WVM TWO THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1914 EVENING EDITION. 4 hk COOS BAY TIMES (M. C. MALON13Y Editor mid Tub. AN E. MAIjOM-JY News Editor Official I'nper of Coos County. Entered at thol'oslofflco nt Marsh (told, Oregon, for transmission through tbe mnlls ns second-class mnll mntter. MUSIC HV WIKELKSS. LONDON writer snys that the strains of a gramophone play ing the "Merry Widow Waltz" and "God Savo the King" were heard lately by wireless In tho Nelson steamship Hlghlnud Scot, during n voyngo to Buenos Aires, by the first officer, John Deauorotteh Wlsomau. The boat wns passing Vigo at the time, and It was afterward found that tj.o ship from which tho wireless camo was a prlvato yacht, 300 miles nwny . This is Interesting ns a novel and remarkable attainment, but what about the practical results? It In to bo hoped that tho ears of helpless persons tho world over are not to be Ucslogcd by wireless music in addi tion to tho lnrgc variety of sounds which arc clnssed tinder that head which are dally hoard. A PRKIHCTIOX THE NEW YORK HERALD has the following special dispatch from London: "A prominent diplomatist of the highest official standing in n neutral Kovernment, who happens to bo In .Europe observing tho developments, rcdlc(8 thnt tho Kaiser will ninke. tho first overtures for penco within two months. Ho snld: 'It is clear ly eMilcnt that the Russian advance wilj wtlta tho Cot-man's' position un- lotiniiio in tho long run. It is equal iy eviaoni mat mo Knisor cnnuot arrant to pormlt the Fnthorlnnd to ba r rushed In tho final stniio or Ihn struggle, ns ffnnl defeat, oven nrtor enny inllltnry achievements, would menu thu probable loss of his im perial crown nml serious internal trntihln In Oormnny. ".'Diplomatists who nt first took tho vlow that this would bo a fight to n finish are now taking tho view thnt tho Kaiser will endeavor to end the struggle with n grand flourish of German trumpets, even though Germany gets no fruits of victory.' " Arrive Today. Amo Moreon, R. E. Irwin and wife, V. E. Wheelock mid wife, and Mr. Dunning arrived here on the Adeline Smith today. Mr. Wheelock Is the general malin ger of the company and came up for a short stay. No one on tho Adeline saw any trace of any ves sel In distress, Indicating that the report from Rogue River was in correct. 'FREIGHT TAX 15 CUT OUT WITH THE TEA AND THE TOAST THE OIRIj OX THE CLAIM. 'TU a shnck In the open the girl calls It home, And the winds of the prairie all murmur the name She has driven her stakes and lias furrowed the loam, And high Is the head of the girl on a claim. She tho fears not the nlght( nor storm In Its wrath She Is proud of her day when the sun sots like flame: No prlson-llko shop casts Its shade o or her path There Is hope on the faco of the girl on n claim. She is winning, each day, toward the coveted prize She Is beating adversity's heart breaking game; There Is courage sublime shining out of her eyes Hats off to the girl who has staked out a claim. War Revenue Bill Will Make Banks, Brokers, Amusement and Tobacco Dealers Pay tOt Auaclithl rrws to Coo Oar TIbim. WASHINGTON, D. C Sept. 17. As ngreed on by tho Domocratlc caucus and tho administration lend ers, the war rovonuo bill wns re frained to elimlnnto tho freight tax and prorltle special levies. It will tax banks with capital and suplus not exceeding $25,000 nt $50 per year ana ?z ror ench additional thousand. It Includes n tax of nil i stock and commercial brokers. amusements nnd tobneco dealeru from $G to $100 per year. Tho stamp tax covers ail forms of checks, notes, conveyances, wnro house receipts and Insurance pol icies. Tho stamp tax ranges rrom two cents on drafts for ench $100 to $1 on lenses. Tho wine, beer