li""Mii'"?BMfflBm W-T ' inimiii tftm " ' " IT mw- "wtrri"r'i r-- r' - -- MWfp nm'iwti-v mnwnvnanMHMM i I w f t THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, O.fJGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1914 EVENING EDITION. i"' FIVE ?ea Service in Metis Shoes y 'lIsttQ I Vii L Mb v Lv .bbbbS jn "s."w. i a rr5p The Stride M . ..... ?", Milk' 90.OO Let us fit your next pair of shoes. "We fit your feet, and give you shoes ot a quality and stylo that please. Wc bclicvo in service, and will make our personal service to you the basis of your fu ture patrqnage. Mt Woolen Mill Store J itjp! We Have a few More Boxes of Peaches THAT WM AUK SELLING FOR 05 CUNTS PER BOX Oonconl firnpoi, lcr basket $.!J0 dnln1oiiHs, per 4nt received n now shipment of NATIONAL HIHCUIT CO.S Cnrkmt nml Cakes. Try them nnd you will iino no other. Hione !WI. COOS BAY TEA, COPPEE 'AND SPICE HOUSE phone HIM BREVITIES TIDES FOR SEPTEMBER Below Is given the tlmo and nolght of high and low wator at Marshflcld. Tim tides 'nro nlnrml In hn nrilnr of occurrence, with tholr times on mo nrst line nnd heights on the second lino of each day: a compar ison Of COnaectltlVn hnlirhtn wilt In. dicate whether It Is high or low wuier. ior nign water on the oar BUhtract two hours 34 minutes. IRVING BLOCK ty&tfAlCMIi New Fall Millinery-Suits Coats-Dresses JUST ARRIVED Pt.H lW WHIMft WHW.iWi Set' TIT15 .lTAllllAN first nnd it will save you from wanting to look further. HILL- IUTARY ACADEMY k&tdNa.SxUiin Bonding and Day School ETI. MililtrvDitciDline: Small Chun: Mca IttcVn. Curful luperriilon aecuret'tttulti that i lot turned clMwhcie. Send lor caUIog, ORTLAND, OREGON) 125.00 $25.00 lll pay $25.00 to any porson I MUM l the nrrnut nnil rnnvlrllnn ft a bicycle thief In Marshfleld. imfnea) MARSHFIELD CYCLERY Times Want Ads bring results. fffie Royal TO- NIGHT THE HOl'SE OF BIO FEATURES. The Haines Sisters in a urn "cat and singing act. Tho Jalne sisters come direct rom the Orpheum Theater "no are sure to please all who w and hear them. oon extra big feature TONIGHT. P III IIHUII IIIHKJUI J-eciiu I.oftuB in the popular novel and famous society play A LADY OP QUALITY." in vo reels Produced by the mous Players Film Company. "?"KE AND JAKE IN THE CLUTCHES OF CIRCUMSTAN CED, teaturing Max Ashor, "e wo Id's famous comedian. j reels of the best pictures na a Wg time vaudeville act. ADMISSION Lower floor, ri Balcony, 15c; Children, Here tomorrow night "The 'errors of Russia," or "The Persecution 0f Mendel Bellls." a three reels. Friday night the 13th chap ter of "Lucille Love, the Girl t Mystery." Saturday night "Anthony Md Cleopatra," ,Jn eight beau uful tand-colored reelsf .NOTICE OF FILING FINAL REPORT Notice Ir lieroby given that on tho 8th day of Soptembcr, 1014, tho un dersigned oxecutrlx of tho last will nnd testnincnt of C. T. Smith, deceased, filed In the County Court of the State of Orogou, In nnd for tho County of Coos, her final account as such Executrix; and that tho court on said dato duly made an order directing that notlco of tho filing of said final ac count ho given In the samo manner ns notlco of her qualifying and appoint ment and as required by lnw, and further ordering that Thursday tho lGth day of October, 1914, at tho hour of 10 o'clock a. in. kit this County Judgo's room in tho Court House In Coqulllo City, Coos County, Oregon, bo and tho samo is tho tinio and