wtimmmmmmim "Wff "iliHPi" iiiiif 1 SIX THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD. OREGON. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 914 EVENING EDITION V w -1. ARREST THREE jlEHl REPORTER LEARNS Fl GUSLI OF NO CRUELTY IN BELGIUM i i Constable Johnson of Lakeside Worst German Tro0)cr Djd at LolVai1 Was to Kjss Pretly Takes First Delegation to ..... Uonii ille otiav. i rismisn oar-mam iio oanaras Miusianuaieu. (Spcclnl to Tho Times.) tnr AMoi(a rrrti to cooi ivir Timet. J iltnntB themselves admitted thnt nil r-nniTtt IV Orn q1)n IJ Poll- WWW 1UUIV, sept, .'i. AH AB8O- 01 1110 BllOOUllg ll!HI Oceil (10110 uy .77 V. .', , .1" . .clnted Press Bluff correspondent f,n compnrntlvely sinnl! number of tublo Johnson ot Lakeside In en- American birth and antecedents. Germans, and that the firing had lotito hero todny fiom Lakeside with who was sent from tho Now York not been begun until English sol three Lnkesldo men who woro arrest- office, caught In Brussels at tho dlors, who had concealed themselves' a n iriti.i lurv iniilpiniPiiiH nhnrc-' tlmo tho German Invasion and In tho houses, had fired first upon CQ OH ferailtl Jlirj inuILl.Ul.HlB Clllirfa . ., ....la.iii.ii. f.il- antnrnl ,1n vu tl... nnMKfi.id lug gambling. Tho threo arrested bororo CScni)lng to Holland, has sent! "I have emphasized the ono fa woro Dr. Win. Mott, JamcB Cowan by mall tho following story of his tallty ,of tho non-combatant, because and an employe of the Lakcsldo ho-oxporlonccs: tho nows of It traveled up and down mi tinmoH nnvunnnrt Other In- "Tho M,Knt boforo tho GcrmniiB the Snmbro nnd across to Hantos- 1C1 nalllCd UnCnpOri. UlllCr in-' ,.,, l,.lloan- ,..ln Mm I1nll.hn Wnlhxrin nll.1 Rnlrn.all,van,iil...n ...l- ... ... . m , ' -"VW - ..uu.u, ..... V..U ...V..Q..... ..U....,V .. WW.. UUIII-WIIIII t, UJIIi oictments are out against icn .iuo CVI1 guards and refugees men. pouring into tno city from roctlon of Louvnln, they brought began tlplylng as It wont, nnd developing tho dl- ghastly and Inhuman details until It linnnnin Irnmvn tmlnv Mint TIIb. j-... ui.. tn i....,. i. !... 'stories of uiiBpeaknblo German ntroc vi Auuruc) ...jn.0t .... ,... u niallrontomeiit of old men nnd some detectives In tho Ten Mile see lion for some time, looking Into the robberies especially and incidentally gathering information regarding other nintters which will cause some eurprlscs. Dr. Mott was Just enroute to Salem when Constahlo Johnson found him In North Demi. Thcro wns more or less joshing as tho Indictment was mado with tho Initials of his brother L. H. Mott. m is AFTER OQGTOR children nnd tho violation of wo men. Brussels Was Aivcatrlekcii "The, Holglnu capital reeled with appreheiiBlon. Within nn hour tho gaiety, tho vivacity and brilliancy of tho city wont out llko a broken nrc light. Tho radiance of the cafes was exchanged for darkness; whis pering groups of residents broke up hurriedly nnd locked themselves In their homes, where they put up the shutters nnd drew In tholr tri- colored Holglan flags. Tho hUtorlc It Bcomod nn unanswerable reproach to tho whole German empire. With this ono possible exception I did not encounter In Nlvcllcs, In Blanche) Bulsslcro or Solro-sur-Sambre, or any of tno otner towns I visited) a single accident of mistreatment of any sort by German officers, oH soldiers. Xot 11 Single Complaint ' "llulsslorc particularly tho lower part of tho city had been vir tually destroyed by a cross-flro from French nnd Gqrninn nrtlllcry, Tops of breweries had boon hurled bod ily to the ground and walls I) ad eltlier disappeared or becomo gro Belgian city wont through n stato! tC8ely ,nHlodged. Tho wholo