81'lirtTi v- niiit i' ; f" ii7 ..i ... !V.V i'-4H1 I', ' ? ? "s. A! THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1914 EVENING EDITION EIGHT 1 W inimwiiivviiwM mn "!awiBfcM "i mn .1 IEST0RE CHILD 10 S PARENTS Thrce-Year-Old Son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Harvey Wanders From Home Late ycsterdayiiftornoon tho, llt- no iiiruo-yuuronKi.Buii ui mi. 1 f II WO COUPLES IS PROGRESSING; WEDDED HERE T TO SETTLE BILLS Wet Weather Will Not Cause Much Delay Rails Rap idly Nearing Mapleton EUGENE, Or., Sept. 18. Con Delbert Benson and Blanche J. H. -O'Donnell Files Petition Raymond, of Ten Mile After Being Sued Many Bunker Hill Marriage Times Sue Wife Dclbort Benson nnd Miss IJlnncho James II, O'Donnell, nn employe Raymond, two nonulnr nnd well- at tlio smith mill, who now has Htrilr.llnn 11 Doll thn Birth crossing t, ... .,,, -i .,.., i, rrn flvn nr nW nulln iinnillnir nfnlnaf from homo, and vas not roturncd of tho 8'UBl,1w ur,'!B0 ?n tho WU1 Mllo country, woro mnrrled lost eve- him, has gono Into bankruptcy and to his nacnts until about eight B1,,otto Pa?'0 r" lrou.d , ,wns com nlng by tho Rev. Q. LoRoy Hall nt a meeting of his creditors hns boon l?. "f .Ji. ......i"' ' " .i... .... monccd today. Tho bridge across i,ia ,.u, in Rnnth MnrahfinM. called for 10 6'clock on Hnntnmlmr n mock lUHi u-'b. ' u ',- tho fifth crossing was completed Inst rni.n nniv witnsxn nml aiiom nt 30 In tho office of C. A. Sohlbrn.ln front and tho streets In South wcck nml B.lnc0 thon tho rails havo tho WC(1(iing wore Mrs. Sclma Thorn- refcreo in bankruptcy. Creditors Manhflcld. I PC0H Pushed on to tho sixth cross- n8( M,8B E,Io Ti10mas, Miss Edna will appenr at that tlmo to provo Tho boy was picked up by Mr. "& n"d ,th,s '" ,th? ,,n8t , boforo Ruth and Capt. Harry Denson, of the tholr claims nnd to appoint a tniB- and Mr i. C. l" Moray near tho cor- Jko Creole, the lost barrier bo- lnunch ,,. ,teo. At present O'Ponncll has his er of Fourth and Donnely at aov- wcun EJgenc and Mnplcton Only Aftcr a brof honeymoon trip to salary of $70 under garnishment SI o'clock .He i was crying lustily the croctlon of tho two steel bridges nnm,on tl0 vomiB couple wll bo and suit, it Is claimed, by E. II. mi rnlllnir for "Mamal Mama, separate Eugene from tidewater. at homo nt ho Donson rnnch on Joohnk, will bo brought against his - " ..... A vnn n trn run n'nr wnnrnnr ttrniiiri .... .?.. I ..i. ...... .. . .1 t... .-,,.... .. ..................... ...- jQn n,iiic. inia'i 111 iriiunu iiuiiiu iuui'iiiuiiy Ull Hunker lllll Wedding. or tho property Is listed, on tho !1 years, grounus inni suo is in groat part riarIot" aril was so troubled that .. A year bro jn woi wwiiw wouiu iio could not roracmbor Just whoro "v ucn " '"""A' ,u" "uw ",l" Hunker lllll Wedding bo Uved, but that ho lived in a fho grade completed, tho concrete Mlcho, Foscliotto, aged f),, ir... wi.n ..kn,i prldgo piers In, all necessary Is tho ,.,, niullnttn Slclsmondl, nbout his papa and mama, ho was UlnB and riveting or steel. Two ( woro mnrrlcd ,n8t zoning , only sure that mama's namo was W,'lCro the o Is but one -00- b J"B,Uco, C; U , Pc"noc,J- "M Just "mnmu"; sister's namo was KJ00'110.0 f thrown "mto,cn,IB0 tho br,,,c' who hflB bocn ,nl "sister'' and papa's namo was "dad- Xco bv thS huco derricks hat "'", country only a short time, Ay" and ."daddy'' worked In . 