THtCOOSIAniMES, MARsHFlLfi, 0188N, WSBNiaBAY, SgPgR 14 WBVBNINb. 6RITI0N. wrr,wf-n".,-7rimva;i M mm UM - - i 1 .- ri i 1 1 i 77 z ' ' ' ' -0mmmSKtMltrir IMUWJ8oljMllMPfci uu. H. V,. TO U t 8 A JI' IIP 50c fi" .. Gun. i auto i"' " Acres DIRECTORS Kelson. Piano. um, Sn Fran. ig for lessuuo -4 :ent. Oregon li.nnit Jiinil Cabinet D. S. T. itlioda) ueaio troaiou gerr. iwonii j ojdwajr. Uinbliem. ur. i) niacin''" .. tun I. Haines' Mus- Phono 103-L. Phono 318-n hUCTOK on request phone 31G4 li uuiM)i:u I on Request I; Itcfercnco jiaraaiieia id Throat. mi! ClilMrcn ,mi 200, 201 lock. 105-J. sVX.W AND r K Dloclf ifleld, Orogoo iolce nullJIng, cjon Icon. ticiinit vo. Third St. M. T. D. AM) .Mill). iTICS 1SKS 1'liono 212-J rn ItACTOR tendril (n )- (Ilicn. fAIJMl Front St. TO LI.MJ Mnrshflold l7 Points. - r. m. ...noc 70c 73c ..$1.00 91.00 -.$1.00 nt MO IN M wan Deacb !o leave. (times daily POL'S AUTOS t'O All- HUIUJ) driven one UU, nun, 'one 24JO-L RSETS" Flbutors JADET" Jo. Bend sox P-HAXn m-i4 Pake 1ACTS bleAbS! n.n -.i. " r-" "oa I cost w CO. tnt Ads esults Owls Annual Picnic at Simpson Park, North Bend Sunday, Sept. 20 SPORTS, DANCING AND GENERAL PROGRAM Good Time Assured. All Owls, their families and friends are invited to be present and enjoy a gala day. North Bend Nest of Owls BY DAN M'DONALD. NOW BEADY l?01l DELIVERY TIMES OFFICE Pocket War Map of Europe UP-TO-TIIE-MTNUTE TABLES showing tho si'o of Annies and Navies; the amounts of War Debts; tho Population and Area of all tho leading Countries arc also given in 'fact, tho Map is COM PLETE DIRECTORY of this THE GREATEST AVAR IN HISTORY. It is bound for carrying in tho pocket, printed in colors and shows tho whole of Europe. Will be sold at Times nil for 15 cents. ma A sample may may bo (low. Address Coos Bay TJmas Marshfield, Oregon. COOS BAY STATIONERY COMPANY 93 Central Avenue Phone 430 ANSCO AGENCY Cameras and Everything for Them 3FFICE SUPPLIES STATIONERY COQUILLE-MARSHFIELD AUTO STAGE LINE OAKS LEAVE KEXALL llltANCII STOItE, GEXTHAL AVENUE, MAItSHFIELI), AM) HAXTEIt HOTEL, COQUILLE, DAILY AH FOLLOWS: Lonvo Marshflold: Loavo Coqulllo. 10:00 n.m. 7:45 a.m. 12:30 li.iii. ' 9:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 1:45 p.m. &:30 p.m. 3:00 p.m. Fare, one way, $1.2.1. Itniiml trip, snmo lny, $2.00. GOOD CAKE- FUL DIHYEHS. Jt'fthu J 1 1 Co, .Marsliflehl, TinnsiMirtntloii Mgr. TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- -:- hao been a hobby with ua for a good many years and a lot of our' cuatomers will tell you whon It cornea to gottlng Rood, Bound, durnblo framing material .at tho right price we lenow our busi ness. Just tell what you want to build and the amount you want to spend and we'll get busy with our pencil and flguro out tho beat your money can buy. Try ua. u , 4 C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Go. RETAIL DEPAHTMEXT CUT THE P1IOXE 100. FUEL HILL 1 Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance riTLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., inc. HENRY SENGSTAOKEN, Manager KAUM, COAL, TIMI1ER AND PLATTING LANDS A SPECIALTY GENERAL AGENTS EASTSIDB MARSHFIELD OFFICE, PHONE U-J. COQUILLE CITY OFFICE PUONF 101. 4 TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal, Oliver, L..C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. Cleanlug, repairing or now platens, work guaranteed. Itlbboiis and carbon pHper delivered. Phoue us your5 order, Plione 4 1, Alliance office. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. s CALIFORNIA Mbw.marto&2ZfS&. KVto J s1ru4 m 1M STAMPS W.ttt01 .WEItJSTOa Po?n7i KWTV . l-nK1 ' A 1 rtxcTO R5iWM4,rV AT office for 10 cents, or by seen in rp inios office win- TWO HV US1XO OUU WOOD 182 SOUTH IHIOADWAY Our JJ0SJM2ll3 CALITOErtlA m r-- ii !" tin IT"- -" TTi iIITTi "ir'n -i i.tMiT iTn"", Tl THE PEOPLE'S PAGE immm m mmamimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmim MWLET REPLIES ' TO Hill, Washington, I, a, Sept 1914. My denr Sir: In the Ibsiio of tho Portland Jour nal for August 19th is printed n letter from one Hugh MeLnln, of Mnrahtlold, in which ho attempts to explain tho orrorn ho mndo lu his In torvlow. Ho fnljH Into further on oh nml makes glaring mlSMtatomunts. I request again n little' of your vnlua blo apace to stato wlint tho records show and what tho facts nre. Appropriation Tor Cons Hay. Mr. .Mcl.nln atntes that his Inter view contained n "misprint" when ho Hald that tho present rivers and har bors hill carried only $40,000 'for Coos Hay when It passed Iho Ilouso nnd that tho amount was Increased to fiiO.OOO whon tho bill reached (ho Senate. I have boforo mo tho Rivers and Harbors Hill, 1.1. It. 13811, as It was reported to uio Senato on Juno 18, by Senator Simmons from tho committee on Commorco of tho Son nto, and tho Horn for Coos Hay reads as follows: "Improving harbor at Coos Hay, Oregon: For mnluteiiaiico of completed chnnnols lu Cooa Hay and operating bar drodgo, r0,000." Mr. McLaln soys: "nnd It was In creased lu tho Seiinto to $00,000." Ho says nu ncndment was offered to Incrcaso tho amount to $00,000 In tho Senate on Aptll I, 1014 and that tho propdsed amondniont wns referr ed to its Committee on Commerce. If that Is so thon tho Commltteo on Commorco rejected tho proposed am endment and did not Include It in tho bill whon it toported It to tho Sonato on .Juno 18. I havo quoted tho lan guage of tho Item na contained in tho bill reported to tho Senato. Sco page (!C, lines JO, 11 and 12, of tho bill. Tho Item la therefore now $r0, 000, which was tho nmoiiut 1 had In cluded In tho Ilouso Hill, nnd It wns not, na ho says, Increased lu tho Son ato to $110,000." Will ho now find tonother "misprint" in Ills cotnmuul cntlonx? I would ho very glad If tho Item could bo Incrorsod by Mo Sen ate, I bollavo lu tho Coos Hay water way. I have had appropriated for its Improvement evory dollar tho ougl ncora havo recommended, Including 'o pnurnnrlntlon of $350,000 for tho bar drodgo Mlchlo. I strongly favor tho reconstruction nnd extension of tho Jetty system nt Coos Hay. And I might any lu passing that whon tho Illvora nnd Harbors Com mltteo of tho IIoiiho mndo up tho ponding bill, which passed tho Ilouso In March, I had Included In It every project In tho First Congressional District recommended by tho engi neers, with tho amounts recommend ed by thoiu. Tho Ilouso Commltteo follows tho rulo of requiring their approval. This practlco la to relievo tho bill of "pork barrel" features, since tho projects Included hnvo boon passed upon by tho locnl engineers, tho Hoard of Engineers for Itlvora nnd Harbors, tho Chief or Engineers and tho Secretary of War man who hnvo no personal Interests tn Uio, pro jects, but hnvo In vlow tho JhiTiIIo service only. I wish to commend tho Journal for Its cnpnblo support of tho pending bill. 1 hopo tho Senate will not allow tho bill to fall. I havo gono Into-tho dotalls above that tho matter may bo cloar to ov oryono nnd to Mr. McLaln. I can go yet further Into tho mattor If ho la not convinced of his error. Tho Mill Slough Mill. In nddltton to tho records I rjuolod In my former lotter, It la necessary to refer to thorn further to correct further misstatements by McLaln. Ho makes n number. Ho says In his lot tor: "In regard to tho passago of Sonato Hill 7G7 for closing Mill Slough. Whon tho bill was passed In tho Sonato tluough Senator Chnni borlnln'a efforts and It was necessary to Introduco It In tho House, Con gressman Hawloy was not in Wash ington, nor was ho represented by hla secretary at that tlmo, and because of his absenco Congressman Lnffor ty's aid was secured and ho introduc ed tho bill In tho Ilouso and It was re ferred to tho Commltteo on Interstate and Foreign Commorco, of which ho had tho honor of being a member, nnd a favorable report waB obtained from all tho members present. vnw tho facts aro theso: Sonntor Chamberlain Introduced flio bill In tho Senate, S. 7C7, on April 12. 