x : ;',',' ; : u (WKnHmHmtMfummtmfit f ntu VPjK r tercfi " iiim .,.i!ih n iitiwifHmirm tah THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1914 EVENING EDITION. THREE The Central Avenue Booster voi I- CEXTRAL AVEXUE, FHIDAY, SKPTHVJtKlt !, 11)1 NO. H - C K ; -rSnAL AVBKPB ROOSTER ' rrriTKvciT Friday In Uw Inter bll6,;CrmV W In General and rt of -" ' , ' tiIIPilriiliir. ' "i .tor. Price. Your good will, jffi tho Hoolter Club. " tir.A'ri.'niiM. L, Street. One Fin,,. One Country, One Streei. a t,mo OUR RELIGION To Do Good. oim POLITICS More- IlUBlneBB. . ,MA at the Postofflco as strictly ' rSXBTbout Central Avenue: 1IM STAFF. HiinaalnB Editor "Nntlonnlly A1 jinnnM''',, , . ,, rJ1l.n M nical Editor 1 L. Thonuw. Koecr Kdltor Geo. K. Cook. ' iiMKhold Rcmrtmcnt Harry Mac- ' CbEn'; IPnrtncM-"C..m1y KM Slaffonl, Kdltor. . wwirlfll Editor Dorwy """i- rcll, Alitor. IU1 Jtato Kdltor August Fr wen. Veterinary Kdltor Geo. Goodrwm. GruCtl I'AIU'H " "" " OURWAIIKRITOHIAL. M rAimiED men, according to an authority over in England, one tirnver In battle than bach elor. Sure! They know more about fighting. ETcrybody'a klckln, Klckln' 'bout tho meat; Klckln' 'bout tho nrlcca Wo pay for things to cat. Klckln' 'bout tho motor car An' tho government; Klckln' 'bout tho taxes An' tho way thoy'ro spent. Klckln' 'bout the autos An' tho pneo they sot; Klckln' 'bout tho grafters An' tho pull they got. Old mule looks dejected, Says In toncR dnmurc, "When It comes to klckln' I'm nn amachoor.'l i'i:iikoM WsSWtifc CITY HEALTH OFFICER STRAW says It Is uboIcbs to vnccinnto a policeman, Ho couldn't cntch any thing anyhow. W. J. CONRAD mado a trip to North Ileml tho first of tho weok, ostciiHi bly on business, but thoro may be another reason. HAIUIY M'KKOWN says tho world's , baseball series this year will be ratlior ovorshudowed by the world's canuonball series. IVY CONDHON wants to know if eggs nro hen fruit, would It bo proper to speak at n gooso egg as a doublo-yolkod gooseberry? CLAY CHURCH, who should know becauso ho associates with, them, says the surgeon Is .willing to cut almost anything but his bill. EUGKNR CROSTHWA1TB says tho fellow who has nothing to lose Is always losing something and ho al so has noticed that one or tho oth er of tho baseball clubs loso every day. FRANK D. COHAN, or Tho. Owl, felt flattered this week when n mem ber of tho order came in and gave him the high Blgn and wanted to know tho meeting nights. II took "The Owl'' for Owl headquar ters and Frank says it goes any Owl time. The- SMOKE HOUSE A ' GOOD PLACE FOR AN HOUR'S RECREATION Enjoy a good smoke and ' a game of billiards The Smoke House Chundler Hotel Block, Central Ave, OWbw" Z J HESCRIRTION. Iri ILf h r ii ran m m .r itui rflAft O. 4W4 HAAftMTUtA HEGOM. The Central Avenue Drug Store F. 1. CO 1 1 AX iM 1iaS :wa B W i FOR 1000 DAYS That's "The Owl's" guarantee ou the Aniaon Lino of Hot Water Bags and fcJyriugcs. This line is made by the Un ited States Knfobcr Company, who make ' the well known United "States tires. See them in our windows. Exclusively handled by m The Central Avenue Drug Store F. 1). COHAN iREscmrariON. AH' .jJHAkmjw'IC, ti Create an Estate by insuring yourself In tho lASSACIIUHKTTS MVTUAh MFK IXHUKANCi: CO. SHIPMAN BROS. Mrr-MIH Coke niulldlng. 1MIOXI2 3I.-WI U-illS 18 THK SKAKWN ll'OIt HEATING STOVES AM WB GAHItV OXC'OK THK lailGKHir ailXlS) OX COOS HAr Priced From $ 1 .00 Lo $50.00 IOX'r UV A HlLVrJJH UNTIL YOU EK THIS LINK. Marshfield Hardware Co. JUST RECEIVED a nick nkwM,ixi: or LA TKST STVUSS.JX ' FALL COATS I'Olt HC1HMIL OlltUS I'ltlCKS MOST 1IIUHONAIILK ' LADIES EMPORIUM -1 Mrs. Nellie A. Owen, Central Avenue WHY .DO THEY SELL? ? WltATI mMN IIKCAUHK OK 1MHCK AND QUALITY TOUltlXd CAItS ." fl0.00, KOADSTKHH '. 9"M0.0 lK'llvcrctl lit Mai-hhfleld. Goodroads Goodrum's Garage Ccntt'ttl Avenu PLAN TO TAKE SUNDAY DINNER AT THE Chandler Hotel a Good Menu The Hub of Central Avenue BUYING A TYPEWRITER? If so, I have the following, factory rebuilt mach ines on hand: Itcmingtous No. 0 , .?30L. O, Smith $55 Remington No. 10 $33 Underwood No. 5 $00 $5.00 cash; $5.00 per month. AH machines guar, nntecd for one year. Also ribbons and carbon piper. CARLL STOCKHN Sales Agent. 