'V ffitl bon " ?M (L8 .Jfg .could not understand Engll.h, an 'ouilo," And tnnt no was looKing.;,--" y - ,n nf inlln nmi i old I "ucr"rcior wnB ncccHHnry explain for "his candy." . . . " S, ' "I .a, ? rnmLL'.nS .."'vo hor anawora Ho was inkon to ho aoodru m , (lrl)lB'Bcnl tho rlvot8. Oarage In the hope that soino au- Thls nlcnn8 thnt the steel will tomobllo workma mg t know tho' tl,,owntor enrIy , October, l)oy, but Mr. Oootrum was tie only , , , , Th t , ??e.,.",?.ro.. "5i.J. ,.k.noV,.-?,ll,?.5 Braph line has already boon built m iiiu tiiiiu iuiiu ' 77 ",...'. beyond Lnko Creek, nnd no soon as was II IOIIOW ouiiihi uuu wan ., n nprnnn It will 1 t 1,1,,., r, 1,1a nnn.lv 1m. nnnil. J110...1'8 "r? crt,R8 'I " l bo qulck- qucstlonB asked. D. d'AmbrosIa, brother-in-law of tho bride, of Ruii kor Hill nnd his brother, nppenred as wltncpsos. They will reside In Hunker Hill. looKing ior ni wiiii , i.y, viwuu- , rlnBhC(, l)y n Bmn forco of mo rum, would see thnt ho got It. So 'iv,nir RCn ia first direct wlro Mr. aoodrum Immediately .presented , "h,, f"?"? "?M" rf ?. rLX the wanderer with n Back full of coast town. Tho Western Union IN f UVILLE Relative of Mrs. Nellie Owen, of Marshfield, Succumbs Was Oregon Pioneer FOREIGN W SHIP PASSES sweets, which nlded wonderfully In hi: " l.: "' '" ..." ... '. "7 , smoothing the boy's vexed mind. I Is"' prewar. n'go "come ou't" from A call was turned In to tho pollco .. nhiHinw nt nrosont ""fl'fAhirtanulri'S Tho PrSonl w"t weather Is not o'clock th6 boys fntilnq U t, rnront, con. tho station. Ho was referred to Btrucllon ht0 nny Kront extent, nnd aoodrum Oarage, and located his tl0 contrnctors nra figuring upon son through thnt traco. I almost two months moro In wr.lch Mr Harvoy recently moved with t0 work. As a matter of fact nn his family from Northern Oregon, ff w, ,)0 n)ndo to kco (ho and Is employed n cnglno man on f nt work whcrovor posslblo tho now reservoir being constructed , t lo chr,8tIlinH by Whlch by tho water company. They havo , ,t ', , d to hn'vo 0 ftdo been In Marshfield less than two . comIotC(1 botwcon Eugcno and TTCCKS. Mnraliflnlil At tirosnnt thorn urn ' " ,u,v "" S irimi .Ml'.Minnvuio, "' "' It scorns thnt when they first f, !?,"""? ,,.. 'i T,,,iV,irAn whoro sho wbb called by tho Illness Browing w otweon Acmo nnd Coos Hay tho"'" ""' "u",1' "". Ul uu ;;" J!'"1! Unknown Vessel About 20 Miles Off Shore Working Wireless With Canada A foreign war vessel passod Coos liny about 0 o'clock this morning going south. It Is not known to whnt nation sho belonged hut iib sho was constantly communicating with n Canadian station It la likely suo wnH uanndian, iiritlsh, Fronch, , or possibly Japanese. Sho wns about twntv mlloi off shoro. I Tho weather outside Is bnd, Capo Blanco station reported tha wind MrH. Nelllo Owen, who returned thoro nt nbout !15 miles per hour, row days nno from McMlnnv lllo. wiin cloudy