PI5?5S5?- h mwmw' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHF1ELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1914 EVENING EDITION FIVE Moth Balls That suit, or maybe it was an overcoat, that you packed away so carefully last spring, don't look as good ns you thought it would docs it? Save it for n rniny day, but come in and see what $20 or $25 will do to freshen up your feel ings and fashion up your figure. Kuppenheimer --the Name of Those Better Looking Long er Wearing Clothes There's no itse paying laundry bills on a fray ed collar. New Autumn styles. 2 for 2 bits. 'The Fixup" rtlftw Mnvshficld Two Stores: North Bend IRVING BLOCK aaUlam NEW FAJLL MILLINERY SUITS COATS-DRESSES Just Arrived See TUB PARISIAN first and it will save you from wanting to look further. FOR MEN "We are solo agents for the world renowned KNOX HATS The Golden Rule LADIES' COATS, all of the very latest style, $6.50 to $25.00. LADIES' SUITS, from the very best New York manufacturers, $8.50 to $30.00. SILK PETTICOATS, Messaline and Jersey Tops, $2.25 to $4.50. SILK WAISTS, Messaline and Crepe, White and Colors, $2.25 to $4.50. The Golden Rule HERE IT IS AT LAST ! A Heater That Will Burn Either Wood or Coal to Your Entire Satisfaction "Si. J J y325i53SiMBk f.ti Built with extra large flro box, fitted with duplex grate ,j will give perfect combustion to either wood or coal. A heater built entirely of cast Iron which will retain tho heat for hours. Note the large foed door which will ac comodate big wood sizes, Beautiful nickel trimmings. Built In eight sizes and styles, 'WHY PAY MORE" Johnson-Gulovsen Company The Quality Name With the Service famo 25.00 $25.00 ," P u?25.00 to any person Hi vit0! th? a"est and conviction ! sdY ,n Marshr,old- MARSHFIELD CYCLERY HOTEL DOTSON O. A. Hanson, Proprietor Now open under new management A home place with home cook ing served In family style.' Board and room, $6.60 per week. 315 BREVITIES TIDES FOR SEPTEMI1ER Below Is given tho tlmo and height of high and low water at Marshfleld. The tides nro placod In tho order of occurrence, with tholr times on tho first lino nnd holgh'ts on the soeond lino of each day; a compar ison of cdnsocutlvo holghts will In dlcnto whethor It Is high or low water. For high water on tho bar srbtract two hours 34 minutes. -i urs.. &.&S 11.08 5.3G 0.0 1.8 7.05 4.4 8.2C 4.2 G.4 12.05 2.3 1.21 2.C 0.0 G.31 CO 7.4 5.G Ft... 4.8 25 lira.. 0.25 Ft. 0.2 2G Mrs.. -.32 Ft. . . 0.0 I WEATHER FORECAST Vat AuacLtM rrm to Cool Bar TlmM. I i uiuiuu.N Fair and cooler I iTitiny; winds mostly westerly. IiUUAIj TIMII'KICATUHR HEcmin. I For the 24 hours ondlnir nt 4:43 a. in., Sept. 24, by Benj. Ostllnd, special government me teorologist: Maximum 72 Minimum 48 At 4:43 a. m 52 Precipitation 00 Precipitation slnco Sopt. 1, 1914 9.IG Precipitation samo porlod last yonr 2,94 Wind; north; clear. HORN HENNESSEY To Mr. nnd Mrs. Ceo, Hennessey at their homo in Hun ker Hill, Wednesday, Sept. 24, n nlno nnd ono-hnlf pound son, their first child. .Mother nnd child nro doing nicely nd tho fnthor is wreathed In smiles, Tho mother is n niece of A. E. Qagnon. Tho now arrival hns been named Thom as William. Joins Sorority. Miss Pearl Hol gard, who Is completing hor course nt tho University of Oregon, Is among tho now momhors of tho Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority. involve Finn. E. F. LoMleux and A. .1. Miller, who have been doing business under tho nnmo of LoMleux & Miller was dissolved today, A. J. Miller retiring. Mr. LoMloux will contlnuo tho business nloiio. (iocs to Spruit. Rev. 0. L. Hall, captain of the missionary cruiser Lire-Line, left this morning for Myr tlo Point oxpcctlng to return next Monday. At the Denver Hill nilno Rev. Hall will conduct services and nlso nt the camps near Conlcdo. Uncle Again Charlos Thorns, of North Bend, returned this morning from 1-nkonlde whdro ho has been attending to matters of business re lative to tho hotel