fUjMi 'wwimiiWHmiWii," ti1 """..."HrJIUj ,, ;-u'fjPfl3i tS THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1914 EVENING EDITION THREE The Central Avenue Booster 01 ! CHXTHAL AVUNUK, MAltSHFIBLD, SF.PTHMH Kit 18 101 1. NO. 7. "Zm. AVENUE UOOSTEH lUE C "T7i rvcrv Friday In the Inter bMM,c,1 Mci j Jn Gcnon1 nnd " , ,o In Particular. R- rrrr, price Your good will, M,cr ?. lJ.l,l i In the Uoostcr Club. isd "" : i r ouit rijATi'uii.ii. i B(reet Ono Flnr,. One Country, 0" I1!? onn Wlfo at a time. Ot'It HIILIGION To Do Good. Ot'U POLITICS Moro Business. i.i.j at tho Postbfflcc as strictly S...i Has nmttor; tucro is noming dSSj''outCciitral Avenue. "" Ol'lt STAFF. .t.n.nlnc IMItor "Nntlonnlly " ,':, ,T. T. Hnrrlcnti. P ... .. t. 1- ritritttiia. 'M"11 " ",' .r..k ERiold Department llnrry .Mac Cl,nS lV,mrtmcnt-G..uly KM" LbyBIHo' IvyCnlnin. Ultulli nun i"""1 " re". '""''.V. A..m.. i.vi,.... VKcrinnry lMlior Geo. niimlnim. Cfnlcn i;i "' """ Ail- Pwifc!liJ J. RESCniCTIOH IN lLlltl41 TCn HI J-rilT rT fRAhrt D tQMAH MARSMritLO, OR 10 ON. The Central Avenue Drug Store I I). CO 1 1 AX HIUSOXAL MENTION ' IKUOKNK CHOSTIIWAITE Biiyu lie vouUln l uo in Kiiii"iu t' iiii-thlnc. CLAY Clll'ItCII, "Tho Owl's" rlght- hjnil mnn. ib rnpmi.v ui-cuihiuk sntliuslantle nutomobllcst. IlIARRV M'KKOWN requested that nt mention ma name occninuiiiiiiy In Tho Uoostcr. Iloro gooH llnrry. FRANK I'PGSLBY wnB going to build n IIOIIBO, mil no tiny a iiuw he l saving his inonoy for it firing mnclilno nnd will llvo In bit rmtles In tlio nlr. Ip N Vl.MW nnd fninlly loft UiIb tck for tlic unrison rnncu on Coos Itlvcr whoro Phil will try to flap fortnno by becoming it full-floilKcd rnnclior. Does Service Means Anything to You? Think It ovorl Is It hotter to trade nt n drug store where ev ery courteous nttcntlon Ib given to send you nwny completely stitlsflcd? Or thnt you trade lit some store or Indlrfor ont metlioils, whore tho only object Is to get your money T Satisfactory service ndds vnltio to the goods you buy. Our sorvlco IS satisfactory. Wo innko It bo. For yenrs bavo been following this flno prin ciple till It mis built up our present splendid busi ness. Tho satlsfa'lon of our customers therefore, nna proved oi.r greatest nshft Wo want viur trur.o, and In rcttir.t we pron-Iso to give you the boar of drug storo goods nt tho lowest prices and. In addition, to eivo you aor vlco that .v.'ll ppsnro your friendliness and con tinued patronage, 131 m& Ht i r The Central Avenue Drug Store !'. I). COIIAX OWlf t2!!LZ4 J- nESCniRTION. lXHAiirBAcne-, 3ih tut Mtn ran nnh JiULthID fftANK O VOMAM MAHMfHLO,CRtOON. 1 Create aim Estate by Insuring yourself In tho MASSAtnilJfillTTS .MUTUAL L1KK ixstr.Axei: co. nt SHIPMAN BROS. ;!07-:tON Oiko ltiilldlng. imioxi: -.un-n A. E. NKKF, our popular hardwaro' norcbnnt, says tlio iiormnns couin mako It hotter for tho Froncli If they had ono of IiIh Iiontora. Some little Jokor, AI. IritAXK COM VN, our inannglng edi tor sny Itc would rniiiur no in "The Owl" on Central Avcntio than bo In tho King's pnlnco In Belgium. I CUV CHWIHKItS riivo yo Bcrlho n fUe-ccnt clmtr tho othor day and o imokrl It to tho bitter end. P may have boon a bribe, mid e liavo been trying to thiulc hat wo linvo on Guy. ( IDAVB M FFOHD VayH oino Cen-I tral Atcmii' mon who ennt ralro a link en tholr hoad can raise a Irt of doiiKh simply by hIkuIii a !' k I lair Isn't ovorytlilut In this wor'd. St-attlo Man Men". S. O. Until, the annieiiiicnt nrbltor of fun audi foolblnicss In Scnttlo Iimh boon a Central Avenue visitor this wnoK and was r how n around the comors, br our bc.iutv odltor. J. 1. Torroll.i Jfii 's ii'it llttlo ontortnlnor, hlmiclf ami as a boostar ho Is At.! Mr Itulli may decldo to Incato hero ami Intcet In an amusement Pirk or a theatre Ho Is welcome to our city nnd that's no Joko. ; llnnilar Sriin- .Mr. anil Mrs. Knv i nin..