l'vSfisi5 IflSMKrtiir.. SIX THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELO, OREGON, TOJRSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1914 EVENING EDITION. fit ijtj&j MIFFING NEWS jtc't& GEO. W. ELDER IN ID OUT Steamer Arrives From Eureka and Sails for Portland Busy at Docks Today The George W. Elder sailed for Fortland nt 1 o'clock this afternoon, having arrived In early from Eureka. She had a fair freight business. The coming and going of the Elder S ST 1001 TODAY CLOSE DUCES EN IS Boston and New York Battling For National League Honors Other Leagues (Or AacKittx! ITtm to CM Df Tlm.J NEW YORK, Sept. 9. Baseball Redondn Leave? For San Fran ! risen inri 9an Pnrirn Hn: lJnterest during the week centered Cisco ana pan rearo nas .again pn the reniarkub,0 trugsie Large List of Passengers The Rcdotido sailed at noon today for San Francisco and San Pedro. Sho had a good list and considerable freight. Including more railroad equipment of Wltlett & Burr, which nd the departure of the Nann Smith ! is gradually belar shipped back. The and Redondo within a few hours of Redondo will probably go on dry each other made Agent McGeorge and dock this trip for a general over hit force at the Smith Terminal dock, hauling. go some. Over 200 passengers were' Among those sailing on the He handled, dondo were: I The Elder had 112 passengers, A. Anderson, A. Wicks, W. Wicks, norm irom nere as ioiiows: .Master Smead. J. C. Smead. Mrs. J. IT nia.i.lMn VaA.I tlnfll. ra " n c .-.a r - m a r. I ii. uiaivn, .'iu oj mi .'us. v. aiueau, ueo. t. wane, J. J, sum R. "VVni. Baylls, James O'Nell. Mrs. F. A. van. A. E. Tollenday. Perry Lawrence jones, j. h. .Moore, treu .Morgenson, Roy Miller. W. H. Waterman. A. S. C. Croddlck, Mrs. Frank Small- Maryarri, John Knight, Rob. Ing wood. Katherine Smith. Hernlce ram. Frank Drady, S. llolan, W. Ow "Ward, Miss May Parsons. Henry en, Terca Johnson, Mrs. Swan John Bloch. Miss Bella Thrift. Fred Reiter. son. Carl Johnson. E. J. Rooney. W. D. L. Mate. Chas. Jevrett. Mrs. Hayes. J. Tanner, L. Kinsman. Mrs. Ella Mrs. Lester Martin. Rex Peterson. Moore. Airs. E. J. Honey, R. 11. Crow Mrs. A. L. Peterson, II. O. Towne. ell. Georgia Crowell, Mrs. R. II. Crow C. E. Young. Mrs. Jack Larson, Bay- ell. E. L. Battersby, Antonio 8pcron, man .uarun, .Mrs. i. . jiarun. Kiea- Kioyd Mason, C. Ryan, W. Haly. Cono nor Schmltt. Ed Miller. Beima Miller, Haly. A. Gunleler, Mike Averdlsh, Amanana Miller. C. A. Stoddard. Emll Gunrol Smith. Chas. Rotchoff, T. Bager. Mrs. E. R. McGee. Edna Han-, Nanby, Andrew Vrlsdt. son. W. W. Steers. J. W. MlUer. Mrs. , F. V. Catterlln, F. M. Carter, J. W Roberts. Bert Roberts Scfalbrede. E. L. RUter, Mrs. F. H. Fawbeader, donson. Walter Anls Brooks Ilogan, F. A. Jonw. J. C. Hale, Wm. Starke. J. A. Elder. Mrs.! S. C. Croddlck. Ruth Smith. Morris "Ward. Mrs. F. E. Ward. E. M Rosen-1 thai, L. J. Hodson. Miss Lena Pitt, Mrs. Fred Reiter, L. H. Boydston. A.' S. McK, Lester Martin. Pauline Peterson. A. L. Peterson. F. W. Co M. Carter, J. W.t ?,f "2 LEAVE TODAY OH SMITH for the pennant in the National lA'aBuc. oununy lounu .cn orK nnd Boston deadlocked for the lead Just as they were two weeks ago. Meanwhile the advantage lias tain for the most part with the Giants, Boston havine had a elp.nr Mil.. In the lead only once nt the close of! a day plays. Saturday the teams drifted back to even terms again when the Giants dropped one game of a double header in Brooklyn, whl'e Boston, half a game behind, was winning In Philadelphia. Monday Boston Jumped nnead again. .Monday the tow teams be gan a series In Boston which may tell heavily on their pennnnt pros pects. Bach team seems well pre pared, the Braves having been con serving their star pitchers, Tyler, Rudolph nnd James, as much ns ' possible, and apparently liming them ' In trim for tTv battle, while thej Giants are using their bats more I effectively than for weeks pnst. Of the remaining two members I of the pennnnt contending quartette, I SL Louis droppol off badly during the week, winning but one game In six, nnd despite n victory over Cln-I clnnatl Sunday, Is six games re-! moved from the readers. Chicago, has done better, but not so well ns tne lending pair and Is four games; from the top. I A little interest was Injected Into . the American League race during : (lln tvtwilr hi n am, s.i ..... .. the Boston Red Sox. Their notable I , feat was the taking of four straights 'from Philadelphia, reducing the league lead of the Athletics appro-' clably. There is still an eight nnd, la half game gap between the two! well. C. E. Mack, Jack Larson, liar- Steamer Sails for San Fran- clubs ley PeTeon GladYVmier Tew Ira' CISCO With Large List Jic,8 K. 'cno?' I!" aft-sasss sua is Many A,es Sent SiS r- - a.a uucfcnr.i. w. u. numweii, jlrs. con- " .auu annul sauati ui v o clOCK , in the Ainarlrnn Asunrlnllnn Mil rad. H. It Lowe. Allwrt HaUw. Mrs. this morning for Snn Francisco with w nk . mSS. ..??.? ."-' .?'' ..-.v ... v. . tFi. atlivr mv IVII J. . Roberts, Hrnee Roberts. Miss a eaiwclty list cA' jmssongersj hnd ngnt ncc Mcotlne tho Jpnci inn.i Bwsle ImnMl. A. G. McCl.ne. T. II. considerable freight in addition to nK" cSloneli o the In tor's own French. MiorW ABder. J. Guslar- the lumber cargo. I grounds, tho Brewers trounced them sen. J. Johnson. A. G. Mitchell. A. Among the freight taken on board In three out of tour game" and left 8chuttpU. R. B. Weeks. D. D. Me- were a large number of boxes of Grav- i.n,,iLvm , pp?-i ii.n.n,.c.? ".. e" ttHK mu uiiu il rwee, n. wnw, .tn. n. uoKtno. .Mas- cHoioia kimmos ueing si inntMl ny roog Iiulf tramns tiohln.l Tl, r..in.i. ' ter Delano. Rosm'1 Delnito. J. F. eonty people to friends and rola- had won SI and lost CI on that . Tii . .. v!"; vTr.,,r 'rV' n Jr tt",or"lu y oi wnom uaie to the champion's 77 nnd CO. A. AlUtrton. H. M. Gaedicke. John were former residents. Among those - . Mot9. jw coio. a. Brumi. s. iwer. geiuns Boxes or the select fruit were W. Tkmpon. T. Koaoreiak, T. Ya- R. S. Weekly. C. Llttman. V. V. I raa