JBPSM!I1!M 111:1 7"- "W 1!VR3 '(Hffl V. THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1914 EVENING EDITION FIVE The Golden Rule i 1)ES' COATS, all of the very latest style, Ji $6.50 to $25.00. IADJ13S' SUITS, from the vcrv best New York niamiiacturei'S, $a.uu to M.W. SILK PETTICOATS, Mcssnlinc and Jersey Tops, $2.25 to $4.50. SILK WAISTS, Messalino and Crepe, "White and Colors, $2.25 to $4.50. The Golden Rule ;lii! BREVITIES to Ot nuts Pnss ntul Roseburg mul home ln tlu old Coos Bay wagon rr-nd. They did not Buffer any In conveniences rfroni the rain which wns compnrutlvely light in tho lr t.'rlor. They sustnincd a brokon nx'o which dolnycd them n few hours, hut this wns tho only mis hap they encountered. Coming In, they startled tho residents along the old Coos liny wagon road who did not believe their eves when thoy TIDES FOR SEPTEMBER saw tho nincliliio coming through Below Is given tho time nnd tho heavy raliiB. Mr. lllldenbraud height of high nnd low watwr at says that the Coos County ronds Marshfiold. wcro the worst that they oneounter- Tho tides are placed in tho order cd on tho trip. of occurrence, with tholr times, on OuN Picnic The Owls will hold tho first lino nnd holghts on tho their annual picnic at Simpson Park second lino of each day; n compar-, In North Bend next Sunday and plans mull oi cousccuuvo iioiguis win in nro being mado for n flno time. Tiioro dlcato whether it Is high or low, will li a urogram nf snorts, il.-inelnir water. For high water on tho bar nnd n general good time for young miuiruci iwo uuurs ti niinmes. . and old. The plcnlo will bo open to u lira. . -l.Bo 11. GO 4.45 10.54 all and Dan McDonald, ono of thoso Ft...0.G 4.3 2.8 C.4 . nrranglng for it, is especially nnxlous ' to havo all Owls and their fnmllleB ' tironnnt &B''inBB3'atBiUGa3Bxmmmmmmamsx!msi&tMUjwmuuMiXiiLmmmtKmm we Have a few More Boxes of Peaches THAT WE AUK HELLING FOR ' CUNTS PER BOX Conronl OriK', per basket 8.HO OuilAloupcs, H?r dozen ..( Jnt rcccUiil now fdilpment of NATIONAL lUHCL'IT CO.'.S OorkrrK nnd Cukes. 'JYy them nnd jou will use no other. IllOIIC !"" COOS BAY TEA, COffEE 'AND SPICE HOUSE phone ant I WEATHER FORECAST IDr AnocUlfJ r (o Coot B4j Tine. OREGON Fair and cooler In cast; westerly winds. I.OCAIj TEMPERATURE RECORD. For the 24 hours ending at 4:43 a. m., Sept. 1C, by DonJ. Ostllnd, special government me teorologist: Maximum C2 Minimum 52 At 4 43 a. in 52 i'rulpltatlon 23 Precipitation slnco Sept. 1, 1011 3.21 I Precipitation samo period I last ear 2.77 I Wind: southwest; cloudy. Funeral Today. Tho funornt of the late Wm. It. Davis was licld from the homo of his daughter, Mrs. J. C. SwatiBon, on South Tenth strcot thin ) afternoon and was largely attended. i In addition to tho Immediate niem- I hers of the family, ho Is' survived by n brother, Albert Davis of North j Uend, and two Bisters, Mrs. Fannie 1IUKU1U unit .mo. .rntij ..miumiiK, ui Alameda. Calif. liny Ford Auto.- Tho Coos Day Water Company nnd Hay L. Smith, of Gardiner, aro nmong tho new pur . chnsors of Ford nutos. I Ititlu Stop Atitox. As n result of tho rain stonnB, tho nuto lines ' generally nro out of buslnoss for i tho tlino bolng. Even the Mnrsh- ficld-Uardluer stage nutos woro not running todny, but It wns expected Johnson -Gulovsen Company PEOPh -ARE SELLERS 0F- QUALITY Home Furnishings llim Oponillon. Miss McClcllan of tnnt thoy Would resume tomorrow, Port Orford underwent nn operation ptomaine- Poisoning. Martin Lu ni .