pW5afflWWl'W,BW,i ttxm is. rii ffliMii.Mrttiint.f",ynajjTj, MANY A MAN WHO SAYS NOTHING SAWS PRECIOUS LITTLE WOOD CTIRRING TIMES (Ham Hag Wxmt EVERY DAY There appears Bomo Item of news In the advertising columnB of The Times news of the day's "Beat Uuys" to bo found In tho various stores. Tho woman who reads and hoods theso "news Items" is tho one who conducts her household economically. n... iinvs ot war and biooil hi It Ib important that you 1 are full knowledge of tho Intest uthcntlc now. Subscribe for The Times, and read tho events of the d,y each cioning. MEMBER OP THIS ASSOCIATED PiltiHS iVOL NO. XXXVIII. Kfttnhlldhed 1878 n The Const Mall. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1914 EVENING EDITION. V Consolidation of Tlme. Oomt Mull mid Coot Hay Aihvitl'-pr No. 55 OF BUTTLE CF AISNE E SE HIIB FIGHTING STILL FIERCE S IN SOUTH HAND OF WAR IN EUROPE NOW Bis RUSSIANS CLAIM BIG AGIST AUSTRIAN G WATER Allies Making Determined Effort to Turn General Von Kluck's riUIIIV iwiw'i hhikmuiiuu i nij iiiuuo 4UI III of Paris Germans Attack Verdun Forts, CLAIM KAISER'S ARMY LOST 10,000 DEAD AND 15,000 WOUNDED IN ENGAGEMENTS THERE English Censorship "More Severe Today Zeppelin Airship Drops Three Bombs in Ostend, Causing Panic and Heavy ' Damage Switzerland Shuts Out Germans. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) The thirteenth day oil the great battle of Aisnc finds iho. Franco-British and German armies still fighting des perately, with the Germans fiercely resisting the grading advance of tho allies on General Von Kluck's flunk. The Jrcnch army is now intrenched between the rivers Sonnne nnd Oiso in a position -approximately fifty miles north of Paris. On the eastern end of the battle line in France the Germans are making a determined .assault on the Verdun positions. One report of the fighting there places the German casualties at 10,000, with 15,000 wounded. The sharpening of tho censorship over the news passing through the hands of the British authorities was apparent today in a marked degree. Zeppelin airships have extended their operations to the Belgian seaside resort of Ostend. Three bombs from a dirigible caused considerable damage to buildings and created a panic. The Berne government is reported to have declined Germany's request for permission to send forces through Switzerland. Declare That They Are Within Short Distance of Tarnow, Which Is Only Two Marches Distant from Cracow and Near Railway to Capitals. ' COPENHAGEN DISPATCH SAYS RUSSIANS HAVE STARTED MARCH TOWARD BRESLAU Grand Duke Nicholas in Statement Claims More Dqcisive Vic tories Over Austrians, But Says There Has Been IMo Fighting with Germans Lately. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) LONDON, "Sept. 23. Pctrograd reports that the Rus sian troops in pursuit of the Austrians are now within one march of Tarnow, which is only two inarches from Cra cow and is connected by rail with Buda Pest and Vienna. Copenhagen reports a great battle in East Prussia, the dispatches declaring .also that the Russian army is ad vancing on Brcslau, . Dispatches from Nisn report a continuous advance in Bosnia, saying also tjijitj all efforts of the Austrians to cross the iDauube have:beeu cheeked after furious fight FRENCH SAV FEW DEVELOPMENTS CARNEGIE SAYS KAISER'S MILITARY AIDES STARTED WAG' III ABSENCE I EAS W Claim Allies Are More Than Holding Their Own Against Ger mans Along Fcench Frontier New Action Begun in "Northern France. (Ily Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) NEW YORK, Sept. 23. Andrew Carnegie, an advo cate of international peace, reached New York today on hoard tho steamer Mauretania with a now version of how the war started. "I'll tell you how the -war started;" said Carnegie. "The kaiser was on a holiday on his yacht on the North Sea. While ho was away he received a wireless asking him to return to Berlin. When ho returned