1013. I Introduced tho bill In tho House, II. It. 2483, on April 14, 1913. Hep rosentatlvo Lafforty Introduced no bill on tho sublet at all, according to tho Index n tho Congressional Record for tho irst Session of tho Slxty-tblrd Con 'bb. Nor was there any reason wlr should. Tho Sen ate bill when It had passed the Sen ate would naturally bo taken up. Neither was a favorable report made by tho Committee of Intorstato and Forolgn Commerce on any Mill Slough bill; but as I provod by quo tatlons from the Congressional Itec ord, In my former letter, tho Senate mil was passed by tho House, on Oc tober 17 on my motion to discharge to Commltteo on Interstate and Foreign Commerce from any '""J18'' .rmutilnr.ltlnn OT ICO Ulll. " l" .n u.nni.i not have been In order , IHUIIVI4 nwixi. .-- . .. , If the Committee nau repu-mn wv bill to the House. Prior to Its passage by the House, I hid conferences with the Speaker, tho Majority Leader, the Minority Leader and several with Chairman Adamson urging fayorablo action on the bill and preparing tho way for its passage under the motion I made. Now It may bo that Mr. McLaln does LettefS From- Times Readers That Are of General Public Interest not understand parllametnnry pro cedure or tho work necessary nt times to ho done. Dut lu hla intor Vlow and lotter ho nssuniod to know nil about tho wholo matter. In tho parngraph quoted hq makes two ml. Htutoments nt least. It was necessary for nlo to securo considatablo data, which I did, and by, means of which I was ablo to securo tlio passago of tho bill. My file On tho subject Is voluminous. Such nro tho facts as contained in tho records nnd as known to thoso horo who nro Inter ested In tho matter. The work on tho Mill Slough bill Is only ouo item out of hundreds of acts of service I havo been nblo to render to tho pcoplo I hnvo tho honor to represent. I hnvo been commended by lending citizens of CoOs Hay In this mattor men w.j usslsted in collecting and compiling tuo necessary ('.atn. Few mombeib hnvo as good u record for diligence in nttenuanco on tho work of the Ilouso and Its tomiultteo assignments as I hnvo. Thin will bo assented to b) tho Spcnkoi, tho Minority Londoi ami tno chairmen of tho Ilouso com mittees on Agrlculturo nnd Labor. When they nro no facts to sustain M chain's untenable position, ho In vents Bonio "incts." in hla futllo at tempt to austaln his position, ho adds to lila former errors additional mis statements. Ho has no right to In vent "facts," or what ho calls "facts.' Ho attempts to ovrulo tho Issues ho has lalscd as to liln accuracy nun trustworthlucsK, by endeavoring to ihirt to other manors. Hut lot these mntters now ho settled first. All things lu duo ordor. It Is no pleasant duty for mo to bo compelled again to arraign Mc Lain before tho bar of public opin ion for further misstatements nnn misrepresentations. I can do so again If ho Insists, but I will tnko no plcaauio In It. Tho records nnd facte provo that ho Is neither nccurnto not trustworthy in theso mnttora. With tunny thanks, for tho courtesj of this space, I am, Trply yours, W. C. hawlev. THE CONSUMERS' VIEW OF GOOD ROADS Editor Coos Ihiy Times: lu Au gust 21 Issue of The Times n busi ness man atntes that lu dairying nnd vegotnblo growing tho const district Ib of tho utmost Impor tance. Ho nlso speaks of tho Im ports of general niorchaudlso uf tho valuo of hundreds of thousands