&' 1 WraWKlMBRgra TWO THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1914 EVENING EDITION. COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALONHY Editor and l'ub. DAN K. .MALONKV News Editor ter. The jury were out a long time1 IllCV. OLSON OETS AUTO mnchluo at East Eighth nnd Halscy streets, whore tho thlovcB had lumn doncd Jt. Evitlenly It had boon used ,for nn out-of-town Joyrldo. Mr. Olson Is chnplaln of tho Oregon Naval Mllltla. Tho chaplain's ov ercoat and driving gloves ito nd loft In tho lunchlno had not neon disturbed. and finally came In with a verdict o manslaughter. The mnn rushed id) to Fliiniilnnn and said: "I'm obliged Kormei' ililno Coos liny Minister's Ma Taken by Joy Hitlers to you, my friend. Did you have a ' hard time?" "Yes," said Plannlgou, "an awful hard time. The other eleven wanted to acquit yez." Officii)! Paper of Coos Comity. Entered at the Postofflco at Marsh Ileltl, Oregon, for trnnamlBslon through the mails as second-class hinll matter. i i I'lOllTlNO AGAINST TI.MK. PORTLAND. Or., Sept 1C Rev. Rk'hard .1. Olson found his automo bile. Tho machine was Btolon rrom In front of Immanuol Lutheran Church, Nineteenth and Irving streets, diirlnir thn nvonlnc's scr- oUnn accident t0 h,; Snn,..i.. ... w nriMfto.. ............ niternoon hii Cooa liny. .... ..," Mrtt J garner Kl.mft n,,' r " MO II in I) j. J -" W?H HANI) DANCE PLATFORM Second ami Market, Satin day night. Big COOS nnd Cl'llllY FAIR, at MYRTLE POINT SKIT. 23 to 20, In clusive. About l.alf the world cries "Down with liquor," mud the other half Is doing Its best to fol- 1 vice. Tho chaplain had to rvalk i home, and so did an aged parish ioner whom ho had brought to bell, tl HKC11KTA11Y AND TItHASl'llKIt OK AM KIM CAN AMATEUR ATHLET IC UNION 8UCCUMIW TO OPERA TION IN NEW YOIIK. tDr Atotltl Trm to Cooj Dr Tlmei.j NEW YORK, Sopt. 1G. Jas. E. Piyslclans ,i ;"SM MOtei GERMANY fights against tlio clock. It must win at onco against Belgium, England and Franco If It Is to win at all. The successes It has achieved are costing It half of Its effective fighting cana-i I low Instructions. l The teacher may have been ready for school yesterday but It's a safo bet tho kids were not. church. Mr. Olson set out to do his own sleuthing. He fount! tho kii oppicks aiftTnV"', - irtii Sullivan, secretary and treasurer of city In tho west. Its tidal wavo or victory thero nears Its flood. Hence forth It will coasu to ho at tho maxi mum of Its military strength, where us ti at of England and Russia will be growing. , Tho talk of war tax seems to put Homo of tho taxpayers In fighting mood and the gymnasium tax had tho samo effect. tho American Amateur Athletic Vn Ion, Idled In the hospital hero today. Ho was operated on for Intestinal troubles Monday. He attended the Sept. Sewing Week moot at Baltimore last Friday and By tho way, Is all this fuss around the French capital cutting off the output of Paris green? his sickness was vory sudden. He was to havo been director of athletics TJIK DAY OK OIX)UY WVKI." HAS Ail- at tho Panama Pacific Exposition in San Francisco. 'i i f i l LTiii i iinni. u. r. HULL mi: ThooTTT- 3 ' I PASSES AWAW ng. -- ' There aro some men on Coos Bay who never were anywhero, never intended to go anywhere, and yet nro always trying to come back. THE Swiss legation gives out nn appeal from Its government for holp for starving families of sol diers who aro at tho front. Wo read of the destruction of tho fine city ' of Loitvnlti, of women and children klllo.1 by bombs at Antwerp, of mer chant and passenger vessols sunk with lmiivv Inun of llfn liv nrrlilnntnl- ly striking mines, or dying messages of husbonds to wives, of women wecp- The outlook for Turkoy la dark ing at tho death of their sons, of and growing darker tho nearer wo bodies piled so high In tho field ns to ' approach to tho fourth Thursday In Interrupt the service of artillery, of rsovemuor. President Wilson politely romlnds tho country that neutrals mustn't ov en shoot off thoir mouths. I COOS HAY KNOCKS I OUT MILITAltY RAND the gallant Cossacks showing such command of