222 Central Avenue. Underwood Typewriter Co. Wales Visible Adding Machine, American Multlgrapb Co." Tel, 350, I CKXTKAL AVKXUK JOTTINGS. I Some Dodgi're. Somo-of tho Cen tral nvenuo tax dodgers have been busy this week dodging tho grand Jury. Whore to (Jo. A man with a clear eonselenco can look any man In tho cyo and tell him to go to Myrtle Point. Town Wide 0kmi. So far as the holes In the street nro concerned, Marshfield seems at present to be a wide open town. IIiikkIiim New One. Honry Hug gins has a now onc'thnt he hns been springing on his friends this week. Hero It Is: "When docs a Bhtp tell a wharf." Short Poem. Hay Olllvnnt, wno Is a recent addition to our poet's cor ner, enters In tho shortest poem con test a bovlty which he declares miiBt win. Tho topic Is "Mumps;" tho verso: "Adnm had 'cm." Spcuklng of FHh. Jesse I. Terrell, our boauty editor, says that Instead of worrying about' getting their coats over tholr wings, soma Contra! nvo- nuo men had bettor bo figuring on how to get their hats on over their horns. Jesse knows 'em, too. IKirsoy'N Joke. Dorscy Krcltzcr, who Is somo little nftor dinner wit, remarks that It Is ono of the strnngo turns of fato thoj General Pan should bo fighting against tho fntncrlnnd. Ho also saj's ho thinks thero Is a hen on In General Ktuck'a army. Wr IlullctIiiH.1 When the Gor man submnrlno sank tho Ilrltlsh crulsors tho othep day, there was an immrdlnto mooting of the board of trategy with George Scollg, Henry Scngstackon and Dorsoy Krcltzor present. A bulletin wns at onco dis patched to J. T. Hnrrlgan, but ho ro- 'fusod to nttoud until Capt. Macgenn .nrrlvos. A New Cluh. J. T. Hnrrlgan, our recreation editor, has organized a mew club -known ah tho Hnrrlgan 'Pedestrian Club. To tiuallfy mem bers must demonstrate their ability to -walk twelvo miles boforo brenk iast. Gcorgo Soolig lost out tho oth vr morning becnuso ho Htopped on tno way to rend n Times wnr bullotln that told of tho sinking of tho Ilrlt- Isli cnrlfiors. Home Grown Tomatoes $1.00 per Box Home Grown Pears for Preserving $1.25 per Boc Cook's Grocery The Oldest Grocery Store on Central Avenue. Before Parting With Yotir Money IN BUYING REAL ESTATK SKCURK A COMPLETE AHSTRAOT FROM THE Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. Which Is prepared to turn out First Class Work. This will save you an noyance and expense afterwards. We also look after assessments and pay ment of taxes. Marshfield office in Coke Hiilldlng opposite Chandler Hotel. Phono 14-J. CoqulIIe Offico adjoining Farm ers' Hunk Ulock. Phono 101. Ilumlon Office, McNuir Uuilding. Phono 482. Henry Sengstacken , . . -i. . Manager. kk 3ri-Aoxie 4f. tt If IflMMtM t CIIOCOiaTKS "Tho Candy of Char nctcr" STAFFORD'S WELL KN OWN STANDARD IS EX CELLED IN THIS LATEST PRODUCT CHASE & SANBORNS COf FEE THUKK ltLKXDS, !Wo, 10c and l.lo PKIl POUND. TIIICSK COFFEES HAVE RKKN STANDARD IX THE UNITEM STATICS FOR FIKTV YEARS PIONEER GROCERY CO. SELLING AGENTS FOR .MARSHFIELD Phono 8-1. ' 81 Central Arena) A LITTLE BETTER ALL THE TIME TERRELL'S Chandler Barber Shop VK WILL HAVE ALL KINDS OF Fresh Fruits and Vegetables J .. ..FORYOURSUNDAY DINNER On llontN nn-lvlng from both North niul South PHONE YOUR ORDERS EARLY OflMvamrtfc & Weaver, PUHE FOOD OROCEHS. 'I . Marino 3iJii'e - Auto- E. L CHANDLER. J Insurance Accident PJnlo Glass Burglary COKE BUILDING Marshfield Oregon Qpen An Account Wi.thJT.he .. First National Bank 'Of Coos Bay ' .. ' AVAIL YOURSELF OF ITS SUPERIOR FACILITIES Safe Deposit Boxes In Burglar-Proof Vaults for Rent at Low Rates. ' Central Avenue Marshfield, Oregon How about that new piano? We have a fine line of Instruments to select from. Terms can be arranged to suit your convenience. ,Coo .1 L. L...TIIOMAS, Msr. CENTRAL AVENUE. .RUSSELL. BLK. I vrr. ' 4 i .-Jti,;,