city of morbid consternation remarkably ,ny ,n anioknB rn8, WRh only Kb imu nun i.uiii ivi. it'll il nui.i?rt;u iiii Juno 18, ISITi, when it trembled with tho fear of French victory at Waterloo "In less than twenty-four hours tho Holglan citizens woro ehntttng comfortably with tho Gorman In vaders and tho allegation of Gcr man brutality and demonical tor tures dissolved Into ono of tho myths which liavo accompanied nil wnrB. "Neither In llrussels nor In its Physician In Coqilllle Valley IS environs wits a slnglo offensive act, OU 1111 HO 1 lIIU Ul'lIIUIIlll'li Uf il Accused of Writing Prescrip tions to Furnish Liquor. Acting on a subpoena rcrolvcd from tho grand Jury at Cotjulllo, C. McOovcrn, night clerk at tho Blanco Hotel, loft this afternoon for tho county seat, whero ho goes ns a wit German soldier. In n city of over 1.00,000 people, invaded by n hostile nrmy of perhnps LT.O.OOO soldiers, no act sufficiently flagrant to de mand punishment or to awaken pro test came to my attention. Storlen Fall to Hold Water "Tho frightful reports that had preceded tho Gorman nrmy into 1 llinaa,ila Itii.liiitfwl Mi. ,1lantiilmu(n1lllir ncss In tho Umpire suloon rolibary., (,r old men and tho Impaling of when, on Sopt. 7 two masked men 'Children on Inncos Just outsldo Lou- hold up Tom Kdgnr's saloon nnd made vn,n- Investigation not only fnllo 1 drawbridge across tho Snmbro nnd n fow marble stations and boathouses towering above tho debris. nut bore, two days after tho battlo, wo men and children were moving com fortably about tho town, nnd not a slnglo complaint was uttered against German conduct. "Tho town of Solro-sur-Snmbro Is n smnll village about five miles Riuth of IlulsHlcro and Is Important not ns n battlefield, but as n cen ter nbout which French nnd German conflict waged stcndlly for two days f August 211 and 24 tho French line, nftor mnklng sporadic stands, being forced back steadily ocor tho French border until the movcniaut became n flight. "In this town 1.10 French killed nnd more than a hundred won u. led were brought In In a slnglo day. AitgiiHto Blnrluux, burgomaster, ald that ho know of no ensej ot Gor man cruelties save distant rumors which ho hud lenrued to dlscrollt. It ought to bo said to the credit of the Belgians that thoy have not al lowed their bitterness toward tho Gcrnituis. t. carry them into unfair iccrlmluatlon, Xo Outi'ine nt. Liege, -. "Robert J. Thompson, American consul nt Aachon, vUltod Llogo dur ing nnd after the enpturo of the Jgrts. It Is tho opinion of Mr. Thompson tfint no outrage was com in'ttod by Germans during t cv ernl days' fighting ihu-o. Thero nro, of coursei rwportisit outroos be yond InveHtiBUilon, oltnor on nccouiu nwnv wlili mnru iiimi uiia mo.. l Hii'isiaiiuaio iiicso rumors, 11111 WY WWW more thnii ?bU0. McGov- C0UhI not evon (lBP0VCr nnyoiio In orn wus night cioric it tlio liotol n.thd Jmniedlato vicinity who'crodltoJ tho tlmo when four inon,.suppoHod tbltlieni.- An pyo wltnoss of uulinpgnch- be ImpIlcateiHIn tho robbery -t J c rl; ii ""ioidlS -torcd there tho day provljiiU.8oiHcin'tllio first Gornmu ytrj JjUq Lou- her D. WHb him wont tlwj hotel log- vnln (August 10) was Hint of a ifltcr, which wns takonTsTtTldolico. .Clorman soldier who leniiod from m.inf r i.iio r.....i ,- v.i ...