The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, September 19, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Page TEN, Image 10

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-. -Tr,p
pnny tlielr husbnnda on the Coos
Uny Conrcrt Hand's trip to I'ortlnnrt
" -... rAl I.--.. !.. Ill f.....tlrt1t
The College Women's Club lias "".'" ""'"""'"
been changed to tho Coos Uny Wo- hr1p for tlio State Fair. They wilt
mon'B Club. Arrangements- nine loavo here next Thursday,
liecn niado for It to give n reception v v v
at the homo of Mrs, F. H. Drcssor Mrs. W. J. Hutler relumed this
next Saturday afternoon, September week from n long stay In California,
20, complimentary fill; the Mnrslifleld ,vla Stirling. Calif., whore her daugh
oa,chors. ter, Mrs. Dunbar, lives and where
l 3pI she visited somo tlmo. She plans to
be at homo here for the near future.
r IOMA" DOKX. i,
'' ' "'" ! Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Connie motored
Tho Jolly Dozen will bo entertain- t0 Roaoburg last week, returning
cd, next Wednesday by Mrs. F. JL.' Monday over bad roads, bringing
Marhoffer nt tie home of Mrs. 0. with tbeni Sir. Coppe'B.fathor.nnd
Johnson In Hunker Hill. I mother of Hood River for n .short
' visit.
, I3ASTSIDK SKWINH CLUIJ. Mrs. R. W. Morrow and little son,
who have been spending tho summor
Mrs. R O. Brooks ontortnlncd tho nt her old homo In Now York, will
Knstaldc Sowing Club members nt her icavo for Coob Hay early next week,
liomo Thursday assisted by Mrs. V. nccompanlcd by her youngor sister,
V. Bydrly; Mrs. D. P. Prey, Mrs. Hor- jjlss Shaw, who will spend tho win
ten; Mrs. P. Gilbert. Mrs. M. A. 'ter here. They will stop oVcr a fow
Thurston, Mrs. J. D. McKay, Mrs. P. dnys In Chicago. In n lottcr to Dr.
Moore;-'MIbb Esther Dyerly and, Miss Morrow, sho states that their llttlo
Enimn O'Donncll wcro present, .Noxt son has fully recovered from n aovcrc
Thursday a special meeting will bo attack of Illness.
held with Mtb. Moore to nrrango for n!
Hard Times Social at Mrs. Uycrly's
-a week fro tntonlght.
' where sho spent the summor with re- todav.
latlvcs. Mr. Evcrtscn met hor nt nov LAI1
W4 (
PHI3D sklandku wa8 in town from Former Marshfield Man Re
turns From Holland Tells
of Experiences
Sumner today.
A. 0. K.IKLLAXD was n business
visitor In Mnrahflchl today.
ALEX II0NGI2LL, of Catching Inlet,
wns n clt visitor today.
JOHN CARLSON' wns n city visitor
today from Catching Inlet,
CHARLES HR1CKS0N wns a city vis
itor today from Catching Inlet.
W. 1. 1J0NEURAKE enmo down this
Tho following letter to Tho Times
from P. A. Wlckman from Chicago,
under dnto of September 13, will bo
of Interest on Coos Hay, as Mr. Wlck
mnn was -reared In Marshflold niul
Is now en route to his homo In Herkc
morning from Catching Inlet. ?y nlw spending two ycniB in Eur-
LLOYD Cl'TLIP and wlfo of Catching uo": ,',,,,
woro Marshflold vlaltorB todny. , l arrived In Chicago Inst evening
ALEX HAYDEX, of Catching Inlet, t "onto" on my way to Cnllfor-
was in town today on business.
i'-icrcu. bkl,anui;k or sunnier was
looldng after business hero todny. I
ALLF.N ROUERTS. of Temploton,;
came Inon the boat this morning.
MRS. E, A. HILLHORN or Mllllcomn
was n Mnrslifleld shopper, today,
qutllo Is visiting friends In Marsh
field. MRS. A. O. STEWART of Coqulllo
wns a Marshflold visitor Inst ovc
D. I. M'QEE left this morning for
Coqulllo and Uaudon on n business
Mrs. Carl W. Evertsen arrived . FRED NELSON returned from tho
homo this week from MlciHgan, excelsior factory on South Slough
I . Portland.
