msmmssimmmMimLi Two THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1914 EVENING EDITION lr- WORLD'S GREATEST WAR DAY BY DAY Oldest Bank in Coos County Established 1889 M.n,,f,e.d.North ul.T. Wl ? WAR O'llla writ BY HERBERT KAUFMAN NCE more Mnrs has wrenched the pen from tlio fingers of Civ ilization, nml, dipping ills ulnclo in tlio heart of Europe, Is riling history witu tho BWirci-point. The InBt great war Is raging. Reason lies mangled under the Iron hoel. Dread thunders peal on seven seas. Death beats the heav ens on strango pinions nnd rains weird lightning from the clouds. Mankind, on the threshold of Humniitty's mightiest epoch, Is hurl ed aside- from the highways to pr gross and enlightenment, ana the universe Is forced to mark time whllo n continent spews its ancient hates. Wo wrought for peace these fifty years, and now we see the genii of retort and test-tube nnd wheel nnd wire devoted to the ruin of the splendid realms they reared. We cannot estimate tho reckoning. The ancient hordes of Persia nnd tho bronze-shod phalanges of ' Mncedon were pygmy armies nnd they wielded feoblo and blunted tools compared with these grim engines of a million parts that crush across the mother-lands like Titan Juggernauts. A-sudden, nil the color of pnst battle pictures pales, as candle glow Is dimmed by bursts of fla ue. Thcro are no measurements with which to value what must come. Wo pause In stunned bewilderment nnd grope for terms nnd phrases fitting for the hour, imagination is bankrupted by fact. We shnll wear the scars or th'.s dread vnndnlagc for a hundred years, but out of the holocaust mightier and stronger races will emerge in tho furnace of nn appalling woe, nnd, staggering for an Instnnt beneath the load of grief and the burden of loss, will turn nsldo from the pathways of the Caesars and seek the roads to true nmver. Meanwhile, our souls nro steeped In tears. Ood guides human destiny, and In Ills father vision rests all. We cm net seme ihc Masto.-p".nn :or could the Children, in tho Wild erness, nor tho martyrs of tho Coliseum, nor Jeanne d Arc. But we, bred In tho womb of those fnr-strlcken pasts, can look n-down on the vales of Yesterday nnd seo that Jinn falls only to rise. Wo learn our heights by gazing upwards from tho pits to which we topplo when we misapply our opportunities to bo superb. Tomorrow, Europe will mount again, chastened nnd wiser, nnd nearer to the stipor-mnnhood which evades while ambition's wear tlio curso of Cain. And when the long-fed blight Is cut awnr, nnd the huge wound closed, each nation will build anew, with the full power of resolve, freed from the threat of Invading neighbors, nnd, with tho resources now demeaned to the ninlntcnnuco of Htnrvatlon-mnklug fleets nnd armies, produce In safety more than wns ever reaped at porll. Meanwhile, tho Angel of Death sits at nn adding machine and kcops count. I A flit EAT FAMILY how on I ESDHAEION PLAIN. O'X the nations at war in Eu rope today: King George of England Is re lated by blood or mnrrlage to I nearly every royal house In Eu- Iropo. The Cznr, Emperor of nil tho Kusslas, Is cousin of King George nnd nophow of Queen I Aloxnudrn. I The Knlser, King of Prussia nnd German Emperor, is n cousin of King Georgo. King Albert of Belgium, Is rolntcd to tho Imperial houses of Austria and Germany. King Louis of Bavaria, who I niono can proclaim martial law In his kingdom, Is married to tho only lineal descendant of tho royal houso of Stuart. King Nikola of Montenegro Is fnthcr-ln-law of the King of Italy, and also of King Peter. Queen Wllhelmlna of Holland Is married to Prince Henry, Duko of Mecklenburg. Her mother, the Dowager Queen Emma, Is the sister of the DutchesB of Al bany. Prince Henry of Prussia, Inspector-General of tho German fleet, the Kaiser's only brother, Is married to tho Prlnqess Irene of Hesse, sister of the Empress of Russia. The Grand Dulce of Hossc is the Empress of Russia's only bro th or. Their mother wa Prin cess Alico of Great Britain, so that ho Is first cousin to King Georgo. Tho Archduchess Maria Ther esa, who hna volunteered ns a Hud Cross nurse, was the third wife of tho Emperor's lato bro ther. Archduke Charles I,ou!8r whoso son, (by his second wife) Archduko Francis