THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1914 EVENING EDITION. SEVEN rrTi ipc h Iff Acunsiox to v wiACH SUNDAY KiISd TRIP 50c pOUNU , n Stm. frncC,l' , Rhnro Acres P.'r appointment. nm-sii'"-"' "j SS0NALDIRECTOR KSSft BOlLDRIl' . . rt Hepolrlns nnd Cnbinet 1,1 ' flaking. bn-j. Tompkins, D.S.T. r rnown dlscnBO ' treated rdrUKg8 or surgery. Rooms 1 .17 south Droadway. jj7 bouiu ....-hflnld. Or. 132-L. ' t III -1,1 wrmiu ,. ,10. hwisa contractor fcitei furnished on request posney. phono3lB4 P'v S. nn Tfnnnoat at Aiuei " M QhflW E i.. Vmn n nd Throat. lirriK II. SHAW Phono 330. Rooms 200, 201. AO Irvllll' llldL'k. fHouVe phono, 106-J. (Istlind 6U ,TIN0 EXfltNEEK AND utriiiTECT Iflces. 200 Irving Block itOJ-Ii or zu-j. Mftrsuueiu, urueuu Chandler AlinilTECT 301 and 302, Coko Building, Marshfield, urogou 5. Turpen AHCIIUTA 'V Jfnrsuflold, Oregon. Olivia Edman, M.J. D. LSII .MAS.SAOE AND MED- ICAIi (iV.MXASTICS roit all diseases ' Diumerclitl nvu. l'Jione 2 12-J d Rogers Nelson. Teacher of I'lnno. f Hiiro Mntisfolrtt, Snn Fran :l, Application for lessons by ; for appointment. JliinJiflclu, Oregon. Call on LeMieux & Miller for paints, varnishes, stains, wall paper, etc. Painting, Paper Hanging nnd Decorating; WILL 1IK LESS when you lot nn figure It for you. Estimate furnished cheerfully LeMieux & Miller No. Front St. flM I SEND YOUR LAUNDRY TO US BY PARCEL POST WE FURNISH A llAfl AND will pay tiii: postage on its return COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY PHONE 57-J. ALMtSHFIELD BUY THE VERY BEST Marshfield BUTTER ueameiy MADI9 UNDER SANITAUY CONDITIONS IN A CLEAN AND .MODERN FACTOUY. STERILIZED Ml L1C AND CHEA.M. TUXKIJ AND REPAIRER lonlers at W. II. Haines' Mui- BPny. Sixth Strrot. rnono 103-L. liley Ballinner IAXIST AND TEACHER nco Studio, 217 No. Third St mono 3G8-L. PURE ICE Froo delivery, H n. in. and 3 p. uu Phono 73 GOODRUM'S GARAGE HOME OF THE CADILLAC and FORD AUTO SUPPLIES FOIt ALL MAKES OF CARS a 17 Central A v. Phono :i7.l-L NEWS OF NEARBY TOWNS The Price of Elec tric Service Has Steadily Decreased Wars and other calamities do not increase electric and gas rates. In season and out they remain LOW. PREPARE NOW J Have your house wired for the greatest of Modern Improvements. Ci All Modern Improvements" Means ELECTRIC LIGHT Old houses can now be wired quickly and inexpensively. Telephone 178 Oregon Power Company TO CANCEL LICENSES. I DIt. Dr. L. W.M. J. SMITH LUMDINQ CONTRACTOR work proptly nttcndeil to Men nicer fully (men. MUCINS HEAKONAHLE 30-J. 1207 N. Front St. QUATERMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS Opposite Blanco Hotel, .MARSHFIELD, OUrXJON .'IV tltw.vr ..twisv v .v -.i im.aiii AUiu Jjiaut Chandler IIn(iI. MarslifloliL the Ileaclt nnd Way Points. a. i i r. si, i p. m. aplre OOc ir Heel 70o mth Slough 75c Utendorf nonch i. nn iuttel Reef $1.00 xwt Bay $1.00 Return l'roni IUi-ti fir Ba. m. 1 i. m. r. bl m teacb by thq Ocean, BcU m 7-paswnger autottfo1)lle 'leareff r Hotel throe times dally. i. MMi'S FAMOUS AUTOS AUTO CALL FOR FnnTC'Q AllTOQ M4 cars with careful (jflreri. ... w-', puoiae m-J, co UUUrd Parlors. alU serrlce, Phoao aao-I. "Kut uarc. D. L. FOOTE. PENDERSON CORSETS" PUo principal distributors PYX" and "CADET" S. JENNINGS, No. Bend DEVELOPING PRINTING PICTURE FRAMING ENLARGING AND SUPPLIES REHFELD BROS. Russell Building Central Avenue Ideal Summer Trips ON LAUNCH EXPRESS Leaves Marshfield every eok day nt 8 a, in. STEAMER RAINBOW Lonvcs Marshfield every Sunday at 8 n. m. nnd every week day nt 2 p. in. IDEAL FREE GROVE AND PICNIC GROUNDS IlrliiK your lunch baskets, kodak and fishing tackle for n few days' outing. Sunday School and nil picnic crowds u specialty. Excursion to South Coob River every day. For charter and picnic arrangements, npply on board. JOHNSON. IIUKT. rl - T1 t "T.r.1, 11 1,... M... '... ...II r.... rt'..,, (! -" " -lu.iiiDuu, '; miiis for liiiw Vlolntloiis. .Point, suffered n very painful thougU The Unndon Recorder snys: "City not serious, accident by getting his Attorney Trendgold presented a re- foot under n wheel of his nuto on ,l,r.t iw C,ty, C0"""11,10 .V"8 ol,fcc' Falrvlow Mountain yesterday. Ho- that .1. W. Coach nnd John Horron of ' 11.