The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, September 12, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Image 10

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    iU. .. .-i -... -. T.LJgZS5g!JMErllfi3Ba''ay5iaKttJflBaMBMMBBTaB 'rw A - t" riff "
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A Popi
Its Unique Advantages For Either City or Country How to Start a Club,
as Told by an Expert Rifleman An Inexpensive Sport For
Outdoors or Indoors, Day or Evening Men, Boys,
Women and Girls Participate A Common Rec
reation In Europe and the Orient.
Presldont Public Schools Athlotlo
League. Now York City.
tpjvOPl'LAH lutcrest lu stnnll boro
ML' ilHu shooting la so rupldly lu
JL cnmslug that tliuro can bo llttlu
(ItiusUoti lull that wllhlu u very
phorl 111110 It wilt have taiUeti a loading
place uiuoug tlio favorllo sports or
lAuiuiltu i'bcie ure u good many leu
pons for this roimirkublo growth. As
a sport rlllo shooting possesses several
nnlqiiu advantages, In addition to tlio
general bouollts to tboso practicing lu
,whlcli It shares wltb other forms of
Tecrentlou. It Is u sport for evening
as well ns the daytime, for winter a?
.vrell as summer. Its Inexpouslvoness
lias helped uiako It attractive to people
both lu city ami lu country. In this
os If minv other reports, small hore
rlfio buuUiig Is exceedingly nemo
The present Interest lu this fascinat
ing sport which develops skill nud
character, encircles the globo. How
ever far one may travel one Ih guru to
encounter frequently the rlllo club
Vlcn. l'lii? luterent Is not merely local
or national, but luternatluual. The
liuall bore (22 caliber) rlllo Is used, as
best adapted to short range target
(hooting purposes.
Shooting Around the World.
I Across tlio water-meaning both the
'Atlantic aud tho Pacific this kind of
ritio shooting has attained a remnrku
Jblo and constantly Increasing popular
ity lu tho different civilized countries.
Moving aa loyal a following lu the
Orient ns In Europe. Tho Japanese have
taken It up with tho seriousness that
might bu expected from that nation
In tho Ilrltlsh Isles thero nro uow ut
lens: """" "'" elulis spnrlliiR organ
Jzntluns. uot uillltary-tho membership
dgurcs reaching half a million. Bwlt
sorlaud has 3,000 shooting clubs, with
a total membership of 'J 14.000. Other
continental countries, like Germany.
Franco nud Austria, havo also shared
largely In the results of this worldwide
eportlng movement, and throughout
Kurope In summer or winter, day or
sight, the crack of thu 22 calibers Is
heard at tho ranges. Iteyond tho etjun
tor conditions are tho same. South.
(Africa and Australia an equally Inter
cstcd'lu tho sport, nud tho distance
between their rlllo ranges Is short.
.Go down to that wonderful countiy,
Argentina, aud you will llnd there that
rifle shooting Is esteemed lu tho front
rank among tho national spurts.
Hero In our own country It Li finding
favor all tho way from count to coast
Four thousand lads In tlio high schools
of Now York city nro now shooting
enthusiastically under equally enthusi
astic Instruction Tho loiing Men's
Christian Association In many places
has miidu rltlo shooting a part of the
training which It gives to boys In tho
formative period of their lives. This
lins not been n dllllciilt step, especially
as it tlrst class range can bo installed
for $lf0 and ufter tlio small Initial ux
pensc has been provided can bo made
to do considerably more than pay Its
own way. Especially In the smaller
towns tho Idea has developed and
borne fruit,
In country communities It Is usually
cry easy to secure, nt hardly auy cost,
a suitable location for un outdoor
range, nud where, as Is tho case In
most of such places, tho opportunities
or recreation are limited tho young peo
pie In mure than one Instance Imvo
taken up thu game almost us a mutter
of social self protection. Wo hear a
goi.u deal uowud.iyu about "social en
glueerlng." Tho social engineer the
mau who blips u community to regcu
era to Itsclf-hus learned that ho cuu
mako valuable use lu this direction by
organizing u rltlo club. Hut. of course,
tho real reason of the popularity of
rifle shooting lies lu Its Inherent at
tractiveness us u sport, pure and sim
ple How a Discovery Was Made.
