mmitwmwwt:"Wf:i''ii7''x;3'!!i'i';n IANY A MAN WHO STRIVES TO EMULATE THE BUSY BEE sffi IN GETTING STUNG STIRRING TIMES .re tlee ilnys of war and Wood- , h iniiiJiM.i- .... .,.,. h vo" M 1t"0WlcdB0 of th0 lnlcst uthcntlc news, suu.cnue ior o . nn.l read tho 'events ot the day cacli evening. (tos Smt tea " Tc MEMBER OF Tni5 ASSOCIATED PKUSS EVERY DAY There appears some Item of news In the advertising columns of Tho Times news of the dny's "Dost DuyB" to bo round In tho various stores. Tho woman who rends and heeds thesa "news Itonis" Is tho one who conducts her household economically. xxxviii. EMflhllfOiOd 1T8 lib Thb Const Mnll. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1914 EVENING EDITION. A m&SSS"" No. 5 SlS CLAIM ONESUB-MARINE SANK THREE ENGLISH WARSHIPS jClaim That Russians Lost 1 50,000 -Slain and 92,000 Prison ers in Battles Near Xannenberg and Are Now in Full Retreat an ihe Eastern .Border WO DEFJN.IT.E NEWS .GIVEN SMX CONCERNING n DEVELOPMENTS IN LONG BATTLE IN FRANCE ns oy Claim That .French Were Using Rheims Cathedral as Lookout To Direct Their Gannon Fine .and Had to be Shelled QuUof. Position by German Artillery (Dy Associated Press to Coos Dny Times.) B13RlLlN,.Sqpt. .24. (Wireless via.Sayville, L. L) Reports a'cooived 1)' .the German Admiralty show thb de struction yesterday o J! three British cruisers in the North .Sca was accomplished. by tho German submarine U-9 single-handed. It is officially stated tthat J he Russians lost in bailies jicnr Tannonberg 92,000 men captured and 350,000 men .killed. No news concerning the fighting in .France was given out today .except a statement which said that the Cathe dral iof Khoiins was .respected until the French established observation oiiithe spire, to direct French artillery fire. 'The Germans mselhshrapncl instead of shells, to drive the observers from the spire, and the fire stopped immediately ,nter :UiiB was accomplished. IGERM AN Y .PRAISES .UNITED STATES ' (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day TIiucb.) BERLIN, 'Sept. 21. A hostile aeroplane dropied two 'bombs near flic Dusseldorf airship hangar yesterday. The (explosion caused no damage. The Gurnuoi press 'today .emphasized the loyal Amer jcau attitude du-rol'iisingdo-make a loan to France. THREE GERMAN GENEBALS KILLED Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) BERLIN, St-pt.:24. The casually Est published today shows the death oH two German Generals in the western campaign, CSenccra'ls Yon 'Wroohem and Yon Arbou. Major General Yu Tiutolha is also given as ladled. MANS LiSfflSSES INTO FRANCE AND SEIZES IHE TOWNS I (Ily ABBoclaUd tPsoss to 'Coos Day Tlmea.0 WASHINGTON, D. '!., 'SepL 24. The German left whig in Lori-ainc has crossed the French border and re ownpied Domevns, south of Blamont, am Nomeny and Dihue, north of Nancy, according to dispatches jteceived today at the French Embassy- Achtiecs desoriblug the en gagement on 1he right bank, of the Kimv Oise, in which the Germans were forced back, state that the enemy then .di rected its movement toward -Saanl Bauissant and Uiuey MJW 80,000 GERMANS WOUNDED IN BATTLES ON FRENCH FRONTIER (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Timet) AMSTERDAM, Sept. 23. A correspondent at Macs trich says that during the last few days about fitty thous and Germans, wounded on French battlefields, have pass ed through Liege on their way to Germany. REPORT VILLA HAS STARTED REVOLUTION AGAINST CARRANZA r - (Dy Associated Press to Coos Daf.) NOGALES, Sept. 23. Notices posted 'hero today say that General Villa has proclaimed a revolution against President Carranza. Governor Maytorena, ot Sonora, is siippbrted by Villa, is itf command here and is reported to bo preparing to march against General Hill, Carranza s military commander in tho state. FRENCH REPORT GERMANS LOSING PAPIS, Sept. 23. According to an official announce ment this afternoon, the allies, after severe fighting, ad: vanced,dn their western wing. They also repulsed n Ger man attack on their 'eastern wing, . 