- nu.u a, 1 nn ,. . cno onr fainting sovcral times, but the Office Saloon had been convicted, w, bo rlllt ' dny or two of giving liquor to minors, nnd the Club snloon of the moro sorlous chnrgo of giving lqnor to female min ors, and naked that on these charges and convictions tlio licenses or tneso Amm Johnson, n daughter of Al- BaiOOIlH UO rOtUKCII. I -,, rn,Bnn t- . I,,l l, ml.rnr. "The charter, however, provides "" "-" " -- that the proprietors of condemned tune to break .her arm bolow tho cl snloons must bo given nn opportunity bow. It was on n toboEgnn slldo to appear nnd defend thomsolves, nnd which wouldn't mnko time fast resolutions wcro presented nnd , . , , d d t E passed designating Wednesday ; Octo- ,, ,. her 7tn, as tlio time tor taiung nc- " . - w lion. Co(iulll(j Sentinel. IlllOKE AH.M ON TOllOGOA' lU'ILD AT I1ANDOX. cd water on In nddltlon, It went t iiko gronseu ngniniug, wuu tuo i lastrous results noted. Coqullle Son-tlnol. NOltWAY SCHOOL FINK I Geo. P. Laird and C. Y. Lowe arc having plans drawn for n two story, concroto building on their lots at tho corner of Wnll street and unmion nve- nno. This building will take tho The school directors nt Norway place of the one destroyed In tho fire nro jU8t stalling a now wnter sys- StfCintrXVrXriiS! torn. They are piping the water lug nnd expect to commenco construe- from a spring to tho school houso tlon work within a short time. land will have a sanitary drinking Captain Robert Johnson of the Life fountain In tho building. Coqulllo Saving Station has Ills plnns and spec- , lflcntloiiH nil drawn for a concrcto Du01' building on his lot on First street.' ,.,nrnv nnr ' Tho plans call for n 0110 Btory struc- PET PIOEOXS SHOT turo of modern equipment nun 01 ucnt architectural design.' Recorder. -Handon Last May C. W, Currnn brought Borne five blooded pigeons from California nnd took them to his Ha has been nbsont sovernl weeks cut ting wood up tho river, nnd coining homo Thursday found that nil the plgcoiiH hnd been killed, so mo of tho bodies of the dend birds wero lying Vl.'tl' fl.tUI.'U UTA)IITI.".II 1 m. '. ,, ..1.'. ' i... i. homestead north of Florence Tho following cases havo been , filed In tho Circuit Court during tho pnst. week: A. S. Hammond vs. Clnrn O. Todd. Application for Judgment fnHAAlitnllii ItlV 1111 I n; Peterson vs. Henry II. "rod the placo.-F.orenco Pilot. Knight nnd Norn II. Knight. ' liKLOIAN KINd PRAISES IJHITISir. Coqutllo River Manufacturing Co., vs. ltobert Dollnr, trustee of Al- snys (Jed Will Help Avengo AtroiKin frod Johnson Lumlior Co., tho First, ou ivurefiil Clllenx. Nntlonal Uank of Handon, it corpor-. t. nxnnv. Rni "2 icinir nnnrim I HW.iKW.IJ U' .....(-, VVr.V ntlon nnd C. McC. Johnson. received tho following tolcgrnm from Hank of Myrtlo Point vs. Coqulllo .,,,.., .,, ,.. of tho no,.,nnil. Mill & Mercantile Co., J. II. Ileiison ..j dMro ,0 coKratulnto you most nnd W. F. Hendricks. heartily on tho splendid nctlon of tlio Robort Noblo vs. II. A. llooth. ' .,,,. ,rnnilll .. . ,lft,,in nf ,., A. McNnlr vs. Handon Woolon Mnrl0 ,n Ul0 nnmo of th(J wholo Mills. Coqulllo Sentinel. ! Holglnu nallon I express to you our doopest ndmlrntlon for tho courage lIOTBfi DOTSON O. A. Hanson, Proprietor Now open under new management. A home place with homo cook ing served In family style. Hoard and room, $6,60 per week. 316 You can buy your Teas and Coffee from us at the same old prices. We have not advanced the prices on these articles on account of the war. Come in and get our prices on bills of goods before sending away for them. We can sell you goods as reasonable as any house on the Coast if you treat us the same as you do them, and that is, pay Cash. GOOS BAY TEA, COFFEE AND SPICE HOUSE PHONE noi COOS BAY STATIONERY COMPANY 9.3. Qertcal Mnu? ,., Ph.o.n.9. 