,-, m"" SIX "H irfr THE COOS BAf TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 25, 1914 EVENING EDITION. v usiness Must Be Good NEWS OF NEARBY Wli TOWte ' JIM Peace and Plenty in the United States are Bringing on A New Era of Prosperity JSoundt Reasons that Insure tne Good Times now at Hand-A Conservative Authority States the Solid Basis for His Optimistic Judgment The New Agriculture--A Boom in Manufacturing Activity in Domestic and Foreign CommerceUnited States to Dominate World Trade and Finance. The New Spirit of the American People the Indomitable Force Behind the Broadened Con ception of American Business that is Destined to Work a Transformation nccnusc tho period of liquidation In over. Business hns been on n debt-paying baslB for several years, and now Ib In position to go ahead SAFELY and profitably, as there aro no accumulated stocks of mor chandlse. , Dccauso the stoppago of Imml nratlon Is so restricting tho supply of labor that ovory worker may bo employed at fair wages. Uccauio these working people, and tho tnassOB generally, aro so bent on having the lntcst and best of everything as often to bo extra- vngaut rather than thrifty In grat If y In if their wants and thus becotno liberal consumers of food and mer chandise, as well as being producers thereof, creating n vast and constant ly expanding homo "market ulnco thoro Is no limit to human wants. Uecause, therefore, tho homo trndo or our people, their dealings with each other, relatively Is but In Its Infancy, In splto of Its present gi gantic volume, nnd Is about OS times our total foreign trndo. New Era In Foreign Trade Ilccnuso our foreign trade, which now constitutes barely two per cent of our total trade, Is destined to grow by leaps and bounds. For Iho paBt fiscal year, our foreign trndo per capita was ulmost douulo that of 20 years ago. Dccauso tho United Stntes now may furnish tho world market with much of tho merchandising horcta foro supplied by Germany, Austria, France, llclglum and England. Ilccnuso, onco wo get that trmlo wo can hold u goodly share of Its against nil comers. Docnuso, furthormoio, the foreign demand pur capita Is destined to In crease much moro rapidly In the fu ture than In tho past, slnco tho poo plo In every land, whether civilized or not, havo had somo tusta of the good things of life, which has whet ted tholr appetite for moro. Money Problem Solved Uecause, tho new federal rcservo banking system bids fair to enable tho American people to loctlfy most of tho errors of their old monetary system, keep every dollar as good as gold, largely insuro against finan cial stress, and provide adequately and safely for tho automatic expan sion and contraction of credits and BY HERBERT MYRICK ff President Orange J add Company atlrely easier and In healthier con dition In many rural districts than In somo of tho larger cities, while bankers nnd depositors overywhero Uecnuso past experience, shows how such agricultural prosperity as wo now enjoy nlwnys ushers In good business, nnd proves that tho men co-operated successfully to 'and corporations who place their faith In tho United Stntes nnd hack up tholr Judgment with work nnd money, nro tho ones to obtain soon est the biggest shnro In tho good times coming. havo meet tho situation an exhibit of constructive patriotism for perman ent good moro worthy of honor than tho destructive patriotism of bat tlo's momentary excitement. llnrnusp. iiIko. tlin wholo flnnnclnl . -. -- a . . . , situation is working into bettor shape Amazing Developments in with u rapidity In view of tho unpro- Anririilhirp poilnntnil Hhnck In ronnlvod In Into HIJI lUllllUI L July nnd enrly August, that om-l UocniiBo agriculture Imb entered phnsizes tho lnhoront economic' ""on a norlod of reconstruction strength, of .tho United States. which Is to bo ono of tho most-not- iJccause, financial uiid otlier coii-'au' characteristics of national do- dltlons In tho United Stntes during tho past two months and at tho present tlmu nre so Infinitely bettor velopmcnt