nnd squnlly wenthor. orso. rnmo here, they stopped n dnya or ,,,, two at a hotel, and when thoy moved d0 betwcon I3llK0I10 nnd 10 npariinoniB on douui i ourm , nirondy finished and nuothcr Btreots. tho drayman overlooked a II10llth.8 work w, connect much ack of candy belonging to tho llttlo of thfl , ,, t fow vory ,onB boy, nml which wjb loft nt tho ho- HlrotcllCB, Tll0 tiinnola, of course el. Tho loss of this wbb moro w, not 1)0 ,.omcle, until next in.... ,u uU u.,iu, uu, uiu m, BprnBl i,ut nt nil of these tho work wnB for tho liuriioao of finding It ,noll nro ,,mIol. ,,, nml tll0 wo nniv ., ,1-11 iiuuiu jurnuiun uuu.-: vvutither iIoch not Interforo. uuuu, NORTH BEND NEWS E. J. Currigan nnd wlfo nnd four Tho North Hond Cbuncll did not Everybody kniiwti lmv fOiQlJo Coos Hay Tlmos Lost Ada tiro In re turning lost articles to tholr own- rt0 ' till nmtinil ina t tr fffa TTT1 9 Tlmos 'Joins possessors with tholr Sj,,.,1,Iron. ,,,nn to lcavo tomorrow for poBSCBuloua between Ihsucs whoa 'J,, r,il tho enso is urgunt nH .would uo truo when should loso " n n j n tt a n nil t It rk iinrAnin iaoa I.'l..., n..,ln,.na nf 1'lin 1'lmna CltV Wlinrf. Mm imuMinnii. nilmnn nnd onerntor . The A. M. SlmpBOIl finished load- wlth their wives, and two carrier ' l ?8 nt. " town ,nn(l mllea Ior i.ovh. Albert llnRsford nn.l lllll Mof- Sail FranclBCo jroHtonlay, .Mrs. Alvn Crnnk left yosterdny Acmo sho pnssod nwny Boon nftcr Mrs. unou it-it ior noiuo. a I'orunnu paper gives tho following particulars concerning Mrs. Wortmnn's death: Mrs. Eliza A. Wortmnn, widow of tho Into Jacob Wortmnn nnd mother of II. C. Wortmnn, of tho firm of Olds, Wortmnn & King, died nt hor home In McMlnnvllle. Mrs. Wort in mi was 81 years old, having been horn near Ironton. Lawrcnco County, Ohio, In 1830. when n young girl "sho moved ot n threo-yenr-old boy moot tn'8 wcok, but will ho In nos-lthey moved to Cnnomnh, thon to "his candy" his homo 8,on noxt wcok. A commlttco moot-Limo County nnd ovontunlly to Mc- nnd tho nnronts loso "'K wns no,,, yesterday to thresh Mlnnvlllo whoro Mr. Wortmnn was boys, Albert Dassford and lllll Mof fltt, were Involved In thq miccpss full return of Wnltor, Harvey, Jr., to the homo of his' parents last evening. Tho nenrch was conduct ed by tho Tlmos forco nlmost "on mncso" and that It wiib quickly dono was duo In n great monsuro to tho wldo acqualntanco of "paper Jjoya." 1 TH ON Overcoats and Raincoats English, Balmacaan and long regular models -the most highly favored fab rics in tans, browns, gray and black, with plain or reversible collars, priced from .ju $5 to $30 New Mackinaw fWc T EAVE it to ty Balmaccan or Norfolk R"?vv WTS M styles, in a wide range of ylcJ'aiarorccogti fashionable colors and tJlc re&l thinif A comDinations. sizes 33 tney see it, Fo 10 o. rncea irom stance, this newjj $3 tO $la- Wc have full mcnts'of all the Full line of Waterproofs Stetsons here it's iui wuiMiiy auiviuu. taay inuiicr I0r you "biicKers" moderately select the one thatj pneeu. win iiKc to wear. "Money Talks." tlubOAoc Bandon Marshfi3ld Myrtle I i is u - with hor parents to Iowa nnd wna Revised Measure Will