3ft I ANSUU AUbNUT Cameras and Everything for Them OFFICE SUPPLIES STATIONERY UT US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS ;lA.Tn,9t Co- Abstracts, roughly dependable. Imme- service, prompt attention ail interests of our' clients. N I M U M COST $. KAUFMAN & CO. STADDEN KINDS of PnOTOORAPinO BroMe Ealaxgta uj - TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- has been a bobby with us for a good many years and a lot of our customers will tell you when It comes to getting good, sound, durable framing material at the right price we know our, busi ness. Just tell what you want to build and the amount you want to spend and we'll get busy with our pencil and flguro out the best your money can buy. Try ui., .jufuii,. j C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. IUTTAIIi DEPAnTaiKKx'' OUT THE JTOIOi DILIrtl TWO BY DSIN'a OUR WOOD PBONE 100. M S0T" ! Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEED ABSTRACT CO., Inc. HENRY BKNOOTACKEN, Manager WAIIM COAL. TIMBER AND PLATTING LANDS A SPECIALTY. FARM. COAI EIlAL AQENTB EASXSIDB HARSnFIELD OFFICE. PHONE U-J. OOQUILLE CITY OFFICE PDON 101. STEAMER HARDY oatra cnnM SAN FRANCISCO EVEnY TEN DAYS SAILS FROSI 8pA,NCISCO DOCK UNION STEA5IER PIER 1 rnng RAY AND EUREKA STEAWSHIP LIME V. L. ADA5IS & SON Doalers In NEW AND SECOND-HAND ROODS. 302 No. Front St. Phone 340-L NOTICE OF THE APPOINT5IENT OF ADMINISTRATRIX. NOTICE Is hereby given that tho unuoraitrned has been appointed aa ralnlstratrlx of the estnto of the late Chas. E. Jordan, deceased, by tho Hon, the County Court of tho State of Oregon for the County of Coos, In Matters of Probate. All persons having claims against said estate are notified to present them to mo with tho proper vouchers, at the office of my attorney, Geo. Watklns. in tho Eldorado Dlk. In the City of Marshfield, said County nnd State, within six months from date. Dated this 1st day of Sept., 1914. SARAH JORDAN. (First publication, Sept. 1, 1914. last publication, Sept. 29, 1914.) IIUILD NEW .MODERN CHURCH Tho M. E. Church South nt Myr tlo Point. Is having plnns propnred nr'"'' for a now modem church to cost $10,000 ou mm or. this church roports 90 accessions. There nro 226 enrolled In tho Sun day School, with an nvorngo attend- nnco of 160. Tho Ep worth Longuo has 80 momboru. y nl your Kinu loiogrnm nuu ror your v LEAVES .MIND HLANK proclntlon for tho services of my Miss Knthorlno Torres, although troops. I onrnoBtly trust that tha sho laughs nnd tnlks, has not yet combined operations of our forcoa In rorovorod her memory, everything In combination with your brnvo army, tho past bolng still a blank to hor. whoso heroic efforts nro boyond all Othorwlso sho is recovering rapidly pralso, will moot with continued auc- from tho effocts of her recent torrl- cessos nnd will freo your much-tried bl-r nccldont. Coqulllo Sentinel. country from tho Invader." of tho officers and noldlors of your ny. 'Cod will ntiroly holp our armies .. .i. ...hai,iam . m.t which will bo built noxt lu '" ""--v i' For tho year Just ended Wneotul citizens nnd ngnlnst ft Luuim wiiubu uiiij criiuu nun ut'vu that sho refused to bo falso to hor engagements." On rocelpt of tho tolegram Kin? Durliic tho nnst Gocrgo sent tho (ollowlng reply to 'onr $2300 has boon ralsod for all Kln Albort: .!...!. ,.r,,oBrnmiiiin Snntinol. "I nBt slncoroly thank you for ItlVtVt I ' xf -' w w ---. - The Best Motor Boat OU the Standard OU Company can make ft. ZEROLENE The Standard Oil for Motor Boats Wc recommend Zerolcne as the btBt motor boat oil we can make. It gives perfect lubrication. It keeps the motor cool. Dealers everywhere and at all agencies of the Standard Oil Company (CalHorvJa) Marshfield WALL PAPER Sea VIERS About It. Ubby COAL. The kind YOU hvt ALWAYS USHD. Pboae 78. Padfl wmmmimmmmmmmmmmmmmammtimmmKmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmtmmmmmmmmm You Can Always Find a Stock of ZEROLENE And Other Motor-Boat Supplies at Sumner Hardware Co. . IL. lift i II ill tirflhiiht tsif 1 1 1 1 - --- . ;-.-,, .. ... ,i.j.Hm, r ill Nm,foU-J- . HsUsHsHBli I4t7 aid Truster OerB7t