tho mischief was already dohe. The kaiser himsOif, is' a peace loving man. Tho trouble was started by the German mili-l tnry caste which miles the country. As for pry own coun-J try, I don't know how to thank Ood that I live in a broth-. crhood of forty-eight nations forty-eight nations in one union." CLAIM THAT UNUSUALLY VIOLENT FIGHTING - IS NOW IN PROGRESS NEAR 'RIVER 0ISE Claim That German Attacks in Lorraine and Vosges Have Been Repulsed EasilyFrench Still Hold Heights of Mouse Against Germans. ' '(Dy Associated 1'jcbb to Coos Day Times.) PARIS, Sept. 25. The following is an official com munication issued this afternoon: "On our left wing there has begun a general action of great violence between our forces operating between the River Sonnne and tho River Oisc and tho ariny corps which the enemy has groupi around Tcrguicr and St. Quentin. To the north of the River Aisne, as far as Berry-Au Bac, there has been no ALLIES NOW HAVE GERMAN RIGHT WING IN CRITICAL CONDITION (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Tiroes.) AT BATTLE FRONT, Sept. 25. The French and British troops, intermingled with Turcos and Moors, not German west wing to reel backwards near St. Qucutin yesterday and today and imperiled the German line of j communication towards tho frontier of Belgium. TheJ from that position to meet tho threatening movement of the allies and the two strong forces were engaged at close quarters today between St. Quentin and Tergnicr. RUSSIANS CLAIM VICTORIES OVER AUSTRIANS. m AaanMntPri Press to Coob Day Times.) PETROGRAD, Sept. 25. An official announcement from Grand Duke Nicholas says: "On the southwest front the Russian troops have taken possession of tho fortitied positions of Czyschky and Foitlstyn, taking all tho ene my's artillery. The Praemysl garrison has evacuated; nourgado and Medyka and been repiuseu ju uiu uuoiu segment toward the line of forts. There has been no fighting on the German front." change ot importance. Un the center we have made pro gress to the east of Rheims. Further to the east, as far as the Argonne region, tho situation shows no change. To 1 ho piist of Arironno the oneinv has not been able to move out of Varennes. On the right bank of the River Mouse the enemy succeeded in getting a footing on the heights of the Meuse in the region of the promontory of liatton Cliatel and, forced in the direction of St. Mihiel, the Germans-bombarded the forts of Parodies and Camp des Ro niain. To the south of Verdun we remain masters of the heights of the Meuse and our troops have advanced from Toul to Beaumont. On our right wing, in Lorraine and the Vosges, we have repulsed the attacks of minor im portance in Nomcny. GERMANS SAYS LOUVAJN PEOPLE IDE 6ENERAL ATTACK FIFIGT (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) BERLIN (By Wireless to Sayville) Sept. 25. Tho Gorman government has ordered an exhaustive .judicial inquiry made at once by independent lawyers into the de struction of the Belgian town of Louvain. The inquiry already made proved that on a signal given near the Lou- vaine station by red and green rockets, its civilii Operations Practically Come to a Standstill Owing to Heavy Rains and Floods Which Prevail Gen- erally ExcepJJn Southern Austria. HUNGARY ACKNOWLEGES CHOLERA HAS ' BROKEN OUT AMONG HER TROOPS -Hi-ivi, AUSTRALIAN FORGES OCCUPY GERMAN LAND III NEW GUINEA M CRUISERS SINK ENGLISH I BOMBARD RHEIMS CATHEDRAL AGAIN. (Dy Associated Tress to Coos Day Times.) BORDEAUX. Snnt. 25. It is officially announced in Bordeaux this afternoon that tho Germans If sinned bombarding the Rheims cathedral. last' night? re lation began firing on the German troops. iilian popu- . ALLIES SEIZE DALMATIAN SEAPORT. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) v ROME, Sept. 25. The al lied forces lauded in Dahna tia after the bombardment of the fortified harbor of Lis sau. The British and Fren ch flags were then hoisted to. provoke the Austrian fleet, sheltered in the canal at Fas sana, to engage tho allied fleet in battle. Sec. Wilson Decides to Delay Withdrawal for at Least Ten Days Hope for Peace. (Br AMf!t4 Fmf U Cmi Br TImm. WASHINGTON, D. C Sept. 25. Sec. Garrison today ordered General Funston at Vera Cruz not to with draw during tho next ten days, Soc. Garrison announced that the order was caused by the delay In the ad justment of many details Incident to the transfer of funds at the custom house. Genoral Hllsa commanding tho border forces, telegraphed tho war do partment today that all telegraph wires have been cut South of Lare do, Eaglo Pass and Jaurez. Kvacu ation of Vera Cruz may now ho delay ed Indefinitely becauso tho stfijd de partment has had no uay of communi cating with Mexico City concerning tho transfer of tho Vera Cruz ous toma house. It 1) understood that 1'rcHldent Wilson and Secretary Garrison have Same Disease Attacks Servians Germans, French and Eng glish Face Milder Diseases As Result of Being Drenched in Trenches Conditions Awfiil. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) LONDON, Sept. 25. Weather conditions are in tho main responisblc for the lull prevailing in all the war ar eas with the exception of the combined Montenegrin and Servian assault on the coveted provinces of Bosnia and llerzozgovina. Accompanying the report of bad weather comes the om inous news of the presence of disease. Hungary has ac knowledged an outbreak of cholera among her troops, and while it is denied officially the same scourge is said to have attacked the Servians. General epidemics of milder diseases may be expclcd in the western battle area, where the troops on both sides, drenched by the rain, arc lying in the flooded trendies. Operations in Alsace-Lorraine are said to have come to a complete stop on account of the rain. Rains and floods ire also hindering the operations in Galicia. (Dy Associated Press to CporTlay TlraoBl -"" LONDON, Sept. 25. Tho Afemltyjmmmnces a tolc gi'am from Vice Admiral Pato.y which says that the town and harbor of-Iricdrich Wilholm, the spat 'of government of Kaiser Wilhelm's Land (the name applied to tho Ger man portion of New Guiana) has been occupied by tho Australian forces without opposition. The armed forces of the enemy appear to havo been concentrated at llorberfshoha, where they were annihilat ed. The British flag has been hoisted at Friedrich Wil hehn and a garrison established there. STEAMER INDJANJRINCE LATELY (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Tlinrs.) RTO .1ANEIRO, Sept. 25. The Gorman steamer Prus sia arrived at Santos and landed the crew of tho British steamer Indian Prince, sunk by the German auxiliary, cruiser Kronprinz Wilhehn, This is tho first definite' word of tho Kronprinz Wilhehn sineo she was l'oportcd seen transferring coal to a German cruiser in West In dian waters. WILL KEEP TROOPS AT VERA CRUZ I not yet considered the po&slblo effect ot the Villa lovolt on Americas eva cuation, and ah Garrison plaHs te leave Washington today for the week end, it Is probable (hut the question will not bo taken up until thu cabi net meeting noxt Tuesday. The of ficials take the view that there lit no occasion for a hasty decision con cerning tho troops. Goneral Futts ton today confirmed tho news of the cutting of rail and wire commu nication between Vera Cruz and Mexi co City. It is not known whethr I the constitutionalists along the rail road are fighting among thernselvea or whether the destruction was ly f6rmer'foderal8. KTI Mi lion KOK PUACK. Ill AuocUted Vif to Cool U, Tlaw. MBXICO CITY, Sept. 25. TromU ncut men horo believe there la still a chauco to make peace between Car- ranza ami vuia uoioro tno U react becomes Irroparablo. Moanwhllo the general public heio does not seem to have been Informed of tho cub- troveroy. l ikiim i jjSii' J5JJ23 SSSSESti 'ssa&rr;