mmmsmmmmiFMB AHaaa-T wri COOS BAY TIMES IJrnTirHTTiA AMD THE TOAST M. C. MALONEY Editor nnd Tub. PAX E. .MALONEY News Editor Offlclnl I'nper of Coos County. i ARRESTS IK Entered at tho Postofflco at Marsh Ilold, Oregon, for transmission through tbo malls as second-class mall matter. . YOUTH AX1) WAIt. o NE of tho saddest among the ninny sad features of the war Is I noon evening. I War Is one of the greatest I plagues that can Inflict hnmnii- Ity. It destroys religion, It de I strovs states, It destroys families. Martin Luther. WAIt! WHY? WHAT FOE? -A I E5 composed 24 vrmm of nco tho flowor of European manhood Rvnrv nlnsR of Eiiroiicnii socloty nays a terrible price In young men for tho checr our heneBt Go( T crnvo iiixury ui wuii that tho armies arc so largely triimncts! tan of drum, iscd or youtns between loaiw ,.,., nlfnpmn. horn ilmv conic! l"rJak?l.V? L?, Youth and veterans, four by four. What for? Rattle thirsty; Why? TETHOGRAD. Mlno won't fill a nameless gravo: Savo my son! a mother cries; Man Reported to Have Been Robbed in Auto Has Differ ent Name Other Cases So far no arrests have been made In connection with tho reported rob bery of Harry McDonald in tho auto night boforo Inst. Marshal Carter Is working op tho case. It hna been ascertained that McDonald's real name is Kelly, either M, O. BAND TO GO ON BOAT NOW GERMANS OFFER FEEBLE RESKtaT (By Associated Press to Coos Hay ti ,?I?NCE PARTS, Sept. 12. It was officially muion'iinn 1 1 ai'toriioon that the Geniinn forces east of p llcre c willy retreating and are offeriim- onlv PnniS?8 a Ren. ' gen- ice Decide to Give Up Concert Trip Through the Wil lamette Valley At a mooting of tho oxecutivo com mittee of tho Mnrshfleld Chamber of Commerce yesterday, it was dccldod that the Chamber of Conitnerco should make up a deficit of about $000 which tho changed plans of tho Coos Dny Concert Hand's trip to Sal em entailed. Q. W. Kaufman of tho special committee appointed to aid tho band, Bald that owing to tho European War and unfavorable to the French and British troons. m lastan FRENCH REPORT GERMANS ON RUN (Dy Associated Press to Coos Dnv ri-."4n -. -.uivb.; ciZnMonTaolAmthnn' l working for tho Copenhagen camp ' weather conditions, coupled within Statesmen sit on a goiuen throne, j nenr Gr(nor ,,0 wnfl worknB nt I ability to Beouro opora houses on tho Women waiting with red-rlmm'd eyes. Kelly or Harry Kelly and ho claims lU uu u luiuai "iiu iiiiiiumm v-w..i THE namo of St. Petersburg lias . . , . . .. I Ho was formerly employed on tho been changed by an Imperial de; SU'esmc m gmUh, nro n thn pnr in "Pi racmd" uruni8 lure jquin into ncn s ioui im, -ni.. hna .mii v'v". "." .r"". . " .- MnniHml fohrilo. wrnnu iirnir Homo: unio "" ..v...y .- "Pnfnr'n c ity." t no ciinngo is ":"VB"-" "..":'.'.. r' :."'"' sensible, since It Introduces tho Rus slan word "grnd," "city," In place of i.niiniB hi and hum Myrtle Point last December and tho Clcrmnn "burg," which means ?