ho owns thero nt tho new summer resort. Return to New Home. Mr. nnd Mrs.Dclboit BonBon, newly marrlod, returned thin afternoon to Temple ton, where they expect to mnko their permanent homo. Mr. Benson Is a prominent young farmer of that vi cinity. Joins Elks. Julius Larson, a well known Coog Bay man, was Inst night elected to membership In tho Marsh fleld lodge of Elks and will be Initiat ed nt an early meeting when his two sons-in-law, A. O. Rogers and W. II. Konnody, can see that his antlors nro properly set. liny Cafe Phil Anest and a num ber of other Greeks haro practically closed a deal for tho purchase of the Ideal Cafe which hns been closed for somo tlmo. Anest was formerly In tho restaurant business! here and at North Bend. Like the Country.- John Rumbles of Portland, newly arrived with his family on the last trip of tho Break' water, after visiting here several days iW tLtWt'reerai&R'fmTacMjHHloy -where- he Is expecting to locate permanently, Mr. Rumbles Is a mechanic by trndo and Is Intending to work In tho mills there at the county soat. Names Confuse. -As a result of tho report of Mrs; Vaughn, wife of the former Conullle Vnlloy man who Is serving a term nt Salem for stealing horses and who Is suspected of being Implicated In tho Myrtle Point bank robbery, Wra, Vaughan and wife of North Bend have been joshed consid erably by their friends. Tho Salem Vuughnn has gone under Frank Vaughan, Win. Vaughan nnd n num ber of other aliases, by tho street commlttco for the set tlement of tho long standing contro versy. With the decision of tho street committee tho rebates will be paid tho property owners concerned on Johnson nvonuo. Buys Ranch. Fred Wenvor Is buy ing thirty acres of tho Coke ranch in Drowstcr Valley from Tom Coke and plans to fix It up In fine shape, mak ing n fine Bummer homo ns won aB n lucrative place. Council Meets Tonight. A special meeting of tho City Council will bo J held this evening nt 8 o'clock ror tno purposo of taking up the Sneddon Hanson controversy over nn allow ance made to Hanson for n till. Tho hearing this evening wll bo conducted vt (N.ntnut. llongoll nnd 11111 strom were tho low bidders on tho now school house of the consolidated i.i .HotrlMa nnnr the forks, 1111(1 will stnrt tho building at once and! rush It to completion, men wns slightly under tho $7,000 esti mated. Schrocdor & Hlldonbrnnd will do tho plumbing. (Joes East to School. Alex Mar tin, son of Alex Martin, "resident of the Eugene Commercial Club and woll known banker of tho WlHamotto Vnlloy, loft n fow days ngo for tho APPLES AVo have just received a big shipment of Coos County Graveustcins apples. Nicely packed and in excellent shape. These are sonic of the best apples we have had this year and sell regularly for $1.50 and over, but for the banance of this week we are going to offer them for sale at $1.20 per box. NOW is the time to buy. C00S BAY TEA, COffEE AND SPICE HOUSE PHONE ao tho city todny having come down from Lnkestdo for tho dny. CHICKEN PIE SUPPER. Chicken pie supper by Baptist lllltlll? I.mtloa' Pin.. nt t ...l.--.. WILLIAM CHAMBERLIN was In tho Hall, Third nnd Commercial, Sat! city today froin, Hnyncs Inlet, com- evening, Sopt. 2G, from 5 to S. 50 lug hero to attend to somo business., cont9' , I'lwuiiv iicjiwii, ui iuiuguny enmo down on tho boat this morning! fLASSITlED looking nftcr mntters of busi ness. J. B. ROBINSON, of Tomploton, wnB jk . down today on a short business trip, returning homo this nfter noon. MRS. KATHEItlNE KISSAM. of North Bond, went to Myrtle Point todny to visit tho fair nnd visit wiui mends easrwhero he Intends Renter the VT ADELsWrgER nnd WJ I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Boston School of Technolog). , Mr. Vn.r,inv tn, .i. .. : Mnrtln. Jr., spent tins last summer . --- -- MaJshfleld and became welt acquaint- abavo iNlogany buiiiu miiuur. ed while hero In tho employ of tho Oregon Power Company, lljh grndunto of tho Department