r TTJ-V - kuuUiitiwr L,L...i.-rrr . t- rfMrt, Tuii-jiTji inmmmmnfflfhMumww THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1914 EVENING EDITION SEVEN MILL e& Wry academy " . 7....,;.nBodingandp.y School n-9" J..L,e. Stnd for ct!oj. Iff AN D.OREGON. GOODRUM'S GARAGE HOME OF THE 'CADILLAC and FORD lDT0 suri'Lins for all IfAKHS OF CARS 7CtrtAT. I'hono .17JM. Children's Fhto; Wo make n specialty of photos of children. We have toys for tho little tots aud tako ospeclal cnro to mako photos that aro attractive, pleasing and natural. Bring the children here. QUARTERMASSj STUDIO Front Street Opposite Dlanco Hotel ww I SPIRELLA CORSETS Ce ODiailieu in mwio...,v,.u ' frnm Mrs. Annie Holland, PnrenflnP So. Sthst- Phone 200-X QUATERMAS STUDIO I QUALM I rnuiuo i bnposite Blanco Hotel, j HAnSHFIIUiD, ORKOON K5.00 $25.00 will par 125.00 to any portion MrrclA thlof In Marshflclil. (Sltiied) HARSHFIELD CYCLERY VIRRS .i For the Latest and Best War News Read The Times PAINTS EftfRYTHING Automobiles Signs House Decorating Also carries a full lino oC Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Wall Paper, Brushes, Etc. BREVITIES tides for September Below la given the time and holght of high and low water at Marshflold. Tho tides nre plncod In tho order or occurrence, with tholr times on the first lino and holghtfl on tho second lino of ooch day; a pomnar Ison of consecutive heights will ln aicate whothor It Is high or low water. For high wator on the bar subtract two hours 34 minutes. DO NOT FORGET Tel. 77 That wo aro headquarters for Fruit Jars, Caps and Itubbors. Wo also have a NICE LINK OF PRESERVING KETTLES HUNTERS Look our Guns, and Rifles over as they aro tho latest models. Wo handle tho famous KEEN-KUTTER lino of Cutlery and Tools. Schroeder & Hildenbrand General Repair Shops. Hardware and Plumbing. Hrs. . 1.23 Ft. . . 0.9 Hrs. . 2.3G Ft. . . 0.9 Hrs.. 3.G1 Ft... 0.8 Hrs.. 4.T.G Ft... 8.5 8.17 12.11 7.08 3.7 2.8 G.2 9.37 1.21 8.19 3.0 3.0 G.l 10.G4 3.1C 9.42 3.8 3.1 G.l 11.50 4.4G 10.G4 4.3 2.8 G.4 WEATHER FORECAST tnr aiioc uti rrm to com nr tiom.j OREGON Probably fair to night and Sunday. Heavy frost tonight In oast; warmer Sunday with westerly winds. lost his pnpors. From hero Mr. Rob bins will go to Port Orford to visit his brother, Dr. Robblns. nonius Suit. nen Wright haR begun suit In Justice Ponnock's court against Levi Holsner for $28 which he claims Is due or a horse shoeing bill, New Office. Dr. Derby, who re- to secure treatment for a bad gash In his hand, sustained whllo using an ax. The tendons wero slashed, but Dr. Horsfall does not think that any permanent disability will result. , E' . P' n.1"' ell'loyed at tho Mc Donald & Vaughn camp, was brought to Mercy Hospital suffering from a severe gash In the foot, being struck by an axo. Mrs. Mclnturff of Salem, who Is visiting at tho homo of her son, At- ccntly arrived here, will occupy tho torn"- Mnin ?J . r "Cr. 8.0"' At office sulto In the First National i mS,, fJ,"i.ur,f' ,9 ro,ortci1 aa by tho Builders' Exchange. More Autos. D. L. Footo took an other auto to Allegany, making three machines ho will have there to hnndlo tomorrow's excursion to Golden Falhi. Lynn Lambeth will also havo his nuto thero. 376 N. Front St. Phone 296-R i i-iiuiiuiin RD. A ours ondnfc atl t. 12, bynj.l LOCAL TEMPERATURE For tho 24 hours 4:43 a. m.. Sept. Ostllnd, special governniont mo- teorologlst: I Maximum C4 Minimum ,. 