snber practice that they frequently cut opposing soldiers quite in two, of factories shut down, of Bhl 'n r""tlntj nt the wharves, of wo men and children stnrvlng because tho bread winner Ib nt tho front. Now will nil kindly rise nnd sing the "Mnr Bolllalsc," emphasizing particularly the socond line: "Tho tiny of glory has arrived!" $J,H70,00(M(. Abovo Figures ltctrescut the Total Goflt of KuroiKNin AVar to Date. THE European war to date hns cost tho counlrlos Involved tho vnBt total of of fl.870,000,000. This totiii in uased on the figures of $50,000,000 loss a day estimated by tho most eminent French nnd English atntlstlclnns. Tho dally estimate of $55,000,000 Includes lost earning power, econom ic loss, loss by destruction of war ulilps, destruction of ammunitions, loss by normal bombardmont of towns, economic loss through casual ties, loss In nuimalH nn,! Industrl.il and commercial loss. It tlnn not Include inch nhnorpinl I6uorf an tho destruction of Louva'n, 'which was approximately $100,000,- 000. "CLOSE FRIENDS. M.m .. n . .1 ih(iIAh atnftil n nn lt J I1U UUtll 1IIIU UIUIUUII diuwu ul,tv,A But when he sighed nnd told tho miss, Tin going now; heart," They came together Justllkothls. good night, dear WASHINGTON, D. C, Sopt. 16. Sonntor Lane is' advised by tho War Department that the Fourteenth Infantry Band Iibb been directed to leave Fort George Wrlglit and return to its proper station, Fort Lawton. The ban'tl was engaged to fur nish music for tho Spoknno In terstate Fair, but 'on a protest from tho Central Labor Council nt Mnrsliflold, Or., hns canceled the arrangement. SPIES SIGNAL WITH SMOKE GLORIOUS DAY FDR THE DIVINE RIGHT OF KlXf.S s TO i H0LU5TEB Mass Meeting Indorses Can didacy Many Speakers Laud His Stand At a mooting nt Eckhofr hall in North Bend last evening, resolutions were adopted urging Coos county pco pie, regardless of politics, to sup port Prod Holllster, the deinocrntlc nomluco for Congress. Tho resolu tions also commended Iiolllstcr's stand tor taxing tho government lnnd and tlmbor holdings tho twuuX) ns private holdings and aho Indorsed his stnnd to have tho government German Says Russian Army Is Kept Well Iiifoiiuetl. LONDON, Sept. 1C Referring to the unfavorable nows from tho oast Prusslun frontier, n Gorman officer said, according to a dispatch from Amsterdam: "Now wo know how tho Russians wero able to escape our movements. Tho esplonne service which they have organized Is enormous. Tho Russlnus ate Informed of everything Unit Is happening In tho dnytlmo by j spies who light fires that produce i smoke of various colors as suit their purpose At nlht they slgnnl with lights. Mirrors nre also utilized for signaling wlien the sun pormltH. Onco wo sa w n procession of Russians car rying n sacred plcturo which proved to be painted on a mirror. Tho RusslnnH nlwnys escaped when wo Hiicrocdod In getting thorn on 'danger ous ground." FREE During Sewing Week You will be given free with the purchase of Dress Materials, any pattern from our stock of new FALL PATTERNS UW WiUl 7504 M Sklit 7S07 Ulm' Coal 7S09 " Dm. 741S New Idea Patterns Eidenheinler-Stein & Company's EXTRA-GOOD SCHOOL CLOTHES FOR BOYS -NEW- DRESS GOODS AND SILKS See Window Display NEW- Raincoats, Shoes- and Hats FOR MEN WOMEN . CHILDREN GOLD AT LOON LAKE. Farms In the Loon Lake Valley nro valuable to tho owners In more ways than ouo would think, though by tho manipulations of chlt-kons they nro gold producers. Not long ngo, Mrs. Jones, of tho Jones farm In that IX million men engaged In mnr- dispose of It so It would bo developed. I neighborhood, had occasion to kill n, dorlng ono another. I N. C. McLood presWed ns chair-: chicken, and In dressing It ahe found I Six million mon In tho nrlmo man and Edgar McDanlol. Editor of a smnll nugget of gold nbout tho M Ik A hv A H kH eHB A Bf fl kV HeiKk. H of llfo nnd tho rinod-tldo of perfect .health, all of them offoctlvo parts of tho masslvo machinery of organized manslaughter, contending with alt ' tho lmbldmonts of'sS'stoimUlzed de struction thnt mtjIJorii science can tlo vlso. Ah Kipling phrases