' It Is much ensler to organize such a
club than is generally supposed to be
tho rase. This Is Illustrated by the
following Incident: Something like a
year ago, on u Saturday ufternoou, a
company of young men wore lounging
at their club. Tho town afforded
Benin opportunity In tho way of recreo
tlonal amusement. Tliore really seem.
sl to bo little else to do but to tdlo
and play cards. One of theyoung men
nt tho card table dually tired of a list
less gnme and said. "Come on, fellows;
let's do some shunting." The shoot was
pulled off lu an open Held behind a
barn, with a target tncked to a feuco
'which ran along tho foot of a bill, and
the half dozen competitors took tnrus
using the only two rifles available.
1 aJheso young men made a discovery.
They discovered the fun of rltlo shoot
ing, its posslhlltlc as nn amusement,
a recreation, a sport. That Saturday's
vt.l.ll.l (.It 1 At I ,
,.., t.,ii, ,t;ti i-uiiii-m viiH me uegiu
ntng of a rifle club which now numbers
0Q members.
Eventually every towu In the country
will have Its rlflo club-In many towns.
Imlwd, Uwre will bo several clubs ren
WHwntlnc (he different fraternal organ-
liar national s
Izntlons and s ar bodies. For rlflo
shooting tuukea nu appeal to virile, red
blooded men. ami such are Its peculiar
characteristics that no other sport can
be substituted for It
Where tho "Dub" Is Nevor a "Dub."
Shooting Is not con lined to persons
who have more leisure than they know
what to do with, as those who cannot
use the range lu the daytime can do so
In the evening. A simple Illuminating
device solves the problem, and artificial
light Is no hindrance to good marks
matishlp. Thu workers In tho stores,
shops and olllces, therefore, arc not ex
cluded from this alluring pastime,
which la another reason for Its grow
ing popularity. Itillu shooting, more
over, Is possible nt all seasons of the
year, for even an outdoor range can
bo protected In winter so that Its use
need not be interrupted.
One of Its principal advantages as a
sport Is the fact that by the employ
ment of a system of handicapping tho
beginner competes on equal terms with
tho expert, though everybody gets full
credit for his prouYloncy. u thing which
Is difficult to arrange In other" sports.
Hide shooting does not call for physi
cal strength or prowess like athletic
sports Hut It does demand mental
and physical control lu marked de
gree aud develops these qualities;
hence lu great value to boys and
young men. Learning to hold it rltlo
without letting It wabble and to pull
the trigger without Jerking It means
self-discipline. It Is discipline In It
self, (title shooting requires it great
deal or practice nil the year around
This develops will power, dctcrmlnn
tlon and stlck-to-lt-lveness. It also
more than almost any other sport de
velops concentration, self control and
"cold nerve" Many nro tho matches
where victory or defeat depends on
tho man shooting, and he must bo able
to keep his h-md steady nud tils Judg
ment cool under the hard strain of nn
exciting competition Thero Is more
Individual work lu this sport than In
any other lu baseball or football It Is
teamwork that counts. One man may
havo nu off day and not make much
difference to the team, but this Is uot
true in shooting. Itlllo practice duvel
opa clean living and tdnpornnco..Thc
rifleman has to say goodby to bad hab
its If be has them.
A Change of Opinion.
The old Idea that it is dangerous to
let Son Johnny havo a rltlo Is fast ills
uppearlug. Once every mother llrmly
believed that Johnny, If he were nl
lowed to handle tlrearms, would shoot
himself or somebody else, perhaps with
"tho gun that wasn't loaded." The
newspapers every llttlu while print ac
counts of such accidents. Hut that Is an
argument lu favor of organized rifle
shooting, nut against It, How do Mro
urms accidents usually occur? Through
tho carelessness of somebody who docs
uot know how to handle tlrearms, some
body who has bad no Instruction and
training in their care and uso. Johnny
may bo forbidden to Imvo n rltlo, but
bo la allowed to go camping with other
boys. Somebody sneaks n cheap flro
arm Into camp. Nono of them know
how It should bo used, and ono after
tho other proceeds to "fool with It."