&"?! ?ul ? ' " K ), , Inter went to Gardiner, "fortress." Tho name orlglnnted In ?. nrlstlani, fir ng a Maxim gnnj, Arrests the fortress of St. Peter and St. Paul. ""u co,,ie8 i . . ,. .. ,, No nrref(tg hBVo bc(jn mnd(J yot tho lnn mlght muan a ,0B8 lnBtond which nroccded the city established doting Hearts once noia oj ou. . bbor . ot tho PIxup 8t0re, of a profit and ho thought it would by Potcr the Great. "Grad" appears .. r,.nrcoI ,,.,,, cannons' tho Emplro saloon robbery on tho bo better to hnvo tho band go by in other city names. "Belgrade" Is Forward! Uinrgoi nucisi ennnons Gnrdnor rouuery or for tho ran- steamer direct to Portland nnd nftor Jh pWW!l?n?ll!S,n!P Tr-K"" (Twentieth century civilized war) ' SKjJn5 bo hou,e nt D"y Park U, Sff SS?ta " l8n " JSr11' 0tSoda, police are working on Rather curiously we rarciy anow ",,' It and may get somotning uoioro tho peoplo of n country or town 10 nave tnoir own numu i"i n call wido. dates desired, it had been doomed nd vlsablo to glvo up tho proposed con cert tour. Ho said that to carry out tho fair glvo concerts at Portland nnd Albany possibly. After a general discussion tho com mittee decided this would be best LONDON, Sept. 12. An official nmiomiP ' here today says the third French army nnnKut Ne ' artillery of the (Ionium army corps. "OuJ ,1 d,n11 the port mat tne enemy's retreat is vcrv nnM rf wncs fc have crossed the River Oiircq and are nioviuir tff. troo nig in rapid pursuit ot the eneinv. Two m' era were captured. The enemy is retreating S3 ?$& try Le Francois. " b luItl1 of Yi. GERMANS LEAVE SOUTHERN AMAon (13y Associated Press to Coos liar Time, iACE MILAN , Italy Sept. 12.-A dispatch to Corrioni Sera ironi Basel, Switzerland, says the aerinniu in imting Southern Alsace. 'mis arc evae. tlSAusrancalitr-vVenn Drooling maniacs blood-necked foam Jo Jo?o t bwn -J : lt residents call it "Wlen.' DnB, mumble of "Home, sweot fcc'lg certnn ho wm, lilt tW uumuvo uwb.w w UllllVU UUVIUVU 1IIIO 1 U II I U UU UVOW long. Mnrshal Cartor says that if and also to boost tho benefit concert he had not been sick In bed tho next Tuesday evening to raise funds re robbery, ho ' f0r tho band. homo; wlillrh ?" Ti,"no ir 's OravenhnBe." Dend unnumbered, glnssy-eycd. "Dcutschland" is known to tho Eng- ould havo landed tho men. District Attorney LIlJeqvlBt and Sheriff Gngo ngreo that tho Em pire robbery was a framcup to got Germany" and to tho French Fiendish hate on lips now dumb: Tom E(iBnrs cash, but thoy havo Committee nti Ivxhllilt. It wus also decided to mnko Hugh McLnln, A. J. Mondcl and Win. Grimes tho permanent committee on tho San Francisco exhibit. They ro llsh ns "Germany" and to tho French -j ""'"""""' V' -'-; "'""'',) Tom Edgars ensn, nut tnoy nnvo-lorled on l0 meeting nt Coqulllo, ;. "i-Aiinmncne." and the French (Humane nr Is tho song now sung) not r0vcalcd any proof of this the-. h.. u.m !. .,. Mnmhrinlii mom. . .... -7---' . . ,, sjpntfnroii nniiia rrnm iiiirniinir nnon: . i. ." : - "" --- --.