ff '"wfy-wrw'y H WtyfJWi - i ,JL! T-iMTiimw,1" "Mf Mi ' ririTiiTia Cape Arago Coffee WATCH THIS PAPER FOR THI S STILL Till' X FAVORITE IT Coos Bay Tea, Coffee and Spice House THE ALICE H. SPECIAL EXCURSION TO rHABLESrON BEACH SUNDAY Cunu MnreliHcW nt B A. M. ROUND TRIP 50c MitM connection with auto for Sun. w ,t nv ""'' Blloro Acrv 'j2 I Pere i1 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORS Mildred Roaers Nelson. Teacher of I'Inno. Puoll of Hugo Mnnafoldt, San Fran clico, Col. Application for lessons bj .rid'ne for appointment. .Mnrsliflcld, Oregon H. H. Harper HOUSE BUILDER General IlcpnlrliiK and Cabinet Making. Phone 3I9J. W. T. Tompkins, D. S. T. (Woltincr .Methods) Every known dlsoasa troatod without drugs or surgery. Rooms J ind 2, 237 South Broadway. I'bono 132-L. Marnhflcld, Or JoclOsilind ' I1AXO TUNER AM) REPAIRER Leave orders nt V. It. Haines' Mut- ile Company. 416 S. Sixth Strcot. Phono 103-L J. M. Wright Phono 318-n I1UI 1,1)1 NO CONTRACTOR L'ltlmatca furnished on request C. 0. Gosncy. Phono 3164 COXTItACTOIl AND BUILDER l.'itlmatca Furnished on Request Mr Patt Work It Sly Reference First and Alder StB. . Mnrshflola Dr. H. M. Shaw l.')C Knr, Nose nud Throat. 1)11. .MATTIi: IS. HIIAW Dlienscs of Women mid Clilldrt'ii Office Phono 330. Rooms 200, 201 202, Irving Mock. Ilouto phono, 10S-J. Benjamin Ostlind consulting engineer and architect Offices. 20G Irving Dlock rbone 103-L) or 2G7-J. Mnrsliflcld, Orogor. W. G. Chandler ARCHITECT lioonji 301 and 302, Coko Building Marshflold, Oregon Wm. S. Turpen ARCHITECT Marshflold, Oregon. Perl Riley Ballinoer PIANIST AND TEACH HE neiliJenco Studio, 217 No. Third 81 Phono 3C8-L. TRUTH ABOUT PROHIBITION is the exact issue that confronts vou The prohibitionists ask you to adopt an amend ment to the State Constitution to prohibit the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages, except for medical, mechanical and sacra mental uses. The adoption of this amendment means the entire wiping outot the present splendid home rule and local option laws. Thereafter the regulation and control of the liquor traffic in Oregon would pass from cities and towns and be retained exclusively by the stale. !.C'VSful,y ,ncf,c ' no mention of prohibiting "dlstrlbu &!aI n .tratuportaUan" ar "e"nl alcoholic beverage.. ?niL man"fnel"" nn.11 "'' M'trtbntlon. transfor iin r i,,,,V,I,,cn V'H'luiin Inln (lie Male, or through the stale, or I nl.ltu ,l nunrt v iii.u ii, -.' . . . nrnl.il.ll.wl I.. .1 --,.- .t bi.uk nvmu not ue proiiiiiticI li i'io iinuMidnient. WaMilngto-,, Id i'io :m I California imlmully would tmmcdl- n, B risl",,p"B "''V01 il" J'l'" -"'J ibroiighout urcgon. I l.c .ooii, u here It now exist, would merely lmc given away to Ihe "blind plgger," "bootlrnytr" ,,i,l 'moonshiner.'' All cities ami town, now eMerJtor dry would be at the mercy of the slate police authorities and slate law makers. Present "dry" cities and towns would realize that they had come nearer to voting themselves 'W'than they now are under the splendid home rule and local option laws. If the state authorities were derelict or failed to enforce the law, m they arc In Kanvin and Maine, the cities and towns would rcallc that they had voted away tholr present direct control and reputation of Ihe liquor traffic. TIicmj articles will show later that Kansas and Maine authorities are derelict end do fall to enforce the law. To undo the mistake Oregon would have to repeal a