tamm " T "'''''rVri'fMTiri-Vr'Mirltttiirtfff usuygj .'y".'fj t -"arj"! - THECOOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1914 EVENING EDITION THREE The Central Avenue Booster VOI ! CKNTHAL AVENUK, MAHSHPIBLH, SKPTKMHF.R il 101 1. NO. il ..ax nni.iwti jnXTItAfi AVENUM ROOSTKR -. . .".. . l.VMfiv In thn Inter rTTT,intlon I'rlco. Your Rood will, ggcrshlp in the DooBtcr Club, OUR PLATFORM. one Street, Ono Fla, One Country, 00 and Ono Wife at a time. OUR KKHfllON To Do Good. OUK POLITICS More Buslnosa. Entered st the Fosiomco as sincuy Miil-Clais matter; thoro la nothinj; cond-CIn" about Central Avenue. OUlt STAFF. Mnnnalnc Rdltor ."Nationally Ad- Mrtiwl" Frank I). Cohan. HecrcntJon Kdltor J. T. IlnrrlRnn, of tho Famous Crab Club. Madcnl Kdltor Ik L. Thomas. IMoncer Kdltor co. K. Cook. Household nopnrtiiicntr-llnrry Mac Kroru. ., , ... , CJilWrcn's Department "Cnndy Kid" Btnffoid, L'dltor. Dairy lHtoi- Ivy Condron. Ilnanrlal Kdltor Horsey Kreltor. Hrallli mid Renuty lllntu J. I. Tor- rcll, KdKnr. Ileal Itato Kdltor AiiKUflt Filz-een. Veterinary Alitor Goo. Goodinm. (Janlen Kdltor Ray Ollivant. i A MUSICAL .MF.NU - w i r'ntirml Mnvs that whtlo ho likes music with hla menlB, ho thinks Landlord McKcown of tho Chandler would mako a Krcator hit lth his orchestra If ho solcctcd tho music with nioro .appreciation of Its appropriateness to tho menu. Now If "Con" wciro muslcnl director ho maintains ho would havo tho tunes 4i follows with Bolcctlons from tho menu: "Will You Lovo Mo When I'm Old? -with the cheese. "I Know I Am Weak nnd Sinful" ullh llin roffpn. "Old Dor Tray" with tho sau na go. "Ties That Hind Mo to NaplcH" with the spiiKbettl. "Slio .May llavo Soon Hotter Days" with the chlckon. "Silver ThroadB Among Tho Gold" with tho butter. "I nrlso From Drowns of Theo" with tho Welsh rabbit. PKHSONAL .MKNTION 1 1VV C'OXDIION went Bomo pr.uo with his liuz wncon Thursday, fnlllnK to report. ROY WKItNICH, of North Ilejid, Tns seen on our stroot Thursday ccnltiK to asslmllnto war uows. OKO. i:. COOK mndo n flying trip to Trout street ono dny this week, (icorgo Is boiiio travolor. A. K. NKFF says ho docs not caro who Koes to war bo long nu Cooa Hay spends Its mnnoy for gymua shims Instead of guns, EI). McKKOWN, Mayor of Conlcdo', as In town Wednesday night, to Join tho Elks. Ed Is somo Joiner If ho Isn't a carpontor. JOHN 8. .MKREEN who Is an ad mirer of (iennany in tho present striiBKle Is arranging to soud six chain sowh to Knlsor Wilhclm to help cut down tho French stnud nriny. OKORtii: (100DHUM returned thlB Meek from nu extended trip cast. Oeorgo says thero was great ex-. cuement In Chicago over tho na tal uattlo off Coos Ray. BEN CHANDLER grow wpary of chasing tho almighty dollar In tho bank and wont hunting. . Ho returned this week and says deora are about as hard to chaso as dollars. OEOKUi: SEKLIO, chief upholdor of the German defonso on Contrnl Atoiiuo, captured tho entlro French army and wiped Paris off tho map Wednesday much to tho delight of Herr -Dorsoy Kroltzor. FRANK COHAN, our well-known drugglbt, has been mndo n mem ber of IUco'b World'a Leaders Absoclatlon, and ho Is as proud as Dr. Dlx over his prize winning dog. You can't keep Central ave nue out of the spotlight. Till: HARDSHIPS OF WAR 'uahollne is getting high," re marked Geno