in 1915 nnd thereafter, Uocauso tho farmer Is learning to apply tho secrets nnd enjoy tho than In tho other noutrnl nations profits of .efficient effort efficiency of South America, Asia nnd Afrlcn as to prove boyoud nil doubt tho superior economic power of tho American people. Soundness In Farming and Industry Ilccnuso tho good crops of 1011 and their value have been so thor oughly demonstrated and harped upon us to mnko It unnecessary to dwell on that much-advortlscd do tall of u fundamentally strong pos- sltlon. Uocauso, collectively speaking, American farmers will recelvo moro for their labors In 1011 than In any previous year. Uocauso tho world's supply of cer eals, harvested in lull, will bc fully ten per cent less than last year, a decrease of over 11500 mil lion bushels, muklng tho nggregato supply no larger than from th) crops of 1911, and Insuring good prices to farmers for this year nnd next. Uecause tho similar strength back of other industries and business Is so evident as not to require reitera tion hero of the vast array of sta- credit Instruments, tu harmony with .jstlcs upon which theso conclusions tho natural expansion and contrac-l,eBt. Hon of trade nt different seasons' Recauso, whllo wheat quotations and under varying conditions. igo down from, high-water murk with Uecause, when wo reflect upon prospects of pence, cotton goes up -what the American people havo ac-' under tho samo Influences, and In compllshed with the least scientific' dlcatlons now nro that when both and lenBt elastic monetary system' theso staples grown In 1914 nro li nt any modem nation, It requires no nally sold, tholr growers will be imagination to foresee tho rapid, fairly rewarded. Indeed, cotton la healthy and permanent development tho only weak spot In American which will be promoted by the now J agriculture Just now, but this post federal reserve system, which may tlou Is Improving dally, and under lie perfected as experlenco shown tho' lying factors point to hundsomo way until It adequately serves all pi of Its upon present prices of cot tlio people nil the time, ton, stocks nnd bonds. ltccauso, although the now sys-i Uocauso whllo cereals, meats and In production, efficiency In trans forming his raw material Into fin ished products; nbovo all, efficiency .n marketing tho fruits of IiIh labor and In buying supplies for his business, homo and farm. Uocauso, also, tho fnrmor nnd his family havo turnod squaroly around from tho old Idea that any body or anything would do for tho farm and In tho farm homo, nnd now demand tho best of everything In tho way of Improved machinery, labor saving mothods nnd better equipment, not only for the farm and Its bulldlngi!, but oven moro so for tho rural homo, not to mention tho social, educational, rccrcntlvo and spiritual Interests of tho rural community. Uocauso tho new resorvo system and established bunking mothods are to bo supplemented by farm flnnnco under national and stato laws so as to ennble tho farmer to employ tho three big C's Cnsh, Credits and Co-operation as do other business men, thus enormously expanding ru Uocauso tho stnmp "U. 8.," or "Made In America," U bound to be tho recognized standard of quality upon nil morchnndlso nt homo and abroad, thus Increasing its sale. Uecause all theso factors, nlong with tho increasing activity under way In tcxtllo manufactures, combine to spell PROSPERITY for tho American people, noi only for tho American people, not only for this winter and spring, but for years to come. Uocnuso all underlying nnd natural conditions uulto to favor continuance of penco and plenty, nnd ndded pros perity, In tho United Stntes. Uecnuso tho American pcoplo, al ready tho most prosperous on onrth, nro most favored by natural nnd nr tlflclnl conditions. Uecnuso tho United Stntes has tho greatest developed and undeveloped 'Industrial resources of any nation on ennn--peopio, ugricuiiuru, mining, fisheries, wntor power, manufnetureu, conimorpo. Uecnuso the foregoing hi so true that most of us have under-rated