Fordlnnud',. wng nionsslnnted nt Sarajevo. Tho Empross Murlo of Russia, sister of Queou Aloxamlni, Is mother to tho Cznr. : GOOD ADVICE TO THE. WARLIKE. HEALTH HINT; DON'T AR. GUE ABOUT THE WAR K Will Only Make You Ncrvotw, Fretful nml Spoil Your Efficiency. NFW YORK. Pnl. II. "Don't ari ...i '.vai. B-Ji' uerri, bulletin Issued for membors by Dr. Louis It. WoUmUler. physical direc tor of the West SIiIb Young Mens ChrlBtlan Association, Eighth avenue nnd Flfty-soventh street. Tho health bulletin sayB: "Tho torrlhlo conflict In Europe Ia bound to have Its effect on the people of this country, nnd It is be ing rclt with particular keenness by residents of New York because there aro so many of us so mnny different feollngs nil crowded Into tho one city. "For your own health s sake nnd your own peaco of mind "Don't nrguo about the wnr. fcv ry man has a right to his own thoughts on tho subject and It will only make you nervous uud fretful to got Into an argument. It's fool ish to loso your temper and become irritable, nnd besides, It spoils your efficiency. "Don't fret about tho increased cost of living. It won't help nny to worry nnd It Is tortnln to Im pair your health. A little thinking will show you wuys of economy that won't hurt you uny and will help you to overcome the rising prices. "Don't nogloct your health. Good health steady nerves, plenty of pure blood counting; through your veins, perfect digestion, hardened muscles menus a clear thinking brain nnd n spirit of cheerfulness. Tlio healthy mutt is an optimistic num. Bo optimistic by nil meniiH, and to this end take regular exer clso, eat wholcgnmo food, breathe plonty of fresh air, get out Into tho sunshine us much ns possible." flYPSV FORI7TOLD THE GERMAN KAISER'S FALL U LONDON, Sept. 10. It Is recalled at this stage of the European con flict that a long timn ago German nowspapors gave an account of n supposed Interview of the Kaiser with n gypsy, when he was a young man. "Germany," sho told him, "will havo n groat war In lull, and," alio added ominously, "Ger many will 'go under' when It Is ruled by nn emperor who mounts Ills horse on the wrong side. His holr will porlsh on the scaffold." It Is significant, If one he at all superstitious, that the Knlser, ow ing to his lame arm, has to mount his horse on the off side. Flanagan & Bennett Bank Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $ 1 1 5,000.00 Interest Paid on Time Deposits Officers: J. AV. BENNETT, President; JAS. IT. PLANAGAN, Vice-President; B. F. WILLIAMS Cashier; G. P. WINCHESTER, Ass'r. Cashier. The money In this bank Is secured ngahvut loss by Night or Day Robbery. ,x ' United States depository for Postal Savings. GERMANY WILL ALLOW I Xll Nl,Ml tueXXH tn IllHltar B DYES TO COME TO U. S.; IWIIkoioiiL Splrii. "" .. . I The other dny In a. Now York ros- "m .. '.'."I1 ulul ' NeV'u'a "murfaJs taurunt the. proprietor hung out a. .... H.-.-Miiiiin-u hi uuhi uimirjr . 8gn which sconiB to bo very appro in liutili W-M-cIs ( prime, The sign read: WASHINGTON. IV f. Rout. 11 Infrrmatloa cf vital Importance to ' This wnc will he setthul lu Eu Industries throughout the United i rope. llou't start one, here. Mates employing millions of inon , wns received ut the State Depart-1 There la uot only good. aeusu In thnt mout when Ambassador Gerard re- Injunction, but good humor. An ported that Germany had lifted the Kood humor, will help all of us to get restrictions ou shipments of dye- through a situation which to many sturfs to the United States. This In strained uud uncomfortable. Wo means that many cotton, woolen, Quote another sign wl.leh Is appear leather and other factories that use ing lu eastern cities: colors inndu lu Germany will bo able to get supplies without Inter-1 I In. compliance with the uxpros- ruptlou. I cd uud published ucsiro of our Germany has nlso given assur-, PRESIUKXT BELGIAN QUEEN OFFERS TO SHOULDER RIFLE When King Tells Pi-lino Minister lloth May Go to Front. LONDON, Sept. 11. The corres pondent of tho Express nt Tho Hague gives nnothor voibIou of the conver sation between King Albort nnd Prime Minister Ia Hroiiuovlllo when tho King expressed a determination to fight to tho last. Tho Incident occurred in Antwerp Saturday whon tho King said to