place set for tho hearing of ob jections thoreto and the settlement thereof. Dated this 9th day of September, 1914. MARIA SMITH Executrix ot tho last will and tes tament of C. T. Smith, deceased. (First publication Sept. 9, 1914, last publication Oct. 7, 1914.) LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD. I For tho 24 hours end ng nt I 4:43 a. m., Sept. 16, by BenJ. usmnu, special government mo- teorologlst: Maximum iu I Minimum 49 At 4:43 a. m 50 Precipitation 1.1 1' Precipitation since Sept. 1, 1914 4.32 Precipitation samo period last year 2.77 Wind: Southwest; rnln. In On inula. Chas. Van Duyn In n note to friends here from Win nipeg, says that ho and his wifo arc having a flno trip back to In diana. They stopped off n day at Winnipeg, and ho says that Win nipeg haB tho finest hotel that ho was over In. Slightly Hurt Tom McCallum, of rorntiaie. n lonirslioroiiinn. had ha foot and leg slightly bruised whilo working In t'.io hold of the Nnnn Sirltli this afternoon, some brick slipping out of tho sling nml striking him. The injuries, although not sor iaiiB, are niilto painful. Inspect Flyer. Messrs. Edwnrds nnd Fullor, t'10 U. S. boat Inspectors, will tomorrow Inspect tho steamer Flyer, which hns boon converted Into n tug bb a Southern Pacific tendor for tho brldgo work. They have been making their nnuiml tour of Inspec tion of this section nnd will probab ly leave tomorrow for Portland. No Cull Vot. Mr. Llndberg of tho Duiiker Hill Storo states that ho was misunderstood rolntivo to a call to hold himself In readiness for service in the Swedish army, ho being a second lieutenant of tho llesorvea. He says that ho hns not received hiicIi n call, although from unoftlclnl Hows from that section ho expected that ho might bo called. Fruit Clienp. Mrs. C. M. Connor lias returned from Snlem, whore ho hns spent a few weeks with hor fath er and mother ,Rov. and Mrs. llontty, both of whom have boon 111. Mr. Conner sn,VB that thcro Ir n big crop of fruit in tho valley and grcnt quau tltloH of It nio going to wasto owing to tho prlro not bolng high enough to warrnnt gathering It. Ilh-H In nillfornln. Word has lieon received horo ot tho death ot Mrs. Wnlker, formor MIbs Roso Mc Cullough, or Hnynea Inlet, at her homo In California. Sho has been absent from horo for a fow years. Her brother died n fow days ago. Sho Is survived by several brothera nnd sisters In this section. Tho funeral will bo hold iu California. Hqiilm'N Hotlier. Frank Donning says that ho has posltlvo proof that Coli Ireland Is growing old. Ho says that ho had a long distance mossago from Coll, who Is spending tho month at tho homo ranch nt Ollala In which ho said that tho digger squirrels out thoro can run twice as fast ns they used to. Den ning says that tho squlrrols are just tho Baine, but that Irolaud has for gotton that forty years huvo elapsed since no a spry slxtcon-year old lad, Cell used to run thorn down. Den ning refuses to toll how old Coll is but says thoro is only a year's dlf feronco botweon them. OARDINER AUTO 1IURNS. nil. II. V.. KRrVTY. DENTIST. Phone 112-J. Room 204. Coke Bldg. I Road the war news, but don't for get tho storo news in Tho Times, GRAND THEATRE O-NIGHT THE ORANIVS SUPERB OR CHESTRA TONIGHT. "MONGREL AND MASTER" A POWERFUL POLITICAL DRAMA OF IMPORTANCE. "PROSECUTION" A thrill ing drama full of heart inter est. Two splendid Lubln comedies." Last