anrar FOUR W THE C0Q8 W TIMIt, MAMNPIELD, OKEaON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1914-EVENINQ EDITION, !wf!stf . i-ii w wo-ii nm.MkHn.ltWm,iM II MMl'l ir ukuk'om irmnrr m r i i T i i n n iniiiirininiiiniimiiiiinnii WORLD'S GREATEST WAR DAY BY DAY Statement df Condition . -,- .r,rfrf THE GERMAN WAR CREE'D THE German cfcetl of war ns ox l)lnlnod liy United States army dfflcors Is a contest of men. alon start war and men ond it, is the basic Idea. American army officers havo been close students of the Gor man tactics and arc In a position to know It from start to finish. Artillery, cavnlry, signal and ciirI iieerlng an'd. Infantry nro all bodies of men tlm dlfforenco is In the means they employ, Wlillo the pride of craftsman's art may produce- the perfect rlflo, tlwit weapon In tho linnds of a coward is useless, whore ns tho lion-hearted makes a bar of rusty iron effective. A Nation of Soldiers. Tho spirit of tho nation is reflect ed lit Its army. Witness a wild lin pulslvo charge on a battlefield, and nt homo you will soc hysterical wo men, frenzied children, walllnjr old men and docroplts. Look at a stolid advancing army and you will sec at homo a dovotcd, almost rovercnt calmncsR, or quiet but sustained re tilBiintlon. Tho ono Is a battle of nerves, tho othor of hearts. History has shown tho effective ness of both, singly and in combi nations. Franco has admittedly tho advan tage over Germany In their light ar mament. They arc aroused at Ger many and aro norved to a trcmon riotiB hatred. Germany Is a master of tho sclenco of war and Is absolute ly Indifferent to tho Identity of Its foo. A German Is a warrior at heart and trained to tho highest degree In tho cruel sclenco of armed conflict. Man Only u Unit. Ono soldier Is tho unit of measure In Gorman wnr. Ho Is tho dollar, the foot, tho gallon, tho flguro 1. Ho is tho standard by which all war things nro measured. Gorman sclenco pits his stout heart against now fire, new fortifications, now explosives. In struments of destruction nro measur ed In terms of tho men It will take to offset that advantngc. That tho creed Is cruel and ghastly matteru not to tho Gorman. It Is tho rule. As tho Gorman dreams war, a night attack has no terrors. Tli..t ho lives wnr, ho expects so to dlo. Death Is used solely In tho calcula tions of Gorman warfare novor In Its actual operations. RUMOR ROUMANIAN MINISTRY HAS RESIGNED (Ry Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) LONDON, Soph .15. A dispatch from Rome says it is reported that tho inoinhors of the Roumanian ministry have tendered their resignations. ITALY KEEPS WHOLE WORLD GUESSING AS TO IT'S ACTION IVoplo for War Everyono AwiiltN It Anxiously. Tho offlcal call from tho Italian rmiHiil in Portland to an Italian sub ject In MaiHhflold indicates that Italy Ih mobilizing and preparing to enter tho European conflict. All through these first ilaya of tho European war, Italy has kept tho world guessing. Hound by an nlllnnco whoso purposes havo been outgrown and which Is most distasteful to tho masses of tho people, tho kingdom of Southern Eur ope hnu hesitated to throw Its ar mies on olther side. Tho lntest re ports nro that tho crisis Is at hand, tho popular feeling has pressod up ward Into Official circles, and tho king and his cabinet aro momentarily expected to Issue an ultimatum to Austria, Tho peoplo nro for war. Thoro Is nothing but bitterness In tho hearts of most Italians against tho nation that in times past has boon tho chief enoiny of Italian indopondonco nnd unity. Tho nlllanco has been purely nu official agreement, by no moans supported by popular feeling. Hut by It Italy had n frco hand In tho do scent upon Tripoli two yoars ago. Operations In Africa wero thus shield ed, N'ow, howovor, tho alliance Is not needed, nnd tho old constantly fattened hatred toward Austria is freo to oxerciso Itself. Will Atturk Trieste Fliht. A movemont against Trlesto Is ex pected first. Trlesto and Flume, Austrian seaports, aro chiefly Italian tn population nnd loyalty. Those cities, along with control of the Adri atic, Italy covots, ns does Franco the lost provinces of Alsnco and Lorralno When tho armies of Italy aro hurl ed Into tho great European conflict, aomo of the most Interesting and pic turesque actors of tho world's wnr stage will tako up their parts. No body doubts that their dressing rooms havo