tho profound significance of this fundn- AFTER ROBBERS sum i ISSUED IB Cons Ran n:i! h&SH ::? came down from nDl,trt Charles e . Wol lfPp.e,r I H a-uteMa K. Smith "r5McJi Investigate the Empire Robi bery New Evidence Dis covered from Register. (Spcclnl to Tho Times.) COQU1LB, Ore., Sept. 25. Dis trict Attorey Llljcqvlst todny an nounced thnt tho grnnd Jury wore Investigating chnrges from Myrtlo Point thnt a doctor had boon writ ing prescrlptlnos promiscuously tho pBt yenr to onablo Imblbors to bo-I " Smith, one of thi.501 euro liquor. It Is charged thnt tho ' ! ,,"" 0' Ull concert if!? physician has takon In about SS.nooldnv--'-!,.,,l cwlil I UU. HUM . - tt! '8 gathering evidear." ,,ft "so, which inrol e'.rai ""uncroHoflandYafv:'1 Ins countlM a "Hi IHJa.rt.'ToLto.N. SlBlin, S. D. CatheVr, nilrl nnnnl. I..n .. ' ""aO sLsass?as aJilltlonal person. "eW . C. H. Smith I, aMBV iiniocrmnn ownin- ."."" WUconilB anJ 1..1 nnsha Wooden. 'K Plnco. When aikVv?.1'1' regard to the present cih.Ti declared that .. ,. V.r.M,.1l . - u uu nni i lor two or three tun v.,;"1 Tho grand Jury Is getting nlong ' ,"n,B,""b' at thl Umi tow? pretty well with Kb work nnd It llo stated that hi I,,"1 Is nosslhlo thnt It may ndlourn tn.. turn in in,n.j ' VHK .lnl. ....HI Unl.,l. 1,1 . I tn Mm nn.t .111... .. " . . . ilnv I...I -il .. ... ' oring in n roport today ns Judge . "' , ' . .V. ,n,n 'w Cokn Is not hero. I In -IH l. ,M "ln" 1,n4 n0WnS tour. Inninrrmv. Tim ilolnv l!l ,.... ..nJ "' .)'l.0,.Wi -..-". -- ..w.-, ..... ,.v....ii ifuiij, which recenea tit the securing of desired witnesses, '""d grant of alternate , public land between ci ANOTIIICH TUNNKIi DONK. ""seuiirg in 1868 m with a can Ita llntlon nt 'nil.. t..i.r... ,.t i x ' wna tn,B land thatwuUiBii . ....,. u. u,,u,.,h uiunui iti. rerrod to tho Southern Orwutt . yi, i..w ,,,... iivuu v.iiiu luiiiuuu uuiimiiy, wnicn U sow la tSa nt Alder Illdgo Is now nmiroachliig 1'rovloiiBly Individual holduj completion. Operntlons hnvo boon ' compBiiy have been iae4lrC(l cnrrled on from botn ends and lust """ , M.T Snturduy tho pussngo wub broken tract, to settlers for I IS J throiiKlf. connecting hath imrts of ihn The case now comlns befortfl tunnels This la tho shorter of two ,rlct court U tho flrat time Oft i n ..i ,... i i i ii"iy ii uecn tmimt VtllltlVID IIIIIV MtU UIIIJl It Ut llllllltl Ul jfcet npnrt, nnd It will take con siderable work yet boforo tho pas Hugo through tho hill will he entire ly finished. FloVdn'co West. In this wny In tho past year. Tho announcement was mado fol lowing the urrost thoro last night of Henry Volkmnn. Tho Investi gation was begun and last nights ense, although not known to be directly attributed to tho alleged offctiBO, has arrouscd sentiment grcntly. "As usual," Bnld Mr Llljcqvlst to day" liquor Is tho cnuso of about nlnoty per cent of tho grcnt vol umo of criminal business boforo us. Tho grnnd Jury has Just been Bwnmped with work and tho bulk of It Ib due to liquor. unnio of tho Oregon Uol( STOPS O.V WAV ll(Wt KIl'SLAW .Ml Mi IlL'SV. Mr. nnd Mr. ft. JI, UrM ' Mursliflcld, stopped In night to visit hero todircit home from a butlneii trlp.!i Tho Point Tcrrnco Lumber Com- laud. Mr. JcnnlnRi tu puny rccolvcd a largo order for lum- mnnngur of tho Oregon F her t!.ls week and are at work saw- pauy In Kiikviu, and Unon Power Cos; Mr and Mrt I months and tho peoplo thoro nro glad havo many friends in Ec;ot-5 to sco It start up again. Floronco geno Quard, Wost. , inontnl truth familiarity too often ,nB ,, tll0 tlllll)or to f, tho or(,or of tho 0rcKn hns bred lack 9f appreciation forlTi,0 Inn i,ns ,)ucn ,ja for BUVoral Mnrshflcld. M "uod'H country." The New Spirit of America Dccauso, nlong with poaco nnd plenty promoting prosperity, tho pub lic now recognizes moro fully than over boforo tho Intordopondonco of nil C. A. Perklm, Dr. ltOSKIIUlta Al'TMIt TltAMI'S xi:v.soi-'o.uiDixi KifiilH Alum: the I'ruixjo J I... .1.. V.irLr 'I 11 IIIC v.i.. jl ROSBUUna, Oro. Sept. 2G. Do- Interests, tho wisdom of live and let llovlnu thnt tho ueonlo of lloseburg live, for cornoratioi8 nnd individuals. ' should bo nrotccted nKulnst tho In- Charley Alkca spent fe I for railroads, as for farms, for bankH vaslon of nn army of unomployed tho doctor's aummer boaen" ns for factories, for labor as for cup!