it in his ringing vorso: Onco inoro wo hear tho word ' That Hlckoned heart of old; "No lnw except the sword, unshonthod nnd uncontrolled! thn North Bend Harbor, was secro tary, Among thoso adtlresslng tho 'lieotlng wero N. C. McLeod, E. II. Ouery, V. K, WnttejH, , A.. S Ham mond and Fred Holllster. Tho North Bond High School band nlso assist alzo of n pea In Its crnw, which tho fowl had incked up nn tho farm. . This seems to bo no uncommon occur- rqneo, ns gold Jius .ben found in tho craws df other fowls of that vicinity. wucro tuo goiti comes rrom is un- oil In Hin iirnurain. roiililnroil anvnrnl knOWll. as tlioro nro no RraVOl bOtlfl oxcellont selections on tho streot nnd or qunrtz veins In tho neighborhood.) some during tho meeting. About! 'n " probability tho gold was car-, nnn u-nrn in nttniiiiiinon. rioil In n slide which mny have oc-1 A. S. Hammond, a partner of Mr.lcnrred ages ago. At any rato this Is K Holllster. atnted that while ho always' pretty gootl farm to own. Uniptiun had supported tho Republican ticket, Courier. For autocracy and militarism tho Huh tlmo ho wns going to support celebration of Sedan tiny must have Holllster as u business proposition. marked tho pinnacle of human ee-i Ho Haiti that Holllster was tho first, ntasy, ro advocate treating tho immouso. 'flint ..nn 1... .ln.i l.i .t.lnli it... ..inM ...it.Af ti (unlit lif.lil lluva tirniit lrlllli nnn' lords have looked forward for u gen- third of tho entlro Congressional dis tention. That wns tho Klny for which trlct,. tho same us private holdings, nil civilization bus boon laid under Ho said that theso wero Idle under tribute. Thnt was the day for which government ownership nnd most of corrupt diplomacy and lying states-, tho timber was rlpn and should bo mnnshlp hnvo been c'iuiiIiikIv niirt-' utilized. Following his talk, ho til ing tho old rnco hatrods and fanning troduced tho resolutions endorsing the embers of nnclont foutls. T'uit Iltilllstor nud commen'JIng his stand was tho dny for which nation after for taxing government holdings. Tint Ion hns beon Impoverishing Its, V. E. Walters said that ho hnd al Iionsants nnd Its nrtlsniiB to provldo ways been a democrat. Ho said that tho necessary nrmnniont. Thnt was it was tlmo for Coos Buy and Coos tho day for which subjects of kings county to wnko up and got their nnd kaisers havo boon taught to re- sliaro since tho Columbia River had gard themselves ns fooU for cannon, j been taking about seven-eighths of A glorious day for all who bolleve tho government appropriations In In war for war'u nuke. An especially Oregon for dovoloplng that section. glorloiiH day for tho dlvlno right of Ho thought thnt Holllster could and Mugs; for without this doctrlno thore! would nld Coos nnd tho othor coast could have boon no celebration. But. districts besides tho Columbia River, when tho smoko or tho ghns hns clear- N. C. McLeod in his talk said that ctl away It mny not sooni so glorious, It wns a biiHlnoss proposition for especially to those rulers by "dlvlno Coos Bay to got bohlnd Mr. Holllster right" upon whoso bunds rests the blood-guilt of tho most devastating war known to tho history of the hii-. man rnco. The filial reckoning Is yot to bo paid, but civilization will bo stupid as tho homo candidate Judgo Ouory, a f armor pnrtuor of Mr. Holllster, said that whllo ho hnd been n lifelong Republican he was going to support Mr. Holllstor. Ho said that tho days of oratory wore Intlond If tho autocracy that has llv.vl over and Mr. Holllstor In a quiet way by tho sword docs not die by tho nword In ntoiioiuent for Its unspenk nble crimes ngniust Clod and mnn. WITH THE TEA AND THE TOAST WAR. Wo glvo our children drums to boat lloforo they stand upon their feet; Wo glvo them swords and soldiers gny And at tho gnmo of war they play. Wo bund tho twig of humankind, Yot marvol if tho tree's inclined. Early wo learn that might Is right, Thnt life Itseir In ono long fight. This world's a battlefield, wo teach; Business Is war a common speech. Wo bash our brother on the nose, Yet weop If nations come to blows. Our pooms