already sorvod their purposes. Thoy aro waiting In them all pre pared to advnuco Into tho midst of action. All eyes will bo upon tho Horsa gllorl, with their plumes of cock's feathers, nnd tho Alpine troops who march up porpendicular cliffs with moro caso than thoy wnlk on level ground, And thoro nro the ltoyal Carabineers and tho Hoyal Piedmont Itoglmont of cavalry, both holding celebrated positions among all tho fighting forces of tho world. Favorites among thorn all aro tho Hersagliurl, called "tho most ptctur euquo of tho corps d'ellto of tho ar mies of tho world." Tho Horsngllorl consist of twolvo roglmontB, each of threo battalions, with ono reservo company. They nro tho fleetest In fantrymen In tho world. C'hoM) tlio Poorest Material. This corps was created by General INSTRUMENTS OP DESTRUCTION ARE MEASURED IN WHIMS OF I MEN Tho utter disregard of heavy mor tality, and tho willingness to oacrl flco goro 'for glory, has made tho German army tho wondor of experts. Othor nations hnvo evolved tactics, yet there Is not a war library In ex istence that does not contain moro treatises of Germany than all other nntlons comblno'd. Trust to Infantry. Tho Germans center nil tactics on a fierce Infantry attack. Thoy know tho psychology of war and ubo It, but If every man In lino Is killed, tho flag has advanced that 'far, and tho last dying soldier smiles. It Is a re lentless attack where men must wear down tho Hugo power of artificial do Btructlvo machines. Yot it is tho at tack called for. If nn enemy's gun Is estimated to havo a. flvo hundred death capacity, six hun'drod Gormans chargo it, and If olio hundred survlvo It tho victory Is there. This reputation nlono gives Gor mnny tho edgo of a battlo before a gun is tired. Guns nro Inert, they rcqulro men and tho guns of tho Inneiiiy nro just as strong as Alio nerves of tho men who man thorn. In tho current dispatches tho re ports of skirmishes loll of tho death of small numbers of men. Thoso jnon nro undoubtedly tho ndvnnco Bcouts. A detachment of cavalry sent out to report is victorious In tho German oyo If but ono man of tho two hundred sent returns with tho Information. PImih Mndo Far Abend. Tho Germans plan ahead and fol low that plan alone. Nothing Bwcrvcs thorn. Tho onward march Ib still m ado by tho plans. Thoy drop off horo nnd thoro "countnln Ing" trops men assigned fo koop a fort besieged but all tills wnB In tlio plnn. Thoy march with strong front to tholr goal, and if thoro Ib ono man allvo who can hold tho ball there, tho touchdown is scored and tho gamo won, In tho Gorman oyo. It is said that n messenger awoko tho great General Von Moltko at 3:00 In tho morning with tho news that Franco had declared war. "Thnnk you. You will find tho plan of campaign In tho third drnwor. Kindly convoy tho roll to tho chief of staff and tell him I will bco him aftor breakfast." Then ho wont to sleep again. Lamnrmora, ono of tho founders of tho Italian National Army. Tho gen eral asked tho king for tho worst soldiers In tho service so that ho could mold them nccordlng to his own plans. His first nnd chief plan was to mako his mon mentally keen and resourceful. At tho saino tlmo ho wished that thoy bo thoroughly ac tive physically. In n peculiar way tho great genoral went about training his men. Ono of his Ideas vas to havo all the dors Bocrotly locked when tho men were In qunrters, and to havo tho first dlnor buglo sounded. A moment lnt or tho second dlnnor buglo sounded. Tho mon In obodlonco to the call, rushod, with their pans In tholr hands, to tho doors, Tho doors wore all locked, of courso. Hut tho men must got their mess, Tho orders wero to predont them selves Immediately after tho second call, got their rations and return at onco to tholr quarters. Thoro was nothing loft to do but mako ropes of blankets and sheets and let them selves down from the windows wlillo thoy hold tho pans in their teeth. Thoy got their allowance of tho usu al thick soup and bread, Tho bread was easy. It went Into their pockets. Hut tho soup? Thoro was no othor way; thoy went up as they camo down, pans in mouths. Some got back with tho most of their soup, somo got bnck with half of It, somo got back with, tho pan wet. Hut out of 700 men In ono trial, all but two got back up tho improvised ropes. Tho norsagllori havo continued to bo a national Institution. Tholr tra ditions of readiness in