1 JWfsSjRsPSV'WBS't" THE C00S BAY T,MES MARSHFIELD, Oregon hKiUAvTHTRire&riyivtwMaciiTrowr (II fWT'VH r k,' iiiniiiw!'i4A t ' Gyjrriftit Hut Sdulfatr li Mart rouVe located the right spot when you come here for clothes; the .l.tA AM4tffvU t-444r4 VVVA It MiniUiAJ 1.. ,.... !. )I1S we ciear cuuugu x-uai. wc iwvc gcuucreu lur yuu a mie of Hart Schaffner a Marx suits and overcoats, .r, You know these makers are the greatest experts in the business; their clothes are st for the money" clonics. Rivnnd. our real service: we're able to give .you just what you want and what you l.f in have: here is the ability to i'it you perfectly and in the best style. r' ii !.".- :. ' i i -li n iThcsc young men in me incuirc are wearing sonic ol our nest moacis lor young tlfodel 57 a special style; 29 1-2-inch coat, three-button, soft front, patch pockets. MUldllp. I With such clothes as wo nave nere aim witn sucu a service, you cane go wrong. Woolen MilllStores ii Units purchased fit this stpre ivill be leep' pressed free of charge., . ;r t- -- TWO STORES: ',1: MAKSITFIELD tV : NORTH BEND W " " THEltOiME" OF HART SCHAFFNER & MARX G QOI) OLO'JJIIlSp. It' ' I IRVING BLOCK at EW FAii'L MILLINERY-5ITS COATS-.DRESSES Just'.rived fire THE. ftUUSIAN lii-st imd it wUtoive yoiit from wanting to look further. FOR MEN We are sole agents for the world renowned, i KNOX HATS tf .r niiii Can you accept a tip? FWUtV ft ni?vPi)iT. nmr rcniTi.' niTClVlQ IRS UK ATjTj KINDS OF SURETY BONDS VRITF AUi KINDS OP INSURANCE PlV BTU'luitn ominiuii'i! 1V11 lllfPHESKXT SEVERAL OF FTOK BEST TRANS-ATLANTIC STEAM SHIP COMPANIES CALL AM) SEE US. 80 Central Avenue. ..Hione mw Mel G. Duncan. Aug, Frizeen The ROYAL Tonight The House of IUjc Featuro .EXTRA! EXTRA! $9?T1IE MIL LION IKMiiail MYSTERY Tlmnbouacr's DIr Million Dollar Production. Soe tho mananRor and win tho 110,000 cash prize. Thin Iff far ahead of anv serial feature 'iter shown In MarsWIeld. DONT MISS IT. . Tho Hth chapter of "LUCILB LOVK," with FrancU Ford and .toc8.,9.9?J,..iWDB-aroinoaridg crlils so be sure and see tho finish, "DREED O' THE MOUNTAINS," A Western Drama Featuring Wnllaco Held and Dorothy Davenport. G reels, 5000 feo( of THE DEST Motion pictures. Lower floor lGc Balcony 10c BM r A complete line of LOOSE LEAF LEDGERS AND MEMO HOOKS From 10c to $0.75. Also full lino of office supplies Central Avenue SEE US DEFORE YOU DUY. NORTON & HANSEN TWO STORES Frost Street WALL PAPER Sea VIFRS About it, P. L. ADAMS & SON Dfi&lfirs In NEW AND SECOND-nAND GOODS. W 362 No. Front St. Phono 34Q-L Hero Tomorrow night The Kle- Ine-Clnoa Feature. "BETWEEN SAV auk ainu Tiui-;ii" qn. extra gooa animal feature that will thrill you and hold your Interest from start to finish. Ih iiiSisiBRiiiiiiiiiiiiBiiiiiiB $25.00 $25.00 We will pay $25.00 to any person who causes the arrest and conviction of a bicycle thief in Marshfleld. -(Signed) MARSHFIELD CYCLERY JO BREVITIE5 TIDES FOIl SEPTE5H1EH Below Is given the time and height of high and low water at Mftrshfield. Tim tliloH nrn nlnrnrl In ttin nritar of occurrence, with tholr times on the first lino nnd heights on tho second line of each day; a compar ison of consecutive heights will lu dlp.ltn wllflthllr If la llll)l nr Intv water. For high wntor on tho bar si'uiract two nours 34 minutes Mrs. . 5.53 Ft... 4.8 llrs.. 0.25 Ft. 0.2 Hrs.. -.82 Ft... 0.0 11.03 l.S 7.05 4.4 S.2G 4.2 5.36 6.4 12.05 2.3 1.21 2.6 0.0 0.0 6.31 6.0 7.4 5.6 . 