mmmMmmmmmmmmmmm yytiii Hi, m FOUR THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1914 EVENING EDITION ,Auii irri t- a r T'Tn ffnC trin. It is n RIAJIJO DJTX I 1 JL1VJLCO tmnshlng French defeat, lnstoad of MIO MAl.ONKV Editor nnd Iub. nlarniitiB hor nto quiescence, ns in DAN K . MaEoNKV Neus Editor 1870, would alarm her Into lending r ' i hor forces, by no means negligible, Official Paper of Coos County. It Is possible tliorqforo, that a. CATHOLICS IX I'XITKD SITATES Thero aro 1G, 007,087 Catholics In the United States, according to tho 1014 edition of tlio Official untuoiic to tho triple entente for tho purposo .Directory. Tho 1014 edition of this nf tlnfuMfllllf l.nronlf nfrnlnut tllA Til .1 lnl.... nlnn ..l.nt... Mint tlmin fi w - -- III . .V.-li-,,ttn, nt Mnrull. " " '"'" """ "?" UUUIIUI) mou Bliuno niufc niu.u .u k ,'-"" ; ';:.,, vungo or nor former allies. Held. Oregon, ' for transmission, t&rougu ine mans ub nuuuuu-ituo mall matter. THE JUItACIiE COSTLY TO NEWSPAPERS 'A big European war will bo a 2 1.224. GOO Catholics under tho pro tection of tho Stars and Stripes. This flguro Is derived by, adding tho Cath olics in Alaska, the Canal Zone, Guam, tho Hawaiian Island?, Porto Rico and tho Philippines to tho to- w film Hilrtn- fr tlio iinivannlinrfl." Hfllll IilCO 811 mm .Piiiimiainhin mnnnirop nf n larco tal number of Catholics in tho Unltod w..v -., u-- -- - " D . ,TH all, pur knowledge of the n- brutality of war ami mo In wJmt wny7 j inquired. "Help poverty i "'-" """; you to soil papers," was tho reply sToirc we are Bomotlmes over-awed j, II, led to feel that It Is tho Brcatest, hc transcending thing. Tel tlic reality of somothlng finer ml lM3 tangible is suggested In Ihc following "extract from "Mld utrfcam," by Will Lcvlngton Com fort, who has been a war correspon dent H varloua quarters ot the .world ind ''writes ns fow correspon dent have' done. "f had come to see tho battle, .crtalco I ' everything for tho battle, fciit' I hit was not granted mo. In stead, I 8w tho deeper havoc of tr.r uio .-dreg-men or tno worm, tic' rngfng poasants down-life. crwrJr'l life, body-consciousness. I fd i' r rcgnrd Chinese and Rus; htn. tinder glass, nor examlno thorn its a passing tourist. I saw somo ytMng that no photographer's lens ever caught. I lay in tlio dirt wltn ,Ha rur rest men In tho world. I jnokll into their faces and saw wyw'f fn tho dopth of agony la Ujb mystic rovelations of it I nco reached out my hand, and It wmt tiT;cn by tho yellow hand of . cooli. Tho touch shook a waver C consciousness through tho thick ness j ssem.-del.'rluiii, and turning 1 foun 1 Uio slant oyes of a brothor in br 'allzatlon. How poor In pic tures -i-c tho battle lines of a hun dred (nmpnlgnB comparod to tho tnlrade of that." It takes nn altogether hlghor phaw of human consciousness to xccogu.To this "mlraclo" of human nMl - bood. Lines of soldiers, Ircnr'tr? of dead, wall of cannon, IpxoIa!-! cottages theso nro np p.trrn' la Ibo most superficial ob tervnthn. But -wlion tho bou! of a Binn lives through this sort or ma terial debauch, It is n mlrnclo worth fonnldi'ring. The- force that swoops ovor mero rfcJcs of bodies is quelled hororo It. TTIjo passion that burns up tho arniuh and vigor of nations pales ReSifde it. It Is somothlng of spirit rrat transconds tho bruto. lot men tlrng It In the inlro as thoy will. Alasl Others may seo your oint ment, but you nlono can obsorvo tho fly swimming around In it. Tho Ink is scarcely dry upon tho prlntod testimony ot ono newspaper mnnagor to tho offect that thd Spanish-American War had cost his publication a tidy threo-quarters of a million net. Tho