il'.r-WWPMB -TT '"l," " ' it ,i ; lrrii4J!'jr-T -t 'i!i!Wwr?iwpgpir tii'nr A TIGHT WAD IS A MAN WHO HAS MORE MONEY THAN FRIENDS-AND IS GLAD OE IT WHEN YOU PICK UP (Ham lau 5tott?a THE LEADING PAPER Of Southwestern Oregon Is tho Coos Day Times. It Is now, alwnya has been nnd wo expect always will bo. Don't talco our word for It Ask any Coos Day citizen. mur nepapcr, you expect to rend ?",., nml most dependable war ".The Coo Day Tlmca carries ?1 Associated Press reports rec ited all ocr the world as abso lutely relive MEMBER OP THIS ASSOCIATED I'UESS VOL NO. XXXVIII. Established 1878 ns Tho Const Mnll. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1914 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mnll nnd Coos liny Athuitk-vr No. 53 PMJf5? r " cvwvi- -J- HIIL reduced to ruins holds OUT AGIST TERRIFIC ONSLAUGHT Allies Troops Engage Forces of Enemy in Hand-to-Hand Com- oat muoui Miiumui imy vviwu neavy nains maKe Retreat With Artillery Impossible STRUGGLE CARRIED ON AT BAYONET POINT' DEAD MEN HAVE TO BE PRIED APART Allies Repulse German Attacks and Make Brillianl CounteV At tacks Despite Terrific Shower of Shot and Shell Which Mows Men Down French Version of Battle (I)y Associated Press to Coos Hay Times.) CHALONS SUR MARNE, Sept. 21. The Germans continued bombarding the principal buildings of Rheims all yesterday and last night. Debris and crumbling walls are'all that is lel't of the thirteenth century cathedral, the most remarkable extant of the early Gothic architecture. In addition to the cathedral, the museum, hospital and city were nil for the greater part destroyed. In spile of the bombardment and repeated attacks, the Germans have been unable to take Rhohns. The allies have repused the 'Gorman attacks and have made several impetuous counter attacks in which their in fantry charged with magnificent bravery regardless of a terrible storm ol serapnei. The iirsl ranks sullered ter- ibly, but as fast as tho men Jell, others rushed up to tauo their places and when the enemy's lines were readied, there was a furious hand-to-hand encounters in which tho Hermans were forced to give ground, except on the Heights of Brhnon, which, owing to an overwhelming ma chine gun fire tho Germans captured. At the same time the French made a fierce assault on the heights of Laponipollc, which they carried at the point of the baynot. The struggle there was desperate and af ter the retirement of the Germans, many Turcos were found dead of bayonet wounds with their hands clasped in Mich vice-like grips around the necks of antagonists that they literally had to be pried open. Persons who have return from Rheims say it is difficult to find words to describe these attacks and counter attacks of the infantry amid showers of shot and shell and in a deluge of rain. Soldiers are coining back covered with mud and drench ed b heavy rains which continue. The chalky, clay ground north of Rheims has been so softened, they say,' that it will be impossible for a retreating army to get away with their artillery. imniMS hears imu.vr ok two wars Uholms Is located In northorn Franco, olt;lit-flvo miles east of north east of Paris, situated In a plain on tho right bank of tho Vcslo and on tho tannl which connects tho Alsno with tho Mnrno. It Is one of tho six clttoa, each of thorn with numerous forts, constituting tho second lino of dofonso to tho north nnd cast of Paris. In 1871 tho construction of a chain of (K'tachnlilo forts was begun In tho lclnlty of Rholms. Thlrtcon fortresses havo been built In a pcrlmotor not nulto twenty-miles In longth and at u mean dlstnnco of six miles from tho tenter of tho city. Tho hills on tho Paris sldo aro operand unguarded. Tho city Is tho chief wool market of France. Tho manufacturo of champagno, machlnory, chomlcals, safes, cap sules, battles,, casks, candles, soap and paper Is carried on extensively. In llio foreign Invasions of 1814 Rheims was captured and recaptured. In 1870-71 It was mado by tho Oormans tho sent of n Governor General and lmpoerlshcd by Jenvyfoq'u!sUlonV " ' ' ' Vino-clad hills on tho south nnd west and dotached forts at various