4 WEATHER FORECAST (Dr AmocIMM rrt to Coo Dr TIom.1 j I OREGON Unsettled, probnT j bly rain nnd cooler In east with j southerly winds. j LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD. For the 24 hours ondlnir at 4:43 a. in. Sept. 25, by BcnJ. Ostllnd, special government mo- teorologlst: Mnximum 64 Minimum 40 At 4:43 a. m 46 Precipitation 00 Precipitation slnco Sept. 1, 1914 9.16 Proclpltatlon same poriod Inst your 2.04 Wind: Southwest, Cloudy. last evening tho fire alarm sounded bringing the department In a hurry to report for a practtco run to the Coos Building. Twenty-four men of tho department reported under tho direction of Fire Chief D. IJ. Keating nnd "galoped" with tho two hose carts and tho hook nnd ladder to tho building nt tho corner of Mnrket Avenuo nnd Broadway St. where tho ladders wore at onco raised to tho top story and thcro tho hose wns connected. Thero was 70 pounds of water pressure In tho mnlna Inst evening which is unusual tho firemen sny. MR. AND MRS. D. L. ROOD, Mrs. , . Nelllo Owen and Mrs. Lyman Noble motored to Myrtlo Point today to tnko In the fair. ORRIN LATTIN was 'up this morning to the city form Sputh Inlet. Kpocrincll Sails Sntunlny, it p.m. from North Rend City Dock for San Francisco rind Sun Pedro nnd San DIcko. i Chango Service It Is announced by thtS postofflco department that tho mnU will not bo routed over the old Coos Bay Wagon rond after October 30. While It Is not definitely stat ed, It is undcrstood,that It will bo handled vin tho Myrllo Point route ttltliough the government has mot awarded a contract for the service that way yet. Will Visit Home. James O. Ben nett, who has bcon working near the North Inlot, left todny on tho stage for Portland whero ho expects to visit with his parents for sevornl weeks. He expects to return hero la ter In the fall. Ilnliy DIoj. Word was recolvojl here todny that tho Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Annln of Myrtlo Point dlod yesterday. Tho llttlo one was only a few days old. Mr. Annln was formorly with the local railway and is now cashier of tho Bank of Myrtlo point and his wifo Is presi dent of tho Coos County W. C. T. U. Tho sympathy of tholr many Marsh Hold friends will bo extended to thorn. C. F. MURRAY and daughter wore in the city today on business. STEPHEN LAPP was n visitor In tho city today coming here from lila homo nt Templeton ROBERT TEMPLETON, of Hnlnea Inlet, came down today on a short business trip. . . MRS. WALKER, of Larson Inlet, was in the city attending to somo shopping. COUNTY JUDGE JOHN F. HALL went to Coqulllo this nttornooa business. O. C. MOTLEY, tho now owner of tho Sumner storo Is a Marshfleld vi sitor today on business. JUDQE J. S. COKE loft today for Coqulllo whero ho will hear soma matters In court. ItiHpectlon Trip. U. E. Whcolock general manager horo of tho C. A. Smith Lumbor Company, accompani ed by his wlfo and Arno Moreen, of tho Company, left on tho enrly morning train for a two days stay at tho lumbor camps of the com pany. They expect to return homo somo tlmo Saturday. Blames Other Follow Oscar Ja cobson, recently In from tho tuunol wdilc, says that he was not to blamo for tho fight tho other night, ho de clares that uomo fellow -who wild his namo was McCormack started It and that during tho melee Jacobson claims that ho was ro'bhod of sever al doltbrs. ' Will Make Improveuieiiti Prepara tlons nro bolng made by Frank Co han, proprietor of tho Owl Drug Storo for the Improvement of his place of buslnoss. Plans are