PH - FVMI4AfltffMAUid flflMi itlli . lr 4Y It --- i . '"'' 'MW"WgWI1 rtt!ll ffl !r THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1914 EVENING EDITION SEVEN ' iirrn rTPfTTfrnnnnrrir r lirrnryTninwiMniMiiwiiUiiiiiitiiiiiH ,r'kl -"TTTinr U ,rflAh HV. .mi SUNDAY .KSTON '""",, A. m. 'SiK TRIP 500 .. nu llnll With OHIO ior dhu "".i Shore Acres K,M.PPolntment. gSpNALj)IRECTOR .eISASon' ' mLo Mnnsfoldt, San Fran fli ApV""1 for 'M0?? !' ttsK BUILDER i iiW. ntinc n. S. T. Htmer Methods) M tU.. ...ronrv. noomi 1 K South Broadwoy. Pi.'V. Mnrshf old. Or. i IK'i ' LWvi'n AND REPAIRER BU "" ... n llnlnnn' XfllB. e orders at w. - '"'"A.' B..-nf TMinnn 103-L. glim o Owls Annual Picnic at Simpson Park, Norht Bend Sunday, Sept. 20 SPORTS, DANCING AND GENERAL PROGRAM n Good Time Assured. All Owls, their families and friends are invited to be present and enjoy a gala day. North Bend Nest of Owls BY DAN M'DONALD. BULGARIA T0J3E NEUTRAL Minister to Greece Gives Assurance His Country Will Not Enter European War PARIS, Sopt. 18. A Havns agency dispatch from Athens Bays that the Bulgarian Minister to Greece has assured the government that Bulgaria has decided to main tain the strictest neutrality until the end of war. WED AT BANDON. NORTH BE.MD MEWS Mrs. T. Osiiorno and children havo Robert Noble, of ttolso, Idaho, has gone to Hood Hlver to make their begun suit ngalnst It. A. Hock of - North Mend, to collect a ?500 noto Miss Alice Wnttors has gone to' which Uock gave sovoral years ago Oregon City to spend the winter at. as a bonus for the BoIbo Valley mo nomo 01 tier sister. Railroad. Prank Elsmlngor has sold tho Midget Cafo to Happy Burgess, who has taken possession. A. J. Counts and Mrs. Nellie Jor- iinann ivnrn mnrrlnil Rntnrilnv vnnlmr at the Jorgenson home on Etmlra nvej nue, Hov. P. J. Chntburn officiating. Mr. Counts Is tho road supervisor In this district. Bandon Recorder. BUSINESS FINE IN DRY TOWNS Tho North Bond Harbor will Is sue n soml-weekly edition from now until after tho November election. IJ Phono 318-R .,..nrvn roNTHAOTOIt Emites furnished on request LGosney. m,n,lf:i ivnucroit and builder tinned furuinuu" uu uVU.. ind Aiacr om. .." Ijj, M. Shaw m m a Kr Mr, OSC nnu AiiruMu RlATTIK II. 8IIAW Ut Of women nnu uiiiiuren , phone 330. Rooms 200, 201. 102, Irving uiock. Houio phono, 10G-J. jfamfn Ostlind B.vsuhTiNo engineer and I ARCHITECT foiflcM. 206 Irving Block to 103-Ii or 2G7-J. Marsiineid, urogon G. Chandler AHCIIITKCT ai 301 and 302, Coko Building, Uarshflcld, Orogon d. S. Turpen AHUIUTIiUl' Minefield. Orogon. Riley Ballinger I PIANIST AND TEACHER dente Studio, 217 No. Third 8L rhono 3C8-U , ti-. , I. Olivia Edman, M. T. D. (.DISH .MAMlAUK AMI fllKD- ICAIj gymnastics I'OK ALL DISEASES Oommerclnl nvo. Phono 2-12-1 WSI. J. SMITH PLUMBING CONTRACTOR b uork proptly attended to umatni Cheerfully Given, PRICKS REASONABLE L 30-J. 1267 N. Front St. UN' DKACII AUTO LINE it Chandler Hotel, Murshflold. w tlie mch and Way Points. 7. A. SI. 1 P. M. 1 P. M. hmolra no i Tr Hcol inn South Slouch 7ffc ; uuKnaorr ueacu ...91.00 Mujel Reef $1.00 8uniet Bay 91.00 wcum From Reach at A. )!. 