and gasolino tnxes aro retained in tho measure. DEAN SUMNER OREGON BISHOP THE GERMAN SITUATION. It ovor wins n 4 I Those auto holdup men of tho I I Emplro stage probably wanted to I get rich by easy stages. I I For stealing a heart more than I ono Coos Day man is serving a I llfo sentence. Chicago Episcopal Prelate is Elected to Succeed the Late Bishop Scadding (Df Auoclatot! Prtf to Oo Dr Tlmss.J CHICAGO, Sopt. 17. HIb election In Portlnnd last night to the Episco pal Uldhoprlc of Oregon camo ac it surprlso to Dean Walter T. Sumner, when tho news wns given to hint o- uuy. "The Oregon cnll Is Important, ' no sain, "anu i cannot announce my decision until I have given the sub ject careful consideration." US M in i win iviv Tho right and left wings of the Gorman nrmy are evidently having soiiio feathers pulled out of them. Neighborly sympathy, ns n rule, turns out to be about three-quarters curiosity. Success worth having never arrives unexpectedly. The norlnl fleets aro working hard, They fly with might mid mam They soar nbove the Eiffel towor And then fly back again. When tho Germs from Oormnny attack the Parasites from Paris they niny have to call In n few Irish Mike-robes to settle tho Is- m ERMANY. If Uji smashing victory ovor Franco and England, will find wisdom in seeking to end tho world-war nt once Her foreign commerce of $t. 400.000.000 annually Is already lost. Her Imports of raw mnterlnls nnd ex- por i . .".ilshcd ptodiictH nre ended. BUe, unuuumiiu oi wnr wouia oniy mini herclf nnd her former customers. Lemberg hns fallen. Cnmmombert Her manufactures. Industries mid nnd Roquefort nre likely to be In- ommerce are her economic life. Tho vested nnd they nro marching on xnore ste succeeded In war tho moro Netifchntol. Ohf cheese Itt the would wreck her future. Russia, wnvnn. 'vwwwwwwm and England can fight longer than' in action. This Is oulto unllko tho Russian Report Continued De feat of Enemy Two Thou sand Germans Captured liif Aiaoclslsd I'rws lo Coo 2s Tim.) PETROGRAD;. Sept. 17. A semi official statement: says that Russian troops are purstifng tho Austrlaim with energy mill' ifcfeut of the en emy contliiucB; Certain Aiistrlnn nrmy corps hnvo been virtually nil BIG FIRE LOSS NEAR TAC01 Absolute Entire Business Section of Mo clips, Seaside Resort, is De stroyed by Flames tnr Aivoctatrd !mt to Coii.llij Times. 1 TACOMA. Sept. 17. Nino storos, forming the entire business district of Mocllpu, n seaside resort, was destroyed by flro Tuesday night. A shift In tbe wind saved tho Mo cllps Hotel. Tho loss was $15,000 with little insurance. ENGLISHMAN SAYS MEXICO MOVE "DESPERATE SHAME" Former lliltlsli" MftiNtci to Mexico Hiij-h United' .States Should Not Witliiltitur Troops. Dt AttvliW I'mi lu ioas t,r Tlinm.l NEW YORK. Sopt. J 7. Sir Llonol Accuracy Always cd tho River Snn. The Enstern Rui- ?J,.i,c?. ".'iLV01 "X "PPo'titoi. Mln- Sinn advance gunrd la approaching r" VV 'Ti' S. 1, '. . .. Promysl. In nil directions roads nro crowded wltlli anfllory, trniiB port wagons mid niunw and ummunl enemy. Cermany, for Russia litis Inoxhaustl bio resources of men and food at -home nnd 'EnglandrWlong as she re mains mistress of the ocean ways, can obtain food for her nntlvo population. J Al'STRIA-HUXrURY DOOMED record of our own volunteer regi ments In which, so ninny of tho nion wore married. As for tho German and French non-couimlssloncd offi cers, they nro In largo part profession al soldiers and family men, like their officers, But their soldiers are too often mere liova lust out of school. . ..B w . .... St.vhN weoks ago tho nged ompor- without appreciation, perhaps, of or Francis Joseph of Austria In- what tho war Is all about. in a Benso sanely nindo war on Servla, reck- these