now being drawn tor tho Installation of a Btnall balcony in tho rear of the establishment. Ad ditions havo hecomo necessary be cause of thot small space lit which to liundlo the new business, Complete Work. Tho concroto en trance ot tho flro station was com pleted Inst evening and tho flromen are now hoping that there will bo no nlnrm for nt least threo or four days to allow tho coment to Bet. To bring tho heavy cnglno, which weighs In tho neighborhood of 0, 000 pounds, but onto tho street now might mean to ruin complete ly alj tho cement work now laid. Tho now slip wns inn do In anticipa tion of tho big now 100 horsepower motor flro truck which Is expected to nrrlvo for operation somo tlmo during tho first weok In Octobor. Help Up for firnvol. On account of tho fact that ordered gravol has not yet arrived from Myrtlo Point, tho cemont workers on tho Noblo Thcatro building at tho cornor ot . Central Avenuo and Third Strcot aro temporarily hold up In their work. It Is expected that the gravol will arrive so that thoy can commenco their work again on Tuesday. About two or throe days will bn nccossary. for tho .pouring ot tho concre.ls nnd at least 30 da's. wljlibirneriwiary for tho coijcroto, to-sat, firmly, .i.c-wover, Architect Turpen has arranged for tho Installation ot the heavy root tiusHos, putjlng them for tho tlmo be ing on substantial fatso work. This building according to tho lease, will probably bo opened on Thanksgiving night. SPENCER SMALL, of Lakesldo, was in tho city today on a short bus!-' ness trip. FRED, GEORGE, and Nool Noah Camo down this morning from tbel homo at Allogany. MRS. C. O. ROSS camo down on, tho boat this morning from Lako- slo on a shopping trip. Sho was accompanied by her son Carl Ross. ED. SMITH, ot Coos River, was la tho city today attending to matters ot business, returning homo on tho afternoon boat. ELIZABETH M.- MOORE waB a visitor at tho Myrtlo Point fair todny having Ronu up on tho early morning train. B. 8. HENDERSON nnd A. W. Arlnndson left this morning for Myrtlo Point whore thoy went to attend tho fair. Look Over Country Fdr a tow days pleasure trip during Which thoy wjll tramp about tho country In tho vicinity ot Lakeside, Bon FlBher, Tom .Hall and his daughter, 'Mltf Elslo Hall, James Montgomery, Miss Wat son, and Evelyn Flanagan loft on the boat this afternoon for tho North Inlet. They expect to roturn somo tlmo Sunday afternoon. Kewly-wenta Return W, F. Adams accompanied br his wlfo, who was ToVWy'lBs'l.ypoVrs, todVy went up on the boat to Templeton where thoy are expecting to realdo on the ranch belonging to (he bridegroom. Tho couple wera married yesterday at Coqullle. The young people of tho vicinity gave them a warning be foro they left that a charlvarle would certainly take place with a result that the neighbors have been Invlt ed In for a house warming tomorrow night and due preparations have been mado tor their reception. mm TA jn i Plastering About Done Plaster Ing on tho new $12,000 public library now under construction, wns expected to be finished today and the build Ing will bo one notch closer to com pletlon. It Is believed that tho cor ntces will bo placed by Wednesday evening. The fireplace In tho chlld rens' room has been completed hav ing been built of tapestry brick which gives It a very attractive and rich appearance. The root also has been placed on tho building and the out side plastering will bo finished In a few days. The contract calls for the