-Mercy Hospital yesioniny nnu tll0r nntl Il H. 1)o inIttro enmo In Is leporled to be doing nicely. tndny from tho Copenhagen camp. Hub lo Meet. -Tho Rainbow Club Thoy report that work Is progressing will bo ontortalncd on Thursday of 'despite tho rainy weather. Tho vlsl tlilu week by Mrs. 10. L. llesscy at tors were suffering from a slight at iter homo on South Coos lllver. tnclc of ptomnlno poisoning nnd enmo Won Two Gurnet Tho Blue Rldgo to Mnrshflold for medical treatment i Tigers' bnll learn took n now lead una to rest up. Sunday when thoy defeated Camp Ono and the llntchery team 11 to 1 ! nnd the South Inlet aggregation 0 to 4 at Unnlols Creek Sunday. ( Niimct House. Rev. O. LoRoy Hall, who hns jiiHt completed re-' modelling nnd enlarging ono of his houses, the ono located at Ninth nnd Donnelly, hns unmed it tho Duplex House, owing to It bolng mndo a dou bio structure. Good Fltdilng. Al Smith was SAM JOHNSON ot Ilayncs Inlet, Is down from Coos Itlvor todny nnd n Mnrshflold todny. roports good fishing. Last night QE0 c llBnNK3 ot Weod, Calif., Is John Lolslimnn's bont lnnded twon- horo fnr n HMor. vllt with his ty-ono Chlnooks, weighing almost Khtor Mrs Men 3h 500 pounds. Tho flshormen nro get- ."ufnU..r ...... .. ting three cents a pound now. I , ,i" m ,, ",'"r0, For n.mwiH. Hum. Mcl.nln.1 tor tllc McDonald & Vaughn I presldout of tho Chnmbor of Com w I rjj j lill II v ll w ' KNOW ABOUT this week only cut it out it's worth 20 cent Hand thlt coupon to or at hit ttori, troctryman at your door If your jrrocer hai no fOL CI lill'S Golden Gain Tea In Una, ho can net lor you Ilia bpeclal Value ollcrrd.atwo cheerfully forward mm a ilnv Bio pncKasa at our rrutnar price, uiroumi any cnan nci no actisnatet, ana we nay him hit regular prom in addition, lluy the flavor you uiuauy uic. II you havo no cholco wo recommend Ulack and Green. Thla I. the new (oil acaled tin of FOLGER'S GOLDEN GATE TEA This coup6n is worth 20 cents to you A HALF POUNti FOIL SEALED TIN FOLGER'S CSN TEA Regular price 40 cents vSpcrinl price 20 cents At oil itroccn If accompanied by thla coupon. SEt. II to 21, Hit J. A. FOLGER & CO. The old atylo carton la with drawn by ua from aalo be came they do not keep the tea frenh and clean. Dealcra lose nothing by the change tix ruvoni ll Kj m m, your VWXVA " l jK Vf ttZr 'AA a , - .'TSrvrr. yjm -rfiVfcv .'..TVvl.T.' aiftivftTOta. YT"' 1 i "QUh 'r?rAWYmrrs'Mr. t j . . itM t 'V-lV4il.Vl ."iBV'-iV"-"-.Ji PsSssv KM mmtmsm iInMI $m urmm, k-lVtlll Illlllll 1 .tf kVtlXrTiVIN. i wmmm l III 1 111! 