The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, September 12, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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Remarkable Career
Of Captain Dreyfus
yours ngo
Oth tiny Totlny Dreyfus Is not only a frco
F. E.
r Mils month Cnntnln Alfred Drey- 1,inn out llc hns ,,C(!" restored n
of this month, Lnpui in a rrcu jurey w c ,'..,.,,,;
fus was convicted by court martial coromonyt A captain when deKrnd, "rtf f' VUMinfJ Vj.MCltl-
-for the second tlmo on the chnrgo 1,0 now Is a Mnjor In n crnck artll- Cll Alttlioritl 1)1 ClttlllllllfJ
Credit for Architect it re of
Myrtle Arms."
Baseball Fans Say New York
Giants Cannot Break Hoo
doo Number '
Br AaaocUttd Trni lo Oooi nr TlmM.)
NEW YORK. Sent. 12. Those;
bnsebnll fnns nnd prophets who
hnso their forecasts on the records
nf nlllnc French military secrets lory rcRlmcnt that UBiinlly is detail
to foreign powers. It was one of to nil state functloiiB. Suffer
", .. , . , , , ,,. Iiir the greatest hnnilllntlons for a
the most sensational trlnlB of tho 8oIl,lor of .-.,... years, ho today
age. during which It was alleged ia fUiiy cleared liy official nroclanm- Editor Times:
that the peace of Europe was tlon of tho chnrgo of treason, and I Ah Mr. C. E. Hunting hns seen fit
threatened through tho "Dreyfus ),nB been honored with tho dlstlnc- to claim In tho "Pacific Dulldor and
affair." The verdict brought vgl- tlon of a Commander of the Legion Engineer," August lCth issue, page
nrous nrotosts from the entire ciV- nf ftnnnr. Ills I'hnintilniiH ilm-Intr 82. I'nl Im iIohIhiipi! thn "MvrMn
Illzcd world, which was convinced ,K time of trouble hnvo llkcwlso Arms" Apartment house, wo consider f. pnst years In big league.
of thn Cantain's Innocence. Arrest- henn hniinroil. Zola, thn nrnnt im Im nvpnoiilinr Mm Htinmi limit Milcht.. point out that nil trndltlomr.n
cd five years before, he hnd been FYmich author, who suffered Im- iv figures uro ngnlnst tho Now YAfrX
convicted uy nis superior ouicers prlsonmont for His fiery defense of The "Myrtle Arms" wns designed "" winning uio hm poiv
at a couri-mnruni, ueKraucu ueioro nroiTus. s now tend, Ui t tho He- In Anirn mi nut whiter iv tin in i" wiiuoniu i-ciiKiie. v
army comrades, transported to Dev- public honored his memory by nine- writer, assisted by It. .1. Ilornor.l Manngor John J. McGrnw tlio
in isinnti 10 expiate me iinvguu mg ins uotiy in tno rnntneon, the chief draftsman for Wilson s Hunga-i IO,,t t,HU "1IB wo mrco yiuii'
rnmc, nnti nnti ieen, mrougn uio nurlnl place or the great soldiers low Hook. 1
efforts of Influential friends, brought of Franco. Picuunrt. a brothor of- r trnvntimr
back to Franco for u re-trlnl. Tho fleer, then with tho rank of Col- Const at an enormous expenso with succession by any club In cither
eyes of the world were turned onol, who was cnshlorctl from tho (minora nnd note book, getting nil the tlln National or American I.cnguo
upon tho court nt llennos, where the army for defending Dreyfus, was re- latest data front hundreds of sourc- n,ul tll08n w" l'1" t,10,r fnllu to
aeincuc nrmy omcor, tue nrst ne- stored with nil honors ami promoted fur MiIh mnirnlf cent Imlldlnir. u, "-'"Bile luniury i-iuiui imu uio
. ... t. ...... ...-......, .1.- M,nrr . . . . ..... . , ... . - " - " : '.
urow ever 10 uuvu umuruii me mini
of tho French Army,
for his honor. I
nallsts, from tho four ccrrners of tho connected with tho War Offlco, is !nHnt0,)a snntn Monlcn and other ,,or t ly tn recordB for slngo
earth, rubbed elbows with society dend by his own hand,, nfter hnvlng nrithnrn 'fnllfnrnla ntilnts where 187C na cl,,,) lins W01 "loru tnrf
n,i. .....u .. ....... 1... kii.... 1.. miner rrniiK ouieo siari a iriinu
IIo nverred that during tho document which more than any-' , ..", :,.. ". , n ,i, n.,.on,,,io r win which carried
Hill MMfllif) " ..".....--.-.. .-
1 m
1 1
rricor, the first He- stored with all honors and promoted CH for tltln magnificent building. U'K lenBUo History claim tnnt tno
vo entered the stnff to tho rank of Hrlgndlor-Gcnoral. , xho very latest Ideas wore gnther- Now York Olnnts will 'not provo tho
Army, was battling Dreyfus' enemies have been con- C(j especially from San Francisco, exception to tho rule of threo.