rolnts surround tbo city. Mcdlaoval ramparts were replaced by tree-lined boulevards but some of the ancient gatoways Uno been presorved, of hleh tho most n'otowortby.Is tho Potto do Paris. Tho town Is well built of llmestono, is vary plcturcsquo and full of quaint old houses. Tho thir teenth century cathedral, which wns destroyed today was one of tho finest 'extant specimens of Gothic architecture, famous ns tho place whero tho French kings wero crowned. It also has tho Eleventh century Romnnos quo Abbey Church of Saint Remy. The Abbey of Saint Remy has a li brary of over 80,000 volumes. Rheims Is tho chlot ontreport for wines of Champagno. Tho city wns built on nn old Roman city. Clovls was baptised there. On September 4. 1870, It was vacated by tho Germans. The population of Rheims Is 103,850. many BODIES Hi OE VIG1S OF S J. LEGGETT FRENCH GUI ALLIES HAVE BETTED OF ill! BATTLES Eight Recovered Yesterday bv ,t,ptfci- Three had on iifo pro- Claim That French Left Wing Has Made Dnu J Tin. i. ki I- i servers nnti mo ourtn wns lasnett i rmay aim iniuiiiuuK ivuai Tillamook Rock Material Advances on Banks of River Oise West of Noyon Claim Ger mans Repulsed Everywhere Along the Line. servers fast to a life raft. Tho four victims brought here ap pear to bo members of tho crow. Blame Poor Iiomllnc. Cant. Mncgenn of tho Bronkwnter thinks that the Francis H. Leggettj wreck was probably due, In n meas ure, to poor joaumg nmi uio fnlluro to havo tbo hatch properly secured, no said tunt It was nn aw ful thing nnd pointed out the neces sity of proper loading. Ho said that tho Smith company had guarded against this danger from hold enr gocs, their vessels being so loaded ns to mnko trouble Hko this practically Impossible. i cn'oiJK orXXJ smith' wns given out today: "First, on our left wing on tho said timt in viow of tfio mengor ro- right bank ol the River Oise, we have advanced as tar as i?.'i' .unn" i!r"?uU .!" ..8"Lwl,,n the Ifeurhts of Liissiniriiv. west of Noyon. To the east of uiini-i! iiiu uniiiuiii iM'nvtuit iiu ,, - ' , , , w. i ,. .i . " k ,1 r- me uise aim io ine norm oi me wiver iisnc, me uon SAYS GERMANS HAVE RENEWED OFFENSIVE EAST OF RIVER OISE AND NORTH OF RIVER AISNE Say That Violent Encounters Did Not Stop Short of Bayonet Charges Claim French Victories in Champagne Country Germans Fortify Themselves (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) PARIS. Sept. 21. The following official statemont NONE OF THOSE FOUND HAVE BEEN IDENTIFIED Four Brought in to Newport and Fcur Others Brought to Urrpr.fa One Woman fl A... IjM f, o l ont fl, Ylniw ) NEWPORT, Or., Sept. 21. Tho bodies of eight victims of tho steam schooner Krnncln n. I.oggott, which sank Friday In u gale sixty miles south of tho Columbia River, woro picked up Into estorday by vessels near tho scene of tlvo tragedy. Tile schooner Pntsv arrived hero today with four bodies found just bo-i thought thnt possibly foro dnrk fle miles couthwest of struck In ciosslng out nnd sprung n l,,m, ,rivin ovidonco nf n reci'lldi'SCllce ill ncHvitv 111 tllQ Tillamook Rock and four miles oft leak. This wntor In tho hold, with l "L Klu ," J mt I,u 1,)I u Jt li.suiu ill uinil.. Ail uio shore. tho deck load gono, would cnuso hor PCglOll oi Craoillie, there have been Violent encOUlltOl'S Tho schooner Tillamook picked up to list badly and prevent her right- , i,:(.i, ,lj.l lin srm) sl,m.I 0I' linvonet chlll'L'CS four more, ono of w licit wns n wo- lug horsolf nnd possibly nlso prevent X '", hlOU HUOll oi Uiuuuil ( imij,ui. innn. Tho Tlllnmook put In nt the tho closing of tho portholes when The enPlllV lias 1)0011 everywhere repulsed With (iOllSKl- TT......... V. .t .. tlm .lin.l tinrA dirt atitti. M .. !.