editor of tho London Post told mo his paper had twonty cor respondents In tho Boer Wnr and cnblo.ratca woro thon $1.20 a word from Capo Town. Tha. African con-, quest was tho biggest mennco to nowspapcr dlvldonds which London htv.) cxiicrlonced In a goncii'tlon. I Bnw dispatches conu from Man ila during our Insurrection thoro Al.'ch cost ?2000 n column. That Included tho jrlco paid tho Bpeclnl corrcspon'dent for Bonding out tho article. Yob. A convention of newspaper proprietors would as q I'ckly lnilo-so a great war for their own mony maklng purponos as u farmers' grange would voto to omj loy a puck of wolves to guard tholr shcop. Philadelphia Public Lslgcr. States nronor. As tho population figures nro tho most Interesting, tho directory odl tor has prepared n list of the twon-ty-flvo states having tho largest number of Catholics, Tho bannor states nro as follows: 1. Now York 2,884,723 Pennsylvania 1,G34,220 Illinois ... . , 1,395,892 Massachusetts 1,395,802 T THE (JLOItY OF WAR F'tV Is a 11 t!o nlcturn Hint SIDELIGHTS OX THE WAR. COPENHAGEN.- Tho Berlin pa per Nouo Zelt says that since tho mobilization tho Doborrltz road has been strongly gunrded by n grenadlor guardB regiment from Spandnu. Last week tho kaiser motored along tho road, his chauffeur continually sound ing tho emperor's special horn. Nev ertheless two sentries stopped tho car, asking for tho permit. Tlio knlccr said from tho window of tho enr, "I should think that my motor car might havo been known ns Imperial property." "Woll, your majesty," replied ono nf tho sentries, "wo arc commanded to bring to a standstill and Investi gate nil cars without exception." LONDON. Frenchmen In London now havo a nowspapcr of tholr own. It is tho first French dally nowspnper In England. Its title is IEcho do Franco. 2. 3. 4. G. G. 7. 8. 3. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 1G. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 2G. w s (i it )) IN Carbon Hluea In Price and Shortage Is Feared CHICAGO. Sopt. 18. Chlcngo mo tion picture houses nro facing car bon famine. There Is a variance of opinion ns to what offect prolonga tion of tho European wnr will havo upon tho motion picture world, tho nusBlmlsts aavlne theaters may havo 9'1'? , 1 a I'lln to Buspond and tho optimists holding UUUISIUIIU ......... uou,uuu Michigan G82.G00 Wisconsin G78.195 New Jorsoy 565,000 MlBBOttri 470,000 Minnesota 461,950 Connecticut 438,483 California 410.000 Texas 313,000 Iown 277,005 Rhodo Island ....... 270,000 Maryland 261,000 Indiana 230,238 Kentucky 166,070 Now Mexico 140,573 Kansas 130,700 New Hampshire . . . 130,081 Malno ..r.. 124,400 Nebraska 115,959 Colorado ... ...... 109,182 THE OLUCKIXO HEX. PARIS. Stephen Plchon In an edi torial In the Petit Journal quotes Na- helps us to-Mindbrstand tho poloon ns saying to Mettornlch Ktory nnd tho Rrnndour of moil am warfaro. It Is taken, In suh uLxncv, rrom tho "Petit Journnl," of Paris. It concerns n recent attnek y' ho Germans on tho last or tho Belgian forts at Llegc. , Tho assault was made by night, In Olo hopo of surprising tho defenders under cover of darkness. Tho ns ittiUijJs sueoi-eded In getting closo Dm forts. But Fiiddonly thoy fourju thcmUrTllr-ntnrtRled In a wrong noi.worK of barbed wire." A man llko mo cares llttlo for n million lives." To which Motternlch replied: "You aro lost. I thought so whon I camo here. Now I am certain." M. Plchon says It will bo tho snmo with tho kalaer after many battles. TRAINED MEX FOR IIOATS Under arrangements contemplated by tho International Convention of Snfotv at Sea. uassoncor Btonmorn Now, ordinarily lmrliml wifn it., ronutrcd to