Four hundred Jour- founded. Colonel Henry, formerly Oakland Los Angeles, Long Ilcacii, Their contention appears to bo
women, some of whom linn paid as confessed to forging Dreyfus' name ,i,n,. i... rminrn.i Mm nnni-tmnnt threo ponnants In n row. Tho
much as ?400 for a seat, Sensation to a document thnt helped to aeiiil.iS,,,' .. ... .Mourn nun I.I.mi (,,1R" Club under Capt. Anson v
followed sensation during tho trial, him to Dovll's Island. Major Es- i;, i. ii,,i in ,. ii,.n,iimr tho championship In 1880-1-2.
butmoiio wns moro stnrtllug than tcrhazy hnd publicly, confessed !..,.... i, ,.. t.,,,, n ton broke tho string In 188 1
that-testimony given by denornl through the London Chronfclo thnt .1.11...; .,?..J...i ...n- wn "ot until 1801 did tho lloston (
il-. . 111..I-1.J . . . . . ... - . I UUIIUIIIK tl uiuilBUim llliito . .-...!.... i. ..!...- -..
iiurciur, 1110 iunnur iiiiinivr in no wroio iiio Dorucrcnu. i no lainouH
ou K
them thrnugh
lircyniB nrrair, tno uermnn Ajnims- thing else brought nbout tie con- , ,", "'," " " J. ,r,llni,m w)mli ,j!'- "" ,8!,:' Hnltunoro rollow
Fndor'ut Pnrls hnd delivered nn Im- vlcllon for treason against Droyfus. i?,1."1 1 ?,, " k, J -L1" '?! ,,, f,' cd winning In lS!M-r-0 under Ned
peraUvo demand thnt cortnln pnp6rs, Esterhnzy Is now nn oxllo from J, LH0 ,," , r'iit tmlnv from nn",0' ,n llMH Pittsburg started
alleged to hnvo been stolon from France, though not subject to of- f'11' "V ,?,, Z 1', mom with Hho u ' 'Bn which won tljrco
tho aurmnn Embassy, bo rotumed flclnl punishment throiigh a recent 1V11f1l1 ,"' ,rB"L, ,0,l rn,,,m iV, l.l wn 1 f,"Krt ' row. Now York Htopped
to (Idrmnny. "From -eight o'clock," amnesty law which pardons all oY-lV""."" fhfr , t in FntnrtnViiment tH I,rilto b' winning In 11)01 and
said tho General whllo tho nudlonco fenders ngnlnst the stnto up to tho n"fK 00tr ' ,," ,.. lll oxt tIiro UonnunlH to bo cap
hung' breathless oil. his rovelatlon year 1011. Today tho war with '111 on "K. K00r K... ..' .'. . . turotl In succession wont to tho
ri nn iitiii im ii'nu 1 11 f 11 iff 1 irriini 11 ...
about, but not .. " ' .' "-'.."; " " r.V;i,V 7.:t ... 1 Chicago Club under Frank Chase
1 nat Ions or tho '". "" " " ""'"V" .""..""' .',' v."."' 11 luuli-7-8. IlegiiiiliiK In 101 t he
fus son Is wno were Buuii 1 i.e ....,.. Nou. Y()rk Cn ,, won ,1)rco
on tho firing l' "1 "..,'. X .iZ 1 1V1- rvi,.. ii B,ra'Kht chamiilonshlps In tho Nnt
, .. .... " llinlr n tonoblles nt his sorvlco in i..i ..,.. ... ', , ,.....
n v
v, u xviioy
now cheaply you can
a good
Heating Plant
installed in your home? AVc will clico t
you, and the information won't tfvlytcil
You will fiud that a good l,rau4
cost you less money to feed lmn stovcs.S
your house more satisfactory; jg cion' Tt
m every way. -ucr;
of n crisis In tho destiny of Franco, Oermnny hns come
"until niter midnight the President through the mat
of the Republic, the Prlnio Minister, Dreyfus nffalr. Droy
nna. 1, waited to Know wnother wnr righting for Franco
t ttnnen ilt lit I in f li niilnnnni nt Kim ! ikiiu haahIIh
y. ,.v..u ,""" ""."" "'"V""1" ' .; ' "" ittuiiiij iPiiiiiiuti;!! lor ...,. .11 th tntn.i .nnulriinllnn mini, miikmuuiiij iu HPnuuiu nunun
tno. uogonntions. wo woro within gniinntry In Imttlo to tho rank of l . ' h V.1' " . . i ...i . series each autumn to tho American
a hairs breadth of wnr."