- .t.t t i t , l i 1 erahle losses. Around mienns the enemy has not unuer ! taken any infantry attacks, confining itself to the artillery, lire with heavy guns. Second, on the center in the Champagne country and on the western slopes of the Argonne River, we havo taken .Mcsnilles Los Uurlus ami tassignes. In the Aeovro dis trict the enemy still holds tho region of Thiaucourt and has cannonaded llasso'ncatel. "On our right wing, in the Lorraine Vosgcs, thero is tho I.oggott i'man W B 1 AGAIN TODAY Western Union Out of Com mission Between Here and Rosehurg Again Today MYRTLE POINT IS JOYFUL Feel That Sunshine Insures "otll!."5 V'-, ?lll19.oi;TlJf avo SV liPi1l,gt,l01,S0v'08,i,11 Good Weather for Fnir W m0 vicinity ol Del Miel to the south ol Chateau Salins." . H Corbin Passes Awav SERVIANS CLAIM VICTORIES OVER AUSTRIANS n. uuiuiii rdbbti) HWcty (IJy Ag80Cntcd PreB8 ,0 Coog Uay T,noB, , NTSn, Sept. 21. An official communication saysr "The Austrians' attempts to cross the River Drina hava i fill wSsdny.' TinM"t,o0R!lio!lB Mha aain ,Ml " attempts to cross the Uiver Save eater and today lms boon n great roiiof, were also unsuccessful. The Montenegrin army is only; red of good tiSS Fu.tC to Hos from the DoHiiiiui capital and has captured a s, it Is putting tho track In flno large aiUOUlll of booty." Tlirt Wfnotnrti ITtllnil liml fl linn working this morning, but about . MyiL'.lJ'or'Si noon tho wlro wont down ngtiln and1,, Jl l'1'- POINT, Or., Sept. 21. It Ih tiniortnlii when tho sorvlco can ii"ik ' '', " ior uio i. r,.tnr,i Tiiolr nlil lino via annual fulr which will open hero tho old Coos Hay Wagon Road lii.ati nut tt Aiittn luufnit tlin fr.' part of tho tlmo tho pnst weok nnd t0 l" had It not noon ror mo emergency Hum ti.l.lnl. Hint. Iini'n iippnna it nil illOrO, tho tolophono llno,.thoy would hnvo fnpo and tho coureo will probably been In bad shape. As it was, busl- b " fastest It has over been, ness suffered consldornbly In nddl- Horsemen sny that tho races could tlou to tho Associated Press roport bo run tomorrow If necessnry. to Tho Times bolng delayed. , I-lg it horses arrived In vln Roso- Thls aftornoon, tho long dlstnnco burg today. Ho of tlioni nro Coos nhono lino Is out between hero nnd County horses returning from tho iiiRninirif nml so for tho tlmo bolnc Y"'10 circuit nml tliroo nro now llosoburt: Coos Day w-ns again Isolated tho rest of thojvorld SALOON ROBBER CAUGHT HERE, ftoni i'8es. Thoro will bo u flno string here. Many exhibits aro nlso com ing In. PI oncer Dies V, II. Corbin, a pioneer of tho Myrtlo Point section, dlod last night nt his homo hero of paralysis, rlo was nbout forty-five yonrs old and Is sunlved by n wlfo nnd family. Mo spent many years lit tho Conu 1 1 Io Valley. GERMANS SAY ALLIES FORGED TO ASSUME 0 I OW G ESS RUSSIAN SUCCESSES CONTINUED 111 GALICIA-UO CAPTURED George Francis, Just Out of (11111 'C PPlP Roseburg Jail, Breaks Into jUllL 0 riUllIU tne uwi baioon nere Relieving In getting rich quick, Georgo Francis, nowly arrived from ; Roseburg, and an old offondor, nl veady known to tho pollco here,' broko out a window on the Alder , street sldq of tho Owl Saloon early 8u,rS7n7r.nndirtibBe1.ur?vcn8.o Lar9e Crowd Enjoys Festivi- ?ffS;.riooftJBfM5 la'cSSThiSh ties at Simpson Vark Wet S rZZUnAZeI arivS Grou"ds Hurt Program hero without money, Officers J. AV. xho annual picnic of tho Owls nt Carter and Walter Richardson be- Simpson Park in North Bend yestor- camo Biisplclous when they found day was a great success from every tho man spending money yesterday utandpolnt. The wot grounds coni- mornlni?, IIo wns Immediately taken ,)elled them to cancel plans for nn In charge anil nt tho Jnll broke down uthletlo program nnd the speaking and confessed his faults, claiming waB dispensed with. There was a hint ho Was "too drunk to know large crowd In attendance, big plcnlo what was happening." Officer Car- dinners were enjoyed from tho has- ter left this afternoon for qoqull o, kets nnd tho afternoon and ovonlng with Francis In tow nnd thero tho woro epont in dancing. Thero was offender will bo turned over to tho good music nnd tho floor wns In stnte. good conditions, the dancers making Karly Saturday niorning Chief of n,erry until almost midnight. I'ollto Carter noticed FranUS. on tho Dan McDonald anil tli nth nn street and having his pity aroused, (jiff general committee saw to It tliatt gave tho man 2J cents fqr a meal, the Immonso crowd was handled In' .!... f...llnf Hint tin vaa fttianlutfllv nnn.i t.HA .... t.i. ... -f without funds. On Sunday