-'Mrs. Gust Stcen of uunKor Hill win Mra. a.
55. Downs and dnughtcr,
entertain tho Norwogllan Lutheran J Anna, arrived homo this week from
Young Ladles'
Aid next Thursday
M, -. r..,. . t . , ...lit l.
me uny uny i.auics aiu wim uui
entertained next Wednesday after
noon by Mrs. J. P. Moloney. Last' wcok from 810rt visit nt Portland;
Saturday evening tno inaics nciicu
n tnreo iuoiuub vmii i. .miuiumim
and Cnnndlan points. Soon after
their return Mrs. Downs entered Mer
cy Hospital for an operation to rc
llovo nn old ailment nnd Ib reported
to bo getting along nicely.
Mrs. Nolllo Owen returned tlilK
8 from a box social given nt tlio
chapel there, Games nnd other di
versions preceded tho supper.
Tho North Hend Public Library
ARsnclatlnn hud ltn first business
meeting or tho year at tho library)
Thursday niiornoon. ino huiuij
NDRITII. of North Coob
River, enmo down on tho boat this
ROBERT HANKS of North Hend
was a Mnrslifleld business visitor
Inst ovcnlng.
MILO PIHRSOX wna In from Lnko-
sldo today looking nftor business
nffalrs in town.
Inlet, wns in tho city todny on a
nhopplng trip,
W. .1. WALLACE, of Ross Inlet, wns
In the city today attending to mut
ters of business.
wcro down this morning from
Catching Inlet.
ALFRED GUNNELL, of Catching In
let. wiib In town today nttcndl
to mnttera of hiiBlncas,
nla. Reached New York last Mon
day on the S. S. Rotterdam from Rot
terdam. Have hud many Interesting
experiences since tho wnr broke out,
and when I hnvo moro tlmo will
wrlto you concerning thorn. Ilcfore'
Icnvlng Herlln 1 was arrested oh a
spy and spent three hours at tho po-
llco station before proving 1 was nn
American citizen. Expect to spend
a tew days in the Grand Canyon of
Arizona and will tnko a Bhort motor
trip with friends in southern Califor
nia, before returning to Herkelcy,
whero I will resume my tcnchlng
nbout October I.'
Wj Aiuoclilrvl rmi lo Coo Dj Tlmm.)
Now York G; Chicago 7.
Hoston I; Clovelnnd :i; ten In
tilngB. Wnshlngtou 1; St. Louis 0.
Philadelphia 2; Detroit-a.
Chicago 0; Hrooklyn 2.
St. Louis 1: Hoston l: twelve In
T? HTk
And Avoid
1ft Vrtiif n.. .
iW. nt
PO't of t10 body rdot
ns your corset eam '
vclopmentoftho, u 4'
If for nnv rfnn ..
"ot fit, romo.n...rt0rU
-niont nnd Imvo a triii !!D'
-MODART Coinn f..L '"li
Hkoalrlm rimB.,.. .Ul
set dlsconiforl mt... ... ,0tte
flKiiro ininrnv.. lttl
- '"uuivuig.
Hob Dry, Goods Compaq
Conier Ilrwulwiiy nml Central Avenue
I Attendants From State Asylum
Forget One of Their Charges
Get Him Today
cntertnlucd nt
cr and Inez Johnson linH now ,cn (,n0 four months and
n hnndkerchlor show- wujv C8H tm -,00 lonn bookB on Its
nulllo todny whore ho spent the COAST LEAGUE.
.in. t.,..,ltiit,u I Vmitrn-Pnrtlfitiil inln
cr Thursday evening n honor or Miss Bt,0lvcB It hna loaned on nn average CHARLES MAHAFFY and boh, or Oakland n
Mildred Coko, n bride elect. Tho of over 00 bookH a month. This Norln Coo8 ,tvcr( ,woro jn town! Los Angolcs 4
evening wns pleasantly spont In sow- !b not tnkltie Into nccount tho couplo t0(lny on )UBne88. HattorleB: Klllllny nnd
ing nnd conversation, after which of im,irod mngnzlncB. now nnd old, A g HAMMOND, of North Hend, Ehmko, Mussor, Chech nnd
tho hostesses served dijlnty rofrosh- lonnc(1 nntl exchanged cvory month. wont oVor t0 coqulllo thla morning Meek Hrooks.