-: en,itffit seem t",at the residents of Sentry answers, "All is well.'' ' !?? "tefld rSX SUtor.. sweethearts, wives, they ,u ..fYMn.ivYi lLvrynmr. comoi 1 I J V 'i I i Mii.w.t WEDS FII'TV COUPLES. i her of the general oxecutivo commit teo, which will havo goncrnl clinrgo of tho exhibit, gathering it, etc. Hugh McLnln of Marshfiold was (Duglcs silent, one by one). .ELOIUM'B hard misfortunes con- Crippled, blind, with fesfring sore, tlnuo to command tho sympathy Serrate ranks of four by four, nf tho noutrnl world, Llko Lux- .,'.,,, 1 . . bnnr. she might havo submitted "Father!" shrieks an orphan loud, with protest to the Gorman reprc- .Moinor. weeping, ,en at on of necessity, but that would Heaving bosoms, nave been to surrender all assertion I'ralso ye war? I Jiictlce Stanley of Coqulllo Establish. honored ,u Ul0 ConllIUo mGotB by Ti.i- m? iiinw i-. mnVM full ,,olnff ftIl)0'ntc' chnlrmn? of tho Coob This, Mr. Stanley sas, mnkos full ,. r..rrv ,,-i.iuu oniniiitno. R llnu T to command the sympathy Serrate ranks of four by four. , fiftV'couplVs ho has married during, aa curry exh.u.t comm.ttee. nf ho noutrnl world, L.IK0 L.ux- .... .. . . . nis two yenrs incumuoncy 01 uie ui- w V,UKK wiu HIM,...r , llln uto ui im.u Jl"- v. ,."7': Mothodlst Episcopal church at 7:30 and it was also his fiftieth birthday HUNI)AY KVHNINfl. Sept. 13, on a coincidence in 11 win nnv.-r nun- ntOIIIIUTIO.V. IMtOPOUTIO.VAIj nen ngnin, no manor now iuhb uu ih'i.iiiwi.-vtitiiiv tnv 11., ninnMnn ot liberty, for with Ilolglum neutral- r ,m-,i .ir..m T.y rc,nt,,il,c of,lco" T!,0T' of members of the legislature Mr. ltv is liberty. It would have been to llark! lho oiml 0 'mil Hcd dr . f tw0 wedd ngs n month ! opt only . w tt,B0 0 ,Inn tho ,.,u.;KI.:u. ally hcrsolf with Gorman roriunra ; - ..-b.u .....-, iusmco atnniey s rccoru, uiu u.hi. 01 KSTAIi VOTE ns a means ot obtnln- nnd lio dependent not omy upon . ""-- " '? ,'vunt Mr? m"r."r'; , .J l"B SMJOIHTV ItULE. -fu.HnM Mtnpn iiiir iiirLiiuiiimiu iiiiuit ..-.-.-.--.-.-. . -.rf ....... . . iiiuimiu il nttn 1 r ivtii.ii wninw Ocrmnn word, but furthermore upon German success ror conunuuu ai tonco ns a nation. Itntl'or than suiinm 10 mis miru -tt-K- on I Tho wisest man I know fata a"d tnke tills chance, nolglum I Coos Day spenks four different n,i..nvnro,i lo nrotect herself. Her I languages, but can't think of cjtt., -n Mirnc.1: her fields are anything to say in any of them. I tramped down; her dead are numcr- nl. imp nnnnln arc niiyliiK war as- -8-tt- BCBsnionts to the Invaders, Mr hlstor- ,t niwnyB worries a womnn when phoned for nnd enmo by tho attor- who presented themselves, Chcrlo Joe Plnuumnt and Henrietta I.ecocn, both of Mnrshfleld. Tho brldo was only seventeen and bud omitted tho necessary formality of obtaining her parents' consent to the union, so there was, a dnlny of several hours while the written validation was tie G COURT i SIX OASES SET l-'OIl TIUAL IIY JUDGE COKE :NKV GUAM) .TUIIY WILL SOON IIEGIN TO WOItK .1 ud go J. S. Coke has sot tho following eases for trial Monday, when he convenes tho September term of Circuit Court nt Coqullle: Uurnhnm vs. Conro nnd Cameron. Harrington & Doylo vs. Jennie Stownrt. H. G. Hoy vs. V. C. Gorst. M. M. Young vs. Frank liurk holdor. Geo. D. Hughes vs. John Dotson. C. E. Smith vs. A. D. Perdue Tho grand Jury will bo Impan elled Monduy and it Is probable thnt thoy will not report until tho Inst of the week as It Ib not plan ned to begin tho trial of criminal cases until 11 week from Monday. PE IB TOWN IN U