Thcu tho accident v
A small boro rlllo club usually starts
with ono man. This man owns a rifle,
and, though ho enjoys shooting for Its
own sake, bo feels that thero would bo
much mora pleasure aud profit In It If
ho could get somo other ritlemon to
gether and thus provide for all tho zest
of competition. Or this prlmo movor
may bo tho good citizen who sees In the
establishment of n rltlo club a menus
of helping tho boys or of supplying n
need In tho general social II fo of tho
community. Tho purposo behind the
project may also bo Incident to tho de
velopment of ono or nioro of tho exist
ing local organizations, like a frater
nal order, the grange, tho Y. M. O. A.,
tho churches. Reasons for starting a
rltlo club thus extend all tho way from
tho sheer fun that shooting affords to
tho good It may do the town and to
the Individuals in It You yoursolf may
seo au opportunity for a gun club In
your community.
How to Organize.
You can start a good rltlo club with
aa fow as two dozeu members, but tho
Interest will bo greater and tho financ
ing easier If you can got fifty. That la
not difficult There nro probably Sev
ern I dozen persons scattered around
your locality who llko to shoot, even
though you yourself know but a fow
You have only to bring them together.
And even If thero are not many shoot
era overy small town and city neigh
borhood has fifty young peoplo who
will like shooting wheu they get ac
quainted with It. You can And that
many In your town It Is only neces
sary to put the proposition before them
in ,,., i.,...wh.... .t..,...,,,i i.h.. i.m
....V., ..,, ", ,,U U,,l IMWlil
together for organization. When you
Issue the Invitation to the first meet
Ing be sure to extend It to evcrybody
men nud women, boys and girls, otd
and young, rich and puor. The mow
people bruiiKhi out the Ix-ttiT the club
m.T i h av i
"III start off. Put the proposition on
lauorm oi no.g. u iniouu i.r.uo ,.m,
" newspaper publicity,
Mnance, organization and tannage-
ment of the club are simple enough If
one keeps In mind certain principles
that bring success. To provide money
for ranges, rent nud equipment tho club
usually Issues bonds lu small denomina
tions and should have little difficulty
In selling them to members. These
bonds carry Interest at f or 0 per cent
and are to be bought back by tho
club as funds aecumulato With good
management, providing constant Inter
est fur members by matches and other
events, It Is u simple matter to havo a
club out of debt lu it year with line
quarters and equipment. With a fairly
largo membership the dllllcultles of
raising capital nud maintaining nn In-
I come nro relatively small. Let us sup-
' pose that you havo secure
secured tlfty mem
bers at tho start (not n largo nutubct
to get together In n small town or a
city neighborhood). Fifty $3 bonds will
us nil with equal ability, aud no
amount of effort on tho purt of uotno
men will euablo them to equal tho
performance of others lu all kinds of
sports. This U tho case In rlflo shoot
lug, although steady, careful practice
will work wonders with many of thoso
who at flrtt think they can never
becomo good shots. Consequently
to mako It posslblo for these to com
pcto wltb uuy hopo bt success It Is
necessary to establish equality artifi
cially. This may bo accomplished by
a process ku'owu aa handicapping.
Wltb tho decimal system of scoring
with ten points us the highest value
of a hit, a good method of plotting
handicaps la to regard tho member's
ability as expressed by tho average
value per hit of bis shots and allot
him the difference between this aver
age and ten as handicap per shot, mul
tiplying this handicap by tho number
of shots In tho competition. For ex
ample, If A In a few targets scores
282 points lu thirty shots, tho average
value per shot Is !M Thi Is A'a fig
ure of ability, and liU handicap will
be 0.(1 per shot, or sl points In n ten
shot coniHtltloii undVlifhtfcii In n thlr
ty shot competition An absolute novice
should average between six and seven
per shot, b usually Improves verj
rapidly, aud It Is uot safe to award
him more than 1.5 per shot, or fifteen
points In ten shots, to start with.
Varieties of 8hooting Conteitt.
