rti 'V 1,T vfW? WV-iwcHgyty "1 111' ,"'fIWr..-r -, , .FOUR THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1914 EVENING EDITION. 1 tsjv4cjv shipping! news BREAKWATER IN EARLY Tomr Encountered Some Rough Weather Last Night Hd Big Cargo of Freight The Breakwater arrived In this forendon from Portland with n good list ofvpasscn'tfers and nbout 350 tons or miscellaneous ircignt. sno nau a fnlrUrlp down, encountering somo stormy; weather last night. Among thoso arriving on tho Breakwater woro: Ford Brady, .Mrs. O. Henderson, A. A. Jurctt, Mrs. A. E. Wells, A. C. Ebert, Peter Hollo, Edna O. IHbI), Ida B. Mitchell, F. H. Davis, 0. Hnr lockcr, II. J. Ehlcrs, L. 0. Lowe, W. A. Keller, A. W. Peterson, Miss Bcs slo Moller, A. L. Hatternian, Mrs. llatterman, Robert Burkholmor, Er nest Edwards, V. II. Mclntyro, Mrs. Mclntyrc, P. Mclntyro, P. S. Brln ton, Tom McKlttrlck, P. II. Northoy, Jack Sneddon, T. R. Sheridan, Carl Evcrtscn, .Mrs. Evertson, J. K. Web er, .1. Kelson, P. II. Chanibcrlln. II. l.lnilqulst, A. Nelson and thirty stcer- ogc. UN SMITH IN EARLY T CONCERT 15 REPORT BOAT FHES0GCE5S iii niri i nrnfi in mmm Message From Gold Beach Tells of Vessel in Trouble Off Rogue River Encountered Heavy Storm at Sea Late Last Night Rain and Gale Delay-Her Tho Nairn Smith. Arrived In tliln morning with a capacity list of pas sengers nnd n big cargo of freight. Lngt night tho Nann encountered somo very rough weather. Thcro wns a southeast wind and rain nnd n heavy grounJ swoll. Tho wind nftor midnight blow a perfect galo, hut It Telephono messages from fjold Beach at an early hour UiIb morning Btatcd that some boat was In dis tress off tho mouth of Iloguo River and had been sonny Ing distress slg, nala all nlht. Tho Bandon Llfo SaV' Ing Station was notified and was In readiness to stnrt for tho sceno In caso any further word was rocclycd, but as the wires between Bandon and Gold Beach went down In this morn ing's blow nothing has been hoard slnco G o'clock. Oporator Williamson of tho local wireless station was notlfiod but has been unablo to hear anything further. Ho notified coasting vcssols to bo on tho lookout for tho boat In distress. Mariners report n galo outsldo which Increases In voloclty south of Coos Bay. Somo estimated It at 55 miles and hour and tho Indications aro for u continued heavy storm, which Is undoubtedly tho equinoctial gale duo this week. Discredits Humor. Cnpt. Mngce, of tho Nann Smith, Is Inclined to discredit tho rumor about a vessel being In distress off Roguo. . River last night. Ho. Bald that tho report had been scut to him by wlroless thnt n vessel was blowing distress signals from 3 o'clock to -1:20 this morning, lid said that after somo effort, ttioy got tho Capo Blanco Wireless Sta tion nnd tho operator Informed Mm 1 thnt tho report of tho vessel being In trouble wns merely n rumor ami not confirmed. Capt, Mngoo passed Iloguo Itlvor about Artistically and Last Evening's Financially Entertain- ATHLETICS AT S ment Scores Triumph Tho second of a series or concerts to help defray tho expenses or the tour of thu Cqos day Bahd was i;lvcn last evening at tho Masonic Opera Houso under tho direction of Mrs. PerJ Ulloy Balllnger and Miss Edna Loulso Lnrson, nnd, llko the