ana can waseeewiu. uowe. o. L. Hawkins. Chas. Krarilun ArrUo fnm Hureka. Mrs. M. Jogenson, Anna M. Russell. .imwng mint MrriTiitc; (rain r.nroKa Jtniy iiounris, H. A. KICKworlli, oa tlw Oorg W. VMr wr the fi- Fred Kroeger. S. D. Magnus, F. D. l1f : , Teller. Albert Brandt, J. P. Hannon. II. A Kmmoc. I Wlhwti. Mre. Wit- Mrs. C. Brrtnr. Ml A. Johnson. A.' son. C. C. Conntrytaaa. A. Stach-. V. Wlckman, Mm. J. E. Fld and vtefc. r. KltMB Mm. W. W. Sl- Mrs. J. Anderson, ley. Gmnfc ShJpley. K. C. HittUn, Among the paengers sailing on' an4 J. KIKy. th Nana were the folio wins: , 1 i.-.m-m i Stanley Dollar. Mrs. Stanley Dot- 1 .HTIU.MKR FOR Sll'SUUY. ! tar. R. K. Shine and wife and fam ily. Mrs. R. Ward. Mm. C. Hyland. R F R F I a I . I BILL SUUHfcS i m Dj .UMrUil Prx to Com E Ttan.) AMERICAN LKAGIK. TUIfuiifi'r Mill ComiMiny in Put on Mrs. W. LoHifaun. Mrs. X. K. Tern-! Vc-cl to San FmncNco. le, Mary and Annie Stonkl, Mnt' nlng. Cmma1. .m.1.1 l ... .. n. I I. Ik. f.ll f TMa UVi-r Ml I r f'aiWM, yan uu. p,rnst 11HI Xew York 0: WashliiKton 1. Boston 2; Philadelphia 0: 12 in- I. n W.U..B.I v,- i. r t plans to pl.c a starn schooner la the """' 7.7 i ".. . iHMbr trad- betwwn Florence, or ,' '" T AIJrT,n-f"d the Staalaw River, and Saa Fwatel. f' j)IU! "i.?"?. ,G'IIt? P1' ef I The company has four small saillag TrlT xT"" ,7,V.rueA""' J.' m lumber from there l. 7:. '"" """"'.. """" Man- Elliston.j SaaMllto and the bar Lawrence. ?'".:', S ti---.' .' II. P. Dutton. at the head of the 'uZamJcT'omnMl etfrnpany. who Vaa returned from a f , SSj-i0"- Qm1; !' v r'T triii Jn... Ik. Mtaar uv. ik.i ik, - f- tiMy. &. Mereate. A. C. er- sta arhooaer for addition to the EVS t "ZU'Z'Z!' D' XATIO.VAL .1C1'E. Tae company nas tour small sailing . r , - ,-- .. "-' ,7, , : ve's cnrrylag lumlwr from there . S vSh h! vkiu to ta Callforala metropolls-th Shto' jSva? CU? mil eeaooMM Hugh Hoaan. OckUnd and K,nney J cXta l C i RauaiiiM .n.i tk ki... i fiu-pu J rvinney. j. uarcia, a. c. m Chlengo 1; Pittsburg 5. Breklyn 0: Xew York 3. Philadelphia 10; Boston 3. Philadelphia 0; Boston 7. XOllTIIWKSTKUX LIIAtil'i;. Tacoma 1: Ballard 0. Seattle 9; Spokane 4. Vletoria : Vaacoaver 0; called In ty. W. Miller. Carl Johnson. Mike, H,,,t aeeount of darkness. 2? r?srj?. . J? J r: JW .jrUuZ tra'MpoedTSoo.. fi "of tiZZ "llf?2i WHeh' A' Br' to Saa Kraaclseo. The rapacity of ta aa Tral "8- will 3.000. 000 feet every thirty lays. A survey completed by the United State engineer shows that tt e chan nel at th' entrance ti the Sluulaw U fourteen feet deep at the low water stave, tne best condition ever known The north far a distance south jetty more than 6000 feet. A sum or J250.000 Ix available for their extension and It Is anticipated that the funds will be ample to finish the projects. COAST LEAGUE. R. If. R. uaKiami 7 0 CUIJ.IXCS OF COQUH.I.H. San Pranclne 0 C 2 f Batteries: Able and Alexander" Chs County Svut Xes As Told by Lelfleld and Schmidt. The S'litinel. .Venice .' 