nicntB to their guests, who wore Mild- ThlB Ih rortainly n record North Hond, on n )U8CBs trip. ! MIbsIoii 0
red coko, .Mrs. i.. u. uoir, .m. j. u. mny wolI uo ,,r0Ud or, iib it l pro - MISg ,3UjA COCHRAN left for Myr- San FrnnclHto
llllBlroni, MIhsob Kdna Asplund. El- lU)ly c,,mUed by but fow city lib- t0 Po,.t tliln morning, whero alio Hnttorles: Stanley nnd
vi rriiiiuii, ahij uui.m-uii, . rnr08. . i roob on u visit to friends. Illllllll and Selllllldt
jiyron, .May .Myron, viny reicrao.i ston8 woro tn)on nl Thurauay-fl L0UIS CHRISTENSON, or Tomplo
.nnd Mninlo niilovBon. , lmalnoaa meeting to kcop tho library .. Mnniif.,i m mnttorH nf bnsl-
liVWIn tho city tlllaTiioffllng.
oiuiin i.vj.v ..... . ....-..
I buBlncBB meeting to kcon tho II
I oWn oreYy"arlori.oo"n frohi 3 tb
lor illin Innt
Tho nay a Ver., '
cnlny afternoon u7..W
o JnrylB Landing thi G
tnlly struck a nag -nd i JVJ
account tint ,. ."I,,?
n,n i,.. .. " :;r u't' mrj
rocmctl hiiRelr
now freedom nnd grlanedl
for tho remainder nf n.. JL"
On tho beach the dsp.tfclj
'"-" '" uy mat timr
Davo Holdcn and tie GMpj;
win mi uiu wnier ana on u
tho rough wntor am t. ..i
lila boat, the latter whiI-1
i.iti'K ni iiinir pnn tm- ..
Plnccd ubonrd tho Gasgo bound for, Allco H. mndo the trlmkn.
liar-, ko ih unuersoing Bltgttt rt(iHv I
'd ln-1 '
uiiimmiv vi
Biiuo man In tho enre of two special '"m
doputlcB who woro taking him to thol Hy iicrcoment of ill iii
12 0 iihylum nt Salem, wiib completely for- bIioph In Mnrshtleld on iw
Ti 1 gotten and loft on tho bout when alio October first, all thopr ili
Mltze;: Htnrted buck down tho Hny utter laud- promptly at 7 o'clock kbi
Holes, Ing tho Gardiner pnHHCiigorB on tho nlng. except on Smith ell
bench. On tho return here thu mnn nights nnd Saturday nltfj. 1
o 1 wih turned over to tlio pollro nun, '
U o lni.l.-.l mi nvnr nli.lit mul tlilu mnrii.' IIW'CII nt VIVVIKII nil
Rohrer; Ing wnB ngnln Ktnrted toward Gnr-I FRDAY ovo. Qlren tj
diner, wtmrn tbo two ileputlcH waited l.oiKJK. liKY.Kii'H cm
ng nlnga, called on nccount or (InrkncB.' ,nrvl Landing yosterduy, Win.
Pittsburg A; Philadelphia 0. . . .... , '. . -.iitnliri.
o- Cincinnati 2: Now York 3. r,B r Mrtl l olnt' n" ni'Jiidge
ii (i
i i i... ... riAifiiutH t va r . .- . . r . ....
v t Tl niXi n IICiock, uuKiiiiiiiiK w"'u '""v "-.Mils, uakuk ami uoy uunaon nun
I flTrnirOWWHSU (C rafflLltl th0 8nn, tlmc "VwUi-B classes In tho lf cro amoB u,o Handonlnnu
I AIMyOJlllOLll UMW.", J common. English hranchca will bo'( n Mnrahriold luat ovonlng.
I Jiptnrtod for Monday. Wednesday and MUSi A. HOLLAND left on tho morn-
1 .. t,, !7 , , t Prlilny evenings. A chnrgo of flrty , trnl for coqullle, where hIio
mrVnmi Lnart of Kin nn th 'cn, wco,t W,U b0.,,,,n.,! fr 'aI" 'on the day on bualncflH.
vmu nrrlvmi'l.. Marahflo' 1 today c,n' worl: ,,?H0,.,? ,,0,,,,?B m t'MB AND MHs! R. II. DURFEY went
n. nt ho L L Go !r c.i.tlon mwMiti "i card will J bo , ,0 th, lllorn,B nftor u
nnd will visit n the L. u. oorr homo , , w,, tll0 nrfP0 of tlil card. , ,t , Mnrohflold on IiiibIiiorh.
