ES?P 5" fcV 7 J" ' m X'. f ALL THINK I T'S TOO BAD THAT W CANT LIVE LONG WITHOUT GETTING OLD tirrTnG TIMES OlflflB GfotteB EVERY DAY Tlioro appears boiik' Item of news In the advertising columns of Tho Time news of the dny'B "Host Uiiyo" to be found In tlio vnrioiiB stores. Tho woman who rends nnd heeds these "nows Items" Is tho one who conductn hor housohold economically. I . nf nnr nnd blood- rC U'CSC .....,- tlint. villi r' full knowledge of tho latest Mc ,u aiilinprlbo Tor The k: ,;;;;. , evens c each cc CIUI1B- MEMUER OP THIS ASSOCIATED 1'ItbSS W Sag rstnMlshcd 1878 im Tito Const .Mull. I NO. XXXVIII. BiSOII N0TIFIESF0RE1GN DIPLOMATS NOI 10 MIX IN U. 5. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1914 EVENING EDITION Consolidation of Times. Conot Mail nnd Coos liny Advertiser No. .55 flmbnssador Decides to Leave for Home When Called on to Explain Interview Criticising Action of United States in Protecting Christians. ERMAN EMBASSY ATTACHE ALSO CALLED uuwim run ihli hbuui wak wi in japan Resident Demands Explanation and Turk Decides That He Will Leave Acuon may roreDoue txiraorainary Happenings in Near Future. (Dy Associated Press to Coos liny Times ) 'WASHINGTON, 3). C, Sept. 2-1. A. Rustem Boy, tho iurkisli ambassador, informed President Wilson that ho dps not alter the views lie recently expressed in u pub- Blicd interview nnd will leave tho United States within a Ditnight. The announcement of, the withdrawal of the Turkish GERMANY CLAIMS ARMY IS AI W MY T S (Ily Associated Press to Cpos Day Times.) BERLIN, Sept. 2-1 (By Wireless to SnyvilleAn of ficial announcement savs the German heavy artillery is successfully bombarding Troyoii'-Les-Paroches, Camp Des Pomaina and Liourvillo. 11 M 1ENT IS ADVANCING ON GEN. Ml KLUCK GERMAN S CM CONFLICT UBUTSmUIUM nbnssndor, though not unexpected, caused a proioud son tion in diplomatic circles. Coming close on another dip mat ic interview yesterday of which the administration once took cognizance, that of Baron Von Schoen of tin irnian embassy, iliYLoiljug-oii the probability of war be wen the Tinted States and Japan, it was interpreted as. iitiicativc of President Wilson's determination to silence hmuent by foreign diplomats considered dangerous to the jcutrnlity'of this country. The Turkish ambassador, in 5s interview, said that the sending of American warships Turkey in connection with the report ot the uprisings gainst Chrisians would lead to a serious situation. The resident asked whether the ambassador cared to make y explanation. The ambassador answered that he did lot wish to alter his views in 'any way and would leave i a fortnight. The ambassador refused to discuss his action Jurlhcr inn to say he had asked his government for a leave of teenw, -which ho was certain would bo granted, and ould leave for Constantinople within ten days. 1 BATTLE BETWEEN VILLA AND CARRANZA FOBCES SOON resident Carranza Notifies! Men to Be on Defensive and Not Jo Attack. 10MISES WILSON TO ES TABLISH GOVERNMENT ifants to Act in Accord with United States Political Jealousy Causes Hitch. Lr. S. WILL NOT CHANGE MEX. PLAN IBr Aiv lit) rr, ,0 Co fyf Jim,,, WASHINGTON. D. C, Sept. I. It WllR nfflplnllv atfltml nt he White Houbo todny that tho i "test troubles between Carranza , no Villa would not niter tie Pans of the United Stntes ns to ltndraIng troops from Vera uur or the status of the embar go on arms. No date has been iixed for removing tho troops. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) An official communication at Petrograd says that fol lowing the capture of iTaroslau in Oalieia, the Pussian cavalry is pursuing the Austrian rear guard, inflicting heavy losses. There is considerable doubt as to the exact situation in the eastern theater of war, as reports from Petrograd, Berlin and Vienna persistently conflict. A dispatch from Petrograd says tho Germans who drove the Russians from East Prussia have in turn been defeated and are evacuating East Prussia to reinforce tho lino from Thorn, in West Prussia, to Kalisz in Pussian Poland. The Gorman submarine, TJ-9, credited by Berlin with having destroyed unaided three British cruisers, has re turned undamaged to the German port. The German war loan subscriptions now total $1,097, 230,000. CANADA DAS SENT 32.000 TO AID ALLIES 'AGAINST GERMANY PBOIUIJ, XU(I 800Q OJ B8.U.I pO)UpOBBV X(l) ST. JOHN, N. B. September 24 Minister of Labor Crothers of Canada announced today U2,000 Canadian vol untcers " Have gone to tho iront a day or two Orotchers made the announcement