Pc ace And The Tide Of Battle
in iioncii ami eiBownero. Leaguo ronreHentntlvus.
Mr. nuntltiR nsHistcd as it tira is- Ilut ono tr,o w, ,8 ln ,)0 foim)l
man In the offlco of tho K E. tonnj , , Ul0 AlnurIcnn Longuo recordB
Company In b1 ghtly revising this wl,cll K0 bnck ,0 1900. j 1007-S-O
mnss of hurriedly gnthorcd Inforinn- tho nclrot T)KorB lllu,cr UKl,oy
tlon nnd ln making full Blyod dotu 1b .jonnlngB won the Junior longuo
under tho direct supervision of the lmimor j,t om.j yonr wnH (Ic.
writer, his Master Ilullder O. L. Clark r,ntn.i in n... umi-iii s..rina i... Mm
TEN DAYS ngo tl o lliltlsh newB-1 with Euglnnd and Itusaln, ns woll ns "d ABslstnnt Master Dulldcr II. Lup- Natloiml Longuu contonder. Tho
papers woro printing editorials with France. The tnklng of Paris t. who nro practical men. fnnH wjin i,cvo In tradition point
nnd special nrtlcloa warning tho would only cause tho allies to it- Although Mr. Hunting held tho to tho failure of Anson. Solco.
tiuiinic ineir ouoris in every other l,l,c ol ompmij niisiiiuui, im ii. unnnco, iianiou nnti jouniiigs nnu
poBslblo direction. j of n bettor ono, ho never got far tho bnselmll machines they built up
All tills Is oxocedliiKlLv dlsconr- onougli along to do any engineering to win four Btrnluht iionuauts and
aging to tlioBu who hoiio nnd pray f"r tl10 Company. Ills connection predict that Mcdruw mid his ainuts
- f..M .... ......I.. - ... .. '. . ...111. n.M .niiilinitii Inatnil t ...III ..!! Ill I
ui 1111 umiy peurc, "111, Oil 1110 Oilier' "" "'" ni'" mm.-.. ....w . W1M lHll nnvifu,
nnd, It niust mnko agnliiBt tho nro- f"'"" months. F. E. CONWAY. ' . -.
Bcntntlou of lundmlsslblo terms by, (Puld Adv.)
ii j- ui uio pnrui'B. tiio Gorman
pSS! When you buy!
NSpDuy the besyMv
LWl jfft4 mflTmTTTKm mT
Wr "t(WTTlTfiW
English people ngnlnst over-cohfl
donco mid prcmnturo Jubilation.
"The flonnniiB uro not beaten yet,"
llioy warned their readers, whllo tils
causing the checks nmr delayH cnus
rd to the Teuton hosts by tho heroic
flnfunoii nt ii llnltvlnna nml Mia i'nl.
unlilo tlmo gained by the French and ltemoi and lenders nro the last
tho Hrltlsh commnndorB. n;c" ''!. tho world to rhe.rlsh llln-
In the Hut several days It has been' Bl)" 1 10' nro lntpnuo realities nnd
linpiiuanrv ni. riwlnll, In nllrn Mm PmCtlCIll 111011: tllOll HtratUtTV Is tilt'
French and tho English, as well iih ,08t ' tho Bv? cli-ciiniBtancos: It
tins neutral world, thnt "Franco In """ "tu" '"mii"iiy "ui wontier-
nnt beaten yet." The roversos tho tn"i' tKlit out; hut tboy nro fully
nlllort hnvo Miiffored nro serious, nnd nw.uro l inl l cnptuio of Pnrls will
they recognlro that the (leriunns nro "()t '""""'o thoin to dictate terms to i.nnr Pnrlu ...uilmmiiiIi. l0 nlllOB, llUll till) tllllO CIII110S tt)
Itinlly miPiikliiK. Tho man on tie J'tiiBlilor ponco, tho notunl fnctB of
... .. ':. .... . ..... .. . thn ulliinilnn u'lll, II.. ...111.1
niit-ui, nuiHiii-r III mi, "I I.UIHHIII, .;...;.;-..'' ". "V"i..""" ' llnalnn . I.lln.t,.lnliln V T.,i
JUTS JSjrar0:"tSl '' SSSSU "'i - - -: -j- jj.fii.--ww ,; ;;;,;i ,.vi-
lii i'imw liny i mi nt ry.