-., 'is horse- and klssod 11 in-ntiy Flom- Chlof of I'ollco Carter this morn- h ,,., who brousht film a glass Ing liiHpcctod tho register and dls-;0f ,oor covered thnt two imgos. thoto for "I marched for days with tho September and B, had been cut from Onrmnn columns, oflen only ono'of tiudr viiruoiiuib or hceuiisu It Is tho book Closo examination show- !lHy ,'e,,,'ld l,!lp . f ,Iltl"f' Y,,,h Wm lU08llilo to weight tho provoca te look, cioso oMininnuon snow homH mt ,Bll boon burned htlll tlon. it Ib known, for Instance, ed whoro a knlfo had cut deep Into Hinoldorlng. the ground freshly brotjmt us natives woro klllod in I'e tho pageB containing tho dotos Im- ken by sholl and trnmplod by IioVses nouehamp, not far from Ardennos. mediately boforo tho fourth nnd fifth ll,ul '""., "l ,nnatJ (,r , tl,, Gormi.n Holdlers sny thnt thoy woro of this month .aJirP!"J ,llrt,v,"w. vlViM " ili" ",n,u, klllod liociiueo they fired upon them 01 hub iiiuiiui. 1 ,. iiihiibltiiiitii. 1 lntorvlowod nnl, ,i. .,. .i,wi,..a nt iim So far there have boon no nrrosts nvorao of twenty persons In onoh ,onses In tho caso, nlthough tho grand Jury or a dozen towns and found only, iiehtiuctloii of Louvnln 3s now rarrvlnir on ovlnnslvn lnvott. ono Instance of u non-combatant ..Ti,0 history of tho absolute do ' .-.. i.'lifi luiil linnn l'lln! vl'irhn.. . fi , .i. t.ini.k.i.. A... f ...... ...... ..... ........ ,.....,,., .. Kiriii'iinu ui iiiu iiibiuih. viij ui iustlflablo provocation. Louvaln, with its cathedral and Its Waiitoiiiiehs Xot Proven MiiwmMf U vW1 351 w T J n v omen sj 'Ults Newest Fail t Styles -Anyone who has sliuppocl around a bit win mediately sec the uiniia tolled values i l, " ltn' To every woman who pmvhase.s hor q J tl'Hnb" thei'e is assured a DEoSd Cg Suit or serge, of Inondelnth, of 1Mllllll ,)f Cheviot, Milts ntt nnd ,, uMuxv and ,r ,U , ' ' wllei. tunic kl,t models, coats are long, ,, ' "J1" llitet, rlrciilnr or ilpplo buck; largo collan nnd tJ , nr M'lf iimtcrliil. .... t " 0( TtI' Splendid Showing at $15.00 to $25,00 and on up to $50.00 The Newest in Women s Fall Coat o )... ..1 -. : if . ... .. ' v r $ .K&I 4 llJk Aiilillfilll il,llli aa. A.. .&-. .--. ...V .i... L.S.. . i. . m ..r, ... nv..owi. iiuiiuiui-n, U iiiu iiu.ro nun ini.ro pieamxi Willi llio HinailnesN nnd cplcndld WIoHm of thch contfl. .They nro simply wonderful valines repreaentlng u ,,0 f,,wnnlnR fat,hUln (o of the new hciimiii mid iimdc of Clio most favorel rnlirlm suili an Ibelliics, llourlc, KitRllsli Ch! Ad ..n, viiirwiim nun .invciiics. n in mccvcm, vcuvet nun piusii iiinuned, high j-olilnjj, flnt or vuiinra, jiirge ouuoiiH nnd semi belts. 1 niUliurj The Best Values we Have Ever Shown at From $10.00 to $25.00 and $30.00 just ni:ci:ivi:i) "COUMIXS" SIiik'h for Wo men, AA (o 10. XI) W K. I). HHOKS foe Women AA to i:. ' .MOD.tltT mid AMKHKWX MDV eoitsirrs XKW SIIIPMKXT HLAXU'- ins AIM) COMI'OIITS XKW HATH ItOIJIvS For MUX AXI WOMKX xi:v SIIIPAIK.VT or HOYS SUITS Hub Dry Goods Company "Smart Wear for Women" Corner Broadway and Central Avenue ., f .a. Phone 361 University, Ib by this tlmo woll gntlon and It Is thought thnt sovoral nrrosts will follow tholr Htudy of tho CnW. i., (i.iu ,lu,. ,!, nvlilonnn .11.1 lint kllOWII. Though four men nro sunnosed to clonrlv nrovo that tho man had boon! "Tho Gorman vorslon of this' Is bo liupllcnted In tho matter, only two wantonly murdored. llo lived In ono thnt tho Inhabitants, undor tho Ul names have boon n adn ,, ,,i, Ur , ' tho typical small llolglnn coun-irectlon of the biirgoiiiastor, OBtnb IUIIIII.B imo uoon mauo puollc anu ...,.,.. ,.'., ...i.ii. ...i.i.. ,.. Hwii tluunsnlvca In tho church, on thoso nro Fred Trotter, who. It Is ,f,...iu nt i...m ...m, n,. irn..tt. which thov nlso installed n machlno rltilnicd, Is now at Acme, and Coy n smnll public bnr. This Iioiibo wns Klllston, who Is known to hnvo loft nt H'0 north end of Morbes-lo-Chn- sonio tlmo ago on a boat for San to""' own through -which n largo w , ' part of tho (.orinnn nrmy passed i-rnncisco. on (ho ron(, ,0 Mnnboiigd. A son .It Ib hnllovod that the four men of tho murdered man, whoso nnmo registered nt tho hotel and remained wnH Arthur Nlcodoin, showed mo thero over nlKht Inst nrovlmiR t ilm ,),00tl clotB " tno "oor "llirl1K i.i.. n-i Ji pro10"8 " tin place whoro NJcodom fpll, his robbory. Thnt tho pages nro missing throat cut by' a saw-edged Gorman from the-book, will hnvo little effoct snbor. 