. , I l "O UUI1UIB, .' ilnn . , A, IS. UUAft Vil IV IV li, H
' n.nii?-rtiinim inf for Tn- Biulcnt mubt provldo hlB own text- u ,lreUB0 senttlo.
MlBBAmolln Wlo-'o Jo'f-,,0. ,: ,.,. ,, otnrr ru!0les. Tho In-. froin Hmro today on
romn, waan.. wne. .m . ,i.i .. ,tr.ctIoIl , t,,a ovonlng vorlc will ,, v. nESSEY. manager of
- lllo.l.'nrKionu,.Hu ... . ,,,.. t0 u in3 ortcilt. T.KL " x' f,PPIimefv. enmo down
j A lhtPfrfnVBStrkn " . . - I - . . a II.. ,m mr J w- vv
kuho uuuui ii j.,--.. n.u-tunii ntv nf niionint: a lonuiiiK. ,..;
. Am J. -W.
Ull uiihuv i
came up
tho Coos
on tho
. t. I1,lu nnriiliif. mi n llllHlllCHBI
... n Ot.nw.i.l,.. ni'iinnn i
Mm ' inntii inr nidi ijii nuui i,ii, u.uiii.w i
Mrs. Henry Rorgman, of North wn tll(e(j or nd n comnmteo up- .w.a. ICING, nccompanlcd by Ills1
Rend, Is enjoying n vlalt jrOJU . Ufi.polntQi1 to look Into tho nuUtor nnd y(,otnor( Mrs. King, nrrlvod on tho;
mother, Mrs. Knnc, ot Juklanu. roport nt tho October meotlivg or Uio.Xbnut trom Catching Inlot this
-nnRorlntlnn. . I mnmlni! '
Mr. nnd Mrs. 8. S. JcnnlngH.xor piaycroiind work ftB n part of tb A,R n i. ueigard wont over to'
Hlinry oxtonalon movomont wnB,arfo tll0 COnnty scat this morning on n
dlHcusscd. The library naaocJiltlon .business trip, remaining thero ov
wlll hold a ehlldron'B pnrtv jrt Log-! er tll0 ,iny,
glo Hall Friday urternoon. So))tombor jm, A,n MRS. WILLIAM ROHIN-'
25th. from 3 to 5 o'clock. Mm. C, mm 0f Allegany, enmo to tho city,
M. Iiyier, .Mm. ueriien ArmiruiiK, this morning to nuonu io somo uuh-
Mih. Shlmlnn, Miss Frnnces Golden e88 niattom.
and Mm. L. A. Woodbury will chap- tinv v.niCKSON. tho well known
mono tho party. A chnrgo of five, rancher of tho Hayne Inlot and;
nnd ion coma win uo iuhuu, huiuii fen Mllo country, was n .uiirwiuuiu
will bo used to nuy cninircns- uookb biiBlnesa visitor todny.
i Hend, left this wj&ir for
nnd. whero Mm. -dhnnTngB will
Incod ii tho caxeof specialists.
bo placed Jui
Mm. Anim-'WIIcox nnd dnughtor,
Margaret, of McKlnloy, rctumod
homo today nftor spending a row
dnyH with hor nloco, Mm. Hnrtlo,
at North Ilond.
Mm. Cnrrlo Duugan left today
for Ran Frnnclaco whoro sho will
spend thu winter.
Mr. nnd Mm. A. V. Rowliny re
lumed yesterday from u trip to
California points.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. II. Grovea mid
children of North Hend returned tho
flmt of tho week from a visit nt As
toria nnd Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. J. U. Hlldonbrnud
ami cliJIdron and Mr. and Mm. J. G,
Xlnnoy and family arrived home thin MR. AND MRS. It, S
-week from nn auto tour down tne
toast to Crescent City, thence to
Grants Pass and home via Roavburg.;
Announcements were Inmied thla
-week for tho marriage of Miss Evo
lyu Torryll, daughter of Mm. Geo.
Rotator of North Rend, and Clnudo
Comatock of St. Joseph, Mo., which
-was solemnized In Portland last
reek. They will muko their home
Jn St. Joseph hut expect to spend tho
Jail and winter on tho coast.