1 p. m k mi p. m ft the beach by tho Ocean Beacb V- 7'DasSODEnr nlllnmnhlln tnnvna kadler Hotel threo times dnlly. "' iuau'8 FAMOUS AUTOS AUTO CALL ' FOR FOOTP'S AUTOS ' (OOd ram wltl, r..i ,Unw r ly service, phone 1-J, .. uiiura manors. Blnt service. Phone 200L RlKht Cafe. D. L. F00TE. fitVf ltftnJa rHEfJDPRsnw nnnQCTQ" ,J?..PrmclnaI distributers "a ana "uuut " JENNINGS, No. Bend p. Ia ADAMS & SON naalnna Ih f EW AND SECOND-HAND UOODS. JNo- Prnt St. Phono 340-L LET US M)KE YOUR ABSTRACTS ITHIa A n, ... IihnVT... u. irust uo- Abstracts, jwwughly dependable. Imme- I4o .ii ?r:,ce' Prompt attention I. Interests nt n... unnn "1Nl"UM COST Jri- KAUFMAN & CO. NOW EBADY FOR DELIVERY AT TIMES OFFICE Pocket War Map of Europe UP-TO-TIIE-MINUTE TABLES showing the size of Annies. and Navies; the amounts of War Debts; tho Population and Area of all the leading Countries are also given in fact, the Map is COM PLETE DIRECTORY of this THE GREATEST AVAR IN HTSTORY. It is bound for carrying in the pocket, printed in colors and shows the whole of Europe. Will be sold at Times office for 10 cents, or by mail for 15 cents. A sample may may be seen in Times office win-? (low. Address Coos Bay Times Marshfield, Oregon. Arrests Fewer. Bank De posits Greater SALOONS ARE OCCUPIED ! MEHCHANTS ALL ENTHUSIASTIC BUILDINQ TEUMITa FAR OREATEIt STORY OP DRY TOWNS TOLD. COOS BAY STATIONERY COMPANY 93 Central Avenue Phone 430 ANSC0 AGENCY Cameras and Everything for Them 3FFICE SUPPLIES STATIONERY COQUILLE-MARSHFIELD AUTO STAGE LINE CARS LEAVE REXAMj BRANCH STORE, CENTRAL AVENUE, MAH8IIPIELR, AND BAXTER HOTEL, COQUILLE, DAILV AS FOLLOWS: Lcnvo Marshtlold: Loavo Coqulllo. 10:00 a.m. 7:45 a.m. 12:30 p.m. ' 9:00 p.m. 4? 00 p.m. 1:4C p.m. G:30 p.m. 3:00 p.m. Tine, one way, 91.25. Round trip, name Uy, 92.00. GOOD CARE- Wit DRIVERS. .TeRse Illte. Muwhfleld, Transportation Mffr. .. TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- has been a hobby with us for a good many years and a lot of pur customers, wjn teU you when it cpmeMp srWhb Jtopd, npund, durable framing material at tho right price we know our busi ness. Just toll what you want to build and the amount you want to spend nnd wo'll get busy with our pencil and figure out tbe best your money can buy. Try us. w . C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL REPART.1IENT CUT THE FUEL RILL 1 TWO RY USING OUR WOOD PHONE 100. 8a SOUTH IIROADWAY Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance riTLE GUARANTEES ABSTRACT CO., Inc. HENRY 8ENOSTAOKEN, Mubujcw FARM. COAL, TIMBER AND PLATTING LANDS A 8PBCIALTY. GENERAL AGENTS EASTSIDK MARSHFIELD OFFICE, PHONE .4-J. COQUILLE CITY OFFICE PnONJB 1UJ. TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal, Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. fleaninK. repairing or new platens, work guaranteed. Ribbons and SrboH miJSdcllverwl. Phono us your order. Phone 44. Alliance office. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. !" Times Want Ads Bring Results si CALIFORNIA pull s2i CAUP0RH1A reAWUioJojtrjioy AMonu ifer-Commvy CAurwmA HY OltTON K. r.OODWlS, Publicity Dcpurtmrnt, ('.uiniulllra of One Hutiurrit. There is only one fair way to find out what Oregon dry will do for Oregon. That is by investi gating what Oregon dry has done for those parts of Oregon now dry. So far as can bo leamod in Salem, Oregon City, Hosoburg, Albany, Kugene and other Oro gon dry towns, business has been better in all lines, save that of the saloon, in every dry town. Why, even In Pendleton, which voted wet ufler being dry, but which will probably vote dry, tunny merchants tire now In favor of a dry town nnd declare collections were belter, business better and bud debts fewer when the town wus dry. Building Now