carrr n cortaln r HioiiEh. particularly In tho dark.! number of certified lifeboat tnon. In ia those wires woro charged wltn poweniJi electric curront. Th& orewoiJt Tnnks of tho beslogora vero oloctrocuted, tholr bodies burn uiA In tho darkness with spurts or Bftuslly TfluVflftmo. Wlion the wires woro clogged vllii boilles tho curront lost its pow er Tho Germans thoroupon rharRoff over liio hoad nnd rushe In solid JnaJWH lOwnrd tho foits. Tlia from tha slIIV silent 'jrta cnnie tho flop of dozons of power Ju isairdiUghts. Tlo nBsall-ints iyvrw tllhdcd by tho plaro. Thoy Itusluted nnd started to retire. At thai n.omont tho nllonjv wns brokni by rlfp volleys, and a, moment later tlu artillery was concentrated on the- -wavering columns Holpless itg.Uh.t tho Invisible onomy, marked or KUughter by thoso pitiless soarch HkIiIs, tho Germans fell In windrows. Ju places their bodies woro piled newi'ml feet hlnh. iwo coiumus of Gorinans, In tho ordor to Induco seamen to nocuro certificates, oomo additional remun eration will havo to bo offered. In Liverpool the' lines prppoao to pay flvo shillings per month extra to seamen holding tho 'British Board of Trndo certificates aa Ilfoboat men. -r-Kx. ami:ricax speed roat goes MILE IX r SECONDS Tho fastest tlmo ovor mado tn American wnters by any sort or craft was made on July 3, 1914, by tho hydroplane "Kitty Hawk VI" on tho Illinois RIvor at Peoria, 111. A measured milo was coverod In 1 mln, 6 sec, or at tho rato of 54. 54 miles nn hour. This tiny vessol, only 2.1 feot long, has a 24-cyllndor gas ollno motor, generating 300 hp. nt 1600 revolutions per mlnuto. daxtllng light, lost tholr hearings tttia attacked ench ntlinr Tim .,. teal. .Runners watohed tho strugglo fur n whllo nnd then "flrod Into otU aides nllko to mako tho fight more ovon." SM)U there Was nn morn u-nrlf fr- th. Kuns nnd all wn dark again. JJut tiiei-o was no more bIUmico. All that aight tho groans of tho wound ed were "heard. A ploasnnt pleluro? Hardly n nr now thnt has not scenes Jut as agreeable and ennobling. v0 iilhjiI a new definition of wnr. Gen-i-ral Sherman's Is too tamo. ITALY'S POSITION Italy Is placed In a hard position. Ttilu wnr 1b nono of hor seoklng, and vlUi England and Franco sho used her Influeuco .for poaco. Slnco tho outbreak of the war she has kept iicuiral, feeling Justified In doing so by the termB of tho alllnnco nn.i !. caueo Austria had not consulted her .!( piunging into war In tho Dal Laws, says the Snrlnufloltl iinimiiii can. From th outsot It has been nn, impossibility for the government, v- . i i u ",8'"seu. to wago war as Aus tria, a ally; tho question .for some lay has been whether publlu ludlg iinUoii wpnld not force tho govern wel to declnro war against Austria. there have been rumors of an Im poiiOluK mobilization, nml tim r..n.,.o lrav heen denlol; It la quite possible ttiii tho decision may rest upon tho """-"iw oi tno groat name now in IiiogTusa. in 1870 Napoleon III lrad hranught tho aid of both Italy and Aastrli ngalnst tho formidable power ii i iuut, out uom were tnen weak, nml both held off after tho French anny had begun to go to pieces aftor t!w entitle attack nt Moltko. Rut whether French defeats would havo a aVnllar effect now Is not so oortaln, foe wceral reasons. For ono thing, j Inly foam that aftor deHort'ni? iir nUla alio would havo no mercy at urar uuun ii iiinu nnnnlil win Ami hHq Temomtr tkaipu hand ot Aus- UXCLE SAM'S SQUAW i Tho old gray hen has thlrtcnn chicks, and round the yard she claws and picks, nnd tolls tho wholo dny long; I lean upon tho garden fence, nnd wntch tho hen of llttlo sense, whoso Intellect Is wrong. She