vfm wo- if FOUR THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD. OREGON. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1914 EVENING EDITION. COOS BAY TIMES ML C. MA LONE Y PAN IS. MALONHY Editor nnd Pub. News Editor Offlclnl Paper of Coos County. inr circus 1 KtlK Til FUR Bntcrcd at tho Postofflco at Marsh Ueld, Oregon, for transmission through the malls as second-class mall matter. f ' in-- - ' w " k . tH.lAnnH.lnHt tlnMlllillANM aaM.4- paper published every evening except AmVG Ofl UCOrQC W. Elder and Bunday, nnd Weekly by I leave for MvrtlG Point the m. o i,, . r. MonkVy cSs K Riot. - Dedicated to the service of tho pcopio, that no good cause shall "Tho nnlmnls came In two by two," lack a clinmplon, and that ovll shall sang tho stevedores ns the (loo. Bot thrive unopposod. Elder docked from Eureka nnd bo- ' Kiin unionuiiu: yusieruny. as ino KUHSCHlPTION HATES. I I.I., PrnnP d.iiir.!n.t I... niii of. thn! " " . . ""O" -I- -- -- -"-I & LOCAL w GLEANINGS ADD SICK Mrs. W. S. Turpon has been qullo sick tho pnst few days. Has Typhoid Wjlbtir Lyons, who has been employed nt Camp One, Is 111 of typhoid fovcr here. He is bo ing cared for at a prlvato home on Third Street near Central. 'PHONE DEAL ! NOT CLOSED DYING WISH liiBSH . DAILY. One voar 82.50 for six months. Jer month GO l ;u Mood Poisoning Everett Wilson Negotiations for Sale to Chas. Hall of Hood River Are Still Pending. Officers of the Coos Dny Homo Telephone Co. with reBpect to the GRANTED TODAY ffltV lintnll Minrn nil til n ltnvna nnlnlfXl if llnmlnn lm a afnnitlliir nt tftti. I ltn Mr anL Una Ixiaii nnnm.Himnin.l J6.00 red, bluo nnd gold, nnd as they wore) ,r0( cnino'lip today to have his hand but ndmlt that negotiations have UVIUOIli;U Uil IIIU UUtAO, IIUU' UU1I HIV Congress Heeds Last Request of Mrs. Wilson and Abol ishes Washington Slums. IUr AmocUM rm to Cooi nr Tlmen.l I WASHINGTON, Sept, 2G. Mrs. Woodrow Wilson's dying wish that salo of Its telephono proporty, stnto tho worst slums of Wuslilntou bo sniJH I - AMONG THE HICK. I crncks could be seen n Hinnll menng- olio, struggling and restless after the trip nt sen. The mlnlnturo circus bolonged to tho Hon Hur Compnny, newly nrrlv treated, a smalt wound having becomo I been pending nnd that while there Infected and blood poisoning developed. Start Concrete Woik Wnrron Ilrothors started to lay concrete on Mrs. George Cnntlch submitted to " """ . I ' 'ZZ 'a, .U, for a. delicate abdominal operation at the the county fair at Myrtle Point. "Mercy 'lospltal this morning. She Ib Plnced In tho big sheds n waiting tho South Broadway. Tho surfneo work reported to bo doing very well. arrival of tho trnln nt noon, tho on Norlh Pront Blrcot wj bo com. C. P. Mnoon, of tho Times force' "lon5 n. numnu enougn hjukihk ,,c.tod Thursday. Manager Arnold Bustnlncd a rather painful Injury ,1Rh Bprl,B who ,10 f0ni, ft hoo ycslordny, tho spout of a Bmall oil forgo enough In bis cngo through can penetrating his thigh. I which he could thrust his lung, bony Susan Elizabeth, the little dnugh- nn"- , f"i , w oou ino cngo ,,ng nnnounces thnt the storjvhour. . .. . . nntitnliilni' Mm trnlnnil u'liltii mlrn .... ... r. ter of Mr. und Mrs. Dan Mnlonoy, n1(, nt0t,8 allppod tho monkey's1 for c,ll,(,re nt tno city library will bemed lier hands quite pnlntully this nnn amidst n din of squealing thntibcdlspoiiBed with this week and next morning. Tho Injury is not serious, brought tho keepor hurrying to the, week owing to the prcvnlnnco of Tim Kilmer unn of Mr. ntul Mrit. t'OHCUO. Is rushing tho work in gront Bhnpe. Postpone Story Hour Miss Top- Is n possibility of transfor being mndo, nothing Is definitely edtabllsh ed ns yet. Tho negotiations have been pending slnco prior to tho an nouncement In Tho Times threo or four weeks ngo.thnt Chas Hall of Hood Itlver wob figuring on tho proporty. Even "Llttlo Evn," tho Hinging pig, Hccmed to enjoy the one-net drnmn, scarlet rover nnd dlphthcrlu hero. No Svw ("uses No additional cases of scarlet fever or diphtheria havei WIN nbollshcd wnB finally realized today when tho President signed a bill clearing alloys of dwelling plnces. PREMIER OF CANADA STRICKEN AT ONTARIO Dr AtaoUtd rrwi la rm n Timet) TORONTO, Sept. 25. Sir Jnmes P. Whltnoy, Promler of Ontorlo, died suddenly. Corobrnl hemorrhnge wns tho imuu'dlntc cnuse. Ho wns 71 years of ago. Clan son of Cnmp One wns brought horo yesterday ror trcntment Bur- nnd the trained hen, that walks tho fcrlng from a severe nttuck of bowel tight ropo nnd cloiyiB her teeth with trouble. a regular brush, quacked her merrl- it- t.iti ...i. !. . ..I.-.. .. .1...' nifint In n linriivfir.l nfititrnltn ilir. Tallin, llll UB IIIIVUII tllL IIIU ""'"- " ' .-...rf..... .w... ...v... , .. ...a. .... ...10. viw.t.t.,, uiuhh n iiu . . . I An tlin trnln Inff vnutnfflnv Ini .. ... . . ... r Elder a week or so ago and has" . ",w ""'" "' -"""v ' '"" wns vory in is roporieu mucn improv- N A H been reported today. The llttlo Bon'.. .. n 0..i . -, . of Mr. nnd Mrs. Gordon Smith who.MrS. 1. 0. Smith and Baby Rnsonnri YfiRtnrrlnv hv Frnrl been at the Mercy Hospltai suffer-' 'ifoc'tho.V'Krir. 'iSSS t0,,nr' MeSSerle and C. J. Doane. lng from a dollrlum hnd recovorod hucolv doliirhtcd to substitute the' ' .. ..... .. ..-.: . ."'... i 'I'lii .. mi. iiiriii.'ir iii.i iiiuiui.1 .. . r....... i . .... . ..u ..-.... v. ....... ,,.- ...vw.v iirB. .i. j. a i i nn nor rour- lurrlcicntly to leave there nnd North on tho Elder yesterday. Mrs. Mono of the South Coqttllle who underwent u munition nt Mercy hospital a fow wcoka ago has completely recovered nun uuo din nnrgcil todny. "W. N. Ekblnd who Ih nt Morey hos pltnl Is recuperating from his re cent attack of appoudlcltls and Is getting along fine but his recupora- tlon has been slow owing to tho tin left train for tho briny deep KINNEY CASE UP TOMORROW NEW WIRELESS STATION OPENED IN HONOLULU IDr AmotUIM I'rnn to Coo ntr Tlmri.T WASHINGTON, Sept. 25 Mark ing the opening of tho now wireless station nt Marshall, California, which will work with Kahiiko, Hawaii, Pres ident Wilson flout the following mes sage to tho Governor or Hawaii: "May God bind these nations together In thought nnd purpose and lasting ponco. President Wilsn Thai. tana Band for The WASHINGTON; . A ,etrc0vej.lngt.78Jk President Wll,0 to .K --. .,r orrertorem.i.V. Uur,B"'eKropean,a" of Secretary LantJ., " tn'n omo Ian, ,n ' '"'U H V to the Jd.nn D',' Lnno had written to h. T,,!n "" the '""C d the President ?m 'rff0 l'o tribe nnd wrote ihlLh h' very ,ou V the Indians. 