J49-J. r. Tompkins, D. S. T. . fllannart trnntnn erf . " "" nnnm. 1 it drugs ui ou.ow.,. 237 South Broadway. 132-L. MarBhflold, Or. Phono 318-R IhuiLDlXa CONTRACTOR Etlmatca rurnlshod on rcqueBt G0Sney' Ph...316 Lnn.irrrnit AM) HUILDKR b'imatcs Furnished on Request l'flSt YVorK It iiy livicrcnco and Aider Sts. . Mnrshfleld M. Shaw Si Bar, Nose mid Throat. tJIATTlK IJ. SHAW viect of women nun imiurcn phono 33U. uooms zuu, zui. 202, Irving Block. House phone, 105-J. Ostlind J.VSULTINO ENGINEER AND AHUIIlTliUT Offices, 20G Irving Hiocic 103-L or 207-J. Maraiiiieia, urogon Saturday Special Oh Saturday September, 26 We will place on sale regular 35c to 50 c Three-sewed House Brooms i5C Only one broom sold to each adult attending, SEE WINDOW.' ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW. Peoples 5-10-15 Cent Store Spread Of Scarlet Fever Can Be Stopped OMNI E io eyicr Prominent Marshfield Women Want Strict Enforcement 1 to Prevent Disease. At ft mooting of tho Episcopal .Guild tho mnttor of enforcing a Tho spreading of tho disease la Btr,ct nuarantlno on contagious dt whnt Dr. Murphy says can bo Btop- Bcn8eB wnB dlscussod and tho guild lied, and by tho very slinnlo oxned- decidod to uso their offorta to try investigation to warrnnt confldenco lent of dally Inunctions with oil of to BtoD tho 8Proad of scarlot fovor Every mother nnd father of youngect consequences, but if they survive cimuren win near with sometning these, only too often thoy suffer' more than interest tho s ntcmen by throg fo from gnlV(j i)hycaI or -i JJ t'iUI I'll Ul Ifll'lUU&U lllUt tm i. i,rinff i,nni, frn. u,,M,m , mental Incapacities. It numbors am now. that scarlet fever ran ho from! 0IB tho 108t contagious of the fev nf rnntnciniiflnPRB Hn 1iI.t1, la n- orB- a"u" ovor' cnso of it Is therefore Mnrtiliv'a rntib- nmnnir nhvalnlnna n I'Nbllc danger. that tils announcement will bo ac cepted throughout tho medical pro fession as one mado after sufficient J. Chandler ARCHITECT is 301 and 302, Coko Building, Uarsbfield, Oregon b. S. Turpen AUUUTKCT Marsbflold, Orogon. APPLIES We have just received a big shipment oi Coos County Gmvensteins apples. Nicely packed and in excellent shape. These are some of the best apples wo have had this year and sell regularly for $1.50 and over, but for the banance of this week we arc going to offer them for sale at $1.20 per box. aOW is the time to buy. COOS BAY TEA, COFFEE AND SPICE HOUSE PHONE nut little less than certainty that ho Is not mistaken. Scarlet fever Is a somewhat mys terious, ns well as a most terrible, malady, for though there Is reason to believe that it Is of bacterial ori gin, its germ has never been Isolat ed. Not only nro Its victims In ser ious danger of death from its dlr- Eucalyptus. TIiIb Is n well known nnu tP"""a now prevalent in gormicido of tho tnlldor sort, nnd MarBhflold. would hardly ho expected to bo of-1 A c?mmltto composed of Mrs. E. flclont for tho purpose, but tho ques- V' Low'8' Mr8 I,nrry Nnaburg and tlon. Is ono of fact, not of expecta- Mr8' W- A ry wnB forniCl1 to ,n tlon. If It works, scarlot fovor ought tcrvluw tho 80Vornl Pl''dans In tho city and to co-oporato with thorn prevention, which Is vastly ln WorZ wny P88'"l order that soon to bo conquered, not by cure, but by bettcr.