SBSP5S1P THE COOS BAY TIMES, JARSHFIELD, QREQQN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1914-EVENINQ EDITION e iniTTKrili i THE ALICE H. SI'ECIATj BXCUH3ION TO CHAItLESTON BEAqH SUiVDAY Lenvcs Mnrslifield nt 8 A. M. ROUND TRIP 50c Makes connection with auto for Sun set Hay nnd Shoro Acres writing for appointment. ainrsliflelil, Oregon PROFESSIONAL. DIRECTORS H. H. Harper 1IOUSK UUlTiDKR Gcnornl KopnlririK nnd Cablnot Making. Phone 3 4 9-J. W. T. Tompkins, D. S. T. (Wcltmor Methods) Every known tllseaso troated without drugn or aurgory. Rooms 1 nnd 2, 237 South Drondway. Phono 132-L. Marshflold, Or. J. M. Wright mono aio-u llUILDINfl CONTUAOTOK Estimates furnluhed on request C. 0. Gosney. Phono 3154 CONTIlACTOIt AND MULDER Estimates Furnished on Request My I'nst Work li My Refcrcnco First and Alder Sts. . Marshflold i Dr; H. M. Shaw Eye, Ear, Noso nnd Throat. DR. MATTIE U. SHAW DIscjim'.s of Women nnd Children Offlco Phono 330. Itooms 200, 201 202, Irving Block. Houbo phono, 10G-J. i Bcniamin Ostlind CONSULTING ENGINEER AND ARCHITECT Offices, 20G Irving Block Phono 103-L or 2C7-J. Marshfleld, OrogoL W. G. Chandler ARCHITECT Rooms 301 and 302, Coko Building Marshflold, Oregon Wm. S. Turpen ARCHITECT Mnrshflold, Oregon. - Mrs. Olivia Edman, M. T. D. SWEDISH MASSAGE AND MED ICAL (1YMNASTICS FOR ALL DISEASES 837 Commercial nve. Phono 2 12-J Mildred Rogers Nelson. Toucher of Plnno. Pupil of Hugo Mansfoldt, San Fran cisco, Cnl. Application for lessons bj writing for nppolntmont. Mnrhhficld, Oregon. Joel Ostlind PIANO TUNER AND REPAIRER Loavo ordora ut W. R. Haines' Mus- to Company. 41C S. Sixth Street. Phono 103-L. Perl Riley Ballinger PIANIHT AND TEACHER Rosldenco Studio, 217 No. Third St Phono 308-L. WM. J. SMITH PLUMBING CONTRACTOR Job work jiroptly attended to ENtiiunK'N Cheerfully Given. PRICES REASOXAIHiE Tol. 30.J. 12C7 N. Front St. OCEAN REACH AUTO LINE Leaves Chandler Hotel, Mnrihflcld for tho Heath mid Way Points. 7. A. M. 1 P. M. I P. M. Empire n()c Tar Heel 70c South Slough 75o llastundorf Beach ...$1.00 Mussel Roof $1.00 SuiiBet Bay $1.00 Return From Bench at 8:30 A. M. 1 P. M. 5.:iO P. M Visit tho beach by tho Ocenn React Auto. 7-passengor nutomobllo loavei Chandler Hotel tlireo times dally GORST & KINO'S FAMOUS AUTOS The Price of Elec tric Service Has Steadily Decreased Wars mid oilier calamities do not increase electric and gas rates. Tn season and out they remain LOW. PREPARE NOW Have your house wired for the greatest of Modern Improvements. 4 "All Modern Improvements" Means ELECTRIC LIGHT Old houses can now be wired quickly and inexpensively. Telephone 178 Oregon Power Company MARSHNELD DRUGGIST HAS VALUABLE AGENCY The Loeklinrt-l'arsons Drug Co. has tho Marshfleld ngoncy for tho slinplo inlxturo of buckthorn bark, glycerine, oti, known as Adlor-1-kn, tho remedy which becatno famous' by curing appendicitis. Tills Hlniplo remedy lias powerful action nnd mosue MrtOMOtf X0T1CI1 NOWCB IB HEKI3Y OIVUN, rr It is proposed .to annex to nnrt . cluilff within tho tsorflbrnto i,n,? iin" llnofl of tlin city of 1 i8ni?i , ,nrtry County. Oregon1, l ft J " ". in said, County and Stnt.' ,., ,Vn,orj Within tho foil mvl. ., ' 'wed .boundarioH, to-wlt: '"'""Hied iiogiiinliiR nt a gas on the stomach and constipation I almost IMMEDIATKUY. Tho QUICK action of Adlor-l-ka Is astonishing. Tho I.ockhart-Pnrsons Drug Co. V. L. ADAMS & SOX Dealers in NEW AND HKCOXIMIAXD GOODS. 