3 ENGL SHIPS IN LESS TIM MUTES Kaiser's Submarines May Have Escaped Alter Wreaking Ter rific Loss Without Possibly Having Been Seen in Early Morning Report Cressy Fired on Two THREE VESSEL'S LOST COST $12,000(000 AND LOSS OF LIFE MAY EXCEED 1400 REPORTS SAY ' ' i Injured Men 'Brought tto Dutch, English and Irish Ports-Naval Experts Think Emden Base From Which Submarines Worked .'English Trawler Sunk Today (Dy Associated Press to Coos l)oy Times.) 3jNIDON, Sept. '2-1. The swift and silent destruction tV 41nn fiiMiiuitfu fnufiiKc fwlvi million dollars has brought home the risks of modern warfare. An unseen I enemy crept on flic Aboukin, then the Hogue and then the 'tVssy and one after another the cruisers sank. The whole affair was-over in twenty minutes. 1 VJmw'ivors brought to Dutch and Irish ports declare that I there wore three German submarines. Some say fire, and :tha'tt'he cruiser Cressy or Lowestoft accounted for two ot jifht'in. The Admiralty, however, has not confirmed the statement that any of the German craft were destroyed, hmdiit is possible that none was ever seen. Experts say a submarine might easily slip out trom .handeii, on tne up ljr 'month of 'the channel and attack any British sliip it happened to meet, and then return home. ONLY 700 OF 2000 ESCAPE (Dy Associated Press to Cons Dny Times.) , HARWICH, England, Sept. 23. Tho Great Eastern : Hotdl Ihere, converted -early in the war into an army hos pii3il,iis filled today with men from the British navy. Its cots are erowueti witu survivoi-s oi mo iiucu ji-iumu imisors sunk yesterday in the North Sea by German sub marines. Across the bay from the hotel is the regulait naval hospital, where the wounded from these cruisers are being taken. The hotel is being used for those suffering from :shock and (exposure. According to the story of the survivors, the loss of life wis heaviest on the Aboukir. Of the 2000 men on the ihrce cruisers, only about 700 are accounted for. ' TORPEDOES WERE MOST DEADLY (Dy Asroclated Press to Coos Day Times.) YMtTDKN, Holland, Sept. 23. This little seaport town is excited over the landing here of 287 survivors from the British cruisers sunk in tho North Sea by Ger man submarines. The men were brought here by the Dutch steumor Flora which was in the vicinity when the disaster occurred. About t a.m., the cruiser Aboukir re ceived .throe -torpedoes mid the explosion blew out a big section of the 'bottom f the bow, capsizing the ship. There -was uio lime to Haunch the life boats. The cruis- Jer Hogue, coming to the rescue, l'eceived three more tor i oedoes and -sank in a few minutes. The cruiser Cressey came up and opened fire on the two submarines. A rumor that she sank them Is mwon firmed from official sources. Meanwhile from the other isido the Oressey was torpedoed in two places and sank Immediately. Some survivors say there were five submarines, and others say throe. ENGLISH TRAWLER SUNK WJTH CREW LONDON, Sept. 24. The Grimsby trawler Kihnarnck was sunk by a mine in the North Sea yesterday, only three members of the crew being saved. The trawler was blow in two. FRENCH CLAIM FEW DEVELOPE- ALLIr5 TO M E E IT IU I WNG Momentous Events Transpiring Along Aisne and Unofficial Advices Are That Allies Are Slowly Forcing General Von Kluck Backward, Says London Report CLAIM THAT GERMAN ATTACK ON EASTERN WING HAS BEEN REPULSED AFTER BATTLE MENTSINS TRUG6L&0N FRONTIER (By Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) PARIS, Sept. 23. The following official communica tion was issued at 3 p. m.: "On our left, on the right bank of the River Oise. we have advancedin the region of Las- signy, where there have been Violent encounters with the enemy. On the left bank of tho Oise and to the north of ihe River Aisne, the-situatiqri sis unchanged. On the cen ter between Rheims and tho River Afeuse, there has been 'no change of importance. In the AVoovro district to ttie northwest of Verdun in the direction of Mouilly and Dom- 01 tho ncmy noius a line irom ocicnepeuc to uirouviue. uu our right wing in the .Lorraine ana tne osges, tne uer mans evacuated Nomeny and Aracourt shortly after their occupation and have showed little activity in the country around Domevre. 