- -Now York Times. TRY Kill TAiMA GREW Steamer Cordova Will Endeav or to Relieve Men on the Wrecked Govt. Vessel. Df Auoclittil Trtu to Cool U17 Tlmn.l WASHINGTON, D. C, Sopt. 20. PLAN TO BUILD TO COOS BAY Roseburg Parties Claim That Two Companies Want to Construct Proposed Road. ROSEBURG, Oro. Sopt. 25 Tho Btcnmer Cordovn, aouthbound Another very encouraging fonturo out. from Nome to Scnttle, has boon Inter- hns doveloped ln tho movement for n tho children of tho city might bo protectod from these terrlblo pesti lences. Tho mothers of tho town nro JiiBtly nlnrmcd at tho ravages of these diseases and feol that It la tholr duty to suppress thorn wher ever posslblo. A commltteo composed of Mra. P. A. Hnzard nnd Mrs, Herbert Lock hnrt and Mrs. Otto Schottor vafl named to talk with tho city health officer concerning any mcasuro ho may seo fit to enforce Thin com mittee nlso plans to talk with the malingers of tho moving plcturo the aters, urging thorn to forbid tho nt tednanco of children nt nny perform ances until tho contagion Is stamped L Olivia Edman, M. T. D. EDI.SU .MAHHAUK AMI fllKI- ICAIj GYMNASTICS FOR A Mi DISEASES Commercial inc. I'liono 2IS-J rJred Rogers Nelson. ToMcl;cr or l'lnno. Ill of Hugo MaiiBfcldt, San Fran b, Cat. Application for lesionn bi line for appolntmont. JiiirlifIol(l, Oregon. Xe Delicatessen Co. 143 North Second Street. Ostlind IXO TUNKIt AND IIKPAIRER e orders at W. R.JIalnea.Mua- B. Sixth Street. Phono 103-L. Riley Ballinner PIANIST AND TEACIIRIt Ndeaoe Studio, 217 No. Third 8t Tbono 368-u WSI. J. SMITH PLOMBINQ CONTRACTOR work proptlr attended to ImttOH Clieerfiillr GIrcn. PItlCKS RKAHOVAIirK Pl. 30-J. 1207 N. Front St. Anything in HiiImN, MentH, CuUc, l'le nnd I'm try Mnde on SPECIAIi OltDEIt Hicclnl In Moot PIos, Pudding, Scalloped Potntiea A Iirgo Variety of Cookctl FooiIn S'rvcI Hot. At All Hour of tho Day. Lunrhe.H put up In nny Mylo you want Wo upprtH'lato large or hiiiiiII order THE DELICATESSEN COMPANY. TAS I1EACII AUTO LINE Chandler Hotel. BfrahflliL Uio IVcacIi and Wit Points. 1. A. SI. 1 I M l I f. empire BOc Tar Hcol 70c 8outU Slough 75c Bastondorf Beach ...$1.00 Mauel Reef JJ1.00 fluoset Bay $1.00 iwcurn from Ile-ach at A. SI. l i sr.fluiii i. t tha beach by tho Ocean Beach t-passencer nntnmnMtn lonvo. aaier .-Hotel thrao tiroes idallr f- tu.u'.s FASIOUS AUTOS Tfie Union Market OUR COMI STORAGE SYSTEM IS SURE A SUCCESS Our Prlmo Roasts of Boof, Lamb, Mutton, Voal and Pork cannot bo excelled. Try oae of our Fat Hona or Fryera for your Sunday dlnnor, that bag boen properly cooled, and n,ojo. tho dlfferenco. J. E. FORD & CO. 174 South Broadway Phono f8 coptcd by wireless nnd has gone to , railroad from Roseburg to Coos liny tho reSCUO Of tl'w nfflpr nnl Tv of the rovenuo cutter Tahomn, which was wrecked on tho Aleutian chntn a This Is that nt least two partlos of tho highest flnnnclnl Btandlng will be" In the fluid with n view to build- fow days ago. Tho Cordova Is ox-'R lll ronu in chbo me oonus nro nortn.l n rrli tlm pnnn Into (n-'votod hero on Oct. C. Wllllo tllO night. Tho BtenniBhlp Son was supposed to have gono nsslstnnco of the Tahomn. was report ed to have' boon directed to rosunio PB0 ot only building a local road from hero to tho liny, but each ex pects to ox tend tho lino enst either ot lfolso, Idaho, or Salt Lake City. That either company Is amply nblo AT THE