Better. In Sulem, building has been greuter since the town went dry. There are but few vneunt houses, and those vacant nre described us "shacks." Practically every suloun has been re-tenunted by other lines of business, and one of the prlncl- Cut saloon sites has been replaced y u fine new building block. Since Salem went dry a 3:20,000 brick building has been erected and a 940,000 business block Is oolno ' Doesn't look as If dry Salem hurt that town, docs it? Bettor Building Beiults. Salem went dry J miliary 1, 1011. The building permits for tho first eight months of 1013. when the town was wet, total 388,925. For the first eight months of 1014 they were $422,385, an Increase of 333,460. Another Instance of u dry town helping businesst Absence of the saloon always means better busb ness, for the money thut once went to the saloon goes Into trade. Checks cashed once in saloons are cashed in stores and part of them nre spent there, in place cf In the saloons. There wjore 2W .nrrcjts ,for .Ue. first seven months of 1013 In Sulem for drunkenness; in 1014 the ar rests totaled only 47 for the same cause. Stores Enlarge Premises, The three largest stores have had to remodel their premises because of increased business, when other towns wet ut that have been com plaining. In Oregon City arrests have de creased GO per cent. Violations of the .state liquor laws (hooliegglng nnd so forth), are now less Ihun one-half. ' You see the saloon men never used to obey the law in jk dry town they have to obey it. Bank Deposits Increase. Deposits in the banks have in creased. There is more building. Bad debts are being cleared up. , Collections are easier. Not one mill check bus been cashed in a saloon. All business men say trade is bet ter. Yhlch answers the question as to why Ihe cru has come from all over Oregon for a dry town. L. Adams, one of the leading Ore- ! gon City merchants, said; I "Since Oregon City went dry, business has much improved. Col lections are easier. I have fewer bad bills on my books than I had u year ago. People now have a ten dency to buy their goods ut home. I I used to cash 15 cheeks on mill pay nignis. now i casn ou. The aboli tion of the saloon has turned u vast sum of money dully into the chan nels of trade In, Oregon City." All of answers Ihe ques tion of whether a town is better wet or dry. P&ld Adv. rtl.. want fcv th. rf.MMl... .. a-. ( Huudrd, 711 Utrfut SaUdlof, rortUsd, Of. Porlinm & Oldley have presented n bill for f4000 for oxtrns In the recent street grading contracts here. Iris Elrod has resumed his posi tion as manager of tho Woolen Mill storo following a vacation (rip to San Frnnclsco. A. J. Brumbaugh, recently from Springfield, has purchased P. A. McNabb's Interest In tho Esthor Hotel nnd tnkon possession. Mrs. J. E. Stevens has returned from an extended stny at hor old homo In Michigan and will contest tho dlvorco suit started by her husband. E. D. Curtla has gono to Ship herd's flnr'ngs. Washington, to Join his brother, V. B. Curtis, of Marsh field, who Is spending his vacation there. Miss Ida II. Mitchell and hor fiiond, Mrs. Trlak, of Cadiz, Ihlo, who arrived on the last Drcakwatcr, lime gono to Miss Mitchell's home stead near Allegany for a stiort stay. Mr. and .Mrs. Denny Hull havo taken npartmontB In the Frank Kramo homo. Mr, Hull has been looking after tho duties of City Wharfinger Warren Painter while the latter has been enjoying a vaca tion trip