1 7 3 Mm. M. O Hawkins has had as her saeramento 5 10 0 and Elliott; Ar-: Jatlyta"fcLVmSr-Ted ' ," " MWre4 Cooper Balwrfea: Henley jetty basbeen coHittle ed ef Berkeley and Mrs. Xorval Skee of. ellanes and Rohrer. Jf l'l9ATn ?."' thf "eald.burg. California. They left Portland WKALTH COMING IX lev aft roruanu 3 9 0. Thursday for Portland. . i.os Angeles 0 2 3 Xews came that Mr and Mrs. J. A. I Batterlou: Lush and Fisher; Yokam, of Grldley, Cal., are the hap-j Hughes and Brooks. I py parents of a baby daughter. (Portland 7 13 nl M. B. Pressy. formerly of the Ban-' L8 Angeles 1 5 j ' don World, was a Coqullle visitor last Batteries; Krause and Fisher; I rnuuy. ue is now in tno insurance r.uniKe ana uoies. jKJf( . Splendid Array Autumn Suits The store that shows the new things m' them FIRST, now has a most beautiful and var led -selection of new suits-there is an unmfol able air of flistiiiffivnimuo .ii,,.i i ""w ",JU,,L ' suits ni classes them as the work of high-gi-adc desi! D 1 11 .1 - jrricea au tne way from $15.00 to $50.00 lltMlttllf ffltl tVtti tT ilt bA.(.... 1. ...I., mi. .. 1 " "" -1"--""! "iciiuiiiiB the imr !!(. Materials Include Broadcloth, Xew Rough Weaves, CdmtuJj ScrgcH mill Fancy Xovcltlc.i. See them, ' New Fall Coats $10.00 to $50.00 Yon know, of course, the grant advantage oi leeling a coat from a big as sortment of correct styles yon can best find one that pleases you and at a price yon desire to pay. In our Autumn Coats will be found models for every occasion in every desired fabric and color and each one is a model of au-, thentic style and perfect tailoring. Splendid Assortment-Woo I Dresses-Dress Skirts nt . . 1 nose women who contemplate purchasing a new Fall Dress or Dress Skirt will do will to see this newly arrived collection. Showing the verv latest in style and slmdes ami at very tempting prices.. New Trimming Silks in liomnn Stripes and Plaids. $1.25 to $3.00 per yd. . 40-inch Chepe-de-Chine in white and colors' $1.C5 pr. yd. : tk i . ;'j Large new .shipment of Laces ;i nd Veilings A sue Mai collection of Yal. lares at 3e per ;ril v. D. M. C. COTTONS All Coitus. Exclusive Agents ' 'Derby Gloves" Dent 'ii Sleeping Gar ments for Children 3i)c an I Toe. Hub Dry Goods Company "Smart Wear for Women' Corner Broadwav and Central Avenue Phone 361 1 IS GREATEST EVER Tux receipts bulKeil considerably during the last three bualncsa days business. . San Francisco 0 6 Miss Minnie Smith, who haa been Oakland "....3 10 in Ausuat. most of the remittances v'8,t,nK tno fan,,,Jr ot er brother. J., natteries: Standridge and Schmidt: Ivelnp: from those who the first hulf of the! April I. The amount had uld Smith, county agriculturist, haa Prough and Jiltze. Venice u 14 1 manager of the .Mission 4 7 j books for those three days totals r"""c1,n l'",u" warenouse nere,' "; ioesuer. wntte nna JG7.69S.24; quite a pile of mall bluricu weunesaay ior san rrancisco nosan; .icuain. Williams, Kremer contalulna checks yet remains to be on a bu8less ' worked over. Coiullle Sentinel. 