A shooting iisignini v hleh has proved
JMH'liV- " Hbk flFTTov" aiiiiiiVVSHHBiiiiiiiiiiiiiaSniiiiiiiiiiiBViiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifl
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If the iiroiKxed system of tlnanclug
Is adopted au annual subscription of
$2.00, collected by half yearly or quar
terly Installments, should suffice.
Asmull boro rltlo of good deslgu und
construction Is ns effective ns any for
target shooting up to 100 yards. In
deslgulug a range, therifore, you are
not necessarily limited to sovouty-Ilvo
feet In fact ranges which admit of
shooting nt several longer distances,
such n9 50 und 100 ynrds, afford more
variety and are on ninny grounds
preferable. While, however, seventy
tlvo foot ranges can often bo built in
somo existing building ut relatively
little cost, longer distanced menu out
door shooting und specially constructed
ranges for making such shooting pas
sible nt ull seasons. For this reason,
though clubs are strongly advised to
mako such arrangements nt the begin
ning that they can eventually provide
sulllclcnt target accommodation fur n
large membership nud expand their
range to 100 yurds, many will prefer
to stnrt with an Indoor range of seventy-live
feet or less, for, bo It observed,
very good practice can bo had on n
range as short as forty feet Seventy
tlvo feet Is generally recognized ns the
standard distance for Indoor ranges.
The Outdoor Range.
Though In n sparsely populated coun
try It is often n slmplo matter to lm
proviso nn outdoor title range suitable
for .22 nmmunltlou, Improvised ranges
almost Invariably lack that comfort
aud convenience so essential to the
permanent prosperity of n rlllo club
and, of course, can only be used for n
few months lu tlio. year. Tho fact is
that while tho present clubs consist
mainly of enthusiasts prepared to sub
mlt to nlmost any Inconveniences in
tho pursuit of their hobby, the gencr-
nllty of mankind fielthcr possesses ex
ceptional enthusiasm for anything nor
cau bo Induced for very long to toler
nto oven a moderate amount of dls
comfort nud lucouvonlenco. Yet It Is
mainly upon its success In attractlnp
thc8o that tho future development of
thojillo club movement depends.
Consequently the tlrst consideration
Is tho choice of a range site upon which
shooting can bo conducted with due
regard to the safety of tho public and
which Is conveniently acccsslblo und
served If possible by train or trolley
car.' Tho ground should be Inexpcn
slvo, with pleasant surroundings, and
If possible, should huvo such natural
features as would dlspenso with the
erection of large, costly butts and firing
To give variety to, tho shooting the
site should be wide enough tondmlt of
firing nt th.ree butts 2A ynrds. .10 ynrds
and I0O ynnls distant simultaneously
Kach butt must be largo enough to ac
commodate an ample number of tar
gets. Members do nut like waiting,
and, ns the earning capacity of the
range upon which the Income of the
club Is largely dependent Is exactly
proportioned to tho number of target's
multiplied by the number of hours In
which they aro nvolluble for use, target
accommodation sufficient for at least
10 per cent uf the club to shoot at ono
time will never be found too much nor
add materially to the cost of tho range.
Day or Night. Summer or'WI.nter.
Target ihooters havtf not-as! a rale;
uuiib, ni nmiui tin: mini ui mimcming
with which to employ thu Idle hour is
often strongly felt; bunco tho club will
bo wise that constructs Its rnugo so
as to permit shouting by night ns well
as by day nud lu winter us well as In
summer. This Implies Illuminated tur
rets und a sheltered tiling point, of
which ut least a portion can bo warmed
lu winter The whole firing polut
should bu roofed so ns to afford shelter
from sun aud wet, but us tho attend
auccof members Is usually less In win
ter than summer It will not bo neces
sary entirely to Inclose the whole, but
a portion sulllclcnt to nllow of say 5
per cent of the members shooting at
ono time should be so constructed that
It can bo warmed, and tlio Inclosing
medium should bo rcmovublu lu sum
mer. Something in the nature of n club
house or a pavilion Is desirable. Tho
most successful club la generally tbnt
which, while steadily prosecuting its
primary objects, does not enlrcly lgnoro
the social aspect. For this reason It
la Impossible to emphasize too strongly
thu desirability of u comfortable, at
tractive pavilion lu conjunction with a
comfortable, pleasant und easily ac
cessible range,
lu addition to butts and clubhouse
the club should provide it few club ri
fles and telescopes for the general use of
members. A small charge of say 0 cents
per day for tho loan of these will pro
vldo n fund which will eventually pay
their original cost aud subsequent re
pairs and renewals.