constitutional amendment and not a mere law -a cry difficult undertaking. Deceit and per jury In securing liquor illcnnlly would hac been substituted for what today Is n steadllu Improving, healthier public ' opinion regarding true temperance, and true temperance would Imcbccndoncnn Irreparable Injury teiittg many years to iccotcr from. Kansas Is pointed to by prohibitionists as the model prohlbt. lion state. They want Oregon to become a Kansas. Watch these nrllcles wllh a Mr, open mind and learn what Ihlrly. three yem of prohibition law has done for Kansas without prohibiting or advancing true temperance. All figures will be taken from latest United States Government Reports N. I). Prohibitionists are spreading the opinion that, If the proposed amendment Is defeated, the present dry towns and cities will become yc again, This POSITIVELY IS NOT SO. The present home rulo and local option laws would remain )ust as they now ore. ' "" ! ii J... u.........i m... ..,,.. , ,, i i i.nf F T a NEWS OF NEARBY TOWNS MRh AHM I t r "- ' Aw.FAxv itiiais. in 1 11 n i nTr in I 1-li 4 I fSriprl.il (o Tim Tlninc I! I ill M I 1 . I f I I VOTE 333 X NO AGAINST PROHIBITION rM AJvfclIitment Tipyfti' nJ Wife F.rnm' Uifur, PortlinJ, Orrcon Mrs. Olivia Edman, M. T. D. SWUIISII .MASSAGE AND 31EH ll'AL GY3INASTIC8 TOR AIJi DISEASES M7 Commercial nv. I'liono 2IV!-J OCEAN REACH AUTO LINE vcs Chandler Hotel, Mnrsliflcld for the Bench nud Way Points. 7. A. 31 1 1 3f.- l i. si. fcmplro coo Tar Heel 70o 8outh Slough 7o Ilasteudorf Bench . . .$1.00 MubsoI Reof 91.00 Sunsot Bay $1.00 o ."! 'tiirn I'rom Bcncli nt vuu :l' V 1 M 'so l' M visit the bench by tho Ocean Beach Auto. 7-pa8seuger automobllo loavei a,?odior ,,oto, thro H'nos dally COHST & KINO'fl FAMOUS AUTOS TO BEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- -:- hits boon a hobby vltji us for a good many years and a lot of our customers will toll you when It comes to gottiug good, sound, durable framing inntorlal at tho right prlco wo know our busi ness. Just toll what you want to build and tho amount you want to spond and wo'll got busy with our poncll and flguro out tho best your money can buy. Try us iii!Lts1;JuUa. u, .u,mu. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. ItKTAin DICPAHT.MHNT I'UEfc I1IL.L I TWO liy U8IXO OUIt WOOD 182 SOUTH BROADWAY CUT TIIK I'JIONK 100. YOU AUTO CALL Pon FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS onr good cars with careful drivers n day service, phone 14-i-J, Blanco Blllard Tarlors. or nlglit service, Phoao 2J0-L Right Oafe. D. L. F00TE. New Models "HENDERSON CORSETS" also principal distributors "ONYX" and "CADET" H0SF I JUJEITOGS, No. Bend Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance riTLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. HENRY 6ENGSTACKEN, Manager KAIIM, COAL, TIMnEIl AND ITATTINO LANDS A SPECIALTY. GENERAL AGENTS EASTS II) K MAIISITFIELD OFFICE, PHONE M-i. COQUILLE CITY OFFICE PHONE XOl. TYPEWRITERSAH standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal, Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. Cleaning, repairing or new platens, work guaranteed. Ribbons and carbon paper delivered. Phone us your order. Phone 41. Alliance office. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. Fred (Special to Tho Times.) The road camp has moved back to Allegany nnd thore are four teams hauling gravel on tho road of both forks near here. It will bo a fine P. rocd after It Is graveled. I Gould's cn-nn shut down Inst Sat- (Speclnl to Tho Times;) School starts Monday with loieiuan na teacnor. ,Chns. Stnllnrd has gono tjovo myrtle Point to work for the S. Co. TIlCO. Williams Sticnt Stlllrinv with llrdnv nn nmninl nt linV nf ... his family, returning to Myrtlo Point, The late rain raise! the river r. foot Monday. or more, but l Is falling fast. Mr. nnd Mrs. E. McKcown spent; There a o a good ninny iinrtle of weuncsuay 111 Mnrshileld, returning) hunters out now. Some nro getting luiiiu iiiinuuy iuuruiug. Mrs. Medley nnd fnmllv exiioct to leave In a few days for Ashland to spend tho winter. Mrs. Edwards, Mrs. llow nnd Mrs. Fltzpntrlck were shopping In CoquIIle Tucsdny. Victor Larson spent Sunday with .friends, returning to Mnrsliflcld Monday morning. A quilting boo wns held In the chapel Tuesday afternoon nnd thoso present had a plcnsnnt time. Mis. Medley spent Monday In Co qulllo shopping. Physician's Wife Held for Mys terious Assassination of Mrs. Bailey tnt A..o. utfl fifM to r,.. ii. Time.. M1NEOLA. N. Y.. Sent. 11. Mrs- plenty of ga.o and somo uro not. Hrcncc Carr.r:', Ir.'l'-fd yo-torday Most of them have gono to tho big' on luo chnrgo of murder In tho first burn. I degree for killing Mrs. Louisa Dall- Thero was nn nuto enmo out tho W wns today under the care of tho morning nfter the rain nnd got off,NnB8tl county jnll physician. Mrs. plnco nnd they were obliged to come ' Carman collapsed lost nlgltt soon nf down through Mr. Larson's field to I tor being locked up. Mrs. Bailor tho landing. The stngo cars have waB B,1l whllo calling nt Dr. Car stopped running till tho road dries' n,t"'B dfflco for medlcnl trcntmont up. Mr. Footo thinks he will im during the evening n few months ago. ante to get through, by Friday next If It stays clear. Mr. Sargent's ,Vnmlly Is moving back to town. IIANDON SALOON CASE. I NEWS OF 8CIIOFIELD. I (Spcclnl to Tho Times.) SCHOFlELD, Or.. Sept. 10. With nit Blurts iriill-linndcd nnd only lf.O icei or rocK to uo north tfortnl. Sunt November 1st will see work misnnnil-' PiU Judgo Kausrud. eu nt tins end. Mnny of tho men w" was tricti inter on tno snmo novo been hero for months and plan'c"nrge, wns given n flno of $G0 and to stny to tho end, realizing that' costs. Theso two nion nro operating work will bo scarce during tho wln-Jho Club Saloon and now rlnlm that tor. fthoy will appeal tho caseB to the 811- C. T. Elmore haR returned to take 1'erlor cotut. Should thoy do this It his old plnco as chef, and the men ls probablo that tho city council will wear "tho smiol that won't como off,", revoke their license- nt onco, ns thoy Prof. Gilbert 8priiguo oxpects to '"vo tho right to do nt any time It ls leavo for Mill City In n few dnys,B,loW tlint n Bnloon Is not holng wiioro ho Ins been elected suporln- conuucieu nccoruing 10 tne orutnnnco tondent. Miss Elln Spraguo will governing saloons. teach In the nowly consolidated, school c,t' Attorney Trendgold nt tho Coos forks, Anyone who doubts (lint this Is n hunters paradtso should have seen the Walker boys tho other day nn thoy passed tl'e camp carrying a huge EUROPE'S AR3IY UNIT LARGER THAN IN U. 8. Americans nro likely to umlcros tlmnto tho number of men engaged .Too Conch Fined $i!0 nnd John Her- '" tno European battle by giving tho riii )?.-(). 