3C2 No. Front St. Phono 310-L drains such surprising amounts of NorKia,. P r.,n J,V,.l,t..w,,w tho old matter from tho body that J.UST. ottUnoSU,n ONE DOSE relieves sour, stomach. I n7p,B,,,o0'."1tc Hl' ' of the city irns on tlin Rtnmficli nn.l nnnullnnllm lr klWtBldP, Bald point bolllir tlm ltil Boctlon of tho mld-chmiiiPi troa, S L?"." ! &. "".! C" "Ivor iirC N;J nS'l'tO hoc lino nsoHtabllnVd lyI0 ffi; of Coos ijy which nnlnf ort cast hIiIo .if ii... . 'I n, , " "' '"" mnn J3in IlIIV Illtll n. .1 nrifiii t.t.1.. .. r "":' u" mo u((ii niiiu til inn f'iti.. ?l":,A)lom'"N'!'-'i'?'-'y..iong on nol thtf of GOODRUM'S GARAGE HOME OF THE ' CADILLAC and FORD AUTO 8UPPMKS FOR ALL MAKES OF CAUS a 17 Central A v. Phono U7:t-L COOS BAY STATIONERY COMPANY 93 Central Avenue , Phone 430 ANSCO AGENCY Cameras and Everything for Them DFFICE SUPPLIES STATIONERY TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal, Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. Cleaning, repairing or now platens, work guaranteed. Ribbons nnd citrbou paper delivered. Phono us your order. Phono 41. Alllunco office. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. BUY THE VERY BEST as m AfADIS UNDER 8AXITAHY COXDITIOXS IX A CLKAX AXD MODKHN FACTORY. RTEUILIKED MILK AXD CREAM. iiiii ! iiiiii ci rintniLii,.!.. i Port or Coos Hay to n point duo 3 of tho Mcamlor post . the Knnt nrn of Coos Hay on tho ll0 belwrn-n s"f t ons 12 and l!l, Township ur, South ""rt Mi,ni tt . iii.- i iifiti(i PURE ICE Ftoo delivery, H n. in. and 2 p. in. Phono 7!1 TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- -:- line boon a hobby with us tor a good many years and a lot of our customers will toll you when It comes to getting good, Bound, durablo framing nintorial at the right prlco wo know our busi ness. Just tell what you want to build and tho amount you want to spond and we'll get busy with our pencil nnd flguro out tho best your raonoy cau buy. Try w. nakU,u. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co.' IU7TAIL DEPARTMENT CUT THE FUEL HILL 1 TWO I1Y USINO OU,WOOD PHONE 100. 182 SOUTH HltOADWAV YOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS Four K1 cars wltli c roful driven For day service, phono lll-J, IiUnco Illllartl Parlors. For ulglit service, Phone 200-L Itlght Cafe. D. L. FOOTE. New Models "HENDERSON CORSETS" also principal distributors "ONYX" and "CADET" HOSE S.S.JENNINGS, No. Bend Abstracts, Red Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEED ABSTRACT CO., Inc. HENRY BENGSTACKEN, Maaager PAHM, COAL, TIMI1EU AND PIxATXING LANDS A SPECIALTY. GENERAL AGENTS EASTSIDK. MARSH FIELD OFFICE, PnONE 4-3f.' COQUILLK