1 1 l-T.AAitU1"MJJl.1.'ly.1 W iHXKiMfflS WW rtVWvJMfflSi m HJWSHfflSMr W The open' Innlalarui enough lor the hand. JAPAN (i CEYLON-INDIA (buck) ENGLIOH DRCAKFAST (lack) OOLONQ (hack) J. A. FOLGER & COMPANY San Francisco mmmmeumuaaKamumammmammsmmtmamm ohccn) QUNPOWDEn (oactN) BLACK &QnCEN (icnocd; IRVING BLOCK atf6l0M New Fall Millinery-Suits Coats--DVesses JUST ARRIVED See THE PARISIAN first nnd it will save you from wanting to look further. morce, linn written u. u. uiinpinnn, of" tho Oregon Devolopment I.oagno, to urrnngo, for n series of freo public concotrn by tho Coos Hay Concert Hand In Portland Jimt nfter tho Ore gon Stnto Fair. Ideate llcie. C. K. K1iibo)V nn expert photograph who makes n specialty of vlow work, hna located horo nnd established his family in tho Smith npurtmentB on Hall ave nue. Ho hag boon inking views of camp nt Dnnlols Creek. PAUL AND JOHANNA VOI.Z of North Uend expect to leave Thurs day for Portland and other north ern points. FKANK 1IKATII has roturned from Allegany, where ho lins beou 'do lug flro wnrdeu duty for tho pnst few months. Q, L. OHKKN of Ash, Douglas coun ty, who hns beou upending several days on Coos Day, will leave for his homo tomorrow. BRING YOUR GOLDEN GATE TEA COUPONS TO 0LL1VANT & WEAVER, PURE FOOD GROCERS A Full Line of GOLDEN GATE TEA at special prices all This Week. Corner Third and Central. Phone 199 the McDonald & Vaughnn camps for max IIRJOAHD and Miss Pearl Roi- dip West Coast Lumberman (lo lo Court. Constnblo Cox nnd Justice Pennock wont to Couulllo on Monday as witnesses In tho no torious Fox nuto cns(, Horry" O. Hoy now suing V. C. Gorst for It. Mayor Allen, John (loss and othoru woro once cited for contempt of court In connection with It. i ' Sugnr Higher. Sugar Jumped 2C cents per sack yesterday, making It $7.80 wholesalo in Marshfiold. Wholesalers claim that Rngland n lono has bought 000,000 tons ot sli ghr In tho last tew weeks, forcing the mnrket higher. Flour is on the vnrcn of a ralso and it is claimed that sugar will go still higher. I llojiuv for Hervice. is. i.inuuerK. HASlIIrnv avii ntnTirtlrVttf fntSiUS!1 kurKeons. Vayo OVKS. 01YICKS io.!ili IrVlnK IluiltH ie Royal TO-NIGHT Tin: HOUS13 of UIG FFUTURES. Pl7tvq..P,.RATES op THE "nde, pranced with an ex tai , w ca3t' nlng Joaoph- WedSn.SS. JLan.L !!?.? wjertm western drama. Tense 7 "ramaiio throughout. tor'.wLOXT,c FLO" Vlt- wci i reel drama" wUh FIr "? Lawrence and Matt Moore, ?. "Shter of the U. S. Se- ?enB er,V,ce head anil 8weoI Z. in an international pnmeat10 eml,arrasa the sov- tnbarrasa the government jan V .Ver ru8t 8he ralt"'es ..x j tuu iiitiKna nrr imnr S.?' a hero, "oren wpen you see nlc assured an extra good irp T n....L , . i JOu ar """""t-'e m i picture Picture. ADnssiON: irtni,or' 15c Balcony, 10c. lei s? 7omo"ow Night Dau Lortn. i man Presents Cecilia dram n.a ce'obratod aocletj ITT'A LADV OF QUAL ProgrTsV" "f18- This is a qoaiuv 8lv,? Mature ot tho best raisin ,Re.menbor that Pro & f,eaturea are not like "a out from the rest. OAItDLVHIt CHICKKN THIEF. Several raids have beeu made late ly on chicken houses by unknown par ties, stealing adl tho- ohiekenw they could get tholr hands on. Among the heaviest losers Is Alden Leach, who Is reported to havo lost thirty-four in one night. Umpqua Courier. IUKLAN!) AT IlOSKIiUlta. gnrd oft yosterdny for ISugcno, whoro thoy will attend tho uni versity ot Oregon. MRS, GKO. F. MUKCH nnd Mrs. Hugo Qutst nnd daughter, re turned today from tho Murch Biininior Jiomo on Coos River. MRS. CARHIK DUNCAN plans to leavo on tho next Nann Smith with Mrs. Fnrrlngor nnd Miss Ursula FaYrlnger to visit in California. S. S. JENNINGS and wife ot North I) end plan to leave Thursday for Portland and other northern points