8 ln,hclf,v 1 will hold n LADIES' MdllT next months-old bnby wore rescued from' Tuesday evening. All wives, Bisters, probable- drowning yesterday through daughters and swcctheartB nre Invited the prompt nld or C. J. Uonno nnd to a bocIoI ovonlng nnd banquet. ' Kred Menserle. Mrs. Smith, who Co to Lnlr Many Coos lfoyltofl comtt ,,,, Ju8t roturn0(, 0I tl)(J Wn. and markets nn a result or the big have gone to tho Myrtle Point Fair ,.. mi inn.imi n, wr.i RpBt cntt,, of e sonwin. Tho run BIG RUN OF SAUMON IN COOS BAY NOW Over rour tons or BalmonVworo delivered hore todny nt tho canneries $ TOO LATE TO CLASSIrfl WANTKIKp. nn trtlrr lafth Address Cnro of Times. In Bomo way whllo going up Is now on In full blunt nnd tho fish- wiiii'iu wiib sum io nc a mik huccchh i,. jvmuiuuy. uv. uuuvworui WCIU ,,, nrlno. nlin foil lnn M.n Tt- . urn,c" nr0 woriUllg 1IIUII IlOOn. over todny and later RE. Hague and wIllnll lq ,,, fU,u, flMlf ,,,! Ono bont is reported to have family and Mr. and Mr. O'Connell i,, m- xro.,..i.. .i .- r. canght over 100 fine salmon InBt nun mm uuvii niui i n t IU VIIU UI4- a i t T 111 II t 11 t . hiui -mh munouiiu tlHU iUli LUU II Ua f , , usually severe case ho had. Ho will J"UU naillD, Ul cuyuiiu, will .i . r . who Woro on t)uj bont whc ,md . nrohllhlv tin nliln III rnlnrn liotnn HfaP 1350 ItlVDlvinn RP.finiU-' ... Hot nillto cot nwnv frnm tl.n Inn.llnt. Unt" ,n0 ,nBt foW T8 tllO Hin ,. . ,, I . , : ,. in war loinef. K. I.. icoDinson saya , ' , . . . ; of salmon "" ' w "" "-"" "" CldlllU U TIUUU lUd. tint in L-nt 11 irnnil vtmr nf tli wnr " . ... ....... v....s..i nn nuuii CUIIUIl Ul- lilt! JIU91M11II ""i..l... ." . 11... . . .. .... innii .:i.iiiit 1111 1 ill. Miiri ill'... I Attorney C. It. Peck left this of- com l" otllor niorniBR. It lsiiti ;. ,. . I '; NOT LIKE COOS COUNTY. Iternoon for Coqullle, whore tomor- Mbo,,t ,,Vt' loroo "'' anRle or J. S. Lawrcnco Ih In receipt of a row Judge Harris, of Eugono, will "" ()f the "'K D'PPor. It was vory jMiuii in uiu iiuiiiiHcni, llic ill 1 1 lu- lug down. In tho evening tho fog obscures tho comet, which Is In tho uorwost, cIobc to the Illg Dipper. letter rrom Ills Bon, Perry, who loft I'enr the ease of Isauc ot nl vs. Kln hdre for Tucson, Ariz., to ontor tlio n 'or the receivership or tho Kln univorslty thero. Ho writes from ney properties. This also embraces Lob Angeles tlwt ho reached (hat "' JudgmontB or credltorB ngalnst jiolnt without mishap, and says that tho big estate No testimony will ho was much Impressed by tho con- " taken as tho attornoyB hnvo pro IN'gtilnr Soldier A. K. f.'iiKnon who has been comparatively lltvfit nnl ill a f 1 ii K a MMt t t j.n mm. I 11..1 She hold ".