to California. C'ty Attorney Derbyshire has been notified that tho damago suit of Harry Barnes versus tho City of North Bend for $5000 damages for fnlsc Imprisonment over non payment of n teamster's license, haa been dismissed on request of tho plaintiff. Miss Illckcy, a former North Bend teacher, Is ouo of tho Instructors In tho Bandon schools this year. Mr. and Sirs. Wnltor Tanner nnd Mrs. Illckoy, who havo been visiting on tho Ifay, will spend a few weeks with her at Bandon, and tlion re turn to tholr homo In Washington. RUSSIA'S HOUR PERHAPS tho most significant ev ent slnco tho opening of the tro- inondOlln Klirnnnnn wnr ilrnmn In tho "form" shown by Russia. It wbb to bo oxpected that Qor-J many wouiu oo powerfully aggressive umi uini r ranee wouiu snow brillian cy and dnsh with less steadiness; that tho first month of hostilities would record Victories nnd tlnrnnta for l.nlli sides. Tho first big surprise of tho war came wuon ino uoiRinuB flamed up ngalnst tho invading Oormnns and dolayed for throe weeks tholr march ngalnst Paris. And thoso threo weeks, enabling Franco nnd England to mo blllzo nnd dlsposo tholr forces, gnvo Ittissln hor opportunity, Tho Husslnn mobilization, neces sarily slow and difficult on account of tho vast oxtont of tho country nnd tho lnck of railroads, was accomplish ed In hnlf tho time tho world expect ed. Thus, by tho tlmo tho Oormnns wero ready to assail tho first lino of French national defenses, the Rub slans had crossed tho Herman border nnd wero moving lrrestlbly through East Prussia. Tho rapidity and vigor of that In vasion havo astonished ovory observ er, and must havo struck Germany with dlBinny. Hore, obviously, Is an army very different from tho army that Japan qut.toplocesjn Manchu ria, In preparedness, dlsclplluo nnd moralo. East Prussia was not strongly de fended, Germany possibly expected7 that It would bo occupied by Russia ns ifar as tho Vistula River, by tho tlmo alio herself had struck tho allies a mortal blow In tho west nnd could aparo a strong forco from hor Fronclt campaign to drive back hero oastcrn foe. But Germany did not foresee that boforo she was roally across tho Pronch frontlor Russln would havo swopt East Prussia with tho right wing of nn nrmy of 3,000,000 men. Invaded Austria with the left wing nnd driven n powerful central column toward Posen with n second nrmy or nearly 0,000,000 forming iu tho ronr. Poson Is only 140 miles from Bor lln. With Poson captured, tho capi tal of tho omplro would bo In danger. Tho Russians seem as llkoly to cuter Berlin as tho Germans to ontor Paris. Tho victory of tho (lormatiB In tholr first ronl battlo with tho alltou need not conceal tho fnct that Germany's predicament Is serious. Slio must win quickly or slio may bo ground to plccos hetweon tho gront armies of tho wost and east. Austria cannot help thoro aro tho roinorsoloss Rus sian millions pressing Into Qallcla, with 8orvln at hor back and Italy menacing beyond. And If Gormnny is couquored, Rus sia may win tho supromo crodlt nnd. prostlgo of tho victory. War To The Bitter End; Tone Of Allies Peace Agreement LONDON, Sopt. 18. Tho following Is tho full text of tho ngrco ment recently signed by Russia, Groat Brltuln nnd Franco, that none should make poaco without the consent of all threo nations: Tho undersigned, duly authorized thereto by their renpertive gov ernments, hereby decluru h folloum TIio British, French nnd Russian