Sunday afternoon the auto mobllo owned by Orant Erhnrt wns burned near M. B. Bedolfo's camp, on tho road between Gardlnor nnd Adn. At the tlmo It caught flro Mr. Erhart and family and Mr. and Mrs. Wnltor Austin, wero out on n trip to tho lako country. At tho tlmo of tho accident tho party hud arrived at Mr. Bedolfo's onginooring camp nnd had stopped to water up, and In atart lng up tho carbuetor shot back, Ignit ing the oil which had accumulated In tho nns. Every effort was made by all of tho party, assisted by several men ot the camp, to extinguish tho flames, but to no avnll. Tho flro to tally destroyed the body of tho car and part of tho running gear. In trying to put out tho flro Mr. Erlnit severely burned his hands and arms, his rlcht hand. and arm more than tho other. Mr. Bedolfo dressed tho burns at his camp before Mr. Erhart returned homo. Mr, and Mrs, Jew ett, who happond to pass by, brought the children to town and a team waa sent out for tho rest ot tho party. Umpqua Courier. Xlbby COAL. Tlie kind YOU hare ALWAYS USED. Tliono 72. Pftclfle Livery ad Transfer Company, IPEOPbE - YOJ Pkmow ABOUT JUDGE HALL went 0 Coqulllo to- day to attend court. W. F. CARL, of Florence, is spend ing a few dnys on the Bay. MISS O. M'CLAY, of Allogany, Is n MarBhfteld visitor today. MRS. L. DOLL and son returned today from a trip to California, HENRY KERN of North Bend was a Mnrshfleld business visitor today. H. J. VAUGIIAN left yestordny for Denver Hill nnd Coqulllo Valley points. A. H. DERBYSHIRE of North Bond was a Marshflold business visitor today. T. R. SHERIDAN, of North Dend, returned today from a trrp to Portland. W. S. U'REN returned todny noon from a trip to Coqulllo Vnltoy points. ROY L. SMITH of Glonadn is hero looking after tho purchase of a now auto. J. B. SNEDDON returned today from a business trip to Portland nnd Salom. MRS. L. MASTERS anld Miss Olive Richards wero Mnrshfleld visitors from Sumner today. MRS. A. Z. DOWNS and daughter, Miss Anna, havo returned from a three months' visit iu Minnesota and Cnna'dtan points. JUSTICE PENNOCK nnd Constable Cox returned Inst evening from court, whoro (hey wero witnesses' In tho Hoy-Qorst case. JOHN DOUGHERTY, who has resid ed In this section for o past twelve years, left for Carbondnlo, Pa., whoro he expects to inako his homo. MRS. II. R. ELLIOTT was n pnBsen ger on tho morning train for tho county sout, called thoro as a wit ness in tho suit of George B. Hughes vs. John Dotson. MRS. OSCAR GLASS left on IJ10 morning train for Prosper, where Bho wll lvlslt for n few dnys with friends, Inter returning to Myrtlo Point to Join Mr. Glass. MRS. It. E. KNORR and daughtor. of Gold Beach, aro guests at tho Mir rasoul homo In West Mnrshfleld whilo on rnuto homo from Wiscon sin, whoro thoy snout tho HUinmor. C. W. EVERTSEN nnd wlfo nrrrvod homo today from Portland. Mrs. Evortson hns spent tho summer nt hor old homo In Michigan nnd Mr. Evortscu went to Portlatn: to moot her. MRS. D. II. KEATING lias rcturnod from Portland, whoro sho remain od for a fow dnys' visit tit tho I II. Keating homo following hor trip with her husband to Vancou ver, B. C. MRS. E. A. TYRELL and cnlld pnBsod through horo today on route from Oakland to Coqulllo to'Vlsirnt th6"D. D. Plorco Jiomo In Coqulllo. GEO. M. STARR, of Coqulllo, ro- turncd today from n business trip to Snn Francisco. Mrs, Starr is now nt Coqulllo and is rccupor- nting