piovlous concert, was n conspicuous nrtlotlc success. Thero waB .a splendid audience, both In numbers and enthusiasm, nnd In splto of a long program, ev ery number was Insistently encored Tho band plnyor tho opening nnd closing numbers, giving fine rendi tions of the ".William Toll" Over ture nnd Brnhnm's "Csardas." Mr. Har Ilultmann anng tho 'Evening Stnr Komnnza" from Tnnn hatisor," his rich, well-managed bnr ltono voice lcnndlng spcclnl charm to that favorite number. Mr. Wolfram Schmcddlng played ('In nil's "Carnlvnl Russc," ror tho flute. Ills encoro number, "Dlstnnt Voices," has, perhaps, never tc' henrd horo before, as tho musjc Is unpublished and was taken by Mr. Schmcddlng from n phonograph rec ord played by tho composer, nn ue hlovoment possible only to n master of his nrt. Mrs. P. E. Conway sang splen didly nn aria from "La SonnnniEiilu" their ability. ti imttllini. ntilllnrr tnf lirllllnnf itAlnr.l atnrn and difficult sustained ioiio werk. Two piano numbers, "Itoninnco" (Schutt) and "Hungarian Ballet," (Schooler) woro played by Miss Mary- Mnrgarot Kruno, a pupil of Miss Edna I.oulso Larson. Mlhs ICruso Is one of tho younger nrtlsts, and her playing was a delightful stti prise, establishing her at onco ns a favorite pianist. Thoroughness Students of High School Form Association to Promote School Sports Tho Marshflold High Schoo: Ath letic Association held Its first meet ing for thlB year at tho High School building Wednesday, Tho following officers woro evict ed for tho ensuing year: President, Ed Bolt. VIcQ-Prcsldont, Arthur Lyons, Secretary, Herbert Bradley, Treasurer, Wcsloy Scamnn. Faculty Athletic Manager, rrJnch Nllcs, Football Manager, Herbert Brad ley, .Executive Committee, Principal Wnltc, Conch Nlles, Bolt, Lyons nnd Dresser. Sciul Team to Portland This yenr promises to bo tho bc3t yenr for football tho High School has Been yet, as tho team Iiob an offor from tho 8pnldliiK Sporting Goods Company to pay nil expenses for n trip to Portland for tho team taking tho county championship, nnd as tho local high schoo: has taken tho championship every your, tho chttiiccH look good to tho prnv ors. Every effort Is being mnrto to proparo tho field and to provide sents for tho spectators, una It Is hoped that tho people of Mnrsnflpld will HOI 1) mo U0V8 to t In hoal nt Overcoats and Raincoats English, Balmacaan and long regular modelsthe most highly favored fab rics in tans, browns, gray and black, with plain or reversible collars, priced from $5 to $30 New Mackinaw TT T? A tTn Coats ,"! 'Lf W , J"U 1C110WS to1 r, . Know wh-it'i, ...TL. it Baimaccan or Norfolk ---r .o wnatm styles, in a wide range of y i f?1000 idaiiiuiiuuiu uuiurs ana v"w ia-L wniiu wnca combinations. Sizes 33 they see it. Fnr in stance, this new Soft oiuison. to 46. Priced from $5 to $15 .1 1 fi tillfl dill tint Iwwih nutfi if Mint iiit uuii iivtu iii , . , . . distress bIkuuIs. Tho wind was """'J ',mH" annruZ " "V.r. .worf- mowing n galo nnd tliero wns n heavy Boa, tho darkness nnd rain necessitating the constant sounding of tho fog signals. If a vesso? was In there, slio could doubtless navo heard his signals. Ho snld that unless someone snw m-pniod lo mnkii Mm Vnnn rliln nnilni.1 tllO VCBSOl. ho WOlllil