- u "" "" -u '' I tho season would not come up to thiBt year. INSIST MILL SLOUGH Our m:ATfX STOVK LINK In DRAIN'BE REPAIRED now C0MPI-,ETK- So " iwrore buy- . , ,,,n 'VI iV IM.. V I LOST ' IX)ST Gcntlcnuin's tratch rklJ ' blue moonstone charm itUtW Howard lor roturn to Tlmn otDa. A I FOR SALE Judge j.I. J3.I Coko haa Issued an ordor thatithe City of Marshflold and I Poi't or cook Hay apear In court at Cu" """"."' """""'" " '"". wns hero toilnv nx H.nt M. nrnv'- ,"' """ ""' "' v""'1 '"' trast nrosented.by that aritfnnd un- -W" statistics and will ho nllowed ; , '. ' . .. ' i t.oquiiio next Monday nfternqou.and baked country 'to the verdant fields to Btluulnto records or fact. "!'?- - ZTlSZfl; h' ctt"80' ' &n & no .hbuld and hills or tho Co q till I o Valley. Ho lias ucen no grass thero except on Ir rigated lawns. He was beginning to feci that he was getting a long ways from home. Coqulllo Hornld. DEEP WATERCHANNEL Hennessey , Is a real IrJ8h.?oiaier on.J ,,,, bIiowb righting ability now. Mr. Gog-' ,.. ,,. ,, .J ' , ... Junbtlon Bought by W. T. Stoll In "" " "! I Wl I fll I UU I n Jitxnl.l lllr A in !.. W Ihi .I..IA " TO C00ST0N COMPLETED, h." S Z ,,e!'n,,f of,ft WWff i $& Work on the dredging or Wlllnnfch ' , .li ' ," J .J,. -. .-.! ron,U. nnlrli.g ell)or"or Vatlfpie lofoo ..... ... ... . .' . n.i . uwf,w. uwuimmo "!- . I1..U6 in lr.,n.. I Announcement DENTISTRY MEXICAN BOARD TO nuts to keop tho Mill Slough drnln' Inlet to Cooston lins nlmost been "" j completed uy uio DiicKoi-ureugo ur- svUh uio Line The Mars iflcld ' j.' ciniipieica uy 1110 uucKet-urcugo ur- miih .Auto Line The MnrHlifleld -'- J15'k Pt egon, bolonglng fo the Larson Dredg- Tnxl Cnb Sorvico which. bIiico Its I ThlH onIur fpMFnrovldiii) henr- .. 1 .. .1 ... ' I llltr In 1..I.I1I. Tn.lirn T1. nn.nn.- SETTLE STRIFE THERE ,,IB omI"y n,1(1 fhannol or nt miccossrul Innuratloii leHB tjian n ,,,B ,n which. Judgo Coko tempornr m,.i.iMhwi.i'n.iTi. leant three root at low tldo has now year ago, has boon under tho mannge-i " 'I1"'"'011 tho Issuance of the in BAN ANTONIO, Sept. 2'.. Tolo- been established rrom tho harbor lino ment or MoBsrs naney and Patterson,'1 unfc'lon tp K,v ot,l0r tll nort ot Braphlo dlspntehes received by tho to Cooston muklng It now navlgahlo yesterdays-hanged Jiapds andjn the C08 nny or thodty tlmo in which legal ropresontntlvo hero or Currnuzn ror moat claBBe-4)f-fia.w)ino-boats. tluturo wH .bo managed by Edgar ,0 pulr or ""l'0 tlto dritri. announced that following a confor- During tjjo pnf month liin5lrodgi(jf1jborB( tho new, ownor Tho (jara1 Nw Hlllitrom! nnd other residents enco In Mexico City today, a board bns been ntwork npproxlulnteJy C5wii?4 being gou ,ovor In yejlow find woSt' of Tent" aircei c'aln that the or military chlors had been appoint-' 000 cub'le 'Vn'rds ha'vo' lieeSt Teino'vcrt . Hold imlnt and thoiouchlv nvnrlmni. I,rnln ,ins "suited In' their proporty KOIt NALK Ttto jrar Imimu acres, most all bottom. RsA crop, 10 cows, 10 hogi, HlwWj 120 chickens, tome applet Mh good condition, Inquire CC it North Star. I'OU SALIC 73 UiorofMMEfw'l i.egnorn roosteri, yoar tfc L J. E. Fltzgornld. Pboae JUL , FOR RENT 4, -4 cd to medlato the grievances between rrom tho ehannelat a cost o'ril2f.000; Led. The nreeont owaior contom- ,)e,nB OTorflowo again and they In- "Vllla and the Cnr-inmt government. Tho expense" ror this drodglng wll- plates extending tho aervlco nnd