CovvmnteiitH niutuiUly engage not to conclude ih'aco sep nratoly during tho protein war. The three govern men U agree that uhcii the tonus of ponoo come to bo dNcusM'd, no one of tho vl lltw will dehmud condition of pence without tho pravloun agreement of each of the other allien. "In faith whereof, tho undersigned Imvo tdgncd tills declaration niul liuve affixed thereto tholr heals, "Done ut London In triplicate UiIh fifth day of September, nine teen hundred and fourteen, "E. OREV, Rrltbth Secretary for Foreign Affair "PAUL OAMHON, French Ambassador to Great Britain "RENCKENDORFF, ItuHJiluii Ambassador to Gront Britain I WAR IS WORSE. BANDON SCHOOL ATTENDANCE. By Everott Dean Martin. GENERAL SHERMAN said, "War Is Hell." He meant that war is the greatest ovll that ho could think of. Ho was right, but Sherman was a bolter soldier than a theolo gian. Ho knew more about war than he did about hell. He had already been In war. If anything could bo worso thuu hoi! It Is war. Wo havo been taught that people who suffer In holl aro tho ones that ought to be thero. But the victims of war havo no business thoro. Thoy ought to bo at home, making a living for their families, do ing something useful, and enjoying life. It Ib said that tho people who go to linll rniiMi Hint unlifiimv nlnpft nn n result of their own dellborato choice. But thoso who go to war aro often forced Into It often beaten and il.nrroa.t Inin I. nfVfllnst thMr Uflll. through tho choice, or blundors or selfish ambition of somebody else. Wo understand that in hell, what ever that Is, only tho guilty Buffer. But in war It Is 'the Innocent that suffer nnd tho guilty alt back In somo safe place and grab oflt whatever profit or honor thoro Is. Moreover, I am sure that tho sehol- M..n. t.n .Kin flnrl enma iinrt nf arguments, however Inadequnto to .. ...imlu . fiiatlf. Itin nvtatannn iiiiii v iiiiuiin. ... i..a...w ..w .''.'. m .... ., - . 1 nn.l .IflltU I or a noil, since bo iiiuny k""u uuu io men have believed that thero must bo one. nut thero 1b no argument that will! Justify to a reasonable mind the ex istence of war. And besldos. It may bo remarked, there Is nobody who doubts the ex istence of war. Yes, war la worso In many ways. DR. HORSFAIiTi has MOVED to ROOMS 112-14-15. IRVING BLOCK. Tlmtna.ndpnJs ntlU growing In pop ulation Is ovldonced by tho fact that on tho opontng day of school thoro was a largo Increaso In attondanco over tho opening day last year. Tho enrollment this year was 481 in tho grados nn,d 98 In tho high school, making a total of C79. On the open ing duy last year tho enrollment in tluo grados was 402 and In tho hlgh, school 71, making a total of Q33, or a gain of 40 this year over last. Ban don Recorder. VIENNA FACES A FAMINE PARIS, Sopt. 18. According to a Copenhagen dispatch to the Tomps, a famlno Is feared In Vienna, with in a fortnight. Dispatches from the Austrian capital say thoro aro 260,000 persons without work and tho number Is increasing rapidly. All stores are closed and the poo plo nre despondent. Don't Take Chances lg2 wilh cold nj ,ick. in me ram. Know real wet weather comfort. " - U ZlHBBli REFLEX SUCKER Wtirrpcoof jlitouiK nj thfouah. I'tltttii fitjltt tdgtt Hop ctry drop Iron runnuii in whtf. lb. (roota otciI.p tJ Lulton, $3.00 Everywhere Protector Hil. 75 Cti. A. J. TOWER CO. umkam mtmm BOSTON StnJsrM Calaht imivfji I J&T I -Wt f (u3-fl Win rwv-i--31 r n i i Nr-li i&v - fe a. mmm rmata ..!&K.