nnd pictures, books and plays Tho doughty deeds of warriors praise. our mode of speech, our modo of llfo Coos Bay s snnro siiouiu tie possiuij could accomplish much In Congress Ho said that whllo ho did not consid er Mr. Holllster the best man on the Bay or in tho world, ho thought that ho was tho best In the rnco. Any way, ho said, ho would "vote for a cur dog If It would uld Coos Bay." Mr. Holllster oxpressod his apprecl- ntlon of tho sontlmonts and declarod that Coos Bay had boon neglected. He sold thnt Coos county wns the seventh largest In tho state, from tho standpoint of voting strength, nn'd If he could get tho support horo that ho should, ho felt that tho regular democratic and porsonnl support in tho balance of tho district would el ect him, Ho said that roads, water ways and harbors were the throo vital things to Coos county. Ho pointed out that tho government holdings wero equnl to ono-hnlf of the entlro wealth of tho state and by taxing thorn nn'd using tho incomo tlioro- from for improving. rondB, wntor ways and liarbors, tho general wel faro would bo advanced. Ho said that under such a taxation system, WES GETS ISO IONS OE ALFALFA HIT A. T. Haines today received the largest shipment of alfalfa over brought to Coos county In ono ship ment. Tho consignment arrived on tho Nann Smith and consisted of ISO tons. It filled tho big warehouse of Mr. Haines, part of tho Smith Ter minal wnrohouso and much of the (Cock spneo nearby. Tho shipment was nranged ror personally by Mr. Haines when ho visited California a fow months ngo, and comes to him direct from tho grower. Thus ho re ceives a much bettor quality of alfal fa and nt n much lowor prlco than ho would havo been nblo to secure had ho bought It through commission dealors. THE LIFE CAREER "Scbaollnc In youth ihoutd IqytrUblr b directed to ptcpire ptnaa la the betl wir lor thf brtt prranrnt occuDitlo for which he It c4pblc.''rrMtntC W KltoL Thl If the MUtlno et th Aro echoes of tho ancient strife. Tho women dross nu mtlltnlre, Yot "War's a horrible affair." r STORY FOR THE DAY WASTED HIK MONEY, A mnn arrested for murder, bribed Flannigan on the jury wltlv $100 toi his campaign would bo of groat ad-j hung out for a verdict of manslaugh- vertUlng value to this section. $2,000,000 tho Coqulllo nnd othel harbors gottlng5 jproportfpnnte am ounts, nnd this would take caro of theso Improvements without the ne cessity of an expensive lobby try ing to got assistance. Mr. Holllster declared that he woulVl bo a good loser as well as a good winner, and he pointed out that If he did lose, l:prly.lilh School Year Opens SKPTEHBKR 18th, 1914 Write for illustrated loopag Book' let, "THE I.IPK CAKr-bR," afid for Cata log containing full Infoimatluo Degrr Cuttt- AfJRICUUURB t Acronomy, Animal Husbandry, Dairy Hus bandry, Poultry Husbandry, Horticulture. Agriculture for Teachers. FOHbSTRY. LOGOINO KNOINKfcRINO. IJOME ECO NOMICS: DomestlcSclence, DomrstlCArt, ENOINEERINO: Electrical, Irrigation, Highway, Alechanlcal, Chemical, Mining;. Ceramics. COMAERCE. PHARMACY. Industrial arts Voialional tToHrtej-Agrlrulfure, Dairy Ing, HomvMakers' Course; Industrial Arts, Forey, Business Short Course, School of Vji Piano, Sttlug, Band, Voice Culture. Ftrrrur Buiineti Couru by Mil Free. AddrM THK KXatSTRAft, (tw-TU I -) CrTllU, Orca Fine Furniture For Fine Homes Company's SURE to come. Inourkrge stock and varied assortment line 0 f In the Mrs. Nice Hostess :- How much easier It Is to entertain 00m pany If you have a NICE PARLOR! Then, too, you want a nice parlor for your own family all of the time. We have parlor sets as beautifull as any woman could wish. We also have all lines of furniture that a complete home, whose mistress likes to entertain, calls for ,,r Our PRICES are LOW compared to the value we give. MJt We carry a finest homes land. Elegant, Library Tables Crnm S10.50 to 525, BEAUTIFUL PARLOR RUGS $20 to $65. PRETTY JAPANESE BASKET ORNAMENTS 45c to $3.50. ROCKING CHAIRS $3 to $40. "WE SELL IT FOR LESS' GOING & HARVEY CO Complete House Furnishers . jW JCJ- .-i t&sii&bMl342&3K&L Bn35fffB