on business un'd pleasure. CHAS. COPBLAND and wlfo are horo from Umatilla to visit at the homo of her brother. Capt. and Mrs. Dun- son ot tho Capo Arngo lighthouse. Lumber Company, was here today on business. Ho Is planning to leave soon for Portland for a short trip. MISSES ANNA. HUGHES and Itlta McMuerlln of Cape IJlanco are ex nected liere tomorrow en route to Portland1, wliere thoy will1 spoird1 somo time, Asher Ireland has returned to Iloseburg after a little moro than a year's absence, doing special work fgr the forestry department. Ho will be hero for some time in the same line of work. Rosoburg News. HAND DANCE PLATFORM Second and Market, Saturday night, GRAND T HEATRE O-NIGHT "MONGREL AND MASTER" Essanay feature In three parts. A political drama featuring Francis X. Bushman. "THE SCIENCE OF CRIME" Blograph. HEARST-SELIG NEWS PIC TORIAL. "TJIE FATAL PORTRAIT" Kalem in two parts. proprletbr of tho Bunker Hill store, iAUL DIMMICK, of the North Bend was in Aiarsnimiu yesieiuu?, h o Becond lleutonant In tho Swodlsh Ar my Reserves and Jias been notified to hold himself in readiness for a call to' arms. Thoro nro a numbor of Swedish people In this vicinity who are ellglblo and. may bo callod upon In case Sweden tteconvpa Involved',! n.,,i tho loral Swedish people think that Russia will force them In. They mrs. w w GATES roturned yoster Mill be aligned against Russia. ( day from a pleasant visit of two Had Flnp Trip. J. u. muuuy , months wth rolatlves in washing pnd family and J. w. uiiuenurunu ton. Mr. and Mrs. Gates will re- and family have returneu rrom a siae at 4th and Donnelly streets del Khtrul auto tour, nicy i this winter. .. . T- . Pnl.l ... a.-.n .. DR. AM) MRU. E. M1NUUU leit in Lynn Lambeth's auto via Myrtle Point yesterday for Koseuurg, from whoro they will go to Ash land to visit relatives, Thoy wll return III a week. CONSTABLE JOHNSON of Lakesldo was here today en route home from Coqullle, whero he took E. Daly, who was bound over to the grand down tho coast via nanuou, uum Dvr.cn and uresceni uuy, uiumo Good Raincoats AT PRICES THATJPLEASE $5.00 to $25.00 ELEGANT BLACK CRAVENETTES $20 to $25. AVhen people come to know Fixup values it is hard to keep them out of our store. Even tho police can't keep them out. They just break in There's a Reason Come in anil See FIXUP Two Stores Marshfield, North Bend fUOTlED MU3-i TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I 1HX.S 1'OK SALE, W per Phono North Benti, luza. hlvo. l.'Oit lll,r Two office rooniK In Montgomery building on Front street. Apply D. Y, Stafford. FOR RENT FOR KENT Rooms ltli or without board. Also housekeeping rooms. 388 North First Street. FOR RENT Nicely funilnlicd mod ern homo with heat. Roasonnblo. Phono 417-J. STOVE PIPE CHEAP For next 15 days wo will sell now stovo plio at 10 cents Joint. F. L. Adnms and sou, North Front street. FOR RENT Mmloro Croom furnUh ed hquBe on S. 5th St. Soo J. C. Doauo, phono 331-R. FOR RENT Two furnlMhea roonii' lu modern houso noar high school 662 South' Eleventh stroet. WANTED Competent girl for gen- oral housowork. Mra. r. w. row ers, 771 So. 4th sireei. FQU llKNTfl.ro6n- 1OUMi ir.. o .!.