of dollars. Pleaso permit a fuw words on tho Imports of general merchandise lu Its economic relation to tho de velopment of tho coast country. A short tlmo uko tho wrltor count ed soma two hundred and fifty sacks of potatoes bosldcs a largo number of boxes and crates of ve getables and fruit unloaded from ouo boat. This bonj mnkos fifty-two trips a year. Not always bringing such Inrgo qunntltlos, but each trip bringing In fruit and vegetables from uuothor stato that wo can bettor nnd cheapor rnlso hero on tho Hay. Apd thoro nro fqur bouts. A llt tlo computation wljl show that tho farm produco annually shipped Into Coos Day must bo ouormoua, tak ing Into consideration tho fact that Coos County Is supposed to bo u farming country. At a consorvntlvo ostlmnto the monoy soul away to pay for this produco will equal tho annual wagca of ono hundred nnd. fifty moil. Such n atato or affairs Is Indeed an economic crime. Supposing n business carrying ouo hundred nnd fifty nnmes on Its puv roll should booIc n location on tho Hay. What prompt consideration would It recolvo from tho Chnnibor -of Commorco? What Inducomonta would bo offoiod In tho wny of low rout, Iqw taxes ami cheap locution? Yet by making It possible for tho ranchers to raise and market the produco that wo nro now shipping In, wo would accomplish the sumo object in u throe-fold measure. First Incrense In population Incident to tho development of tho rural com munltles. Second, largo tiucts of land now being hljo nml worthless will bo brought under cultivation nnd bear n portion of the tax bur den which la surely gottlng near tho limit. Lust and by no means least, It will cheapen tho coit of living to tho consumer. And this cun bo brought about as has boon aptly stated by build ing a road systom thut will pay Its own cost of construction and not bo a burden to thq tux payors. Though lu favor of good roada the wrltor voted ugalnqt tho bond issue becnuso of tho provision limiting Its scope, which ho believed would defeat Its own object. Tho good roada moioment Is of vital Importance tq tho lutoiost of tho people lu Us relation to tho cost of living and development of tho Iho country to bo long retarded be cnuso of dffforonco of opinion in re gard to location and methods of con struction. Tho people pay tio bills and thoy have the right to any what roads shall bo built and that they Bhall bo built under a nystejn that will glvo tho full value for ovory dollar. Hottor roads, roads that will glvo tho farming districts access to tho consumer that will permit tho con sumer to buy farm produco minus profits wo must and will huvo. It is unthlnknbla that an Intelli gent, progressive people will suffer themselves to be mulcted through ... , ,,., w such Intolerable conditions, To this end wo should get togother nnd talk It over. Wo should hnvo a representative meeting of producer and consumer of all who nro Interested In chang ing conditions that are building up communities In other slates, yes, in foreign countries a tho exponso of our own, No community tan pros- IN JUSTICE 10 SHERIFF'S OFFICE Editor Times: In your Ibsiio of Soptombor 11, 1914, t noto that you stato that "Mr. Llljoqvlst was Indlgnnnt becnuso Sheriff Gago al lowecl Coy Elllston, Trottor nnd tho Jennings Hoys, who wero In tho hinplro snloon robbery, to got out of tho country." Thoro Is nothing for Mr. LIIJo vlst to bo Indignant ovor In this caso nnd why ho should mnko tho statement Is bovoml mv iiminrarnmi. Ing, flnloss ho wanted to dollboratoly mlBtnto tho facts. Horo Is tho truth lu tho matter: On last Wednesdny I rolurliud from Empire, whuro 1 had luvdstlgntcd tho saloon hold up nnd mot Mr. Llljeqvlst In tho Shorlff's offlco nnd told him thoro was no ovldcnco on which to mako an arrest, but that u