armies aro democratic, becauso fc'BH of the conflagration ho know no tho sons of rich mid poor alike sorvo: Llvurnoor. Is ouotod bv tho Now York City Nows Associa tion nB ninking tho following state- lion we "abandoned lmdurl ZrlSn S1 f tho precipitate retreat of the raomv. , Al V?" tr.00.PH frour.,;rn .9!.. The statement aaya that at Touro-I ITlll ,",, ,' ,.,.,."" m , . U10 blno the Russians captured IIS nieces ' V" ,e i,,..?tB1t An8.RUL" t Jo nban- of long-range Gormnn nrtlllery mid i Zi ,i i t i some r.000 Gorman' pclminen. ,,,? ,iV. h-1!00'1 rT,cl1 5 . 1 ,(I? not know tho reason for this, but ,... nor-r. .rr-n.. Jt would Boom thnf Prraldent Wllsbn FAMOUS BOER GEMERAL ,in8 ,,e" misinformed lii somo mnt- 5HnT nPAn nv am mrr ors nnd lf nnotiiur sMo of tho sit- OI1UI UtMU O-r rULlbtuntlon hnB beon brought to his nt- T, , ... ., . tentlon ho hns not Hocn fit. to listen Hii In victim of to miythltiK that contnUIcts thnsn who hnvo told hi hi the country hnu been pnclfled." flencriil D Iji Hii- In Victim MistJiki'it Identity W Over OrricloiiN Pi)llueinn tl7 Am-miii1 I'rrw ( Cog llif Tlur.1 CAPE TOWN, South Afrfcn, Sept'. 17. Genernl Jacobus HcncfrlcK Da Lo Roy, famous Door General, was TourlstH biioi aim Kiiieu yosioruuy uy poitpo who woro searching for desperadoes Do La Roy and companion were or dorcd to stop tho luttoniobdo they - r at WAR :.i)s rrci: by might klndlo. Todny ho sees not one living Aus trian soldier on Servian' soil. The flower of his army Ib burled beyond tho Danube. Austrian deserters aro helping to renp Servian crops. HIb usurped provinces of Dornln and Ilor gognvlna nro rljie for revolt, ready to bo plucked by the despised nation ho sot out to chastise. The Russian hordes ho defied In his rage aro swarming through Gitllcla and can nonading their way to Vlonnn. Austrian nrmles nru rotten with se dition. Tens or tliounnmls of Poles ro rendy to flock to the standard of their SInv brethren from Russia. Austilau commerco Ib annihilated. Austrian Industry Is paralyzed, Aiis trlnn workmen nro lillo mid starving. To tho south shrewd Itnly wntchos and Is awaiting liar chance to strlko and regain hor "Italy unredeemed" tho fertile lands and rich cities peopled with her own race that link Austria to the Adriatic. Tho women of Austria. Hungary no longor siiffor In' patience. At IJrun they mnrch In procession to the mu nicipal headqunrtors, demanding work or bread. Ilelng denied, thoy break nut In deods or violence until tho mounted police chnrgo nnd scatter them and not a man aiuonc them! Praguo nnd Pllsen hnvo had similar women s riots, terrible In clamor nnd fury, mid moro terrible still in the misery they reveal. Tho dissolution or the Austro-Hun-garlan omplre has long been propho sied. Even In normal times, It seems Impobslblo thnt Its Germans, Hungar ians. Polos ( Czechs, Sorbs and other racial misfits should hold together.' This world-wide cleavage or Teutons nnd Slavs, at a tlmo when tho Imper ial powor Is weaker than it has been slnco the formation of tho Dual Mon archy In 1SG7. makes It eeom Inipos olblo that the empire should survive. Howovor short tho war may be, it may not be so short as the remain ing dnys of Austria-Hungary And not nil the German kaiser's horses and nion will bo able to put tho pieces together ngnln for a Hapsburg autocrat to play with. THE FLOWER OF THE COUNTRY'S YOITII. the educated for a year only, and or Imps In crnvk regiments; but there Is no class lit Franco and Germany that will not pay a terrible prlco In young men for the Inhumanity that la going or. today. A MODEL RATTLE PRAYER. Tho old prlnco of Anhnlt, field unr hnl or Frodorlck tho Great, huvlng been ordered to bring his army to a Ji.nctlon with Frederick's, found him. self