PMnPMwwmiijMi W I UMv rtl, iik muto w MARsmPifft?! !MN' i.iA)H THE WORLD IS FULL Of TROUBLE MADE BY THOSE WHO MEAN ALL RIGHT uHFN YOU PICK UP (Biros Wxmtz THE LEADING PAPER Of Southwestern Oregon Is tho Coos Boy Times. It Is now, always has been and wo expect always will be, Don't tnlco our word for It. ABk any Coos Day citizen. vr newspaper, you expect to read the lte 'CooB nay Times carries nLeB8AsnelntC(l Press reports rcc n..Wnr the world as nbso- ?.e";;bTe. lilieij MEMI1EH OF THIS ASSOCIATED PltHSS VOL NO. XXXVIII. Established 1H78 ns Tho Count Mull. MAKSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 11, 1914 EVENING EDITION Consolidation of Times. Const Mull mid Coos liny Adtettl.wr No. 43 "I - mm FRENCH CLAIM GERMANS RETREATING AFTER GREATEST BATTLE I N GREATEST BATTLE II HISTORY NOW WAGING ON TRENCH SOIL GERMAN S ALLIES 1 TWO DAYS BATTLE (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) LONDON, Sept. 11. Conflicting chums in official communications issued at the headquarters of the oppos ing forces emphasizes the prudence of advice in the latest Preach communication against drawing inferences from phases of the struggle before a decisive result is obtained. The key to tho ullimato outcoino of. what perhaps will be the greatest battle in history, still raging on tho Chum- lies in tho center. .For five Forces Allies Did Not Pursue For Five Days the Thcy Cap,urtjd SeveraI Thousand Prisoners and Fifty tween Germans and Frencr, i and English Forces With- j G andMRetired. , Facc f SUDCrjor Attackjnn nr i innicmn u runrii i-iiiirifi k nnurn . . . FRANCE SAYS THAT INFERENCE SHOULD NOT BE DRAWN UNTIL MORE DICISIVE RESULT OBTAINED Germans Trying to Drive Wedge Into French Lines Near Ver dun and Admit Repulses of Right Wing by English Russians Driven Back by Germans PAKIS REPORTS GERMANS DEFEATED ()y Associated Press to Uoos Day Times.) PARIS, Sop.t. .11. Lt is officially announced that the Gorman center, as well as the right; wing, is retreating. VIENNA REPORTS AUSTRIANS AGAIN TAKING OFFENSIVE IN NINE DAYS' BATTLE NEAR LEMBURG Claim Russia Has 450,00.0 Infantry and 4000 Cavalry and bout 3500 Big Guns Arrayed Against Them Austrians Annihilate Servian Division (l)y Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, I). C, Sept. 11. The Germany Em bassy today received the following wireless from Berlin: "The headquarters Thursday in its first official report says that m the battle east ot Tans, tho Germans held F E OF HISTORY T M T IS Claim That Allies Have Made Marked Advances Against Ger man Right Wing During Last Two Days Marne Valley Freed of Germans ' CLAIM THAT. SLIGHT GAINS BY GERMANS IN TWO OR THREE SECTIONS WERE WON BACK Kaiser's Forces Attack French Stronghold on Meuse While Sixth German Army Made Advances in Lorraine No Report of Maubeuge Surrender ' . . (Dy Associated Press to Coos Uay Times.) WASHINGTON, J). C, Sept. 11. The French Embas sy today received the lollowing dispatch Jroin Bordeaux, da iled today, but presumably written Inst night: "Today. at eighteen o'clock (six p. in.) from indications given by their own in the heavy two-days' fighting against superior the War .Department, marked advances against the Gor- .. j. - " "- - . -- . ... r - forces, attacking them between Mcaux, Montiniraile and man right wing has been gained by our troops. North of from the direction of Paris. We captured fifty guns audi La Forte Sous Jouarrc, the first Germany army was .several thousand prisoners, but retired when the advance, oUij..od to rooross the Alamo River. Alariie Valley was of a strong hostile column was reported. The enemy fail-' free from Gorman troops, nr cording to reports by ttrit ed to pursjio." , ish aviation corps. Our troops at Cliampaigne were forc- Tho headquarters also reports fighting west of Verdun od by the third (Herman army to retire to Gourganeon and and on the eastern scene of war. Salons, but part of what we lost was regained. The fifth Vienna reports that the Austrians have assumed the of- German army before Vassincourt in Argonue was attack fensivc in the region of Lcmberg. This marks the second ed. AVe progressed slightly. Port Genicourt in Arouse stage of the nine-days' battle in which 450,000 infantry,1 was attacked by the Germans. Slight progress was made Xtli that of tho j f i . i? ... ii ..