emergency have not been allowed to dlo. Climb the Alplno Steep. No loss remarkably trained and no less picturesque nro tho Alplno troops. Tho mountains nro tholr home. Wlillo regiments hnvo been drilled in all tho difficulties of battling above tho clouds or on tho steep sides of tho cliffs, whero only avalanches are sup posed to travel. In tho maneuvers aro to bo seen long files of men, smnll looking Hko flies on tho wall of ft terrible preclplco, dragging Inch by Inch somo big field gun by means of cables and pulleys. Tho whole Idea of such training Is that somo day It would be necessary to meet an enemy equally daring and skillful among tho dangerous Alplno solitudes. Porhaps that day is now at hand, and tho Carnic and Rhea tlan Alps on tho border between Italy and Austria may seo battles most strango In comparison with tho ordi nary aspects of warfare, Hero may bo aerial battles of another kind, scarcely less thrilling and novel. Wore It not for these most pictur esque parts of the Italian army thoro would bo moro choors for tho Royal Piedmont regiment, oue of the most .... -" - TO Secretary Bryan Says That European Struggle is Death Throes of Great Power (Uj AinodMM rrrta to Com Dtj Tlmri. BALTIMORE, Mil., Sept. in. "Tho convulsions through which Eu ropo Is now passing nro tho death throes of militarism," declared Sec retary of State Uryan horo in his address at tho Star Spangled Ban ner celebration. "We nro entering upon n now age," sold tho Secre tary. "Wo aro entering upon nn ago In which freedom will bo given new 'Interpretations nnd bravery will find now forms of expression." Mr. Urynn camo aB tho porsonal representative of President Wilson, who was unablo to attend. Ho took for his subject "Tho Flag." "Our banner derives Its splondor from tho fact that It floats ovor 'tho land of the frco and tho homo of tho brave,' " said Mr. Uryan. "Wo might well spend this hour In thnnksglvlng for all that haB been nchlovcd under tho Rod, White and Uluc. But, gratifying as that would bo, moro advantage can bo gained from tho contemplation of tho part which wo must play today nnd to morrow In determining what that Flag shall symbolize. What kind of freedom shall It roprcsont to tho world 7 For what sort of bravery shall It stand? "Tho world hns longed for froo dom throughout tho ages not of tho privileged few, but of tho count less multitude Soma hnvo at all times had freedom freedom, rest ing not upon respect of human rights, but upon tho power of might. "Bravery has novor been lacking, tho brnvory of tho conqueror who risked his llfo to sccuro tho author ity that ho coveted. But tho free dom of tho despot and tho bravory of tho tyrant nro not tho virtues of which Key Bang." WHY PICK ON BELGIUM? Tho Utile Country Did Nothing to ihvtvo ii Hostile invasion. As tho "far flung battlo linos" surgo bnck und forth across Bel gium ono Is moro and moro appalled by tho hideous Injustlco of tho fnto which has overtaken this bravo 1 1 1 tlo country. What in henvon's nnmo was Sor vla to Belgium or Bolglum to Sor vla that this peaceful and prosperous Und of fine cattle, rich fields and teomlng mines, supporting moro peo plo to tho squnro mllo than any other area In Europo, must bo torn nnd trampled undor tho feet of n ruthless Invader? Tho Bolglans had no quarrol with anybody. Nobody hated them. Belgium was literally a land of milk and honey. Its tor tllo farms, beautiful valleys and thrifty cities wero tho dollght of travelers who passed ovor Its rail way lines. Yet now Its farmers must dosort tholr Holds to fight for thorn, wlillo tho soil growH rank with blood nnd battlo! Future generations will thrill when thoy rend of tho defense of Llogo. Thoy will weep ovor tho In justlco which mndo an innocont nnd Inoffonslvo country tho stnmplng ground of wnr. OFFICERS INSPECT LINE. William Spnuile, President of Lino, anil 1). W. Campbell, General Manager, In Eugene. EUGENE, Or., Sept. 14. William Sproulo, prosldont of tho Southern Pacific, accompanied by other rail road officials from 8an Francisco, mot D. W. Campbell, general mana ger of tho Southern Pacific In Port land, nnd F. L. Burkholdor, superin tendent of tho Southorn Pacific nt Portland, in Eugono, nnd tho two private cars of officials left Immed iately as a special train on a trip of Inspection over tho Willamette Val ley. eel ob rated corps, a corps whose fav orite maneuvering