4C At 4:43 n. m 48 Precipitation 00 Wind: northwest; partly cloudy. Hours Clumgoil. Rev. Hansford of the Marshflold Baptist church, announces that henceforth morning sorvlces will bo hold at 11 a. m.. eve ning services at 7:30 p. in., and the young peoples' meetings at 0:30 p. in. Sundays at his church. , . STEAMER HARDY HAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO EVERY TUN DAYS HAN FRANCISCO DOCK UNION STEAMER PIER 10 COOS BAY AND EUREKA STEAMSHIP LINE 8RING YOUR JOB PRINTING TO THE COOS BAY TIMES Save Time-Save Money Gain ServiceGain Satisfaction If ainiiiiiiniiitnx t BBSS - AKnK.h Your Cooking Troubles by placing n Sterling Range BBLl .. . I HIM I II llllUVnFJ I in your homo You can do so on the convenient low payment plan. The Sterling is Guaranteed for 15 years. Your own sound reasoning will tell .you that n range, in order to carry such a guarantee, must possess merit of construction, of ma terial, of workman ship and of finish. It is for these very reasons that the "STERLING" is backed up by this substantial 15-year guarantee a "STERLING" guarantee. It is built bet- r and HORN. I - SMITH To Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith of South Coos River, a daughter, their first child, Funeral Tomorrow. Tho funornl of P. A. Glfard will bo held from tho Dungnn Undertaking Parlors to morrow, Sunday, afternoon at 2 o'clock. One Arrest. Bert Johnson of Hon ryvllle was tho lone offender In Jail Friday and na UBiial ho was charg ed with being drunk. Ho had no monoy. Try CnsoJ-Tho case of C. W. Tum or vs. Ed Yoaknin for $32.7G will bo tried In Justlco Ponnock's court to day. Tumor claims Yoakam guaranteed tho payment of the am ount when ho quit working for Yoak am'ii fatlior and Yoakam denies this. John Cottel, a well known Big Creek rancher, Is reported qulto 111. Frank Peterson of Enstsldo fell offi tho wharf last night, striking on a bont and cutting a Bevero gash In his lips, his teeth, almost penetrating through tho flesh. BAND DANCE PLATFORM is he. Lll?..J,,uV,,:n IMul l)Ut ,n 1NH .UA.lK ,or h, ilnnvo HATUKDAY NIGHT. Will bo best pavllloa ilnnclntt floor eicr cnoycl here. New Home. Good progress Is bo ing mndo on tho now houso of Mrs. George Wulfr In Forndalo. It will bo modern In every way. Hor son-In-law, Robert Peters, who recently moved hero with Ms family from San Francisco, Is building It. Another Popular Excursion. Tho Kleanior AWt will leave at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning for Allegany on what will nrolmbly ho tho last ex cursion of this kind this year. Autos will meet the boat at Allegany to go to tho Bllvor and Golden Falls. CLASSIFIED s LvlLw ww i AUS I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I FOR SALE A liuslnnw laying 40 cents on tho dollar. Owner must noil. Inventories between $5000 and $6000. Will tnko part local real cstato In oxchango. Sco Rotd about It. 1 GO Front street. Other good business opportunities $200 upwards. At Siege of PnrlN. E. A. Elck worth, a well known Coos Bay nlo rMniu i..u.h. n a Tini.i.in. ncor, u one or tno row veterans or tho U. S. Immigration Servlco nt Port- tho Franco-Prussian War In this vl- cinujr. lie Hurveu in 1110 uctiiiuii land, nr rived hero today to Jook up Chlng Dang, or Chlng Ling, a rela tive of Gow Why, who claims that ho is bettor thnii lvmfros that sell at a much lncrher price. The "STER- WmJ" body is polished "Wollsville steel, which will not warp or