AffGCt Many Lines of Business Two Cents on Each Check mnrrled to Jacob Wortmnn In 1850. In I8ri2 thoy crossed tho nln ns nnd Bottled on a rnnch In tho Wlllnm otto Valley near Oregon City. Later SAIL NORTH ON BREAKWATER ongnged In tho banking business un til ins death in 11)04. WASHINGTON, D. C Sopt. 18. , In addition to wine, beer and gasoline- taxcB previously agreed upon,1 tlio rovlscd war rovonuo trix bill will tax bnnks with capital nnd Biirplus BIG LEAGUE BALL SH KTKA3IKIIIP liHAVKH KOIt l'OHT IiA.l WITH CO.Ml'AltATlVMA' HMAMi I'ASSKXtJEU MST AND MIKCKMjAXKOIW KltKKlllT. Tho Drenkwntcr Bulled Into Thurs- Mrs. Wortmnn Is survlvod by not oxccodlng $25,000, $50 n year day for 1'ortlani. dho had a iuIbcoI for Portland from which plnco alio' will proceed to Enstorn Oregon where shu hns boon called by tho sorloua IllncsB of hor mother. John Hlnck Ib oxpected from Cnl Ifornla soon to visit relatives In will bo mndo In tho Masonic Come tno Coos County. ROBBERS FAIL TO ENTER SAFE NOItTII IXMCT NEWS. I tory thoro. (Special to Tho Times.) Kay Howard, who recently passed tho olghtu grndo examinations, hns gono to McMlnnvlllo College, whoro ho IntcudB tnklng n business course P. M. Jonner hns moved to his homentrnd near here. His family preceded him bo vera! wcekB ago. J. 11. Plukorton wus a Marshfield visitor on Monday. ' A song sorvlco was hold at tho Twin City Burglars Did Not Jn;,f w-J "ownrd ln8t Sundny W. E. Host of Dandon and Joo Wondllng of North Hond woro horo on buslncas Mondny, Hausor & Hnusor nro progressing nlcoly with tho grading at Uealo I.ako. in connection with tho rail- COAST nusiNicsa OOOI) Get Contents Only About ; $16 in Cash in It Aftor completing drilling tho safo of tho Twin City Lumber Company rnTru n r Z ln.ii i which wnB wrecked by robbod i ," !, w,r.k' "nd.,nro n,)0UJ, r..n,,L ? in tho company's office nt North Y"V" ",u,r l,t"' UK'"oa uul"l"Hu Ilend tho night boforo last. It wns l'aK0, found that tho thtovos had not opened tho strong box. It was found thnt thoro was only n llttlo over it in cast that tho burglars -ten llttlo for their they had Slicccoded In not Mm.' tho Bafo. Southorn Pacific, hns Just returned Tho eafo howovor, la a total wreck ,,ero roni a tour or tho entire Const, nnd not worth tho cost of ropalrlng. " declares gonernl business of tho The damngo thoy wrought In des- Const has passed tho crisis and Is troylng tho snfo and to tho offlco ""ttllnu down to a sound, healthy will amount to considerable. piano. It Is now bollovcd that tho at- ,r' Hhoado's opinion la bnsod on Irmptod robbery was pulled off by an Intimate knowlodgo of tho under partlos who know nothing nbout WnB currents of tho commercial uafe-blowtng nnd who thought that wrld. by breaking off tho combination "Tno era of business extravagance fcnnti thoy would bo nccoaa to tho content LUMBER TRADE OF COOS Dr AMMlXMrmitoCMlqfe AMEIIIUAX UHOTJ I Now York, 7; Chlcijo. t Iloston. 8. ClettUni. I. WoBhliuiton. 12, St lcl Philadelphia, 8; DetrdU XATIO.VAb LUGIIhI Chicago, 5, HrooWji, tM innings. Rt T.ntlln. 1: DOltOD. 1. ninMnnnll. l! New YClLI iHitBiinrL' s rhllaJeliii PlttsburK. 