fs the most Important lion thnt ever in tho bnunts of mon n wnsto of effort mado; sho thinks If sho should ccaso hor toll tho wholo blamed nnvlorse wouid spoil, Its Institutions fade. Yet vain and trifling Is hor task; she might 'as profitably bank and loaf throughout tho year: ono luruuntor from tho store would bring forth hot ter chicks nnd moro thnn fifty lens coul rear. Sho ought to roe: her scratching legs, got down to tacks nnd lay somo eggs, which brlnt; tho vn'ued bucks; but In hor vain por- vorled way. bIio says, "I'm domed If I will lay." nnd hnnds nut foolish clucks. And ninny men nro Just tho same; thoy piny somo Idle, trifling gome, nnd think thoy'ro sawing v.ood; they hnto tho work that's In demand, the JobB thnt count th'.'vcnn no', htniid, and nil their tol'.'s no gocd. Wnlt Mason. that tho worst thnt can hnppon Jb hh inlvnnco In oxponscs. Carbon already has rlson In prlco. Tho fact that most carbon usod is Importod from Austria and Gormany has added to the approhonslon of tho timid mnnngoni. Others scoff .nt tho Idea of a carbon fninlno, say ing thero 1b enough In tho United States nnd Canada to supply nil de mands, no matter how great. All conepdo ljawovor, tho Old World enr bon Is bottor for tho purposo nnd thnt picture producers mny hnvo to rut up with nn Inferior nrtlclo un til the wnr Is ovor. Fow nlnrmlsts nro to bo found In Chicago. Motion picture men In tho smnllor clttos ot tho stnto, Au rora. Elgin, Jollct, R'ockford, Gales burg, Bloomlngton, Decatur, Dan ville, Sprlngflold nnd Peorln woro tho first to tnko alarm. Many such managers nro laying In n supply of enrbon nt a slightly lncrensod price. ORIGIN OF TSLUir SAILOHS LINGO SILO IB Poorly nttcMM onlv'ff' ' Z mio export whn !, .' " orvtelng the silo workf! Up. & FIVE POIXT8 OF A DAIltf COW Tho flvo points to bo observed! In selecting a good dairy cow nro: 1st. Largo body and especially mlddlo ploco, Indicating a capacity for eating and dlgestjug a. Tot of food. 2nd. Thinly fleshed backbone and especially back of tho shoulder. This Indicates that tho food 1b not mado Into flosh.. ; 3rd. Largo-udder, as It Is hero that tho milk Is mado. 4th. Largo milk wetTs. It Is through theao that tho blood returnu HIGH SCHOOL XEWS. Queer Phrases Used by the Murines Aro Ilorrowed From Rccog- ognlcd IjniigungfM LONDON, Sept. 18. Practically ovory rocognlzod lnngungo haB been callod upon at some tlmo to holp In building up tho vocabulary of tho soa. "Davy Jones," for liiBtnnco, might bo tnkon to refer to boiho dead and trnnn Wntnlimnii tint tlm nnmn ln ,in rlrcd from qulto another sourco. Ono "? conncrtfon with tha11 fkh .1.n..1.1 ..!, l,tt.... .. rlcilltllrnl . . " ll,B Ortfn. . locker,", for thnt was tho orlglnnl f.ntnnd spoke. It . I v ' P'm "Duffy" (being tho West Indian namo thftt n,ro rnnclicrs nJ i !'' for a spirit or ghost and "Jonah ro- wfcr not present to avail ()TlrTa lurnnB to mo propnoi. - '"u "isiructlro talt nn ii ,e"t I Another expression gradually cor- ,nB f bIIos, tTi pronoriiL 6.k,l!M- 'I ruptea out or its originni form s uv";- ; i- Sm th, cboi .. . tM. A tho "dodgo wntch" becnuso it lasts Backed by tho snmn .1?,"1i onlv two hours, nml ivnn Intnmimi tn Mr. Smith, nni.i .r... .'. alendigM Ingnrit l.n tl.n ., n ...... .I..II - -. tnnnllnr.