Francis g0od time. They regretted very was noticeu na no uouriu uuhj n.tnucn mat soma of tho features of (Dy Assoclntcd Press toTTJoos llay Times.) BERLIN", Sept. 21. Tt was officially announced last night that the situation in tho western campaign was un- eliangcd along the entire front. Tho French and British forces have been obliged to take the defensive- in their en trenched positions, JAPANESE CLAIM VICTORY -. OVER GERMANS III CDINA (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) TOKIO, Sept. 21, Jt is announced that tho Japanese attacked tho Germans near Kaio Chow and defeated them September 18. The Germans are said to have abandoned their fortified positions. t O fTlv AnnnrlnlPil Press to COOS Bay TIlllCS.) PARIS, Sept! 21. A message from Petrograd says Hint rlnvivin- i,o nai- i,i.rn a a it a "Russiniis in fljilicia have faptured 15,000 Austrians including 150 officers. Many cannon, quick-firo guns and supplies' also have been taken. GERMANS FORCED BAQKAGAIN (Dy Associated Press to Coos Ba.ynes.) On the battle front the western wing of the German-Ijne ia France, has been thrust back about seven miles during the last 48 hours, as asequel to the continuous fighting night "and day. NO HOPE OF SAVING RHEIMS. ; j,By Associated Pres3 to Coos Bay Tlmes.) , f BORDEATJX, Septsi. Official advices .receivedihere last niglit stated that Rheims was in flames following tho hombardment by the German artillery and there was little hope of saving the city. bill of tobacco In a local cigar storo Ho was at once apprehended and ta ken to the city Jail for examination. It Is there that ho confessed to the pollco. Further tracing of tho man discovered tho fact that ho had reg istered at a rooming house on Front street about four o'clock Sunday morning and under the namo of Al Nelson. The till at tho Owl Saloon was not broken open, for, as Manager Swen declared this morning, it is always left standing wjdo open on the belief that an Intruder would rob t nnyhow and rather than ring tho bell connected with tho till would forcibly break In, thus caus ing considerably more damage than the amount stolen. Francis was in Jail Friday night for being drunk and last week fin ished a sixty-day sentence in tho county jail at Roseburg for robbing a store at Oakland. He is nbout 45 years old. Ho had about $5 cash left from the Owl's money, Me, gay's ,jtertalnnenti had to dispensed with. , ,- bo RINOOII MSNIN EUROPEAN WAR Otto R. Sabro Tells of Exper iences in Norway When Conflict Broke Out Otto It. Sabro of Ilaudon returned ou the Elizabeth fro mills trip tq Norway, whero ho has been for the past several months, Mr. Sabro states that when tho war broko out thoro woro exciting times all over Euiopo. Even in Nor- JAPANESE CAPTURE TWO FORTS BY I W BOMBS PROM AIRSHIPS (By Associated Press to Coos liav Tlnifta.) I PARIS, Sept. 21. A telegram from Petrograd to the J layas agency correspondent says "A dispatch has been received here from Vladivostok which declares that Jar x iinese aeroplanes, iiirowmg uomus, nave destroyed two way, which is a neutral country, tbo weeks ago, taking a ship from Ber people began to make runs on tho gen to Liverpool, whero ho ombarke banks, to lay In big supplies of gro- on the White Star liner Olympic for cerles nnd food stuffs, and began gen- New York, making tho trip In six anl orally to prepato ror n great calamity, one-half days, At night tho light Ho sajs that so far both Sweden and wero all extinguished and. tho deck Norway aro remaining neutral and was dark. This wnttj. precaution will probably continue although Nor- against tho liosHlbllltynof being slght wav sympathizes with England nnd ed by German cruisers which were the allies and Swedon wth tbo Oer- known to bo nt sea looking for Ebk mans Thero is somo possibility that Huh-vessels. The trip over was mads, Sweden might Join with tho Oormana however, without any trouble. lla& agnlnst Russia, as they aro anxious don Recorder, , to get back Finland, which Russia 1 took over some tlmo ago, I Read tho war news, but don't fo- Mr. Sauro left Norway about three get the store news In Tho Time. in &&