in a speech befor Canadian Trades and Labor ( ongress. ago. the I nsslstauco of tho Mnytoionn lovolt. tndnv rushed his forcon south from Juarez nnd Clilhunhun City to meet what was reported as aTtrong torco of Carranza soldlors moving north fiom Aguas Cnllontes ana zacaiecas. Kumw Etriily Divided. , According to omciaj esuiiiuiun, Vllln controls nearly -10,000 troops. Mavtoronu has mobilized 5000 troops In Sonorn. They nro mostly Ynquls. Villa also probably will be nblo to recruit many troops In Durango state, where bo has onorated frequently. Cnrtnnza's farces comprlso tho nrmyi of General Gonzales, numbering 30,-1 000, and thoso of the west const troops under Obregon. APPEALS TO VILLA AMERICAN RED CROSS SENDS AID. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) LONDON, Sept. 24. The American Ped Cross steam ship Ped Cross was spoken oil Pahnouth and will dock .to day. Pour Ped Cross units vvill 'bo landed at Falmouth, two for service with the British and two with the Pussian forces. Prom Falmouth the Ped Cross will go to Brest to land two units for the French and from Brest to RotT terdam, whero the forces assigned to Germany and Austria will be landed. IB, Am UtM Prt,, , cow ny Tlmei.) WASHINGTON, Sept. 24 Preal- carranza has Informed tho 'ted states government that he not attack Villa, but will order forces to bo on defenso and re- t an attack. I The first chief's rnmniiintrntlnn clared a national convention would neid as scheduled, October 1 when Provisional government (would established which he hoped would satisfactory to the United States. President Wilson Is understood to e taken the position that Carran- "d Villa must settle their dlf- rences without interference from 8 Lnited States and that tho prcs- L oi me Amorlcan troops at Vera u would not solve th difficulty. wording to Information here Villa uing to have Carranza become ISIOIlul President nr rpslirn nnw d run for president later. Villa cts to Carranza doing both. IBr Auo utfcj Pref, , Coo, ,T Tmj ' I 'Ilia. , . Sent 24. If General ov..-!Lre0,t against "the Carranza iUn Tf nt resu,ts ia nn armed revo ccn?' .t.lle4lrst battle probably will ,U' at tllfi nl1 liittlnrr,.,,,,, f orcert T?rrfon or Zacoecas. Villa, urea to abandon his expedition in Mexican Traders Points Out Xftts. Hlty of I"ylty Now fllf AfUIM Pr to Con Dr Tlmw I MKVirn CITY. Sent. 24 Kfforts nro being made here to patch up the) break botween Carranza nnd Villa, I it was announced here today. Gen- ernl Pnblo Gonzales, chlf o? the army of the East, telegraphed Gen., Villa an appeal which gives eight j reasons why Villa should reconsider his nctlon and remain friendly with Carranza. ItKADY 'l-'Oll llATfLH Villa Ally U'nves Xognles Pieiwi-etl to Mght ID AUt4 Tttt 0 C BT TlmM.1 , KOQAbES, Mexico, Soptembor 24, Governor .Manorenu iu "- day tfor the front, 25 miles East, of h'ore. where it Is reported a battle, is Imminent. A hospital train start ed In that direction last night. Rail road bridges out or nere wuro burned last nlgut. GERMAN S0:PS IN eOSPBORUS ENGLISH HIT I C E Declare Sale of German Boat to California Co. Will Not Protect Her. Cruisers f-oeben and Breslau Sail from Sea of Marmora and Return Later. (Dr Ault4 Tttu ( ueei UJ TIbm.) (Or Amwltlej Prut to Coo Dr Tlmei ) LONDON, Sept. 24. An Athens, SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 24. mrrflsnnndent wires that he has Changing the name of tho steamor learned from a diplomatic source that from the Alexandra to the Sacramen the German cruisers Goeben and to, her flag from German to Anierl- Dreslau, which took rofugo In Turkish waters soon after the outbreak of the war, steamed out of the sea of Mar mora Monday and returned to tho BosphoniB yesterday. Report Received at Paris Indicates Marked Advance of French and English on German Right Wind Although Move ment Has Not Been Decisive. GERMANS REINFORCE VON KLUCK'S ARMY AND ' DESPERATE RESISTANCE IS BEING MADE Germans Claim to Have Broken Through Allies Center But Details Are Lacking English Forces in China to Join Japanese Against Germans. (Ily Associated Press to Coos liny Times.) Further success of the armies of the Allies in attempt ing to turn the German right wing and it is claimed in an official announcement in Paris that the Allies' right wing advanced considerably and Peronne has been occupied. The turning movement of the Franco-English forces I rectcd against Von Kluck in an effort to envelope his army appears from an official dispatch to have met added re sistance from strong German reinforcements. Tho