- .1 " "'67 hrl .. J bo orr duty ovory day during tho Point ami th0 CTattscn r.i,.i. Mml samo hours. , lower Coqullle. ch 01 ure jury must nas Homing in common with tho "twolvo good mon -and trno" oxcopt Its derivation. from tho nnmo French word "Jour" . HlUHy 1116 Watfirfrnnl moaning "ono day." The Jury mast ZZ :, In nroplnit tntminriillv "for n .low" ThO Elizabeth lnMiZ,Tr" Just as tho Jury, In Its lognl sonso, ",,nK nt c o'clock bound for Vt monnt n tribunal summoned for n C,8C0, 4wnn. short tlmo. , "Tho "Bhfet anchor," tho largest ,,A' DANCE I'MTFonMSWil anchor carried by a ship, should and Market, 8nturdnr nM. J; roany uw tfic "shot anchor," and Is so called' becausa of Its great size, which alTows It to shoot out in enso of emergency. "Port" Is n comparatively now oxprcsslou. In tho old dnys they usod to refer to "larboard" nnd "Bturbonrd." "8tnrboard" has noth ing In common with tho twinkling stars In Its henvoim; It Is dorlvcd from tho Anglo-Saxon "steurbonrd" or "stoerBldc." In ,Vlklng tlnlcB tho Kiuioys woro stcorcu uy is woro Btcorcu uy nn onr. --..!. . .... .. TTrorx. ,....,11 wl,n irrmTimtn,! In H.n'WIllCU UIO IIOimRIlinil 1101(1 Willi Ills -r' i.. '.-.i i.. T.. " i.. ,. .. ,i. "B"t Iint- .."Lnrbonrtl" probubly viomi.ii .... . u....u jo .11 " was a corruption or "lower bonnr rifgh School this fall. tho larboard ttldo being inforlor to Thn Illch Hnhool onrolTmnnt In 132. the otllur. Tbrn nro nfi students taklnc Lnt-1 Tho wonI 'tr"l is Arabic. Tiioro nro oo stuucntB taKing L,nt (Bpr,nK frum ,., ot bB , or ,ord Tn, 22 taking German, 20 In penman-iof tll0 8cn, "Cuptiiln" comes from ship, G In shorthand, 22 In bookkeop- tho Latin- "caput," but male Is Ico- fns, N In chemistry, G In physics, 9 tit botany, 11 ln public speaking, 36 In frcsmnn English, 37 In sophomoro English, 11 In Junior English, 10 in Senior English, 28 in ancient history, Inutile nnd means "companion" or "equal." "Coxswulii" tirts a curious origin. Tho "coxswain" wns n man who pulled tho last oar In tho captain's boat, which was described as the "cockboat." This, in turn, Vitfia n nnHdiinrfnn f oittnll vmitnl 3T In modern history. 13 In English 'f0Vr 0 Itive llsk nn.1 history, 19 In Amorlcnn history, 39,Wyo, nnd' known ns n "cornclo." In freshman nlgohrn 34 In sopho moro algebra, 33 1m ptano geoniotry 22 In typewriting, T2: In commercial arithmetic, manual' training, 135, boys' cookery 24. Data on High School cooking classes not nvnllablo to date. T.Iiq teachors oft tho grades and Hlgfi' School woro gtren n llttlo "got .togolhor" reception; on Saturday last by Miss HarknosB, Mbb Mooro, Mlbs Grltffn, Miss O'Connor and Mis, ReosO.' 'RofroBhmcntB woro sorwd turouKii inuBO iiiii. mo utoou reuirnii. . . ..., .,. ... . . ., ,. ..1 coiib bIIiik of ten. sandwiches and to the heart from tho udder. If J l""D"',l,I"t ,., thoy nro largo, It Indicates that a, """' largo amount of blood will pass through the udder. . , nth. Largo, clear eyes. This In dicates good norvos, and thoy drive tho organs of dlgeotlon and milk-making. SCRATCHING FOR A LIVING "Mary. Mnry, qulto contrary, How doth your garden grow?" "My notghbor's chickens Hnvo raised tho dlcktms ABk them thoy ought to know." WAR MAPS, 10e, ,t COOS; BAST TIMES OITT1CR. WAR MAI'S, lOo, nt COOS HAY T1SIES OtfFICE. Read The Times for the Latest War (Written for Tho Times.) When Undo Sam comes down to town lie always rides a squaw; She has a screech llko a gutona hen, Tho worst I ovor saw. Sho also has two cylinders, Two pistons also thero, Needles, nuts and bolts nnd pins, Hut nlns, sho has no hair. She has a box for making -gas, A tank to hold her oil, Sho's coated with a varnish thick, Her complexion wouldn't spoil. Sho also has her spokes and rims Her rubber-covored tires, Sho also has a light In front, That's run by copper wires. Two handles to hang on by A monkey seat behind, Another one tor Uncle Sam A handy rig you'll find. This squaw of Sam's will almost climb Right up a cedar polo Out sometimes In a cranky fit