tho prime minister, lu the presence of tho queen: "If necessary you. my dear minis-' tor, and myself will take out our! rifles and go to the field." "So will 1," said tho nueen. "nnd all Dolglan women will go with me." nuces that the Ithlno Is open for transportation. This means that the colors may be shipped In tho neutral vessels of Holland. The news from Ambassador Ger ard was announced In tho Houso by Representative Muti. Earlier, ( discus the subject with them. .Mr. Alotz had n conference with . I Wu rololcu to be -. . -. i - -. --. - secretary wry an nnu uouni von Ilemstorff, the German Ambassa dor. The latter gave assurances that his government would aid tho United States to obtain nnd ship German dyes. It may bo neces sary for the government to send uii agent abroad to seo that the dyestuffs are put aboard Dutch liners. Representative Metz, who Is familiar with the chomlcal In dustry lu Germany and tmnspor I that wo endeavor to malutaln au I attitude of neutrality toward tho I existing situation lu Europe, l even lu our ordluary dally lutor I course, we advise persons calling ut this office that wo will not AMERICANS lu the enjoyment of the bless- IllgH of PEACE AND LIUERTY SOCIALISTS MEET REBUFF. ufacturers lu this country. It will lo decided soon whether or not It will be desirable or nec essary for Mr. Metz to go to Germany. Aro Told They Milled to PntoM Vlo lation of Neutrality of llelgliiui (."idled Uaekwaid Step. i nvnnv o,...t in a nn..... .nu tation conditions on tho Rhine, Is ,,0i, tn .'ho tIiuoh ulivs the nnnnan "'ll'"!5'0 " ?A?!1" ??5 th0 "'""iSto deleStlon 7hich cSme to Rome to explain to the Italian social ists their attitude regarding tho pres ent war woio received In a lukewarm I manner. The Rome socialists adopt ed a motion protesting against tho i f!filpf?nf Inn. wlinttn mlaulnti thm nnn. 1 ulflnr nn IlltxIfllniiQ llitrll'lin The motion says: "Wo hope peaco shall soon bo re stored without conquerors or con quered. If this hope bo defeated, then let tho war end In victory for France, whero real socialism pre vails, and for England, whero a most loyal liberalism flourishes." Delia Seta, a promlnont Socialist, Df)VB .tin 'Pltilno rllaiininli r.ktillo.l the address of the German delegation ns follows: "Tho Gorman motto Is 'Gormnny above nil' nnd German socialism has failed to oppose It. Socialism must wago u war against what represents tho most terrible backward stop in civilization, namoly, tho violation of tho neutrality of Belgium, against which German socialism Hailed to protest. Aftor peace we shall eon veno the International congress." I WITH THE HOSPITAL CORPS. 1 Cutting off a retreat. I Exploring n position. I Drilling a squad. I Filling up gaps. j Oponlug up n line of march. I Sowing up a fleet. I Filing a report. I Severing diplomatic relations. I Crushing u wing. I Turning n flank. i Stopping nn advance. I Injecting courage. . PREDICTS PARIS IX VASSALAGE Dr. Hull of Clink University Says Germany Outwitted England. WORCESTER, Mass., Sept. 11. That England's confidence has allow ed Germany to make fonuldablo tho Kiel Canal as a strategic base for Gorman defense and that nothing can stop tho Gorman army from reaching Paris is tho opinion expressed by Dr. G. Stnnley Hall, president of iJinrK university and war correspond ALL RUSSIANS UNITED Nobility Decide;, to Work Fields for Peuwmts. ST. PETTEitsnnrtr: Ron in ..... .i. .i.. it., .on .-. v.-- .. . :.- . . . --.- -- um uumiK mo miD v ruiicu-rriis- uussian entnusinsm ror tho war Is slnn conflict. Dr. Hall has returned growing constantly. Xot since 1812 HIG DANCE nt EAGLES' HALL SATURDAY NIGHT. IJbby COAL. Tlio kind YOU hT ALWAYS USED. Phono 73. PcUU titers and Transfer Company, from abroad Dr. Hall says also that Germany after capturing Paris will Impose such n lnrgo indemnity on the city that the French capital will almost bo In a stato of vassalage. Tho educator thinks that the En-, iisn navy is paralyzed 'before the strategy of tho Kiel Canal nnd use less nt present. Ho sees ns n result of this war ascendency of tho Orient, which will lator mean a monstrous war of Asia versus Europe, which will result In n diminution of tho power which the West has over tho East. DR. HOHSFALL has MOVED to RCOMS 