urnrnnlv . tlf than bIio did beforo, according to tho'1'10 report, ns thoy nro always start-! Mrs. Mnyiiio stnniey uituoy novor did bettor work than In tho "Air of Sftlomo" from MnsBcnofs "llor ddlndo, a number which mu'kcs tho most trying demands upon n soprnno voice. It Is going fnr to say ttwt her singing was perfect, but hardly less can bo said In Justice. Evorybody likes to hoar Low Key- nobody would rather near front his violin than n Wild KOHO. BAFTBER SHOPS CLOSE EARLY P Marshflold Boss Barbers Do- cide to Shorten Hours of Work New Schedule The Mnrshilolil Boss Barbers have signed an agreement shortening tho hourK or keeping tho shops open. There has been a movement In this direction for somo time, tho bnrbora Wonting Iulicei' linnrn Mum nlimi -. r -!. - " ... ..... ..,, H .. , n.l iinrantuvnm rVi.liifv ,n .1. .inMt...nM I intr rntiinta nr fnoni. i.i.... . ... l'- .u ind rain, sho l.nd to proceed slowly i tf0"8- Nt long ngo tho Xann nnd , .r..iI..,JJi ..i u.i i.i i . a. i ri.A .iuin . .uiiLi jib hi n i(i il it nil ikiinii. r"An7oZ ,B' m?V ."J vnr" , ,r.n". 'B. .J!S Tho melody of this composition Is ??. "forchiss. The now agreement "r'v " " v v """".:y:-1 """"'" ""'" - nmrwu Bn ..... Iinii nlllnin Mint r. nn. "ukuiuvb eiiecuvo m onto oik nro- preclato tho technical difficulties of ,,,ac.H "B tUwi .,,., , tho violin arrangement, or caro, for ,,,''? '8, , ,0,)0," ft.t-s " c,,.ocl ," ,,,u thnt, iiinMnn nrimmw.. h tin.t in. "lomuig instead of i as at present. v, . -..-. .. .... . . ... .1k... ... .. .. ,l. '.i .. ... kmiwjio iu tmou III i (I CIUUK 111 1110 woro: Mrs. Tyroll and child, Miss D. B. Atkins. J. A. Klto, C. ElvJn, M. ElvJn, -C. M. Child, Mrs. Child. Miss L. Elnm, Mrs. J. Elam, It. Doll, Mrs. IwIb Doll. Mrs. Taylor, Alex McKlllops, It. 8. Cuthbert, W. C. Goffort, J. L. Ilarrctt, II. C. Aidants, W. Fountain, L. D. Billiard. C. E. Martin. Q. M. Starr, Lily Tldmork, Mrs. Prnden Iturg, J. Prndottburg, W. P Grnnliy. -Chas. Powell, M. J. Coition. 0. Gllllp, 1. A. Elrod, A. Harris, D. Park, J. 3'npko and flfteon Hteeragu. liV 1'IHM DISSOLVES Tho firm or Hoborts, alios ft Ttoborts, attorneys, has dissolved partnership to tako effect Septom ,T)or 15. All threo members will ro mnln In this city nnd onuairn In tho practlco of law. Claud II. about thero. .'' vessel being ' -i.i In distress IT Ml'HT HE KO WHE.V HI'S SAYS SO 1 Ulloy Balllnger played ' "'"f ,UBt0 "Preludes" in her senol-, r ifxcJi'ttl onB to of 8 o'clock n8 ut .A. h. Adolsporgor. tax and right-of-way ngont of tho C. A. Smith Tim ber Company, was looking after tnx ir.attors In tho coHrt houso two or throe days last week. Sunday morn ing ho chartored an unto and accom panied by Clork Stannnrd took a run down to Brookings to look ovor their now plant. Mr. Adolsi)eri!r una ul.r. ih'Irdii in Mm Bi. n...i ...r..n... .. ;;." tacK mo nlant tho iirnnkin... r. . n .?. iV... ...it ,8- ,)Ut "iIh "'uor wns roiidorod piny again Mrs. Porl nrly stylo. Mrs. Balllnger has u BHhfKB. " .u.v.., ....... id .. .i (...... ...i.i.i , an inn na nf nrounnt .. . : . .... Kvcuiugs beroro 1 olldays and on rc- goiilus of Interpretation which veal tho oxporlonced nrtlst. Few cities tho sho of Marshflold can muster six singers who win at tack tho