- f- .nb.... I...IW. muni) MC: also 7-roota flat, Phono Div bpttom, double e,nd 8-tt, tow bpatj worth uo. viu.seu ior .iu. v,n evenings or Sunday. Phono 302-L, Eastslde. Lesllo. T.nsTU liiulv'H cold wwtch and fob, name on Insldo case. Reward fori return to Times Qfflce. Eliza Mc-i Koy. FOUND Mxin'H long black craven ette coat at 'dance platform. Own-, er can have same py lucumuis coac at police stutlom FOlt EJrt Two Hat .furalshM dr unfurnlabed, U Madden BWg... North Front stroet; also bowM- keeping rooms. FINE furnktuxl roots and board fo gentlemen, in private family 10.50 per week. 239 So. 4th' St. FOR KENT TiArge house to Soath. Marshfiold, 12th Codrt. Pb. 119-1 FOUND FOR SALE FOUND Snwll box of money. In aulro Flat 5, Williams Apartment, describe property, pay for tills no tice and take U away. FOUND On North Front street, a man's brown coat. Owner may have snmo by claiming property and paying for this ad. FOR SALE 1-buruer gun range with garbage burnor attachment, cneap for cash. 239 So, 4th St. POSITIONS WANTED Jury at North Bend yesterday for. !vr, MAUUifi MAN v.unts imT- the thert ot goods from the Hansen Pw Ilmiam. Anmna I r 11UUV WMftl'ft WATT SHORT and, Will Wllklns came In from Ten Mllo today and will return today. Mr, Short says that a number pf people are try ing to stir things up at Ten Mllo so that Olat Severson will lose hJs saloon license. MRS. E. M. SMITH and children of Flagstaff lea,ve this week for Albia, Iowa, to visit her sister, Mrs. Brad shaw, who haB beon HI. Mrs. Bradshaw Is a daughter of Robert Marsden, Sr., and was formerly a resident here. J. W, ROSS, who has charge of Dan Lewis' beo ranch near Myrtle Point Is here disposing of part of the season's yield of honey. He states that they have not taken near all of It. but have secured about 225 pounds from the upper sections of eight nives. DR. IIORSFATJj has MOVED to ROOMS 112-14-15, HIVING BLOCK. illlnn nn rlerk in KrocerV, liu had experience In general merchan dise. Address Box 392, North, Bend. EXPERIENCED Salesman desires position as clerk In general store. Seven years' exporlenco. First class recommendations. , Inquire "Exporlenco." care Times. , WANTED I i - WANTED To buy desk, table, chairs, stove, etc., for office. Ad dress G, Care Times. WANTED AVreace In trade for closo-ln city propqrty. 8-rpom house. Prefer waterfront any where from Cooston up Coos Riv er. Address O, care Times. $25.00 $25.00 We will pay $25.00 to any person who causes the, arrest and conviction df a bicycle thief Id Marshtield, (SlgVed) MARSHFIELD CYCLERY HERE'S SOMETHING FOR NOTIL IXG A. J. C O. JERSEY". For the asking I will send to ..t.i-n n fniilai. vlotni. nnrnni and individual yearly production of every cow in x i. F. A. 8ACOHJ, Marshfiold, Or. I Llbby COAL, Tlte kind YOtJ bate ALWAYS USBD. Phout 72. Paelilsl1 I Uiitj ui Tnuufer CXwpaay, $2000 Per Year AND YOUIl LIVING IHCSIDICS. WHAT 1H7TTK11 COULD YOU ASK? GOOD RANC NEAR MARSHFIELD at $20 Per Acre A ranch that will produce $2,000 per year, can bo lian 'died for 2,000 cash, A Splendid Buy If you would like-a small ranch on Coos River Just large enough to koep a few cows and do a little gardening Seo Held about It. W.A.REIDJ50FrontSt. Opposite Grand Theater. Teleplume SQ4-J. Office Opcu Evening 7 to 8 m .&? i ww ijwwrwty"3! TT yTwMNwfwfvitiWfTiliriFT ; ,- A , t S Mi'