New Fall Millinery-Suits;
Coats Dresses
j j
See T1U3 PAKISTAN first and it will savcyoa'
ffom wanting to look further.
(lljr Ann 4J I'rraa lo Cimi lj TJincs. J
?eilb Priinitlfflg1
Dome at Tiinnies5' Office
or-in Imled BtiideutB of this terrible
nnd calamitous war will understand
that, fortunately or unfortunately,
SUTIIEUUN, Or., Sept. 12. Ac-
New York, L: WanliliiKton, I.
. . . .,. .. ....,. r....i.
pento Is not Ilkoly to como as tho The follovlnK nre tho new onsos "" woik on uiu grine iur i e nuiii
result of ono or two smashing vie-, fled In tho circuit court bore during rlln. toos lay & Eastern Unllronil
; IIIO past WCL'lC I """ nun iuu uuiu iiiuhuij, 11 lunu in
that iiuiiiii liiiiiiiu, a miiinr, . iy nor " "";" "
Ilrooklyn, 0; Now York, :i.
Clilcago-Plttshurg Flnln.
St. Louis - Cincinnati
torles or disastrous il fonts.
IIia flAiiiunnu un funiil; In
ii in. -. . - .....-.."..;,:. " " "::,' .'.-;.. ":.: A. n .,,nntln.r nf tt,.. utofklmlilnrs
inoir onjociivo is uio i-ruiifii wipiuu,, ' iiium, utniuri vumuu, vh. " '",,,","":;. grounds
hut tho mklng or surrender of P,.rU, IHJdu Knight. . "L'ero Kd ii I S"KSu t ' " lelpliln. fi; lloston, G
In 1911 will not mean what the same1 l S. Itubber Company vs. II. Fin- 010 " J0":.,"', ": , ' V s"1"
t'lng mount In 1S70. The situation non. . .."...v.... ;" -
Is ns tllfforont as It could poMllily Hooruo Pa.lgott. an Intuit, by winp, '"V''-.,1"8;""1 '..;;,,, '
Franco had no nlUos and no huui I'litiguu, ins guartunii nu mom, ". ""' .'
ho. Franco had no nil oh and no hiiiii I'migoit, his guartunii nil iitmn, "" " "" . , Smntle. 7; Sunicnn.. n.
- . . . - ..- . ... - . .... r 1 t ...., i n Minium Wtun CMIi". .Inivn. triuittiirnr. " '..."".
irienus in is7ii; ner crusang tioioais, n. v,uu nuj .uuiiihuuvui-iiik -..-, -"vr"- '"'" "' ,,.; , ,, Vt j Tatoma-Hallanl--CoId.
In n war which. iin.W lnnninM-it puny. Tho conipnnj will niantun us victoria, I; Vancouver,
and reckless londorshlp, bIio had on- Iloliort Dollar, trustoo, vb. ''oqulllo hoa. I offlco horo i and It. M. I-ox and ' ' JJi r-
terod with a "llKht homt." paralyz- "ivor .ManuiaciuriiiB ijompany. uo- .". .. ..-. rv.- COAST I.K.XflUK
lll(i EliKCntlC IMtKDCi:
Snn Fraiii'lstt) . , .
Orlinos, Klllllny
XVI W. WOHK IX ASIOUI.X Fa,,nln7lu.d Clarice,
0' I I
5 11 2
and Alexander;
od and demoralized hor. Sho was ah- fllllo Sentlnol.
tuilutely at the mercy of tho ronnuor-'
ir. who had iinthliiK to npprohond on (JUE.XT II.XUVICST OF OIITIKS.
Iniul or hoa, anl ponce on uiiy tonus
-was tho only course open to Franco. Tho liiirvost of empty fhiBlcs by
In tho prtout wnr Franco him "' mus aiuuiay ovouiug in uio duck :
powerful sUIoh: slut Im united and yards of olio of our city blocks am- ASTORIA. Or., Sept. 12. The big Venice S 7 a
woll led; sho Is Holier and itmolute; ouiitod to two sackfuU ono of them electric drotlgo of tho Tncoma Drotlg- Mission .'I 0 :t
tho doBtriictlon of hor nriultw. woro bolng too big Tor tho kid to enrry. Ing Coinpsny. which Is to Imgln tho Klopfor and .Mcl.nln; Williams
that to bo accomplished, and the cap- Tho stufr en uio mostly fiom Hanilon work tr filling In tho municipal dock and Itohror.