1 army units mentioned tho snmo In tho case of tho City of Bandon strength as thoso of tho United States vs. Joseph W. Coach for giving liquor troops. Tho continental divisions to minors, which was tried In muni, nro universally larger, tho Scientific s taken from tho c'l"11 court, Conch waB found guilty, American points out. Tho Amorl . Nolson thinks nnl 'fined $200 and costs by Munlcl- rn" regiment hns about 1000 tho John Horron. nvorngo European regiment aaou. The following statement Is applica ble, uroadly, to all of tno continen tal armies engaged In tho prcsont conflict. Three regiments form n, brigade of 10,000 men, commandouV by a "Mnjor-Clonornl. Two brigades iff rut n division of 20,000 men, un der tho command of n Ltoutonaut General. Two divisions (poiiBlltutn nn army corps of 4 0,000 men, com manded by n General, and tlirco army I corps form an Independent field nr- savs hn my (fully cuuliipod with cavnlry, ar- will sco to It that the law and the tlllcry, commissary, englnoors, mill ordlnnuco nro enforced nnd tl.nt any medical department) of a total saloon caught violating them will ho strength of 120,000 men. dealt with accordingly. . numbor of tho coiiticllmcn hnvo1 buck. Oliver Wnlkor shot ono In tho ntcd that they will stnml bnck of, RinpTTlJT.Tn A T ...... ..I. Il.. - ... lilm nml tiitn.. II... In... 1. nn Iln.l MiJL U lJlJl.Jy OtIIIIU Yli;iUll H JfVHV I1KU. 1 '""'I ,...-.o ., ..." IB iwiilll-i I . with thero will bo somothlng doing. unniinn iicconier. I Election 1011. TICKET Cl'LLINGH OF t'OQl'ILLE Coos County Sent. Events na To'd by The Herald. At tho homo of the bride's parent", Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Sanders, nt 3 p. m. Sunday, Cecil Elwood nud Mls.i Elslo Sanders woro Joined In mat rimony, Rev. A. Thomns of tho Jl. E. Church Smith, officiating. Jos. L. Harry, of Sltknmand Gnl dlo Devnult, of Myrtlo Point, wero I RUN TWO3IILIS. (;(. W. .Moore Pimm to Operate ut MniMlon mill Toledo. Sluco tho Goo. W. Moore Lumbor Coiiipnny of this city hns taken over tho Toledo Lumber Company's mill at Toledo thero hnB been much spec ulation as to whnt would bo dono For For U. S. Senator xj If. A. Booth. For Congress J W. 0. Huwloy For Governor James Withy combo "" Justice of tho Supromo Court U'llli tl.n tlnliilnn ...III T .1 .n....AK.I onllnii Ulllll -Ml- Cimy W Mnnrn n rn- IIOIIW .1. Mnflll I iflWVmiPA iVBniS!l!!lin,i1 .eVn,,!liB hJ-!? H- Prosontntlro of Tho Recorder was In- rn TTnvriJ ThomlR AMBrifln L. Pirconage, Rov. C. II. Bryan of- formed that thoio wns nothing to any L-u'1'! iOmns 1UC131 1(10, Helming. nf tllo .,,., niI1i .il0 ,fnp, ,i.n, ,.. lionrv Jj. lioiison. Gharloa MlM HTViTn rini.n linu IfMm In Qnii . ... .. . . ! '. ' ., -w- "n" o-.... .,.. roiupnny nnu inKeii over 1110 loieuo Plcgo for i vJbH, ncrompanylng hor ,, W0J,a JnY 0 ffoct 0 tll0 ristor. Mra Geo. Hartly. who enmo ijBnon mill wnUoevor. Tho mill hero n couplo of months ago during nl ToIc(lo ,,nB c,Mmcly 0r about 7r,.- Mrs, GngOS IllnCBB. I nnn foul n ilnv nml Mr Mnnrn nva ., , inure is; -no occnsion ror incrcnsiug Mr. and Mrs. Slevo Gnl'ilger nud L. cNury. For Attornoy Qouoral Ocorgo M. Brown. daughters Edna and Gladys and Miss 1(H cnvuety nt present, as It Is am Allco Galller-who hnvo been visiting ,,Iy ,,, to cnt t)l0 ,un,,,or thnt ,8' frloiids horo for tho past weok ro- rcaulrod at present I turned to tholr homo In Bnndon to-f Mr Mooro 8tnt0i, ,ntll Jimt ng B001,' ")y nu Im lumber iniirltot nlcknd uti mif-l I-rank Morso has Just roturno.l from fconty t0 justify It, the Bnndon mill his trip to California nnd says hn u.n.,i,i ,.. ,, ,.ni n.i i.n ,.,.rni,.,i ylaitod every pnrt of tlo stato from ' oftlmI)orto!4ooptliuutnolnotftliiHlirrcltl tho Oregon lino to Mexico, lie will of ,in,i)or 0 keen tho mill oneratlni: for n number of years nud tills will bo procured and operations titnrted ns soon ns operations can hn com menced nt a profit. Dithdon Re cord or. now pack his effects nnd movo hh family to Re'iumoiiL Cal., about R0 miles cast of Los Angeles, wIiomi 1 Ihih property IntcroHtu and, whore lie will open u drug store. GOLD REACH CHURCH. PROSINEKS. OMETIMES wo need to forget Just teh ersentlul dally proslucss of llfo. If wo don't wo become com- monulaco nud hum-drum. Wo need (Spcclnl to The Times.) GOLD REACH, Or., Sept. 11. Tho Gold Roach Prcsbytorlan church w,IU ho dedicated nn Sunday, Soptcmhor 13, 1014, at 7:4C p. in. Tho oxer- to remember tho Boft veil that lies elsos will bo conducted by Rov. J. V.'over tho world, to flutter a bit with Mllllagn, D. IV of Portland, nnd Rov. tho huttorflles, to sing n llttlo with John W. Hoyt, pastor of tho church, tho birds, Tills is tho first church building thtnt Onco In a whllo wo do well to wan Gold Bonch has over had and is dls-, der away from tho sot tasks of our taut many miles from anv other ilvos, to watch tho gllttor of water, church building. The Church was or-. In the sunshlno, to listen to wind In gantzed July 28, 1912, and Incorpar- tho treo-tops, to Idle along somo old ntcd July 14, 1013. Meetings have roadway, to forgot tho proslucss of been hold In tho building slnco last, life, to daro to bo foolish, to defy February. MEET AT RANDO.V. P. SON L. ADAMS JC Donlorn In ' NEW AND SECOND-HAND GOODS. JJS62 No, Front St. Phono 340-L LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Title & Trust Co.. Abstraots, thoroughly dependable. Imme diate service, prompt attention 10 all Interests of our clients. MINIMUM COST I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. I Special Sunday Excursion to Allegany, September 13th CONNECTING WITH LYNN LASIRETH'S AUTOS FOR THE GOL DEN AND SILVER FALLS RY Steamer Alert (WEATHER PER3IITTING) ROUND TRIP FARE ON STEAMER, 75c " . ' ROUND TRIP FARE ON AUTOS, $1.25 Roat Leaves .Marshfleld nt 8 A. 31. Returning Arrives about 7 P. 31. (Spoclul to The Tlmos.) BANDON. Or., Sept. 11. The Coos Bay ProBbytery will meet In tho Ban don Presbyterian church on Wednes day, September 23, nt 1 p. m. This Is n nowly organized Presbytery which tho sot nnd sonslblo. FIRE AT IIANDON. Tho hoiiso occupied by B. L. Tracy, on tho old County Road botweon Ran dan and Orogoit avenues, caught flro through somo unknown cause early MondoV mornlnc and considerable damago was done to tho Intorlor. Tho comprises nil of Coos and Curryj flro boys arrived on tho scono In timo counties nnd it was formerly a part of tho Presbytery of Southern Oro- gon. HELLO GIRL A HEROINE. Stuck to Pot.t Until Shell Hurst In tho Office. PARIS, Sopt. 11. According to Information which has reached Par- to savo tho building. Bandon Recor der. CLOSE TAR ON NEWS. For Supt. of Public Instruction T. A. Churchill For Stato Englncor John M. Lewis. For Commlsslonor of Labor O. P. Iloff. For-Rnllrond Commissioner Frank .T. Miller For Supt. Water Oiv. No. 1. James T. Chinnock. For Representative Cth DIsL Charles B. Barrow For Represontatlvo Oth Dint. S. P. Peirco For County Judgo. Tames "Watson. For Shorlff Alfred Johnson. Jr. For County Clerk. Robt. B. Watson : For County Trensuror T. M. Dimmlek For County Survoyor. 