crack. Tho ivbo.v c is iyLio inui shnllow. The linincrs are made in three sections and ventilated, lias 16-guage steel oven. In all, tho "STERLING" range is lnnV to ct ok and bake well and quickly and economically. It's tho range for -wy nome, no matter what tho requirements mignt be, tor it meets Vurwneut. It is guaranteed by us to givo perfect satisfaction and tc GRAND : O-NIGHT (M)0 fet't, of the very IiAT EST null fliitt choice HcimikiI Pliotoplayn. Excollont music by Proressor Lwppert nnd wlfo. Edison's latest sorlal story: "THE MAN WHO DISAPPEAR "THE MAN WHO DISAP PEARED." No. 2, produced In collaboration with tho POPU LAR MAGAZINE, entitled: "THE HAUNTED ANIMAL," featuring Marc MacDermott. HEARST-SELIG NEWS PIC TORIAL SHOWING ALL THE LATEST HAPPENINGS OF THE WORLD. "THE TOLL," a splendid 2 part Vltagraph with a cast of all star Vltagraph players. A picture that will surely please. "DID SHE CURE HIMT" Sco this full-up comedy and enjoy n good laugh. A Saturndy night giggle In this Sellg funny Friday comedy. Children, Gc. Adults. IGc. MATINEE SUNDAY 8plen did selection of pictures. Coming Monday "LOST IN MID-OCEAN" A Vltagraph masterpiece. army Hint Invested Paris after tho long slcgo and rcmumbors It vividly. AIiIh In Work. -Dr. Hamilton of Coqulllo Is In charge of the Smith Powors emergency hospital on the new lino during tho nbsenco of Dr. KVzor, who Is In Portland. Dr. Ham ilton rocontly located at Coqulllo and Is n brother of Dr. Hamilton of MniMliflold. Home Burned. Tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Stanley at Camp One on South Coos River was destroyed by flro this morning. Mr, and Mrs. Stanloy ennio to Mnrshfleld on tho early morning boat, leaving tneir children at home. Shortly after their arrival In Matshflold they received the news of the conflagration by tole-phono. Feared fur Husbniiil Mrs. Powell, wlfo of tho proprietor of tho Dlanco Cafo, appealed to Justlco Pcnnock to try and locato her husband, who left n couple of woeks ago for Curry coun ty. Bho has not heard from hint nluco aud fears ho may have met with an arcldent or foul play. Powell lit a negro and Is said to bo well-to-do Change DlMlricU. According to a a report from Coqullle, plans nro un der consideration for changing tho road dlstrlctu botween horn and Co qulllo, Tho plan Is said to bo to dlvldo District No. 9, know as tho Taylor Slglln district, and add It to District No. G undor P. P. Norton, and District No. 1G under J. Yoakum. Fix Curbing. Peart Brothers, who put In the concrete curb on South Broadway, havo arrangod so that they will mnko tho balance of tho fill, sufficient to protect tho curb against heavy rnlns. Wnrron Broth ers, who havo tho contract, will havo to (reimburse thorn for tho work. Just when Warren Brothers will bo ablu to go ahead with tho paving Is still uncertain. lEe Roval TO- NI GHT saver. by "WHY PAY MORE?" every re- to be a fuel- Johnson-Gulovsen Company North Front Street. Marshfiold, Oregon THE HOUSE OF IHG FEATURES. Miss Elizabeth Hoben singing popular classical songs. OUR EXTRA BIG FEATURE "QUO VADIH" In KIGIIT REELS. A stupendous photodrama a sensational buccoss through out Europe and America. DON'T FAIL TO SEE THIS. ADMISSION: Lower floor ,...,... ,33c IUlcony JMo Children 10c Auto Hmuuirt'it. This morning Lynn Lambeth's auto narrowly oscap ed being iuundated In Coos River. Tho machine was being taken on a pmall scow to Allegany by the