'An flii) catTc'lJoeauso of the fact that "lt WMB 8n'1' " 8omo InhnhltantB tho names woro eonhwi off .i,n.(i.. tlint tllt' murdored man showed n iiio names woro copiwl off shortlj , )nlr of hlnoculnrs, but a more prob- afterward and thlBovIdnnce Is now ln nblo explanation waB that Kngllsh tno keeping of the offlrors. It Is outposts bad concealed thomsolves further claimed that thoso four men;'" tl10 08. from which thoy pour returned tO MnrBllflol.1 nn Sn..lo.n e1 " rn,n f f,r0 H,,0n Ul flr8t Ger' Tcwirnea 10 .MnrannohJ on Septom- , lnvailora. T,Q inforonco that Uftr h, the day iftor tho Umpire tho shooting wis dono by Holglan liolduii and rented n couplo of rooms civilians may liavo Inflnmcd tho tit n prlvato rooming houso where Oominns to reprisals. In that nolgh- thav iiiii nn. !,.. , ,. i .. , borhooil four houses had been biirn- tho, did not have to register. ;cd ,, on0 8t, Wll8 nblnzo 8 j hiiiston, ono of thoso two men passed on Wednesday. August "JU. named, was supposed to hnvo been Knglltdi Fired First. , robbed of 1130 claiming that he had '"'i'1'? l1n of MorbeB-le-Chateau, won linn ! n ..!... .. , which had been the scono of nn un- von J300 lu n poker ga.no a short important skirmish between tho Gor i.mo previous to tl o robbers. (mints und Kngllsh on tho provlous . j Sunday, wus riddled with rifle shots. ALLKfiAXY-IHtAIV Auto Stage Tho small number of windows lutact wrvlco nlll resume Fr'day Sent "1 Bnowf,(l t,,nt t,l Oerninns hnd mado ,int.g ,i i - n (jciihorato assault upon tho rest- "" .V'IU. .1.,4.. !. . 11... 1. lnl..l, . ,iiin ill iiiu iiinii. xini. nit? iiiiiau-' 1 1 . 4vR tf5tfii Another Sign of Weak Eyes Aversion to bright light denotes weak eyes that need the help of good glasses, Xot to heed nature's warning means a con 'Mial wotkness of tho eyes uutll they aro past tho aid of nature. Mlltnilll'VP Do you caro to look forwart 10 bucIi a tlmo? If not, then lot ns exninlno your eyes and fit thorn with proper glasses. Wo hnvo a scientific optician In chargo, and u well-equipped lens grinding plent. NO WAITING FOR GLASSES HEUE. v-- OPTlCATi 1KIAHTM1JNT HKI1 CHOSS D 'UG STORK PHOXR li3 11 11 lll t cnn. Thov nrocecded to uroot tho Germnns with a deadly flro. "Tho HelghniB say on tho othor hand thnt pnrt of tho German army, mistaking ono of tholr own retir ing divisions for tho onomy, oponod flro upon them, whereupon, delud ed Into thinking this an assault by Holglan civilians, tho Gonunna raz ed tho wholo city. "I have not been nblo to ncqulro nuy direct ovldenco In regnrd to these lust two Instances, but the explanation generally credited by disinterested porsons Is that the Hel glniiB. who laid down tholr arms according to the burgomaster's proc lamation on tho entrance of the on emy, took them up again when It looked as If tho Gormnns were re treating from tho town and opened flro from their windows upon a re tiring German train, Fired on Hy Hclglnns "Tho most uuthorltattve Gorman denial of German offcuses comes from Major General Thaddeus von Jarotzsky, military govornor of HruBsols, who Informed mo that tn niimorous cases ho had been receiv ed with n pretense of friendliness by uclglnn citizens, who Inter tired up on tho German soldiers. This was done, ho said, after a declaration of