-. i.i.... ji.. pagne l'lains east oi jraris, lies m tuo comer, .cor jiu .JOOU cavalry and 1500 machine guns and 2000 field pieces on the road to Chattoau Saline in Lorraine by tho si days the tide of battle thero has ebbed and flowed, bear- j were engaged on the Russian side I German army in tho forest of Ohainpenoix. Part of inir Germans and French alternately on its crest witlijtor- Sunday night the Austrians annihilated the entire Ser- advance was lost. Wo have no official confirmation ,.if,. !, a., lmii. ;in l.iif. xltTiinnf imi'immpiil iMlviiiitiiiro Alan TUuck division near. MJlrowUz. M iMaubeugo being taken. Tho garrison is not half what l" " " iv.. ..., .,. ........... v j-- - ---0- V " to either. The Germans appear to be making headlong efforts to drive their wedge into tho French lino south oL vermin. BALKAN NATIONS -AGREE TO REMAIN NEUTRAL (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) LONDON, Sept. 11. Telegraphing from Koine, German agencies say. SERVIANS CAPTURE SEMLIN TODAY Illy Ahhoi luted Piohij to Coos Day Times,) NISH, Sorvia, Sept. 11. The Servians occupied Sem- a A.. Jl. n V. ,.:l.l ...1 41... t. o ,. nnnncul, 'lMJUl, HO 111. I I . I fU'gr.t UllUlg J iiv t e Hr t is Gon m iv of ficia v at hi s ret renie I but ' )nil.v ''"'Ph correspondent declares that he haslcarnlhi, across the river from Dolgrado, this moniingjU. .. l ii.i M..11 i.. :.. 4.. ii.... :.w nuiganu uiivi- Higm-u an ngiix-muni which limy ue luguru- UttUWrJ rn uut MUVfcb MtAUUUAK fcttb U VfcHUUN comes a report tnat lUiiinausen nas again lauuu imu ., " .-. ....' , .. ... . ,, ., . ,. ". .... ..... . r ....... ii i I'M iis i ri'ii i :i inn iii'i1 iiniii'i- wuii'ii i iii".m i 1 1 1 i'i mi i mil mi vi- ! agreed to interfere whenever necessary to prevenk'rurkey y' LONDON, Sept. ItTelegraphing from Goponhag from aiding Germany and Austria in tho present war. If Renter's correspondent says Berlin dispatches annou TnrKov remains Preach hands. If this is true, it will be the fifth or sixth time this Alsatian town has changed hands in the present war. On the eastern battlefield the Russians appear to havo heen driven back in East Prussia, but Potrograd advices . ii... i- j. l.: ii... A ......:.. .. "i ,,, 'euy llio UUSSians continue puilisiling uiu nuainuno. viuu- (1Jy Associated-Press to Coos Day Times.) 1 scrutiny ol the news leads English oteonore to con- R n.-Tho Tribuna says an Austrian tor- o dc both sides arc still operating on a huge lc, , boat has been blown up near Pasana, fifty-two miles without the impetuosity which characterized tho first I th q. atw aMfo n DlOlltll. I orrjuiAMO AnwAMnc aiaimot diicciamo ( My "Associated 1'resH to Coos liny Times.) (Ily Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) LONDON, Sept. 31. The official press bureau today issued the following: "A general retirement of the enemy continues. British forces yesterday captured loOO pris oners, including wounded, and several guns and a large quantity of transport. The enemy is retreating rapidly cast of Soissons in some disorder. A later telegram de clares that from further information, captures yesterday are higher than first reported, considerable bodies of in fantry being found hiding in tho woods. These surren dered at sight. Pursuit of tho enemy is being vigorously pushed." UNITED STATES AND TURKEY III SQUABBLE OVEO TREATY RIGHTS (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. 