sue puts him in a hole. One times sho tried to bunt a Ford Rut got boneath tho car, When Sam got off without a scratch That boat the squaw by far. Another tlmo sho lilt a horse That packed a preacher's wife, Tho squaw, and horso. wont down tho hill And no ono lost his life. Now Uncle Sam wears whiskers While gloves upon ono hand Rut still he rides that squaw ot his And rides to beat tho band. HEARSAY. Koyzor'a FAREWELL Dance, SWap son's I'AVILLIOX, WED., SKIT. UiJ. DANCE at FINNISH HALL BVT UllDAY eve. Given by LINNEA LODGE. KKYZKH'S ORCHESTRA. The "Selling Expense" And the Advertising "Expense" Tho obsolete notion still persists, In somo merchants minds, that to Incur a largo advertising expen . dlturo would necossltato an Increas ed selling price for tholr goods. The patrons of stores know that this is not truo and all merchants should know It. Advertising makes tho "machinery of distribution" In a Btore run keeps It busy with tho result that the merchant benefits by tho fullest possible distribution of his goods In the shortest possible space of time. The wise merchant would rather make a dollar of profit from three sales made ln tho same space of tlmo and with the samo "running expense" than to make fifty cents profit on one Bale. And In making a larger volume of sales, and divid ing his per-salo profits with his cus tomers, he Is alldlng largely to his store's prestige and to the "good will" which It enjoys. COOS RAY TIMES Phone lUtf. I 4 Coxswain- name. Is-, therefore, n Wolsh Ready for Work. Supt. Ashby Is having the- big bltullthlc mlxor haul ed out from tho docks today to have It In roiuUncsfl to start tho paving work as-noon ns tho weather will per mit. ' ' 1 Don'o forget th lllir Fair nt Myr tle I'olttt, Sept. 2:1 to 2A. I Koywr's FAREWELL Danro, Simp- son's. PAVILIJOX, WED., SKIT. JW.r COOS HAY TIMKS OFFIGK. i Your next visit to a storo should be mado In nnswor to an nd. in to- UM D HfVl . 4 - I WAR MAPS. 10c, nt COOS HAY TIMES OFFICE. - GRAND HEATRE O-NIGHT T Miss Mnbol Ttunncl la Edi son's latest photoplay, .MEG O' TIID MOUNTAINS A story photographed In tbt mldBt ot beautiful mountain scenery. Our palrom can it pond upon theao two-reel Edi tion productions ns being hip. est perfection In motion pic tures. HER YOtfXGIIlt HISTKIt A single reel comedy (tit urlng MISS FLOKBNCE TUR NKR, late or tlio VIUjnjA Co. Evury ono knows tbli popular yonng actress. Sot hor tonight at her best lth sa all star cast ot her own eon , pany. A XIGUT AVITH A MILU0S A story adapted from Mon soy's, magazine pictured bi tha Ksaanay Company, ft urlng that star ot fllmdom. Francis X. Hushman. TIIK SUBSTITUTE HKIu A Sells melodrama that wltl i Disease. " Flvo reols. All new. Call drn 5 cents, adults, 10c . vtJnnrlnir. Mlsa Fl0Ml Tumor In "Tho Harper MJ . tory. In turco nets. Sunday matlneo nnd TtH 2rTbe'Ubp&rd' Foundllwt , A big wild animal feature wlta 1 Kathlyn Williams. sj i i JSsMMBBC '" f 1 u LOWER THE HIGH COST OF LIVING Eat Rice M. J. B: PUa'UWBLEAGME& RICE, the best In the world, In 25nd 50c Sacks PUFFED RICE 15c HECKER'S STERILIZED BREAKFAST RICE, Cooks In nine minutes ' RICE AND CHILI, 2 for 25c JAPANESE RICE CAKES -25c 1 ASK FOR RICE RECIPT BOOK IT'S FREE Nasburg's Grocery THE GOOD HOUSEKEEPING STORE u You can buy your Teas and Coffee from us an same old prices. We have not advanced the pno these articles on account of the war. Come in get our prices on bills of goods before sending aw j for them. We can sell you goods as reasonaDie house on the Coast If you treat us the same as yu them, and that Is, pay Cash. uniiCF COOS BAY TEA, COFFEE AND SPICE HOUit PHONE 304 If Kmrnm . AiV Brffl