surrender by tho burgomaster and n proclamation warning the clt Izens ngntnst any show or tnncc. "In such violations of tho rules I of wnr, tho general said, ho punished uie oneniiers uy miming tno nouses from which tho shots were fired. "This explanation of tho burning df villages Is given with such per fect unanimity by nil Gorman offi cers and men that to go Into sep- Ity which If thoy woro bidding ndlou to their, ward mo nnd showcJ on ths "in ty to oh-, hostess at a week-end house imriyjcuniliicin cUw 'X for tho only Gorman sever i navo una on opportunity to uu- hostess at a wcck-oiiu iioiibo ,,,,l',ijBnjg tlint I run my bud to Borvotho burning of houses. "So many Instances of this sort jt j0nnwhlle ho muttcrd toetW "A Holglan fugltlvo from ti su- nro nt hand that n recital of them Bo'idl'ors In tho room that ttocj' hurb of Cluirlorol brought to Xlvollo would ho tedious. I liavo seen' correspondents nnd 1 "? n Btorv nt tho CinrmniiB ninrcliliii: Gonunii soldloru holpllig Holglan wo- BpIos. Hut tills was the 067 his priest nnd sovernl cf tho Inhnb- men with tholr housowork und play- ngreoablo experleuce of me fen- Hants beforo tho nrmy ns u protec- lug with tno ciiiiciron. iNniuruuj tlon against fire from tho houses. Inclined to bo grufr with tholr boi Thls has recolvod ample verlflca- dlors, tho Gorman officers always tlon. but hardly comes undor tho turned to tho French prisonous with bending of atrocities." m pleasant word and trouted thorn Xot a Brief ror fiermuiiH with every consideration. Not n "Tho provalonco of tho Holglan slnglo oxcoptlon to this civility to prnctlco of sniping from thq liousos ward prlsonors has come to my ut wns, perhnps, Indicated by tho wurn-, toptlon. Ing of tho Gorman officer who acted, 1'Ved Prisoners Mint, nn iMinni fnr fiv Aninrlmii pnrros- "A French lloutonnut and two pondontB, Including myBolf, who woro English officers traveled, with us being taken ua prisoners trom neon- in tno prison truui roui ut.uuu.um mont to Aachon In an army train., to Aachen, n halting journey wnicn Wo woro advised to llo down on tho took 30 hours. Tho train was floor of tho car, as tho nelglan snlp-crowdod with Gorman wounded and ors would shoot nt us from tho French und English prisoners, and houses. Hut thero was no firing. ! thoro was nothing to out or drink "This, of course, is not a hrlof oxcept a fow fragments of ryo uroan, for tho German army: It Is an uc- hard as a stono, nnd a llttlo Umild count of Gorman conduct as lt ap- compound of chicory, which In Hol poared to an Impartial observer who glum musquorndes undor the name had tho rathor extraordinary oppor-. of coffee, Slnco thoro was not tuiilty of traveling for days with enough furo to go around. Gorman tho Gorman columns over a distance officers went without rood so that of moro than 100 mlleB through a tho prlsonors might ba fed. dozen Important cities and towns. I ''Between Chntoua do Casteau and "Sometimes I was near enough Lobbes. n purtloulurly desolutod ihn frnnt tn sna the white urtlllorv noluhborhood whonce Inhabitants amoko spurt into clouds ulong tho had fled, the Gormans found a hun- horlzon and hear the aouoio iteton- gry cannry in nn unuolle iw atlons which, came from artillery house. Without having experienced nt short rnneo. At other times I tho Konulno. almost womanly ton- trailed behind through the dosolate derness of the German soldiers ono Waste which a .victorious jinny wouiu nuve qaueti tneir toeuiim ui leaves hehlnd It. nut tho waste tho ennurv nn nffectntlon or nt was Uie Inevitable footprint of wnr, beat n passing whim, but lt was marking tno most utter (ireurinesB,. typical, iiui-iniiiiii u