0. S. McCulloch For County Coronor F. R Wilson For County Commlsslonor Geo. J. Armstrong. For Commissioner Port of Coos Bar A. IT. Powers, Anson Rogers and Ilenry Songstncken Published under tko authority and by tho order of the Cqos County Re publican Central Committee (Paid Adv.) t HrllMi nnd Ftnirli CVuMirn Hud on lfcicli Other. PARIS. Sept. 11. Tho English and French censo s appear to bo as busy on news linked uy ono or ino Is, tho llttlo village of Etaln, near, ether or the allies' official news bur Longwy, France, has lieen subjected . can as on tho dispatches of tho news -DRAIN-COOS RAY 8TAGE- SEPTE3IRER Lv. Our. to two bombardments by the Ger mans, one on Monday of last week, the other Tuesday. Tho second bombardment set tho i town on fire, nnd many people are said to 1-avo perished In the flames. The telephono service of Etaln was left In the hands of a young girl, who stuck to -her post whllo shells wero bursting all around tho tele phone office and called up Verdun! originating In France every flfteon minutes to givo nil ac count of what was going on, . The director of posts at Verdun was listening to a message being sent b) the girl, when suddenly sho in terrupted her communication to say: ,"A bomb has just fallen Into t' is office." This ended tho conversation. a.m. paper correspondents, ino iiriintii" censors stop parts of official com-a--munlcatlons Issued by the war offlcOj'1-" In Paris, and the French censors ap- "' pear to hnvo delayed, on two or three;"'"' occasions, announcements made ,ni" ,' tho House nf Commons regnrdlng tho "",' situation of the armies. Tho French, ""' situation or me armies, mo w until. ; censorship, however, seems less sc-" '" '; vere than that In England on nowa BIG MONEY! GOOD RUN OF SALMON. Tho run of Chinook salmon In tho Coquillo River this fall hns been bettor than far any previous season In a-long time. Yesterday the Coquillo River Co-oporatlvo Canning Comimuv put up 150 cases of Chinook and will In Cash Prizes may be earned with my now Invention, "HATTLEF1ELR.S OF EUROPE." Even grandad, tho llttlo tots nnd tho entire family will bo delighted. Price, ono stiver ill mo. At all iiqvs- stands, drug stores, book stores, , a' cigar Biores, paid by. the n.m a.m. 'n.m, a.m. a.m. 'p.m. P.m. p.m. 'a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. j n.m. it. in. in. uiu. ur muiivu (lum- a.m. Inventor, Rlchnrd P. Im. O'Connor, 430 Hoyt street, oppo-IP'1?, 4.00 .. 1:30 c:oo 5 10 o':00 C:so 7:00 7:30 7:30 :30 7:30 8:00 9:30 10:00 ll;30 12:30 1:00 1:30 r.:30 C:00 0:30 0:30 7:00 7:30 7:30 8:30 10:30 11:00 12:00 1:00 Tnke notice Tues. 1 Wed. 2 Tiiur. 3 Frl. 4 'Snt. 5 Sun 0 Mon. 7 Tues, 8 Wed. 0 Thur. 10 Frl. 11 Snt. 12 Sun, 1.1 Sun. 27 Tues, 15 Wed. 10 Thur. 17 Frl. 18 Snt. 19 Sun. 20 Mon, 21 Tues. 22 Wed, 23 Thur. 24 Frl. 2C Sat. 2G Sun. 27 Mon. 28 Tues. 29 Wed. 30 that SCHEDULE Lv. Mfld. u.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a. a. a.ia. a.m. a.m. a.m. nt. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. u.m. 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 &:oo 5:30 C:oo 0:00 G:oo c:oo 0:30 8:00 8:30 10;00 u:oo 11:30 12:00 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:00 5:30 (1:00 0;00 7:00 8:30 9:30 .10:30 11:30 umoB aro hnvo about the same pack tomorrow. " North Bank Station, Portland, !runilng 'tnlr " ,; frora OoV May to Bandon Recorder. Oregon. .-... Draln 'n ono day, lucludlnc Sua J