0: rbllidt! noas; dealors In tobacco, J 12; maun. ' irrar uuu .MrH. .Moiuguinury. fncturora of tobacco and cigars, $C " " COAST LK.cn: to $24. Tho stamp tnxos proposod, Biibjoct ALONG tllC WATERFRONT Vonlco tee, nro In detail as follows:,. Tho Port of Coos nay la Bonding Kiopfor, IIIU and ".! tlco to Capt. Macgonn, of tho Easterly, lucger, -; threo sons, John Wortmnn, president nnd 2 for oneh nddltlnnni imnn. luncoim lot of froluht and a rather Vfi t,l0MiKlr8UNntlonnl nnnk of Me-1 stock brokere, $50; pawnbrokers, small paBsongor list. Among thoso Mlnnvllle: Dr. J. L. Wortmnn, of $20; custom-house brokers, $10; pro- Balling on her woro: Mrownsvlllo. Texas, and H. O. Wnrt. nriin n.i ' :.. ' ' . i a ti iw.ionn n, v Pii'inr. man of Olds, Wortmnn & King. . onrnrt hniin itnn-'ni!-.,... mn. k. r WwnrdH. it. it. Ilninllton. 8. Portlnild. I ....l.ll- ul.n. .. .. . ' .' xl....u l wt. .,, M..a I Tlinmni. ,. ' , , ..... , . ' 1MIUIIU UAUIUIHUIIH, tlVi IIOWilllK ni- '"fHO, .1. lliwiuim, Uliai u, " -t Tho funernl BorvicoB will bo hold inv nn,i i.minr.i i.niiu'r. . n".. n n. wnrdu. w. Pnnltott. Mrs. (leo. 'hnmiJ fn MCi!?.c!fiii,lt Ui, tamtlK or tnb,: ,,cnIora in loaf tobacco, $0 1'orry, M. DresHon, II. V. ItusBcll. J. homo In MeMlnnvlI o. Intormont nr , .n.. ..'..?. n a,ni, ? i. vmimr i i. mlt!i. IU mU. ULLlll 111IIU III VI11I1IIII, 111 II1IH1 . fcJt.l.t.., M. . u....n, w. ,....... 'ini checks. 2 rents: drafts or nntl bills of exchange inland. 2 cents for llrenkwator. that ho must rcduco each $100: certificates of donoslt. 2 the oneed of his vessel in tho uppor ,..., cents; promlBsory notes, 2 conts for hny. Small boat owners have com- i08 Angeles' " each $100: liionov orders. 2 mnts nlnlncd froniiontlv nbout It and tho ' ,.i., rniriitlin. So" per $100; exprcsa receipts, l cent: Port proposes to onforco tho ordln- Alexander; Ryan and Broch freight receipts or domestic bills of nnco. Jndlng, I cent; tolophono mcBsagos Tho Itandolnh Is still In port with n .... , J i coating 15 cents or moro, l cent; enrgo for Roguo Rlvor nnd Curry S', ."rnnVlsco'.. . I! Continues tO be Principal bon8-co c40nta: certificates of do- county points. Tlio unfavorable S" vHMaml and Rohw el ", T o.. Jiu. It oVr!Pd' nos ' 2 c.onta. Ir $100; conlflcatea woathor caused them to remain horo ,la ? sRc?,dt. Source of Supply of San Francisco Market of demand, 25 centa; certificates not longer than they expected Couch and Schmidt. otherwise specified, 10 conts; char- Ti.n ninnnnr wn In from Onrdlncr rsnrond 0ne) tera, $3 to $10; brokor's contract,1 vnR,nr(lllv nni, tnoit out a cargo of 1 10 conts: conveyances, 50 conts for ' norn, 'ninrnhnndlBo. "??'?"", ... genoral morchandlso, cent- ?.5f,: !,n.rPh n,,C88nHK0' i TheRedondo U duo at San Fran- . Ange 0 s ... .y , cent: llfo Insuranco nollclos. 8 pentn .. ..-.. . o r..i, n,i ,m 1 roub"i "v sh In tho Bnfo"so Southern Pacific Official Says Piano 'njoen HllWa ILtT'' rs would havo sot- Mow Healthy n , , 52S'22Sl -' olr trouble o?en If rt SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. IS.-I.""""""" . . . 