rapidly from hor rocont Illness nnd oporntlon. W. If. 8TULL of AliOKiinr wnB a Mnrshfleld visitor yestorday. Mr. Stull Is road supervisor thoro, and D. L. Footo nnd others who nro familiar with tho roads snv tluit Mr. Stull Is entitled to tho honor of kcoplng his district In tho best shnpo of any In this soc1 tlon. ATTORNEY A. K. PECK nnd John B. Dotson went to Coaulllo this morning, tho latter being defend ant in n stilt for damages brought by George B. Hughes, formorly of tho Dotson Hotel, who seeks to re cover ?2000 damages from Mr. Dotson on account of tho Mill Slough fill last spring. Peck & Peck nro representing Sir. Dot son In the litigation, wreM ?fflg MMJL AJ) I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I FOR RENT O110 Inrpo front room suitable for two and one small roam nowly painted and papered. Will be furnlBhed to suit tenant. Z, caro Times. LIBRARY HALL. Mrs. C. S. Wlnsor, Mrs. C. F. Mc- coiium nnd Mrs. Dennis Hull will bo patronesses ot a ball which is to be giv en at Eckhoff Hall Friday evening, Septombor 25, Tho proceeds will bo used to buy books lor tho public library, ) I VISITS IN CALIFORNIA. 1 , Miss Wanda Stevens has written friends of a pleasant visit with Mrs, Ella Walkor at her summer homo in BoyeB Springs, California. She plans to return to Cos Bay about October 1' CARD OF THANKS. We wish to express our gratltifde and thanks to the many friends and , neighbors whoso kindness did so ntunli , n llrvlt.AM ln I.. . I. .- itnn,l. iiiuwii iu liftmen uiir tvoa lit vuu uvtui or our rather, Win. R. Davis. Wo especially wish to thank tho Fores ters. MRS. J. C. SWANSON. J. W. DAVIS. ETHEL DAVIS. A $1.10 flashlight Ik rhenper Hutu a broken leg. THE GUNNERY. BAND DANCE PLATFORM Second nnd Market, Suturtlay night. Don't forgvt tho Big Fair nt Myr tle Point, Ht'pU U:i to lid. The Delicatessen Co. 145 XorUi Second Street. SPECIALS ALL THIS WEEK In individual pies for 10c each in ' the following; MEAT PIES Irish stews. FISH PIES Scallop Fish Fish Turbots. VEGETABLE PIES Scalloped Potatoes. PIES in .Macaroni, Spaghetti, Beans. PIES In Tomatoes, Corn. PUDDINGS in Pearl Tapioca, Rice, Orange. All Above Served Hot So for All Tins Returned THE DELICATESSEN COMPANY. ' : WANTED Girl for Konernl house work. Phono 247-R. WANTED HoiiM'stciul rollmiuMi nient. Room C, Snyder Hotel, No agents. WANTED School girl to care for child from 1 to G p. m. 11., care Times. FOR SALE 15 ncrcs waterfront 4J4 miles from Mnrshfleld. crop nnd stock, some furniture Phono 314-X-l or address 11. Smithgall, Marshflold. HERE'S SOMETHING FOR NOTH ING A. .1. O. C. JERSEY. For tho asking I will send to nny address n folder giving namos and indlvldunl yearly production of every cow In my herd. F. A. SACCHI, Mnrshfleld, Or. FOR SALE I FOR SALE -1-burnor kw range with garbage burnor attachment. Choap for cash, 239 So. 4th St. 11KKS FOR SALE, $:I per hive. Phono North Bend, 1023, 1'OH SALE Ono clinker built, round bottom, doubto end 18-ft. row boat worth $G0. Will sell for ?3G. Call ovenliiRs or Sunday. Phono 302-L, Eaststde. FOUND FOUND On North Front street, n mnn'a brown coat. Owner may havo Bamc by claiming proporty nnd paying for this ad. FOUND Mnn's long black craven otto cout nt "danco platform. Own er can havo Banio by identifying coat at pollco station, POSITIONS WANTED YOUNG MARRIED MAN wnnts -m-sitlon as clerk in grocery, Has had experience In gcnornl