Lucia Sextette, favorlto ns Plant tho ..Brookings Company Is put-' ' . ? ' " ting In and unhesllntliiL'lv nvu it iu tho best plant of its kind ho has over soon. This Is saying a whole lot for tho Curry county plunt, us tho Smith mill of Marshflold has had tho nnino or ooing mo nest on tho Pacific Coast, Giles will retain tho offlco rooms' 01lt " woro not so Mr. Adolspergor now occupied by tho firm nvnr Mm Bnnk of Myrtlo Point, whllo Messrs. Ij. A. Roborts nnd E. C. Hoborts will movo to tho Flanagan & Ben nett Bank Building. would not luiVQ said bo Gold Beach uiouo. Light LIGHT. your uy ullh a PLASH THE GUX.VEUY. m WktWWw Vl 'sunlhatu'er'WM''b7ginitBllcoracn. jSjfkk I P'cl out ,ora friend you know wh uit one. JHVp ym Aik Aim about iU Let him how you the Solid jkmWWWWr iVftlki I Borfownawey from your face) threo Safety ktWw JaPftA I Devicc' ,n,P,a Take-down, the Hamiaerlet VraB . ThWJ'b". " 'f r l '! lh R.mltif UaPaTfl f "-UMC dW k) IkU comjunnity. Yea'll Wbw klra Wr fkMttMWSk s B."'Jt W?' ' """'-C-Ui. Slot w kwrUl L CtMrVlUI " ""m "',,1 !" Pormitt mItmI, nut pf JSwljnl ' tlWiSiJuH cBttlf o4 iua lubiionl. 'UWnrivr S "emin8,on Anai-Unlon Metallic Cartridgo Co. nnd dollght of ovorybody by Mrs. Gldloy, Miss Es ther Johnson and Messrs. BcnJ. Oat lltnl, Chas. Stnuff, It. E. Mlllor and Harry Bultmanu, Tho piano nccomimiilontcnts woro played by Miss Edna Loulso Larson, whoso excellent nsslstanco left noth ing to bo desired. tho 10th of each month, or whntovor dato tho Smith mill pay day falls, tho shops to remain opon until 9 o'clock. Shops to closo at noon on all holidays. We have full assort. -- - - merits or all the new Full line of Waterproofs oretsons hereit's j ior worKing service. easy matter tor you tol "Slickers" moderately seject the one that youi! priced. will like to wear. "Money Talks." flubOno Bandon Marshfield Myrtle PoW BIO LEAGUE . BALL SfiORES BIO LEU i t MYKTLi: POINT POINT KltS Sl'.MMAUY OP THE ASSESSMENT HOLL OP COOS CO. POK 11)1 1 "The GUNNERY" "SPORTSMEN'S HEADQUARTERS" Everything for the Bio Game Hunter, the Fisherman and theAist. rr.P uK ' MnrchfiolH Hmrinn miuixiiiiiviU) UIWiJUH LLiiiiiiiiK Acres of tillable laud, 20- 839 1,7M,GG0 Acres or uou-tlllablo land 811,100 Improvements on dooded lands Town and city lots Improvements on town nnd city lots Improvements on lands not deeded Miles of railroad, log ging, II.") . . ; Value of rolling stock.. Steamboats, sailboats, stationery engines, manufacturing machin ery, etc Merchandise nnd stock In trado ... . , Farming Implements, wagons, carriages, au tomobiles, etc ...',.. Money , i, , , , Notes nnd accounts .... Shares of stock ....... I'ousehold furniture, Jow- oiry, watches, etc. , . . Horses and ntles, 27Uk Cnttlo, 1P.4.40 Sheon and Goats. CI 10. . Swlno, ltS3 Personal Proporfy. . . . , 12,4 1 l.inr, ooo.-inri :,0Q4,020 1,2US,920 10C.3G0 47,150 408,010 412,945 81,000 10,860 53,200 .23C.7G5 10,005 151,45 406,535 15,195 , 8,700 C.580 2.075,000 bo Voluo of all proporty,. $22,057. 