'iV r. ', ' :'i" " if1: i mmmmmmmmm ltitttMl iwiMii'iiiii'iiiiiiifi.i,; THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1914 EVENING EDITION. ELEVEN The Fashionable Color For The Coming Season y- . - MHHH ' )7WT03WTMf rfIf TTMWlrf whit in! j i rwr ri jnmjHUi ; Urojiffiif "wwUftmiB iMI ,1,1 -ikbJRfJHK0iyit&S9&t0ftiMltttoStMtK0i WANDERLUST I low many nicn of your acquaintance got fich by delaying the building of a home and by continuing to pnv rent? Are not the permanent citizens of Marshf ield, the homo-owners, the most prosperous and happy? There are people who think that to re- i-iTf C? T1 fc themselves as only temporarily located on Coos,13ay is verv J 1JK b A stute and cunning. If they are wise, then the roving gypsies represent the highest stage in civilization. IDITION rpn w opportunity to earn a living. Why not treat Marshfield as a rtY rnT VT T llomc alul llot as anothei' llf-wny camp? Get rid of the wandcr fexdJt liLiLjLJ lust ail(l scltl(J down. It is not impossible for you to secure a home. When you have your place started in FIRST ADDITION you will wonder why you wasted so much time and money before making tlic start. Come in and got particulars about prices and terms of lots and arrangements for getting lumber on time. Reynolds Development Co. (OWNER) ITS Central Ave. The Seitz Pack Range tss-ai, t.-, HI "I MM P" Hk - mr Itore li a range ot sufficient size lo cook for CO men and llcht enough as well as In sudj shape that can bo easily pack ed Into a vary rough, mountainous country on a on? pack initial. Jmt the range for the Coos and Curry Hill districts. The Urge range complete about 215 pounds and tuo small oeacomplete only 14C pounds. The government Forestry lc bis purchased moro than 75 ranges. So your local hardware dealer. Write for booklet giving details, ., Eugene Iron Works EUOHNI?, OREGON. iaOKK HROWN1 buor. "For neckwonr It will havo It's a color mul tho nnmo Is Its plnco with organdies and nor ibid properly sot down. veil trlininlnns. A llttlo volvot rln. Thu Portland department store thrown loosely around thd neck, you buyers who havo Just returned from will find will become one of tho strlk tho onstcrn centers, says the Ore- Ing bits In neck dress." gonlnn, are tnlklng "nigger brown," Here nro gomo of tho other tips becnusQ "nigger brown" Is to bo the on fashion Mr. Hnrkor gives, nnd. hit raging color for feminine fancy this tips, ho says, nro thoso other I'ort yenr. In coats, suits, capes, waists, land nnd const buyors havo brought sashes In what not, "nigger brown" or are bringing bnck to Portland for Is going to rulo and Its going to be the new season, called "nigger brown" not "nogro lioitji Tunic .Skirl Shown, brown." i Skirts long, with tunic effect. Color Easily Heconnlod. ' Tunics will fall lower, nnd will not The beauty of It Is tho menfolks flaro. Tho extreme bottom of the will knbw Just what tho color IbI skirts proper will bo much pleated. Nigger brown 1b not to be confused In fact pleating will be much In cvt- you can't mlstnko tho color It denco generally, means. j Hralus wide, oxtromcly "wide Frodorlck Harkor, a buyer for Olds, braid will wind Itself In and out and Wortman and King, has Just rctunif I around and above on a lot of the from Now York with the functioned news of what will, reign In women's realm so far as fashions aro con (.rued this early fall and onr'.y win-Id. Tho favorite. materials that Is tl o feminine apparel. In fact It won't bo amiss to uso somo wide