merchnn dlso. AddresB Box 392, North Bend. EXPERIENCED Snlcsmnn desires position ns clerk in gcnornl storo. Soven yenrs' experience. First clasB recommendations. Inquire "Experience" enro Times. WANTED 1 WANTED To buy desk, inldc, chairs, stove, etc., for oftlco. Ad dress G, Caro Times. WANTED Acrengo Iu trndo for close-in city property, 8-room house. Profor wntorfront nny whoro from Cooston up Coob Riv er. Address O. enro Times. STOVE PIPE CHEAP For next 15 dnys wo will soil now stovo plpo at 15 conts Joint. F. L. Adams andV son, North Front strcot. LOST LOST LudyV gold wntch nnd fob, nnmo on lnsldo case. Howard for return to Times office. Eliza Mc Kay. - , FOR RENT FOR RENT Rooms with or without board. Alio housekeeping rooms. 3SS North First Strcot. FOR RENT Modern fl-rooin furnish ed house on S. 5th St. Soo J. C Donne, phono 331-11. FOR RENT Two furnlidicd roona in modorn houso near high school. 002 South Elovcnth strcot. , FOR RENT Two tints .furnished or unfurnished, in Madden Bldg.. North Front street; also house keeping rooms. FINE ftirnlhhcd rooms nnd bonnl for gentlemen, In private family. 10.50 por wcok. 239 So. 4th St.. - FOR RENT Largo liouso In SouU Marshflold, 12th Court. Ph. 119-L FOR RENT-Two office rooms In Montgomery building on Front Btroot. Apply D. Y. Btnfrord. 1 i ! M Ha It I1 It I. I, It this week only cut it out it's worth 20 cinti Hand Ifxli coupon to yo grociryman at your aoc ot at hit or. It your Btoctr, tint no FOL r.KR'S Cold.ii Gilo Tr In lint, ha can set (or you tha Special Valua ottered, wa fIIVluil7 Ut niw uiiii yr. price, turougn any cnn nti ne uetianaiea. ana wo pay him hli regular profit In addlUon. Ituy tho flavor you utually ute. II you nave no cnoice wa recommend DUck and Green. Thta la tho new (oil aealcil tin of FOLGER'S GOLDEN GATE TEA This coupon Is worth 20 cents to you A HALF POUND FOIL SEALED TIN FOIvGERtTEA Regular pneo 4 cents kSpccial. price 20 cents .At all Brocera If accorupaniM by Uila coupon. SIlP. II to 21. Itll I A. F0LGER & CO. Tt old ityla canon la with drawn by u Irom aal b- cauM trteydo not keep the i tea. frcati and I clean. Dealers loo nothlns by Uto cbanso BLiraBBBBBBBVlaaTl'9 in ruvoKS CEYLON -INDIA (black) ENGLISH BRtAKFAST v urT VWk r a y 'si w5--'w lftJ?S. ftWJfWBSWi Xi&J&iimwSStk Jfcv.YTWavX ,?mm8mdxassmseisis r hi. ,umnr t i iniaaaaaaai aaa ',; 3m$sm&iL&&siSe8m. ' ' StfaV:VMrwt'-aLTa mmmm . r.JlLUUULaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV.. .V H.LilL.AZI I JCJ-Vw"liin mi IT n IITaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT II Iff - i I f wmmWWMWWmmmmmmmYmllmmT HSal im$ mmfflB$aam vs- i .xvwcrowewv l ' , 5'iJW.VXXyN7fisX nwmmmm Will llllili rVitTrrvii5jvM.,T mvrgssmM IWi The open Ins ia lafk'0 enough lor laelunu. JAPAN (i (auck) OOLONG (black) J. A. FOLGER & COMPANY San Francisco aH(CH) GUNPOWOEM (ani(N) BLACK i. GREEN (bicnocd) BRING YOUR GOLDEN GATE TEA COUPONS TO 0LUVANT & WEAVER, PURE FOOD GROCERS A Full Line of GOLDEN GATE TEA at special prices all This Week. Corner Third and Central. Phone 199 DO NOTFORGET Tel. 77 That wo aro headquarters for Fruit Jars, Caps and Rubbers. We also have a NICE LINE OF PRESERVING KETTLES. HUNTERS Look our Ouns, arid nifles over ns they aro tho latest models. Wo handle the famous KEEN-KUTTHR lino ot Cutlery and Tools. Schroeder & Hildenbrand General Repair Shops, Hardware and Plumbing. M Am, imtWSSES8 A. au. Aiik