latest German official advices this afternoon states tho Ger mans were breaking through the Allies' center. It is officially stated at Tokio that tho British North' of China forces, which will co-operate with the .Japanese in tho attack on Kiao Chow have landed at Jjiioshan Bay. Poport received at Paris indicates marked advance ot Jrcnch and English on Germans right wing although movement has not been decisive Germans reinforce Von JCluck's army and desperate resistance is being made. FRENCH CLAIM ALLIES ARE ADVANCING. (Ily Associated Press to Coos liny Times.) PAP1S, Sept. 2-1. The Allies havo advanced consider ably along the western line, occupying the town of Pc roiine, despite the resistance, according to an official an nouncement this afternoon. At the eastern end of tho battle line in Franco there has been heavy fighting. On the River" Mouse, tho Allies are alternately advancing and retiring ' ..rtt.u. E S NOW CLOSEJOJDACOW FOOTS (Dy ABSoclnted Press to Coos Day Times.) LONDON, September 21. Petrograd' dispatch to 4I1B Central News Agency says? tho Russian advance guards already have arrived before tho Austrian fortress' of Ora-cow. BUS S M one QUEEN WILHELMINA INSPECTS TROOPS., . '. (Ily'Assaclntod Press to Coos Day Times.) ROTTERDAM, Sept. 24. Queen Wilhchnina todnyjto-, spected the troops along tho border, lcAvin"jf lliis morning and returning tonight. , 2G( survivors of tho British cruisers sunk in the North Sea were transferred today to Ganstcrland, whero they will be interned until the end of the war. MONTENEGRINS NEAR CAPITAL OF BOSNIA. (Dy Associated Press to Coos I3ny Times.) OETTJN.TE, Montenegro, Sept. 24. An official report, states that tho Montenegrins, operating in J3osnia,taftora hot engagement, took the litlte town of Pratzho iutho im mediate neighborhood of Sar.jovo, whore tho defeated Aus trianB have taken refuge after abandoning a large num ber of dead on the field. rq I CAKHAXZA CONFIH.MS J j IMSVOIT OI VILLA I nr ahIii r-r to co nr Timn.l I I WASHINGTON. D. C.. Sept. 1 iriiio tolperniniiHl Car- I ranza disavowing the latter as I first chief of tho Constitutlonnl- I 1st army In charge of exeoutlve I power in MexJw;, This was an- I ranza last night to the Constl I tutipnallat agency here. nn. if. n. irarrv, dentist ' Phone 112-J. R00 204' Coke D,dB' WILSOU NAMES S AI S BS can and the ownership from the Kob- nios Line, a Gorman company, to thti Northern & Southern Steamship Co., a California corporation, does not prevent that vessel from becoming' the prey of a Ilrltlah warship if she; geta outside the three mile limit, ac cording to the British consul here. Tho consul gave as his authority The Hague Convention for his statement, TI.o new owners Intend to put the , vessel into the run between hero and South America. IDr AiocUtel Pf t Coo Dr TlnM.l WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. 34. 1 President Wilson sent to the Senate tho nominations of Frederick Jessup Stlmpson of Harvard University to be ambassador to Argentina, and Henry Prather Fletcher, now minister to Chile, to be ambassador to that country. I CLOSE WlItELKSS STATION. I I I Br AmkIiI Prtu la cm D7 Tlro. ) I WASHINGTON. D. C. Sept. I I 24. Secretary Daniels today or- I ! dored tho Marconi Wireless Sta- I I tlou ot Slasconsett, Mass., closed I I at noon tomorrow 'In conse- I I quenco of the failure of the com- I I pany to give assurances Ult It I would comply wlUi the naval 1 Kanfinfaliln' roi ulnHnna ' I I I censorship regulations, ANOTHER TRAWLER SUNK BY MINE. ' (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Tlniya.) LONDON, Sept. 24. Another Grimsby trawler was blown up by a mino in tho North Sea yesterday. The ves sel! remained afloat ten mniutes, which enabled all the members of the crew to escape except one deckhand killed by the falling debris. THREE GERMAN VESSELS SUNK. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) LONDON, Sept, 24.-A message from Paris to tho Cen tral News says a Russian cruiser has sunk a German cruis er and two torpedo boats in the Baltic. BRITISH TOWN IN INDIA SHELLED. ' ? (Dy jyssociated Press to Coos Day Times.) CALCUTTA, Sej)t, 24. Tho papers publish an official dispatch that the -German cruiser Emden,. while passing Madras, shelled the pity Tuesday evening. Two oil tanks were set on fjro'an'nri! still burning. Tho tqlipgraplof fice and houses wojdainngcd. Throo Indian's .we.e killed. I HBfl at Fwwrw i u ikrfutippp iw r"''"-"!li-JllgfHl!S' )MMMmA$&K . Uiik Wll!Plwr TBS5yr??4"v ill"' re SS immwmtiimA