lc buildings are wrecked, and tliore Is 8ll0 Btnrts'ou n visit if she Is unable noon mail. Hut tho courso of true n-rnr mill llOROlnllOll WUCre UIUIU (,, rmunmlinf uoilintll lll.r aim lift. for. lOVfl DOraiUO HlllOOin IU IIIHI IIIIU II1U u-na nnnrn nlld lirOHIICrlty. vnllnn I VO II II IT folks WOIlt hOUlO 08 liapp.V n8 . . If tho fatherland had been freed of II. S. FACES GUEATEST Our neighbors can smell fried on- tho Gorman Invnilor. Coqullle Sonll OPPOItTU.IT IN lll.srom 0Il8 farther than roast beof. nel. EOItOE J Af flftv n mnn linn fnrcrnttnn fullv iuill?r.AV. wlinno .;.. .."...'.- . ..Ta .... ' GEOHUii J. whmua, "7" half tho things ho knew at twenty. i spectacular success as ornnlz- Tho wor,(1 ,g f1,ei, wth i,iurrora cr nnd president of tho united w0 B,10w ,, ,(a(1, . on n anow,iown. , .MODEUN WAIt NEWS. Cigar Stores company almost puts him In n class with Ford, tho nuto mnliltn man. 8ayw. the war hu brought tho United State the srrat- rho' hlllcH. under Goncrnl ,' est opportunity for trudn expansion Mavo ,iuronted tho enemy nt on! that this country has over .fncod In tj,er wny to :nnj nro now pros- all Its history , , Ring on toward . mi'n umlilimU- linvn Innined ,.u -,..........., ...... --"-.- . FREIGHT W from a Wilson low tlir ff to a McKlnloy tnrlff multiplied Shy four," says this commercial gcnlUB: "that Is tho prautloal ef fect of tho war In n business way. ProporftloiiH to advance the tnrlff do not ho'.p business so much beoauso of tho actual tariff, but because peoplo know thnt prices are going to bo high er." Mr. Wholan's confident ndvlco to merchant., every who. o Is to nu KEPTE.MI.Elt. (Acrostic.) School openings. Equlnoxlnl storms. '.n-r,.inn nrunps. Tango Teas. t..xit Hummer. Moving. Hnseball closing. nto football. Itofllllng bins. Democrats Revolt Against, the Proposed Plan to Raise Funds for Nation llr AnorlilM I'tm (o Cooi l)r Timet. WASHINGTON", D. C, Sept. 12. IlecatiBo of tho Domocratlc rovolt In tho House ngalnst tho freight tax pro posed In the war revenue bill, Demo cratic Lender Underwood today do nulcklv and stock up. They will mnke SPENDING THE STATE'S MONEY, elded to nwnlt President Wilson's re money for thomselvcH, he says, and turn before Introducing tho measure, benoflt tho country by sotting Indus- Governor West ltns snont alt tho . a rru o hlPli ailOOll. .,..... ....nnl.. a -i t... a. ao j ..v n .i- 1,1.. muiiuy umiMMu utiL'ii uy uiu iyio ioh' m OPPOSED In Homowhnt moro guarueu uu - i8i!ltllrw for malntenanco of thn exe- crnntro James J Hill voices n slml- ,,ti.... nrir ..r..i i. n. lnr conviction. "It is well for the advent of of ficlnl povorty by ordering I NORTH BEND NEWS L. F. Pnrrltt, a former resident met thorn. "Wo nro In tho presence of tr-e grontest opportunity In tho history of this country," nnld Daniel Guggenheim. "For tho first tlmo In our history tho world's marts llo ut our feot un contostod. Why. In six mouths, oven less than six months." tho cmenkcr chose IiIh words with tho greatest care, "I expect to see this country fairly boiling with ! vlotis Governor over had had been fairly generous, Tho appropriations for the executive office for tho past three biennial periods hnvo been: Appropriations for 11)01). Governor's salary $10,000 Governor's private secretary . 