HOTELS. ono Into to-' voted hero on Oct. C. Whllo tho' '""' ?"" motor, which nn""B of theso parties nro obviously! Boston: II gono 'to tho not Bvo" o"1 for Publication nt thla ,8C0: "j was report- H'110" " ,s announced thnt they pro-"; '0Wl8 ' her course MQUOIl FIGURICS RIDICUIiEl). Saloons Tnko $1:1,000,000 nnd Pny to build such lines Is boyond ques tlon. It Is nlBO woll known thnt Tho CluitMllcr Hotel. Georgo J. 8enk, Kurokn; 13. W. Schulx, San Francisco; Frod Do horty, 8nn Francisco; A. F. Modlno; Ionry Pnrcoll, San Frnn- T. Potoraon, Kurokn; V. ortlnnd; Georgo W. Wolf, Okoley, Minn.; J. 13. Norton, Co- qulllu; J. K. Wobor, Portland; II. Kelso, Chicago; R. Spauldlng, Sa lem; G. W. Starr, Coqulllo; Mrs. F. D. Drowno, 8nn FrnnclBco; D. I.yoiiB, Rocdsport; Miss M. E. IC LyonB, Rcodsport; R. E. Ncnl Med- fH..ii t i. iir.ii t ...i thoy mtiBt give to tho city n bond.'" " " " v" """1w,l' U0UBU fnr ir.nn.non n Dirniiti.ii M.n mm. clt)r' KntiBaB! h. Williamson, Km- Hnck !?IM)(),00(), Say Ftrilcrton. To tho Kdltor: I nlwuys admire big things nnd I ploton nnd opornt0n of n railroad ,plr' Btood In admiration boforo tho liquor )olwoon horo nml tho coaBt boforo" s-J?- Vljllo. IorllnncX: U. S. Dootla. I uuii iiuutiovu, ii, u, aiiimi, curvui- iih; wiiunm urant, nn ituiicuco; tioniers- uiuuoara anu wonuereu wnuv rnnfrnp( wiii , iv-n ., mi tlm otcd. A ns tho sort of monatroiiB gnll tho fellow had boi,8 8ollli nftcr tlloy nro Vl that penned thnt copy'. In whht bii t,irollL.. 'vnS' oflB ' '. wo promo contempt ho must hold tho conM would bo of iC8tlninb1o bono- Intolllgonco of tho voters of tho Btate. flt (o noBoburg nnd Douglns County In tho first plnco ho saya tho tato will loso 1900.000 In rovenuo nnd rob 'NVNS,NN' tho peoplo of H.800,000 to pay It. Pnd tliouannda of dollars placard in ..- ...r.ia ! i.i... no o ,, Ing tho country with Hob? every ono in tho county and genor-' Tho worst drunkard In tho land on Minn npoll8 j g , u , oBly donate 1.34 per capita In rove- know. Uo a fool, nnd over twonly fff ,f "ooft-.. fe0AlandT VU man ninniiiiiir nil n iiraiii rnrnnr in i . . a uoiHioru, I'oriinnu. Tins Idoyd Hotel. Georgo Warnor, Kuroka; J. C. HotchklBB, Tolodo; F. Androatt, Saa Carl Qruonhorg. 8nn Francisco: V. Mooro, Portland; S. C. Armltnge, Portland; William Candlln. Coqullte; J. W. Hannlfl, Portland; H. C. Mor gan, PortlnnU; W. P. Porop, 8oattlo: Goorgo Porop, San Francisco; IJ. H. Grant, Portland; C. R. Hnnnn, Baa Francisco; J. W. Rankin, Spokane; A. N. Holmun, Portlnnd; A. Andor- nn .n.l nnrnrHlnn. n tl.nln nu-n mm. "IO" tUUHUlUB "" BlfUUl CUmur 111 tationB that would bo about right for' ortland told tho writer thoy would tho whole Btnto, so they would tako voto tho 8tnt0 dry bocaiiBO thoy Bjiont ..i.. i nnn nun .. ii.i.,(,. nil their wngea In tho saloons. Two business channe.H and pay 900,000, Wo. of dollars goes for 'liquor Franco; j ,, Rooney Salmon; m...i iiiinny in hub couniry. ai jau.uuo." .u.v.