braid, almost any and every place. Hand bags Vanity boxes thoy will bo called, and for tho world they will look Hko a fancy lunch box. They materials which hnvo been trio I out como In sizes from 5 by 3 to 8 by 4, bv the fashion harbingers and to ip.1 In leathers of all sorts and colors pro .vorthy says Mr. Harkor, will he vailing In other fashion decrees, broadcloth and cheviots, and thcyl CUwo KlttliiK HntH Favorite, will como In nigger brown, Rusiln' Hats Tho closo-flttlng, velvet gritn, purple nnd all shades of lituft, things, so simple In architecture tnoy Vth black more prevailing than over I hardly can bo callod creations, will Russian Green to Ho Popular. rulo tho early season and none yet Running a close race with n'ggor has ventured to say what tho mid brown will bo Russian grnn. Now winter hat will bo llko. They aro de Russlan green Is a healthy grpen col-' elding that now. or, deeper oven than Hunter's green In drosses Uroadcloth, French a grcon somewhat akin to tue bll- serge, chovlots nnd poplin will bo the Hard tablo cover green. Hut, snys popular materials, In wool and silk Mr. Harkor, blues will bo In fnselint- fabrics, of tho nlggor brown, Russian Ing colors and, will no doubt bo big green, bluo and black variations, favorites for thoso of complexions Thoro will bo llttlo of tho war ln- unfortunatoly at sword points with, fluenco felt In tho fnll and cany win- nlKKer brown or Russlnn green. "Rlack volvet will bo ore of tfle most popular materials," said tho ter styles, said Mr. Harkor, and the prices will bo llttlo affected, it any, excopt, porhaps, in ribbons and silks. r 1 ) I I CHRISTIAN CHURCH Snmuol Gregg, Mlnlstor, . . Rcsldonco, 280 North Eleventh Phono 402. COQUILLE-MARSHFIELD AUTO STAGE LINE CARS LEAVE HEXALL I1RANCII STORE, CENTRAL AVENUE, MAHHIIFIELD, AND HAXTER HOTEL, COQUILLE, RAILV AS FOLLOWS: Leave Marshfield: Leave Coqutllo. 10:00 a.m. 7:45 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 1:45 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 3:00 p.m. Fine, one way, $l.!!.f. Round trip, wiine diiy, 911.00. GOOD CARE I'll, RHIVEKH. ,lNso lllto, Miinthflcld, TrnitHportiitloti Mgr. Try a Times Want Ad For Best Results KPIHCOPAL CHURCH. 4 tli nnd Market. -R. 13. Drowning, Rcctor- 8 nt m Holy Communion. 9:. 10 Sundny School. 11:00 a. m Morning Sorvlco nnd sermon. Subject, "Tho Mcssngo of tho Church for Today." 7:30 p. in., Kvonlng Sorvlco nnd Sermon. Subject, "Christians, tho Light of tho World." Sorvlccs as follows at tho Church, corner Sixth and Central: Regular sorvlcos ovory Sunday. Illblo School at 10:00 a, m. Prenchlng sorvlco 11 n. m. and 7:30 p. m. Tho subject for tho evening oor mon will bo of a frntornal charac ter. Tho Mooso loilgo will nttond In n body. Special music will bu furnished. FIRST RAPTIST CHURCH Albert F. nassford, M. A. Rcsldenco 0G3 So. 11th street 59-X n't take any chances Aetna-ize Yourself Today V0U cannot affnrrf Ia .o alihnnt l.nltl. nr npriApttt Inaurance. Oil not OQlv nnal l. in.n.m.. ... urn. vmit In Li citrn nnd (iT'hnh.? C0rrecl PHcy In tho best 'and most reliable company In ae or phone mo at once and I will explain It to you. E. L CHANDLER, Agent Marshdeld.300 Coke Building. FIFTY-THIRD ANNUAL OREGON STATE FAIR. Salem, Sept. 28-Ocfc. 3rd $20,000 Offered in Premiums FOR AGRICULTURAL, LIVESTOCK, POULTRY, TEXTILE AND OTHER EXHIBITS HORSE RACES, SHOOTING TOURNAMENT, BAND CONCERTS, BOYS' CAMP, MOVING PICTURES, CHILDREN'S PLAYGROUND, BEE DEMONSTRATIONS, ANIMAL