1.270,000 iled In getting Into O. Rhondos, purchslng agent for tho Columbia Rhor 2,400,000 MA CO! Coob Day continues to bo tho prln- clnnl Bourco nf sunnlv nf tlin Run Frnnclsco lumber market, shipping cei,t5 lfo Insuranco policies, 8 cents C8C0 ioAay trom San p0dro and will nbout twlco as much there during'0" on,cn $100; marine, Inland, flro. on drvdock thoro for annual In- tno first two weeks of Soptombor ensuauy, iiuoiuy ana guaranty, Vt snoctlon. It was planned to put a as any other coast port. Tho fol- f per cent; loases, 25c to $1; now wheoi on her and mako somo lowing nro tho receipts of tho San1 njortgnges or convoynnco In trust, otll0r niinor repairs in addition to Frnnclsco market from tho coast JR centa for each $1500; power of at- ,i,n i, innn.nrH mnv ronulro and ports: I tornoy to voto. 10 cents; power of u i VnPPti.,i thnt sho will bo able to nttornoy to sell. 25 cents; protests. nU fro'm tnoro Monday for Coos Bny. iiiuhvuu lukufiiio, .01 - Tim Jnnn Rmith win nnii tomorrow morning for San Francisco. Sho wont to North Bend yesterday and took on a big shipment of box. Bhook8, I The Daisy Putnam arrived In this ninrnlnc from San Francisco oir Fir and Spruce Cooa-IVay.., 5,970,000 Eaglo Harbor 200,000 Port Angeles 1,350,000 Port Gamblo 1.250.000 Portland 750,000 Oraya Hnrbor 1,300,000 SiuBlaw 990,000 wuiapa ... Yaqulna Day COURSE OF STUDY FOR, EIGHTH GRADES ,1 . ...fLr '1 TOO W"' Henry L. . ,Vr7htn! ( Total Snierlnten(lnt fliuroMll Will Soon1 imu irewMiK ii lLTiciiinii-ni work "-" rrr ,r.. i-ik tnna nf Henry u. ."" f,i,hHH' Ready for Distribution. schedule with nbout 136 tons of t R s VWl". SALEM. Or.. Sept. 18.Suporln.' .JiV., 'nclu5inK S?chM, rU L.ht all of San Ft' lenaent or acnoois uiiurciuii l,400,00Q-Boon hnvo ready for distrlbn ojd.uuu tho schools of Oregon lied wood 0 able to get -nd waste Is now a thing of tl'g ?,403,000 'pared ta, b past." he said. "A reaction has sot "''0", J'5'2S2 F' h' he safe was a In and tho people aro now getting EL"? 1,52S,222 lam !'? lunnn (.i,,., t a .i .k... -- .. ... nhlirai.vuo IUI OIBIIIU ,, ,.., r)H0r,.l UU ""?".-'.., C.OIW grades. This courso Iisb boon pre- u i, ' ,, .l-ii 7 MHav renort that Point; w. a. "" Q jw' nnrmi m.,i ,. irnttnn tV, Boats arriving toaay report ihuj ...,... and h, ,, oV iff n. nf hV r t;i 7;: II I" "lowing a .perfect gaie o -"-. C Feter. partment of the Oreion Awlcu ltuwl BU0T0H0Xl' .Vn. VL ""' "" h. T Child, Griffin, of tho extension de Tho drilling of the snfo wns a nu mo peopio aro now gotung 0" '"""? oin'nAn "LttV,,,,,u"1 " uregon Agncuiiurn v smooth this forenoon. difficult Job. Smith nnd Wndo had Iown to sound economical living. If V. ? ?'9?2 College, nnd it is n movement toward waB very 8moot" u mile otite rt.ii wire -' n' A. Borat. Porw-"-, , w...v juu, .MI11114 ,,nu liuuu Hllli i." .-" -..-...... ......0. - Ifnn,.. , o r nnn ": - ..--".-"- .-.-. iw.1 1101" .- L l?i,.eA!Ln !? H' !U union uWnB':v JaEooo .-"JISh.J'SSI AnniTinrMAl VACATIONS ! w w. xmS. m8 1 . ..D u. w.u Bio wiin mo -""-. """-"' """" """"'. Crescont Cltv w.nnnn 1. ..""."'.-"""" ,.:''!'."'""'