-hu, .. , .., KINDLY REAIEMBER AND GIVE US A TRIAL EVERYTHING IN THE HAKEnV LINE MARSHFIELD BAKING COMPANY MS NORTH SECOND ST., NEAR CENTRAL AVENUE. PnONE 42. AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS ' COOd can WiOi rjirful 1Vrra dy senrice, phone 144, "uiu iiuiAra l'wlors. alnt aervice, Phone 30-L night Oafe. D. L. F00TE. Slodela "HENDERSON CORSETS" alio Drinrlnnl lot.lt...,n.. "ONYX" and "CADET" Hnsr S.S. JENNINGS, No. Bend 93 Central Avenue COOS BAY STATIONERY COMPANY 3FFICE SUPPLIES ANSC0 AGENCY Cameras and Everything for Them Phone 430 STATIONERY for thn tirlvllenn of dolnir It. I. int tho eniih daman to tho stnto a mllo It would build twenty boulo but the Indirect damage will more vn"d" Horn New York to this const than double tho 112.000,000 of dlf-!ani1 "nvo nough loft to buy 800,000 ferenco In crime, ruined homcB.Btlll. n,lt0" nt 1000 Pr ' to '" on hnrn linlma fin Unvnrln tlit rnt nf-'hOIll. still fcorn baboB Is 300 In 1000 owlngl L!m0r demands moro courts, po to alcohol), Insane (08 per cent of ,lc. Bhorlffs, moro Jails, penllon tho Inmales of tho nBylum nro there' t,nr'08. aylum, nnd tho taxpayers from liquor), and deformltloB are dl- tooi tno ulla nesldea paying for tho MIlrnl,lnlnllm,nmn.nllI liqilOr U"ll J OU gUl I.J1 CaCIl lUr Thl umndrfnl l.llll.nnr,! iiavii Knn. allowing yOlirBOlve tO bO robbed. as has moro In the penitentiary than u mny bo powlbla that tho Ilquo'r to any that Kansas has nearly tnreo ,u "-" " " times the population of Oregon with amendment, but it Boema ImpoBslblo less than twice tho penitentiary popu-, now- If tMy do ,ot ,,B Initiate a latlon, only ono for every 2334, and bm that w' comPl0 ovory 8n,00n more than threcfflfths of tho inmatea koeP'" wl, hnB "W ,(l"or to a mnn ore from other Btates. The total who hnB uocome a drunkard to pay bonded Indebtedness of Kansas Is' liettvy damage to those dependent TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal, Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. Cleaning, repairing or new platens, work guaranteed. Ribbons ami carbon paper delivered. Phono us your order. Phono 44, Alliance ofilce. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS &utJTL?:i, Abstract., aui . " '. "i'ouuuie, imnie- u r i, '"Areata of our cllenta. ' N I M U 11 COST J. S. KAUFMAN & CO. $370,000, and $109,000 of that la on hand to pay It off. Kansas has $132 In tho hank for eyery person In the Btnto and the citi zens pay taxes on $1705 each. Cer tainly the want of liquor makes them poor! That's why they only have 6,000,000,000 head of livestock and upon lila earnings; further mako the saloon keepor responsible for all crime committed under the influenco of liquor, and the trade will soon be unprofitable. Tho United States Supremo Court Empire; J. J. Ott, Coos Hirer; W. F. AdaniB, nnd wife, North Bend. F. C. Hamilton. North Inlet; C. 11. West, Portland T. M. Korrlgan; Co qulllo; Charles Nowman, Portland; II. Alvoraon, Coos River; W. F, Prea ton, Myrtlo Point; E. U. Bakor, Bear er Hill; O. R. Baker. Portland. The Illnnco Hotel. Otis Bruford, Sumner; M. J. Car mlchcel, South Inlet; Walter Crook, Myrtlo Point; Jack Miller, Myrtle Point. G. D, Harding, Oak Grove; T. J. Ballnntyno. North Fork: 8. P. How- ,nrcCKur-bkn,n,.,ra; Wasters Sumner; u, I', Howard, Euroka, The St. Ijuwivjico Hotel. J. P. Mullor, Spokane; P. J. Hunt, Seattle; Mra. C. Washton. Bandon; E. W. Schotlor, .Hnndon; Math Ranno, San Francisco. James Galllnger, Portlaud; Mary Lambert, Seattle; Perry Bttles, Hu gouo; R. B. Mason and wife, Dufur, R. L. McCunn, Portland; J, R. Wlloy, Bandon; O. B. Coy, Bandon. sTEnNJ) YOUR LAUNDftY TO US BY PARCEL POST "SL.FOBNISH A BAG AND nuj PAY THE POSTAGE ON ITS RETURN COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY BTAJ. MAH8HFIKLD TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- -:- has been a hobby with ub for a good many years and a lot ot our customers will tell you when It comes to getting good, Bound, durable framing material at the right price we know our busi ness. Just tell what you want to build and the amount you waat to spend and we'll get busy with our pencil and figure out the beat your money can buy. Try ui.julftav-Jti&.U.'u C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTSrENT CUT THE FUEL HILL 1 TWO IIY USING OUR WOOD PHONE 100. 182 SOUTH BROADWAY Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance riTLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. HENRY BENG6TAOKEN, Uaaagev FARM. COAL, TIMBER AND PLATTING LANDS A 6PSCIAITY. faiu. " GKNKnAI AGENTS EASISroil MARSHFIELD OFFICE, PHONB JU-J. COQUILLE CITY OFFIOM PHONB 1B1. woman will rocelvo a monthly al lowance of thirty marks, which sum Is to bo proportionally Increased for each child. FOR WIDOWS AND ORPHANS BERLIN, Sopt. 2G.--Tho city has ruled that ouch a law Is constl- council of Hanover has decided to tutlonal, so let ub have It on our, sot aside as a first appropriation the and an automobllo to every forty-, 8tntuto books at once. Von Moltko sum of throe million marks for tho five peoplo. There is something 8aiu: oer 8 moro iungorouB io support or tno famines or soldiers wrnnir with Kansan nnd vot with nil uormony man an tno armies or now in tno iiem, wvery married these paupera riding In autos. having' Prance." French gonernlB say liquor bank accounts nnd owning great ,s ruining their army, droves of cattle, the fools don't knowl If Oregpn goos djy Ujioro'll bo enough nfter thirty years.to vote the J,IBt 8 many hops sold and grown, state wet. Just think of the sym- ,or th'8 8,ate W "8ea two Per cent pnthy the liquor men have for the of wnat re ralBed- u wo,,1(1 u0 a poor fool voters of Oregon who are Boa 'n,"B '" ine nP ,nnu wn8 ", surely going to vote this state into loganberries. tho same condition ot poverty, that Tho P00r '1(luor aetB are "In they are spending many thousands oi ' extremis" nnd llko nny other dying dollars to Bhow them what fools the mau wll can- aro l'ay,nB fanuloui Kansans aro. I Prices to be saved, but tho peoplo of Thoy say there will bo no work i J Oregon have too much senBo to con you voto tho state dry. Strange, tlue layln heavy taxes for crime in oruer mat a lew may get ncn celling poison. JAMES FULLERTON. Eugene, Ore. (Paid Adv.) Isn't It? Yet all tho big business men won't employ a man who drinks, and capital everywhere Is hunting dry towns to build factories. As soon as Sprlngleld went dry tho Booth-Kelly company built n new mill to employ 150 men, How a dry town hurts business. Even the new box factory came to Eugene. Liquor men say prohibition does not prohibit. It that Is true, what's hurting them and causing them to QUATERMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS I Onnoslte Blanco Hotel, MARSnFIELD, OREGON Waterproof Not nearly not fairly but dryly waterproof tOWEJcS REFLEX SLICKER Tho wet wether cott (or you (or Rood hud mice. Light weight. itiODg, and big all lot comlort. $3.00 EttfTttWe FWtelw Uit, 75 ' SATISFACTION GUARANTEED (.ouief lit A. J. TOWER CO., Bo 2 zmulj&iL. ?