CIRCUS, and OTHER FREE ATTRACTIONS You are Invited Free Camp Grounds Send for Premium List and Entry Blanks REDUCED RATES ON ALL RAILROADS For Particulars Address FRANK MEREDITH, SECRETARY Salem, Oregon I 8KVHNTII DAY ADVKNTIHTS. I Local Kldor, J. 3. QunllB. Sovonth Day Adventlst sorvlccs aro conducted overy Saturday as follows: Sabbath School at 10 a. m. nihlo Study at 11 a. m. Ynunir Pconlo's Society at 3 n. m. Prayer Moot ug weducsuay at "'""' , . , . , 730 i) m Music at both sorvlccs by a Inrgo ' " ' , I chorus choir nnder Professor George i cATimr.in ninmnit I Ayro, .... A cordial wcicomo is oxtonuod to nil nA tVilhAN Htnnnullt . Ulblo School at 10 a. m., with graded classes and competent toach ors. MornlnR Worship at 11, with ser mon by Pastor Irassford, Youur Peoplo's sorvlco nt 7 for ono hour. A special Invitation Is sxtonded to nil young men nnd wo- NORTH 1II:NI I Rev. Father McDovItt Mass will bo celebrated Sunday morning at 8 by tho Rov. Fathor McDovItt. 4 CHRIHTIAN HCIK.NCK Christian Sclenco Hall. 237 Third Street North Services at 11 a. m Sunday and 8 p. m. Wednesday. Subject, "Substance." Sunday School at 12 Sunday. Reading room open every day excopt Sundays and Holidays from 1 (o 4 p. a. CATHOLIC CHURCH MAHSnFWU) Mass will bo celebrated o'clock Sunday morning by Father McDovItt. I at 10 Rer. I MKTHODI8T 1CPIBCOPAU Joseph Knotts, Pastor, Sunday acuooi at 10 a. m. Morning Service at 11 a. m. Evening service at 7:30 p. m. Morning sermon, "Tho Man With tho Plow." Evening sormon, "The Wandorlng Jow." Kvorybody cordially Invited. Kpworth I.enKUo nt C:30 p. m. Junior League Sorvlco Thursday aftoruoon at il:4G. Prayer Meeting Thursday oven Ing nt 7:30 o'clock. 4 SWEDISH F.VANOKMOAIi LUTHFRAK CHURCH. '4 Rev. I). F, Dengtson. Pnstor. Residence 294 Highland avenue. Phono 94-R. Preaching service at 11 n. m. ov ery Sunday, Sunday School at 945 a. in. Services In North Rend at 3 p.m. XORWKOIAN liUTHFRAN. Rov. R. O. Thorpo I Services will bo hold In tho Nor- wiiut Luthoran Chapol at Marsh field Sunday at 7:45 p. m. Services will bo hold In tho Nor wegian Luthoran Chapol at North I3ond Sunday at 11 A, m? j u Oil 3f UNITKD nm-TrilRRX CHURCH MOUTH IUCNI) Mrs. R. N. Lewis, Pastor Sabbath School at IP a. m. Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m. Prcaohlng at 11 a. m. and 8 p.c Prayer Mooting Wednesday ere nlng at 8 o'clock. I NORTH IIK.VD CHRISTIAN CHURCH Mrs. S. Gregg, Mlnlstor rreacmng at 11 a. m. ana 8 p. Ulblo School, 10 a. m. METHODIST CHURCH Rov. A. S. Hlsoy, Pastor. . North Bend Tho services Sunday will be li as follows: Sunday School at 10 a. in. Vesper Clrclo and Kpworth League at 7 p. in. Sermons by tho Pastor at 11 a. ru. and 8 p. in. NORTH I1K.NII PRKSliyTERIAN I Rov. Frodorlck Shlmlan, Pastor . I Nf I R Sunday School, 10 a. m, Preaching, 11 a, m, Christian Endeavor, 7 p. Preaching, 8 p. m. m. Tw ' 1 'r'ff'Wt.H'MWi'l in City Steam Laundry HOTRfi DOTSON O. A, Hanson, Proprietor Now opon under new management. -A homo place with homo cook-' ing served in family stylo. Doard and room, $0.50 per week. 315 v.5 bw.iLU tl HUlt.t: 'J,L :.l ACSOfli-TIJil hicTII0D i i T .; m l.tM-Ui'M. lletilBi. i 1. I hiiI u.l ! i t iu Ciir y-jjf'. nr .. iitii "! nt Uim Umui .r " 'c, r i I nfprni' r i t rf r t ti i' ."ittfrM In i t -1 1 turf ' 3 Laundry That Always Treats You Right I J stadden ALL KINDS of PHOTOGRAPHIC WORK, nromlde Enlarging and Kodk FlalfthJng, u jJmL1j. ti iSsmi -y AjfeU i -iW KA Li.ki j.uMtt.