good ninny parsons ausplcloned that It was a frame-up bctweon Elllaton, Trotter nml tho Jonnlngs boys nnd two others nnd thnt It wns only opinion nnd suspicions nnd no ovl dcnco. At Hint ho suggested issuing grand Jury stibpoenns to hold them on, nnd ono of my doputlcs suggest ed to blip that if thoy woro mlxod In tho hold-up thoy would boat it, rogurdloss of u subpoena ana It would bo hotter for him to fllo complaints In tho Justlco's court nml hnvo warrants Issued for tho whole hunch for gambling, ns bo had said that ho hud tho ovldonce to convict thorn of that offense If ho wanted to hold them, why didn't ho hnvo tho warrants Issued. This nil hupponcd Wednesday morn ing, thus giving plonty of tlmo to mnko arrests, had tho warrants been been Issued. Mr. Llljoqvlst could hnvo Just is wull Informed you thnt ho lind no ovldonco to hold thorn on, which would hnvo been tho whole truth and no ouo lujurod n ' i.. hold-up was concerned. This is not intended to do Mr. Llljoqvlst an In jtiBtlco, but I simply want tho pub lic to know tho truth of tho mat- tor. W. W. GAGE. All Over Oregon SALEM, Or., Sept. 15. Hoppnor Is to hnvo night tolophouo service. Work bus begun on tho founda tions of tho Eugoiio Arruory. A contract for tho building will bo let In two weeks. Astoria la to havo tho largoat wireless telegraph station on tho Pacific Coast, on tho south sldo of Young's Hay. Tho Kleos Electric Company, of SuiniuervUlo, Is extending Its light nnd pnwor system Into tho Grnndn Hondo Vulloy, New Plymouth has a $14,000 high school with modern oqulpmont. Tho Sunny-Mont Ilunch Co., Is developing 2G7U acres of hind near Monroo, Nyssa sont out n baud of 800 horses for Government mounts. James Anderson opons a restau rant nt Full City. On tho $1500 exemption Wlthy combo and GUI nro opposed, U'Ron favors nnd Smith Is non-committal. Tho North Pacific Fruit Growers Association shipped 1383 enru of fruit from Oregon this season, My co-oporatlou of the Shorlff's offlco nnd extra police, tho throats ot intororonco In tho hop yards by I. W. W.'s did not mntorlalUo. Tho Ilooth-Kelly Lumber Com pany, of Eugono, has boon granted permission by tjio Government to build u logging railroad over u quarter section of Oregon nnd Cal ifornia Lund Grant In Lauo County. Petitions to tho taxpayers of .Mnlbour County tire being circulated for purpose of voting a $30,000 bond Issiio for a brldgo to cross tho Snake river. Hiirus has voted a $100,000 bond Issuo to Improve sower and water system. Ln Grande Elks havo awarded a ontrnit for n $25,000 Elks Lodgo. Tho Portland City Council bus authorized tho purchaso of 32 ncres for $8000 near Troutdnlo for a de tention homo for women. $7000 ju addition will be spoilt for build fugs and Improvements, ' Thoa. F. Hnrlco In four months Mine took $790 from u ledgo ho worked near tho headwaters of tho Sixes river In Curry County. It is announced that eight can neries will operate on tho lower Columbia. Most of tho cold stor age plants will also operate. Hay City will grado and hnrd sur face 2 1 blocks of street. Jones & Lewis aro Installing a now monumoiit plant near tho I, O. O. F. Cornotory. The town of Alvadoro on tho P. E, & 11. Ity. has a now church, a cannery and other buildings undor construction and Just voted a threo mill tax to construct tho finest rural school houso In Lano County. por undor such falso economic con ditions that neglects the producer and lenves the consumer at tho mercy of tho middleman. This mattor should Interest tho Chamber of Commerce. Cortalnly It will bo willing to lend Its aid and, co-operate with any movement thut may bo initiated to promato tho common good, to sprva tho best In terest of the people as a whole, lly all means let us get together and talk it over. CONSUMER. m """""" '