completion of tho building by Nov ember 1. Have Flro Drill. At seven o'clock 184 MARKET ST. W. MR8, OLIVE K. BROWN Is now prepared to do first-class dressmaking at reasonable rates. Street and house gowns, skirts, aad blouses, dancing frocks, lingeries dresses, A trial or der Is requestod, Soe our now fall bpoks of ParJs fashions. KMOW ABOUT J. E. NORTON came over from Co- L. L. THOMAS returnod today from a ' (rip through tho Coqulllo V alloy. J. W. OARDINER returned today from a business trip to Coqulllo, W. C. BRADLEY went to Ten Mile today on business nnd plcasuro. MISS MARY MBTLIN went up to Myrtlo Point to tho fair today, GEO. W. STARR of Coqutlle was a Marshfleld business visitor yester day. MRS. M. J. NELSON wont up to Myrtlo Point to take In tho fair today. A. W. BUNDY was a visitor nt the fair today going up this morning, MRS. FRANK HERMAN left this morning for Myrtlo Point to at tend tho fair, II, W. BULTMAN returned on tho noon train from a trip to the Co qulllo Valley. I. W. TRAVER has been nt Co qulllo the last few days as a witness In somo cases there. M. B, NOAH, Beryle Noah and Miss N, M. Sturnlman .attended tha MvrHn Pftln frtlr 'mlnv ' ..W . .w WI..V ., .W.H . MRS. FRANK PREY attended the county fair at Myrtle Point to day having .gone, , up on the , morning train,. '.' MRS. O. W. MORRIS nnd Mm. W. T. Galo woro visitors at tho county fair today taking tho mor ning train for there. WILL HENNESSEY of tho Smlth Powors mine on Isthmus Inlet camo down last ovonlng to go to 'Myrtle Point to attend tho fair.' "'- :, ," "' !" " . n"' J. ' T. BRYANT loft- this morning: for Coqulllo whoro ho wont on business and oxpocted to attend tho fair at Myrtlo Point. CHARLES I. REIGARD wont up to tho county Beat this morn ing to attend to buslnoss mat ters, oxpoctlng later to attend tho fair, tf JOS. FYFE, Jr., of 8an Francisco; lumberman and ship owner, wa hero last ovonlng looking after bus iness Interests. Ho is Interested In tho Estabrook lino. ED DYER returned to his home on Danlols Crook today, whore, ho will spend a. few days recuperat ing from his recent Injury as he still has to uso crutches. MRS. F. W. BROWNE, whose hus band has beon In charge of the Tapulhern,PrJfJciRlncrAnii(jar Sihoflold, Is In Marshfleld for a short stay and Is accompanied by Mrs. Lyon and Miss Lyon of Cali fornia, who havo boeu visiting her. .MRS. HUGH MONTGOMERY arrived here this afternoon from Marshtlel and other Coos County cities. After a day or two spent hero sob. will continue her Journey to Port land, whero sho resides. Roseburtr Review, Hurt Ami. Eleanor Flanagan, the young daughter of Mr, and Mrs. J. If. Flanagan, fell out ot a trea yesterday and slightly dislocated her arm. Roy Recovers. John Mlrrasoul, tho young son of Mr, nnd Mrs. John Mlrrasoul of West Marshfleld, who has boon confined to his home for several weeks with a broken thigh. Is able to bo out and around. Able to Ho Out. J, W. Bonnott, who has beon confined to his homo for several weeks with an nttack of blood poisoning and ulcers on hlr. ankloB, Is nblo to bo out today. He attributes his trouble to colored, socks. Mine Pol-email J. B. Sneddon. 'who returned-recently from Jlpalyn,' ers- Ujltuntwo-day celebration, aje that irbePasco, who 'was" raised' . aj. LiUby, s uow foreman ot the Nor Tthorn PacJUi No;' 6 mine. The.ralnW ' Is nroduolBk.'about 600 tons ndav now and lsV)flne one, . , 4T v 'J, ... r. f iv" I - ty .w .u .- ... jgyjiuL yuJHni ESS HflllttfliMMSJil