4,800 Clorks and stenographers for Govornor 3, GOO Governor's traveling oxpenses 500 For oxponses In returning fu gitives from justico , 5,000 eases, tor. He leuves u wife and (laugh- American pooplo to realize to tho full , Ml tnlnnimnna nmi nntlfvino- nil'of North noud. died In Portland tholr wonderful opportunities offored rorro8pon(lont8 to encloso postngo for Sunday ot a complication of dis cs n result or uio- lornuio HiruKi,i" replies to tholr lotters. Tho Govornor now taking place In Europe, said b,nme tho Logllsaturo for his sad Mr. Hill In Now ork tho other da. p,B,U blt ,t 8eon)8 l0 Tho oregonlnn Daniel and S. It. Guggenheim, Just tlml eB8iaturo which hnd given hack from Europe, wore bubbling ,,,m for , jncl,iontni expenses of wun oihiiiiihiii nnuii niv iv.u..v.m i,ia office JS900 moro than any pro- NEW .MEN IN HANK by Governor 1,000 For payment of rewards ")r npprohension of criminals COO prosporuj. ,., ,.,0i,ii Special agents to be employed Others eminent In tho Industrial .... nn..nplinr nnd commercial life of tho country nro sneaking In llko tonor. Thoy nro, nolntlnir out thnt hundreds nf mil-; lions of dollnrH formerly carried j Total $5 500 abroad by European tourists will bo, Appwulrii'itloni'ror'llill." ' kept nt homo; that enormous sums oovornor's salary $10,000 fpent In f nmntr lis of Europe for 0ovornor.B pr,vn't0 8eCretnry 4,300 fabrics, clntl- ng. mill nory and othor 0ovornor's clorks and steno- llili(iiis win uu iiiiiivu iivi-r iti iiiui- fenn mnnufnctiirers and wago earn ers; that Smith American couutrlos, formerly culd toward American bust nobs, are now ardent and eager to 'ouv supplies In tho United States. Confidence Is voiced that the gen ius of tho American people will find. Total too 700 wnyB to build up a met chant murine, Am'iwiiiiAtimVYn7i ' finance new conditions and new In-' Goyor?a "Zary .. ... . .110.000 iiiiBinub nun 11110 1111 111 111 11 wuiiu- Oovnrnnr'a trnvoUnc nvimnsns 1 nno wide invasion of markets that up to " . l " "SLoKr'v fi'nnn this war were in control of tho fight fng nations. For the moment the country Is dnz graphcrs 4,200 Governor's traveling expenses 500 Apprehension of fugitives . . . 7,000 Special agents to be appoint ed by Govornor 1,000 Rewards 1,200 Governor's private secretary 6,000 Governor's stenographers ... 4,200 Governor's contingent oxpons- of tho opportunities thus thrust up- Qi, r. i. .,ni- 011 It, but to doubt thnt It will rUo 'M'" Special aconts to be appoint ed by Governor 1,000 superbly to tho occasion Is to dis- , ""' "-"'u . trust tho cnpacltv and genius of tho "ownraB a"u" American people. Total $34,400 1HI 1 1 ' ro 18 nover enougn wnen a real ' ' pnender gets In tho executive chair. Orptronlan. . .... ...... . .. . . " ' u imbi 111 ij.Anni.ti' ii.i,ir . .j IMG DANCE nt EAGLES' SATURDAY NIGHT. 