Alice II. and the scow swamped Just below the forks, tho auto being almost tin dor water. Another scow was secur ed and tho auto trausferrod before much damage was dono and It was able to go through. School Oik'iih. County Roadmas ter P. M. Hall-Lowls was here from Coqulllo yesterday to Inspect tho Lar bon dredging contract work on Wll lanch Inlet and also tho North Bend Empire road Anderson & Klockers havo nearly completed their contract for grading to Nowmark street. Mr. Hall-Lowls also arranged for tho comnletlon of the grading to Em pire, which, will bo dono undor tho supervision or me supervisor, v. m Perkins. Tho county has appropriate ed $2000 from tho general fund for this purpose. FOUND On North Front street, Io nian's brown coat. Owner may havo same by claiming property and pnylng for this nd. LOST A binding clmln nlxiut UI tt. long, between tho warohouso and tho A. T. Haines feed store. Find er ptenso loavo at tho Haines Feed Storo. FOR RENT Rooms ltli or without board. Also housekeeping rooms. 388 North Front strcot. FOR SALE l-hurner gnu ran go wlUi garbago burner attachment. Cheap, for cash. 239 So. 4th St. FOR SALE 7-room house, 2 lot, bath,- best location, all for $1000, part cash, balanco easy terms. Ad dress "Homo," caro Times. FOR Wa'L'K S'tJitlonnry RasollnecM glno, tank, pump and pipe, $100. ' Cull 284-XX. FOR UKNT -3-rooni linuso, close Ib, $15; also 7-room flat, Phono Dr. Leslie. I POSITIONS WANTED , EXPERIENCED HnlcNiiuui dettirttl position as clerk In genoral stor Seven years' experience. Fiifttys class recommendations. Inqufni ' "Experience," caro Times. ""1m. HELP WANTED I - WANTED Muld for gouoral Iioiukw work. Call mornings. Mrsf I. S. Kaufman. WANTED Girl for general houso work. Phono 207. "A. WANTED I WANTED nt once, ciiniHtent girl for gouoral, housework. Mrs. J. :' W. Chapman, phone 39G-R. -- ANTED To borrow $1000 on first mortgage 2 to G yearB. Good se curity, 8 per cent. Addross "C care Times. HERE'S SOMETHING FOR NOTIt ING A. J. O. O. JERSEY. For tho asking I will send to any nddress a folder giving names and ludlvtdual yearly production oC every cow In my herd. F, A. SACCHI, Marshflold, Or. I FOR RENT i FOR RENT Houmm, also newly fur nished flatB, Phone 443-J, FOR RENT To adult, several light, newly painted and papere&r rooms, furnished or unfurnished to suit tenant. 415 South 4th -St. FOR RENT Tno flats .furnished or unfurnished, In Madden BIdg., North Front street; also house keeping rooms. - AMONG THE SICK I Thelma, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Wilson, Is getting along nicely after an operation for adenoids and tonsil trouble. Frank Smith sustained a bad gash over his eye as a result of turning suddenly against a scaffold while try ing to get away from .a friend with whom he was scuffling. Willie Blake came In today from Jack McDonald's ranch at Loou Lake FINE furnished rooms and li04ird for. gentlemen, In private family.. $6. GO per week. 239 So. 4th SL. FOR RENT Large houso In South Marshflold, 12th Court. Ph. U9-L FOR RENT FuriilHlicil rooms with use of bath. 246 No. 2nd St. I FOR SALE f WAR SNAP North hulf of Bloclc 1, Shettor's Addition. 100x200 feet, with 200 feet on Shormaa avenue, for $800. Seo Title Gu aranteo and Abstract Company. FOR SALE FaAt nuialxmt boat Ib perfect condition. Will trade for real estate. I. S. Kaufman & C, .lAtiAi, VtMAJjmMLs. .iij&k. Ljii .z&t.tiiJimMkn. . iViJjfcMAJti-l . A-