Crosthwalto. es. the wolf is at the door of m- garago," replied Dr. Dlx, "The smokehouse" -A- 'I ' GOOD PLACE FOR AN HOUR'S RECREATION Enjoy a good smoke and ' a game of billiards The Smoke House Chandler Hotel Block, Central Ave. Since 1870 This atoro has been filling prescriptions. Wo have proscrip tions on our files today that were filled for some of Mnrshflcld's promlnont pcoplo when they were children. But never In Its nearly half century of existence has this store been so thoroughly equipped to fill prescriptions as it la today. That Marshfiold might havo ono efficiently equipped prescrip tion pharmacy and that both doctor and patient might rccolvo tho utmost benefit, "Tho Owl" in addition to ITS ACCURATE AND SCIENTIFIC METHODS has completely stocked Its prescription department with drugs and chemicals from the world's famous Iioubo of IS. It. Squibb & Sons. This la the only Block of Squlbbs chemicals In Cooa County. ASK YOUR DOCTOR. I CENTRAL AVEXUK JOTTINGS. PHONC 74J I ftamrv. -..wnm.... IWIV IHAHMA '( -- mnmiNtasrowvouwwr, rjtArin u.viOMAr w9 r MY "Tin: SQi'nm store." CENTRAL AVENUE. C3C UW"f3j - FIRE! INSURANCE A NECESSITY SEP. SHIPMAN BROS. b itain At Last a refreshing rain J, fell this week, It foil alike on tho I Just nnd on L. L. Thomas. New Offices Docs. Morrow nnd Hamilton have been biuy fitting up llielr now offices in tho Irving block this wcok. kmi .mini iiimizc unnncy moms beer wagon went Into the ditch In front of Tho Chandler Tuesday morning. Al Qlossop says that Is nlwayB tho result of a big load of booze. Somo little Jokor, Al. Hiracli of Pence Threatened Two of our highly esteemed citizens en gaged In n warm war of words dur ing an altercation ono day this week. Aro tho scenes of Europo to bo repeated on Central nvcnuo? Violates Neutrality Lnndlord Mc Kcown who Is n Hrltlsh sympathizer refuses to servo German fried po tatoes any nioro and John Mcrcen threatens to notify President Wilson clnlmlng It Is a violation of neu trality. Making Thing Mine. J. T. Har rlgan surrounded tho German army and captured Ilerlln yesterday much i to tho dlsgustcduesB of Henry Song stneken, who snys tho Kaiser la suro! to win if ho only has Germnns CUOIIgll. Necessities of Life Roy Ollivant Is expected homo from his vacation trip ills wcok. Ray writes that way ack in tho hills whenaver ho enmo upon tho secluded cabin of a hardy rancher ho always found they hnd two things on tho kitchen tnblo between meals, a bible nnd n copy of tho Dooster. Thanks Dove, Coma Again Hon. David Y. Stafford, the brilliant nnd tnlontcd candy mnnufneturor, bounteously bestowed upon yo editor a box of his superb sweet meats this week. Mr. Staf ford Is a high minded nnd prog ressive citizen nnd others should ndopt his methods. It looks like tho high cost of living might bo come n sorloiiH proposition, and any one with n ham or a Back of sugar Ib welcome. kk I a07-:i()H Coke. Rtilhl'ng. PHONE ttlil-J THIS IS THE SEASON FOR HEATING STOVES AND WE CARRY ONE OF THE LARGEST LINES ON COOS RAY Priced From $ 1 .00 to $50.00 DON'T RUY A HEATER UNTIL YOU SEE THIS LINE. Marshfield Hardware Co. JUST RECEIVED NICE NEW LINE OF LATEST STYLES IX FALL COATS FOR SCHOOL HI It LS PI HOES MOST REASONARLE LADIES EMPORIUM Mrs. Nellie A. Owen Central Avenue A NEW AUTO Ono That is Entirely Different From Any American Car Ever Made Will be Announced Shortly.'