11. Tho Turkish Am bassador explained to Secretary Bryan today the meaning of Turkey's abrogation of all conventions and capitula tions restricting tho Porte's sovereignty. The Ambassa dor made it clear that the American missions and schools would continue to be protected although American citi zens would lose thojr extra-territorial rights in civil and judicial cases. President Wilson today sont a personal letter to Secre tary Bryan asking that the Turkish Ambassador's atten tion be enllnn rn fim Pvnaiilont's recent statement to the American people regarding neutrality which was publish-j wi tiirouguout the country. Iteports tnat tuo iuiiouusu dor's recall was to be asked because of certain of his re cent statements were denied at tho Whito Ilonso. President Wilson today asked Secretary Bryan to call the attention of tho Turkish Ambassador A. Rustcm Boy, to tho recent statements attributed to him invsrjaj) and to inquire if they were authorized. . . en, nrmrmiiMi neutral, these states will do the sanuV that tho general headquarters of tho German Grown .Prince have been established in a iortiticd position west AUSTRIAN TORPEDO BOAT SUNK Toi ordun. Farts of the Crown Prince's army attacked the orts south of Verdun, which since yesterday havo been bombarded by heavy German artillery. BELGIANS PPRSUti DEPARTING GERMANS LONDON, Sept. 11. An Exchange Telegraph dispatch from Ghent says the Belgian troops are pursuing tho Gor- Au (Dy Assoclatod Press to Coos Day Times.) PETROQRAD, Sept. 11. German troops transported,1"1 army corps which is marching toward Fmnco. from tho River Alio uric Lai astward. west havo concentrated along tho banks ot tho wBBw;wm -un uccii-rai uu uiu iigwu mm. uj. mu ouuuiub and arc marching eastward and crossing Mas-' "J a inangio iorrneu wv jumonaru, wiunrni aim items. ces. The Russian advance guard is retreating , Xil uormans aro san to navo completely ovncunica tuo egion of tho Scheldt between Antwerp and Ghent. 1 1 I Developments .Of The Day Reported By Associated Press Dispatches To Coos Bay Times (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) Official German advices received in Washington declare that tho Germans held their own in tho two-days' fighting i&S&T!S7i'0lM EASTERN ARMIES HAVE REPULSED prisonois, out too ngut iiiiiik it i tilling in auuuito oi ji diicciamq at ccpv doimt witu u T OVER ALLIES AND RUSSIANS NOW Official Headquarters Reports Crown Prince's Army Has Ta ken Part of Verdun Forts and Another Army is Attacking From Other Side. RUSSIANS AT EVERY POINT WITH HEAVY LOSSES Announce Czar's Troops Are Being Pursued Towards Niemen RiverReport Russian Flank Broken and Way Opened 1 For German Rear Attack strong hostilo column. Earlier dispatches from Berlin mvpsmitwi flin Gorinnns lmvintr lost, fiftv cuius and sev eral thousand prisoners. The Prench Embassy has received reports of a marked advance against the German right wing. Paris announces that the Germans have retired in some places forty or fit'- ny Associated Press to coos Day Times.) tv miles. I WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. 11. Tho German Em Important news comes from East Prussia where the bassy today received the following wireless from Berlin: Russians appear to be making little progress. 'Official headquarters report the German Crown Prince's A Potrograd dispatch says the Germans concentrating army yesterday took the fortifications of Southwest Ver on tho River Alio are marching eastward, while the Rus- dun. The German Paris army is attacking the fortress sian advance guard retreats. of South Arordun. .General Pindenburg, with tho eastern A general retirement of the Germans is reported by the army, outflanked the Russian left wing in Prussia. The London war information bureau. Renewed activity by the Russians gave up fighting and aro retreating everywhere. Gorman navv in the Baltic is indicated in reports from Berlin and elsewhere. Nish reports the Servian fprces having occupied Seinlin from which tho Austrians bggan their original attacks on Sorvia. ' , i . &&S&$mttks tl,e ri'Gnch h&Yvrecaptur eo afulhau&en. ' .. . , The eastern army is pursuing the Russians in a southeast erly direction toward the River Niemen. LONDON, Sept. 11. Router's Copenhagen correspon dent says General Von Dencokcndorff TJnd Von ITinden burg has defeated tho 'left flank of the Russian army- in East Prussia, thereby opening a way foran attack on the memy's rear.