CITY OFFICE PHONE 101. LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Tltlo & Trust Co., Abstracts, thoroughly dependable. Imme diate service, prompt attention to all Interests of our clients. MINIMUM COST I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. SEND YOUR LAUNDrTY TO US BY PARCEL POST WE FURNISH A HAG AND WILL PAY THE POSTAGE ON ITS RETURN COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY Ideal Summer Trips ON- LAUNCH,.EXPBES$ .- . . Leaves Mnrshflold ovpry weoU day nt S a. in. STEAMER RAINBOW Loaves Marshfleld every Sunday at S a. m. and every weok day at 2 p. in. . IDEAL FREE GROVE AND PICNIC GROUNDS nrlng your lunch baskets, kodak and fishing tackle for a few days' outing. Sunday School and nil plcnlo crowds a specialty. Excursion to South Coos River every day. , For charter and picnic nrrangoments, apply onnboard. , v-iVt' GROCERIES of a High Standard of Quality PRICES that are Right all the time, SERVICE that is satisfactory, DELIVERY that Is Prompt and Particular, These Are Our Business Principles. Conner (k Hoagland DEALERS IN GOOD GROCERIES. 707 SOUTH RROADWAY PHONES 848-J AND JWO STEAMER HARDY SAILS FROM SAX FKA.WISCO EVERY TEN DAYS COOS BAY flUlD EUREKA STEAMSHIP LINE 11 'J W MARSHFIELD Call on LeMieux & Miller FOR PAINTS, VARNISHES, STAINS, WALL PAPER, ETC. Painting, Paper Hanging nnd Decorating WILL HE LESS when you let us flguro It for you. IXImato fiit'iiMicd cheerfully LeMieux & Miller No. Front St. In (Ik. i,n,... oii...' ""-"' 1.HM -- v..v, T'om oui-uuu corner lir. tween said Suctions 1 ,....i ... thoiiro North uiio-rolntli nillo to tl.e ""' "' "l till HIT Ul IIU I'lnf llf i , lawn Addition to tho City Vf .NoS I end: lienro East tine-foiirth mil" henco Sou h. iMMS foot, more or ms to tho North-west corner or the ift of Crawford Point Addition to the ?,lyi,of Cm"s. I,ny: U,t'lu' Kt. n c. fourth nil lo to tho Nnrtli-cnit rarncr of said Plat of Crawrord Point Art dltlon to tiio City of Coos liny thonco South nlong the East houiulnrv lines' of tho said pint to tho Xorth". west cornor ot Section ID, Townsliln 25 South, Range 12 West, W. jj1' thonco East one-half ihllo to tiio nortVi nuartor section of snld Sivtlon in which point Is tho Nbrln-t'ur,t corner of tho Point of Tozlor Helgbts; theiico South threc-tourtlm nillo, more nr 1pm to tho North-west corner of tho I'lnt of Hay View Addition to Mllllcoinn; thonco East ono-foilrth. nillo along i- u .mm in iimiiiijiiry imo or Baiti Unv Vlow Addition to Milllcomo; thence nlong tho Enut lino of said Jlay View Addition to Mllllcoinn; South one fourth nillo to a point on the South houndnry lino or said Section 19 which point Is tho South-emit corner of tho said Pint of iloy Vlow Addi tion to Mllllcoma; thonco west nlons tho. South houndnry linn to Section 1 0, to tho Meander Post on tho East shoro of Coos liny: thonco South 00 degrees West to thd mld-channol of Coos Rlvor; thonco upstronirt alonr tho inld-chauuol of Coos lllvor to n point nu the South houiulnrv of See tlon 30, Township 2ri South