4 northwest ot vermin m tne uirection oi luoumy aim uoni pierro, the enemy undertook violent attacks but werp re pulsed. In the southern part of the-Woevro district th enemy holds a line from Seichepcdc to Lironville. O AUSTRIAN WAR5HIPS ARE DAMAGED ROME. Sent. 24. Travelers arriving here from Seben tico, in Dalmatia, declare tjiat the Austrian cruisers" Maria Theresa and Admiral Staun have put into- that port badly damaged. Allies Admit That Russians Are Retreating Along Entire Front But Claim Germans Lost Over 63,000 in Campaign Belgians Make Many Sorties (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) LONDON, Sept. 24. Momentous events that may de cide the battle of Aisne are transpiring near St. Qncntin, where the allies are making a furious attempt to turn tho German right wing. Vague reports, unofficial, com ing from several points, suggest that the franco-British turning movement is slowly developing. An official stato- nt from Paris this afternoon says the allies have nd- menl it is vanccd their western wing after severe fighting. claimed the German attack on the allies' eastern wing was repulsed. ' Grand Duke Nicholas, commander in chief of the Rus sians, in reporting tho capture of .Taroslau, says there is no change in the situation on the Northwestern frontier. German casualties at points so far reported, number C3, 1G7. It is officially announced at Nish that after a nlno daj's' struggle, the Russians arc in full retreat along tho i'ronl from Liubovia to Losnifza. The Belgian army at Antwerp is reported as continuing occasional sorties against Uie Germans army, whoso base is Brussels. ..... j SERVIANS CLAIM ANOTHER VICTORY . (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) IONDON, Sept. 23. A dispatch from Nish says the Servians recaptured Liubovia after violent fighting. Tho Servians also occupied Srebreneia m LJosma. i USINS Wl G AUS BUT FORGED BACK IN PRUSSIA (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) LONDON, Sept. 24. A message from Potrogmd says the railways leading to Przcmysl arc in the hands of ilaJ Russians and that the Austrians are falling back behind the forts of the last-named place. Intercepted reports, it declares, shows that Przcmysl is ii,pt prepared for a siege. In Eastern Prussia the Russians are falling back in per fect order, taking with them all their stores and wounded. MONTENEGRINS ADVANCE IN BOSNIA (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) LONDON, Sept. 24. A dispatch from Cettinjo says the Montenegrins yesterday occupied Rogatilza about ton miles from Sarayovo, the Bosnian capital. V s ATTEMPT RAID ONHEPPELIN T.T "cster: (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) AMSTERDAM, Sept. 23. Referring to tho raid df British aviators on tho Gorman aviation campat Bickea dorf, a German newspaper received hero says f only two bombs were dropped and the only damage was 'the break ing of a few windows. i m. ' : AFTER GERMAN AIRShjlP BASE J!0W ANTWERP, Sent. 23. Five English Aviators raided a German aviation camp at Biokondorf, near Cologne, which is tho center of the Zeppelin fleet, and, according to a report, set fire to the hangars. GERMANS REPORT FRENCH RETREATING WASHINGTON, D. O., Sept. 23. The' German Em bassy received tho following from Berlin: "Tho French offensive spirit is weakening. The French losses are onormous. Their center is retreating. Verdun is being successfully bombarded, the effect of Gorman mortals be ing again tremendous.".., . v ' i; i l4Ekjj A: k&-M C t .&' -MJS.U- ft ft tat. h.t 10 -. aiUAJfet T f-n-r rr-'rrn-TT r-iriiii i mn i ini7iTi -"""Tuiilidf! tWii.