Mm. A. S. nianchnrd, Mrs. R. N.
Kenton nnd Mm. P. E. Wilson nro
among tho ladles who will nccom-
for tho nubile library
i Tho following books have been ad
ded to the library during tho pnat
week: "Tho Hnrrlor," "Inside of tho;
Souan" nnd "Tho Winning of Bar
barn Worth."
miis emma JOHNSON loft ror Myr
tie Point today, whero sho will via-i
It ror n short tlmo with hor pnr-l
ontB. who llvo tlioro,
up," "Lnddlo," "Rupert or Hont- mviNG CHANDLER loft thla mom-i
in," "Solt Ralsod," "Allco for jn for sacrnmonto nnd San Frnn-t
hort," "John Harloycorn," "Tho cgc0 mA expects to remain there
olobrlty," "Tho Fifth String by for a wcek or ton days.
J. T. COLLVBR, T. M. Collvor, Miss
Resale Collvor and Mrs. C. R. Coll
ver, of Catching Inlot. came down
thla morning on n business trip.
MRS. LYNN LAMRETH loft yoator
dny for Roseburg to Join Mr. Lam
beth, who baa been "ataljed" there
with his auto by tho heavy ralna.
HILL1S SHORT returned to Lake
side yesterday after having been
Pt CoqulUo as a witness before
tlm crand Jury In the Investiga
tion of the Ten Mile troubles.
In tho city attending Sunday at
tjio Chandler after a thrco weeka'
trip In tho Coqulllo Valley. Mr.
Wright, who represents tho Moorc
Wataon Dry Goods Company, re
ports a notable ndvanco In bualnoas
......IIMnii. .lm.lni Mia Inot tnf
weeks na ovldencod by moro llbor- CHARLES W. BATES of the Smith
nl buying by rotall merchants in Miniuer uouipuu), k.. i .-...-ull
aectlonB. Mrs. Wright, who la ing for San Franclaco. where he
making her first trip through thla, goea on Duaineas. , " ,c""u1 '"
roiurn IO .iiurouimm i"ii .- -
section Is delighted with this hoc
tlon and It Is planned some day to
have a summer home whero sea
breezes and mountain air mingle
In gentle zephyrs that make Coos
Hay an earthly paradise.
Are Best
Marsh field
Phone 122
tp unit of noxt month
DR. R. R. HAMILTON left thla mom
Ing via tho beach stage for Port
land, whoro he goes on business,
expecting to return Wednesday.
GEO. W. CHILDS has returned Irom
South Coos River, whore he has
been camping for several weeks.
Ho aaya that heavy ralnB nnd
camp life don't go well together.
DAVE IIROWN, hook tender at Camp
One, has been In Marshflold the
last weok or ao on a vacation and
has been suffering from nn attack
of illness.
O. L. FRIEDENDLUM, waa up from
Empire. Ho reports that with
six weoks' good weather the
dredge will be aulo to finish Its
work down there.
SHERIFF GAGE left yesterday tor
Coqullle after spending a day hero
In a futile attempt to get a lino
on tho robbers who smashed thp
Twin City Lumbor Company's snfo
at North Rond. This is about tho
'8teeuth criminal caao In which tho
o.ulprlta have not been located and
Sheritf Gago la reported to be fig
uring on offering a reward of $100
that will lead to their apprehen
sion and conviction.
Iron :KAXMi-MmIKMLm ' '' . .., .
yiUfiii k neifht jj it.
We Say to I'
Here is ,lk
In All America
far 1
15 Years
The 'Sterling' is Ouaran;
teed for 1'5 Years m ss
Sntist'aetiou is the 0110 thing we insist on here, and j"t think a nnnut . .
this word "satisfaction" and just what it means, Satisfaction is oii j . lo
or expect in buying anything if you are SATISFIED that is al w
it. For vou the transaction is complete. You can't possibly get ww
fJ -- VfT - r f m X' W -r ' W
America todav. Manv new inmroved features have been aciucu .t,
requires a fow moments' inspection to thoroughly convince you hm j
one range that you should buy. The size you want is here and ni .4
price you want to pay. . .
The Best Costis no More t
Johnson-Qulovsen Company s
r. '$
ggjL"!", m