of Elec trical Engineering of tho Unlvorstt of Oregon, having finished his courso there Inst February, but returned thero from MnrBhfleld for graduation "ixin-o North Inlet Mr. and Mrs. 13. O. Mills, whosu marriage a fow dnys ago caused such a stir horo o account of tho fact that this Ib tho fifth venturo for tho bride, u woman of nbout 05 years of ago, camo down on tho uoni mis mui Ing from North Inlet whoro tho cou ple hnvo boon spending tholr honey moon on tho cranberry ranch which i.inn.rit to Mrs. Mills. They nro shipping out much of their furni ture nnd oxpect to leavo for tho home of Mr. Mills In tho vicinity of Salem, Berry loft yesterday for tho woods to look nftor T. J. BALLANTYNE. who lives on tho .North Kork of tho Coqulllc, re FOR RENT FtirnNhed ii room Housekeeping apartments. 413 N. 2nd. St. turned to his homo This morning af-, von IT- m for House- KecpiuK. iiiii nu, si, a, IPEOPhE iKMOW ABOUT tor visiting with friends hero sov orni unys. FRED ORENOLDS nnd family loft this morning for Myrtlo Point, whoro they visited tho fair today, oxpcctlng to return somo tlmo to morrow. W. F. PRESTON was In yesterday from linker Creek camp. Ho camo In to hnvo an Injury to his thumb attended to nnd returned to camp tunny. VERNON BARKER and Roy Ruff ner both loft In their machines with Inrgo parties going to Myrtle Point for tho, county fair. Thoy reported tho road In good condition for trav el In g. LEW PRICE, tho Sumner dairy king, Is back on tho Job nftor n fow weoks visit In California. He camo to Mnrshflold todny to look nftcr business. J. W. TIBBETS laid aside his apron yestonlny and took n fow dnys yo SALE on irom mo resiaurnut imibiiichs, going to Myrtlo Point to take In tho races. D. Y. STAFFORD, I. 8. Kaufman FOR QUICK BALE Dowilcn potato digger, best mndo, at special price of 95, regular $125, Soo sample on our dock. Pioneer Hardware Co. FOR RENT Three sulto flnt. Phone Dr. Leslie. LOST Gentleman's vrntcli chain with nuio moonstone charm attached. Reward for return to Times office. I FOR SALE I 0 FOI HALE Two yonr lenrfb on 40 ncros, most nil bottom. Stock, crop, 10 cows, 10 hogs, 12 tons hay, 120 chickens, somo npplos. All la good condition. Inqulro Cnpt. of North Star. 75 thoroughbred Drown Leghorn roosters, your choice 1. J. E. Fltssgornld. Phono 3151. . i. DTAj-i-uiciJ, i. h. Kaufman , nnd C. K. Perry loft this morning I FOR RENT for Coos Rlvor whero thoy wlll'! J. E. FORD and family visited tho fair nt Myrtlo Point todny. MRS. C. 8YME wns n visitor to tho fnlr nt Mvrtlo Point today. W.M. RICHER8 returned todny from n business trip to Portlnnd. S. PETERSON was a visitor In tho city todny from Hnyncs Inlot. C. W. GIBBS wno down on business today from his homo nt North Inlot. A. A. MAAS wns in tho city today from Peterson Landing on North Inlet. J08EPH DAVIS, of Haynes Inlet, wns In tho city today attending to business. R. B. COOPER was down this morn ing from tho Gould Camp near Allegany. CONRAD LAPP, of South Inlet, came to tho city today on matters of business. MRS. E. B. BUNNELL spent today In Myrtle Point, going thero to see tho fair. , A , JOHN PETERSON came down today from his homo at Temploton on a business trip. MRS. E. E. ANGELL left this morn ing for Myrtlo Point, whore she went to tho fair. JAMES COWAN camo down from i Lake- thl,nwrJngv ta, aUwidj, to matters of business. MRS. A. W. COOK, of North Inlet. was In the city today looking at- ter matters of business. HUBERT FULTON came down this morning from Haynes Inlet and spent the day In tho city. C. A. LAGER8TROM, of the 8mlth mills, camo down on tho boat this morning from Allegany. A. F. JOHNSON wub a visitor In Times Want Ads bring results. Saturday Special On Saturday September, 26 We will place on sale regular 35c to 50 c Three-sewed Heuise Brooms 15o Only one broom sold to each adult attending. SEE WINDOW.' ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW. Peoples 5-10-15 Cent Store try and luro n fow trout nnd salmon from tho silvery depths. DR. WILL MOTT who hns beon lo catod nt Ton Mllo loft today for his homo nt Snlem whoro ho will visit for n tlmo. Lntor ho will spond somo tlmo In Portland. E. L. ROBINSON has returned from u fow dnys' stny at Gardiner on business. Ho plans to go out to his North Inlot ranch to look nftor tho cranborry crop. Mrs. Robin son nnd her mother, Mrs. Faulkner, aro now there. MRS. J. S. BARTON woh a Mnrshflold visitor today. Sho camo over to seo hor mother, Mrs. Young, off on tho Eldor. Mrs. Young has been visiting nt the Barton homo In Co qulllo and expect to visit at tho homo of anothor daughter In Port land. CAPTAIN C. E. EDWARDS, former ly of tho Alert and woll known along tho waterfront, camo down on tho Mllllcoma this morning nnd left for Myrtlo Point whero he wont to attend the county fair. GEO. BLACKMER of tho Henryvlllo mine was a Marsnfleld buslnoss visitor yestorday. Tho establish ment of a postofflco thoro, known as Delmar. has been of a decided benefit to them. Tho mine Is busy "" mnKinr n gooa record. ARTHUR WILLIAMS, of Flagstaff. W.SUWKMWKUiftUUQiai HWMR Centervllle. Iowa, by a telecram announcing tVe serious Illness of His mother. He left on the aeorge W. Elder. Mr. Williams' many friends will hopo he may find his mother improved In health whon he reaches home. G. W. KAUFMAN and wife and daughter, Claudlne, loft tqday for Portland, from where tho latter two will go to Spokano to visit hor parents, Judge and Mrs. Happy, Mr. Kaufman will return on the next boat from Portland, DR. TAGOART loft for Coos River to day to celobrate his birthday and joined tho party of D. Y. Stafford, Just how many birthdays that ho has had Dr, Taggart keops a care ful secret, evidently not wishing some of his rivals to know how young he really Is, FOR RENT Two tints .furnished of unfurnished, In Madden Bldg.. North Front stroot; also house- kooplug rooms. FOR RENT Largo house In South. Mnrshflold, 12th Court. Ph. 119-L DAIRY RANCH TO RENT Heater can buy stock and farm lmplomenta on ranch. Reasonable termB. Call or write W. A. Gngo, Allegany, Or. FOR RENT Furnished room for one or two young mon. All niodorn. conveniences. 422 Hall avo. or Phono 175-J. FOR RENT Furnished flat, modem conveniences, kot and cold water. Apply Third and 358 Highland. FOR VIKNT Well furnished nnd bouses. Phono 443. FOR RENT Furnished house, mod ern. No children. Phono 311, zzz or 298. WANTED I WANTED To borrow $2000 nt per cent for 3 to C years. First mortgago on 160 acres Improved, farm, 80 acres bottom land. Ad dress Bos P, care Times. WA'NTKD Married man wants work 1 on roncb, P.'P,'PtsherrMrWlIi. WANTKD Place on ranch for man and 16-year-old son. Ad dress caro Times. THlfFAR WEST SALES COJITANT of Albany, Oregon,, has a steady, pemanent position awaiting tb first person In each locality aa Bwerlng this advertisement. Po sitions being taken rapidly. Your address brings particulars and Ire samples. WANTED Woman to act aa nurse nnd housekeeper for elderly Inval id. Apply Mrs. H. Sengstacken. S-- Grand DR. HOItSFALL has MOVED to RCOMR 112-14-15. IRVING BLOCK. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Proposals will be received at the offices of George P. Laird, Bandon, at noon, Saturday, October 3, for the general contract for a two-story con crete and face brick building. Sep arate proposals for heating and plumbing. $500 certified check to accompany each proposal. 5 deposit required for return of tho plans. Plans may be secured now from George P. Laird, Bandon, Ore. Bids will be opened at 12 o'clock noon, Octobor 3, 1914. Right to reject any and all bids Is reserved. OEORGE P. LAIRD, Bandon. To-Night vt: Lillian's Dilemma i A Vltagraph Drama. "THE COUNTERFEITERS" l 1 Edison. . jM . and all bids Is reserved. ' ,.A mas SOUL" I'll M I OEORGE P. LAIRD, Kalem , l ;- I Bandon. ' Lij I m &ju2 -Ti.y t r - : i . i 1 1 fa i ' f'fKKamSBinStmwSURii iMWMMJawaWHBl KliiWlllllMlMBMalaaMtstal&ti