turn nf Paris, would lonvo her nnvv In suit casos. That drastic ordlnanco site and drodglntc npproachos to the
and that of Hrltalu and Japan In- begins to bo muided. A former chief groat piers to a dopth of thirty-five Portland 5
tact; Russia would b working havoc of pollco In an onMoru town savs, font at low wator, arrived In port Lo Angeles
and destruction In Onr.nanv nt the though, that It Isn't ns hnd as It usii- from Tnconin yesterday. Tho bargo Evans and Yantz, Fisher;
of or end. The Fionch capital inov- nlly Is when a elty goes dry. Co- Washington, with a cargo of material Chech and HxjIos,
d to Hordoaiix. and the struggle as- qulllo Sentlnol. and equipment, nrrlvod from Tnconin .
sunios a new nhaso. Famine, flnan- the nrst or uio woeu. i no Tacoma .mitu'H.
CalJ on
LeMieux & Miller
Pnliitliip;, Paper Hanging tiutl
Decorating XVI I ji HE LESS-
ulit'ii you let iin figure
It for you.
Eslliuate fui'iilhlicd clieerfiilly
& Miller
Xo. Front St.
of hii d hankruptit, qoir Idejj
sobbIoii as sucii tnMM, ccb
of ReMtir'in.nt Kurnltdro. Flita
and Biippllca now aDtuate u
Is known as Hie Grand Ratsn
North 1 i-iid. Orcson.
Annlv to the underalgod, I
lii-nit ircot. M i mil field. 0:tt
FItKl) h', OBTnfl
Trustee In HulaM
IMarslifield g(JTJI
1.. .l. iiin,Jlln. r . na .1...
.) Ill UIU ll(ltl ll't I.UIIII UI IIH'
0 u I'niioti Hiatus, for tpo uistrict or
Love, Oroson.
in uio mucior t) unst nomas nnti
Tom Morris, bankrupts.
Notlco Is horoby given thnt tno
rial tixluiustlon. widespread misery.' .iimv chh. The kind YOU liuve lredge is ono of tho lnrgost ou tho All JIOOSK will .MEET nt their "' ors gned as trustoo of tho abovo
md unemployment remain as factora lfiJ;;a., ,,! .. ." c01,8t- 1,uvln 2-,'1,1'1' 8,,cUo" l'1"08' ,,nI1 T).XK)RR()XV EVENIXfJ to at- entitled bankrupt estate, will receive
In the conflict ATAXA1S ISM). I'liono 7J. Pmlflr ,, ,8 0xl 10, with nn olgh.t-.foot tend l,ECTl'RE by REX. S.X.Ml'Eb l consider up to 12 o'clock noon,
l'eaco In this wnr must be male ''Ivory and Transfer romniiiif. depth of hold. MK(J(J at the ( IIUISTI.W Church. Popteinbor 18. 191-1, prlvato Ulds
for tho sale of tho personal property
4 8.XNITA11V
aa .MII-K
CV ,tnllilrv. H A. HI. ,
I'linne 73
k JL Am MmsM ril
Location Ideal
Perhain Park Is located In tho
hen it of Marahrield within tho min
utes walk of tho busluew eontgr. Lots
ma) be had with any vlw or facing
Small payments down, easy terms.
An Attractive $1250 Modern
Will be built Absolutely FREE OF COST on one of the next Twenty Lots
Sold in PERHAM PARK! This is your opportunity
No. 13 is Sold But there is still time to get in on this proposition
if you act at once For full particulars call at office,
or Phone 274-J
150 Front Street
Opposite Grand
Several Plans
Tho choice of several plans vT
made by the fortunate yuicliaser
or If he prefers a larger or
pretentious homo wo will aoff
91000 in gold to apply o "
v. ...nrn than tWO loti ' "
arid to ono purchaser under tmv
W.A0 Reid
Perham Park
gypmoraairjay : iJfreqiwrM
iTirrnifltii'li'i'rVr-irir nuiiiirrii mi i i i
" aaa1irl
cammmmmmamuBBaBammamm n umi i MdmmmmMmmmsmmHBmmmsmammHBmmagmmmmtzxT- - .,
1 ' OaaaaataaataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHk
lteigygygljW. . .ttgjHHHnHflHHMHMHUH
i-i --r"T--r-r---r ir-,",t i'-lr ITT Trir-'rr'r ill ! t '"i-- i i itt"" -zr i - """iT-ttt TT-iaffar""'"' ' ' "- ,m