ndd-.8' flt tnat B0I"etlng bo done at once. Our Ur...,. ...tivi'! LINE Is 'o borne ono third by tho Port or. Ing now cars as the business demands. Menace, to Health, now COMPLETE. See us berore buy- Coos Hay, one third by the property' Tho manngomont will continue to1 MT" ,o11 P0,,,t t that tho trator Jng. KKI1LA1) SON. j owners who are aHected by tUfl deep-1 oporato rrom tho old stand. Tho deal nccuhmlatlns west or Tenth Btreet was made through W. A. Held. T,0l,nonnco to the health or the public. Our HEATING HTOVE LINE Is now COMPLETE, oo ub bororo buy ing. KKHLAD-Jt N. DOWDEN POTATO DIGGER Best m the World Regular $125,00 Now $95.00 See it on our dock. I onlng or the channel and tho remain- dlpg third by tho state or Oregon. Tho work has been under tho di rect supervision ot P. M. Hall Lewis county road master, , From North Inlet and Hnlnos Inlet havo come pleas that tho bucket dredgo Orogon be sent thoro ror tho Improvement or tho channels. No doflnlto action In regard to this enn be mndo until the meeting of the Port of Coos Hay Commission on which will meet within the next tew days. Their action Is necessary to autnorlzo tho excavations. At prosont tho government dredgo Orogon Is at work on tho Port pro ject at Pony Inlet, Mombors or tho Port Commission aro hoping that tho dredgo will bo allowed to re main hoio this winter. Should the rainy season sot In beroro an appro nilnt Ion Is made by Congress ror tho Coos Hay dredging It la believed that tho dredgo will not bo moved on ac count or tho weather at soa, It Is consideration was 20p0, CD El T OFFER HALTED Pres. Wilson Declines Offer of I New Jersey Democrats to Ho aays that whllo there Is no proor rthati tho unsanitary conditions ro- .suiung iron) tne Kovewiow 'are re sponsible ror tho present ca&es or scarlet rover apd dlphthorla, ho knows that 'tho flood water will probably aid In spreading the diseases and making a contagion. Ho Is also fearful or It causing an epidemic or typhoid. He declares that something must bo done to protect tho publlchealth as woll as the prpperty. W tf2$. " f3MP4 vn.l. W Hfci MppppppppBppppBL ppKPH I .YV. 8. HEItltY. I. M. D. i b'Ol , KK.VT PviulfM a..fn. Housekeeping apartmend. Ill X. 2nd. St. FOR HEXT U roomi for Hr keeping, ids-2nd-St-8, i FOR Dr, HHXT Ttiw mlrf's4'nM , Leslie. - "J ' ..I ,)' FOIUHENT Tw fUtt MMf unYilrnlshed. In Mtfaes W, Nor'tbT Front street; Uo to' keeping roonjs. 'V.y 1 Endorse Candidacy. rBr AuoeUI.4 rnu ii. urn DkT TIbm.1 ' WASHINGTON, D. C Sept. 25. At tho direction or President Wilson, Secretary Tumulty today wroto a let tor to tho Now Jorsoy Democrats de clining to hnvo them endorse tho Presldont lor a second term. It was understood that President The LOYAL OHDKIl OF MOOSE Dank n,..idinK Rooms . Dr, Dorjy or Portland, Ore., desires to announcQ to the residents or MarshUeld and vicinity the opening or Dental Offlcea In the First National 21 and 22, Tuesday evening. All wives, sisters, daughters and swoethearts are Invited to a social evening and banquet. Th SwIwa 5 'ySKCl, Hl When you Wmii kpuy me yJjfF ivH pM "i Wilson decided not to nllow Now-Jer- conridontly expected thnt tho present