-". . . : . .. i uiiivniii rfiiii-iipii from inoir o n- Jn? trip early Inst Saturday morn rlns and rcnalred nt onro to tholr apartments over tho OUIvnnt & Weaver Storo llnvlnL' trnvnlnd all F night they retired and slept soundly !niu auout 12 o'clock when liny rcegan iireparntlons for a venlscn ; dinner Fred Weaver and Phil Flagg bearing tho nolso in tho 0111- TlOt anarlmnnt nml (IiIiiIiImit tli.it 'Itai,waa m,lca nwnv chasing fleer, 1 raODlllilnir n nnasn nlnrtml nt onco' jnobllliiinB a posao atartod at onco invesiiRatc. Phlll Flagg lirougtit OUt lllg linrkot lnlfn nml finmlmr It. 'led the way. Fred Weaver follow- ju wna a cheeso knife. Tho door CelOC Inrkoil DM1 nmmiiil Imttornil It down and cnlled on tho bold bur iars to surrender ;ind savo their '"B. Hay OUIvnnt RiirmndureJ 1-romj.tly, hut Fred and Phil say Wres nothing much to this lo wctlve business, anyway. THIS IS T1I12 SI2ASON l-'Olt HEATING STOVES AXD WH ClltltV OX13 OF T1IK LAUGKST LIXI1S OX COO? I1AY Priced From $ 11 .00 to $50.00 IIOX'T lV' A HKATTIt UNTIL YOU KKI TIMS LINK. Marshfield Hardware Co. JUST RECEIVED xicu xi-:v li.nij of IjAtkst stvlks i.v FALL COATS . FOlt SCHOOL (JlltlS PltlCKS .MOST UICASOXAIILU LADIES EMPORIUM Mrs. Nellie A. Owen Central Avenue The SMOKE HOUSE A ' GOOD PLACE FOR AN HOUR'S RECREATION Enjoy a good smoke and ' a game of billiards The Smoke House Clinudler Hotel lllock, Central Ave. A NEW AUTO One That is Entirely Different From Any American Car Ever Made Will be Announced Shortly. I "Will Havo It. It Will Pay You to Wait. Goodroads Goodrum's Garage Central Aveiiuo PLAN TO TAKE UNDAY DINNER AT THE Charadleir Hotel a Good Menu The Hill of Central Avenue BUYING A TYPEWRITER? If so, I have the following factory rebuilt mach ines on hand: Itonilngtons No. 0 . ,$Wh, C. Smiths 955 Itoniliigton Xo. 10 $3,5 Underwood Xo. 5 800 $5.00 cash; $5.00 per month. All machines Binir. antccd for ono year. Also ribbons and carbon paper. CARL L STOCKIM . . Sales Agent. 222 Central Avenue. Underwood Typewriter Co. Tel, 350, Wales Visible. Adding .Machine, American Multlgraph Co. ' I CICXTHAL AVKXUH JOTTINGS. I Open Season. Tho open season for umbrellas is here. No IIurijIaiH. No burglars on Central Aveiiuo yet. Hero's our sympathies, Davy Jonco. Auto Accident. There was a pe culiar auto accident between the Chandler hotel nnd North I) end tho othor day. The driver forgot to col lect my fare, School Opens School opened! Mondny and there was a prompt mobilization of tho Central Avcnuo, bachelor squad to prepare fpr the coming cninpnlgi... Too Dangonius. A mnn dropped dend the other day wltllo buying a birthday present. Yo Kdltor'o wife's blrtbdny Is tomorrow, but I told her we couldn't afford to take chances. Flood Dauinuc. Old Jupiter Pln vlus broke Into tho Hub Dry CIockIb Storo t);o other night nnd put things In soak. When Jack Carter heard It he said ho has