- men during tho wlntor months, Mile Lake, The doctor rejw tal. '.Mayor Napoleon Itlco this morning covering a Baud flea lntUa Dccauso, though federal and stnto announced that ho had decided to sending to the xooicpoi liws hnvo Ilttlo ofr(i(t unon truiln rolii. brine about n solution of the nrob- ut Now York. tlvn tn tin. mwlnrlvlncr nntnr.il lt.u' Ikiii nf lm n-llltif tlioon iinfnrllllinlCR Smith IllVCr l t0 P'l il.. ........ ., i i .i ...! a ... I... ,.uin.iii.i.. ni, ..nn ,. II.,. I.nll tnnm In the fleM iWl ' illlti, IjUtVIII Dll,ljr HUH HUllllMIU, Vlll- "J VDlUlfliaillllft ! IUIH IUJ W,l IKU . . . proporty nenr tho city burn. Cliff Uonson, tw " :j w t ran an ana - oilcan Industry has adapted 'Jtsolf already to tho newer policies, any shock due to tnrlff revisions Is modi fied by present conditions abrond, nnd tho nntlonnl administration now seeks tho cooperation of ami consumers, capital bankers and inniiii star, t'UUTIH l-'Olt COMMlHKIONKIt. 'team. ral trade by releasing It from tho flotle endeavor to hasten good iuiiiuh uuii insure viuiiiriiig prosper 'ity. I Uecause ono result of this re freshing public spirit will bo moro fetters of moro bnrter. Uecause, out of tho 7,000,000 farms In tho United States, at least G, 000, 000 need to hnvo spent upon them nn average of $2000 per farm to bring them up to the standard of living and of agricultural effi ciency typical of tho other 2,000, 000 homesteads. Decatiso farmers havo tho proporty nnd annually earn the profits with which to pay for those needed Im piovements from year to year. , Uecause this moans n home mar ket for ten billions of 'dollars worth of merchandise, Including everything required on n farm or in its homo, harmony between nil classes of our people, producers us well us con sumers, which will be based on the highest community of Interest, fos tered by honesty, character, enter prise nnd co-operation, helped by the Golden Rulo, nnd Inspired by tho universal faith which now ani mates tho American peoplo that the United States ns a nation Is TODAY moro than ever the hopo of tho world. Dt'cauno It Is only- needful for This new homo market on tho farms " ' v ' y. l" 8 Inu" uul m in us, io inane uustness accivo. of America which awaits tho Ameri can manufacturer Ib In addition to the well-night limitless demand cro If Cliff hoii J t 'nld Umo form, Smith R"' If tho PrOKrcsslves of this neck of .. ,.n..i m tract" --- - ii iiiiiu mh '. aaaai i tfin tim1u ti ia tint 1t ilnnil nnna Mint -. m.-i.tl. Aih!pF 1M V i.roducors "w """"" "" "" "-' J. I'. unriBiic '-" . alimilfl rntnnniiini flof Mimf tinvn n '- iL Itirdlnff Jr 1 Ital and lnbor ... ..k ..v, ...., .. xeopor ior mo . facturors In a I cnn,,,t,ute on th c011" lcket ,n tho left tlili week on his " ' '" . nnrnnn nf R. n. Pnrtla. nf North nnnd. .... il.. n.rl of til I1 in linutnn i.nni " " " ,-...- - 11011. Bllt'liu.m, I' ... who Is running for county commls- (no ginuslnw and VIUiMSl slonor. Whllo tho Herald Ib not a 110ts. ,J bellovor in party partisanship In conn-, j Kelson, general nfl iy nnairs, sun u wotuu seem inai inu ,jont for tho roner ""' party cnndldnto Is at least entitled miulo rjnrdlner bU beiaQ"1"? in .nialitnfniltti nn,l If tin la nnn nf ., ...III In th (OttM tho best men In tho field ho should oienada his principal pi j not bo ignored. Whllo the Herald neggf ' can not speak from porsonnl acqualn-i jj88 Virginia L7,ter tanco, nil accounts agree that Mr. ror Marshfleld where ,he ' , Curtis Is In every way nuallfled to .() nsltlon llb Mr- "' l. . , !... ll.nl h- iiuiKu u guuu cuiiiiiiihsiuiiui, mm ,,u mas Is a good business man and a good citizen, of strict integrity and of mouern nna progressive laeus. n i. .. .. . n.