confronted by u superior body or the enemy through which ho must cut a way. Disposing his troops ror hit tie, the mnrsha! took off his hat and said very solemnly: "Heavenly Fnthor, I nsk you to glvo mo your aid today that I may not bo disgraced In my old age. And If you can't help us, pleaso don't help those dogs of Austrlnus, but Just lot us right It out among oursolvos." For truo rovorenco we commend that to several sovereigns who nro now assuring tholr own peasants that heaven Is going to assist them In slaughtering peasants who speak n different tongue. -Saturday Evening Post. No Lonuvi" TtotliciYtf AueiltN of rTenortM IDr Amk UlM Prttt IO'Oxm liar TIibm.) PARIS, Sept. 17. Ono of tho tllOHt nntnliln nunnMa nt ln imm i W,J:"V0,Jp '" J?" ?,!?" ?.! commercialized . i.uiu.: hiuu nun wiu.rico Ol I'nriS. Wlloso- arntn In Mm not hear. bullet passed through' the OenenilV heart. U. S. PROTESTS TO TURKEY American AmtmNxiiiliii' IVrsent Oh JectloiiH AguliiNt .trirngntlnu Or Treaties inr AiiarlaltJ lr. in r&A. n Ttmu i .... .., ..,, ....- ,. liuouii nun WASHINGTON. I). c. si,t ir tho few remaining waiters nro sorrv Ambassador Morsonthau at Constnn-' tJint ",0' nro to ofd to bo with iiuiuevarus uos uapuclilns aro so fnmlllnr to Ml A'"tTfcan tourists. Tho destefltabln "Wlhh a guldo, mls tor?" Is no longer poured Into tho ears of the pedestrians In tho Place do 1'Oporn. Tho tableH In front of thu boulavnrd rustunrnnts nro but Bpar8oly surrounded. Eron tho hot ter cnreB nro two-nurds closed nnd Yl'LCAXIZlXO. THE GUNNERY. This is theHfijaH Stove P'sMrikH Use'-WV i ms ot" A Rolglan dispatch recently called attention to tho youth of the 'Gormnn soldiers as lf this were a surprising thing nut tho Gormnn, llko the Trench, standing army Is, of course, composed of boys between tho ages of 18 nnd 24. Each year n third or tho army goes back to civilian lHo and a new third Is recruited, Nono of thoso aro. ot course, married: "honco there are row Widows being itiad o by tho German fighting around Liege, If this la any compensation for the loss of tho flower of tho country's youth. It Is only when tho French and (UlMgn reservists Join tho first lr BWrrled and older mmi urn Should TT'S dlfforent froi I others because more caro h taken In tha making and the materials used aro higher grade. Black Silk Stove Polish Makes a brilliant. ellUypollih that doi not rub odor Uut ofl.auJltioiililnolaiu tour times as lone us ordinary stove polish. Used on unniplo stoves and aolJ oy narawaro ana procrry cenlw AllwaukUBtrUl, Usottoayourci your parlor stove or your kss ninim, uoq i nna 11 in psi iov dmii you vcr uwnJ. your ikalf r U buiIioi-IimJ to rufuiuj your qionty lnUt mi lllack Silk titovo l'oliti. JJiJ la llaulil vr iii uoa quality. Black Silk Stovo Polish Work Sterling, Illinois Uh DUck Silk AlrDrylnsi Iron Knamal on BrrstM.rvgistni.stoveptr.ii'lrvntsrusUnjrl U Utsck Silk M.UI rollth foridvtr, nlolel orbrus, 1 1 bs no oqusl tor u on tutomoUlas. tlnople, was Inst ctod todny to nro test to Tnrkoy against the abroga tion of the capitulations. KING ALHKRT HERO ANiitlan Maid FlyinK to French Soldier .trnke-. lilt Or ASKK.ISIOJ rrs to Coos lit r TlmM.) PARIS, Sopt. t7. A drawing or Alsace, n handsome mnldon, flying Joyfully Into the nrms of a French soldlor, Is tho most popular drawing of tho war so far and It Is being reproduced in all sizes, Including postnl cnr'd8. Tho war seems to have paralyzed tho artists. Thoro nro many Indescribably coarse postal cards, picturing tho Gorman Emperor ns a pig, or sausage, or worse. King Albort Ib tho horu or the war up to ditto and his photographs nro ror salo everywhere. Flags are worn on lapels, homo on tnxlcnbs and displayed over the door or almost every homo nnd shop. There