1 and Rohrer. WHKAT, 'J.Ol CWT, iiu; luxci: at laci.ivs' ham 1IAIXKS.' SATl'UDAV XKJIIT. ItOOSKVKLT IX SOUTH. EYE GLA - ! Opposes Cayiiient for Cunal ami Ur- ' e ifiver li)iitnvonuiit. I or You will need eye elates to aid your eyes when reading sewing during the long, dark winter evenings. Properly fitted glassy relieve aya strain, frowning, headaches, etc. Many children have dvfeitive eyos and will need glasses when KQlug to whool Ilring them tc, us now nnd Jinvo them carefully mid proposly treated. .UVIW KXAMIXKII I'ltUK. Red Cross Optical Dept. RED CROSS DRUG STORE Phono 122 NEW ORLEANS, Sept. 10 Colo nel Theodore Roosevelt delivered a public address In the opera house here. In which he urged that "this government, instead of paying $25, 000,000 blackmail to alien wrong doers und their heirs," as proposed In the dispute with Colombia over "use that S 000 000 m, thV ,,Hntlfor corn 36,000,000 bushels owing of' tiicK.0!: anldtha S JJ .wwvv.tf w WMld UCV.COVU Potatoes Jn- and sweet notntoes fntiiA fr, ih.k.i ..." V Vu-i -vvv.vvv uusueis Vf .V "" v iivuunumis lu me ueiia. United States Will Have Many Billion Bushels of Grain . and Foodstuffs (Or AMocUtal FrtM U Cooa IU7 Ttmu.) WASHINGTON. D. C, Sept. 10.- The Department of Agriculture In Its September crop report forecasts tho production of the country's principal farm crops as follows: Spring wheat. 221,000,000 bushels. Fall wheat, S9fi.000.000 bushels. Corn, 2,538,000.000 bushels. Oats, l.HC.000,000 bushels. Barley. 200,000,000 bushels. Buckwheat, 17,000,000 busljels. White potatoes, 371.000,000 bush els. Sweet potatoes. 55.000.000 bush els. CliaiiKe in Conditions. Prospects for spring wheat nroo qecreaseu is.uuu.uuo bushela and SURPRISES MANY IN MARSHFIELD The QUICK action of simple buck thorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed In Adler-i-ka, the remedy which be came famous by curing appendicitis. Is surprising Marshfleld people. Many have found that this slmnle remedy drains so much foul matter from the system that A SINGLE DOSE re lieves constipation, sour stomach and gas on the stomach almost IMMED IATELY. Adler-l-ka is hte most thorough bowel cleanser ever sold. The Lockhart-Parsona Drug Co. SAVE YOUR BA&1 AXI saw: time SA B LAIWI! HV I'SIXG A scores of millions as are necessary obo 00C I buaheli to take control of the Mississippi andl "S 1 ooo ooo an It. develop all Its possibilities of use-1 '"oTo 000 ' buShlan I ., - MMOB-- - i"- - : ' ' WALLPAPER See VIERS About it, HILL eA ! MILITARY ACADEMY A Select Noa-Stun Boudiog tzd Dy ScKoo for Boys. Milituy Duapliae; Small Cimei; M-i Teacbeii. Careful tupemuon tecures itiuitt lh ue not tuiocd eUewhete. Send for ciUlog. PORTLAND, OREGON New Victjor Records FOR SEPTEMBER NOW HERE Including all the late song hits and DANCE RECORDS W ml Wiley B. Allen Company L. h. TJIOJIAS, Mr. Murshfkld, Oregoa Cadillac Electricj VACUO! ClAtfl . WHY WY MORE? j Johnson -Gufoi Company ... v.ma with ine v -fanift ..iVnllAXtbP" awl Market, Satunbr1- itlfiA -i iS'rifii iiiiTii laroriyima sliaiagiaaisaaBagiri