-i, i0 also pointed out that ho is the only German, cau ,n otiL candidate from the Day sldo who has Ji"!"i n S&- &"? a, chance to becomo a member of the county court, and It Ib only a matter industry hum, and tho economic world prosper tn keenlnR with tho 3 1UK.S AT U.W - . Wtf. Hutchson, W1 . ... ..' . .. ...... ...'frnm Cam!) 3 or justice inai ino uay snouiu uu, tem'a going Into operntlon was do-Jt'.nlry products uro yielding u falrnte(l uy tne tolling masses In other 0VolHt,on ot 80C,al &tt aire, education layed by pig-headed Senntors-the return to producers, so great Is tho vocations, not to mention the Increas. ami, re,,'lo- " chief of whom has been olectod to' supply of fresn fruits, vegetables, ,n munUor of ,ironoa who by reus- necauso the Indomitable spirit stay nt homo federal deposits 35,000,000 In national banks of apples nnd other porlshablo food, thoy are relatively cheap to! for. that i crop moving purposes, and tho fact consumors nnd where properly used thnt overy such bank and many of nro bringing down tho cost of llv- tho larger state banks may Issue lug. emergency currency under tho Free-! UecniiBo theso and otlmr cniull. land law up to eventy.(,v0 por contjtlons Indicate a gradual evening up" of their unimpaired tnpltal and sur-Jor tho returns to capital and labor. 1' plus, together aro rapidly tiding regardless of tho Industry In which n, on of wealth, disinclination or 111- noss, do not produce or nio liberal consumers. over tho temporary financial omor- t,10y may bo engaged. Btncjr .., .... nVVny IB Oil tllO HoCOUSO this leveling Up, Which ! .. ..n .. Inaa Kno further In tho Inst u"u"""".."," ,"""UJ everywnoro yoars than In tho nrecoillne two ,1. Inherent In a mighty peoplo enn bo held bnck only for a moment blushing nsldo' all doubt, fear and Uecause, so true Is all this, that "nce"anu' " Wt will sweep the current Inquiry for rural homes, ttr?. and express Itself In flnau- tho present domnnd for farm proper aro now so keen as to bo unpre cedented at this season a remark able phenomenon of unique lnslgn- cial, Industrial flcanco. nvo umer Lt?lZrnm!n . moment, caU08, j8 resulting In n more ovoiJ Amorlcaiw who have been spend- collectively; these Influences at Work Uecause tho several hundred thous and civic activities and prosperity nt which the whole world may only marvel. Uecause, nfter all is said ond done, tho spirit Is tho vital thing tho hope's, confidences, sentiments, grit, determination, enterprise, pur poses of Individuals, separately audi represented, Ills support from that side of tho divide will be heavy, and the peoplo of this sldo should not at tempt to shut that part of tho coun ty out altogether, Coquille Herald. MAltWAGH LICKNSKS. Floyd A. Wynnnt nnd Ruby Converse. J. W. Hammock and Casslo M, Rob erts. Ell O. Mills and Emily O. McFar land. Coquille Herald. GARDINER, Ore, ... waw wnu - , jji , now."- -I. rlill ferlng from pw----jfM which snoru r:. p of age, anu -; . m " . .M iTl TAKE UOV AWAY. UlllOnS nUrOad (llutrllintlnn nt .ol. ...l.ll. I n.J HC mllllnnii nhrnn.1 .K....II.. JI- l ...1.1-1. ... ... ... . ... ,1 kuess ut immo Hnii.i in,,n Vot in'"i ip iM " - ..". u.i.i.iu.i uio mo- iui wuicii, worKiiig logetnor, taKing out tno vinegar uoy, ageu x i, ..w.V .... .W..UUUKUU 1Ui vv-uuuuiiu ucuiia posou nereauer io rel-and permanency lu business, first." BWm and not to Bl Hq tiBuiio- umMpuu ro now H, W. Dunham will start for Port- aro tho human land on tho Droakwnter noxt Sunday, 'seo America make bus! less better and Ilfo bet- of Dandon, who has been committed .JUKJau ter nI1 tno tl,no for oue aid all. I to tho boys' and girls' aid society. RCOMS natl .. ..j lotinr from consul at San m him to hom '"7. towf1 to return to bis native , . . .t in tne " .ui taKo pn ,p,rt w Other letters an ' , tbBt he had roamed o er of tho world. "" " ckear valuables, excepting ; & Ho had been empl 7 but a few daya " tf ii, nnd brougnt w n. '"S Phone 112J!!!!JJ ,t. OHSFALI'.b"va(H ..... t . 1S . iii-- OMS lis-'-"' BBBa'a'TaiawTTaaaaaaaaFaasaiMiaiMiii i r I'TTjjfliSaniii?'' -xSJ5iSg!H9-llM'-i"ife SSSm )fflwifiVi..11l,fjMi .tjtw..