Itnnur 12 WoRt W. M.: thonco West nlonp tho South houndnry of said Scrllon .10 to a point which Is mld-Hlrcnm In tho chunuol of C'atc'lnK Slouch snld point holii" on (ho East lioundnrv of tho enrpornto llmlls of tho City of Enstsldo; thonco following tho snld Enst houndnry of thn enrpornto lim Kb or the City of Eiistsldo, Norther ly, down mid-stream chnnnol of Cntch ing Slough lo Its mouth: thonco Nnrt' to tho mld-chnnnol of Coos lllvor: thonco nlong .tho North houndnry of i thn snld corporate limits of thn City of Enstsldo In a Westerly direction, dnwii-stronin along tho chnnnol of said Coos Rlvor to tho North-west cornor of tho houiulnrv of snld cor porate limits of tho City of KarIbMp ( tho placo or hpglnnlug. all lying nnd hoing In tho County of Coos, Stnto of Oregon. i For tho purpose of suhmltllng the question of tho niinoxntlnn of the territory In ouostlon to tho snld C'tv to tho nunllflod electors or saltl cltv nnd to tho qualified electors rcshllnn within tho houndnry linos or said tor rltory for their npnroval or rejection n special olectlon has hoon called hv tho City of Eastsldo nnd will ho hold within tho corpornto limits of tho Cltv of Enstsldo and within t''o homi dnrios of said territory on tho 23rd liiiiiiiiin 1mm REGISTER TODAY TO VOTE OREGON PRY 332 1 YES November 3, 1914 Registration Books Re-Opened NOW L, ADAMS, of OREGON CITY, leading mct- chant, sape: "Since Oregon Clip went drj)i bualnesa has much Improved. Collections are easier, I have fewer bad bills. Abolition of the saloon has turned a vast sum dallg to the channels of trade. Checks that used to be cashed In saloons are now cashed In stores," IBjw. r"si '""rich; NewYoU7l SATIO 'uko i r SS-iffl! PUUbnrti W S'J1 WtofE v!. Hv ''OS Angele, " DattcriMV.Nl ?"' Schmfdl pfl . flatteries !ti, HISBlnbottV AIAVAVB l-cr. :l For ick Mk, J of 7odofkpV "no hour rwiul! Such elct'j3I u" Kastsldoonnllta locn'cd thtrH ' . Tho JndiNttib to servo t un ,i niu- JUQgM, Sjjk llverlv and Un Olerki- R t fllti nnd V c Knm , Tho (lectin itti k oi me icmiw; .uiiu'jvu win MVii tiio CooitonCulfc. Tho Julsni!rf tn scrre it n.. territory irt.hjjtti .unmronit. mile iic ki are w 1 1 Hunt, and U aw All nuilKIM tit invited to itlfiinJ their rccPKtlit uCnl stated, and rott Icr r proportion ot uvt This nolle li I'm of tho City of En-ii inon CouncIL Dated this tie twV her, 1911 (Cornonllon Sti CPRi UcrordcroMliCltiH County, orcpa. (l'lrat publication. ! Inst publication, i Tald Advertliemeot by Committee of One Hundred 718 Morgan Uulldlni. Portland, Oretfoa IT CALIFORNIA LL uUWjliforni"!S IOR4 CENT IN STAMPS V0R4CWWA . - ApuJtf"Yl. INbTAMrS H.UlO-IUUrN"l.UyAlWJilW mm BMC01"Pai!y "wmA. "I I ! HI BH H ' mwmmm iV i " wmemm-mV""" m Nei Victt Recol FOR SEPTE NOW Including all the I and DANCE I Wiley B. Compa UK. Jrmi; $20( PerYc ANHVOUJV what lira"' ASK? GOOD RANClJ NEAR W at $20 Pe1 . ...a that f9 ' .ffJ dieu jvr A Spiendw1 do a ltle eardrtr nlMut lt 1 W. A. BEID. 150 I kK .VZ..'B ' - w ' - ' - ' 'iT ., (ffci. MHB0' astxmmjL. tim BRlmuaKimiMimu, t A --"