-',Vl"l " " ' nlnnco hoi dilll but when thoy struck tho I'nlamlty howlers now nro tho mor- boiler pinto, tho drill wouldn't iuhVo chants who donl In luxuries, nny progress. Finally they resorted "" tno otll0r l,nnd. Prices of to the ncotylono torch, an Impro- "Udlng matorials and staples aro vised one, which succeeded In flno "'Ivnnelng, denoting n healthy stato shape. of nffalrB dcop In tho foundation or business, ami indicating that sur PLAN I'.MPQl'A ROADS. plus stocks nro already absorbed." Frank ('nln. (Jooiko CutafnrMt and nuestlon and are spondlng conslder- F. V. Dl'ln rd returned hero this nf. ablo money Improving their hlgu- ternnou frmn tho vicinity of OrnM-1 ways. Tho road between Scottsburg nor, whru lliy surveyed nnd lopnfd lv,ia Drain bas boon groatly Improved aeveral rendu which It Is proposod to nnd Is now In tho best of condition. -tuilld ivr during tho next year. Rosoburg Rovlow. surveyor .ULjAiayH tho noonlo of attfrP(in nnd Oardlnor nro Don't forcet tho Hlir Kih. nt srvr. ca in the good roads '-lo Point, Sent. -3 to 20. S."."1!1 UU5r - 320.000 of U,o state. Heretofore education ... . 1!Lfl"c iKotti "i i.oos.uuu in ti,n oiiiii, n.in to i.. n..,iJ wAsmNfiTfw n n.. sonr. io. v. r. Amnuu - n m ' fcl'Vf viniiiu ttlMUU 1IUD linuil aLLlilllllL MtuiiiH wpm f "- ... 44 --, w.J f. At " . "7 " !,. mill .. il. If Ull II w ed through supplementary reading Homestead entrymen nereiuim RUtn, iNorm "vr,7' pikef. and a text on agriculture. From now bo ontitled to leavo of absence 0ak Grove ", Ejoi .t,n nn.ii ..v.i-i ii, i.. ...,nn vs onoli nhanncea not ir Tinea LaKC8uc' Ull, .1J tOOU.UIIl. nllUJlXlB Will UO JirU- V"1VU u., u-v" ".- """,.1 Onlnt t Bonted tn pl.lMron nf the. oichth to exceed five months In tho aggro- ,on Myrtlo l om". uotti crado. and they will bo called on to gato for each year aftor establish ng st. if"" ftlj glv.e practical demonstrations of their resldonco. Upon tho termination G r Vaugnn, w,fft o niiun.cu,T. , uto..w. - . -"'. "T ,, ". il, FOH'"-: rii n nnMnn Tuirii t nn incui uuuu nniinrt iuii.- r-ffK Offlco. In tho case of commuta- Maynnrd, 'nXt' tlon tno rourieen moiuua uuii and jamtsa --- GOES TO CORVALLIS. Tho Corvnllls Gazetto says: Chas. J. Conovor, of tho forest aervlco, who lna been located at Gardiner, south ern Oregon, for some tlmo. will ar rlvo in Corvnllls today or tomorrow tn nrcOIlt n nnRitlntl na nsalstnnt tn Denn Geo. W. Peavy, of tho depart-! mont or rorestiy at O. A. C. Mr. Conovor will bo accompanied by his family nnd will occupy tho Mrs. Mln nlo Leo resldeuce on College Hill. Don't forgvt tlio IUu Fair nt Myr tlo Point, Sept. 2S to 2(1. DVPE nt FIVNISH HALT SAT- UDDAY LODGE. eve. Given by LIVXEA KEYZEH'S . ORCHESTIIA. 1MXII DAVPE PLATFORM Second mid Market, Saturday night. nn. n. k. keity, dkntist. Phone 11 2-J, Room 204. Coke Bldg loftW llnnrn na unw ronnlred bv tho laW, must 'lm slinwn. and tho person' ,.. t1ii(.s' Guild ?IL. commuting bo at tho tlmo a citizen j . ,, jll l'"'!'hoW,jl of tho United States. This actlon' '"h" t.Crrr ?,r Z oavo or ausenco y:Vy sept. I"- u m In regard Jo the IpaV in reguru 10 mo iuau u . y. Sept. " is according to an act' of tho prea-l "j ,0 donatei out Cougress. i I 7"-?r'rT3TV""' rTfi TirfVr" wrrnPwfflr Iffr ,i r&mMmm