. I Will Have It. It Will Pay You to Wait. Goodroads Goodrum's Garage f Central Aicmis PLAN TO TAKE SUNDAY DINNER AT THE Chandler Hotel . a Good Menu The mil) of .Central Avenue BUYING A TYPEWRITER? If so, I have the following factory rebuilt mach ines on hand: o ti Remingtons No. 0 $30 L-. O. Smiths 935 Remington No. 10 $35Unrtefood No. 5 00 $3.00 cush; $5.00 per month. All machines gunr iintecd for one year. Also ribbons uud caibon paper. CARL L. STOCKIM Sales Agent. 3 222 Central Avenue. Underwood Typewriter Co. tT-j- nr.n Wales Visible Adding Machine, 1 eh uOUi American Multlgraph Co. OUR COFFEE us MANY HAS MADE FRIENDS. First of all they wore Coffco Customers only. Then ono day they decided to try some of our Tea. They liked both, then they aro our steady Tea nnd Cuffeo customers. Then thoy noticed that our Hncon looked pretty good. Tried It. Dollgntcd nnd so it goes. Our entables aren't good ONLY IN SPOTS. R'h our aim to hnvo tho stock faultless through and through. Thnt's a high standard to not. Naturally onco In a while wo fall below It. DUT THAT'S OUR AIM. And In attempting this wo get Just about ns high an average of grocery goodness ns any store- In U Is country. You may ns well, benefit. Cook's Grocery The OliIrNt (liocery Store on Central Avenue. Houses For Rent I, HAVE HOUSES FOR RENT IN MARSHFIELD ' , 'BUNKER HILL AND BAY PARK 1 See me before you locate Aug. Frizeen 08 Central Ave. Phone 181-J. I Before Parting With Your Money IN HUYINO REAL ESTATE SECURE A COMPLETE ABSTRACT FROM THE Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. Which Is prepared to turn out First Class Work. This will save you an noyance and expense afterwards. We also look alter assessments anu pay ment of taxes. Muishflcld office in Coko Rullding opioiito Chandler Hotel. Phono JU-J. Coqullle Office adjoining Fann ers' Rank Rlock. Phone 101. Ilandon Office, McNuIr Huildlng. Phono 182. Henry Sengstacken Mniwger. Xvi-Aoxie kWw m-w'W APm9- ttnM0MMMa CHOCOLATKS "Tho Candy of Char nctcr" STAFFORD'S WELL KNOWN STANDARD IS EX CELLED IN THIS LATEST PRODUCT CHASE & SANBORNS COffEE THHP.i: HLFA'DS, it.V, I0c and I.V PICK POUND. THKSi: COFFF.F.S HAVi: HKKN STANDARD IN T1IK UNITF.R STATUS FOR FIFTY YKARS PIONEER GROCERY CO. SHLLINO AOP.NTS FOR MAHSUFWLD Phono HI. SI Central Avcnuo Everything is Lovely And Business is Good at TERRELL'S Chandler Barber Shop FORGET THE WAR. ! And let us fill your maikcl biiNkot with the upHtilng good things no havo at THH PURi: FOOD STORH Kwiythlng in FRUITS and VKOKTAHLKS for CANNINO, Including sonic fllio STHINO HIJANS OlMvamlt c& Weaver . puri: FOOD niioccits. Try Somo of Our Nice Fresh Plncnpplo. Comer Central Avenue and Third Street Phone 100. E. I. CHANDLER jVIariiio H'ivo Auto Insurance COKE BUILDING AccitTclifc Plate Glass Burglary larsht'ield Oregon Open An Account With The . First Matloma! Eaek ; ' Of Coos Bay AVAIL YOURSELF OF ITS SUPERIOR FACILITIES Safe Deposit Boxes In Burglar-Proof Vaults for Rent at Low Rates. Central Avenue- Marshfield, Oregon How about that new piano? We have a fine line of instruments to select from. Terms can be anranged to suit your convenience. Wiley B. Allen Co. . L. L. THOMAS, Msr. CENTRAL AVENUE. RUSSELL BLK. , :... t-aAitiiii .tin r .,.,r.iui. -- ..