140 Not,o Tho above do3s not Include public service corporation nronertv and has not been passed unon by the Cpunty Boi,rd of Equalization. Eu'litN In Upper t'oiiillli. Valley TII by Tin Enlei'.ilso Tho Coos and Curry Fair will Held Soptombor 23, 21 and 25. Tho White House ranch threo mlloB up on tho Uosoburg road, re ports an old sow as mother of 27 little plga Insula of six mouths. Mr. and Mrs. Monso.i, of Miirsh flold, cumo ovor this wook and hnvo taken a lenso on tho J. J. Eudlcott rosldenco, Tho chango Is for tho bonoflt of Mrs. Monson's honlth. Mr. Monson will return to his busi ness In Marshflold. Teachers in tho Myrtlo Point school aro: High, Prof. Wlmberly. Misses Scnlfo and Dovoo; 8th grade, Miss Onmblo; 7th grndo, Mrs. Itookj Oth, Miss Ehrerlch: 5th, Miss Hob-hlns- 4th. Miss McCrncken; 3rd, Mrs 46,245 unvidson; 2ud, Mrs. Whlttakor; 1st, I Urn CIik.Ii ... .,.,!.. II... it.... ,.. ........ ....uii, iiumit. rim, wiiviiisun. Dott, tho llttlo daughter of Mr. nn I Mrs. Frank Tripp, of Bandon, suffored a hrokon arm while at play last Friday at tho Chas. Butlor homo near this city whoro tho family was visiting. Tho children woro Jump ing ropo when tho nccldont occurred. S. S. .Gregg who has been runninc tho ndger of tho Pholnn mill for some tlmo, yesterday afternoon got his loft hand mixed up with tho saw. Tho third finger was com pletely severed, whllo tho second and tho llttlo fingers are badly lac erated. Last week Geo. H. Guorln, Sr., had tho reinnlnii of his mother, Mrs. C. N. Guorln, removed from tho Myr tle Point cemetery nnd tho remains of .Mr. L. Guorln, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Guerln, Sr., from the cemetery at Eckley, and taking them to Langlols had them re-Interred by the side of tho grave of Wm. II. Guerln, Sr.. a son of Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Guerln, A.MEUICAN LEAGUE. ChlcngoSt. Louis; wet grounds. Detroit 2; Cleveland 1. Philadelphia 3; Now York 1. Boston 2; Washington 1. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Brooklyn 5; Boston 7. Now York 3; Philadelphia 4. Cincinnati 0; Pittsburg 9. COAST LEAGUE. Venlco Portland; wot grounds. Oakland 4 10 ,08 Anglcso 5 12 Boston Two Games Ahead i National and Close in Am ican Federal League in Awout4 rnu rw rt tii I 1 NEW YOKE, Sept. 10,-M clinched its grip on flrit plire it Natlonnl Leiiguo raco lart on Sunday hold tho lead hr m tvo-gumo margin over Ne Tert The chances of the O'linl n Ing lost ground seem poor Batteries: Klllllay. Kluwlttor and imir nltchors do much better w . .. ... .---. .- ... 4 .l. ..Mtfl Inrniinri line milPIl in Win Biw of Ills Inst ten games, and Dl has been of limo uo on St. Louis and Chicago tre IJJ a pretty stniggle for third m ....... ,i.- .lifimlA.a nn (be IHI Willi IHU iruiiihw 7.vi J tho CardlnalB. Both are I"J ing dlstanco of second nlaci " yot to bo considered out of tlif nnnt reckoning, Mltze. Porritt, Lovo and Boles. Mission (! 9 1 San Francisco 5 10 2 Batteries: Stioud and Itohror; Parnoll, Schroeder and Schmidt. NOItTH IIENO IKVrEL. About $5(1,000 Now Available and Considerably Moio I'romlsetl, Sec. J. A. Smith of tho North Bond . . in.ud Boston cut mio i"'"i tho American Leag ijj vnro still seven and pnnaii P" ... x ,--. .I. nnrld'H tnimp' U Biaitl irum m """"7" ..r.jkfc a .nntimistlon of the BlumplaJT ompany . wiuiiii -" :r- .,,,,.,1,.. i,a,e Moii" TftfSSraififfiS PEACHES SELL POIt c A POUND Cl'LLlNGS OP COQU1LLE. Coos Comity Sent News As Told by Tlio Sentinel. Mr .and Mrs. Eugene Nosier nro Chamber of Commorco stated today ui " J" " "'"'V" ,he,it' ihiit i.imnt jr.n.nnn lm.i hinn rnlsod last week, but sun""'"?.,. -3 for tho now Simpson Hotel at North Bond and that they expected to for mally orgaulzo tho company within a fow days. Tho conn an niitnor zeu cumiai oi siuu.uuu. " -.. u.nri The $50,000 for which tho stock cor- Rive at ipnw be tlflcatcH aro now bolng Issued does Jo "l0. c'sn,"1J, 1 not Includo two big sums ofefred , IouRuob Benson. ,d, Sfa conditionally. ' lnUlnniiiioll. oner u Ono of thoso Is $10,000 offered by '"ted ',,P "VeeU, trw Chas. Thorn provided tho atato goes League t, en Hh wot this fall, another $10,000 from porlod oj ''" cbicapt W tho Wllsoy syndlcato and a contrlbu-, whllo ,010,V,,1"i;Ier fronrP? t.o of P. B. Walte. ;y ,w0 m V ...Tom v,.r rinv. clambered once more Dr. A. P. Sothor today received a H'"". .,nr.,.an assocUU011; V letter from Dr. Stewart, bearing a In tbo Ainert JnIte n Mnrshfleld dato line. According to , M'lwaukee i and Louwr Dr. Stowurt his party Is having a; leaUor urforea i. great tlmo nnd expects to reach Ores- pest their "' ftMdutf JJ cont City lato Saturday or Sunday, break oven ana ,a, twf Thoy encountered somo rain between league vus not i Allegany and Marshflold, but had noi M d cUnY PJfh difficulty in reaching tho latter place. Big COOh "?8Kirr, 2J ?H Tho recent rains, they say, will ron-. MMlTLh I oi.m der the roads In tho best of condition, elusive. L .....i n... ...iii i. i.i i...,i ...Hli. I j tm 'iu m" "Mi ui) tiuio iu mioi """ i ,,.,..11 nl'YIlAK BU "" I out "eating dust'RoBeburg Ro- tiiMiv Vlow. Tlll'JUW.""'"" WMMMMMMMMMMMMBMmM 1 Rnvn n Wnvtmehnrn . Tn eA.lnl The first largo contract for poaches ' Ino. I""011" parents of a baby boy, born lit this- section hns Just been closed. ! J?8:, Tuesday night, and Councilman Four Smlt)i8burg growers hava sold tlielr crop or 70,000 I baskets foe about $35,000. Tbo now Pennslyvanla sate law requiring tho selling tof fruit by weight has caused nn innovation In tbo marketing of poaches In the olg peach belt this year..' Inhiead of buylim- peaches by baskets, they aro bought by tho pound. The prlco for tills lot Just sold wns 2 cents por pound. This equals a prlcc of about 1 por bushel. Tho peach crop, will be large. ' IiAHGE SIZE FLASHLIGHTS nt. I91.JLU. illK UUASKlir, Kelley Is a happy grandfather. Mr. and Mrs, P. M. Hall-Lowls are rejoicing ovor tlio arrival of a daugh ter, born the 2nd Inst. Sheriff Bnlley, of Curry county, waB horo laBt night In chargo of I. O. Sullivan, who had been convicted of forgery nnd was recaptured after es caping. Tho sheriff started for Sal om. today-with his prisoner. Mrs. A. T. Morrison and daughter returned front San Diego last Sunday. They canto by steamer all the way, coming from San Francisco to Ban don on tho Speedwell. I1AX1) DAjJCK PliATFOltM K..rnml juiiil Market, Saturday night. The Union Market laoU" COLD. STOUAGE SYSTEM IS SURE A VCC Our Prime Roasta of Beef, Lamb, Mutton, Veal and o bo excelled. 1 Try ono of our Fat Hens or Fryera (or your Sunday dlane , j has been properly cooled, and note the difference. J. E FORD & CO. 174 South Broadway J jz itI- . . AtftMiiiiiiiiiiiH jzm3ki:: . zmii :.... ..., !MTlIiiiK