ft-mfc im, .Haflnllnn and CtW training sooins to haie nutm Gorman soldier's bebajlor W ..i.... il. nt I) la nnlhlnc IfM U" roiuarkable.. Ilcfors J ! q tho floor of the Jk4Wl With two German solilew pj the petty officer who wu lo rt of us giving .iMjwiV-J guards, which Included tte mUent t'hat any one .1 "g outsiao tno u"' l"v" .imost Then ho counseled XJ a fatherly way. to M&Jfit oratoly, stntlng quite 'Inny " Bohiier errs at -;,. iim, of n too complete lubo tOff ha misery mid despair, but n6t with rosla-.n hint of savagery, of wanton butch ery or of excess. Cases of Courtesy On tho contrary, I witnessed "In a llttlo cafe In nenumont con clorgo and niudamo had fled before . . ..oiiAvn In the Ui" U'.S-L luni, iu "'; d QBtW"" oraio ooi.rcun- conduct.". , Aldd:AXY.IlU.f'Jg service tylll rO!'" Frl,r, unlch's' niln prevent- A vnrir' OF DISSOLUTION . PAHT'KSIIl, Wo. the' linden JJJS of UMleux2 .ii.,h. lniRlness as CO-P"""" uiurtiu uiiu iiiuuuuiu nun """"H ,., rm nnmo 01 i.o" .uk the npproach of the soldiers andto "n nnmo . t0 tte abandoned their business. Two of-hereby glo n0". br l . fleers found them In hiding, brought (hat we have tnis uo'' wjl numerous chses of the most careful! them back and in n day thoy liad courtesy on the part of tho Gorman , takon In moro monoy than In any soldiers. In nrussols thoy not only previous weok in tholr career. paid their enfe bills but tipped gen-l IiicideulH Kstabllt.li Kindliness, orously. Along the road -when! "These incldonta, could, bo Indof a German offlcor or soldier entered initely nrolonced.-' b'ut they only of- nrato lustnncos Is unnecessary. It in Belgian house for food or shelter fer additional support to a point seems to sorvo ns a sort of blanket; It was not a domnnd but a request .that I think I alrendy have estob oxtenuntlon for all Gorman savor-1 In snlto of the confusion and errors llshcd thn universal kindliness of Hies. I can only say that In every which arose from a strango tongue Germun soldiers as I have observed 191 ! iiiou ui iuuunuu uuuuKu ui iiives- mere wita annual no iricuun oi any tueni. tlgntlnn which was susceptlblo of sort. I "I liavo seon perhaps half a dozen Investigation I havo found either "Tho Gorman soldiers woro nunc- cases of drunkennpss In observing thnt tho outrage wns flgmont of tho tillously consldernto nud polite to nenrly 1,000,000 soldiers, nnd theso Belgian mind or thnt It wns moro women and children. anoloKlzlnir for few were onlv cood nnturodly niniid- tlian half excused by circumstances, the discomfort they woro causing, lln. In Beaumont, while I wnH de-( i nave actual Knowledge or Uio upon leav sniping oy uoigian civilians at Man- havo been ago nnd other towns, nnd evon the them shake agreement dfasolvea p - that the business o.--rfv be continued by BP-M U . . - ointrft will pay nil u " .n tho firm and to wM - cine tho firm slioum . r w Dated this 2isi u, - E F LeMlBUX A. J. MH nTTrAXT '0TICK IMPOHTAXT U& stances they have been guilty of some cases mis. Tins mrnisues a provocation o TM the W ring n house where thoy tulned for 1 hours in the small W . MarshfleU on given sheltor .1 hnve seen cafe provloMsly mentioned, with nn 8unf0Jnf,:'t all nP'l ito ' ke hands with tho con- armed guard at tho door, although Oct0J5,y "' 7 o'clock ,ny V"T , .... .i .u uuu iiiu liiuii, ouuna uniiuo null IIIU lull- U1IIIUU (JUUlll lit l.iu uuw, , ""'o" ,! .V '" ,i J -V ... .., t- v.v.bu, ui riui numou, ui in oiicviiibuiiy iuiu vi.ui. -- - -, pxront OU " l1iH cases with tne gentiowoman ordinary prisoner, a Bvaggenng jiei- ' ",. Saturday - a Belgian villa, as pleasantly as ty officer of somo sort lungea to- u.b -- RaMTl -"' 1 . JiU,