112-14-15, IRVING 11LOOK. BAND DANCE PLATFORM Second jm4 Market, Saturday night, HIG DANCE at KAGLES' HALL slans. SATURDAY NIGHT. whon Moscow was taken by Napoleon wor.o mo Kussians ns unanimous In their determination to support their country's cause by all possible menus as they nro now. Tho present war is declared to be a holy war and private persons, corporations, the no bility nnd the clorgy aro subscribing largo sums for tho wounded nnd distressed. This Is truo not only of tho capitals but of tho provinces. Ono of tho most strlklhg examples of this national unity is tho decis ion of the nobility in several places to work tho flolds for tho poasunts called to the war. This example is likely to bo widely followed. The people of nil parties aro coming to gether and forgetting their feuds. Jows aro working with the Rus- BARLEY, 1.23. HAINES.' HIG DANCE at EAGLES IIALX SATURDAY NIGHT. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT INTEREST IS BEING CREDITED AS OF SEPTEMBER 1, 1914 IN SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Bring h Your Pass Books FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS BAY Safely Deposit Boxes For Kent. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAII.8 FROM RAILROAD- DOCK. MAHSIIFIELD, DURING THE MONTH OF SEPTEMlWll AT lU:tt P. !., ON THE 2ND, TT1I, 12T1I, 17TI1, 22X1) ANU 2T1T II. Tickets on sale to nil KaMera points nod Information ok to r.ut d rMe rhcerfull; furnished. Phono il.VJ. O. 11. LANDERS. Agent Inter-Ocean Transportation Co. SeniMvcokly service Coos Bay nnd San Francisco. S. S. Redondo SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD FOIl SANFRANCISCO AND SAN PEDRO, THUHSDAY, SEPT. 10, AT 12 noon Equipped with wireVess and submarine belL Passengers and freifht. S S. NANN SMITH Equipped with wireless and submarine bell. Passengers and freight. WILL SAIL FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR MARSHFIELD MONDAY, SKIT. It, AT 51 P. M. San Francisco office, Greenwich street pier No. 23 and COO Fife building. Coos Bay Agent, C. F. McGeoiuie, Phono 44. PASSENGERS FREIGHT ' STORAGE Arrow Line Steamers -SAIL FROM- San Francisco Pier No. 26. Every Wednesday 3 P.M. Phono 27&. Coos Bay Every Friday 4 P. M. THOMAS II. JAMES, Agent Ocean Dock Portland Albers Dock No. 3 Every Tuesday 9 A. M. Marshflsld. To Portland every Thursday To Eureka every Monday THE FAST AND COMFORTABLE S S. Geo. W. Elder NEWLY EQUIPPED NORTn PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. C F. McGEORGE AGENT W. H. PAINTER Phono 44, Marshfleld Phone 421, Narta Bead G0J4 LowRaTfoT Handling ty.,.l for rensonnble rates al hluHnt Lews; IST0 Plum.,. ..... .' l,0I'rlftor I" ""' '"'. 08.R UIHMNEY8 PiRir Ary KtdYUSS M A ITIcos That Aro 2.M ll Ca1rdatT,,eXS,r French Ranges. Doer w ST. LAWRENCE Rom. Steam heat, hot and cold w.i , ovory room. Monthly rate $,, and up. Day rates 75e and up', (Want a fow Skat playen.) ' MERCHANT'S CAFE Popular placo for Good Meals. n Prices Reasonable. UOr. UOmnifirn n R, RMu,i. y HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See CORTHELL Phone 3171. SUITS CLEANED AND Pltias. ED SUITS MAIIH TO ORDER utw. vti , TRIAI, UNIQUE PANTATORIUM JAY DOYLE & C. O DAGOETT 25C Central Avo. Phono 250-X. Pictures & Framing Walker Studio LAMBETH'S AUTO SERVICE STAND AT CHANDLER HOTEL PHONE 'JO. WILL GO ANYWHERE ANY TIMB NEW CAR AND CAREFUL DRIVING RATES TO OA.MPINO PA11TIKS LYNN LAMBETH Owner nnd Driver. T. J. BOAIFK JC A. II. 1101X31X9 Marshfield'r. co. Kstlnmlew Furnished Itiono HIHKI. MrhUeld, OrrffM. THE COOS HOTEL Formerly of Marshtleld WASHINGTON AVENUE 8TADDEN STRKCT NORTH REND O. A. Metlln, Prop. DRY WOOD AT CAMPBELL'S WOODYARD North Front Btrert, Plioue 370. - KOONTZ GARAGE Excelsior Motorcycle Agency LEE TIRES AUTOMOBILES STORED COOS COUNTY'S .MOST C0J1PLCTB MACHINE SHOP 3IAIHNE AND AUTOMOniLB HEPAIRINO GASOLLVE FOR SALE VORTH FRONT ST. PHONE 180-J BATTERIES KEPAIRED AND CHARGED NO SAW EDGES on YOUR COLLARS If yon have them laundered TWIN CITY STEAM LfflSDtt 9 SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, North Bend, for Fancy and Domestic CHI NM - nnin vrtllD I AIIMnRY TO US BY PARCEL POST WE FURNISH A BAG AND WILL PAY TnB IOSTAaE ON ITS RETURN COOS BAY STEAM PHONE JFF fc ZSZ&ZiZ twerum