B0' domocrats Indorse him ror a sec session or Congress will appropriate ond term because ho believed It at least $50,000 to carry on tho work which has alroady boon started, An additional $10,000 was askod ror but this, It Ib believed, will not bo grant ed because or tho toudoncy or the congressmen to clip nnd snip from tho bills or appropriations In nn effort to cut down the expenditures. Grand would look as If he was seeking re nomination. Tho attitude, howorpr was not taken by trlends to mean that he has decided not to accept tho nomination If It Is otfored to him. ROOSEVELT SPEAKS IN ILLINOIS' TODAY tnr amoim4 pnm to coo. ptT tiom.i MARC0NIC WIRELESS IS MARION. III., Sept. 25. Address- CLOSED IN THE EAST' e a""'01" here, tho last of his tnr AuocUtft rm ta Cm IUr TlmM. WO.ODS HOLE, Mass., Sopt. 25. Word has boon recolvod hero trom Nnnuclcot that tho Marconi wireless station at Slasconsott was closed at 1 p. m. The closlug was ordered yestorday by Secretary Daniels, who Illinois campaign In behalf or Ray mond Robins, progressive candidate ror senator, Roosevelt dealt on the labor features in tho progressive platform and paid particular atten tion to advocacy -or the Initiative, re ferendum and recall. "Unbridled " TIIK SONG IN THE DARK" Essanay human Interest drama In PROPOSAL FROM MARY" Edison fixed tho hour of suspension at noon ( competition is tbVfathor of monopo ioaay. jjy," ho aaawtod. To-Night Monday will bo receiving day and tho doctor' will take' groat pleasure In showing anyone though tho orrico who would be Interested, explaining in dotall the methods used and the intricato workings or tho most mod orn dental appliances In tho Pacific northwest. 'THE IDIOT" A Dlograph Drama DR. DERBY WILL PRACTICE ALL BRANCHES OF DENTISTRY, HOWEVER SPECIALIZING IN THE FOLLOWING: FOR RENT lJtrge how la Si Marshfield, 12th Court. fJljK DAIRY RANCH TO IIBXT- can buy stofk sod farm Iswmh on ranch. Reasonable tMM. W or write W. A. Page, Alitor, FOR RENT Furalshtd room f or two young men. All iw" conveniences. 41! IUU ' Phono 175-J. IQR.Jl KNTrFu roliMWH-W conveniences, hot and coll Apply Third and 358 HlH FOR VRK.VP Well furabW f and houses. Phone 4. FOR RENT Furnished b'jt orn. No children. Pbone 111. or 298. o J WANTED WANTERro borrow IJJ jj PmortCgagVoal(0 uff farm. SO acres bo"'" dress Box P, care Time. , WANTKD-Married n"B!j , on ranch. F, F. FUh; WANTEI Place on rnrt ' man and 16-year-old " dress care Times, , or Albany, Oregon,, b . m pemanent I"fltl0 "S first person n Jr fr severing this Tert'fDff T altlons being taken rtPMV. address brings particulars samples. . WANl'KD Woman i -y ,r Ibti- i i.n.maksaner for e0v.v.. UIIU I.W..PV.''.--- - p. POROEfiAIN PLASTICS, CON TINUOUS gum: AND ORTIIODON TIO (TOOTH REGULATION). fr. Apply MrsJjMjW! - " 1 FOR SALE ' , A. -XH f "A ROX CAR BRIDE" Kalem. Ilotira:- -9 to 12; ltb-C. a rTnot Pdn QUICK MMj-y ; dlffcer. best made, at w 9j, ""thTX'SSk" i ' UO.t Office Phone, 357-J Residence Phoae; 35C-Li Res. Address: Myrtie Arms. "' ' "nnmVKBVfL & Chicken Pie SJPf.8' ,t U,fctf ' Ydtmg Ladles' CUM t - Hall. Third a nd Com" $ H evening, Sept. 26, iruw cents. " ' Hm PPPM a, SpppS