nro many moro British riags in Paris than thero are French Hags In London. tho troops. DOING THi? rMPOSKUILK. A greater .Ironi a lesser sum You cannot take, they say By gum! You can ir yotr resort to tricks, 'TIs easy to tnlte TX rrom SIX. MAINLY AUDIT MONEY. A good end dividend. The boatttj' or a check lies In Its figuro. Floating debts should bo paid In current coin. Hnvlng his- 8alnry reduced natural ly makes a man reel choap. When a man lins money Invested ho takes more Interest in things. Now York Sun. IHjACK SILK STOVE POLISH For Snlo by SCHROEDEK & HILDENBRAND Phono 177. GERMANY'S WAR INDEMNITIES ON BELGIAN CITIES. ir Germany has rined unrortiinato Briissols It has committed a serious blunder which will operate ngalnst It in the sentiment or all neutral coun tries.' To notitral Americans and to belligerent Britons It seems n blun dorlngly harsh Interpretation or the laws or war that will carry heavy pen alties. It Is neither the American nor tho British way to apply these laws In nil their rigor in every Instance. But the German mind Is differently constituted from the American and tho British and has been long steeped In n most arrogant militarism. The United States or Great Britain would reel a respect ror a gallant opponent that would moderate Its rule or the application of the rulo of tho con queror. Nor is It the way or either nation to seek n money solatium ror wounds recolved In action. We did Join the other powers in oxactlng an Indemnity from Chltia, but wo partl- i-iiun-u in uus exaction only to have a lunuing piace wnence we could ex rclse a Irlendlv lufluencn in niitnn'a behair, and we have slnco prnctlcallv remitted the rtne. Both American and British commanders havo acted with severity against guerrillas, but when the heat or tho fighting is over American and British soldiers, as a rule, are not cruelly inquisitive as to what non-combatants did while the fighting was on. r.veiy ui'AHAK uwirer lecom, mends PfXIIAK. THE GUNNERY. i $2000 Per Year AND YOUR LIVING BESIDES. WHAT BETTER COULD YOU ASK? GOOD RANCL- NEAR MARSHFIELD at $20 Per Acre A ranch that will produce 12,000 per year, can be han dled for $2,000 cash. A Splendid Buy If you would like a small ranch on Coos River Just large enough to keep a few cows and do a little gardening See Hold about It. W.A.REID,150FrontSt. Opposite Grand Theater. Telephone 201-J. qjfjee Qpeiv J'Jvenings 7 Q ySfJ-tw. JS wTS bK When you buyfSi new Victor ecor, m SEPTEMb;, NOW Hebe Including all thetatea aiul ANCE RECopJl Wiley B. Al Company ffiffiJ QUATERMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS I OnDosite Blanco Hotel. I I MARSITFTETiP, OREGON Don't former H'K Fair at Myr tie Point, Sept. 2 to 20. Good C t1M ... I Aoiucoaitj AT PRICES THAT PLEASjl $5.00 to $25,0 ELEGANT BLACK UKAYJSiNETTES $20 to $25. When people come u "" x' J.uj; VI1HICSH5 hard to keep them od tf mir sfnw 1? a. ..... u.u.i, ajuu m linlinn pnn'f L-nnn 11.. out They just breaks There's a Reason Come fit and S(t FIXUP Two Stores Mnrshfielu, North M We Have a few More Boxes oi Peaches THAT WK ARK SKlXtNO I'tirt "(W CKNTS I'KR 110X Concord' firm, iht luiMket I Cuntulnup, per dozen J Jitt recrfTwI n new shipment of NATIONAL nrSCUIT CO.". Crucki'r ami Cakes. Try them and you will ue- o other, lltotio- ;t. COOS BAY TEA, COffEE 'AND SPICE HOKE ii ion 1: not The Price of Elec tric Service Has Steadily Decreased Wars and other calamities do not increase electric and gas rates. In season and out thoy remain LOW. PREPARE NOW Have your house wired for the greatest of Modern Tmprovemonts. "AH Modern Improvements" Means ELECTRIC LIGHT Old houses can now be wired quickly and inexpensively. Telephone 178 Oregon Power Company A- .- irrainSE! 'imrmmissmm&mmtoa