had his cyo on old Jupo for several Weeks now. Cnili Club Will Act J. T. Hnrrl gnn experts to cnll a special meet ing of the Crab Club soon to tnke action on tho ISuropcnu War. J. T. Ib In favor of tho allies, but Em peror William also has some friends nnd result may bo a resolution of neutrality. "Ijidy Itouullfiil" Goodrum. "When llttlo fellows who "dnddyV work In " 'oblle." possibly FordB. enn't find oltllor "tholr candy" or their home, Geo. Goodrum believes In rcpnlrlug half their Injury nt lcnBt, and If olio can't provide n now bomb, ono should nt least provide now "candy." Cent ml Atomic fiirtingc Tlio war on Central Aveiiuo wnH short, sharp nnd decisive. The colors from the Coke building with stream ers nnd bunting flying, met tho Myrtle Arms on the right wing nnd retired. It was no con tho way the first regiment wont down. Tho war censors refused to permit tlio details to bo given out. A Large Share of Your Earn-. ' ings Go for Kutnblos. So why not sou that your money Is wisely spent. There Is freshness to think about and cleanliness and economy. Thts Hiiggcstfl to us that Cook's Grocery might bo of forvlcu to you because ItB aim Is to dent in grocery goodness. How woll It succocdu Is a mattor for ouch customer to do oldo personally. Wb would bo glad to hnvo YOUR opinion. Cook's Grocery The Oldt'ht (JitKcry Stoio on Central Avenue. ---wri4B8ij, Houses For Rent i have houses for rent 'in Marshfield bunker hill AND BAY PARK See me before you locate Aug. Frizeen OH Central Ave, Phono 1H1-J. Before Parting With Your Money IN IJUYIXG ItHAL KSTATK SKCURK A COMPLKTK AllSTItACT FHOM THH Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. Which is prepared to turn out First Class Work. This will save you an noyance and expense afterwards, ve also look after assessments and pay ment of taxes. Mni-flhfleld office in Col.o ISullding opiKislto Chandler Hotel. Phono 1J-J. Coqulllo Office adjoining Farm er!.' Iiaulc IUpck. Phono 1111. llamlou Office, McNnlr llnildliig. Fhqno 182. Henry Sengstacken Manager .. . kk Hl vliHI HHHiBlHji er?ti4t, ti m imimhi CIIOCOLATHS "Tlio Candy of Character" STAFFORD'S WELL KNOWN STANDARD IS EX CELLED IN THIS LATEST PRODUCT CHASE & SANBORNS COFPEE . THIlKK ItLKXDS, !Wc, IOo and I3e l'KIt POUND. TIIKSK COFKKKS 1IAVH HIX STANDAItl) IX THH UNITKIJ STATICS l-'Olt FIFTV YKAItS PIONEER GROCERY CO. SIJLLINfl AtJMXTS FOlt MAltSIIFIKLD Pliotio 81. ' 81 Central Avcnuo A LITTLE BETTER ALL THE TIME , TERRELL'S Chandler Barber Shop FULL LINK OK Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Van YOUU SUNDAY DIXNKU im:i:x coiin Cl'tTMIIIJUS CKLIMtY 1IKAI) LICTTUCi: ItADIKHKS CAIIHOTS ItlCII IIKKTS ,. C.U'LIFLOWKIt SWKICT POTATOES HT1UXG BHANH i:g PLANT ' , i T-uvo Your Ordcra For Pickling ('iirimibcrH OUHvaimit ,&iWeaer puiii: FOOD GltOCCItS. ' E. I. CHANDLER. "Marinp .Af,ci(ont "I y? insurance )ny . - Auto kw Burclary i C0KI3 MUILD1NO ni'shi'iold Oregon t). it Open An Account With The First Naitioinial sik Of Coos Bay AVAIL YOURSELF OF ITS SUPERIOR FACILITIES Safe Deposit Boxes In Burfjlar-Proof Vaults for Rent at Low Rates. Central Avenue Marshfield, Oregon How about that new piano? We have a fine line of instruments to' select from. Terms can be arranged to.siiit your convenience. Wiley E,;A11ers o. -' L. Ti. THOlAfy lgr. . CENTRAL AVENUE'.',- RUSSELL .BLK. , H , .i . h: ,-5Mtt.'jLii A .&lsik; m