8ATUHDAY NU1HT. I WHEAT, JI.OO OWT. HAINES.' List of Stocl''fdders of Myrtle Point V Institutions. Tho Myrtle I'olnt Enterprise Bays: Negotiations woro closed last Thurs day whereby Messrs. J. It. Benson. L. A. Roberts. E. C. Roberts and Ed Rnckloff sold their stock In tho Rank of Myrtle Point of this city, to sovonteen ranchers and busi ness men of tho Myrtle Point sec tion, nnd Marshfiold and Uandon, Under the re-orgnnlzatlon, R. W. Luudy was chosen president, C. C. Carter vice-president and It. A. Annln cashier. The now stockholders are: J. L. Crosby, of Gravol Ford; J. II. MrCloskey and A. J, Rada, baugh of Norway; Dr. A. L. House worth of Marshfiold; J. L. Kronen berg, ot Rnndon: C. E. and J, H. Schroeder, of Arago, and W. H. Haves, .Jt. P. Carman, 0. A. Har rington, Jnmes Hobson, P. W. Laird, W. S. Cooley, C. A. Gourley. C. II. Butler, Jr., John Fabry and It. A. Annln of Myrtle Point. Those of tho old organization re taining their stock are: R. W. Lundy. E. O. Carter, C. C. Cartor, G. W. Shelley, A. R. Davenport, Dr. M. O. Stemmlor, Hon McMullen. W. F. SHngsby. Wm. E. Hartley and W. E. Pike, of Myr tle Point; H. L. Carl, of Coqullle: J. D. Carl, of Arago: Henry S. Smith and Chas. R. Smith, of Men- nsha, WInconsin; R. L. Morris and Frank Morris, of Rural, and Jesse D. Clinton, of Norway. POLITICAL SPEAKING. Wm. S. U'REN will SPEAK on the Issues of tho cnmpnlgn nt ODD KEL- FUNERAL NOTICE LOWS' HALL at 8 o'clock, 8ATUII- Tho funoral of P. A. Glrnrd will ' DAY EVENING. Ladles especially bo held from Dungnn's Undertaking Invited. Mr. U'HEN will ANSWER parlora Sunday at 2 o'clock p. 111.. political QUESTIONS from tho AUD FrlendB nro Invited. I IENCH. cvlp?:l'yD.eedJ "" " ranio loss of Life is Not Given tnr AnorlitH I'm. 1. (!,, Ujrn. LIMA, Peru, Sept. 12.v.., ; celved here says a trcm0 ISiSi quako estroyed tho city of ffl In tho department of Arni "IP report says the peoplo are Viml? but no mention was made ol mP,hS J of life. ' O. O. F. NOTICE. Members of Sunset Lodge S'o ( 1 0. O. F., nro requested to mettV 1. O. O. P. Hall Sunday. Sept it 1 o clock Bharp to attend the fowil of our lato brother, Peter CliSt member of Royal Oak Lodge of Pen. By Order OSCAUOULOVBEN.IU I 1. i.M)u, secretiir. DIW. HAMILTON AND MQltROf, pliyslclaiiN nnd Hurgeotu, lure OrEt. ED OFFICES 210-211 Inlng IkW Ing. J I The Future Man or Woman ,'; ., Thb food taken by the nursing;: , " mother influence "'the ...physical development of the child. Chil i drcn should be led on nothing but hi v: die most strengthening foods. , '- GhiraVdelli's Ground Chocolate is both a food and a drink. & Children need no coaxing to take , it. They like it and thrive on it. It is the final expression of purity, . wholesomeness and deliciousness. The cost is less than a cent a cup. Begin using it tomorrow. hermetically sealed tins. Ghirardelli's Ground Chocolate U the only original ground chocolate. It hat been used in Western homes for over a third of a century and. its popularity is growing day by day. Quality, strength and price rnlIn tha ame. D. CHIRARDELU CO. Slnca 1852 San Francisco DIG DANCE at EAGLES' HALL SATURDAY NIGHT. GHIrMDELLIS GROUND CHOCOLATE VjBSaP7T!nWJ9' A Full Line of ysrs"a Ghirardelli's Ground Chocolate and All Other Nationally Advert Goods at NASBUR.G S GROCERY DR. n. E. KKTiTY, DENTIST. Phone 112-J, Room 204. Coke BIdg. I .i . -TJfc - -- ' ut: r (THHHl mm w