Points on Handicapping.
Ono of tho most Importnnt Items of
successful club management Is handi
capping, Nature has failed to cudow
Attthority on Rifle Shooting: and
Photos Showing Ranges.
1, Indoor rifle range In uset 2, General
0. W. Wlngate, president of Public
Schools Athlotlo League of New York
City, who eeeured Introduction of
rifle practice in schools of the mo
tropolis) 3, opening day at a rifle
club; 4, puncturing the targets on an
Ideal email bore range) 5, range Illu
minated for night shooting) 0, an out
door range within city limits.
provide n working capital of $250, and
these can he easily sold to inuiubors.
The 8olf8upportlng Club.
In addition to capital a club must
havo tncomo to meet Its current work
Ing expenses. Heretofore under tho
system on which clubs havo been man
uged practically tbo only sonn-e of In
come lias been tho members' subscrip
tions. Tbe effect of this system la to
Impose nu equal expense on nil mem
bers Irrespective of tbo nmount of
shooting they do, and this expense baa
been aiiei. n n ,ir i. i J- u
do members of tl.o, fmm
Joining the club. A fur moro nrefer.
A fur mora prefer
able system la to Impose a light anuual
subscription and to derive tbo greatest
source of Income from tho sule of .am
munition used In tbe club to the mem
bers at a profit This can be dono
without unduly adding to tbo cost of
shooting nud Is more equitable, Inas
much as the member who doea tbo
most shooting und thereby uses tbo
club facilities tho most contributes tbe
most toward tho club's expenses.
At a conservative estlmato the aver
ago member' Will shoot 2.000 shots a
year. With Ufty 'member the club
will consumo 100.000 rounds. Thla will
cost tho members CO cents per hundred,
while the club will derive a net profit
of $250 n yeur. These figures nro very
conservative nnd with an economical
management will go n long way toward
covering expenses nnd provide for tak
ing up bonds. Tho sale of old copper
and lead, special matches and other
While lu summer bnsobnll, trips to tho
woods, etc., constitute counter nttrnc-
.i i i..,.. ,i. ......
'fiMauJLlXVes .
cnt of ono club to'shoM
, n," GM might ha .
iidvnntairi. 'im. ... . . 1)0
. ,...,.." " "" UIS1J Of ((,. ,. "UN
"bout every Hv0 couZC0 k
l-iitrloa In nay 2 !"
would provun, urat. s.u J6 b h.
fourth prizes. v..lu0 J, " n
cents and 20 cents, ci.i. , CcnU- 39
tlioso amounts nrn tven l7ktt
tlvo wlnne.s. niulnt Ltop e'P,
year the amount due . f 4
on his accumulated voucnm h
purchase u Mm. or ,'r" U
IVlw to serve as a !'"
prowess. The we, l.v ? n' bU
round robin tourna,,, U, -champion
matches are othl ' clcl -tions
for a varied 8 toll 'URtt
which will foster Snm .
club members. ' ntt0n Un
Capltnl sport for holldnr. or ,,
good number of inembers rl ! ea '
Is a team shoot at brcakabi 3,? '
two Inches In diameter Lilf
white nt. 00 yard,. Botii&Jg
of four men each are leleSritS '
drawn to shoot In win. n?," 1
breaking all Its opponents' dull fa!
wins tho losing team , ,? -and
the last team h, uin,
This Is not only 0XlUta hg
splendid practice, and affords htiS
for spectators. The latter I.
taut, as an ordinary target Bufft
uot uttrncUve to a gallery, UUoth
orwlso when tho progress of the cm
Is mado visible by tho breaklnc of 2
targets. "
Prlzea and "Pot HunUn. I
Competitions Imply prizes and nata
cost money. A very few club fiZ
will admit of devoting more than i
very nomlual sum to this pim).