feat is swimming deep rivers on horsoback. Those who havo witnessed these maneuvers toll of seeing a prlnco of tho House of Savoy plungo Into the River Arno at Florence at tho head of his Hus sars and tho entire regiment swam across, each troopor with his arm about his trained charger's neck. Then thoro would bo moro oyes for tho Royal Carablneors, soldiers who aro chosen with tho utmost caro nnd who aro greatly esteemed for their noblo traditions. Tho Carabineers aro composed of all tho military corps which have chargo of tho public peaco and order in tho different pro vinces of the kingdom. A War Strength of 2,000,000. OutsJdo these parts of tko army, peculiarly distinguished ns thoy aro, there is tho main body of the com pact, well trained fighting force whoso was strength Is 2,600,000. Of theso, 700,000 compose tho mobile militia, and a million or moro, many of whom aro only partially trained, belong to tho territorial militia. Mil itary experts bellevo that Italy with Its twolvo army corps Joined with tho four of Servla could neutralize tho sixteen corps of Austria and draw tho dual monarchy's forces away 'from ob structing Russia and giving aid to (lormany. Only a fow years ago tho Italian soldiers had' a tasto of real war. In 190G there was trouble with Emperor Menollk nf Abvaslnla. Ttnlv tmfl W 0 MLTARISM dreamed of a protectorate and a vast African empire. Honorable defeats at the hands of tho fierce Abyssln Inns soon turned Into comploto disas ter. But it is not likely that the Italians camo back without having learned a few lessons whose appli cation may help make present history. V OP Flanagan & Bennett Banks Of Marshf ield and Myrtle Point, Ore. At the Close of Business September 12, 19 M RESOURCES Loans Riid Discounts $(j.o o.08 Bauking Houses and Heal Estate. . . . .. (j-l'973j).-Cash and Sight Exchange '. .' 2920ni!lG 'Total .....$999, HM.48 LIABILITIES Capital Stock Paid in Jj 75,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits .." 72,832.00 Deposits . ...' '.;. 851,92 Total $999,191.18 Tho money in tills bunk Ih scrureil against loss by Night or I)ny Itobbory. United States depository for Postal Havings. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT INTEREST IS BEING CREDITED AS OF SEPTEMBER 1, 1914 IN SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Bring In Your Pass Books FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS BAY Safely Deposit Boxes For Jicnt. EQUIPPED WITH WUlELKSf). SashJp Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILS FROM RAILROAD BOOK, MARSHFIELD, DURING Till? MONTH OK SEPTEMBER AT Jli:!J P. M., ON THE UNI), 7TIIt 1UTH, 17TII, UliNR AND i!7T II. Ticket on Mle to all KaMcj-M olnlfl unit Information m lo route nil ratOH cheerfully furnlfihed. Pliono as-J. O. II. LANDERS. Agent Inter-Ocean Transportation Co. Semi-weekly service Coos Bay and San Prancisco. S. S. Redondo SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD FOR BANFHANCISCO AND SAN PEDRO, THURSDAY, SKIT. JO, AT 12 noon Equipped wltli wireless and submarine bell. Passengers and freight. - S. S. NANN SMITH Equippedwith wireless and submarine bell. Passengers and freight. WILL SAIL FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR MARSHFIELD MONDAY, SEPT. M, AT !I P. Ban Franeisco office, Greenwich street pier No. 23 and GOO Pifo buildincr. Coos Bay Agent, C. P. PASSENGERS . FREIGHT l STORAGE Arrow Line Steamers -SAIL San Francisco Pier No. 26. Every Wednesday 3 P.M. Coos Every 4 P. M. THOMAS 11. JAMES, Aficnt Ocean Dock Pliono 27ft. To Portland every Thursday THE FAST AND COMFORTABLE S S. Geo. W: Elder NEWLY EQUIPPED NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. O. F. McGEORGH AGENT W. H. PAINT'" Phono 44, Marshfleld McGeoikje, Phone 44. FROM - Bay Friday Portland AlberB Dock No. 3 Evory Tuesday 9 A. M. Marshflsld To Eureka every Monday Phono 421, North Bend --"uiitlj. VBI" ttn .." 'M LowRa Hand bffiiSN fnf...."""W UTi.. --" IHUOIUM. - " TlUXa I,1"1 ni "oe: w Si ciiiife: ,.. i.M " Rim , $?'' "Til J..'' "I VJ. Frenrh ... A - -...! ST. L Steam hut Jferjr room. and up. . mum Meal uor, Con - HA'VETHI See PI suits m KI BlITll civr,i UNIQUE? JAY D01L 256 CcitnlH Picture LAMBETH STAND At I vVILL GO i m:v oil N mitaiflfl LY om4 r. I. bcaih dry! CAMPBttV Km.1 JIABLVB SOS If yo1 rwiN citf J for Fa fsSS T0U5 e,fs " ox coo riioxE i Ti ..ii i Wiiit ;-- ,-r"-: .. RBMUUBIMI