Fortunately largo sums nro tiniZ
sary, and nn entry fee ef 5 r iq
cenU will generally provide a food
out of which a few Inexpensive prbet
inoro us meuientoes of the event thu
ns rewards, can bu awarded, nud thus
should bo sulllclcnt If muncy ind
valuablo prizes are shot fur tbo crack
marksmen iiru apt to degetierate Into
what they call "pot hunters" lu Ed;.
land-that Is, experts who seldom ttwot
unless thero Is a rich stako to be won.
These aro objectionable, not onl; u
opposed to tho principles of amateur
sport, but because such people dettr
others from competing. Hut that din
ger can bo easily ob luted. Bklll a&4
democracy aro tho keynotes at rlfit
shooting Is organized today. Prises
aro kept down to Inexpensive trinket.
lu Kuglaud thu standard prlzo sttw
to bo a silver spoou, worth perhaps a
dollar, lu cases where wealthy men
havo offered valuablo prize to encour
age competition among clubs tbe riS
uicii havo said that they would much
rather havo Improved routes aud fa
cilities for practice.
Special mutches, particularly ttaat
dcr to shoulder matches wltb celxb
boring clubs, are latercstlt!giiDdfp
ulsh nu Indirect motive for prattle,
Inasmuch as thu honor uf Hbootloe to
one's club Is generally coveted. Tele
graphic und mull matches urea soiae
what less Interesting substitute bf
shoulder to ahauldiT mutches.
Mutch tenuis are usually selected ib4
controlled by the club cuptalu. vilw
should bo elected annually. DnelSrt
enthusiasm nud u suave tctuperamett
uru tnoro essential qualltlcutlons la a
captain than great skill In sbovtlsc.
Indeed, It Is on iniiuy grounds prefer
ublo that tho captain hlmmilf kdouU
not shoot In mutches. In selecting a
team bo should glvo preference to coa
slstent Hhots rather than to tboo w
aro In tbe habit of alternating more
brilliant performances with tS
breaks, and when meeting weak op
ponents should tako the oiiortiiDlty frt
eiicouroglug the more urouiUlnjf of W
lni)rovlng ineinbers by Including tbeia
In tils team.
Hats Off to the Ladlis.
Your club should bo conducted for
all classes uud glvo everybody anipla
scopo, according to hU bklll, Tbe wob
en aud girls cau give tone to tbo rlob
by their presence, oven though tbe
nro ou tho rango but one night a weet
They nro splendid organizers, too, awl
tho club that has their co-operatlou m
Interest Is fortunate
Women nud girl now purtlclpi
In bowling everywhere, und rifle
Ing calls for fur less physical ir
tlon nnd undoubtedly gives great
er scope for skill based on goa
nerves nnd good thinking. Womtrt
work In sowing und similar fcmlnlM
occupations makes thelreyea truer ttn
thoso of most men. With a little -practice
they learu to shoot very well w
tho Now York high schools many w
tho girls qualify as "markbinen.M w"
your nppeal rememberlug that wob
en are proud. of iMr-ffiS
women' "... -J doing In f
Wbut moil as n sex aro doing in uw
world doesn't Interest Mm very kCT-
i H s0 Ht? ",9. !'"J,..T!Hi ta
...i. nn. mnn lu lining, nuu U"
himself, or what a group of fe'oj
do who make up his crowd. Rut
men will Join the organization aa no
men and work for It on that basw.
Community Life.
A good rifle club should be
thing more thnn nn organization rj
tho bonetlt of Its members aiwft
It can be made a very One lnflu
In Its community, an encouragemeo
to clean living nud the abandoB"W
of bad habits, the best poaalb e trata
ng for both the body and mind, i t
ter for men and women, boys nnai gin
nn outlet for energies that nilgbt wj
be expended so healthily If It T
In existence and something 'upon , wJW
the commimlty can often be unltea
a basis of community spirit
I foresee the rapid ctullnued ipw
of the rifle-club Idea' In America. f